THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 18. 1921. S-B I )-!.( i lit Americanization Plans of Omaha D. A. R. Christmas Programs at Social Settlement ChrUtinai week at the Social Settlement ii just Ailed villi interest ing entertainments. Thii afternoon at 3 o'clock the music section of the Omaha College club ill present a program for the children of the Settlement, under the direction of Mis Avis Robert, at follows: Cornet solo, Paul Swoboda; , reading. Margaret Magolin; violin tolo, Yetta Simon; vocal trio, Mrs. J. E. Wallace, Mrs. A. F. Leermakers, Miss Avis Roberts; instrumental quartet, John Keager and Fred Minor, violin; Carl Thomas, cello; Mable Hendrickson. piano. Rev. W. N. Wallace will speak. The College club will hold its annual meeting at the Settlement Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The afternoon will be spent filling Christmas boxes ana trimming the tree for the children. For many years the club has provided the tree at the Settlement. Mrs. Herbert McCoy will tell of her summer in China with her daughter, Mist Helen, who is a teacher in Gingling college. Vocal num bers wifl be given by a quartet, including Mrs. William Locke, Mrs. A. F. Leermakers, Miss Laura Petersen and Miss Avis Roberts. , Tea will be served at the close of the program. A mothers' party will be given at the Settlement house Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, under direction of Mrs. W. S. Knight, assisted' Dy junior League members, Miss Orace borenson and Mrs. Kay J. Abbott. Christmas carols will be sung by Mesdamej Harold Pritchett, Jack Webster, Lawrence Drinker and Miss Daphne Peters. Miss Grace Sorrn sn will tell Christmas stories; a song group will be given by Miss Helen Walker; violin solo, Miss Virginia Pixley; piano solos, Mrs. Robert Turner. Mrs. Abbott will present Miss Ellen Peterson in a dance number, Miss Genevieve Parker in a song group and reading, and Harry Fryxell, pianist. About 500 children will participate in the Christmas tree celebration at the Settlement on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Each child will re ceive a bag of candy. The W. I. L. L. club meets for dramatic art on Monday evening. The II. E. L. P. club will have a Christmas dinner, followed by dramatic art on Tuesday evening and the Royal Q. B. C. club has supper at the Settlement Wednesday evening. M. A. P. club meets for dramatic art f Thursday evening. D. A. R. Year Book. . The 1921-1922 Year Book of the Omaha chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution has iusl been published by the year book committee under the direction of Mrs. Frank P. Larmon, assisted by Mrs. Harry C. Foster and Mrs. R. C, Hunter. This is an attractive book let containing a complete list of of ficers and a membership roster of over 200 names; also historians re , port of the interesting activities of the past year. . The Omaha chapter has recently tDonsored the ' oreanization of the Nebraska society of the Children of the American Revolution under the leadcrshio of Mrs. George E. Mickel who has recently been appointed state director of C. A. R. for Ne braska, with Mrs. Donald B. Allan organizing secretary. Mrs. Robert A. Finley is chapter regent; Mesdames Homer C. Stuntz and Richard C. Hoyt, vice regents; Mesdames Timothy D, Dinan and R. C. Hunter, secretaries. Mrs. Maynard C. Cole is treasurer; lrs. frank r. Larmon. Mrs. John J. Foster, and Mrs. John J. Stubbs, registrar, his torian and chaplain, respectively. Mesdames Charles A. Aull, Frank J. Hughes and Edgar H. Allen make up the advisory board. Public Speaking, Woman's Club. The public speaking department of the Omaha Woman's club has dis continued :ts meetings until Tuesday. January 3. University of Omaha Closes for, the - Holidays. With