Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1921, Page 16, Image 16

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T TOW to wake dollar do tbe
f1 Ihrmtmas shopper are trying to work out. It u really a ery aim-
(!e ihinq to do If vou know how to upend your money.
iMift Jem Millard hat solved the problem.- iahc is -giving Nebraska
Human ocirty pencils to her friend, thereby remembering them in the
urfae", way, at the same time contributing to the tund which will build
headquarter for the Humane aociety in Omaha. '
The junior member of the Humane society are engaged in a pencil
adliirg oootrsl which will close next April. The pencils sell for ten cents
apiece or one dollar a dozen. The organization hopes to sell a million
pencil in Nebraska. , , . .
Mill Millard's pencil gilt is. quite elaborate, being an entire dozen-in
each rase. Dainty while tissue paper and holiday ribbons hold thee bright
ellow utilities on which are inscribed
orro1nff pencils among her friends,
. .. a :-r-r- "..
- tlarn-r itsgeraio.
Mi I.enor S. Fitzgerald, daugh.
tcr of Mr. and Mrs. l.dward l itz
fccrald, and Clarence L. Clark, son of
'Mr. and Mrs: J. L. Clark t Lincoln,
,Mere married Wednesday nfternoon
at the home of the bride s parents, the
Jiev. A. S. Bnell of Trinity Methodist
, church officiating. Mr. , and, Mrs.
' tWIc will tnake their home in Lin-
' ' Children's Theater.
O'wing to the Christmas holidays,
' ',ro play wilt he given at the ('nil
' !ren' theater until the week follow
' irg Christmas, when, on December
2. at 4 p.- m,, !King Midas, or the
.tl'.nldcn Touch." .will, be presented,
followed by. a play in the holiday.
,jint on Saturday, JJecemoer u.
. ,ti Miss Mary Wallace who will re
ctum to Omaha January 1, from the
' :cust. where she has been studying
the theater, has sent Miss Mar
guerite Beckman, director of the
.Childrpn'sXltf4er 'here,' a'program
rf'-the,i"Voung Teciple's Theater" ii
XeV fork. , Mme. Albcrtf,, the di
irctor there, Is a personal friend of
Miss Dcckniiin.'' . . 1 ', i .
i . . T, i . , , . .
University' Art Eahibit. '
.The exhibit! of, work. by fine arts
fvUident at the University of Omaha
IVeld- Thursday afternoon at the
, nchooJ.was such a success that it was
, repeated. Friday afternoon. Great in
' tcrest was shown in the Japanese
: ' riints. water colors and handcraft
. lonc ,by -the -56 students of the de
partment.. Five; paintings by Mrs.
. Alfred OV Peterson were' shown.
1 'Miss Myrtle Sorenson, a student, had
,'a collection, of "leather pockctbooks
: . and hand-made jewelry on exhibit.
, M rs. Augnstafl. Knight is director.
' , ' ,. For Chrtitmaa Week.
' More .parties have been added to
the Oiristhias calendar. Mrs. F. A.
Nash ;wiU givfi a; tea .dance during
i the holidays for her son Frederick
' , . nnd her daughter, Miss Emma Nash.
Mvfr. and Mrs. D. C. Bradford are
' entertaining on New Year's day-at
4a tea for Mr. a,nd Mrs Charles Al
lison. Mrs. Allison was formerly
Miss Dorothy Kiplingcr. ? ' .
Mrs. .Charles Allison and .Mrs.
llarkness Kountze. will -be honor
,fiucsts at a t,ca given by Miss Dorothy-
Tiidson at her home. i
Home From Wellwley.
Fcur Wellcsley girls arrived Fri-
day morning for their vacation, the
Frances Patton and Virginia Leus
ler. Miss Kathcrine Dcnny arrives
Friday morning. . , , ,
Edittj SchcVW Piper. VT"
Miss Chariotte -Denny ; ijas fe
ccntly been lected editar-m-chief of
"The Triangle," the BrOwncli Hall
paper! which is issued each' semester
t by a Student board. ' ;
i .
i , ; McFarlane Lecture.
'.Ida Krusc McFarlane will speak at
X' ''o'clock at the Orchard-Wilhelm
store Saturday on Willa Cathei's
books. "O Pioneers" and ."My An-
tgnia, aO(t'Dorthy4(Can field s . The
yup.r .
