i .THE BEK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1921. 13 Church Council ik. For World Peace Oullduing of Sulmjarinrt, Numbing Plant uixl llhem. ii'al Warfare Urged . In lie port. By Th AhwIM ft. Chicago, pec. 10. formation of world peace program for American I'rototant churches was announced today at the executive committee pn-ctinir of the federal council of tlie Clmnhe of Christ in America by Ur. S. L. Cutick. tecrctary of the coiincil'i commission on international ju-iii-e and good will. The proposals w ill be presented at tomorrow' meeting. The committee'! report present a i nulirr of ntiKSestinns and recom. 1 nidations, including: 'outlawing of submarine, bombing pinne atul chemical warfare. No quibbling about the Tanama CJ"al toll treaty. Repeal of anti-Chinese legislation not dealing with immigration, but "with our violated pledge to give Chinese in the United Slates fair and rqi'al treatment." Withdrawal from Hawaii of large naval forces and a halt in building of great naval bases in the Pacific. Release of France from payment of ;1cbts to United States incurred after its entrance into the war. The commission asks if the time has not yet come "for the churches of America to extend to the Chris tians of Germany the hand of Chris- jrf fellowship and it recommends coniinunicaiion it mc enurencs ami Christians of Germany "expressing our desire for renewed friendship ami co-operation in our common task." At its business session today, the council's executive committee de clined to create a commission on pub- lie morals tn give special attention to Sabbath obiervame, demoralising aniiurmriiu, marriage and divorc. and lrd in commotion on social trviic to look into these matters. I ack of lumU Ma tiled is a leadins rraton for this action. l ull co-operation with pUni for an international conference of Protes tant churches in JV.M was voted. The highei.t poition ever awardej a negro iu the council was given to Professor J. R. Hawkins .of the African Methodist Episcopal church when 'he was elected second sire chairman of the council's executive committee. The United Lutheran church was accepted as a consultative member of the council. Steps were taken toward, the intro duction into moving picture news eels of dramatic phases of church work. The budget of 922. calling for a total of $245,000. was approved. This marks a retrenchment of $50,000 on last year's budget. New York Tribune to DuiM Modern Newspaper Home New York, Dec. I (J. The New York Tribune in, deserting the spot at Nassau and Spruce streets, where it was established by Horace Greely 80 years ago, for a iicw home in the uptown business district. Announcement was made laM night of purchase by Ogden Ueid, owner of the newspaper, of a site in Fortieth street, on which will be erected a modern bix-story plant with a total working space of more than 100,000 square feet, or double the newspaper's present facilities. It is expected to be ready for use in May, 192X Colorado Roads Allowed To Reduce Freight Rates Denver, Dec. 16. Colorado rail roads, under an order issued today by the Utilities commission, will be permitted to make 10 per cent re ductions in freight rates on farm, garden, range and orchard ship ments, effective January 1. next. The order was entered on petition of leading railroads and will be ef fective for a six mouths experiment al period. Japanese Accept Chinese Offer to , Pay for Railway MM Amount Fixed at 53,000,000 (old Marks Plus Amounts Of Improvement Sub ject to Tokio Approval. H Tb AmmcUImI I'rma. , Washington, Dec. 16. Subject to Tokio's approval, the Japanese dete Eatlon yesterday accepted the Chi nese offer to pay 5.1.000,000 German gold marks for the Kiao Chow Tsin audi railroad in Shantung, plus what Japan has made in permanent im provements but less deterioration. When the conversations between the two delegations was renewed yesterday the Chinese olTered to buy the railroad outright in cash, but the Japanese, it was said, raised mics tions as to why this course was pro posed, pointing out that all other railroad., in China had br.cn built with the aid of foreign loans. The Chinese delegates replied that the Chinese consortium was ready to finance the restoration of the rail road and China's desire was to make use of this in order to do away with "foreign control." Mr. llauihara of the Japanese dele gation said after the meeting suffi cient progress had been made toward a settlement of the Shantung ques tion, but would give no details. l;rom the Chinese, however, it was learned that after the provisional ac ceptance of the Chinese financial offer for complete Chinese control over the railroad, the discussion centered on the mode of payment. No decision was reached and the discussion will be continued tomor row. - The amount agreed on virtually is the valuation placed on the road, ex clusive ot the adjacent mmcs, by the reparations commission set up under the treaty of Versailles. The question of coal mines and ESTABLISHES 188 M AND SONS