THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, DECEMBUK 17. mi. Gardner Warns He Will Escape From U.S. Prison Given Tobacco at Leaven worth. He Dcclarci It Will Be Enough to Lait Him While There. Lravenwortb, Kan., Dec. 16. Sinilinfj, jovial and apparently un affected by the tentence which he it facing, Roy Gardner, mail robber, wide'y known for hit escapes front prison, was checked in at the fed rral penitentiary Uit night to begin serving icntencea aggregating 75 years. In custody of four officials he arrived from Phoenix. Ariz. Less than two hours after he was admitted to the prison Gardner inti mated to guards that he would at tempt to duplicate his previous sen sational escapes. A guard handed him several packages of tobacco, which Gardner had in his possession when checked in. "What's this?" the guard asked. In "Double Irons,' "Thanks," the prisoner answered; "it's just about enough to last nic for as long as I'll be here." Wearing "double irons" and close ly watched by J. P. Dillon, United Mates marshal for the district of Arizona; John McGrath, chief of de tectives at Phoenix; Joseph Kelly, special agent for the Southern Pa cific railway at Phoenix, and E. J. Crowe, city detective of Phoenix, Gardner was met at the Union sta tion by Fred Zorbst, deputy warden of the federal penitentiary. As Gardner was being escorted across the temporary wooden bridge leading to the prison's main entrance, he laughed and inquired, "What's this? The Bridge of Sighs?" ' After he had been checked in and his commitment papers signed by Warden W. I. Biddle, Gardner shook hands with the four officials who brought him from Phoenix and thanked each one personally for the courteous treatment of him during the trip. As mementos of the jour ney he gave his broad-brimmed cow boy hat to McGrath and his necktie to Detective Crowe. This morning Gardner whill be photographed, his fingerprints will be taken and his Bertillon measurement lecorded. He will be assigned to work in the prison tailor shop, Wax den Biddle announced. Arrest Murder Suspect Rapid City, S. D., Dec. 17. (Spe cial Telegram.) Mack Yarrington, arrested at Chadron, Neb., on the charge of having murdered On Tai, a wealthy Rapid City Chinese laun dry' man, will be brought to Rapid City, Two Sisters of Mercy Testify for Woman On Trial for Murder New York, Dee. 16. The trial of Mrs. Jotephine Ktgone for the mur der of Frank lucalano on October 14, 1W0, closed yesterday afternoon with so unprecedented procedure in the way of taking testimony. In or der to prove that, contrary to testi mony offered Wednesday by wit nesses for the prosecutiou, Mrs. Ka gone daily took her daughter, Marie, ''to the day nursery" of the St. Ce cilia school, conducted by Sisters of Mercy, two nus of the order ap peared at the criminal courts build ing with the records of the institu tion. The rules of their order forbid the appearance of the nuns in a court room. Their testimony was taken in Judge Grain's chambers, in the pres ence of counsel, and was later read to the jury by the court stenographer. Jerome Bonaparte Asked To Ascent! Albanian Throne New York, Dec. 19.-A. J. Check revi, Albanian high commissioner at Washington is conferring with Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte, of New York, an American member of the Bonaparte family, regarding an in vitation to him to ascend the throne of Albania, vacant since William of Wied fled to Switzerland at the be ginning of the world war, the New York Evening Mail said today it had been informed. Mr. Bonaparte is a descendant of Elizabeth ("Betsy") Patterson of Baltimore, whom Jerome Bonaparte married in this country after he had been exiled from France by Napoleon Bonaparte. Jerome later became king of Westphalia and re-married in Europe when Napoleon refused to recognize his American marriage. Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte is the great great nephew of Napoleon. 