0 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1921. -IU erf', v Open Hearts, Urge Of Legion in Drive To i Give Vets Cheer Additional Grorcri, Clothing Aih! Money Sought to Al Ic iatc Widespread ; r . Sif faring. , Wof ''riff, clitihhig 'and' rtioiify for rrnt in bring Riven bnt at" rh:Amrr. kui I .eg ion l)ariuartM-t -to needy i-M)!ilicr, carrying out the pro cram of 'Christina cheer," launched ly the Legion, Father L. B. Hoi lptf, chairman p . the emergency I'unimittre, (aid lat night. t . ' "Cut the suffering is so genera! that more money, more clothes, and more fond supplies are needed," said l-athrr Ilolsapple. "The citizens of Omaha would be unable to enjoy their Christmas' in their homes 'if the realiied the' suffering- of these Mldicr boys, who but a short time ao were the heroes of the nation, i nd but a short time ago were facing loatn for their countrymen. Many Out of Jobs. ''Hundreds of them, many with large families, are out of employ ment, and not only will have no Christmas if not given aid, but arc on the verge of hunger. These 'men must be shown that the citzens of this city still remember them. "The work is coming in thick and fast Every dayjwe get more names. These "are investigated at ojice, and w e have 'been -getting immediate re lief in the,'Udrm of groceries and coat.whrre JMs most' needed,-on the sanie dayVuW-e have kept absolutely tipHo-ditewithHlie cases- of imme diate need, 'a, ' t- '"We havr rraia house rent for as eral who. were- on .-the verge of being evicted. We have found work for the most desperate cases. AH clothes promised have been called for, but much more is needed, especially men's shoe's and'' children's wearing apparcj, ... Barely Enough to Live On. . "We have found many cases, al most unbelievable. Here is the let ter from one woman: "'I am an ex-service man's-wife. We have five children. My husband is just making enough for us to bare ly live. Now would you send us a Christmas package if you have any left.; 'But please lct,the rest hav-j thorn first. Ify children will have a bad Christmas thisyear as I can not get. a thing .for, them. .k ., " ',Soniq. days .we are even .without -coal. My. 'husband won't go to sec -you.'and we had nothing on Thanks giving day. For my children's sake, pleac send us something. .'If my huiband Anew I a writing you, lie would scold ine, lie said lie would ratlirr have bread and roftee on Christmas than alc for anything. " "Another letter-read: "'My wife, and child and myself are in need of food and clothing. We tainc to Omaha three months ago. Someone stole our clothes and I have had to stay in the house because my pint are all torn. If I can get some clothes, I can go out and look for work. rlease remember us on Christmas day.' "There are five ways one ran help money, food supplies, clothing, taking an ex-service man for Lnrtst mas. dinner; furnishing Christmas dinner ' to an ex-service man's family." v Those wishing to help are re nuested r call the Legion office, Jackson 2714. or send check, cloth ing, or food supplies to Legion head quarters, court house. Stay Is Sought for Russian Deportee Tout Allen, former United States district attorney, sought a writ of habeas corpus, in federal court here yesterday, to stay the deportation of Robert Gilson of Lincoln, a Russian by birth, who was interned in Ger many for three years during the war, but later escaped and with the aid of relatives came to America. Gilson has been idle much of the time since his arrival here, a brother m Lincoln having supported him, it is said. IHs wife, a Polish woman, who has sued for divorce, also has been ordered deported, but has been given a stay. A "deportation train" is due in Omaha this morning at 2:40 for the cast. Alan Killed in Algiers To Be Buried Here Today The funeral of Thomas M. Hol- man. 28. who died Mav 18. 1920. in Algiers, Africa, will be held this af ternoon at the Hoftman lunerai borne. Mr. Holman is survived by his father, I. M. Holman, Tekamah, and a sister, Mrs. L. A. English, 4216 Meredith avenue, Omaha. Mr. Holman was killed in an ex plosion in Algiers while be was em ployed bv a large London oil syndi cate. He was in the army during the war and entered the employ of the London syndicate about two years ago. Volunteers to Feed 500. The Volunteers of America will brinor Christmas baskets of eatables into 500 poor homes this Christmas, Maj. F. A. McCormick said yester day. Persons wishing to help may send' contributions to the headquar ters of the ' Volunteers, 114 worth Fifteenth street. . . ' Updike tarbon - A 1 HI lump 1 Carbon Egg - Carbon LumpV $9.50 a Ton $10.50 a Ton On Cold, Damp Days m Ideal Fuel, because it is quick to heat and economical. Your friends will tell you how easy it is to Veep dampness out of the house with a hasty Carbon Lump fire. THREE YARDS Prpmpt Delivery All Over the City -'. Ml J ' ' " : Ml Give Slippers The Ideal Xtn as Gifts When you give slippers you can be sure that you have given something useful that he will ap preciate. Let him while away in comfort the evenings he spends at home. A large variety of patterns and design in a variety of prices are displayed her-.) for you. s i nrasa i p For wi Hie Convenience of be open from 9 a. Late m. io Shoppers Hie Store of Specialty Shops 9 p. nru from Saturday until Christmas MAN For Chrisl'mas Gift Giving WlIObYElt this mysterious Dame Fashion' , may lie, she demands that the handker chief form a harmonious note in the smart costume so. row is: the time to give handkerchiefs jn quantities. The newest are here at prices that scctn a mere (rifle compared with their dainty loveliness. Three Groups for Saturday At 25c Values to 75c All linen, filain. hemstitched and embroidered cor ners. Swiss embroidered corners -with block type initials. All linen colored embroidered corners. 