Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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Till' Drndeii restaurant U a popular place with Che returned ichool
tills. Many of them left for, school before thi new tea room opened,
and thry are luncnine to make its acquaintance. LuncHing there
Tuesday were several groups. Miss Helen Kogers from Vassar, Miss
Frances Patton from Vellrley and Miss Jeannetie Johnson were together,
and at another table were Miss Elinor Kountze and hrr cousin, Miss Mar
Raret Eastman, wlio has just recovered from an operation for appendicitis.
Miss Eastman i a freshman at Swectbriar.
With Mrs. I. E, Davidson were her daughter, Miss Dorothy Davidson,
nd Miss Charlotte Smith. In another party were some of the older set,
Miss Gwendolen Wolfe, Miss Winifred Smith, Miss Ruth Carter, Miss
Katharine Denny and Mrs. Richard Mallory.
To Honor Bride.
MUs Ruth Parker was hostess at
a luncheon and matinee party Wed
tifsday afternoon in honor of Miss
I.orna McMartin. a bride of next
week. Wednesday evening the wed
ding party were entertained at dm
ner by Mr. and Mrs. I S. Martin at
the Athletic club, Friday Miss Mar-
aret Whaler will entertain at
bridge luncheon in compliment to
Miss McMartin, and next Tuesday
Mrs. lack lieaton anil Mrs. L K
Moore will give an afternoon party
for her. Wednesday evening Mr.
and Mrs. II. K. Schafcr will enter
lain the bridal party at dinner, and
i-rid.iy evening Mr. and Mrs.
Charles McMartin will give the wed
ding dinner.
Will See Mediterranean.
Miss AdaoTobitt of Niantic, Conn.,
is in Omaha to spend Christmas
with her sixers, Miss Edith Tobitt
and Mrs. W. T. Bourke. Miss
Tobitt was formerly" a teacher in the
Omaha schools and is now con
nected with the state farm for wom
en in Connecticut. Miss Edith
Tobitt, head of the public library,
and Miss Jeanette McDonald, head of
the English department and dean oi
girls at Commerce High, arc plan
ning to take the Mediterranean trip
i.ext spring1. They sail February 11,
to be gone until April.
Christmas Parties for Younger Set.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess will
entertain at tea dansant on Wednes
day, December 28, at, the Burgcss
Nash tea room for 30 guests in
honor of Miss Elinor Kountze,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T.
Kountze. t
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart, II,
will entertain at a theater party at
the Orpheuni on Friday evening, De
cember 30, for their daughter, Miss
Jane Stewart. '
i High School Club Party.
The Alpha Chi Omega club of
Central High gave a Christmas par
ty at the home of Miss Elizabeth
A Christmas tree and a grab bag
with gifts . for the guests were
features of the affair. Those at
tending were the Misses Alice Pot
ter, Margery Miltz, Helen Hoover,
Violet Gregg, May Eliott, Orietta
l!riam and Helen Kreymburg.
Holiday Tea.
Mrs. George, Eddy was hostess
Wednesday afternoon at a tea for
her daughter, Mrs. Roberta Eddy
Kitchen. Assisting Mrs. Eddy
"Mpsitamps Frank - Rudolph. Bouglas
Welpton, Shfrman Welpton. W. . J. Brad-
nury. d. H. Hawk, J. Jtogera, T. v. Allen,
I,. Farnswortn, W, W. Turner, B.
Koth.i E. Heyden. P. L. Adams. Willis
Crosby, Robert Kwitzler, Porter Spalding,
C'eorge Howell, Kdwln Davis, Allan Tukey,
the Misses Grace Robertson. Florence
Heggblade, Frances CIcland and Mary
Clcland. ( ' ; ; ' b.
For Mrs. Davis. . .;
Miss Jcannclte Johnson was host
ess at a charmingly-appointed tea
Wednesday afternoon in honor of
Mrs. Herbert Davis. Assisting Miss
Johnson were the Misses Erna
Reed, Miss Gertrude Stout, Miss
Winifred Smith, Miss Frances Pat
ton, Miss Elinor Burkley and Miss
Virginia Pixley. -
Afternoon Tea.
Miss Zerlina Brisbin will be host
ess at an afternoon tea Thursday aft
ernoon, December 29.