249 New D. S. Citizens Max B. Schroth was one of 249 new American citizens given their final papers and a reception at the Chamber of Commerce Thursday night. Schroth left his Filipino wife and seven children in the Philippines several months ago to come here and finish getting his naturalization. Dr. E. C. Henry presided at ' the meeting, and District Judge Sears, Paul Kuhns, C. J. Shaw and S. R. Elson spoke. . Blamed far Brltnnla Horror. Vaniouvrr. Deo. . ltnerl Manager E. J. Donohuo and Chief Engineer C. r. Browning of the Britannia Mining and Smelting company, a New York corpora tion, were charged with manslaughter here today In connection with the recent flood at Britannia Beach, B. C. which resulted in 36 deaths. A preliminary hearing will be held Friday. Rancher Shoots Wife to Death and Turns Gun on Self Farewell Message Declares Poverty and Pain Cause for' Act Suicide and Mate N Each 50 Years Old. Misoula, Mont, Dec. 16. The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. George G. Rice were found on their ranch near Stevcnsville, Mont., according to re ports received here. Searchers went to the ranch after a note had been received by Mayor A. D. Stephen son of Stevensville asking him to go to the ranch, "as death has come to us." Mrs. Rise was found shot to death in bed and Rice's body was found in a store house with a rifle grasped in one hand. "Poverty and pain lias made death a welcome guest," the note said. Mr. and Mrs. Rice were about 00 years old. Another ,note found at the ranch home named pallbcares and gave directions for the funeral. Professor Accused. Chicago, Dec. 16. Assistant State's Attorney Bess C Sullivan, who recently sounded a call to the women of the city to form a vigi lance committee to fight the moron evil, yesterday ordered an investiga tion of a report that a professor at the University 'Of Chicago had been caught peeking through the window of a bathroom in Kenwood hall, a co-ed dormitory. The watchman called upon the janitor to lake the professor into custody, but as he was being led into the street another professor at the university recognized him and prevailed upon the janitor to release the man "to keep the matter from the public." . Harry Pratt Judson, president of the university was questioned re garding the report. "I never discuss matters relating to the faculty," he said. Co-eds at dormitory confirmed the report, but refused to discuss the case. The janitor who is said to have found the "peeper" was not working tonight. The head janitor would not talk. Nor would the policeman on the beat. , Bod'yHeld. Beloit, Wis., Dec. 16. The body of Mrs. Irene Rice Van Brocklyn, who, with her husband, was mur dered at Frankville, la., last Sunday, was taken in custody by Sheriff Gash Whioole and will be held at Janesville pending further investiga tion, ine action was taken on re guest of Iowa authorities. Elmer Van Brocklyn, brother of Charles Van Brocklyn, who was murdered, is held at Frankville on charge ol murdering them. Forester Is Suicide. Chicago, Dec. 16 While detec tives wailed to take him to a cell on a warrant charging him with em beizlement oi J 1.500 from the Cath olic Order of Foresters, Theodore C. Zigler, 53, former treasurer of the court, shot and killed himself last nighC Talmadge Divorce J Forecast by Gossip New York, Dec. 16. Constance Talmadge's "friendly separation" from her wealthy and newly ac quired husband, John Pialoglou, is not proceeding as calmly as it might, according to word reaching the New York film colony from Los Angeles today. Mr. Pialoglou, in fact, is about to be sued for a divorce, it is said, one of the reasons being that the Greek tobacco merchant was jealous of his sprightly wife's career In motion pic tures. When Miss Tatmadge recently left for the Pacific coast with her sister, Norma, it became known that all was not well in the Pialoglou household, and it was only after much persuasion that Constance could be brought to admit the facts. "I do not contemplate a divorce, however," she said at that time. "It is to be only a friendly separation." Since