i THE BElV OMAHA. THURSDAY. PKCEMCKR 22. 1921. Girl Cairt Go to Sunday School Without Shoes Krllum School Room ami I'jiliiaii Sisters Semi Con Irilmtiona to Th? Bee Shoe Fund..- i FJFJPY-TIME TALES ?PrT.WfLTA I F OF ITTY CAT SCOTT BAILEY J. "I am a mother of three swtM children, (he two ftirlj 2j ami !?, mid I need ihoe for them io bud. The oldest girl want to go tn it Sunday school Christmas day but her little fret arc in an old pair of slippers and tliey are alinoit oH tier feet. "We live in a little, one-room Imuse nt at the rear of the lot. My husband ha been out .-f vork since last of August and have only been able to find work three days. Thanking you, I am, fto." Tin i just a sample of the many letters that come to The Bee's shoe fund. JCxainiiic your own financial condi tion, He frank. Don't you think it' your duty to help such cases.? Won't it make your own Christmas merrier if you know that Rome poor waif is happy because of vour boun ty? Every petmv you give goes to buy shoes for just such rases. Make checks payable and addrest letters to "The Bee's Free Shoe Fund." The wistful little boys and girls thank you. rrevlmmly rrimrtrd Sl.SA'I.U T. H. It . . " S.llO fa-linol children, Ml. LhidrblilU' rmimf Oakland, Nt h. O.Hrt A rrteiiil, llmlo, hrb I. CO A friend to tlio children 5.w , ."1.011 Mm, J, l ,Ienen .Villi l-ils pitfM-ri 3. Ml Mjwttt .lenst'ii t.TM i. V. Juhl S.IMI KHIi.m ScIhmiI, KiMim 18 H.'HI V. I.. T 3.(lit J. II. M.. llfiiillcy, Nrh MM) i. O. I.imli'uill, Iloldrrilgr, Nrh. 'Mm .cnrr H. rrlns Villi K r'trrKon. nlar KiipliN, V !.. III.IX) Mr.. C. L, Aiiilermin, 4'rete, Neb... i,0tt Arwh J Hilnvrrford, i'ruwford. Neb S.llO :. K. illln. Fort TriMik. Neb. .. 1.00 Lillian Temple .No. 1, I'.vllilnn Ms- tern 5.00 Stanley Illarkharn, M. Kdwuril, Neb S.lltl II. II. Campbell, Osrrula. Neb. .. 5.00 Total $l,47.15 Potash Promotion Trial Postponed to January 17 A week's postponement of the William Berg potash case trial was allowed Yesterday by Federal Judge T. C. Munprer. The date set is Janu ary 17. William G. Chipley of New York, one of the defendants, plead ed not guilty, when arraigned yesterday. I II APT I. R XXU1. , A Secret. Mi' Kitty Cat win behaving in the trnget manner. She came in to the kitchen and hovered about the J X4 Yov. needn't think I'd take you wbefe I want Mrs. Green to come." Yet of Farmer Green's wile, iiicwiiis and looking up at Mrs. Green as it she hail something special to tell her. 'Whaf is it. Kitty?" Mrs. Green asked her. "Are you hungry?" But Mis. Kilty Cat soon showed that she wasn't hungry, for she wouldn't touch anything that Mr. Green offered her. "Well, you'll have to run away, anyhow," Mrs. Green told hen "J can't take a step with you right un der my feet." Though Miss Kitty Cat trotted to wards the door, she soon made it plain that she didn't intend to leav the kitchen unless her mistress went with her. She came back and twitched Mrs. Green's apron gently with her claws. Then she ran to the doorway again and called to Mrs. Green. It seemed to Kitty Cat that she couldn't have said more clearly that she wanted to lead Mrs; Green some where. But still Mrs. Green didn't quite understand. "Scat!" she cried, just a bit im patiently. "I've too much to do to be bothered this morning. I suppose you've caught a mouse and want to show it to me. You'll have to bring it here, for I haven't any time to waste today." Miss Kitty Cat felt somewhat hurt. She went out and 'sat on the littomtep and looked in at Fanner Green' wife. "Now and then she nave a plaintive mew. But Mrs. Green didn't pay any attention to her, , "Dear me!" said Miss Kitty. ''Mrs. Green is busier than ever this morn ing." Old doar Spot had been watching Miss Kilty's action. And now, a she started towards the . barn, he sidled iip to her, wagging his tail to show her that he wanted a few iriendly words with her. "If Mrs. Green won't conic with you, I'll be glad to" be offered. "Just lead the way and I'll follow." "You!" Mis Kitty exclaimed with scorn. "You needn't think I'd take you where I want Mrs. Green to i oine. You needn't think I'd show yon what I want her to sec." "Ho!" cried old Spot, "I don't know how you're going to stop me from following you." "I do," said Miss Kitty firmly. "If K'ti try to tag along after me where I'm going, I'll soon make you wish yon had minded your own affairs." There was a look in hrr eyes that oldtSpot did not like. It reminded him of the time when he had cor nered Miss Kitty in the barn, soon after she arrived at the farm.' lie re membered that his nose still bore the marks of her sharp claws. "Well, well," he said. "I was onlv joking. I'm too busy to bother with you, anyhow. 