Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    iUK lu-ii-;? O.WAIIA. MJNDAV. lJhiKMKi-.K 18, lt2l.
lJrakeinah Given'
$10,000 for Loss
Former 1 ' : Superior Banker
Loses Alienation Salt Brought
By Former Son-m-taw
' Conflict ia Tetimouy.
; Nelson, Neb., Dee. 17. (Special.')
-rCharles O. Bertram ws given a
verdicf t $10,000 damagej in' lire
ditrict court here against C. W.
Harvey in hii $25,000 itiit for aliens
lion of hi -wife's affections.
., i Bertram enlintcd April 2, 1917,
and April 24, following, lie was mar
ried to Eleanor Joy, daughter of
,Mr. and Mrs. C W. Harvey of Su
perior, the ceremony being perform
ed at Belleville, Kan. The parents
v ere displeased with the marriage
and in the absence of the young
tnldirr husband overseas, used their
Influence with the girl to forsake
him. When Bertram returned' he
was immediately summoned to ap
pear in district court, where pro
ceeding! were instituted to 'annul
the marriage. The case was . dis
missed. ,
, The mother with the young bride
noon left for ' California and the
father joined them there later.
Early ' In 1920 a divorce was-pro
cured by Mrs. Bertram in Los An
geles, where she was afterwards
married to Lieut. Kaunnian" who
was in the . air service during the
' war.
Bertram brought ' suit against C.
y. Harvey et a!., asking damages,
in the sum of $25,000 for the aliena
iion of , the . affections of his wife.
There was a great deal of conflict
between the testimony t given liere
iy-the defendants and.' the trans
jeeipts of the evidence' iii the"" divorce
asc in Los Angeles. A dozen
'endearing letters,, written- by .Mrs.
"Bertram to her husband, were' read
.to the jury, One of these was.
penned soon 'after the , annulment
Jiroceeding , had, ,, becrj ( i dismissed,
ivlicn she WiA-on'.tJic way' West with -'her
mother, and was affectionate in
."the extreme. .,"'...:...' Nj . ' V. "
C. VV. Harvey was formerly pres
ident of the Superior State bank,
and was appointed some time ago
Vecefver to make filial adjustment
'of the affairs of the Adams-Felt de
funct bank. . v . . v . ,
Charles Av. ' Bertram now resides
tat lieneva, where Ins parents are
' (engaged in "-the hotel 'business 'He
is a brakthian on the Northwestern
r- . . '
.Beatrice Theater Owner's .-
'Ji Auto Stolen. From Garage
".Beatrice. Neb., Dec. 17. (Spe
.''.cial Telegram.) Thieves . entered
the garage of George Monroe, pro
prietor of-the -Gilbert theater, stole
jiia touring scar.;a)descaped j ,'Oi-'.
ficers . have been ordered to guard
Ridges at-'OmariS 'and- Nebraska
f'ity. Some time ago Mr. and1 -Mrs.
Monroe were held up while en.
route home. 'in their car-and robbed
' '.of $300, the proceeds 'of the theater.
The BeeJ Want Ads are Jne"'best
justness Boosters., .". . J . ." '
Despondent r?,rmer
Kills belt' With Gun
Alliance, 'Neb., Dec. 17. (Spe
cul Telfgram.) Adolph Brest, o0,
prominent farmer liMng 14 niilrs
portheast of Alliance, committed
suicide at hii. home by shooting
himself in the head with a shotgun,
The charge tore off nearly half his
face. '
Uroit and a sou were alone In
tlw front -rojnit-Hic'iioue. lie
sent the ton out of flte room, placed
the tnu fie of the gun against hit
lace and pu.l)rl th-. (rigger with a
rod with which- ffc Had been clean
ing t be shot-jam. , .-,'
The man wi rldower. 4Je and
three on.ket" tibiae on -the 'farm,'
lie also is tjvjJiby three other
children. . .) . ; . '
Despftndrtiyy'.'over financial mat
ters and a laursuit, in which be n
defendant, to btfr iieard .iu the near
future, are believed, resrtonsiblc for
Iii. : att. ; lie jUjQ'U KI to have
grieved greatly over the death of a
tun who was killed in an auto ac
cident about two years ago.
Snow at Beatrice
.Heat rice)' Neb.'r ' Dec.'17. (Spe
cial Telegram.) A light mow fell
in this section . of the slate early,
this morning when the temperature
dropped to 20 above aero. The
moisture will help-winter. wheat, -
Try The Bee Want Ad Column.