. Miss Helen Overstreet'-is visiting
lier, parents in York. f
A son w'as born December 13 at
Nicholas Senn hospital to Mr. and
Mrs.. C J. McCaffrey.
Mis Jean Hamilton went to Lin
coln Friday to attend the Phi Mu
Christmas dancing . party. ,; ,
Richard Reynolds, student a sit
Ames, will spend the; holidays at
the home of Mr. and Mrs,-Daniel
Baum. .;. ' -4;,y,.l
Miss Mabellc Hifedon .leaves next
week for DenvervV Colo.;.; where she
will be the' house g4jest-j. of Miss
Marie, McVee fo; thctiohdays.
iLeo Capser. who is,. the guesf of his
sister,; Mrs. Yale'vHblland,. and Mr.
Holland, will remain 'in Omaha until
next week when he will accompany.
Mr. and Mrs. Holland: to St. Paul
to spend Christmas'" with 'Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Capser. Mrs. Holland
has been confined to-' her home by
illness. thit week.' ; "
Mrs. Mary T. : Cloyd, who ; has
tieen visiting Mr. and Mrs. A."'.D.
Cloy3; .jeft Friday morning for her
home in Kansas City, Mo.
Mjss Cornelia Baum. .accompanied
by Miss Grtehen Kayser of Pasa
cietia, . will arrive Saturday morning
from Washington to spend the holi
days. '
-William " Stall, jr., who has been
attending Loomis school at Windsor,
Conn., arrived home Friday morning
to spend the holidays with his par
ents. .
E." B. Morcom. a senior in the
law - college at Ann Arbor, Mich.,
rrrives Saturday for a two weeks'
vacation wiih his parents, Mr." apd
Mrs. E. D. Morcom.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Brunner have
left for California to spend the win
ter. They go first to Oakland, where
- incy .wui.spenn vnristraas wun airs.
""V. , Btunersv. brother; and aBout " Jan
S!tf."l Ithtji'VlriU go to Long Beach.
' rJSTrsVEv; Benedict Jeft Wednes
'? !ay to visit friends in Illinois and
t she will be joined there the end of
this week by Mr. Benedict. They
r will go on to Florida to spend Jan-
ary , and February. ,
f Mr. and Mrs.' Kenneth Norton
will go to Cornell, N. Y", to spend
Christmas with Mrs. Norton's fam
ily. They leave December 22, with
Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Kirkendal!,
who will be in Sewickley, Pa., for
t the holidays. .
f . . . . ... -
Ss. . Mrs E... E,,. Palmer of Casper,
"Wyo..lf rived ! Friday to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Harvey W. Morrow,
a-.d Mr. Morrow, and her son, Irv--,i,rmr
nd - Mrsr Palmer. ; She
s.f-Vn?S4ieljl-after the holidats..
Society .
ork of two. That it a problem which
the name of the society. No more
until the dozen are gone at least,
ifrs. Otis M. Smith, chairman-of
the finance committee of the day
nursery is in charge' of the Christ
mas celebration, for the. 15 babies, be
tween 6 months and 2 years, who
Spend their days .at the nursery.
Mrs. Smith is- giving each baby a
bonnet, and a pair of warm woolen
stockings, and, assisted by the other
women on the board,' is' making
Leads in RolJ Call:
'Mrs. A. G. Stokes.1 . '
Mrs. A. C. Stokes lcads'the women,
canvassers of Omaha in the" fifth an
nual Red Cress roll call. ;,?"' , . ;'. .'
- Mrs. Stokes had covercd-five ; dis
tricts . of ' Omaha by -.Thursday ; af ter
noop. Others i were VaUotted rt0 , her
for the lasttwo 'daysi'of the ;drive. '
-, 3 li. - ; . :. : . .
' PatyfoFayBaute.
Fay, Bainter, - who vxorii?s .- to;' the
Brandeis i next , week : in ''East "Is
West,"; is' a personal-, friend of .(Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Norton.Tandiwill
be' their ' guest at.- theBr'andeis '.res
taurant - after ;the .-Monday.-s. evening
performance. A .Dutch ; treat ' party
which will attend theplay and goto
supper, afterward .with Mr aqd Mrs..