1 1 have a little m'atter to attend to in the pas ture. There's a woodebuck up there that's getting too bold." Then he trotted off, trying to look as important as possible, so that no cue would think he was afraid of Miss Kitty Cat. "Good!" Miss Kitty Cat cried, as she watched him while be started up, the lane. "I'm glad lie's out of th,e way. It would be awkward if I had to fight him while I'm doing what I'm going to do." .. (Copyright, 19S1, by Metropolitan News, paper Service.) Man Run Down ly Truck; Reckless Driving Charged F. E. Collins,- 55, Tenth and Se ward streets, was' run down by a National Refining company truck at Eleventh and Nicholas streets at 2:30 yesterday. One hip was crushed and his right leg was broken. lie was taken to Fenger hospital. James Ellsworth,' driver -of the truck,, was arrested and charged with reckless driving. Mike Damalo and .Stevens' Held in ..Fogg Murder Case CO . Story of Crime Told by Pierce At Police Court Hearing City Detectives Still Skeptical. Mike Damato and Walter (Finger) Stevens were held to district court, charged with the murder of Frank Fogg, Omaha druggist, after a pre limiiiary hearing in police court yes terday, Chief of Police ' Dempsey. in Ins first comment on the slaying, .said yesterdays he believed Stevens and Damato were implicated. Members of the city detective bureau remain skeptical, however. Frank I'ierce, principal accuser of Damato and Stevens, on the witness stand yesterday, declared his reason for turning against Damato and Stevens was a desire "to get the mur der off his mind and live straight in the future." Mother Attends Hearing. The aged mother of D.unato sat in the court room throughout the hearing, as did Mrs. Fogg, widow o( the slain man. I'ierce reviewed incidents which he said led up to the killing. " first came to Omaha on July 15," Tierce began. "I met Jimmie Sax ton (once acquitted of the murder of' Fogg) and ho asked me for dope. When I told him I didn't have any, he said that a druggist at Twenty eighth a nil Faniam streets was mak ing shipments of dope and that I could easily 'knock him oil.' Says Men Confessed. "Several days later I was arrested and in the county jail I met Mike Damato. 1 told him about the store. He was released and I went to the county jail until August 12. The day I got out I met two girls; one was Bernice Wilder of Kansas City. We all went to Stevens'' room, 706 North Sixteenth street. "Damato was there. He said: 'We made the Fogg joint with Saxton and Ryan.' I told him he ought to give me a jolt of the stuff he got. Stevens even showed me the gun he said they used, and added, that they got $185 and several bottles of cocaine and morphine." Do Your Shopping in The Morning. At the request of the Ao. dated Uetailers, The Bee suggest that you do your shopping, as much a possible, during the morning hours. In this way shopper will ob tain better services, and at the mine time relieve the strain on merchants and their employe. Body of Man Once Rich Held for Guarantee Of Funeral Expenses The body of Theodore Galligher, 'O, once wealthy Omaha real estate owner, is at the Hrailcy & Dorrance morgue awaiting guarantee of fli nt rut expenses. He died last Friday in :i morning: house at 1909 Douglas street. His niece, Mrs. Mary L. Smith, at'plied fur letters of administration of his estate late yesterday in county court and declared he has property in Omaha worth $"0,000. Four friends have guaranteed $50 toward the aged man's funeral. Malier Captured With Stolen Car In North Dakota Quantity of Booze Found When Stirpect Who Jumped . llond Is Caught in Chaae Of Rum Runners. K. L. McCumber, detective, told Omaha police yesterday of the cap ture of William Maher, alias Con nolly, at Coopcrtown, X. D in a chase of whisky runuets and the re covery of Bert Murphy' automobile, stolen in Omaha recently. In the Murphy car, driven by Ma her, according to McCumber, 2-10 quarts of bonded whisky were found. When the engine of the car went dead. Malier leaped out and ran for half a mile before Sheriff Emil Nelson captured him. , Maher was released under $500 bond. He is under $2,500 bond in Omaha for bis appearance in Sious Falls, S. D., on another charge. John I'szanowski, head of the po lice auto squad, swore out a war rant ycnterday charging Maher with the thcit of Murphy' automobile, E. W. Byrne ot the federal Depart turnt of ju.tice, taid Maher will be prosecuted nUo for the intcritate transportation of a itolen automo bile. Steal Hose and Tell Court He Wont Let Hi Wife Starve When George I'ierce of St, Louii told Police Judge Foster that he stole a pair of silk hosiery that he might elt them and get food for bis wife, the judge sentenced him to 30 days in jail. He ordered Pierce' wifu turned over to Matron Gibbons. De tective Larry Finn arrested both in BrandciY store. "I wai hungry," Pierce told the court, "and I won't let my wife starve if I have to steal to get money." Mrs. McKeen Gets Divorce From Motor Company Head Mrs. Mary L. McKeen was award-" ed a divorce from William R. Mc