Mrs. Henry C. Wallace, wife of the
secretary- of agriculture, has won
considerable - fame' as a writer for
farm, journals.
Things You'll Love
To Make
A brocaded silk corset bag is a
gift that you can make and give to a
friend that others are not likely to
think of. Cut an oblong of brocaded
silk; have it eight inches wide and a
couple of inches longer than twice
the length of her corset. Ling the
oblong with plain silk. Join the long
sides. Turn in a one-inch heading.
Join ivory rings, painted to match
the silk, or covered with silk of the
same color, at one-inch intervals
. around the top edge of the bag. Run
a pretty twp-toned or metal ribbon
through the rings. You can enhance
the beauty of this brocade silk corset
bag by appliqueing a small piece of
plain silk, on which you have em
broidered your friend's initials.
Copyright. by Public Ledger Co.
sir Arwi. a
To the Christmas Shopper
In the new "nude" coloring the
hand-drawn front silk hose an un
usual gift thought, $6.S0.
Assuring a happy luncheon hour
along the roadside : is a refrigerator
lunch basket of scientific construc
tion, $10.80 and $13.50.
"Midgets" substantial little per
fume containers for the. handbag, SI
each. One may select any rare scent
affected by the gift recipient
Frivolously gilded is the tiny toy
grand piano" with substantial bench,
on which a tiny dolly might take her
plaA before the music box begins to
play quaintly lovely bits of opera, $8.
If Milady's dainty ankle-! fell a
wee bit chili in the cold wind
there's, the new hose, four stocking
weight, of pure thread silk in two-
Edward Daucherty arrived Men
day from the Daugherty ranch near
Uclmar, Iseb., for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rossbach an
nouuee the birth of a son, Richard
James, December 20, at Stewart hos
Miss Florence English, who left
Tuesday for Lincoln, attended the
Kappa Sigma dinner-dance Wcdnes
day evening.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Henningsen, December 19,
at St. Joseph hospital. Mrs. Hen
iiingsen was formerly Miss Laura
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. , Zciter an
nounce the birth of a daughter. Mar
garet Mary, December 20, . at St
Joseph hospital. .
Miss Charlotte Acer of N'evv York
is to be guest of Mr. and Mrs. R.
Beccher Howell next week. She
will arrive Monday. ...
Miss Alice Douglas returned from
Mount Carroll, III., where she attends
the Frances Shimer school, to spend
the holidays in Omaha.,
Robert Wylie has arrived from
Los Angeles, Cal., to spend the holi
days with his family, Mrs.- Louise
Jansen Wylie, and daughter, Louise
Kobcrta. ' , . . '.
iviaric tsurKe, jr., oi ; coiuniDus,
Neb., who is attending school ' in
Quincy, III., spent a few days in
Omaha with Mr. and Mrs. F. T.
Walker enroute to his home. ,
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. O'Neill and
small daughter, Margaret. Ann, of
Denver, Colo., will arrive Friday to
spend Christmas with Mrs. O'Neill's
mother, Mrs. J. P. English, and sis
ter, Miss Mary English.
' Mr. and Mrs. George McFarland
of San Mateo, Cat., formerly of Oma
ha,, left Wednesday for their home
following a visit with Rev. and Mrs.
Thomas Casady and friends in the
city. Mr. and Mrs. McFarland are
returning from New York.
Mrs. Frank Johnson . and her
daughter, Miss Jeanette Johnson
leave Christmas night for a trip to
Washington and New York. Miss
Johnson expects to visit many of
her school friends who will be in
Washington till school reopens.
Mrs. O. Barmettler and her daugh
ter. Miss Irene Barmettler, and Mrs.
John Iten of Los Angeles and daugh
ter, Miss Helen Iten, have given up
their trip to the Orient and have en
gaged passage for Europe in Feb
ruary. They will be abroad for -several
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elli3 Everett
have a S-weeks-old son, according to
Mrs. George McFarland, " who was
in Omaha Tuesday. : Mrs. Everett
was formerly Miss. Elsa, McFarland,
and lived, in Omaha for several
years. At present she and her hus
band are on a nut ranch near Ana
heim, in Orange county, California.
