THE Ut:i:: OMAHA. SATCIIDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1921. BRINGING UP FATHER- MS. JIICS AND MAGGIE IN FULL TACC OP COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE Drawn for The Bee by McManui, HiX, Inttrnitiuaal Nf rit Wife Back t.o Store; Hubby Asks Divorce Moutlit Lindslrom, 22, who wa urd for divorce in district court yesterday by Aldcn Lanstrom. 24. arate maiiiti'iiame kftrr tliry ial agreed upon iartiiiB, tu support themselves iiulrpciKli ut of rarh other. FourW'ii I. V, W, Arrainnri In Police Court; Thu Jailed Fourteen professed members of the I. W. W, were arraigned yesterday in Central poluc court on charge of v.iHrancy. They were arrested Thursday nipht when police raided the I. W. W. lull, iV) .North Six tcentli street, Joe Kuhhv of St. rani, Minn.. l(f iaiai 4. OH! NOW VOO 60 L OOT TONICMT? WELL WILLYOOTAVIN TOMORfiJOW NlCHT Ab I expeer COM you, wire. tAf T ALL. rot VOO TO TO ME -feHE WOl TA.UK.IN' TO THE ON .bOQ COOK, " ha returned to a counter in the 5 TCRMb WITH S.U OUT TONK.HT. I ind 10-cent store where khe worked Hi wire before taking; upon herself the duties of a housewife two yeara auo 'J'liey were married December 2, 1919.' Her husband allrgea in hl petition that Maudie hai been ahutiv anl nitx.,.,1 and Fred Fisher, address not given. hint an that he ennM im sl...n were sentenced to 15 days m jail. alto cnargct that she asked for cp The others were discharged. Browning-King & Co. HI 12 Irr-v !--lini r '"" " WW I I I I Iri. 1 I I -'' l isv 1 f I ' K 1 FM II II I . - 111 Sim I II Irvllf II 1 jl-. i iiii b rrs "V i i i i , III idiii . I I I I J I III! WnD- I if it it Kt J2'J7 1921 iNT't riATOM iVIC. lNe.JJ--- Starting Saturday Evening This Store Will Be Open Every Evening Till Christmas , . - .. v ' ' IS Candy Sale Fresh Chocolates Thousands of pounds o rioh creamy ehorolntes in' OQ jt'l flavors, per lb MM S'.a.'Y v- 1 1 yn Ti ii , 'i lofli Hour Sales Hour specials Saturday morning and Sat. evening. Don't' fail to attend. Christmas Suits and Overcoats Fresh From the Smartest Style Centers $45 Others at $18, $25, $30 and $35 Our . very excellent suit business, this season has enabled us to replenish our stocks often that's -' the , big advantage in grasping special value op portunities an ' advan tage we transmit to you. This also affords us the chance to get last min ute styles, mid-season fashion developments in newest models, weaves and patterns. . ' on Tasty Overcoats $35.00 And a Gradual Range to $75.00 Hart Schaffner & Marx You want to see the handsome collection we have provided.' All the new models, Ul sters, Polo Coats, Raglans, Semi-Fitted, Ulsterettes,.kDress Coats some spirited ef fects with, belts, 'yokes, inverted pleats anl novelty pockets and cuffs. The fabric display is very broad, embracing those rich fancy Shetlands, Camel's hair, winter weight tweeds, AVorombos, Montagnacs, Cr limbics aiid Isaac Carr, Meltons and Ker seys. - .'" ' I . ' v.;. , Goats for Christmas Make .ssr Splendid Gifts vr- $19.50 $19.50 Your choice Saturday of coats for women and misses, made up of plush and cloth; some are fur trimmed every one a beauty and very suggestive as a wonderful gift. $79 to $95 Coats at $59,00 85 high-class coats made up in wonder ful materials beautifully made; in all sizes. $8 and $10 Coats for Kids, $5.95 125 little tots' and girls', warm winder coats ; sizes 2 to 6 years and up to 14. Gifts for the Little Tots and Girls Girls' tarn and scarf sets for gift giving, $3.95 Girls' silk dresses, just what the girls like for gifts $7.95 Girls' bath robes, at tractive colors and materials $3.95 Little tots' cap and scarf sets, warm ma terials '. $2.95 Groceries, Fruits and Loads of Good Things to Eat Way Underpriced For Your Green Vegetables and Fresh Fruit. Try Hayden's First ' Fancy Cauliflower.