Keen by District Judge Wakely yes terday. She charged cruelty. Mr, McKeen formerly was president of the McKeen Motor company. Mrs. McKeen obtained a passport to travel in several European countries a few weeks ago. Nq Trace Found -Of E. C. Nance Missouri Valley Loan Case to Go to Trial With One Defendant Missing. K. C. Nance cannot be found. The eighth stock promoter indict ed in the Missouri Valley Cattle Loan case has disappeared as com pletely a if the earth swallowed bun up, W. M. Coble, postal inspector, who located the others indicate.!, ' after long search, admitted yester day. j,- The case will go, to trial near th ' end of January or the first of Febru ary, without Nance, Coble stated. Nance is listed in the 1918 cit t directory as having an office in 1102 Ci. Vrttional bank building. Coble has even followed the oM proverb, "clarchez la femnic," but 'she," too, is gone; no one knows where. Flro Stops t'nrs Surfuee our were Htopid for 15 minutes and roomers routed into thu eolil hy a lire at 714 South Sixteenth street at noon yesterday. KATLEMAN'S BEST HEN SCRATCH $2.00 per hundred lbs. Best Buttermilk Laying Mash, $2.25 per hundred lbs. Closed Sat urdays open Sundays. Phone Douglas 6620. 10 New Series BHscoe Demonstrators These 10 Automobiles used only three days to demonstrate this new Series Briscoe at our three-day sale will be sold Thursday and -Friday at Additional Price Reduction of 10c per mile for every mile they have been driven. ' ' - 1 We also have - a few new cars that were slightly scratched in shipment. These will also be sold at further reduced prices Thursday and Friday. Come early, and take first choice. Every car carries the Standard National Automobile Chamber of.' Commerce Guarantee. Liberal Terms Extended Several cars at this sale have been bought on a small down payment with request that we hold them until spring. All cars offered Thursday and Friday can be bought on this same plan. NO STORAGE, NO EXTRA CHARGE AND ONLY A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED. Tunn I MMJLj. eitoin 2019 Farnam Street Morris Chair When selecting a gift for Dad think of the comfort he will have in a Mor ris chair. The re clining type in fumed 0Ui golden $ oaK finish,. End Tables! Severarpauerns at this special price. Choice of mahogany op walnut finish. Ask to see them tomorrow 10 50 Smoking Cabinets! This is just the thing for Him. A. complete snowing at tnia tf A special onennff in t time, mahogany at or fumed finish 50 Gate Leg Tables! Neat appearing: gate teg tables In a rich brown ish east of mahogany finish. Very special for mid-week buyers, at 23 50 Phone Set Large stand with high back chair to match. A $9.50 value and specially marked for Xmas shoppers. Mahogany, fumed or golden oak finish..... toys Your Xmas Store Hartman's Furniture Center For the Children Wooden Bungalow The kind that the little folks will be sure to enjoy 98c Table and Chairs Two chairs anil table large, enough for chil dren to use $C85 22-Inch Teddy Bear Tou would expect to pay at least J2.50 for this size. $175 x Desk and Chair loll top with chair to match. Nicely finished and only $750 Folding Card Table. A Grafonola Xmas! Make this Christmas a musical one. Make the home brighter1 and more cheerful with a renowned Columbia Grafonola. This large cabinet model in all finishes for Christmas Sale 85 Easy Payments No Interest Is sturdily built of imitation mahogany ith durable green leath erette top. Makes a desir- (K .hi. o-ift A ma-nlnr $4.50 WJ ' value, while they last only 4- Cifts of All Kinds Smoker A real bargain for tomorrow In ma hogany finish. Re movable glass ash tray. 52.50 value $1 45 x High Chair Plain, neat pat tern in walnut or mahogany finish. Has wide wooden tray and sturdily const ructed. -A 113 value at 10 50 Piano Bench I Tabourette Makes a very ap proprite gift. Sever al styles in golden oak- finish, at, only. 13 50 Stands 16 Inches high, 13-inch top and in fumed fin ish, at $165 x Mahogany or Walnut Finish Think how mother or wife will cherish gift of this type. Iluhber tired wheels and an unusual of fering tomorrow, at. only Boudoir Lamps! Her.'s your chanc. to buy a boudoir lamp at at bargain price. 8-lnch hades, with neatly fin Ifhed mahogany base, at For Toy Bargains Come to Hartman's Kroehler Duofold ' Muleskin Upholstery Golden or fumjd oak frames. High grade Muleskin upholstery not the or dinary imitation grade. Only Special Sale! SSL Nationally known "GUNN" make of sec tlonai bookcase. Stack at shown in mahogany, fumed or golden oak. complete i ill till , I r inini xvif tir ill i i uiwmiiuiis t This 26-Piece Silver Set High grade Com munity silverware quality plat. In every sense. The very pieces "SH vould select herself and only 12 Columbia , Gift Envelopes Columbia Christmas Records SIXTEENTH Between Harney and Howard X I - . " to - -. . .. y ' ' j-g.