10 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. 'UKCKMBKK .17. . 1121. Lamson Mill Should ' Be Slam-Bauf! One From Start ''Kid Sclilaifcr Boxes Jimmy Nirhol in Semi-Wind. up Large Crowd Expected. FIGHT FACTS. , rift file Auditorium. 'Time l I J oVIr. fromolvr WorlU War VHrrn. Mala Kvenl .niljf M-hmlr, sllle, acalnet 4. Forge Ijmiummi, II" eeln, heavyweights, I "",, ., . Omaha, aaalnat Jimmy Nirhol, IM M(0. wellrrwelnhta. 1 rounds. Prrilm "IIMn-nt" Wright SIns Jack Tajrlnr. munila. f.re-Motan Jk Hulllran. ciT PM WACJrIER. What promise to be a slashing city auditorium toniRht whin George Lamson. the Walth.U In dian and Andy Schmader. the Uuisville (Ncb.y'"Dutchman " rncct in the main event of a , fistic show bring ftaged by the World War '.Veterans. . Um, son-Schmaderbout is 'just"one"'of a trio of 10-round affairs, this fistic clash bids fair to be the main event of the evening, not because it has been advertised as Ftich, but because of the intensive ri valry which exists between Schmad er and the Indian. Third Meeting. When the Dutchman" and the Imli an sniiare off it will not be the first mcetine between this pair of knuckle whirl- ers. No, this bout sirce. The principals in have engaged blows on two previous occasions, the Indian emerging victorious m each. How- ever, the last meeting ended when Andy fouled his opponent in the late rounds of a 10-slanza moll, Schmader and Lamson have been training at their respective camps, and according to tch press agents, are rarin' to hear the gong; that will send them cruising along on their journey to a fat little purse. Both heavyweights were grantd cpermis sion to remain at their, camps until this morning. The Louisville i slugger's , arm, which was broken last summer in a bout out in the state, has healed in tiandy ihapc and is not ex pected to han dicap its owner during tonight's go. However, should Schma der plant one of his hard wal lops on Lam son's bean and again fracture Jiis arm, the chances of a quick ending look possible. Lamson and Iiis corps of trainers have been working- out in Lincoln. The Indian is said to be in even better shape than he. was when he battled Hughie Walker in Des Moines last winter. Tii announcement,. . .no doubt, isn't received as good news in the Schmader camp. .With both Lamson and Schmader in good condition and each holding a grudge against the other, prospects for a slashing, battering, slam-bang affair in the old fight shed look mighty rosy. ,. ' , In the semi-windup, "Kid"' Schlai fcr, recent conqueror of Gunner Joe Quinn, meets one- Jimmy'Nichol of Chicago in a 10-round affair, which should be an -interesting mill, while itiasts. The "Kid's" recent victor ies in St. Paul and Minneapolis, as well as in Omaha, has boosted his ' stock sky-high until now he is con sidered a big favorite over the -Windy City lad. - Beat "Kid" Graves. .Kichol battled "Kid" Graves in the fight shed last summer and suc ceeded in outpointing the latter. The champion didn't show anything in his encounter with Graves, which would lead anyone to believe that h could take the measure of Johnny . Creely's charge. Ed (Bearcat) Wright and Jack Taylor, a pair of dusky, husky ring gladiators, are down for the first event on the evening's fight pro gram. .One of the largest crowds that has ever shoved its way into the Audi torium should be on hand when Montana Jack Sullivan calls the first pair of boxers to the center of the ring for instructions. T T T r iwo i earns lie tor I Second Place in . Hand Ball Tourney - Kitchic and worth became con tenders for second place honors in the Y. M. C. A. hand ball tourna ment vestcrday bv defeating Lawler and Dygert, two out of three games, 21-10, 17-21. 