Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 20

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Colors Flash
At Season's
New York. Dec. 18. (Special Cor
respondent:.) Ai lomebody takl,
the opera box thii year look like
the English window box. Of coarse
the author of tin's remark had ber
ryes fixed on a particular section of
the horseshoe where the white daisies
and red geraniums of Lunnon Town
were echoed in white satin and red
velvet. However the same choice is
frequent enouuh to aive to the com
nariton a rerUin degree of authority,
Certain it is that there hasn't been
no mudi color turned loose on New
York in many a. long day. If the
ghost of some old Venetian doge had
wandered into the Metropolitan opera
house the first night he would have
felt absolutely at home. Indeed, the
corRcous Venetian fete given
Paris tits last summer has undoubt
rdly been responsible for our New
1 ork f venules looking like a palette,
The majestic purples and reds, the
jeweled green, the blues that roam
from sapphire to forget-me-not, the
Kliiitiiifr brocades, laces that look
like patterns of sunbeams or moon
gleams surely that old painter who
put the tint in 1 mtorctto would have
Tvelei it this winter of 19J1-72.
Froinincnt among these colors is
oeranium red. And is it any wonder
that this was the favorite flower of
Charles Dickens? For not even a
red roe can euual the velvety, dusky
depths of this carmine. Naturally, it
i best echoed in velvet, and the col
Irctions of both foreign and home
designers have contained many-even
ing dresses and wraps in velvet ot
Kcranimn red. Sometimes, evening
kowiis of this tone are combined
with cold or silver lace or with em
broidery or beads of these glinting
metallic hues.
It sounds' perhaps a little too
resplendent a little too much like
toreador's costume but nevertheless
some of these gorgeous creations
dazzle you into conviction that such
is the right way to spend your even
ings. Many of the evenings gowns
have V backs. A number ot them
have corresponding fronts. But
there is no hard and fast rule, and
this is a season when you may do it
round, square, or as you like. A
point which I have emphasized fre
quently, but which is so important
that many, repetitions cannot absolve
from present mention, is the diagonal
line often pursued by both bodice
and skirt Many of the V's in the
back come, not at the center, but at
the side. And indeed the- whole effect
of these elaborate toilettes is some
times so zigzag and irregular that
they look as if a nor'easter had been
the dressmaker on the job.
Do not think when you have got
yourself into your evening frock that
"your toilette is accomplished. The
frock of any kind- is today hardly
more than an accessory. It is the
little things that make the perfection
of the costume. , . -
First of all, there are earrings
Nowadays we wear these almost as
constantly as does an Italian child.
Often they are rings almost big
enough to look like part of a gym
nasium equipment. At other times
they are just long chains or pend
ants. Made of precious or senii-
precious stones, just as the occasion
of your potketbook permits, . they
pre. nevertheless, there. And in
heloing out the color scheme of your
toilettd they are just about as im
portant as the vase which' the inter
ior decorator sets up on your mantel.
1 realized this when I saw the occu
pant of one opera box gowned in
white chiffon trimmed with white
Hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of jewelry, diamonds, silverware, cut glass, watches, clocks, etc., at
prices that defy competition. Brodegaards are known for their quality merchandise and fcr the low prices.
This is a store that gives its customers the benefit of a volume business and large buying power. And remem
ber that every item in our immense stock is new and was purchased for cash at the low prices that followed
the slump in the market we pass this savings on to you. -
from Present Day Priori This Don't Meaa From War I'rlcra .
Our rntirs stock or lrnnd new 'I'ollrt IVore. Fraara Ivory, Tartle Shell, Grnulna
v Kliony, Sterling- Silver, so oa sale JNoadny.
Toilet Goods
Ladles' complete Brush. Comb and Mirror and all Manicure Pieces. In swell ease
or leather roll, silk lined; 2S. DISCOUNT.
Brush, Comb and Mirror Set; solid French Ivory or Sterling- Silver, In alea-ant
case; 38 MflUOVKT.
Gentlemen's Traveling Sets, complete in all details; inclosed in (enuine leatner
cases; 25 DISCOUNT. .
Ladies' Traveling- Sets. In solid Trench Ivory, all sizes In leather rolls; silk
Ivory Trays.
Ivory Powdfif Boxes.
Ivory Hair Receivers.
Ivory Hair .HiUfllus.
Ivnrv f-lfiMli-!l Tli-tuhps.
Ivory Urusluis. WEDNUSD A V
Ivory Niil Ilr.wU;. Y iiiiOiilX
Ivory Military Jivwshrs. at 25 DISCOUNT
lvSJ? mi" From Present Dav Prices
Ivory MuiUuie Pieces. tvuuu -""J "vwi
Our entire stock of guaranteed Ivory Clerks will sro on sale Monday at halt
present day prices. Come early and set best choice. All marked In plain flg-ares.