ILTON l?OGERS JLV COMPANY Hardware Household Utilities 1515 HARNEY ST. Special Saturday Prices On Christmas Suggestions Flashlights, $1.59 Scissor Sets, $3.19 Carving Sets, $3.89 She never has enough scissors here is a lovely set of three high-grade scissors in a handy leath er case, lined in bright . red, blue or lavender silk. While they last Special, $3.19 " At illustrated, genuine "Ever-Ready" Flashlight complete with battery and bulb. Special. $1.59 Some More Pocket Knives Her are hundreds of high grade,' guaranteed Pocket Knives. Stag, wood or composition handles. Your choice Special Electric Outfit For the Tree II 97c Safe and beautiful, a set ot colored electric bulbs for the Xmas tree. Only a. few left. Special, $1.79 A beautiful 3-plece carving set - In a gift box. Horn I handles. A very strong value. Special, $3.89 Gift Suggestions at oar low prices Nut Cracker, 6 picks for 50c Nut Bowls, Cracker, for $2.25 Electric Toaster for only ..,........$4.49 Electric Iron ...$4.75 Electric Percolator at only $9.79 Casserole ......$2.35 C h i 1 d's Aluminum Sets 40c " U. S. AMY (GOODS MAKE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS ( A Few Suggestions U. S. Army Wool Knit Hel mets an ideal cap for out door wear only 75 U. S. Army Aviators Leather Helmets, a $5.00, value, only S2.75 O. D. Wool Breeches, slightly used, per pair $2.98 We also have many other styles of Breeches. Civilian Style Winter Caps with eartnuffs, only 1.25 Brand New O. D., AU-Wool Serge, Regulation- Army Shirt. A practical gift. Only $3.95 U. S. Army Motor Transport, 3-Fingered, Fleece - Lined Mittens, pair, only $1.50 Leather Vests made of heavy moleskin shell, leather lined and sleeved, only.. $5.95 U. S. Navy AU-Wool " Cash mere Socks. Special, 3 Pairs $1.00 Special Gloves, ..25 U. S. Army Wool only, per pair. U. S. Army O. D.. All-Wool Blankets. The wear-ever kind. New, each, $4.95 Per pair $9.00 Renovated, each .... $3.95 Per pair, only. ... .$7.00 O. D. Wool-Wrapped Leggins, per pair $1.19 U. S. Army Reg. Russet Shoes, per pair. .. .$5.50 Mail Orders Given Special Attention. Shipments Made Daily. Send for Special Fall and Winter Bulletin. N EBRASKA ARMY STORE 1619 HOWARD ST. OMAHA, NEB. Open Saturday Evenings. certain iron ore fields invjUrd in the iti.puied railroad remain to be willed, but according to the Ounr.e, probably will not be reached until the method of payment of the roaJ proper ii agreed upon. Packers Accused of Controlling Meat Market Washington, Pec. 17. The "Big Five" packer by use of their South American products arc able to "manipulate and control" the Amer iran meat market, George V, Arm strong, a cattle raiser of Fort Worth, Tex., testified today before the sen ate finance committee in urging a duty "to cover all the product of the steer, beef, hides and the live kin." "The packers can put the market bp or down as they please," Mr. Armstrong said. "They control the packing plants of the world. I am not unfriendly to the packers. They are no worse than any other men." Bare Knees Bar Girls in Detroit From Many Jobs Frivolous, Flighty Type Not Wanted Girl of Kefinc uient and Good Taste Sought. Detroit, Dec. 16. Bare kitee, heavily rouged lips and very short skirts are bars to substantial ad vancement of girl employes in De troit. Kxecutivei lo not agree with Misi Annie Matthews, register of the county of New York, who announced tecently her employes may wear what they please. The simple, old-fashioned girl, who ues the powder puff and lip nick paritigly, and nukes emblnc ot biding her knees with tier thoit kkirt U sought for jobs here. Mits Harriet Comic, brad of the s! allium State Telephone Training tchool, said: "We abhor the frivolous, flighty type of git' and if we find tlut a girl in our employ develops sucti tendencies we tell her that her pi tion is at ttak. unlet she inodihe her appearance. We need girl ol stability, and it is my experience that girls who are style extremists do not poes that quality. Girls with bobbed hair are usually told it would look better under net and not to present the appearance of a Fiji Wander." . Mi Sarah M. Sheridan, sales manager of the Detroit Ediion com pany, said: . "We don't - hire girls who are flashy or conspicuous, but endeavor to secure grils of refinement a:td good taste." Judge Extendi Death Sentence of O'Connor Chicago, Dee, 16. This wa the day set for the hanging o( "Terrible Tommy" O'Connor, for the murder of Detective Sergeant O'Neill, but Tommy was not preient, due to the iitance of friends within and without the jail who aniitcd bint in breaking out of that institution and to liberty last Sunday morning. In criminal court today, Judge Scan. Ian extended, indefinitely, the death sentence so that O'Connor may be bunged as soon as be is apprehendej if he ever is caught. Lloyd lleth, county prosecutor, who brought about the conviction of O'Connor, today received a warning that a plot is well under way to assassinate him for his activities against the notorious murderer. 