Frfa-d M. F. Um'nl.'fcta'rrVir K
Damaged Slightly by Fire I
Friend, Neb., Dec. 17. (Special.)
l ire klightly damaged , "the
nicni oi inc I ongregaiionar nijit,
Rev. G. H. 'McKeith, pastor ofrtU
church, had beeii chopping wood a rff I
throwing it. into the- haxnirot. If t
had soiutuld automobile eatings irfaf
lie clirippcil iii and a( he thre,w
them iuu ljic rmvnt window -thity
i-augrtt tire and tilled the basement
lull of smoke.
Christmas will soon be here. Our store is JfuU of' hundreds'' . :
'of practical gift suggestions at prices that : are-'low;-' We '" .
1 t 1 1 L J ''!' , 111
kuow iuej are low ana mvne you to'ior.yourscu. .
Below we call your attention to a few of the gifts wo have - V'vai
gifts for everyone all practical,' useful gifts of our usual '
high quality and very low prices. ; k. ', ... ,':-.'ty' 1 ' Vvv'
Skates Sleds
Amy Not?, :
A 'loyaty Nickel CasseroU at ....MS3.89
'cpfot'ed glass Candy Jar at ....,$3.00
X.(fcki.8ervjnf Tray at .1.. ...... 95f
"A Grtttoo Tray 8et at ......... i. 82.25
A Scissor Set, la case, at ...93.19
A Flashlight, "Ever-Ready," at.... 81.60
A Nut Bowl, Cracker and -6 picks at 82.25
A Razor, a Sharing Brush or Strop w
have a complete stock.
liindreds of
PocKet Knives
Cold weather is here, the children want
to :-play' outside. Give them a pair of
akates, a beautiful sled or a pair of real
itiK. .
Ice Skates
81.25 and np
flexible. Flyers ......
Roller Skates-
'-;!lirte,?anrJ.9oys .$2.7S nd up
84.25 -.op
82.75 np j
it .
- Skiis- -; , I
'Northland Pine ... Sl.CO P
. Northland Maple ... .84.35 up ;
Tool Chests
S, .Give Dad; or the boys
fff what they have always
r wanted ont, of these
j- chests of real tools; a
$! great variety of difer
... ..ent chests . ....
;:Electric Gifts.?,
. .'V
Give Wm a real pocket knife this Christ
mas. Here are hundreds to choose from
every one guaranteed. A big selection of
stag, wood and composition handles, to.
choose from. While they last only.... 97
Coaster Wagons
Electric Gifts are always beautiful, always
useful and, always appropriate. . Our lines
are complete and our prices are exception
, ally ) low this year."
- Electric ' Toasters, $4.49
' . Electirc r I f o n s, $4.75
...fc3Sectric Percolators, $9.79;
Electric St 6 v e s, $6.50
. Established-lass
Hardware' nd Household Utilities,:
1515 HARNEY ST. j i
Let the children play, outdoors. Our list of
Coaster Wagons this year is more compieta
than ever j
n,t $7 and up
Teloclpedes, Irish Malls, Automobiles,
Kiddle Kars, Scooters, 2-Wheeled Carts.
Carving Sets
rBuy your cutlery at a
hardware store such
as ours and be assured
of quality and low
prices. Our assortments
were, never as com.
plete or beautiful.
and np
Not Only Your
Poor Feet
The Insidious evil of high heels,
and narrow pinched toes is greater
than most woinen ;.bellevv--vrlNbal
anced shoei- 4J ;inore than' riiscom
ciort the - feet f. "they cause fallen
-'arches, backaches,' .. nervous strain,
..displacement of the .internal organs,
weariness, depression', ilh health.
'-.. Without sacrifice of good looks,
fthe Cantilever Shoe for women gives
; perfect comfort' and perfect carriage.
The last, conforms to the mould of
;,the foot, with room Tor the toes, and
with trim fit and support about the
-instep and heel. ;;The outline of the
sole and the set '.of the heel are de
signed to preserve the balance and
the beauty of a NATURAL walk,
fc The flexible shank .yields with ev
iery movement of the muscles... iu-
jstead of being bound to a rigid sole";
iwhich retards- the circulation and . :
makes the foot. weak,. lu. Cantilevers
be foot has liberty to exercise and 1
bend freely and gracefully. This '
$freedotiF 'of Movement ' strerigtheas
Jtlie muscles and prevents and cor
rects flat foot. Your health will tin
Tprove in Cantilever Shoes. ;
A Cantilever Christmas CeTtiflcate '
makes an acceptable gift. , ,
tsises 2 to It, Widths A A AAA to E
For'Sfea and Women.'1
V Sild la Omaha Only bv
- M.vH to Rew l,cattn, -
'.' 1TOS Hflnard St.
