THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1921. U5. Collect $3,000 In Fines on Booze Charges in Hour Four Py Fines of $300 Etch And Have ReaortJ 'Closed Mauy Assessed Lc . Amounts. I'ncle Sam did a profitable 1mm rr in finea yeMerday. More than $.1,000 was eollfded (or liquor viola tion in one hour by l. C. Iloyt. clrrk of the court. "Dutch Kahlrr, Tony Tomato. Louis Sin and Tom Erta paid $500 each. Their placet of buMne$ also were closed for one year. Charles Simanrlc wa fined $250 end Joe Tavelka. $150. Judge Wood rough ordered their auto released. He fined Joe Colforo $100, hut for feited the latter' car. Smaller fines brought up the total. James F. Anderson was fined $23 for sending an obscene letter through the mails. Barney Rovinski.. found guilty by a jury, probably has a jail sentence! u dure mr mm. i nc juukc or dered him to arrange his family af fairs with an "absence" in mind. The federal jury was then dis missed until January 10, when Judge T( C Munger of Lincoln will come here to hold court. Judge Wood rough, who leaves for. the cast to night, will hold court in Xew York city'until February L Fire Captain Retires. City council yesterday approved retirement on pens ionof Junior Cap tain Hans C Kaufman of the fire department. Glen H. Curtiss Awarded Patent for Hydro-Airplanes New York. Dee. I6.-Tln United States circuit court of appeals held yesterday that Glrnn If. Curtiss ai the firt person to invent and oper ate a flying host and iuued ail order awarding him the broad patent for hydro-airplanes. The decision, said by aeronautic experts to be one of the mose sig nificant developments in aviation ince the Wright patents were up held, reversed the lower court's rul ing which awarded the patent rights to A. S. Janin, an inventor of Ma ten Island. It constituted the lat est development in a legal battie fought since 1913. The decsion was based on the fact that Janin had hern granted his pat ent on the strength of an invention not "reduced to practice." but that Curtis, while applying some months later, had already demon strated its operation. Ihe dcciMott eliminated from the contest for the fundamental patent the French pioneer, Fahre, who. Thomas Egan Is Optimist Over Irish Situation Prospective Settlement Practi cal Solution, Believes Opera , Star Clo&ing American Tour in Omaha. ,, Thomas Egan, Irish opera tenor, who appeared in the Auditorium last night for the benefit of Father l lanagan's Home (or Boys, visual ire an Ireland great in commercial achievements, in the cultural phases of life, and in all things that make a nation strong. At Hotel Fontenclle Thursday afternoon he chatted enthusiastically over the future of national opera, with which he has been iden tified and with which he hope to be associated in a larger sense, now that I Erin is to step forward in the, march long rnn.fniwj . i.v,irn.9irnin.. ol human progress, lie bclieres mat with uhirl, li rn (mm tl, ,atr'the prospective settlement of the but which he never succeeded landing without wrecking. Spanish Gunboat Captures French Vessels Gun-Running Madrid. Dec. 16.-(Bv A. The Spanish gunboat Bonil'as has captured two French sailing vessels Irish question contains atl the prac tical things for which the Irish have fought during the long years. "I know that the settlement is just a step short of what some would have obtained, but it seems to me it is a practical solution, and I am con fident that Ireland wiirclo'i her great resources" and that she will ad- which were conveying consignments 1,1 lnS al": "A0,?-- initions to the Mo-I am connacnl .yu"" wl" , of arms and munit roccan insurgents and sunk another vessel engaged in the same occupa tion, it was announced in an official report received here today. The report states that the captures and sinking were effected off Al- a great center ot Irish culture ana art. The old parliament building, which was deserted in 1800, still stands." Closes American Tour. The famous singer closed his pres- hucemas. on the Mediterranean coast ent American tour last r!:ht. In Jan of Spanish Morocco. I uary he will return to Dublin, there to take up bis work of promoting the. National Irish opera. The plan w to adopt a repertoire of operas which will be sung in the Gaelic language. Some of the standard operas will be translated into Gae lic, as they have been into other languages, the most tecent being Yiddish. Mr. Egan explained that "Muirgheis" lias been written by O'Brien Mutter in original Gaelic text and will be used by the new national operatic organization. "We are looking for an Irish operatic masterpiece, to be written in Gaelic, somewhat in the style of the Wagnerian music-drama and based on an old Irish legend," the singer added. "This opera would rc- licet the costumes, the languifje ahdJ "During the last 10 year 'the schrol children of Ireland nave !been taught Garlic in- connection with English. One of the ideals of Ire land will be to revive her literature and her language." He is confident that Ulster soon will become a part of the new Ire land and that all will work