Norton i and Miss v'Bainter-: includes
the Messrs. and Mesdames. Albert
Sibbernsen, , Bob 1 Garrett, Burdette
Kirkendall," Louis Clarke . and Dean:
Weaver. - - , ,-;' ' '. v
" Bracelets, of Kelephants'."hair ' are!
mucn infocmjna.- . . , - v
1. . J ' J, K. ( . t f. . .
5ooHnnq And Healing -
Improves bad
Try ftr-:-
bar you from society
vhen the simple i use '
of Reskiol Soap and
Ointment b sure to
relieve the conditicn
Day Nursery "Chairman
. . , -;' A'J j
1 "
1( 0sj
I White Christmas Program
j On Friday evening, December 23,
i the membership of the Young Worn
' en's Christian association and friends
are requested to be present at the
central building to celebrate "white-
Christmas. Heretofore the club
girls only have had the privilege of
preparing boxes and baskets for the
less fortunate people of Omaha. This
year this Joyful privilege is extended
to the entire memberihip of the auto
mation. Gifts of clothing, toys,
canned goodsfruit. etc., may be left
at the association building any day
during the week. Each package
should be wrapped in white paper
with the description of the contents
on the outside of the package.
. At. 8 o'clock, - Friday evening a
them each, a pair ;of outing flannel
mittens with a String attached to go
lound their, necks.' Many of the chil
dren were' coming to the nursery
even on cold, days without any sort
of covering for their hands. The
party and gifts for the older children
is. in the hands of Mrs. Alvin John
son, and the Christmas party will in
clude. a tree, toys and clothing foe ail.
' We are' exclusive Omaha
agents for Huyler's New York
Chocolates, and the original
Allegretti Chocolates ' of ; Chi
cago, in M to B-lb.' boxes. . .
The - always,", popular . gift.
Leave your orders. We ... de-
' liver free or.'packf for shipment.
'.$i.0Uj Doxes it. Lowney s
. , Fancy " Assorted : Chocolate
- Creams and;) Nut . Centers,
V per pqtmd .) .V.65
I $liOO,boxBalduff's Egyptian
; ' Chocolates, pound . ... -65
' $L00 box ' Aunt Molly Choco
. late Creams,.--pound. . .35
70c ! bulk- Chocolate Caramels,
:' per pound . . . f ;. 49
'' iOctfandylM&ed'Hara1 Christ-
f'i''i'jnas Candy, pep: pound, 29
. 60c!- Fruit" Filled nand Hard
Candy ;. a . ... 30-
f 7 specials; ' ' . -
i $5.00 Universal Lurjch , Kits;
at-. ... v $2.98
?2.50,-one-pint Corrugated h
Vacuum Bottles . .. . $1.20
i $3.00 quart 'Corrugated
i Vacuum. Bottles, . ..Cgl.SO
J S.OOlectric1 Toasters,
. .. .. . ."..,. $4.09
, i A "timely suggestion from
,' ourj Photo Departrnent for an
inexpensive Christinas gift.
All enlargements at reduced
prices during i the pre-holiday
season, , .; -
Sepia - Toned Enlargements
"mounted ' on artistic Card
M o u n t s, at the following
."prices: -.t ' ,
: 5x7:-,.. ............. so
6xl0, .60
-8x10 ,;.vi... 60
8xi4, ;;:-...v. .v.-. . ,
11x14 -. ;', . . , . 81.25
Give us your order now and
you will - receive the Enlarge
'ment in time for mailing.
Black and White, or Sepia
Enlargements, mounted or un
fit o u n te d, in proportionate
prices to those above.
Films developed free when
'prints are ordered. '
We are also offering some
very . special bargains in
Frames, and can guarantee de-.
livery before Christmas.
$1.50 Photo Albums. -81.00
Many thers'specially priced.
splendid program in keeping with the
occasion will be presented, and the
impressive candle lighting ceremony
will take place.
The gifts will be distributed on
Saturday by the authorized charitable
organization of the city. It would
be a fine record if each member of
the association would furnish at least
one gift for the "tree.
Camp Fire Girls
All- dresses ' for the Associated
Charities must be at Campfirc head
quarters by Wednesday of this week
so. they may. be distributed before
A new CampCre was organized
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. W.