21-8. Both teams have won 10 games. A playoff will be necessary for the second place medals. : McGuire and Avery have first place cinched with 11 games won. This team clays its final Karnes to morrow night against Erion and Nel son, who have only two victories to their credit. - Receipts From Buff " , Scrap Total $16,200 Milwaukee, Dec. 16. Receipts at the Johnnv Buff-ral Moore fight here lat night fell somewhat short of expectations when totaled today, the sate amounting to S163X). Buff .drew $6,000 as his end and Moore about $3,600. Moore was given the newspaper decision ,at the close of 10 lively founds. and Schmader Meet in Moore Re-Elected Gun Club Head E.-A. Moore was re-tlectcd presi dent of the Omaha Gun club at an annual meeting of members Thurs day night in the county court houie L. E. Adams was chosen vice presi dent and the cilice of secretary and treasurer was combined and I Noyes named to take over the office, l'ctcr Simpson was re-elected field captain. A committee on finances to com prise the president and secretary and treasurer and three other members to be appointed by the head officer was created. The duties of the new committee will be to handle financial affairs per taming to the club. seventy-live per cent of the re ceipts from dues and initiation fees will be utilized to reduce, the indebt edness on the club house, it was de cided. A program tor the ensuing year was not adopted. A special commit tee to outline future plans probably will be appointed soon. ' Coyotes and Huskers Meet on Lincoln Gridiron October 7 Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 16. (Special Telegram.) The University of South Dakota will be the first team to op pose the Cornhuskers gridiron next fall Athletic Director Lehring an nounced today, that he had closed with Coach Stewart of the Coyotes for a game at Lincoln on October 7, 1922. Thus far the Huskcr schedule is open for three games. Five games have been slated already. The pos sibilities of. another' Pitt-Nebraska game are still good, although the Huskers would probably" have to make another trip east if this is car ried out. The schedule to date: Octobrr 7 South Dakota at Lincoln. October 58 Oklahoma at Norman. November 11 Kansas at Lawrence. Nuvomber 25 Iowa State college at Lincoln. - November 30 Notre Dame at Lincoln. University of Penn Announces 1922 Gridiron Schedule Philadelphia, Dec. 16. Seven of the nine foot ball games comprising the 1922 schedule of the University of Pennsylvania were announced to night by the council of athletics. Newcomers on the schedule, are the United States naval academy and the University of the South of Sewanee, Tenn. The University of Delaware and Gettysburg collegp are dropped. Negotiations are under way with Lafayette and Dartmouth, both of whom were on this year's schedule, for the open dates, and also with the University of Alabama . and Maryland. All of the games so far arranged will be played here. Shortage in Soccer Secretary s Books Chicaco Tribune-Omaha Bee Leaned Wire. New York, Dec. 16. Thomas W. Cahill, former national soccer sec retary and at present secretary pro tem of the United States Foot Ball association, 1 the governing national soccer body, announced today that the audit of the accounts of Secre tary James E. Scholcfield, who dis appeared a month ago, leaving a wife and baby destitute in Bristol, Conn., revealed a shortage of $1,304.91.. A much greater -deficit jvas feared when, the audit, ordered by President George Healcy of De troit, was started two weeks ago. WGHSCWrjL BASKETBALL Friend Hlfh Looee. Crete, Neb., Dec 18. (Special Tele gram.) The Doane freshmen Quintet de feated the Friend High school basket ball team here by the score of 21 to 11. Tho I reals took the lead at the start ami were never in danger. Miller and Bangs starred for the losers, while Kenney or the winners' was the outstanding star. Valparaiso Town Team Wins. Valparaiso, Neb., Dec. le, (Special Telegram.) The local town basket