together for the common gd. He Is Confident. "Of course." lie admitted, "we may not always agree among our selves on every question, but I am lire that Irehiid is going forward with a new life and purpose." Mr. Egan, who was the original promoter of the new National Irish opera, rerved as general director of war camp entertainment during the period of the war. He has lived in Dublin most of his life and was the first Irish singer to sing Italian opera in Ireland. Mine. Breton, who appeared in concert with him last night, stated that the people of the United States have more general knowledge of music than the people of any other country. She explained this by say ing; that the Italians, for instance, know Italian opera and stop with that. HOSPE'S has been, headquarters for musical instruments for years. Omaha's finest musicians recognize the fam ous brands we carry. The novice has confidence in them, too. - Christmas is Only Seven Shopping Days Away 0 Don't wait any longer, to make your gift selections. In thi? ad is a fine assortment of gifts for those ( musically inclined. Come in and choose an instru ment, be it large or small, for some member of your family. You will never have a greater joy than, music in your home. ; Saturday is Wallace Nutting Day In the Little Window There is always room for one more Nutting in any home. Colorful glimpses of Nature in her gorgeous gowns for Spring, Midsummer and golden Autumn. Seen through the camera's eye and hand colored in those natural tints fovnd only in the genuine 7 It sb f-' or n3 occasin we (XMMActLuXXZ lave framed a number of the favorites in our Art Craft Frames. You'll find them in the Little Window along with the rest of the family. Golden Autumn. Hollyhock Cottage. The Swimming Pool. Honeymoon Windings. The Red; White and Larkspur. Blue. Now You Know What to Give Nuff Sed. "irn i i Stringed Instruments Somehow, most of us have a few tender memories tuck ed away in which a Guitar or Mandolin played some part. The young folks will appreciate these instruments they, too, have need for this aort' of melody. The-following price- list gives a fine - idea of the "ange of gift choosing in our Small Instruments Depart ment. Martin Ukuleles, $12.00 and up. Ukuleles, $3.50 and up. Banjo Ukuleles, $8.00 and up. Mandolins, $5.00 and up. Martin Mandolins, $24.00 and up. Weyman Mandolins, $30.00 and up. Washburn Mandolins, $30.00 and up. Guitars, $8.00 and up.v Washburn Guitars, $22.00 and up. Martin Guitars, $36.00 and up. Orpheum, Vega, Gibson & Bruno Banjos, Tenor Ban jos and Banjo-Mandolins, $15.00 and up. Newest Player Rolls for December Weep No More My Mammy Fox Trot. . . My Wishing Moon Waltz Ballad. Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes Fox Trot. Blue Bird Ballads Serenade. ' The Old Road. Story Rolls Flirtation. Love Letters. Q R S Rolls for Christmas "Santa Claus Time" A descriptive Chirstmas roll for young and old. "Silent Night." "Adeste Fidelis." "Oh, Christmas Tree." "Star of, Peace." All the New Rolls All the Time at Appropriate Gifts for the Musician and Music Student We hive a large aiortment of books of music for the pianist, singer, violinist, end performers on all instruments, ranging in price from 75c up. Many of these are bound most attractively in art covers, making very appropraite gifts. Our line of books about music is complete, and any one of these will be a most useful, gift for the music student. Histories, Harmonies, Diction aries, etc., at prices from 11.00 up. We carry the most complete stock of classic, standard and popular music in this section of the middle west. If it is published we can furnish it. A. Hospe Co. 1513-15 Douglas St. Buescher Saxophones The jazzy , moan of the saxophone has taken .the country by storm. At dances, con certs and home gather ings the saxo phone has won (. a perman ent place. Our line of stand ard makes in lures you against going wrong. 3K SA DAT t r TSUaOC MMK tVftfSTCHtD GRAND PIANO The Banjo isn't an elaborate af fair, but its rythm and swing adds to the gaiety of most any occasion. Isn't there some one of your young friends or relatives who would ap preciate one for Christmas? s A Victor or Brunswick Phonograph for Christmas "Nothing Down" Come in and select any model or style from these two nationally known makes of phonographs. Have us place it in your home and then pay us a small sum per week. Know the pleasure of the world's best music in your own home. Don't wait longer. We may not be able to make this offer again. . $ ft 1 ft ospedo. 