Mrs. Frances Nash Watson, pian
ist, and her niece, Miss Catharine
Cartan, sailed December 10 for the
United States and are expected in
Omaha Christmas day at the latest.
Mrs. Watson has many concert en
gagements for the winter months,
but will make her headquarters with
her mother, Mrs. E. W. Nash. Miss
Cartan has been in school in Paris,
where Major and Mrs. Watson have
a home. -
Nebraska Souvenir Calendar.
Mrs. Charles Johannes and Mrs.
Irving Baxter sold 17 Nebraska sou
venir calendars at Kilpatrick's store
Monday afternoon. Members of the
League of Women Voters will be
stationed in the store every day this
week. Mrs. H. C. Suroney and Mrs.
Charles Johannes were, in charge of
the sale Wednesday.
The calendar, which makes.- an
ideal Christmas gift, is being sold
by club women throughout the city,
Camp Fire Girls and other organ
izations, 25 per cent of the sale price
being retained by them. . ,
Walking Club Hike Monday.
The Omaha Walking club has
postponed its regular Sunday outing
to Monday, December 26. The start
will be made from the end of the
Hillcrest station of the Fort Crook
and Bellevue interurban at 3 p. m.,
under the leadership of Dale Fergu
son. From Hillcrest the walk will
follow the road a short distance
southwest, entering Fontenelle for
est from the Bellevue boulevard,
thence northeast to a point near Her
ron lake, and north to the trail lead
ing to the club cabin, where a
Christmas supper will be served.
color tone styling $8.50 a pair. Grace
fully shaped hose these in blue and
black or gold and black.
Very novel' decidedly lovely 12
different odors of imported perfume
in dainty gold shaker top bottles
nested in satin lined gift box, $5.
One of the unusual importations a
heavily incrusted atomizer of glass
and enamel . tightly wound in gold
thread exquisite container for the
unusual contents' which, bears the
name Rosin Caupela Foret, $15..
-Tltia and Tradfnrrk Rr:ctered
Fitni Office. Ao.
V. S.
My Marriage Problems
Adele (iarrtauD'a New I'baM ol
(OainwM, urn a? k
Tht Way "The Youngster." Came
A quick, sibilant breath from Lil
lian was her only comment upon my
assurance that we were going home
at soon as Bess Dean announced her
1 did not dare raise my eyes' from
my sewing until she should speak,
for I had seen that in her face which
told of intense nervous strain, and 1
knew it would be unthinkable humil
iation for her to break down even
before me. That Robert Savarin
had not been able to suppress his
jealousy and cave man attitude to
ward her work during" the drive
they had just taken it did not re
quire keen discrimination on my
part to discover. 1 knew, also, what
the reaction of her resolute poised
personality toward his strictures
must have been. One thing more
I knew, that if her usual grip upon
herself did not fail, the story of their
drive would be securely locked be
hind the iron doors which shield
Lillian's emotions from the world,
and my silence, my pretended ab-
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained.
Dear Miss Fairfax:-Is It very un
wise for a girl to marry a man 20
years her senior? Speaking specific
ally, the girl is 20 and her Ounce is
about 40. He loves her deeply and
fclves her ttje utmost consideration.
He is kind and unselfish, and is con
stantly doing little things that sur
prise and delight her. She repays
him by.Eivinff him her whole heart.
In her eyes he is perfect; but her
happiness- is , overshadowed by the
advice of her friends. They urge her
to give him up an they tell her it
is-impossible to be happy when
there is such a difference in their
ages.. The girl -is troubled, of
course, by 'the disapproval of the
match by nearly all of her friends
and acquaintances, but regardless
of this she feels she cannot give
him up, and is preparing to marry.
Is she doing right. Miss Fairfax?
A girl of 20 is "very young even in
sophisticated today. She has youth
and dreams and illusions and imma
turity. Life lies ahead. For the man
of 40 so much that she looks eager
ly forward to lies in the background
and has lost all charm. Now don't
conclude that I'm advising against
tne specinc marriage mentioned. In
general I'd advise against the situ
ation. But with so much in its fa
vor, -with love to guide, with sym
pathy and understanding and deep
feeling at stake, who dare say:
"Give all this up. It's too big a
risk?" Most things- worth having
have to be paid for at a high rate.