OpiMMltr V. IV. C. A. Bid, v ,
t; iWrit tor Free ilooklct '
Latest Modd 9 Shot Automatic
25 CAL
1 iSSi I
m tku tnt
I) CtL 14 S wM9 nxt
a4 mn ttii4ir4 wtndm. rriA
hi. dlrt rm frtiao amilay
fVTfTL K.MH I .Wilt W
Sat la um xwkM. M
m BrM St. Dw. 41. Nam. H. U M
Carbon Egg, Carbon Lump,
$9.50 a T0nJ1i3lO.5O a Ton
Ah-h-h-h! Cheap Coal
That's Really Good!
That's the comment of Car
"burr Lump- nsers; Aftret thsr
is low priced and high in heat
ing qjialit ik boifnd t6 haye
1 V-
.'at- V.-. t-W
Don't Burn Money
Burn Carbon Lump and
Save Money.'
Our Three Yards Hem?1-
service you Hle anywhere in the city. J
Thousands Aie NtMTaloiig
Nuron Nerve Force With
Their Breakfast
Rem&rkabW Scientific Product How Weak, Nervous,
Run-Down Folks Can Often Obtain Greater Physical and
Mental Vigor, Stronger Nerves and Increase Their, Magnetic
Power Through Greater Nerve Force in Two .Weeks' Time
An eminent physician says the great majority cf chronic invalids are those
suffering from nervous ailments or diseases caused by nervous ailmenta. Your
nerve force, through your nerves, controls every organ' of yothr body. You may
have a serious case of indigestion, your liver or kidneys may fail to do their
work, or your heart palpitate due to weak nerve force.. -.. .
f-rnerwUi business man feels in a perpetual TIZ, JL ,t' Plnhivo 7
hurry.'fie eats quickly, talks rapidly, and when WW IllCIl 15 yOUTA ILtUf C.
he hal a chance lor rest he fidgets. 'Nervous
waknen often become highly emotional and suf
fer awful tortures from spells of a great de-vltaltilrrg-weakncss.
y tJnless you have plenty of nerve force you
'eainMfJli(rjto.jCoinpeta.witt-he strong, -
magnetic, forceful fellows who
radiate power and tnagnetistri
In tbeir every moveand thought.
Many a man has failed in
business simply through! bad
judgment caused by exhausted
nerve force.- for centuries sci
ence searched for a nerve fore
lood.Atlastacelebrated French,
physician brought to the atten
tion of tie Paris Academy of
Medidne a remarkable product
which contained the .principal-
cfiemical constituent of active living
nerve force, in a form, which most
closely. resembles that in the brain
and nerve-cells of maa. Thiswond-i
trful product was later combined
with Organic iron under the nameof j
"Nuxated Iron." so that today true
Nuron nerve force ready to be
transformed into active living nerve
force, the moment It enters the body,
may now easily be had, simply by taking two
tablets of Nuxated Iron, three times a day.
with or after, our: mnK. Organic. Von. Tweak, nervous, or run down-, no matter what
eontainH , fn-Nuxatrttyron is like the iror
. f n your blood.' It. quickly enriches the bioorf
and helps create and re-btrild new and stronger,
red. blood cells and stimulates the blood' td
manufacture greatly increased supply of new
Serve lore. '"Nuxated Iron is therefore f true
Mood and. nerve food.
It feeds the 'body th
substance which nerve
force must have to give
it that vital electro
magnetic power which i .
stored in the nerve and'
.,, bain cells of man and
also 'jncreasej -the production . of nerve force
through the memum ot ine omoa. u you are
othertrfings you bave tried without success.
you certainly owe it to yourself to try Nux
ated Iron. It; will produce definite and sur
prisiiW fesulsa in tvg wek, time or the
manufacturers will refund your money. Sold
by all drujjists. . . 'i
By this we mean workmanship, prica and personal
attention to your work. Become one of our life-long
customers- drop in tomorrow or mail us your waati.
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
1609 Farnara St., Omaha. "Downstairs,
san i a ill I
s. e. coa. tsth a "Jmxsoh sm
. Wal W 1 m m WW m m M
Mon ey Sa ving Gift Specials
D AY and night during thia week un
til 9 p. m., this store will slash
prices on Holiday Gift Furniture, offer
ing "Wonderful Values" that will be the
talk, of the town. - '
DO not hesitate to. take advantage of J
thevw6nderfukbargairt8 for lack of
ready cash,! its any-iirticle of '-Gift Fur- I
niture." will be delivered on the payment I
I Mi
r -n
You Actually Save '
" (0
on Dolls. Toys. Games
, Don't take, our woroV for this--shop
f aroundcompare "h"d Ibe convinced.