1513-15 Douglas Street The Art and Music Store Only 4 feet, 8 inches long THE Apollo Miniature Grand is a signal achievement in piano manufacture of great importance to those who lack the space for a larger grand piano. Through improved methods of construction by which greater string length and sounding board surface is possible, this re markable instrument retains the tone quality and artistic merit of larger grand pianos. Only 4 feet, 8 inches long, the Apollo Miniature Grand conveniently fits a corner of a room without crowding. And it adds that air of distinction and refinement which only a grand piano can give. Come In listen to the tone; try the action; Judge how the Apollo Miniature Grand solves the space problem. We are glad to demonstrate the Apollo without obligation. Farm Body Gets Notes for Loans Executives of State Finance Corporation Meet Daily to Pass on Paper. Offerings cf notes for (arm lom have brcan to arrive at the officei of the Nebraska Agricultural F. nance corporation, 141 J 'oodmfn of the World building. F. H, Davis, presi dent of this state-wide agency, and the other executive ofiicerare meet ing every afternoon to pass on the paper submitted. "Most of the loans will he on live stock," said E. F. Fotda, the secre tary and treasurer. "The feed lots and pastures of Nebraska have to he Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief E LOANS 25t and 75t Packages EverywW. EGZ ICURA BIS FACE In Pimples and Blisters. Itched and Burned. "Eczema broke out on my face In pimples and blisters and itched and burned most all the time. Later it got acaly and formed eore eruptions, and my face was disfig ured. The trouble lasted about three months. I began uslne CuticuraSoso and Ointment and after using two calces of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was completely healed, in about six weeks." (Signed) Bertis Travel stead, R. 1, Box 87, Carrier Mills, IU. Improve your akin by daily use of Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum. SiapItZicirrwferlbU. Addr-u:"CiUnnhk-mtwlM, Dipt H, KtMta l, aw." Sold mrj wnrJ3oap26c. OfntmttittftndMe. T.lcnai2&e. VCuticura Soap ibtin without mug. Tilted up hi ordrr to put the produc ers on their feet. Some nionev ha hren sought on twit and othrr tiuni, We expert to grant this hmever the warehouse and storage hiiis aie registered under the state warchoue law, no nutter whether the grain is on the farm or rUewhere," Mr, Folda uplmnrd that the loans lo be nude throned the mediation of this cut aniatioii with the War K.iunt corporation would he for the iuot part (or largpr amounts. The Nebula Loan foitiuny has len formed by die hanks of the state in order to site tiriowet a means ol floatinir bigger duns than the aver age small l4iik could lundle without cxro. Subscriptions to Ihe slock sie coming in iiniu all parts of the tte, and now hatt g'ont abo4 f.iX),IHil, The prrrnt goal is capt Ulition at $i.0t. Loans on bve stock, grain, tmple mrms and other agricultural securi ties will he made at 8 per cent in terel. They may be made either through the applicant local bank or direct in those cases where their sua or other rrons make this advisable, GIFTS of Leather-- render pleasing thoughts through the many years of service- The great variety of leather articles now on display, will make it an easy task for you to come here and choose the finest gift articles procurable. i The Gift Incomparable "for Ladies Created from the best trade of leathers, in an extensive assortment of designs and col on, many of which are recent importations. Prices ranging from the most elab orate hand-carved creation down to a beautiful bag as illustrated, at jj $3.75 and up The Gift Incomparable for Men Offering an admirable piece of luggage for men that proves itself an everyday essential at an extraordinary price. Capacious 18-inch cowhide bag, welt edges, sewed corners, leather lined, three pockets, snap fasteners and inside lock, in black or mahog , any. $9.75 UI Mil Hi Cigar and Cigarette Cases, $t.SO up Purses and Card Cases, SOe up to $10.00 Portfolio Cases, $3.75 to $25.00 Toilet Traveling Sets, $e.oo up Collar Bags, $1.00 and up Manicure Sets, $1.50 to $10.00 Photo Frames, $1.00 to $10.00 Fitted Suitcases, $25.00 to $125.00 Thermos Bottles, $1.25, $1.TS. Gladstone Bags, $21 AO SUM Music Rolls, $230 up MAIL ORDERS PREPAID Hartmann Wardrobe Trunks, $33.75 to $125.00. FRELING & STEINLE MAIL ORDERS PREPAID 1803 Farnam Street Hare IS Years Buy the Boy Something to Wear Overcoats EVERY DAY will be Christmas in his life if the gifts you buy come from our boys' department. The thousand and one patrons of this store know that your boy will get the best there is to be had at the price quality 'merdiandise chockful of style and service and then, too, as we are retiring from the boys' business, there are LARGE REDUCTIONS ON OUR EN TIRE STOCK. ; V v Suits 40 Reduction OUR entire stock, consisting of every- ' thing desirable in suits, made the way we ' want them and the way you and your boys like them. Already low price reduced 40 per cent. 30 Reduction LOADS of warmth, great workman ship, and styles galore in fact, our entire stock those things alone would make you want to buy the boy's coat here, regardless of the 30 per cent re duction on all prices. '. Boys' Furnishings 20 Reduction THERE isn't an ' article here that the boy wouldn't enjoy for Christmas. Something, that will last and still be appreciated. Glovw Shirts Sweaters Neckwear Bathrobes Handkerchiefs Belts Collars .Mufflers - . ' r Mackinaws ' Underwear Hats and Caps BOYS' SHOr BALCONY .J The Store of Specialty Shops., y a