We guaarntee to save you money on Diamonds this year.. We sold every
Diamond we had in stock during our. big auction sale and every Diamond novr
in stock was bought for. cash at the new low prices. Buy your Diamonds
here and
1 Tuesday . y.
Sheffield Silver Bread Tray
Genuine Sheffield Silver Bread Trays with handles,
as long as they last ..
Regular price $8.00;
We have Just received another shipment of these beautiful sliver bread trays and
they go on sale Tuesday. This Is positively your last chance before Christmas.
heads. Her hair was as black as
the traditional raven's wing and
the one note of color was supplied
hy long, fiery drops of rubies in
her . ears.
Wc arc dependent certainly upon
something to relieve the severity of
the present day coiffure. This, is
very severe. Our foreheads are ex
posd as mercilessly as a Spartan
child. Dear help us if they are too
high or too low or too bumpy. For
we strain our locks straight back.'
After that the program is dependent
upon taste.
A favored mode is to build a hieh
tower oii the head through which
we stick at a rakish angle one of
the ever popular Spanish combs. An
other is to spread out the knot in a
tan shaped roll. And, ot course, tt
you feel that you are classic enough
to sustain it you may do a knot on
the back of the head. In all cases
thpf 19 a fnru-arrl mnvAment over
the cars and cheeks. Indeed, prim
ly trained little side locks often sug
gest amusingly the old fashioned
gentleman with side whiskers.
Coq feather fans are extremely
popular, but incidentally we may
note that there seems to be a re
action taking place just now in favor
cf the small headed gauze fan of
other days. Also, there are some
wonderfully attractive new models in
lace. Of course, the plumy fan is
still in the ascendant, but one notes
here and there evidences of the re
turning tide of the fabric fan.
But to go back to our gowns. Vel
vet is the favorite of the season.
However, brocades, gold and silver
tissues, laces, and crepes are all
good. And it is not to be over
looked theT number of white gowns
which combine with those of gerani
um red to remind our friend of a
London window box. White mous
seline de soie, white chiffon, white
georgette, white velvet, white satin
one sees them all. Thy are often
embroidered in crystal or pearl
beads, in rhinestones and silver, and
they are set off by all sorts of bril
liant accessories.
Christmas Dinner Date Is
Puzzling. '
Selection of a dinner date for this
Christmas is puzzling many hosts
and hostesses, as the holiday, coming
on Sunday, provides two possible
days for spreading the Yuletide feast
and inviting in friends and relatives.
Sunday, of course, is the real
Christmas day, although the official
holiday is the following Monday.
Christmas eve comes on Saturday
night, the logical time for Christmas
is the next day. But if Christmas is
observed then there will he nothing
to do Monday.
One solution has been suggested
by making the hosts of Sunday the
guests for Monday.
By a decision of the general as
sembly of the Presbyterian church of
England, womerr now are eligible
to the eldership and deaconship,
Of all the good things we ever
sold nothing can
compare with these values
200 pairs of 14-Karat Solid White Cold.
Green Cold and Regular Cold. Soft Sleeve
Cuff . Buttons, beautiful hand r -engraved
patterns. ,
The very latest crea
tions. These remark
able sleeve buttons are
sold everywhere from
$15.00 to $20.00 per
set. We . are making
one flat price Monday,
Tuesday end Wednes
day of
Come Early and Get Best Choice
The Talk of Omaha
.if 2f5Sf i
An Appreciated GiftA Genuine
Shaeffer Fountain Pen
or Pencil
For. Ladies or Gentlemen .
A Fountain Pen that is guaranteed for a lifetime.
These wonderful pens come in every aize and
style. A pen to fit every hand. ' The prices this
year are much lower. Come while SO 50
our assortment is complete, at. . .,
Special for Monday, Tuesday and
Guaranteed Solid Gold Fens
and vp
; S-150
X '
This pen -will make the finest inexpensive rift
that you could select and remember they are
guaranteed solid gold.
Our $ 1 Jewelry
' ' . ' i - - . .