-lb. . 20d Extra Fancy Green Peppers, lb. ........ ,2Sc Horseradish 'Koot. lb ( 25c ' Celery Cabbage, lb. 15c Dry Csrrots, turnips or Beets, lb. . . . . . .4c ' Fancy Cabbage, lb .5c Spinach, 3 lbs. to the peck ......50c (rarlic, extra fancy, lb 20c Head Lettuce, each I2V3C F'ancy Navel Oranges, dos 25c Grape Fruit, 70 size, each 6V4c Choice Lemons, per doien. .18c Fancy Jonathan Apples, per box $3.25 0 lbs. Pure Granulated Sugar 54c 48-lb. sack Our Famous Health Brand Flour, at ...1.79 4 packages best ' Domestic Macaroni, Spa ghetti or Egg Noodles 25c 10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn Meal, for .17c X lbs. Rolled White Breakfast Oatmeal. .25c Fancy Blue Bose Kicy?, lb 5c 16-oz. cans Pet, Carnation, Wilson or Apple Blossom Milk, can 10c , 10 bars Beat 'Em All Soap... 33c Gallon cans J. M.or Kamo Corn Syrup, per gallon 39c No. 2 cans Sifted Early June Peas.. 11c No. 2 cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn. . . .7Vc No. 2 cans Solid Packed Tomatoes 10c Market .Specials Fancy Steer Rolled Pot Roast ..... .22 Vjc Steer Pot Koast.. 10c fteer Shoulder Roast 12'jc Veal Roast 15c Lean Pork Roast..... ,15c No. I Breakfast Bacon, lb 13c No. 1 Bulk Lard, lb 11c Bulk Creamery Butter, lb 38e Package Creamery Butter 40c SPECIAL Alco or Dixie Oleomargarine, at, per lb 25c Revised Bakery Prices for Saturday Bread, large slie loaves. ...124 Bread, small size loaves.... .8 2 for ....15c Butter Rolls, dozen ..154 Buns, dozen, at 124 Danish Rolls, dozen 254 Parker House, dozen 154 Coffee Cake .......204 Poppy Seed Rolls 154 Cinnamon Rolls, pan ......204 Cinnamon Rolls, doz 254 Health Bread .....i, I'a Bas 254 Custard Rolls 254 Angel Food, Small 354 Angel Food, Large. '654 Three-Layer Cake 404 Jelly Rolls 154 and 204 All Cookies 104 K Change In Price of Goods Not Listed Holiday Gifts "Just for Boys" Coining before the holidays, this offering of Boys' Wear in most timely exceptional values and worth much more than the price we ask. HART SCHAFFXER MARX TfKW ' MODELS l!f BOYS' SLITS AT $12.00 Boys' Suits Snappy styles, with two pairs . of Pants; special at $7.45 Boys' Cnrdnrov Snits and fancy wool mix tures. $7.50 to $10.00 values, at. '...$4.95 Boys' Raincoats with hat to match at.. $5 Boys' All Wool Sweaters at $3.95 Boys' Overcoats and Mackinaws. . .$4.95 Boys' Overcoats with fur collars. $17.50 val ues at $12.50 , Boys' Headwear at 5Q to $3.00 Children's Lemrinsrs at $1.00 Boys' Flannel Blouses at.95tf and $1.50 Men's Luggage and Leather Goods "When, a man travels his comfort and convenience is largely de pendent upon the sort of luggage he carries. If you want to make his journey comfortable say it with a gift of luggage or leather. Hayden Bros. arry the most complete stock of Ward robe Trunks. Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Brief Cases, Gladstone Bags, Fitted Bags and Cases; also Boston Bags at lowest In the city prices. Toilet Goos Specials Saturday i nn vrniihlc-ant'si Ouelaue Fleurs Extract, z S4.00 1S.50 Coty lOrigan Extract. 2 1-S oz. 85.S9 J1.15 Vltamon Tablets ....89 50c Fepsodcnt 35" 60c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, at ,...354 50c Gillette Blades 374 35c Cutex l.?lt II. SO Oriental Cream ..SI. 19 J1.00 Listerine or Lavoris. 