ball team defeated the Waverly quintet here hy the score of 23 to 15, The game wa3 hard-fought throughout with Valparaiso leading, IS to , at the end of the first half. Start Tournament. Geneva, Neb., Dec. 18. (Special.) Fasket tossers from Sr.1ck.ley, Exeter, Fairmont, MlUlgan. Grafton, with the home team, started a two-days' tourna ment here this afternoon. The new gym nasium, which seats &00 people, Is being usjd for the contests. Shickley Loae. Geneva. Dec. 16. (Special Telegram.) The county basket ball tournament open ed Thursday afternoon. MlUlgan. won from Shickley, score 17 to 18. Night games, Exeter beat Fairmont, 11 to 12, ami Geneva scored J4 to Grafton's 14. 'rafton made only one basket In the mwond half. For Geneva, Mulligan, guard, was good on defense and Bates at center, put up a strong offensive. , Tiajuana Results December IS. ' First Race, S Furlongs Cicely Ksy, 10 (P. Hurn), 25, S6.40, SS.C0, won; Walter Whitaker, 109 (Huntamer). 12. 1J, second; Grace Trimble, 101 (Parke), 111. go. third. Time: 1:02 4-5. Alajah, Miss Strath em. Dorothy and Careen ran. Second, S Furlongs Ringleader, 10 (Wil liams). S.0, J3.10, 13. won; Rafferty. 114 (Kfetcalf). 13. $J.80. second: Billy Joe. 10J (Huntamer). 14.80. third.1 Time: 1:012-1. Goldie Rose. Urleans Girl. Jo Underwood, Vrtientine Lady and Little One ran. Third. BH Furlongs View. 101 (Hunt amer), Is.so, 12. 0. 12. to, won; El Sablo, 111 (Williams). 6.jo,$30, second; Busy Bird. i (Parke), 13.80, third. Time: 1:09. Plantagnet, Mary Lass, Indian Brigade. No Wonder. Lewis B, Murphy, Limerick end Met'roan ran. Fourth. Mile Ballet Car. 10J (Jacobs). !.. IJ.80. 12.40, won; Tutt. 100 (Hunt amer). 14.20. 13.20. second; Flnecrest. IS lOonohue), 15, third. Time: 1:41 1-6. Peggy Martin, Vranium. rigale. Master Frenklln. Irish Reinn and faster Jim ran. Fifth, Mile and a Sixteenth Commander. 108 (Carter). 110. 14. I!. 50, won; Gordon Roberts, lit (Williams), 13.40. !!.. sec ond: Tom Brooks Its (Huntamer), 13. third. Time: 1.44 4-a. yermak, July Fl and Rhymer ran. 8Mth. 1 Furlongs Perch. 107 (Williams). $4 (". 11.40. 11.40. won; Blue Belle. 101 (Parke). 11.40. 2.40. second:- Madame Ping. 11 (Stador), $, third. Time: 1 :02 1-1. I.adv Small. Lotta Speed, Don Joo and Good Enough ran. Pev-enth. SH Furlongs Carrio Moore. 107 (Williams). !24.:o. 18.40, 14. won: Non salt. Ill (Slaughter). 14 40. 14 JO. second; Private Peat 107 (Studor) 13.10, third. Time: 1:07 1-1. C A. Comlskey. Danelng . Ctrl, McLane, Vie Munos and Trusty ran. Memphis Boxer Wins Decision After 10 Rounds Scribe' Verdict Goe to Clul lenger After Hard No. Decision Bout in Milwaukee. ChUage TrUiaas-Oasaaa iM Leatea Wirt. Milwaukee.. Wis.. Dec. 16. Pal Moore, bantamweight, won the pop ular decision over Johnny Buff, king of the 118-pounders, before the Na tional Athletic club here last night. It wa simply a case of a boxer with clownish style Of nulling win ning the verdict over a fighter and puncher. The champion tried at all times to land effectively with left and rights wings and uppcrcuts, but I'll always managed to get out of harm's way. ; In the third round the champion planted a solid left on Pal's jaw and the Memphis boy was sent reeling backward. He recovered in a second and tore in fighting again. In the ninth round Pal evened up this score sending the champion against the ropes with a hard left uppercut. On other occasions each landed stinging head and body blows, but when they left the ring neither showed any signs of the hard battle. First Round Even. The first round was fairly even. Moore boxed cautiously at long range and Buff had difficulty in land ing with short punches to the bocfy. Moore, unintentionally, landed a low punch in the second round and Buff winced with pain, but continued with out protest. He flew into Moore forcing him to the ropes with rights and lefts. Buff