The venture is great but so is the
reward. Love Is worth trying for
and there's always a risk!
Which of Two Girls?
Dear Miss Fairfax: I fell in love
with a girl a long time ago and we
have been about together until six
months ago, when we parted owing
to frequent disagreements. A cer
tain young-lady from a city nearby
is madly in love with me now. I
promised her that I will marry her.
but I hardly have any love for her.
can't help thinking of the -first
girl. My heart belongs to her.
S. M. L.
First of all, in justice to every
one concerned, 'you've no right to
marry a girl you don t love. And in
the second place, I don't think much
of your, strength and self control.
Stop being so extravagant in your
statements and put a little practice
back of your feelings. Give up the
girl you don't love and make your
self worthy of the girl for whom you
care. -
skin treatment
Soofhinq And He&linq '
ftesinol Soap gently
deses the clogged
Sores. Resinol Ointment
eals tiie inflamed
spots and blotches
Try them.
CJld wfvtcK
your skirv
Home-made, but Hat No
Equal for Coughs ' 8
Make a family iir1r of really ()
dependable routfh medicine. Ehh- 2
117 prepared, and oaves about t W
If you have a severe cough or chest
cold accompanied with soreness,
throat tickle, hoarseness, or difficult
breathing, or if your child wakes up
during the night with croup and you
want quick help, try this reliable old
home-made cough remedy. Any drug
gist can supply you with "21- ounces
of Pinex.- Pour ttiis into a pint bottle
and till the bottle with plain granu
lated sugar syrup. Or you can use
clarified molasses, honey," or corn
syrup, instead of sugar syrup, if
desired. This recipe makes a pint of
really remarkable cough remedy. It
tastes good, and in spite of its low
cost, it can be depended upon to give
quirk and lasting relief.
You can feel this take hold of a
cough in a way that means business.
It loosens and raises the phlegm,
stops throat tickle and soothes and
heals the irritated membranes that
line the throat and bronchial tubes
with such promptness, ease and cer
tainty that it is really astonishing.
Pinex is a special and highly eon
centra ted compound of genuine Nor
way pine extract, and is probably the
best known means of overcoming
severe coughs, throat and ehest colds.
There are aiany worthless imita
tions of this mixture. To avoid dis
appointment, ak for "2Vt ounce of
Pinex" with fnil directions and don't
accept HUT thing else. Ciuranteed f.
give absolute satisfact'On or money
prcmT'tly refunded. The Pinex C.t
Ft.UVayne, lnd
sorption in my work, were the only
ways in which I could help her.
"That is good news," she said at
last, slowly. "For, as I told you, I
do not think Miss Dean will be here
very many hours longer, I shall
betan to pack, too, right away, but
ill like to ask you something "
She hesitated oddly, and this
time, with an intuitive certainty that
it would help, I raised my eyes and
looked at her steadily and tenderly.
"You know you may ask me
anything in my power," I said ear
nestly. Lillian's Request.
"How well I know that I" she ex
claimed. "Hut this request is
queer. Until I go, I want to spem
a great ncai 01 nine in your uuuga
low, and have no one no one ex
cept you, and, oi course, Dicky
know where I am. Let them think
I've gone for a walk, or anything
they please."
"That- can be very easily ar
ranged," I replied as calmly as if I
had not realized that she was delib
erately planning to keep out of Rob
ert Savarin's way as much as possi
ble during the few hours that re
mained of her stay at his sister's
. I was wildly curious to know
whether there had been a definite
breach between them, or whether
Lillian simply wished to avoid the
Strain of another possible scene with
the highly-strung and finely-sensitive
man who adored her, yet could
not refrain from making her miser
able with his theories. But I .rig
idly schooled my face and voit't to
indifference, and was glad indeed oi
the dinner bell always rung 10
minutes before mealtime in order to
give guests scattered around the
premises, at the brook or in the
woodland adjoining, time to come
"We'd better pet ready to admin
ister quick sponge baths," I laughed.
"I can hear Dicky with Marion and
1313 Farnam St.
for Christmas that will most surely
please of great beauty and indi
vidual charm.