then, however, there has been a change of opinion and today Miss Beulah Livingstone, personal repre sentative for the Talmadge sisters, said there would be proceedings in stituted for an absolute divorce. Anaconda Copper to Absorb American Brass Company New York, Dec. 16. A deal in volving two of the most important metal producing and refining com panies in the country was 'virtually completed yesterday, when the larg est individual stockholders in the American Brass company agreed, subject to minor condition, to sell out to the Anaconda Copper Mining company. Terms of the Anaconda com pany are $150 cash and three shares of stock for one share of American Brass. Policeman Held Up. Denver, Dec. 16. Two bandits last night held up and robbed Wil liam Trenbeth, a policeman, of $96 and escaped. Trenbeth was escorting a young woman home from a firemen s ball about midnight. They didn't take his revolver. "It happened So. quickly that X forgot to shoot, said Trenbeth. iilnliiliiliiliilHiniiiliiliiliiliiliiinliiliiliiiniiiliiiiilii Store Open Bvenings Until 9 O'clock. . v., Store Open Evenings Until O'clock. SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS. Toys Shooflys for Baby's entertainment Two-hoi-se Shoofly equip ped with top tray, beautifully enameled and upholstered priced at 1.60, 2.00, 2.75, 3.50 and 4.00 Duck Shoofly In white, pink or blue wash enamel ....5,50 Bolt Dolls for Baby's bedfellow Jersey Dolls.. 755 to 1.50 Xarge soft whita Bears and Bunnies, with or without paja mas, priced at 2.35 Rag Dolls w'th gingham dresses and bonnets 1.15 Rock and Roll Duck for Dolly 1.50 - Steel Standard with Cretonne La La Bye Swing 75 Couch and Wardrobe combined In cretonne or Imitation leather 3.0O Metal Wheel Barrows In three Blzes, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 Celluloid Articles to entertain Baby In his bath Ducks, Geese, Swans, Fishes and a large assortment of both domestic and wild animals 20 to 50 Let Little Daughter Help. Mother Cook Aluminum Cooking Sets with large size utensils 50$ to 2.50 Doll Trimmings Put new wig, shoes, stockings, dress and nightie on that old doll baby has loved so long. Natural Hair Wigs with long curls, auburn, brown, black 2 00 Doll Shoes, In all colors and sizes, with and without hee'ls priced at , .......25 and 35 Stockings to match 20 and 25 Knitted Booties ggS Dresses and Rompers of gingham, Swiss and organdie," in all sizes, from gQ t0 35q Fire Trucks and Engines 1- horse Ladder Truck ........... ... 50 2- horse Ladder Truck ivi 2- horse Fire Engine i.'.75? 3-horse Large Ladder Truck 5 00 jl-horse Extra Large Ladder Truck , 9.00 3- horsa Large Engine 325 3-horse Extra Large. Engine 9' OO Mechanical Extension. Ladder Truck in two sises, $1 and"2 Mechanical Fire Engine with bell, tin three sizes, $1 $2 $3 Gift Shop Gifts ef Table Lamps and Shades Lamps and Shades The Lamps and Shades are made in perfect harmony The Shades are taupe and blue, black ' and gold, blue and rose, and taupe and black, all lined and in terlined and trimmed with double fringe and skirt . Black and Goldcomplete.. 48.50 Black and Taupe, comp 45.00 Taupe and Blue, comp .31.75 Blue and Black, comp. ....41-50 Metal Reading Lamps With bronze reflectors, com plete 13.50 Metal Reading Lamps With bronze reflectors and smoking attachments.... 19.50 oudoir Lamp and Shades, complete 3.50 Gifts of Tea Sets and Service Courses in Lenox China are Tery acceptable, Basement Dept. Universal Percolator 5.50 Up A big shipment of imported English Tea Pots just arrived Priced from. 1.50 Up Universal Carving Set, with stag horn handle 5.75 Augratin Pyrex set, with nickeled , re 10.75 v Salt and Pepper set with nickeled mountings .-3.25 Pie Servers with nickeled frame Priced at . .OO and Up Pyrex Casseroles ....1.50 and Up Pyrex Pie Plates .....50 and Up Pyrex Square Cake Plates, f 1 Up A Full Line of Community Siloerwari 1 FURNITURE Arm Rockers , Like illustration, ot genuine golden oak, with auto spring seat upholstered in Spanish fabrlcoid at .......... 