1 he unsigned communication said one of the relatives was concerned In the death plot, which made it necessary ti r him to withhold his name, Moe Made to Stamp Out Indian Hemp l'roductioii , l.as Animas, Colo.. Dec. In Vig c ruus measure to stamp out pro duction oi "Indian hemp" are beimt taken bv lient county officials, ! lownig the discovery bete of several garden iu wbieli the plant was be ing cultivated. t The plant i known Manually a Cannabis Satira, and when matured it large brown leaves are smoked with a result similar, it is said, to that of opium. - . Many Mexicans w the Arkansas valley are reported to have been made insane from smoking "Indian hemp." and an extensive trafbe in the "loco week" has been going on in some rections of Colorado. State laws provide heavy penalties for ne'son convicted of propagating "Jndian hemp." ft 8 t w. One Minnie Slore Tall; "I'm giving more at tention to the selection of "his" gift this ycur thm I ever did before. In spite of backward condition?, be has been so pood natur ed all year that I'm going to show him that there are other big hearted mem bers in our family,"-said a clever little woman, buying a Tuxedo suit and a full complement of rect accessories for "his" Christmas gift. I 1 "JOHN A. SW ANSON, I'res." -WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treas.- II The Gift that Useful mPk- Is the Ar ( jilt l his Yen r rHEN you come to the selection of "His" gift, and you'll come to it mighty soon now, come to Greater Nebraska, where you'll find the West's su preme showing of Just What "He" Wants for Christ mas at lowest-in-the-city prices. " The Radical Underpricing v of America s Finest Suits an Overcoats ' A Real Chrislmas Gift Opportunity Our Vast Stocks at New Lower Prices. Note the Savings- Full Dress Suits Tuxedo Suits $50 and $65 $50 and $60 Full Dress Accessories, Vests, Shirts, Neckwear, Gloves, Mufflers, Dress Jewelry, Footwear Ideal Christmas Gift Suggestions. . GUieers I LM I SATURDAY S Our $35 Suits and $ O COO Overcoats Now, iJ Our $40 Suits and $922 Overcoats Now, tlU $45 Suits and $0 COO rcoats Now, tlv- Our Overcoats Our $50 Suits and $4f Overcoats Now, J Our $60 Suits and A COO Overcoats Now, TTtJ Our $65 Suits and $A00 Overcoats Now, The Great Christmas Store for Men's Gifts V Entire Main Floor Main Building The determination of Greater Nebraska to sell the best haberdashery at lowest-in-the-city prices, makes this store the Mecca for Christmas shoppers who know 'what's what and who demand the most for- their clothes money, whether they buy to give or buy for personal use. . Eagle, Manhattan, Bates Street Shirts "He" has a favorite brand in $4 00 x $50 shirts It's here. weaves and colors. beautitul new Prices range Christmas Neckwear Specials Silk Shirts $8.50 and $10.00 Value Jersey Silk , Shirts, Broad cloth, King's ' Cloth, Satin Stripe Crepe and genuine Eagle Crepe 'Silk Shirts, $8.50 and $10 values, special at $5.25. Buy neckwear where extra values are available. Not merely low prices. Here are the low prices and extra values, too. 45c, 65c, 95c, $1.35, $1.65 Worth 75c to $2.50. Men's Gloves Nothing will please "him" , better than a pair of Perrin's, Fownes', Dents' or Adler gloves. We are headquarters. Every wanted style. Mocha, Cape, silk lin-ed, wool lined, fur lined, fine all wool gloves. $1,$1.50, $2 to $7.50 Men's Mufflers ' New all-silk accordian knitted,' silk tubular mufflers, in solid colors, two tone and fancy weaves, fringed end or plain mufflers; also, Swiss brushed silk mufflers. Wonderfully complete show ing. Prices range - $1.25 to $10.00 Bath Robes Fine Beacon Blank et Robes, Oregon . pure wool robes, in ',plain and fancy trimmed, with shawl collar $4-00 to $20 s Men's Sweaters- $4.50 to $12.50 . One of the gifts of long est service a good sweater shawl, "V" neck or . pull over. AH colors. Novelty Gifts for Men Collar Bags $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Bill Folds 50c to $3.00 Men's Purses 50c to $2.00 Night Robes and Pajamas, from silk to warm flannelette, $1.00 to $10.00 Men's Holiday Slippers Daniel Green Comfys $1.95 to $2.45 Leather Slippers $1.95 to $7.50 Men's Terry Cloth Bath Slippers 75c The Hosiery Store Men's Fine Silk Hosiery . . 75c to $2.25 Lisle Hosiery, all colors 25c to 40c Silk Fibre Hosiery, all colors... 50c English Wool Hosiery, at 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Embroidered Wool Hosiery, at $1.00 to $2.00 JOHN A SWAMSOKmi. vm I nm Try ri 'iltlMij 0 10 AP -CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN. House Coats Beautiful showing ' silk brocaded, tweed velvet, corduroy lounging robes and new smoking jack - cts; prices range $6.50 to $35.00 . Novelty Gifts for Men Cuff Links 50c to $3.50 Scarf Pins $1.00 to $4.50 Full Dress Sets $2.50 to $5.00 Boys' and Children's Headwear, $1.00 to $3.00 , 3uy your Tim Muffler Caps here. Men's Handkerchiefs Linen Handkerchiefs 25 to $1.50 Initial Hdkfs., boxed $1.50 to $3.00 Fancy Bordered Hdkfs. 25c to $1.00 m 4 i ft ft ft ft ft ft ft