We mention a few that ijou will
Chinese Bamboo
Sewing Baskets
In every respect a superior
basket; lined with split bamboo
as only the Chinese can line
them; they are trimmed with
rings and tassels. Price for 8
inch size
10-inch size
With Old Bronze
Stand 10 inches wide
. at the top, this bowl
is suitable for either
fruit or flowers. '
The exquisitely dec
orated bronze
stand is, a refine
95-Piece Dinner Service
In White and Gold; complete to the last detail for 12 people;
in an excellent grade of china; price, complete, qq
- Lamp and Shade
Stands 17 inches high. Standard is mahogany, fitted for one
light, with pull chain switch, 10-inch shade is of jr ff
parchment, beautifully decorated. Price, complete, P5JU
Importing Company
1313 Farnam Street
Had your iron
Eat more raisins
Jugior down at the brook, and you
know as well as I the state the
youngster will be in." .
. "I have a complete change of
clothing for Marion already bid out,"
she answered, smiling faintly. "And
here they come! Hut," another Invol,
untary smile touched her lips, "you
arc wrong in one particular. They've
had their bath."
"I suppose that means they've fal
len in again," I said resignedly, turn
ing to watch the bedraggled proces
sion which was coming up the path.
Junior, drenched from head to foot,
was in Dicky's arms, wrapped in his
coat, while Marion danced at his
side with her clothing also soaked.
Dickey's shoes, socks and trousers
below the knees were dripping, and
both Lillian and I knew by heart
the story which the three culprits
proceeded to tell us.
Madge Has a Presentiment.
"Me felled in the bid varr. ma
ama," Junior declared proudly, as
soon as he saw mc.
"Truly, Auntie Madge, we couldn't
help it this time!" Marion declared
earnestly with an emphasis on the
demonstrative. "We were fishing, and
we hadn't caught a thing, and Junior
saw a nice ii-sli. and he went right in
.after it, and, of course, I had to go,
too, to get liim."
"The water being almost two feet
deep at that point, and no big, strong
man beside vott to wade to his death
or his knees to rescue his che-ild,"
Dicky teased.
Marion pouted adorably, but I saw
real chagrin in her face, so came to
her rescue.
"Of course you had to go in after
him, Marion," I said, with no hint
of a smile. "It was your Uncle
Dicky's business to keep him from
getting wet instead of rescuing him."
"I knew I'd get it in the neck
somewhere," Dicky apostrophized
the air. while Marion giggled glee
fullv. "That's all the thanks I get for
spoiling a perfectly good
"Soare us the enumeration of your
sartorial losses," I said mischievous
ly, "and let's get these wet things off
junior. You're already soaked, so
you take them off, and then I wont
have to soak this gown. And I'll rub
him down and dress him while you
Importing Co.
Phone Douglas 5567.
'12-inch size 3.00-
With wide-roll edge
as illustrated. Suit
able or flowers;
measures 8 inches
at top; complete
with black stand,
Lillian ran tier baud through
Marion's curls.
"Your Iwir Isn't wet," he wid
practically, "so you ilon't need me,
Hurry and change, dear, and I'll help
Auntie Madge with Junior,"
tried to make my "thank you"
hearty, but in reality I wished her
anywhere else, for 1 had a swilt, dis
mayed presentiment that because of
this unexpected accident, Dicky
would nref some article of clotlung
which 1 had put into my parcel-pott
paikage, and I did not want even
Lillian to be a witness of his reaction
to the discovery.
The Christ Child.
Clirlntnia Ilia ni old Chrlntmta
That llve In tli mimli uf men;
The ! nlil muml of buying. .
Then buyliif and buying Main.
The Mm old Unaitlled plaything,
The Hint old alar on tlia tree;
The earn old worn out nhoppere. ' '
And 111 8 nam old ch!ldlh glee!
Clulntma" the Mine old Chrlililin,
Tlia fneea wan and whlln.
That peer llllo My din'ked window i,
And ultlver on Chrlnlmaa mailt!
Chrlatmna the (am old Chrlalmae.
Tlia tlms of the Chrlal Child's birth;
When tire aiiKeta n of heaven,
And peace lu the alrlre lorn eartht
Thank Coil for the Chrlatmae "Ptrlt,
Thank lnd for the cheery tic tit.