V. Mathews, who is the guardian.
They chose the name "Batoca,"
w hich means "banded . togetlier for
a cause." The members are Flor
ence Taminosian, Dorothea Good
win, " Ellen Lynch, Marie Conoyer,
Margaret Shepard, Eleanor' Tamino
sian and Edith Christenfcn.
The Tatapochon group turned in
several attractive dresses for the As
sociated Chaiitics.
The I.c.xse group, with Mrs. Colin
McKenzic, guardian, are making
popcorn balls' for the ' Riverview
home, besides providing a Chribtmas,
dinner for a family, ,. ,
A number of Campfirc groups are
providing Christmas dinners for
families the Occeca, Yallani, Min
nehaha, ,Ainina groups and others.
The ' Minnehaha group held a
fancy work .sale at Buffet's store in
Dundee Saturday, the proceeds of
which will care for. a poor family.
Miss iLucile Randol s group held
an outdoor ceremonial Saturday, at
which time Lucile Glcason took her
This Sunday SJ
ft Bother the dessert question!" Put it up to V
. Harding who has prepared one of the most de- :
t lightfully flavored fruit Ice Creams you havs
JL ever eaten. The name is jrf
Y Cherry Ice Cream JM
It's a Harding Special flavor and it is sold by .
V all dealers who have ,
Practical and Appropriate
Gifts and Drug Wants, at
Prices That Please All
, Gold Gillette .
thenew style
$1.00 Gillette Razors.
$1.00 Gillette Blades. .
$1.00 Gem Razor, gold
plated . 79
J1.00 Ever-Ready Razor, 79
$5.00 ,Auto Strop Razors, all
styles 83.98
35c Youth Craft Shaving
Cream 29
50c Mennen's Shaving Cream,
at 39
$1.25 Pinaud's Lilas Vegetal,
at ................ 98
Krank's Lather Cream . . . 39
fv You can always please a
man with a box of good cigars.
'l5c Mozart Queens, each, 10
Box of 50.... $4.50
8c Heineman Bros.' Famous
H. B. Cigars, each. 5
Box of 50 ...$2.25'
Box of 25 v... .... 81.15
10c El Durbo Cigars,
-box of 50........ ..82.50
El Paxo," La Palma,'
i -box of '25 ........82.75
Mozart, Magic, or Perfectos,
box of 25 $2.00
San Felice, box of 25. '.$1,75
, $1.50 Graham's Beauty Secret N
for ............... 98
$1.00 Aspirin Tablets, Squibb's,
. bottles of i 100.... 48
lOc-Wanous Shampoo '.Bags, .
4 for .25
Denatured Alcohol, for the car,
.per srallon ......... .60
(Bring your bottle)
35c Vick's Vapo Rub 27
$1.25 Nujol 90
1 lb. Epsom Salts..... ..10
$1.15 Swamo Root .....89
GOcBarbo Compound. .. .46
30c Eagle Brand Condensed
- Milk for 22.
30c' Laxative Bromo Quinine
for 22
75c Milk's Emulsion ..... 59
60c Glycothymoline ....49
60c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil,
. 38
$2.00 American Alarm Clocks
'or $1.39
60e Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
'or 48
50c Phillips' Milk of Magnesia
for ..: 39
$1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound for .......98
$1.00 Nuxated Iron ..... 83
$3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk
15th and
Mail Orders Receive
Our Prompt Attention
Pretty Girls Take
Part in Vassar
Style Show
Imitations have been kent out this
week for the Vaar club d.mce, to
be given December 27 at the Bur-gess-Nash
tea room for the Vassar
Endowment fund. The charge of
$J a couple tovers the entire even
ing's entertainment. Mrs. Warren
Blarkwell is in charge oi the invita
tions and anyone desiring ' extra
tickets, or tickets for themselves,
can obtain them through Mr.
Twenty-five of Omaha's attractive
young matrons and girls are to take
part in the style show, to te given
at the dance. The models will
wear costumes furnished by. Bur-pcss-Nash
company and they
will include every kind of style,
evening gowns and wraps, street
clothes. riding habits, bathing
suits, sport clothes, all in the latest
modes. .The committee in charge
For Infants
& Invalids
Th. "Food-Drink" for All Ages.