794 aruun Bottlea With aluminum case, l-pt size; ptiaranteed to keep hot and cold: special. ... .01.00 3ic Palm Olive Shaving Cream, at 274 Frophylactic Tooth Brushes. 3 styles, special 294 I 984 Bottles, SC J1.25 Nycl l.:3 Hot Water New Faille Silk and Satin Hats $5 Equal of $7.50 to $10.00 Elsewhere Omaha's largest selection of popular priced Millinery in a rariety unequalled. Hundreds and hundreds of pretty trim med satin and faille. Silk Hats marked $5.00 for Saturday. Beaver Hats$- 95 for Children J- Rolling brims, with long gros gralo streamers, in black brown and beaver, at. .$1.95 Hosiery, Underwear and Brassieres , Gift Hosiery Thread Silk Hose. 2Z0 Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose, best makes, some with silk to the top and some with lisle tops, in regular and ex tra sizes; alt good colors; all sizes; first quality. Thoenlx Hosiery, In black and cordovan, at 81.45 andtl.95 Women's Thread Silk Hose Hemmed or ribbed tops; regu lar and extra sizes; regular 11.75 values, at ....... .01.25 Silases' flllk Hose, in black and white, at ..81.25 and 01.5O Gift Underwear Silk and Wool' t aloa Salts at S3. OS Women's Silk and Wool Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless, a n kle length; regular $5.50 values. $i.$o-$2.oo Brassieres, 75c Practical Christmas Gifts Brassiere, fancy lace trimmed and embroidered, front and back fastenings, reinforced un der arm. $1.50 and $2.00 val ues, special at 794 Second Floor Envelope ( fcrmUe at 3. and 94.US Crepe de Chine or Washable' Satin Envelope Chemise, trlm mecV with lace, georgette crepe or embroidered; built up shoul der or ribbon shoulder strap. .' Camisoles, 8Sc to S.XB8 Crepe de Chine or Washable Satin Camisoles, trimmed with georgette crepe, fine val laces or embroidered. Second Floor I Saturday Will Be a Gift Buying Day Long Remembered f i .5 I "The Store of the Tom" Very Special Overcoat Sale 200 OVERCOATS Extraordinary values that sold up to $55.00, now on sale at $54.50 New belted model, broad collars, -all-wool, two-toned thick fleeced fabrics. A high-styled coat for all-around wear 1 ' $55.00 Values, Now $34.50 EXTRA SPECIAL 63 OVERCOATS Medium and heavyweight, form-fitting single and double-breasted models and Chesterfields, quarter and full-lined velvet and silk collars. Mixtures and solid colors These coats sold regularly to $40.00, but to close at once Your Choice 18.50 Men's-and Young Men's Fall and Winter Suits A great selection of specially priced Suits of excep tional quality, high-styled and values that - usually sell at $35.00 and $40.00 . Our Price Now $22.50 Browning- King & Co. 15th and Douglas Sts. Harry H. Abbott, Manager. Juiira 0 Aim 1512-Dou $las St, XMAS BLOUSE SALE Wonderful Styles, Varieties and Values Saturday Buy Beautiful J Blouses for Gifts ' in This Exceptional Sale ' Such extraordinary acceptable gifts as these dainty blouses will makestyles, colors and fabrics to satisfy every taste. When such beautiful blouses can be bought for so little money everyone can arford to give several for gifts or own several for personal use. This sale is your opportunity. Saturday Is your day to take advantage of it. - Blouses Worth to $7.50 , Saturday Cleverest style creations we've shown this "season sheer Geor gettes, crepe de chines, taffetas and lace effects, in colors enough to meet every requirement J6.75, and 97.60 blouses, Saturday Zi Saturday JWM Friends mm Cleaning Saves . Doctor's Bills THE PANTORIUM 1515 Jones St. Doug. 0963 N. W. Corner 24th and L Sts. Market 1283. PIANO& TUNED AND kjf REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Doutlaa. Tl. Dour. 55g.