School Girl Friend Goldfiileii or Silver'Pencils with goldfilled or silver necklace 81.00
Young: Ladies' Qurin Cases in silver or green gold 81.00
14-karat Goldfilled Knives -with 2 blades $1.00
Solid Gold Baby Seal Ring for engraving-, one letter fie a Ml.OO
Baby Pins, 14-karat goldfilled $1.00
Baby Bracelets, 14-karat goldfilled .....jfl.00
Baby Locket and Chain, 14-karat goldfilled 81.00
Ladies' Sterling Silver White Stone Bar Pins, very swell .81.00
Ladies' Lingerie Clasp, plain or engraved. Sterling silver and 14-karat goldfilled Ml.OO
Ladies' 14-karat Goldfilled Brooches, very latest design and with different sets $1.00
Genuine Gillette Razor with blades, in nice case ...81.00
14-karat Goldfilled Cuff Buttons, swell designs jn green and white gold 81.00
14-karat Goldfilled Stick Pins, set with rubies, emeralds, amethysts, etc ..$1.00
14-karat Goldfilled Waldemar Watch Chains; soldered links, in regular and
green gold ...... $1.00
14-karat Goldfilled Regular Gents' Watch Chains, soldered links, each $1.00
14-karat Goldfilled Tie Clasp, engraved or plain '.... 81.00
14-karat Goldfilled Belt Buckle or Sterling silver frlled '
Genuine Leather Belts, any size, each , 81.00
Special for Wednesday
Sterling Silrer
Thimble 17c
Any She
We were very foi-tunate to se
cure another large shipment to put
on sale Wednesday.
I n v o lvlng
every Comb
in stock.
All the very
styles, at .
(he More S?Ie, Then It's Ai! Good Night Monday, Tuesday and Wedneshay
War Prices Have Disappeared From Our Store
How often have too wished for a beautiful Cameo Brooch Stick Pin
or Ring? He bar this year ana of the most elegant new stocks of
Cameos, all set in solid gold mountings with safety catch and ring,.'
at just one-half ot regular prices, and no war prices in our store.
No. BJf Very Largs and Beautiful Carntllan Cameo Brooch, slegstt
olid gold mounting and pearls; last ysar war price 151.00; pria)
1 now fl.(l
Ko. 45fi Largs and Pine Cut Carnelian Cameo Brooch in fancy ooifs.'
gold mouuUng and pearls; last year war pries 50.00; pries
now i ?2.V
TSo. 410 Medium Size Artistic Carnelian Cameo Brooch in swi'
solid gold mounting and pearls; last year war prlco 143.00; prlot
now 22.50
So. S10 Largo and beautiful Carnelian Cameo Brooch, very nifty,
solid gold mounting; last year war price J27.00; price now ..$13.50
No. 83 Medium Size Carnelian Cameo Brooch, green gold mounting
and very artistic; lsftf year war price 42;-60; pries now , . . .$21.00
No. iti Medium Small Carnelian Cameo Brooch, solid gold fancy
Filigres mounting; last year war price $13; price now... ...96.50
No. 541 Small Pink Cameo Brooch, hand engraved, solid gold
mounting: lust year war price $7.50; price now S3.T6
No. "97 Coral Cameo Gentleman's Stick Pin, beautiful green gold
mounting: last year war price $21.00: price now ..........SlO.oO
No. 7851 Coral Cameo Gentleman's SticTj Pin, nifty green gold
Filigree mountingilast year war pries $18.00; price now.... 90.00
No. 4067 Carnelian Stick Pin Cameo for gentlemen, green gold
mounting; last year war price $14.00; price now 37.00
No. 400S Carnelian Cameo Stick Pin, beautiful head, solid gold, -
hand engraved mounting: last year war price to.00: $9.50
No. 401$ Small and Nifty Carnelian Cameo Gentleman's Stick Pin.
solid gold: last year war price s4.oo; now z,uu
So. 4001 Pink Cameo, small and handsome, solid gold, hand en-
rraved mounting: last year war price S4.00: price now .....Bl.oo
Cameo. Cornelian l'lnk nnd Coral Cameo, little Finger Rings to snit
the most discriminatlug ladies. Several hundred to select from at
just One-Half of regular war prices.