set the pace in the third round, slowing Moore up with a solid right hand punch to the chin. Buff crowded into Moore in the fourth, forcing the latter to retreat; Buff apparently had the better of the exchanges, connecting solidly, while Moore's punches lacked steam. Moore did most of the fighting in the fifth, making the champion miss frequently. Moore's puzzling style bothered Buff in th,e sixth but the honors were fairly ven. Buff Bleeding at Mouth. Moore had Buff bleeding at the mouth in the sevenjh and landed twice to the champion s once. An old wound on top of Moore's head was opened and blood trickled from it as he came to his corner. Moore outfought the champion in the eighth, landing half a dozen punches in succession without a return. - Buff fought back furiously in the ninth, but Moore continued to pile up points with a fussilade of rights and lefts. Buff tried desperately to put over a finishing punch in the 10th. but Moore danced out .ot danger and continued to pile in punches. Hawaiians Play Good Foot Ball Br International New Service. Honolulu, T. H., Dec. 16. Hawaii has gone fodt ball crazy t " The treat American college game, which is just now occupying the cen ter of the stage on the mainland, is no less prominent in the sunny isles of Aloha. In the city of Honolulu, besides an mterscholastic ' league which includes teams from five of the big schools with high school de partments and the freshman team of the University of Hawaii, there is a city league of four teams,' including the National guard and the Univer sity of Hawaii varsity 'and other leagues at army posts near the city. The quality of foot ball put up by these teams, on which Hawaiians are prominent and in many instances star players, compares favorably with that played on the mainland, as attested by the close scores of games played between the University of Oregon and University of Hawaiian teams, during the Christmas season of 1920. The coaching of former stars from Yale, Harvard and other big main land schools is helping to develop high-class foot ball in the islands, as is competition with mainland elevens, which, with Oregon making another invasion this winter, now seems assured as an annual event. Roller Defeats State Champion E. G. Roller defeated Rafph Ste phens, state champion, 125 to 117, in a thrilling match in the state cham pionship pocket billiard tournament at the Academy parlor last night. The game went 49 innings. Stephens' high run was 30. There were 20 consecutive safe ties played during the match. .. In the afternoon, Andy Swanson defeated Hurley Hamilton, 125 to 61. in 32 innings. Harsch and Shepherd now stand in the lead. . . , . , This afternoon Roy White will play Hurley Hamilton and Billie Usher will meet Harry Shepherd in the evening match. . More than 1,000 ivory fans wit nessed the two contests yesterday. Centre's Foe Asked To Report Early San Diego, Dec. 16. The San Diego committee in charge of the Arizona-Centre foot ball game sched uled to be played here December 26 has requested Arizona authorities to have the Wild Cat eleven in this city by December 24. Arizona plans to come by way of Los Angeles, where practice will be held. . - Severt Higgins To Captain Kansas Lawrence, Dec. 16V Severt Hig gins. left tackle, was elected captain of the 1922 Kansas university foot ball team last night Greatest of Cuclists L ft! 1 AliVed GoulieT. Alfred floullft is torlav hi-inc hail. ed as the king of cyclists as the re svlt of hi.s remarkable performance in the closiny hours of the Six-Day race at Madison Square Garden, New York. The veteran rider, wlih his partner, Maurice Brocco, won the big event. Govdlet won 13 out of the last 18 sprints in which he par ticipated. It was the most astonish-, ing i-crformi.i.'f ever re:orded in the history of cycling. Goullct was born in Australia, but is