Quick Lunch at Home, Office, an4
Fountains. A$k for HORUCCS,
wAroid Imitation, t Substitutes
60c Ivory Combs. 39 -
$3.50 Ivory Mirrors. . .$1.75 &
$1.50 Ivory Buffers. j. . .89. 5
85c Ivory Nail Files , Cuticle W
Knives and Button . Hooks, jE
each -. 39 J
The most ' appropriate ' and
most acceptable of ' all gifts.
Here are a few:
$1.25 fancy boxes, assorted'
odors 89''
75c fancy boxes, . assorted ,
odors 4g
$8.75 Coty's L'Origan Extract, '
2-ounce, in fancy box,
at .............. $5.95
$4.00 Houbigant's Ideal Ex
tract, in fancy Christmas
box $3.25
$5.50 box Houbigant's Quel-
j ques Fleurs Extract, $4.10
Houbigant's Mon Boudoir, the
latest $4.50
$2.00 oz. Pjerkiss Extract,
bulk, per oz . .$1.25
$3.00 oz, Mary Garden Extract,
" per oz. $2.25
Djerkiss, Hudnut's, and Mavis
Sets, containing Perfume Ex
trtrct, Face Powder, etc.,
at ....$3.00 to $12.00
Fancy - Perfume . Atomizers .
yery , popular this - y e a r,
at ........75 to $6.00
Houbigant's Quelques Fleurs
Extract, large size . . $9.75 -
$4.50 Houbigant's Ideal Toilet
Water $3.25
$4.75 Coty's L'Origan Toilet
Water $3.39
$4.00 'Houbigant's Ideal Ex
tract, bulk, per oz. . .$2.25
$1.00 Piver's Azurea. or -La
Trefle Face Powder... 89
Toy Balloons, for the children,
6 for 25
$2.00, Coty's L'Origan Face
Powder: 69
$1.00 Krank's Lemon Cream,
at 69
30c Packer's Tar Soap. . .21
30c Woodbury's Facial Soap
-for : 19
$1.15 Vitamon Tablets. .84
50c Listerine . . : 36
60c Pepsodent Tooth Paste,
at 36
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste.. 36
?i.uu xsewbro s Herpicide,
$2.00 Flexible Jointed Dressed
Dolls with movable eyes.
, Special 98
rf the tlc show is Mr.' Barton
Millard, Mr. Herbert Trench, Mrs.
Kenneth Norton and Miss Lrua
Reed, and those ho will take part
in it are the Mcidamei Lawrence
Drinker, Charle AllUon, Lharle
HurgOk. aac Carpenter, jr.; Fred
iJaughcrty, Hob Garrett, Ware Hall.
Ilarknci KounUc, Louis Mcyert,
llarcld Pritchett, Jaok Summers.
Allan Tukey, Jack . Wcbctcr: the
Quality and Prices
That Set the Pace
in Value Giving
A stor her real irrv
lea grBU you wher.
n unlit li never fatllnfly
(he brit, and where prifea
day In and day out are the
lowest that Omaha ' af
ford. A. eoimupnlltan
More where every vlaltor
tenia at home. -
iSiii 4s.
Saturday Meat
- (.cnulne Nprlnir
Legs of I.amb, lb.
fresh Country
Dresurd Spring
t hickens, lb,
lien's Feanut Cookies, per lb 23
Itcn's (Ircme Sandwlcb, per lb 25f
Itcn's Society Flakes, per pkg 15
Fancy Mixed Taffy, lb.. ..19
Christmas Ribbon Mixed,
per lb 25
Teanut Brittle, per lb.. '...25
Cocoanut Brittle, per lb... 25
Candy Canes,.. ..5-10-15
Butter Scotch Squares, lb. 39
we seu Skinner
th highest grade Macaroni;
Spaghetti, Egg Noodles and
other Macaroni Products.'
MAY your Christmas be a
joyful one. May the New
Year bring you
good health : and prosperity.
Mathe good things on :your - k
table this Yuletide be the symt i
bol of the good cheer with v
which you anticipate -1 922. ; ; n H
The Cudahy Packing Company
Mi Dorothy Belt," F.linor Hutk
ley, De Winta Conrad, Joeuhine
Congdon. .F.liabcih. Davi. Mary
Fuller, Dorothy Jtidon, Uertrudt
Kountre. Marie Neville, ap'"ic
I'etera, IVitgy Reed. Helen Rogem,
iotephine Schiirniau. Ietta Smith,
Men Smith, Ruth WallfCtf.