6.75 Tabourettes Hand carved. Im ported direct from Japan at 3.00, 3.50, 6.50, 9.50 and 11.50. Cedar Chcstsr Or genuine Tennessee Red Cedar, splendid de signs, superior construction and elegant finish, 13.75, 15.00, 16.50, 18.50, 22.00, 23.00, 24.00, 25.00, '26.00, 27 .00, 29.50, 31.50, 32.50, 35.00. Sensible Furniture for Gifts ' Smoking Standa In mahogany, wal nut and oak; priced at 95c, 2.00, 3.75, 4.50, 5.50, 6.50, 7.50, 8.75, 9.00. 12.00, 13.50, 15.00, -1730, 18,00, 19.50 and up to 60.00. Martha Washington Sewing Cabinets Reproductions of fa mous old antiques in . solid mahogany at' 25.00. Others st 19.50, 28.50, 35, 39, 49.50. Arm Rockers Like illustration, ot substantial golden oak, with auto spring seat upholstered in genuine Spanish leather 14.50 Spinet Desks In a wide yariety of pretty new designs at 29.50, 39.50, 44.00, 46.00, 48.00, 49.50, 55.00, 56.00, 69.50 and Up to 165.00. Tea Wagons A splendid style In mahogany with rubber tired wheels and lift-off tray top 16 75 Others at 21.00, 26.00, 29.50, 33.00, 35.00, 36.50 t 45.00 and 46.00. Bags and Suit Cases Very Choice Line of Traveling Equipment at Very Favorable Prices Fitted Case Over-Night Bags Ivory shell and amber fittings Hand-bordered leather, shell . fit. Pced at 36.00 to 95.00 tin?5 prked at 2l w Ovsr-Night Bags Genuine patent leather, five-piec Boston Bags ivonr Cttincs 12.50 Extra value, 8.50, 10.50, 13.50 Msn's Fittings In ebony, in fine seal grain leathe cases priced at 6.50, 10.75 to 23.50. Music Rolls, 3.00 Folding Music Bolls, in seal, shark and cowhide . .6.00, 7.00, 8.50 . 1 .. 1 1 1 ri tMJti 1 ri mxi itiniilM iiJ Mii ii ui tu i irlti ru Radium Failure As Treatment. Doetor Claims Not Only Not Effective, But Dangerous, lie Says Other Physicians Dispute Viewg. London, Dec. 16. "Radium is a failure. It is not only not effective at a remedy, it is dungcroui, because iti burning effect aggravate! instead ol cures ducase. Many leading surgeons have discarded it in favor of X-rays," This statement, which is reported to have been made by Sir Thomas Parkinson on his arrival in New Zealand from London, has fallen like a bombshell on scientific circles. Sir Thomas Parkinson is physician to the prime minister, and was formerly president of the Chelsea Clinical so ciety. "I am very surprised to hear such a blunt and definite mis-statement," said Dr. Stanley Melville, chief radio logist at St. George's hospital. "Ka dium is feeling its way, just like X rayg, and the two together hold out considerable r.jpe In the treatment of cancer, "The word 'cure' I wili toeniphvJ ut this point is never permitted by expert radium or X-ray workers, and no honest claims to have effected cures by it agency have yet been made by those whose practical ex perience alone gives them authority to speak in the matter. "We cannot be positive at present, but within the next five years we may have proved something. In the meantime we. can assert definitely that radium and X-rays have to gether robbed cancer of its most awful horrors and prolonged ' life. Sooner or later we may acquire the knowledge of what is a lethal dose to a cancer cell. "it is as ridiculous to assert that radium is dangerous m to hold out extravagant hopes, for the time be ing, of its curative properties." Social Agencies Council To Check Unemployment Registration places for the unem ployed are to be established in every (ire house early next month, according to plans made Thursday night at a meeting of the Omaha Council of Soical Agencies, which estimates there are 6,000 unemployed now in Omaha, not including strikers. Reports of many charitable, benevolent and Christmas activities were made by the numerous agencies belonging to the council. . Fitzmorris Clamps "Dry" Lid Down on Windy City Chicago, Dec, 16. The prohibition lid was clamped tight on Chirigo hut night, according tft Chief fit Po lice 1'itrmurris, who imm an order la his subordinates that all violations mutt rnd. lie announced that oili cers and men who f.iil ta obey the crdrr to the fetter will be dismissed. Chsi. T. WillUmi, Pre. Eorl L. Youag, 3oe..Troi, ToUphono , AT Untie 4812 Williams-Young Hardware Co. Hardware, Household Utilities . 