a naturalized Amcnran citizen. , . i Buffaloes Buy; Star Eastern League Catcher Home-Run Cloutcr Becomes Property of Omaha Club By Deal Closed by Burch. (Special to The Omaha Bee.) SorinKfield. Mass.. Dec. 16. "Red" Wilder, for three years star catcher of the Springfield base ball club, and noted m the bastern league tor his hoine-run hitting, was sold this after noon to Omaha. Owner A. J. bhean stated that he believes the sale to the western team was the best way for his catcher to advance in the base ball world. - Not disputing this fact, the Spring field fans who have just fiinished a wonderful round of celebrations in the welcoming back of Silent John Hummell, as '1922 manager, were thoroughly stunned in learning of Wilder's disposal. Wilder, who will report to Omaha next spring, was the "Babe" Ruth of the Eastern league and all Spring field is open and bitter in their re sentment of his sale. With Hummell back home, Spring field looked forward to a most re markable, season, but the loss of "Brick" overshadows all their fond est dreams. ! ' With the going of Wilder, the Eastern league loses one of its most dangerous hitters, a "red-haired" war rior, who lias lifted the leather over many a fence, a wonderful backstop and a gentleman. Springfield will not soon forget the man who topped the fences with his drives during the season and the man who offered to go out and play shortstop when Gonzales was out of action. Cornell College , Team to Play Iowa Mount Vernon, la.,' Dec. 16. The Cornell college basket ball team will take a four-game trip, starting Saturday, December 17, when the quintet will play Iowa University team at Iowa City. Ames will be met on Monday. Drake university will be played at Pes Moines on Tuesday and Simpson college of Indianola on Wednesday. Three quarters never did make a whole. And by the same token it takes Spur's 4leaf blend to get that spicy all-there flavor in a cigarette. tioonr & Vtrni ToaACCo Co. Ten Round Bout Western League Records Kama and Club tt, Ptrrynian. Oklahoma City 7 Chase. Wichita , a Heyaolda, Jnplln 4 Itawaaaaj, Omaha) t Malkup, Joplln rot. per. Wichita , 1 Keinmer. Tulsa 1 II. Merger. Wichita 1 (.rirrin, Omaba , t Mead. Omaha , ,.,..,.. Allianose, Tulsa ... I rolls, Dm Moines ....14 Musser, Wichita 17 ll.el.e. Wlehlla ....,.,..,,..,......40 1. Nrallh, Omaha, 1 Allison, Oklahoma City , SO Mt-Laughlln. Ht. Joseph Yeager, Oklahoma Clly f Allen. Oklahoma CHy , 51 Hellars, Wlrhlta ...4) (irsgorr, Wlihll 44 IMnlrla, Omaha 40 ZweKul. Jnplln 13 Xlrd, Ht. Joseph I Kallslmry. Oklahoma City H .V, Olasrr. Mliiux Clly 4) Maun, WL-hlta Mitchell, Oklahoma City ,. Ramaey, Oklahoma Clly O'Neill. Joiilln... Davenport. Omnha ..; J. It. (.lasler, Omaha Meter. Minus city llurch, Omaha Club Melding. Wlehlla Nt. Joseph Oklahoma City sioua city ....a.......... ......... ...... ..a.....,..,... Omaha .... Tulsa les Moines Joulln .... 1NMVIDUAI, HEFJUINO. First Dusemen. Name and Club O. TO. A. E. VC. Tlrannon. Tulsa 80 747 44 S .994 Hourg, Jnplln 40 303 tl 4 ,9811 Derk, Wlthlts 1C6 171.9 90 !6 .9X1 l.ellvelt, Omaha M6 1768 102 27 .986 Beatty, St. Joseph. ...166 1609 110 24 .986 Melt, Sioux City 167 161S 89. 27 .984 U. Graham. OUIa. City 168 1806 91 28 .983 Toat. Tulsa 13 ioi a ii .3 Moeller. Des Moines.. 70 689 55 16 .979 H. Brown. Des Moines C2 (47 69 13 .979 rarker. Tulsa 64 (06 36 13 .978 Boehler. Tulsa 16 127 I t .977 Npeas. Joplln 22 149 t 4 .971, Rempsey, Des Moines 20 214 16 6 .975 B. Hmith, Omaha.... 74 C96 30 23 .969 Walker. Jonlin 26 215 6 9 .961 Cady, Joplln 14 10S ( 9 ,929 Second Basemen. Name andi Club O. PO McMullln. Okla. City. 13 t X. TS. PC. 37 2 .567 Steinbrenner, So, City 71 230 328 17 .964 Wutril, Tulsa 77 206 214 17 .961 Krueger. Joplln .144 370 470 37 .953 Washburn, Wichita ,.U8 447 (63 47 .956 Nufer. St. Joseph ....115 Zi 366 2i .5l 2 133 11 .853 144 170 16 .iit 402 54 63 .047 21 293 35 ..