Tluit atreama from the cottage wlndoni
Whon the ClirLl Child walka that
, Clara 8. MuCultey.
Still iii her early twenties and vice
president of a $3,000,000 building and
loan association is the proud record
held by Miss Margaret Stevens, of
Long Beach, Cal.
We are exclusive Omaha
agents for Huyler's New York
Chocolates, ' and the original
Allegretti Chocolates of Chi-.
cago, in to 5-lb. boxes.
The always popular gift. Leave
your orders. We deliver free
or pack for shipment.
$1.00 boxes 1-lb. Lowney's
Fancy Assorted Chocolate
Creams and Nut Centers,
per lb 65t
$1.00 box Balduff's Egyptian
Chocolates, lb 65t
$1.00 box Aunt Molly Choco-
- late Creams, lb 65t?
70c bulk Chocolate Caramels,
per lb 49
40c Fancy Mixed Hard Christ
mas Candy, per lb....29t
60c Fruit Filled and Hard
Candy 39
Candy Canes and Novelties,
up from 5
$5.00 Universal Lunch Kits
at S2.9S
$2.50 one-pint Corrugated
Vacuum Bottles ...$1.29
$3.00 quart Corrugated
Vacuum Bottles $1.59
$8.00 Electric Toasters
at S4.G9
25 Off on all Manicure Sets,
big assortment. Fancy rolls in .
Ivory and Pearl ranging "in
price from $1 to $12.
Waterman and Conklin
Fountain Pens
$2.50 t. $12
Eversharp Pencil
60 to $10
Very Large Assortment
$1.00 Piver's Azurea Face
Powder 89tf
Toy Balloons, for the children,
6 for 25
$2.00 Coty's L'Origan Face
Powder 69tf
$1.00 Krank's Lemon Cream
at 69
30c Packer's Tar Soap... 21?
30c Woodbury's Facial Soap
at 19t?
50c Listerine -.36
50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste
at 36
50c Pebecd Tooth Paste.. 36
$1.00 Newbro's Herpicide
at 78
Union Outfitting Co.
Holding Sensational
Christmas Sale of
Tathe' Phonographs
A Pathe Sent to Your Home
On 10 Days' Free Trial.
Easy-to-Pay Terms.
In order to stage a great
Christmas Sale of the famous
Pathe Phonographs, the Pathe
Freres Co. wired the Union Out
fitting Co. to place on sale their
entire stock of Pathes at the
lowest prices they have sold for
,n years. .
This is your opportunity to
give youf loved ones a year
'round gift at a saving of many
dollars. Should you wish, yoa
can have a phonograph delivered
on 10-days free trial and If yoa
keep it. have the advantage of
easy-to-pay terms.
All Sizes Up to $1,500
Sae 7lUlk.
rot Infants, fnvtlldi and Oroerlni Chltdf ta
Tot Orlflnal Food -Drink For An Aget
T Ifl
at Beaton's
Thursday, . Friday and Saturday
$5.00 Gold Gillette- Razors,
the new style $3.98
$1.00 Gillette Razors. .. .69?
$1.00 Gillette Blades 69t?
$2.50 Gem Razor, gold plated,
at 79?
$1.00 Ever-Ready( Razor 79?
$5.00 Auto Strop Razors, all
styles $3.98
50c Durham Duplex Blades
at 39t?
$2.00 Durham Duplex Razors,
Celluloid Case 89t?
35c Youth Craft Shaving
Cream 29t?
50c Mennen's Shaving Cream
at :..39t?
$1.25 Pinaud's Lilas Vegetal
at ; 98
50c Krank's Lather Cream
at 39?
You can always please a man
with a box of good cigars.
15c Mozart Queens, each, 10?
Box of 50 $4.50
Mozart, Magic or Perfectos,
box of 25 , $2.00
8c Heineman Bros.' Famous
H. B. Cigars, each 5?
Box of 50 ....$2.25
10c El Durbo Cigars,
box of 50 $2.50
El Paxo, La Palma,
box of 25.... $2.75
San Felice, box of 25. . $1.75
8c McCord Hand-Made,
cans of 25 $1.65
15e La Preferencia Victoria,
box of 50 ....$5.00
10c Mozart Bouquet,
box of 50 $3.50
$1.00 Aspirin Tablets, Squibb's,
bottles of ioo: 48t?