220-222 South 24th Street , . t . . Roasters, Granite "or Aluminum. ,,..$1.10 up Carving Sets, Stag: Handles $3.95 up Percolators, Hot Point $9.00 up Coffee Urns, Electric Irons, Grills, Toasters, 1 etc. all standard merchandise. Electric Heaters, special $6.50 Toys for the Youngsters Buddie Bikes! .$3.50 up Buddie Wagons. .$2.90' up Special- Janesville Steel Wheel, Ballbearing, at $9.00 up (Wo are showing the- self-propelling kind, too.) Tool Kits and Carving Tools for the Boys priced right. Full line of Community Silverware at Special Prices nsrma s Suggestions 1519-1521 Douglas Street Involving Hundreds r Jbi Of Advance S ' Tjr Spring Creations rjp 111 P'8 I BIouses that stand apart from . 0Qi M l LrfS the canary sorts. We have t!w f$ 1 tfjft' 'ust unpacked these late ar- Rtf 1 ' r'vals t0 shw fr tbe f'rst S I at , Tangerine Pall Mall j (( .San Sebastine MP jU Flesh Bisque Jade yflb Many of these beautiful Gift . J 'Jgy aw blouses are trimmed with BW vff V' Paisley silks. Jfe j ; k-' An the fabrlcs approved for 2 ir spring are included In this ;J , Christmas showing. W Style Without Extravagance PHILIPPINE LINGERIE 1 The Gift From Far Away Lands Every beauty-loving woman Is an In stinctive worshipper at the' shrine of the hand made. Therefore these dainty Phil ippine underthings of finest nainsook make unfailing appeal. Every stitch done . by hand with infinite care. The embroid ery is delightful In both design and execution. Dainty Philippine Gowns and Teddies ( $35 $395 Corduroy Robes and Silk Negligees Our selections are most complete and values are surprisingly attractive. Robes, $3-95 Up Negligees $7-95 Up Camisoles Hosts of Unusual Offerings for, Saturday Choose from the simple tailored to the most elaborate trimmed Camisoles.' Our stocks are wonderfully pleasing and the values are quite irresistible. $ JOO $J25 $J45 $95 $45 Q 95 Exquisite Dainty SUken Gifts Saturday will witness hundreds upon hundreds of Omaha Christmas shoppers making their gift se lections from, our beautiful stocks of Silk Underwear, It is the gift always acceptable, the gift that no woman can be oversupplied with. 7m $795 at Teddies, Step-Ins, Italian Silk Vests Not an article in the lot but what is espe cially priced tor Saturday's shoppers. First FlMr ' '. : v Gowns, Teddies, Bloomers, Step-Ins The assortments are exceptionally broad, the daintiness of the garments is quite be yond description. , 50 Christmas Hosiery In Dainty Gilt Boxes No gift is more practical no gift is more certain to please. Our showings are an inspiration to gift seekers. Box of 2 Pairs Wool or Silk and Wool Hose, Saturday, Shown in the new heather mix tures in either plain or clocked. Box of j Pairs Thread Silk Hose First quality, plain, embroidered front or clocked; black, cordo van, nude and gray. Box rint riMf - W -f '3 Saturday. Two Hour Sale .10 to 12 O'clock Silk, Silk and Wool, Wool Hose Qualities that would ordinarily sell to J2.95 All-Silk Hose, full fashioned. In black, brown and cordovan. Black and cordo-' ran clocked Silk Hose. Wool or silk and wool, in healther mixtures, plain and clocked. These made ideal Christmas gifts. B here promptly at 10 o'clock. at 49J Gowns, Teddies, Italian Silk Teddies . and Bloomers The recipient' of such gifts as'these will make is surely to be envied. More beau tiful undergarments seem impossible. Flrt Floor Girls' Skirts Wool plaids, plain colors, green, navy red. Suspender skirts as well as regular waist line. Plaited middle skirts on waists. Sizes 8 to 14, Regular $7.50 Value $5H) 522 Open Evenings Until CHRISTMAS In order to serve the vast crowds ot Christmas shoppers this store will re main open evenings until Christmas. Girls9 Dresses 6 to 14 Years A IT 1 . - uavj eerge, lanry, J bright embroidered pockets, sashes, contrasting collars and cuffs. $500 Values to tS.50 t ilth Floor 1