f r TIIK PEK: OMAHA. FRIDAY. DECKMHER 21. IPS!. Mother Wraps Babies' Feet in Pieces of Clotli 4 KM ) i ( Jf Thfy Get Shoes Through The Hee Tumi They Can Go to Church Xmai Tarty. "My three little children, S, 3 and ljj, year old have no ihocs. I vrap their little feet up in old pieces of cloth to heep them warm when they walk around the room where we live," writea Mrs. I. "If I can only Ret shoes for them I will take them to a Christmas tree entertainment at a church and they will get a few little presents to make Jhrir little hearts glad. It takes so little to make them happy." This t hut a typical appeal that (nines to The Bee's Free Shoe Fund. There arc o many little children, wretchedly poor, in this city. I'erhaps reading this is your call to do something for them. Will you heed the call? Address contributions and make check payable to "The Hee's Shoe Fund." Every penny Riven Roes to buy shoes for such very needy little waifs. Kirschbraun & Sons company em ployes gave $18.50 to the fund. This was incorrectly printed in Tuesday evening's list as $1,150. I'rcvtnutly nrknnwliHlKfd A Krfrnri, ltninlng. b r. A. fc. Murk Mm. K. II. H., Oakliiml, Neb. A friend of the Hitldln, Crntrnl I dr. Mf ltl(( A Krl'iid Mrst Trunt Company of Oman.. A Frlrnil .1. II. ic-k .rrtrud WXIa .1. 1 II. II. and I uaruiit- Ijuimlry 4 nnipiiny Mary 4'lulr llnrtitrl .rrtrnn and ('IniKie Johnfton.... A Krlend . K. I.. Iluntrail. Mrrlhnrr, Nrb. .. X,r. V. How A Friend. IVnder. Net A Frlrnd Dorothy Slrvena Wood A Friend, leiifr. 'J'h NtnoRraplitr Stiiinri1. Room AU7. I:. 1. Ilradquartrii Mm, EitHtman II (Ikatnhry (aoip Flrr, Arapahoe Nfh Omaha YliiHlurnfl Women Club.. .If linen llriw., Waterloo, Nrb. . . l'renh.vterfun Junior Endeavor So , t'lety. Kmrrnon la A. r. T ton 10.no ft.no ?.oo l.ito S.50 Io.no 3.00 S.mi 1.00 l.oo S.oo S3.00 a. ihi 3.00 5.00 s.oo 10.00 5.00 I .no 10.00 5.00 8.1 3.IHI 1.00 n.oo 5.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 Total fl.SS7.83 Cheer in Store For Needy Here .Christmas Plans Most Elab orate on Record Many Dinners to Be Served. The SU'Jdcn COld yeattier in Oma ha has made many homes cold and dreary, even in the spirit of Christ mas. This season has found many more men without employment than at any time in the history, of the city, charitable organizations say. But the cold snap has warmed the hearts of the more fortunate, who are contributing generously to the needy, it is reported. ' Requests for coal have nearly swamped those organizations which have been able to provide fuel. Holiday plans for the poor have not been confined to the usual Christmas tree for the kiddies. This year a concert will be held at the Auditorium, and candy, fruit and nuts will be distributed among the children Saturday night. At the Volunteers of America hall, 114 North Fifteenth street, Governor S. R. McKelvie will dis tribute 500 baskets of provisions to the needy. At the Salvation Army Industrial home, 1110 Dodge, street, and at the Army Rescue home, 2008 Sherman avenue, extensive preparations have been made to make the season a memorable one for unfortunates. Mother of George Townley Dies of Paralytic Stroke Following an illness of three months resulting from a stroke of paralysis, Mrs. Martha A. Townley, mother of George Townley, 4824 Florence boulevard, head of the Re liable Detective bureau, died early yesterday at Mercy hospital, Coun cil Bluffs. Mrs. Townley, who was 72 years old, came to Omaha 20 years ago from West Plains, Mo. She was born in Texas county, Mis souri. She is survived also by another son, Frank Townley, and a daugh ter, Mrs. Morris Kelley,. both of Omaha. Tk f.. .,.. 1 ,.,'I1 K 1,M frnm npnrlpman's chaoel at 2:30 todav. the Rev. Howard C. Whitcomb, pas tor of Calvary Baptist church, offi ciating. Interment will be in West I.awn cemetery. Race With Death Delayed By Airplane Crash Here George W. Bonnett, United States Marine, stationed on the island of Guam, reached Omaha yesterday on the last leg of his long journey to Des Moines, where his mother is se riously ill. An airplane from the capitol city flew from Des Moines to Omaha to rush him on the final lap to his mother's bedside but in takine off at Ak-Sar-Ben field a heavy .crust of ice on the machine caused it to crash. Bonnett left last night for Des Moines by train. 