an exhibit, a special Christ mas' convocation exercise and a journalism fraternity party, the Uni versity of Omaha closed for the holi day vacation Friday. V f,The Old Settler's Cabin" and "The Window," paintings by Mrs. Alfred Sorensen, formerly in the Ne braska art exhibit, were features of the exhibit Friday. Mrs. Sorensen is a pupil of Miss Augusta Knight, head of the Omaha university art department. Tie dyeing by Rozanne Swenson and Helen Burton and Batik dyeing bv Miss Augusta Knight were beau .tifullv displayed. Leather work, pen copper pieces, wooa carving, 1 l lck and white drawings and water- color and oil paintings by students were exhibited Prof. Vartanian, head of the de partment of religious education, and Miss Helen MacDonald were in charge of the special convocation exercises Friday. .The kindergarten department, directed by Miss Mary B. Fox, sang a Christmas song. Dr. Vartanian is a nafive of Asia-Minor, and knows the Holy Land. well. Thirty-two members of the "Pup." the University o.f Omaha journal ism fraternity, had a "Dutch treat" spread in the journalism rooms Fri day afternoon. Christmas presents to members and pledges of the or- ! ganization were taken trom the Christmas tree . and distributed by Jliss Marjorie Current. Miss Leona Leary, Miss Inez Moore and Rich ard Scholes, members of the orig inal group of eight "Pups" were present. ; . Heads Scottish Rite Club Omaha chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, with Mrs. Alexander C. Troup as chairman of the Americanization committee, is planning a program of Americaniza tion work to be carried out in the city in the near future. Mrs. Troup has been very active in this work. She has served as chairman of .Americanization for the Douglas County Council of Defense and has assisted Miss Ella Thorn gate, supervisor of Americanization of the public schools. Her commit tee is composed of Mrs. W. P. Ad kins, who is chairman of a subcom mittee on literature to be distributed among the foreigiv-born; Miss Anna Adams, chairman of a subcommittee to co-operate with Americanization department of public schools; Mrs. j rrank Kennedy, chairman ot sub committee to work among foreign- born girls, aiding them in a social way, and Mrs. S. H. Blackwell, chairman of a committee to assist the better film movement. ' It is the hope of the chapter to co-coerate with other organizations in the community in tnis work ot aiding the foreign-born to become intelligent and valuable citizens. A movement is begun by Omaha and sadler chapters to open a class for instruction in Americanization un der the direction of Miss Thorn- gate. Joint Installation. Golden Rod ladies' auxiliary and Success, B. R. T., will hold a joint installation Monday evening in the Sweedish auditorium. Miss Margaret Delaplane of Kansas Ciy, vice grand president of Golden Rod, L. A., and Mayor and Mrs. lames Dahiman will be honor guests. Mrs. Mamaret Ormsby is serving her fourth consecutive term as presi dent of the local auxiliary. , Mrs. Frank Furness will be a delegate from the local auxiliary to the in ternational triennial convention to be held in Toronto, Canada, May, 1922. Scottish Rite Woman's Club. The meeting of the Scottish Rite Woman's club, scheduled for Decern; ber 23, has been postponed until De cember 30. It will be a social meet ing and card party. J I y: I ' " ' v . t Jt ' 1 ' S v. ' J l: J ' 1 I n 1 mm iimani'r' i tI' n r hum i is Club Calendar Mrs. John W. Simpson," newly elected president of the Scottish Rite Woman's club, has been active in club work for a number of years. She is a member of Vesta chapter, O. E. S., and a past president of Vesta chapter kensington. For the past three seasons she served as chairman of courtesies for the Scottish Rite Woman's club and was