Variou dinner partic are being
planned before the dance, Mr and
Mn. Allan Tukey will entertain 20
Saturday Big Grocery Leaders
Omar Flour, 48
lb. snck 91.83
Sugar, puro cane,
10 lbs. ...54
Diar 4 Soap,
30 for ....G3
Buker's Chocolate
fa-lb. cake 19
Table Supply Spe
cial Coffee, '
3l2 lbs. $1.00
Santos Coffee, 5
lbs. for '..98
Blue Bell Flour,
48-lb. ,.?1.78
Advo Jell 3 23
Pot or Carnation
Milk ......10
Bulk Peanut But-
tcr, lb. ,;.15
Best Creamery
Butter, lb. 46?
New York Cream
Cheese, lb. 27
Rich Nut Olco,
. per lb. ...29
New Comb
Honey. ',:.27
Dromedary Dates,'
per pkg. . '.19
Specials Gtvt Just
Mozart Imperlali,. 18o- value, 11c: box .IS..S2.4S
,. Meditation 1)8 Luxe, 15o value, 11c:, box :& S2.B0
(1"1 Taxo IJeala, S for DOo. Ho; box of IS" S3. 50
Otello, 10c value, 4 for SGc: box of 26 ..Sit. 60
tiee See," 10c value, Sc; box of io .S2.35
AH popular brands 'In boxfa of ' "i. '
Cigars in boxes of. B and 10.'. Me, fiOe. Tae, !.
Imported Driar 'riprs - ,...ST.f)0 to '2S4
Prince Albert Smoking Tobacco, full, lb., VI. 34
George Washington Smoking; Tobacco, lb. '89
Whale Smoking Tobacco, full lb. ..'......'. .48
: Gem De I.tixe Kazors, 13.00 value .Sl.OO
Gillette Razors and package of Blades";. ..894
Camels, Spurs' and Lucky Strike Ctgarets, '
per carton ..........'....... -Sl.TB
. Beech Nut Cigarcts, per carton . .-. . JJl. 85
All popular brands of Cigarels tn-hollday, pack
ages at ,.92' an mp
Lean I'ork Shoulder
Koast, lb,.
I'are Krndercd
l ard, . -
Jumbo Jelly Beans, lb..... 35
Bundy'a Filled Candies,
75c value, per lb 59
Filled Mints, 75c value, lb. 50
$1.00 Quality Jordan Almonds,
per lb. ......69
Jumbo Salted Peanuts,
, 2 lbs ...35
- Ortman's Products
Genuine Fruit Cake.
t per lb 604
Tutti Fruiti Cake,
each .804
Pecan Nut Butter Jtoll,
per pan i ..... . .254
Assorted Cookies, per
dozen ...... ...'.154
. 2 dozen ........254
K .a
good; friends, ; ?
H a mo
;B aC O IV
1 ,
uuiU at a bufleltuiHer that even
ing. Mr.vand Mrs, Ralph Itenuick
will entertain at.dintjer. Several
Dutch treat dinner parties are being .
aaapged. .
- For Miss. Carrier.
Mi Myrue Gilchrist .will enter
tain, Monday fvcning'f,next week
(or Mint Helen Carrier,; a Decern
bcr bride. --- ..
We Deliver
To An j Part
Of the City
Extra Fancy'. .
Orapo Fruit, 54
mc, 3 for 25
New Mixed
Nuts, lb; -.33
Fancy Navel ,
, Oranges," per
dozen V...33
Budded Walnuts,
per lb.,. .39
Iqip. Malaga.
: Baisirvs, per
Ncy"TBrazil :Nuts,
Inside the Door Cijiw
A- l.-.rge assortment' ot ( Fancy
Box Candles lb.. 50 and up
G.'& W1. Heller's .Austria Im
ported Filled .Candies, fl.00
' lb., 6-lb. can. ; . ... .' . . .$5.00
Lyon's Chocolate. Glace-' Fruit,
.- 13.00 value, lb. box.-!. SI. OO
R. N.,M.
Naptha Soap
. - -. ' -,.' :-v..-