( 220 203 31 .932 143 176 26 .924 196 229 35 .923 182 247 40 .(15 Connolly, fit. Joseph., 40 Qleason, Tulsa 64 Olslason. Omaha 166 Yuna, lies Moines.... 84 Coffey. Des Moines... 69 Heatly, Okla. City.... 65 Shanley. Okla. City.. 86 T.eard, Sioux City.... 82 Stewart, Tulsa 29 O'Connor, Des Moines. 17 Burko, Tulsa 13 67 86 15 .911 47 11 58 10 .896 83 7 .885 Third Basemen. Name and Club O. PO. A. E. PC. F. McDonald, St. Joe. 63 65 !6 6 .968 Butler, Wichita 166 193 310 24 .954 Haney. Omaha 140 228 356 32 .948 Wright, Okla. City. ...148 176 285 30 .938 Hamilton, Joplln ....131 117 251 27 .932 Grant. Des Moines. ...157 188 301 38 .928 Connolly, St. Joe 38 41 6 .924 M. McDonald, St. Joe. 44 34 88 11 .917 Marr, Sioux City 164 154 298 42 .915 Thompson, Tulsa ....137 149 147 41 .906 Ryan. Omaha 18 22 44 7 .904 Mueller, Joplln 44 63 85 17 .890 Scanlon, St. Joseph ., 11 13 16 4 .876 Burke, Tulsa 12 21 33 7 .885 Shortstops. f. Berger. TVIchlta. ...105 323 603 61 .948 Beaumiller, Sioux City 25 41 61 6 .944 Hughes. Okla. City... 33 75 4 11 .936 Shanley, Okla. City... 88 89 79 12 .933 Runser. Okla. City... 94 194 259 35 .928 Ostergaard. Sioux City 85 63 92 12 .924 McOinnis, Tulsa 185 369 467 70 .923 Connolly, St. Joe 47 110 148 , 23 .918 Mason, Omaha 18 2 48 1 .917 Rhyne, Des Moines. ...110 247 810. 62 .916 Robertson, Joplln ....3,68 395 439 79 .913 Spranger, Omaha .... 36 79 117 19 .912 Kearns, Sioux City..., 63 121 183 31 .907 B. Brown, St. Joe 33 69 85 15 .906 R, Brown. Des Moines 49 102 145 27 .901 P. McDonald, St. Joe. 41 96 117 25 .895 Stevenson, St. oJe.... 20 36 41' 9 .895 Kox, Sioux City 64 129 147 34 .890 Defate, St. Joseph.... 18 46 34 12 .870 Massey, Omaha 15 16 3 3 .864 Krehmeyer. St. Jo.... 16 29 29 10 .863 Haney, Omaha 11 17 41 13 .829 Outfielders. McDowell. Wichita ... 20 21 t . 1000 Heatly, Okla. City.... 60 140 6 1 .993 Fox, Oklahoma City 46.. 99 8 1 .991 Corrldon, St. Joseph 136 246 .14 4 .985 Harper, Okla. City. ...168 486 2 9 .983 Bonowltz, St. Joseph.. 49 145 12 3 .981 O'Connor. Des Moines 140 226 22 6 .980 Casey, Sioux City..... 25 48 2 1 .960 Robinson. Sioux City 164 263 41 7 .977 hue, Omaha 168 347 19 9 .976 W. Griffin, Wichita... 20 36 5 1 .976 O'Brien, Omaha 162 333 20 11 .970 Blakesly, Wichita. ....146 26S 21 9.969 Reiley, St. Joseph ... 61 162 6 6 .969 Milan. Des Moines ...160 38S 23 14 .967 Connelly, Tulsa ..... 35 78 3 .967 D. Williams, Joplln... 66 133 4 5 .965 F. McDonald, St. Joe.. 62 129 B 6 .964 Davis. Tulsa 144 218 13 9 .963 East, Wichita 168 253 35 11 .963 Harbor, Sioux City.... 124 288 22 13 .961 Burke, Tulsa 140 221 16 10 .959 Todt, Tulsa 140 221 16 10 .959 Paddock, Sioux City 63 100 18 6 .959 Beaumiller. Sioux City 25 41 61 S .944 I.. Smith. Wh-hita....l8 414 35 20 .957 R. Smith, Joplln 15 42 2 .955 B. Moore, Okla. City 123 296 12 15 .954 Kennedy, Joplin rl49 303 20 16 .953 winner, ouyini ....... -a w . 1 - .ww- Pitt, Okla. City 166 307 ?9 18 .951 Mueller, Joplln 108 193 15 It .950 Anderson. Des Moines 14 18 1 1 .950 Moelter, Des Moines.. 75 152 15 9 .949 Bennett. Tulsa 70 164 11 10 .946 Speas. Joplin 24 49 4 3 .946 Chrlstensen. Joplin ..132 315 21 22 .939 Griffin, Omaha 168 265 21 21 .932 Erwln, Tulsa 20 35 6 3 .930 Fisher. St. Joseph. .. .160 244 24 22 .924 walker, Joplln zz 3 . i a .so Watson, Sioux City.... 23 30 4 3 .919 WatBon, St. Joseph .. 10 18 1 2 .906 Blackwell, Joplln ... 37 68 8 8 '.889 Bratchi. Joplin 31 62 4 7 .889 Massey. Omaha 16 16 i 3 .864 S 4-LEAF FLAVOR The only crimped cigirette in America no pane. ritrbere' Rerords, IP. H. w. P.-r. .lieu lu J lii. t JOtHI Jtt' l'M JOlill llMll ItMHI ,s.M .? 7J7 , '" ,J4 ,(WiT ,kT .( ,4"i7 .453 ,3 ,-.'! .til .t ,o-;i ,5i , ,'it .576 .(.; .til ,.VI7 . ji;.t 14 14 II II 10 ft " t u 49 17( lij 1(1 KM 44 11 21 114 ll .104 17 44 (6 ;8 m 278 U'2 44 Mt 3.11 . 