vice president of the organiza tion this year. She is also a member of the L. O. E. club, Maccabees and Degree of Honor. The Scottish Rite Woman's club with a membership of more than 1,400 is the largest woman's club in the state, according to Mrs. Simpson. Christ Child 'Society At the regular monthly meeting of the board of directors on Monday plans were discussed for the Christ mas entertainment to be given at the Christ Child Center and at St. Benedicts Colored Center. The children of the Christ Child Center will give a program at four centers St. Anthonys. St. Bene dicts, St. Michaels and the East Locust center. Mrs. Mark Coad, chairman of the automobile ' corps, reported that Mrs. M. Shirley and Mrs. O. Bar mettler have volunteered their serv ices to the Renter for one day a week. The Athletic club basket ball team' held a practice on Wednesday evening at the Creighton gymna sium. The team played a double header at Ashland, Neb., on Friday evening. The following men were selected for this, event: S. J. Car nazzo, Tony Sofio, John Grico, John Montalbario, Angelo . . Marcuzzo, George Nusrallah, Ralph Foral and Alfred Butera. Members of the Jnior league have volunteered to assist Miss Dorothy Storritz, visiting nurse, at the center on Baby day. Delphian Study Club. The meeting of the Delphian Study club, scheduled for December 19,. has been postponed until January 3. X, W. C. A. I ra - Sunday Gipsy Smith Bible circle, 4 p. m., Central Association building, book of Mark. There will also be a short address by Miss Julia Wood ward, who has spent the past five years in mission work in India. Monday Federation of Clubs, sup per at 5:45, followed by sewing on garments to be provided to the poor families which the clubs of the fed eration are providing with clothing, toys and a dinner at Christmas time. The clubs will also sing Christmas carols during the evening, and in the sports class, which meets at 8:15, the teams from Fellowship and Many Centers clubs will play the W. D. T. and G. P. C. teams in match games of volley ball. The federation Christmas gut i shop is open every day, with many articles on display. The proceeds from the sales are to be used to pay i the federation's pledge to the Y. W. C A. budget. J Wednesday Morris Girls' club ; practice volley ball at South High ; school. ' , The personality class will meet Wednesday, January 4. Thursday B. C club meets at j 7:30 for carol singing and work on j Christmas gifts and clothing for ; children. Friday "White Christmas' "pro gram and" bringing of gifts to asso ciation auditorium, at 8 p. m. Gifts may be left at association any time during the week. The program be gins at 8 o'clock Friday evening and all members and friends are invited to attend. These gifts will be dis tributed to the worthy poor of the community by the authorized char itable organizations. , Friday night Bible class will not sjtsst until titer the holidays. Fill the Gift List with "Gifts That Last" For Him FRATERNAL EMBLEMS Pin., finely mad.: $1, $3.50 and $5 Platinum and diamond pint $37.80 Charm lor chain or fob $5. $10 and $25 Rin flS, $25 and $50 SCARF PINS, diamond and apphlru. mounted in platl f ntun $35 WALDEMAR CHAINS, th f ift ur of . appreciation, at 11.00. $54)0 and $20 BELTS, heavy aterllnf buckle $3 JO, $5 and $10 WATCHES, excellent worknianihip represent in t ere. tin f holiday value. For Her PEARLS, tnnin Indestrur'.ISIe. as low as... $5.50 Alt nqulsit of ferine in Richelieu, La T a use a and Deltah pearls. - CHESTS OF SILVER, a !ft every woman love ' $11.75. $25, $35 and $50 RINGS Came Fiaoor Rim, t add a dainty bit of color to any coetume $5, $10.25, $15 and $25 Fancy Stono Riat. the choice of her birth.tone is an appreciated thouf htfulnee $5, $12.50 and $25 Diamond Rmfs, holiday special pricing $175 Diamond Rin. special ift aMortment $25 WRIST WATCHES, doubly guaranteed by both Henrickaon and the maker. For the Home SILVER, an open stock vhich Includes such well-known silver as "1847 Racers Bras." Community and Reed tt Barton, M individual iHeM and set. - Vegetable Dishes, covered $15 Mast Platters ,V". 