2 Women and Another Man Arc Sought in Fogg Murder County Attorney A. V. Shotwcll stated yesterday that police are hunting for two women and anoth er man in connection with the mur der of Frank Fogg, Omaha drug gist. Wilbur Ryan and two women, n,g addict suspects, arc the persons t - Ted to be indirectly connected V Hie slaying, police assert. I; Jiet of Buick Motor Companv Dies in Florida Flint, Mich., Dec 21-CharIcs M. Eegole. 73, president ot the cnevro let Motor company anl one of the founders of the Buick Motor com pany, died at St. Petersburg. Fla.. to day, according; to word received at his home here. ust Two More Shopping' Days in 1921 Christmas Season With all of the extensive buying of the past few days The Brandeis Store is prepared to take care of almost every need or desire in the way of attractive Chris tmas goods Belated shoppers will find that although we have done a tremendous business, our stocks are still in excellent shape for selection. For years we have followed the policy of clearing our shelves of Christmas merchandise before Christmas; we adhere to that policy this year and as a result you will find marked price reductions on hundreds and hundreds of lots of goods so that now you can select any gift at from 25 to SO per cent below regular prices, Visit This Great Store. Friday and Saturday and Take Advantage of These Wonderful Buying Opportunities By way of illustration we invite your attention to a few representative instances of marked reduction in prices In our ART DEPARTMENT hundreds of odcL novelties, im ported, domestic and European, will be offered Friday and Saturday at exactly Half Price. Other gifts are grouped at lower nrices on separate tables marked 25c, 50c, 1.00, 2.00 and up to 5.00. In many instances there are decided reductions on our Men's and Women's Handkerchiefs. JAPANESE KIMONOS are novv selling at exactly Half Price, and all other Kimonos are attractively marked. SILK UNDERWEAR is marked low enough for every purse. In the SILVERWARE DEPARTMENT attractive selections are grouped on one bargain square and offered at exactly Half Price. All Traveling and Roll-up Manicure Sets are offered at ex actly half of the original price. In the JEWELRY SECTION there are very many reduced prices on gold filled and gold pieces and other varieties. All Mesh Bags, Imported Bags and Beaded Bags are reduced to . about Ha!f Price. Dozens of items in our TOILET GOODS AND PERFUME DEPARTMENT Toilet' Sets, Roll up Sets, Ivoryetc, have been greatly reduced, many selling at half of original prices. Throughout our DEPARTMENT OF TOYS AND DOLLS, hundreds upon hundreds of items have been marked for im mediate clearances These have been grouped at one price on many bargain squares from which you can make selections at prices ranging from 25c to 1.00. In our CHINA DEPARTMENT almost 500 items are offered at exactly Half Price. Other gifts at attractive prices have been grouped for your choice at 50c, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 and 3.00. Quantities of gifts in our Basement Gift" Shop have been re duced and grouped on different bargain squares at 50, LOO and 2.00. These reductions are in many instances 50 per cent. Throughout Our Big Store Friday and Saturday Whether it be in the Glove Department, Hosiery, Neckwear, Ribbons Men's Furnishings, House Furnishings, Infants9 'Wear, Slippers or Fancy Linens, wherever you turn, you will find Holiday goods of the wanted kinds at PRICES MUCH LOWER than you expected to obtain, For Your Christmas shopping visit The Brandeis Store Friday and Saturday. Begin at 9 o'clodk in the morning. You will be amply rewarded in the low prices you will obtain and the many conveniences placed at your disposal. Prompt and Careful Delivery of All Christmas Merchandise Is Assured I i i o