'At 85c Values Up to" $1.50 Madeira handkerchiefs, butterfly, basket, lover knots and floral designs. . , -.; At $1.50 ' Values to ?3.00 Hand made by Forto Ricans. , All white linen with hand drawn threads, lilet patterns. Beautiful designs. MOES FOR CMPIiTMA PRACTICAL and nn appreciated sift. Something that will be a lasting reminder of the donor. Evening Hlippers are especially desirable. In our complete stock are one-strap slippers of: Itlaek satin, beaded Black kid, beaded Itlaek suede, leaded Silver cloth, brocaded BROGUE 'OXFORDS SPECIAL' Broken sizes In tan and black to clear away, specially reduced. .. . SHOE SHOP MAIN FLOOR RgdycVion on Our Entire ; Stock of 'a Kit-A-WTF! f S7TK1 TF TFJx V?CI . - '' . . fi?.-" A CHRISTMAS, gift need not be something jtnat avpfeisoii needs just at, tha very -y'tifne necessarily;' H'iiay well be: something y she has long wanted or is very likely to wantv before inany weeks. Isn't there someone on r; your list who would enjoy receiving a.t sweater. ' Of soft wool in a' variety -of styles and colors. They ars pretty enough for anyone... , Priced from $2.95 up to $35.00 less 20 reduction. swe.t;er shop second floor , LOVELt :ROBES OF SILK AND CORDUROY " TlfiE. vogue for these garments is delightfully exatupled in these ..' charming silk robes in. various light and dark shades. They are closely rivalled by the comfortable robes of ' corduroy, of superior quality material,;, becoming styles, soft tones. ; Both are . priced to be of interest to the gift shoppers. " ' . i Silk Robes, $6.75 to $23.75 Corduroy Robes, $2.95 to $11.75 LINGERIE SHOP SECONDFLOOR W 0 0 L E QBE , ARE THE VOGUE T N other years just the skater, but this year every woman who wears oxfords, and you know that's most of them, will like wool hose for Christ mas. In browns and heather mixtures, in .the smartest weaves they are very good looking,, especially those with bright colored clox and those of black wit h white clox and they are ideal for gifts. v HOSE . SHOP MAIN FLOOR ', ' ; SUIT caca FROCK For Vhe Holiday Season COAT! WITII all the world in holiday mood, clothes, too, must express the spirit of the hour. The Store of Specialty Shops' contribution to the season's festivities is examplcd in the loveliness of the garments, and in the reduction in prices which makes it possible for all to have new raiment for the holidays. Our Entire Stock of COAT! 1 on Reduction YQU are. expressly invited . to bring your keenest judgment " to, bear upon our stock of women's; coats; You are urged to note critically the quality of materials ami fur trimmings, the character of the Workmanship, the manner of designing and especially the 30 .reduction from the regu lar prices. .. They will more than satisfy every demand : of quality, beauty and extraordinary value and would be most desir able as Christmas gifts. COAT SHOP THIRD FLOOR Choice of Our , Entire Stock of DR-ES-Sfi-S 80 Reduction - DRESSES for every occasion sport, street, after noon and evening. In the choicest materials, styles and colors. Betty JVales and Rosemary Dresses excluded from this sale. : Dresses "22SJ?1 750. DressesS D Originally priced til 1 QQ 1 rCSSCS at Sswnow, .00 Dresses 80.50: ' Choice, .of Our, Entire Stock,of In I hree uroubs A SUIT ' is a wardrobe essential,, for there are many, many occasions when only a suit with' its blouse accompaniment is accepted as a fitting costume. Suits Suiis Suits Originally priced up to $59-75 now Originally priced up to $8j.oo, now, Originally priced up to $125.00, now, $25.00 $89.75 '59.75 SUIT SHOP THIRD FLOOR ' BLOUSES FOR. (SIFTS " ,' ';' $10.00 .utd .;916.CO- ANY woman would enjoy receiving one of these handsoras novelty blouses of canton crepe or crepe de chine. Some are the new peas an '-louses with paisley trimming, wide flowing sleeves. -Others are em broidered in color combinations with long, full sleeves, finished with tight Iand cuff. Beaded import models with short sleeves, belted over blouses and tunic, blouses, beaded and plain are in the lots. ; XATI-BUCK M0HAWK-nH0WJf BISQUE ' IELLOWSTOXE-JADE AM) I'HISA BLUE SALE INCLUDES BLOUSES TO $2i.00 BLOUSE SHOP SECOND FLOOR . Choice " of - Our Entire Stock of : 50 Off Regular Prices T HE girl V coat must be chosen with, a wary eye to its serviceability as well' as beauty. , . hee is a satisfying variety here to ehoose from, including handsome styles and materials. . Sizes from 7 to 18. . ' . . . For girls misses and small M'omen, Now Priced from $15.00 to $89.75 ' Saturday at One-Half Price. ' JO'IORHOP SECOND FLOOR Toiletries of Distinction A BOTTLE of delicately scented perfume or toilet water; cachet powder, vanity cases and many other dainty articles so desirable for gifts are here. They make imtinctivo and attractive reminders of the season and may bs had for any amount you care to spend. - - TOILET GOODS SHOP MAIM FLOOR ' Ine Store of Specialty Shops. fa fl-f Give a Garment THE one gift unfailing- In Us pftwsr to please women of very ags and typa la . the gift of apparel with its combined not of beauty and usefulness. Through tha - R'Sistan- of our personal repreiientatiun in the markets, this store of Specialty Shops has prepared extT.we holiday displays in very department ith the aim of providtnar more than usual variety and value for the convenience and advantage of Christmas ahl-ppers. V t'-t 1. Fry SKoe Co. 16th and 'Douglas Streets ' tLT I V,'