Purchasing in carload lots, in, addition
to our favorable location out of the high'
rent district, means a. substantial saving
on your Christmas Toys. Make your se
lections virile our stocks are complete.
Visit Santa
The Jolly, old fellow
wants to meet every boy '
and girl and hear what
thev want for 'Chrlstmas.
SToys Charged
Your credit is good
here. Buy Toys now and
pay next year.
3 Qj ! jV
t f e k
Flr...- Rocker Well
built in mahogany fin-,
i ib,t' with cane eatx
back and wings, at
the low ttf e QC
price of P lUa7p
"Royal Easy" Cbalra
In, solid oak, com
fortably upholstered;
pufti button and back
$23.50 I
Masaivav Uubfold Of , PciH
soiia lurai'a ouk, up
holstered . in - imitation
leather, Opens 5nto full
a Sewinf Cabi-
netain mahogany fin
ish .yjv& sliding tray;
o ... 0
th sliding tray;
,One Xdt:of Brass
Smoking rrj
Stands 73 Ottl
Tall, handsome onesin brass?, f
wnn compieie anaenments
f. and -.drop lid ash
;-'tr3lVt, only...
$4.95 J
Our Entire Stock
Gift Furniture.
Furniture' is a "lifetime"'
gift and think of the dollars
you can save. Buy NO
pay next--year. . Among." the
gifts .are v..-. .-. .- . ; .?
Telephone ''Sets,"
; 'Sewing Cabinets;
Smoking Cabinets,
Tea Wagons,
" Spinet "Desks, "' . -"
'Gate Le Tables,'.
Large Foot Stools,
Cedar Chests,:?
"Mantle ClocksS;.
:-lahogany Tysti
Piano Benches, p-rf
.Ferneries, .si.j.ii-i
Table Scarfsv?
' Pound Boxes 0
$1.00 Quality
38 c
Think of being able to give
the . children Balduffs High
Grade Chocolates at the price
you -would " pay for ordinary
mixed Christmas candy. These
are the "jumbo ' size" Choco
lates, with rich, assorted cream
centers filled with chopped
black walnut meats and cov
ered with an extra thick codt
of delicious Bitter Sweet Choc
olate. '
Final Clean-Up ,
Framed Pictures
Less 1 n
Than 72 Prlce
Beautiful subjects in land
scapes, fruits, etc., to fit every
nook and corner:
$2.00 Pictures .
$2.50 Pictures .
$3.50 Pictures .
$5.00 Pictures .
$7.50 Pictures .
$12,50 l Pictures,
"PATHE" Company Wires Us to Hold a
Sensational Xmas Sale
Smashing Price Reductions on Every Machine
Absolutely disregarding costs, we-place on sale our
entire stock of "nationally ardvertised" PATHE Phono
vgraphs at the lowest prices they have sold for in years.
.v..' : i ' ' -
V '.' !: li Regularly
- sold at
Pathe Model No. 3. $ 55.00
Pathe Model .-No. 6...,..$ 75.00
Pathe Model'No. 7 $125.00
Pathe Model No. "10. . . .'.$150.00
Pathe Model No. 12. . ..,$175.00
Pathe's Wired
Sale Price
$ 35.00
S 50.00
$ 75.00
$ 90.00
t Join Our $1.00 Pathe "Christmas Club"
Take Advantage of the 10 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Offer
' Your Old Phonograph Taken in Exchange
? $10.00 Worth
P Groceries
With Each Hoosier Sold on 0or
' GHristmas Club . . Plan , Sale
Wouldn't it be splendid this Christmas to give her a cheerful
year-'roand gift that will preserve hr-henlth ,and make her kitchen
nours snoner Dy saving neeaiess srepfjc-'-; j f
$1 00 Down
Crings Her a Hoosier on Xma.
Withr a big box of "ADVO" Christmat ,
Groceries free. But you must act
quickly as we have only a limited num
ber of Hoosiers on hand.
The "Ajdvo" Groceries Are FREE ;
As you pay only the "nationally advertised" price set at the,
factory. ADVO Products are the best you can buy, as they are
absolutely pure,- fine flavored and 'reasonably 'triced economical, 1
as you use less.
Sole Omaha Agents for "HOOSIER" Cabinets