119 SOS 34 It 14 II It It 4 T a 4 1 173 145 ;u 1S7 74 ' 31 81 401 314 875 Ml t 194 333 281 30 151 62 311 174 143 I I I t 1 1 t 1 1 14 12 It a 4 a 9 24 21 23 J ft S 17 17 15 19 S 4 17 tt t IS ft ft t t 1 t 11 13 It 3 ii 12 u 3 17 7 II 44 41 ,.. !S . .63 .. ..ft ,.3s w. i. rri. a. k. re. 160 61 4631 2261 249 .Oil 71 (8 4361 2098 286 .96,4 93 76 4464 2011 293 ,H7 81 81 4344 2065 IK. .,' 96 71 4491 2283 335 .1111 4S 101 4127 , 2146 331 .IH 71 93 4530 2265 364 .9:0 It 11 4376 2027 368 ' .947 . Catchers. Owens. St. Joseph .... 46 166 45 Cady, Joplln 87 364 73 W, Hmith, Joplln .... 64 237 4.1 Graham, Sioux City.. ' 69 276 (4 3 .985 7 .984 i .983 6 .982 Haley, Wichita 145 (27 139 14 .979 12 .978 Crosby, St. Joseph. . ..1 15 418 118 Huron, Omsha 26 89 33 Kreen. Okls. Cltv 11 30 10 3 .976 1 .976 I). Parker, Okla. City 150 613 146 17 .976 t.lngle. Omaha 136 603 119 16 .975 Spellman, Tulsa 91 431 80 14 .973 Anderson. Des Moines 83 277 66 10 .972 Heving. Tulsa 4 414 124 17 .909 W. Griffin. Wichita.. 29 81 20 4 .963 Dunn. .Innlln 25 66 19 3 .96 Kaniller, St. Joseph.. 21 75 19 4 .957 Banner. Des Moines .. 93 348 91 20 .956 Blackwell, Joplln .... 19 62 22 5 .944 McCnrthv. Okla. City 11 42 7 3 .943 Pug Griffin, Wichita.. 10 36 3 3 .929 PITCHERS. Allison, Okls. City. ...21 S Meade, Omaha 15 ft Wilkus. St. Joseph ...11 1 Mangum. St. Joseph... 31 16 Oriner. St. Joseph ....3! 7 Russell. Sioux City ...37 8 21 23 18 72 60 ,, 1000 ,. 1000 ,. 1000 1 .989 1 .96 2 .979 8 .975 1 .973 1 .971 3 .971 1 ,9f.8 3 .977 8 ,967 3 .965 3 .961 1 .961 87 Salisbury. Okla. City.. 63 16 102 Pott. Des Moines 26 13 Orover, St. Joseph ....16 5 21 29 87 24 3 10 78 72 Tesar, Sioux City 52 13 Reischlgl, Joplln 13 6 Boehler, Tulsa IS 127 Burch, Omaha 35 19 Cullop, Tulsa 33 7 Mitchell, Okla. City ..49 ,6 Davenport. Sioux Clty.13 6 21 naugniana, Tuisa 65, 3 . r9 Doyle, Joplln 38 Allen, Okla. City 62 Okrle. Omaha 16 N. tilaser. Sioux City.. 6 1 Adams, St. Joseph 37 McCoIl, Ht. Joseph ...16 Mem. Des Moines ....47 Daniels. Omaha 40 11 67 3 16 120 .1 18 18 106 8 72 12 S!7 21 130 6 .957 1 .936 .934 4 .952 2 .931 8 .350 4 .947 11 61 Hovllk, St. Joseph ...40 9 Beebe. Wichita 40 Ramsey, Okla. City ..24 6 Klefer, Sioux City ....21 4 Black, Des Moines ..,.55 24 G, Beck, Des Moines.. 14 3 Ragan, Joplin 11 3 Morris, Tulsa 20 7 Maun, Wichita .......44 4 C. Williams, Joplln ..38 14 Richmond, Tulsa 25 4 Lukanovic, Tulsa 46 3 Albanese. Tulsa 10 1 Lynch, Des Monica ...42 13 Gregory. Wichita 48 10 79 6 .946 61 4 .946 30 2 .946 31 2 .916 95 7 .944 29 2 .1)41 13 1 .941 6.1 4 .938 5 .937 6 .9::s 3 .935 6 .9.13 1 .933 6 .929 8 .927 6 ,2T 8 .924 3 .923 '3 .923 2 .923 6 .921 3 .917 3 .914 2 .913 Sellers, Wichita 44 ; 4 Stoner, Oklahoma ....22 3 Lots. Sioux City 29 6 T.uschen. Des Moines ..16 3 Schenberg. Joplln '.. .15 3 Gross, Wichita 40 7 Costello, St. Joseph. ..19 4 Musser, Wichita 27 2 Shrlver. Des Moines ..11 2 Baumgardner. Omaha. .28 4 4 .911 Glasier, Omaha 63 25 116 14 .910 Davenport, Omaha ...53 6 74 8 .909 Young, Joplln 40 11 79 9 ,9H9 Davis, Sioux City ....40 a 46 6 .907 B. Smith. Omaha ....13 2 17 2 .905 I,. Berger, Joplin .....63 7 84 10 .901 Prultt, Tulsa 30 6 39 6 .900 Schuman, Des Moines.. 11 .2 14 2 .889 Ludolph. Des Moines ..11 .. 23 3 .885 Hill, Joplin 16 8 22 4 ,882 Buckalew, Des Moines. 11 3 10 2 .967 McDonald. Wichita ...19 4 25 6 .861 Love, Okla. City 30 3 19 4 .846 Stewart, Sioux City ..10 1 17 4 .818 Langstroth, Des Moin..l5 3 17 6 .760 Physical Work on Scientific Basis South Bend, Ind., Dec. 16. A new form of physical training to be made the basis of scientific study has been inaugurated at Notre Dame university, it was announced today. All . freshmen yesterday were in structed to report to the physical director for measurement, following which corrective exercises were prescribed. Another measurement will be taken at the completion of the school year to determine the ac tual results received from the train ing. Smith Kayoes Nelson. Wausau, Wis., Dec. 16. Matty Smith of Racine knocked out Fred Kelson of Pittsburgh, with the firjt punch in the first round last night. 