20 Chop Set. tuusoalry beautiful In designing. 12Vt inches in diameter, octagonal la shape, beaded trim, the cover large enough to as extra vegetable dish $25 Sandwich Plat. . $7JW S12JSO and $15 Bmd Tray $. $. $' Coffee Sets. $2 to $150 Special holiday shewing of sterlma- gift piecee $1J0, $2 -SO, $3-50, $5 and $1 CUT CLASS. th largest selection of ojuality cut glass In the city, a showing which features Hawkos and Ubbey glass pieces. An mraisit sift eclectic anient be a Jewel case of cut glass la attaint saaviag or aao of the new high conn bottles. John Henrickson Jeweler Sixteenth! at Capitol Establishes! 1882 Return From School. Among the school girls who have already returned are Miss Izetta Smith, who came Friday, and Miss Cornelia Eaum and her guest, Miss Gertrude Kayser of Los "Angeles, who arrived Saturday. Robert Smith, Frederick Nash, jr., and Jim Ingwerson also returned Saturday. Edward L. Burke, jr., will be home from Taft school "Tuesday and Mil ton Barlow, from Hotchkis's, will ar rive Monday morning. SUNDAY. Omaha College Hub, Muel Heetlon Sunday. S p. ni. Social Settlement bnuea llee Avie ill have ehsrae of prvirtrn, rtev. W, N. Wajlai'e. speaker. Houo of Hope, THIS North Thirtieth Mreet Sunday, 9:30 p. m.' Kv. Howard Hhn.omB of Calvary Daptiat hurrh. aneaker. 1'H'grani of mualii mill al.o t . Old People's Home, Fontenell Boule. vnrd 'Munday services, S;Jtt p. m. II ow aru Baldrlge, speaker. Noug group, Mtas Harriet Mela, accompanied, by airs. Wal ler Biiver. Omaha Walking flub Sunday. I p. m from alarlun 1'ark elation on Knrt Crook and rlellevue Interurhan. through Fonto- n.lle Forest to Walking club shsck. Ivi lirosdwell, leader. (jet Acquainted Club Sunday, 7:30 p. m, Klrat Unitarian church, Turner boule- tard and Harney street. Meetings are r.onaectarlan and are open to all lonely folk. alts, raul K. Harlan, director. MONDAY. Tennyson haeteuqua Circle Monday, 5 p. in.. T. W, C. A. Mrs. K. F. Blmp. son, leader. Omaha Woman's Club, Polltlral and No- rial Hcienre Department Monday, J:Ju P. n... Y. W. C. A. Mrs. H. C Humney In i harts ot program. I'ounrU of Jewish Women Monday, 1:10 D. m.. new Jen-tan Community center, third floor Lyrln building. Program of literature and music. P. K. O. Rlaterhood, Chapter B. 8. Monday, !:!!0 p. in., (kith Mrs. R. A. Ralph, S17 H:ippy Hollow boulevard. Mr. I. M. Wyokotf, leader. Subject, "Recent Ungllah Foetus." (inlden Rod. I.. A. and Surcea. R. It. T. Monday evening, Nwedlah auditorium, Joint Installation. Mr. Margaret rela plan of Kanaa City, vlc grand preei. dent, and Mayor and Mr. Jame Daht man will be bonor guest. TUESDAY. Omaha College Club Executive) Board- Tuesday, 4 p. in., Fontenelle hotel, -V. 8. Grant W. K. C Tursday, 1:10 p. m.. Memorial hall, court house. Looml and Leavenworth Height Chan- tttitquo Circles Tuesday, 3 p. in., Y. W. C. A. P. F. 0. Sisterhood, Chapter R. X. Tuesday, 1 o'clock luncheon with Mr. IT. D. Flnlayaon, SOUS Nicholas street, lira, A. K. Uood, asalattnt hoates. Omaha Spanish Cltib Tueiday, S p. m., 310 Patterson block. Seventeenth and Far nam street. All those Interested In the study ot Spanish are Invited to sttend. South Omaha Woman's Clnb, Muato De- iwrtment Tueday, 5:30 p. m., tmrary hall, South Side. Mrs. Frank: Prucka, leader. Subject, "American Composers Charles Wakefield Cadman." Mrs. Orace Poole Steinberg, chorus leader. Omaha Woman' Club, Current Topics Department Tuesday, p. m., T. W C A. Bible