Denatured Alcohol, for the car,
per gallon 60t?
(Bring your bottle.)
35c Vick's Vapo Rub 27t?
$1.15 Vitamon Tablets ... 84t?
$1.15 Swamp Root .... .89?
30c Eagle Brand Condensed
Milk at 22t?
30c Laxative Bromo Quinine
at 22t?
75c Milk's Emulsion 59
60c Glycothymoline ...,49t?
60c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil
at .38?
$2.00 American Alarm Clocks
at $1.39
50c Phillip's Milk of Magnesia
at 39?
$1.00 Nuxated Iron 83?,
$3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk
at $2.89
15th and , -
Mail Orders Receive
Our Prompt Attention
Dennisorfs . (i ,
Seals and MriAPwiirM
9CA14 tr m n uroua. daapaodnit. waak.
f J I ran down, throve b axeaaa or ocbar oaoaai.
VTf Iftg rHlCT wast to Bail too oar book whieh tail
Y yj V4ti V.1U131 a boot SF.irroKIVLE. a rortoratlTo rooadr
r ij toot oiU coat yoa aothfoc If 70a aro aot
mas gifts in SiTiSrf
V.1 1CC1 lUl 40 Horry Block. NaaboUlt, Tana.
way-wiy .
saymore? Luticuraialcum
isSTT" TZI Always Healthful
(yiitiUv.olSI S I I ay tsars."
A aaUd aratea of
i nation. Ma thlorotorm. Etkor or other traml anoathetio ooori
mrmalr ovctj oaao accepted ' treauneat. ana bo nonoy io to ho pata aatil
tared. Write tor hook oa Rectal Diaeaaoa. orltk aaaioa and Uatusoaiala i aiora tkaa
I.tot prominent people oka Bare bee permanently ni
tR. L . TAMY Saaatorioa. rotor Tnart aUoaV,ee BM( ) Oaaako. Not.
infants invalids
Ho r lick's
the Original
Avoid Imitations
and Substitutes
I Rich milk, malted train eitract la Powdar
No Cooking - Nourlahlnf DicattiU
One-third Off on all Ivory,
Combs, Brushes, Mirrors,
Trays, Clocks, Buffers, Jewel
Boxes and Fancy Perfume
The most appropriate and most
acceptable of all gifts. Here
are a few:
$1.25 fancy boxes, assorted
odors 89t?
75c fancy boxes, assorted
odors 48
$4.00 Houbigant's Ideal Ex
tract, in fancy Christmas
box $3.25
Houbigant's Mon Boudoir, the
latest $4.59
$2.00 oz. Djer Kiss Extract,
bulk, per oz ...$1.25
$3.00 oz. Mary Garden Extract,
per oz $2.25
Djer Kiss, Hudnut's and Mavis
Sets, containing Perfume Ex
tract, Face Powder, etc.,
at . . . $3.00 to $12.00
Fancy Perfume Atomizers,
very popular this year,
at 75? to $6.00
$4.50 Houbigant's Ideal Toilet
Water $3.25
Quelques Fleurs Extract
, Fancy Boxca
$5.50 size $4.10
$10.00 size $7.98
$9.50 Quelques Fleurs Toilet
Watej $7.25
$3.50 Djer Kiss Extract
at ..$2.48
$2.00 Djer Kiss Extract
at $1.40
$2.50 Piver's Azurea ..$1.69
$2.25 Mary Garden Toilet .
Water $1.40
$25.00' Coty's L'Origan Ex
1 tract, -lb. bottle. $18.50
$4.00 Coty's L'Origan Extract,
bulk, per oz $2.59
$4.50 Coty's L'Origan Toilet '
Water $3.39
$8.00 Coty's L'Origan Toilet
, Water $6.25
Fancy Perfume Atomizer
One-Third Off
$4.00 Houbigant's Ideal Ex
tract, bulk, per oz. . .$2.25
$2.00 Flexible Jointed Dressed
Dolls with movable eyes.
Special 98t?
- Pay When Cured
trootaniit tint nroa PUoo. Kiatota and rtkor