1 he men are lightweights. KeOTUCKY BURLEY for good old tobacco taste Choice Macedonian for spicy aroma ' Golden Virginia for life and sparkle Broad Maryland Tor cool-bunung Tonight Cyclone Trackslers Will Take Trip East This Season Amen, la., Dec. 16. -The Iowa State collrge two-miU relay ' team, which broke the world's record 1at May nt the Drake relay carnival, will take a three-week's trip into the east, according to plan announced bv Track Coach Art Smith here thi aftrroonn. The second lap of the annual rare between the Ames quartet and Notre Dame will be run off January 21 at the Illinois Athletic lub's- indoor carnival at Chicago, Vale or Har vard will be met at the Madison Square Garden inert put on by the Melrose A. C. February 12.. On February Vi, the Ames quartet will meet another strong eastern team at Boston at the annual indoor car nival fostered by the Boston A. C. A Danish plant is making a bouil lon extract from the hones of fresh ly slaughtfrcd cattle and horses. CVlCAUfr THK BIST IM VAUOtVII.Lt Last Two Times MATINEE TODAY 2:15 Esrly Curtain TONIGHT at 8f00 CARLYLE BLACKWELL Eswtrdt EIlM THE CANS1NOS "Cllht. 81s A Four" SaanUh Dsacari Gautier Bros. DOOLEY & STOREY Count Perrons A Miss Trix Oliver Van Csllo 4 Mary JACK ROSE Awop'a Fablss: "Toplci ot tht Diy" Paths Wnkly Mitlntei lio to ilte: Somi 75o tna 11.00 Sit. Sun. Nlonti l&e ts 11.00; Soma 11.25. Saturday and Suaday, NEXT WEEK HELEN KELLER Moat Talkrd-of Woman in the World OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" rial, and Nits Today Good Ros'v'd Seats 50c ARTHUR PEARSON'S , STEP LIVELY GIRLS A Smart Show, with BILLY GILBERT ("Oh, Charlie!"). The N. Y. Cast and tho Famous Lively Stepping: Beauty Chorus. TIRED SHOPPERS' MATINEE DAILY EMPRESS LAST TIMES TODAY DOLL FROLICS, An Up-to-date Story Book Revue; HARRY ELLIS, America's Famous Tenor; KENNEDY A BURT, "Engaged. Married and Divorced;" JOYNER & FOSTER, "The Two Dixie Brownies." Photoplay Attraction "GARMENTS OF TRUTH," Featuring Careth Hughes. DANCE At Kelpine's Dancing . Academy 2424 Famam Street Saturday and Sunday Nights The veal place to have a good time. STARTS TODAY Ends Tuesday Night "RIDING WITH DEATH" Featuring BUCK JONES LAST TIMES TONIGHT WIL1 ROGERS DOUBL!MROMEO ar lUaOUtCi vntKKEB WIUJAM tMAjaTfM( (sns s raws aets wai nuMea l STARTS TOMORROW WANDA HAWLEY In "The Love Charm" ENTERTAINMENT iff' ' I DANCING If" Si 'i most beautiful fcft M a i y AMUSEMENT PALACE $l& WEST OF NEW YORK !'f&Af SCKUYLER & WALKER wjtiMjj CARL LAMP' ORCHESTRA jfO I ivn Admiaaion. 40c fflfi rZsftlEE With Evary Suit or Overcoat l . Order t $45.00 and Up To rduc our stock and ksop our tailors buiy. Cooti workmanship and psr. foct fit fuaraoUod. MacCarthy-WiUon Tailoring Co. SIT Ssulh IBth SlrMt 3 Todax Ms I, J, 7 and Ii. sv Florence Reed la quarter of a million dollar motion plcturs satraordlnary J Black Panther's e Cub Popular Prlceai Afternoons, 25c; Eve inga, 7iOO and BiOO p. m., 2Sc and 80c, including Us. H EATR Three Daya - DEC. 19 th Starting Monday Matine Wednesday , .i WIUIAM HABBIS J Qwest THE PLAY THAT MADE NEW YORK LAUGH FOR 1 SOLID YEARS Evenings, $2.50, $2, $1.50 Jr. SOc Wed. Mat , S2, S1.50. f 1 A 50c. SEATS NOW SELLING Now No Advance in Prices . Wallace Reid Gloria Swanson Elliott Dexter "Don't Tell Everything" Matinees Until 6:15 25c FINAL DAY Mr. and trs. Carter DeHaven -la 'MY LADY FRIENDS" fijilil Last Showing Today Gareth Hughes IN 'GARMENTS OF TRUTH" DANCE Tom Brown's Orchestra ' Will be at KELPINE'S DANCING ACADEMY 2424 Farnam Street Sunday Night The real place to dance. The Bee Want Ads are the best Business Boosters. mm n I e-