lesaon, Paul at Rome,' Acts 28. Current event, 3:30, Subject, "Christ inas Sentiment and Disarmament Con ference." . Mary I. Crelgh, leader. Omaha Business Woman's Club Tues day, 6:13 p. in., Y. W, C. A. dinner and program. Miss Jessie Towns will review "Poetry ot Amy Lowell." Members may Invite guests. Reservations for dinner should be made at Y. W. C. A. office by Monday evening. WEDNESDAY. Omaha Woman's Club, Musis Depart ment Wednesday, 2 p. m.. Y. W. C. A. auditorium. Mrs, Ward Shafer, leader. Prof. Henry Cox. director. Ennis Clnb Wednesday evening, St. Mary Magdalene hall, Nineteenth and Dodge streets. Social meeting. All Btrangers and lonely folic welcome. Mn Sigma Wednesday, 9:30 a. m. with Mr. Frank Boyd. 38G0 Harney treet. Mr. Frank Norton, leader. Subject, "Modern Drama, D'Annunzio and Echegaray." Omaha Woman's Clnb, Railway Mail service weanesaay, a p. m., wun Mr. A. B. Field, 4321 Decatur street. Christmas party, Mrs. John Blttlnger and Mrs. J. H. Musgrave, In charge. Omaha College Clnb, General Meeting Wednesday. 3 p. m., Social Settlement house. Mr. Herbert McCoy will speak on China. Following program members will fill Christmas boxes and trim tree tor Washington Society. (leatlsued Kress Page Oat.) the? cabinet room of the Willard (he middle of last week in honor of Gen eral, the tail of I avail, when among tiiat giirtn were the tecrelary of war, Mr. Weeks, and a number of the mct prominent American and visiting foreign ofiicert. The next day he had a luncheon at the new Racquet club on Sixteenth street in Honor of ueueral Diaz. Mr, and Mn. Malcolm Raldrige of Urnalia, who were married m that city on November 30, apent a part of tin week in W'ashincton at the Wil- lard after being- at the Hot Spring fM Virginia since their wedding. They did much sight aeeing, but little visiting among their many friends here. They went to New York on Thursday for the wedding of Miss Davidson, daughter of Henry I'. Davidson, who is marrying a classmate of Mr. Baldrige at ale, where Mr, Baldrige was a foot ball th ett!mnt children, served tt I p. m, Tea will be THURSDAY. Omaha Woman's Clnb, Parliamentary Law Department Thuraday, 1:30 p. m.. Y. W. C. A. Topic. "Duties and nights of Officers and Members." Mr. A. L. Fernsld, leader. Mothers' Guild for Homele.i Hoys Thursday, 3 p. ni . Metropolitan hall, Twenty-second and Harney street. Mem. her will w all afternoon for boys of Father Flanagan' home. . FRIDAY. George Crook W. R. C Friday, i p. m., Memorial hall, court house, SATURDAY. Omaha Walking Club Saturday, t p. m., from the end of Albright car line over Walking club trail to WHey Point camp, Charles Oadvay, leader. star, lie is now head coach at I'rcitihlon university, Mrs. lUldrige it formerly Miss Regina lonncll, catchier of the late Dr, K. V. Con nrll. Mrs. Charles Barton ami ber daughter, Mis Barton, and the (or. mers sister, Mrs. Martcl and her daughter. Mits Maud, all of Oma ha, have taken an Apartment at Connecticut avenue lor the winter. The young girls are debutantes of this season, but their mothers have made no plans as yet for their for mal debut in Washington society. , Miss Mary Hamilton ef Omaha, who has been visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hamilton, remained over for the dance which Mr, and Mrs. Hamilton guve for their debutante daughter this week, and for one or two dinner parties. After making a visit of one week to her aunt, Mrs. D. C. Stapleton, Miss Hamilton returned to the home of the George Hamilton! for this week and will start home on Mon day, afler a very gay visit among the debutantes of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott had a box at the concert of Mme. Gadaki Sunday night, December 4, and had with them Mr. and Mrs. J. C Davis and the lattcr's