No. SCO Light rink uorai cameo King, green goia iiiigree, rancy
mounting: last year war price S2&.00: price now
No. 78 Eight Pink Coral Cameo Ring, Indeed beautiful, swell green
gold mounting: last year war prlco iis.uo; price now ..- fo.oo
No. 75 Wonderful Carnelian Cameo Ring, perfectly carved head
with Filigree green gold mounting; last year war price $3U.ev;
price now S15.00
No. 7t7 Large Carnelian Cameo Little Finger Ring, Black Hills
gold mounting and surely beautiful; last year war price sis.uv:
price now xsk.... fO.SO
No. 87 Pink Cameo Ring, perfect carved liouil, Llaek Hills gold
mounting and beautiful; last year war price $18; priee now $0.00
No. 18 Pink Cameo Ring in green gold hand engraved mounting;
last year war price $8.00; prlco now $4.00
no. 45 Pink (Jameo f inger King, nana engraved, beautiful mount
ing; last year war price $7.00; sale price $.1.50
Ladies' Solid Gold Cameo Lavallieres
With Solid Gold Chain
No. SOOt Pink Cameo, swell hand en
graved mounting with solid gold neck
lace; last year war pries $11.00; price
now S5.50
No. 3036 Pink Cameo Lavallieres, square
mounting, all hand engraved, solid
gold necklace; last year war price $11;
prlco now $6.50
o- rfoio carnelian cameo Lavalllere with
solid gold hand engraved mounting and
solid gold chain; last year war price
$8.50; pries now $i.5
-o. 3003 solid cold I.avalliere. pink cam
eo, solid gold necklace, mounting hand
ngraved and elegant; last year war
price $$.00: price now S4.I
Above are all Imported Italian Cameos,
guaranteed the best money can buy. Yon
ahonld select your cameo now and have it
laid away ror enristmas. A small payment
wui ao tuts.
y2 Price
6 Days and ,
Take Advantage at This Cat
Cut Glass Electrolier. 13 inches high; 118.00 value;
sale price ..-99
Cut Glass Flower Basket, la Inches high; $10.00
value; sale price .....(5.
Cut Glass Flower Basket. 11 inches high; $4.00
value: sale price
Cut Glass Fern Dish. S inches wide; $8.00 value,
sale erica .- ....94.
Cut Glass Berry Bowl, 10 inches wide; 15.09 value;
sale price .-IS.
Cut Glass Vase, 12 Inches high; $10.00 value;
sale price (5,
Cut Glass Vase. 10 inches high; $( 00 value;
sale price ....08,
Cut Glass Comport, t inches high; $.s value;
sale price .bjz.
Christmas is Here
Sale Startles; Monday at A. M.
Cut OTflfiH Clerv Trav. 11 Inches lrtnr- 14 00 vain?
,00 sale price
. Cut Glass Naocr. I Inches lonr: $2.00 value:
,00 sale price 91.BO
Cut Glass Nappy, I Inches, with handle; $2.50 value;
,00 sale price fl.25
Cut Glass Nappy, 4 inches around, $2.50 value;
,00 sale price 11.25
Cut Glass Nanny. 7 inchea around: $3.00 value:
,00 - sale price ,
Cnt Glass Goblets, dozen; $8.00 value: sale price..
,00 Cut Glass Sherbets, tall stem; $S.SS value; sale price
Cut Glass Sherbets, low stem: $4.50 value; sale price.
OO - Cut Glass Creamer and Purar. $10.00 value: now
These are ell the latest and most beautiful cuts.
76 look will convince you ss to the value.
15. OO
This elegant stock of Pearl Handle Sterling Silver Ferrule
Table Ware is getting limited. Come early Monday and
get yours. only e days to Amas.
Sterling: Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Gravy Ladle,
last year war price 12.50; price now.....
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Cream Ladle,
last year war price $1.50; price now
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Cold Meat Fork,
last year war price 12.50; price now
Sterling' Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Salad Forks,
individual, dozen; Hast year war price ?8.00; price now
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Salad Fork,
last year war price 12.50; price npw..
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Salad Spoon,
last year war price ?2.50; price now
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Pie Knife,
last year war price ?2.50; price now
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Pie Server,
last year war price 52.50; price now
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Butter Spreaders,
Va dozen; last year war price $8.00; price now ,
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Fruit Knives,
dozen; last year war price $6.00; price now."......'."..
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Orange Knives,
y2 dozen; last year war price fs.00; price now.
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Berry Spoon,
last year war price $2.50; price now.
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Sugar Spoon,
last year war price $1.50; price now
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Jelly Server,
last year war price $1.50; price now
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Cheese Knife,
last year war price $1.50; price now
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Ice Tea Spoons,
Jys dozen; last year war price 8.00; price now
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Child's Set,
three pieces; last year war price $4.00; price now.
Sterling Silver Ferrule Pearl Handle Tea Strainer,
last year war price $2.50; price now
. ; 75
-52. 00
Brodegaard Bros.
Will Sell You
For Just
Two Hours
MONDAY 10 a. m.
to 12 O'Clock Sharp
Tea Spoons
R. & B. Jewel Pattern
' ; At
Don't be late.
144 sets of
these beautiful
Ice Tea Spoons
were sold in
less than 1
Opon Evenings Till 9 O'clock
Mail Orders Promptly Attended and Shipped Same Day Received. Add Return Postage.
- At the Sign ot the Crown Up the Golden Stairs.
Southeast Corner 16 th and Douglas Sts.