sister, Mrs. Good rich; Mrs. Scott's sister, Miss Dodge, who has been their guest for several weeks, and their young daughter, Miss Scott. Mrs. Scott and her sis ter, Miss Dodge, were guests of Mrs. A. W, JcfTeris at congress on the day President Harding delivered his ad dress to congress. Mrs. Smyth, wife of Judge Con- stantine J. Smyth, who has been for some months in Omaha with their two daughters, Mrs. Clarence Sib bcrnsen and Mrs. Charles W. Bur gess, returned this week 1 W'a li ington and joined J uIkc Sh tli in their apartment at .MHO SKucntii street. Mrs. Kcndrick, wife of Smulor J, B. Krndrick of Wyoming, lud a luncheon for young girls lit school in Washington tat wrrk and amor if the guests was Miss Catherine bprh man of Nebraska. Miss Mary Kose Bills of Shrlhm, N'eb., was the guest for whom Mins Anna Marie Sweeney entertained at a diniitr dance la't week. Mrs. L. II. Brooke and her dangle ter.a Mrs. R. V. Look and Min Genevieve Brooke, are in their apart ment in the Highlands for this early season, after spending the summer and early autumn it) Canada. They expect to sail for Europe next month, Mrs. Brooke and her daughters are well known in Omaha, where they visit frequently and where tiny have many relatives, Mrs, Brooke in troduced both her daughters in Washington society at diflerent times several years ago, where each took a prominent place among the buds of her year. Mrs. Rathbun of Fremont, Neb, who has been in Washington at Congress Hall for several weeks after having her son, Jack K ithhtin, come up from his school at Waynes boro, V'a., for Thanksgiving, left yesterday for their Nebraska home to spend the Christinas holidays. Nebraska Calendars. League of Women Voters' cal endars are meeting with favor as Nebraska souvenirs. Mrs. G. V. Holdrrge has purchased 28 of them for Christmas gifts to friends. Mrs. Draoer Smith will have disposed of 20(1 within a few days. . .. . ESTABLISHED tSOO dia: Because of their unsurpassed beauty and sentiment, are ideal possessions. We have them in Rings from $10 to $1,200 Let Us Show Them to You 3Wsrjg i J f ISftDOME An Interesting Christmas Diamond Sale WE have purchased three special lots of diamonds at a special price and are giving our customers third less than they have been sold in Omaha for three years. These are high grade Diamonds and we give our personal guarantee with every stone sold. s i wmm m m. The greatest gift of them all--' Ph oenix! Choose From Three Great Value-Giving Diamond Groups Lot No. 1 Lot No. 2 Lot No. 3 One-Half carat Diamonds, each .... Three-Fourths carat Diamonds, each ... One carat Diamonds, each ... $150 300 . 395 ij 1 I i I I- t Whether it be Hosiery or Silken Underwear noth ing will so completely fulfill the thought of gift giving as a box of Phoenix. And here at PHOENIX HEADQUARTERS you will find a complete array of every one of the wonderful Phoenix Products. Women' Phoenix ' Silk Underwear A complete size range, in all desirable shades. VESTS $2.10. $2.35, $2.50 BLOOMERS $3.95, $4-25 Two Stores-" 508 Sou tli 1 6th a4 .1908 Farnam Street Phoenix Silk Hosiery A thorough assortment awaits your gift se . lection. MEN'S 40c to $1.65 WOMEN'S 50c to $3.50 v 4 for MEN MAIL ORDERS receira prompt attention place them NOW! Come in and select the diamond, have it mounted in ring, brooch or scarf pin. A se lection will be held with a small deposit. Diamonds are still the safest and most enjoyable investment to be made, and Brown's reputation pre vails during this sale. C. B. Brown & Co. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS 16th and Farnam Street "The Treasure Chest of Omaha" The HALLMARK Store Mill Oram Im C rrfl, , Prom Attiatlta 8arttHla Sttllfaetla f 'Eacli little drop of lioneii in its ttmi h cell is not purer food than W' s c.