THK BEK: OMAHA, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1921. ; ( Society I Winn fathioii decree straps on slippers, the hat to kit lack and de vise chans in buckles, ana lh pretty, little round rhlnetone orna inents that no many women ire wearing to cover ihe strap button art the result of her cogitations. These ore being widely worn thia season, ciihrr in plain rhinesioncs or with jewelled center to match an evening gown. Mrs. Edwin Davli prefers the latter style, and wear a pair of Duckies with a green center wnun sne nati made to order. Miss Lliza b'th. Barker, Mint Gladys Petrri and Mra. firorite Flack are among thone who sre frequently seen wearinsr thia new device. Mm.-J. E. Davidson's tmir sre shaped like tiny jewelled scorns, and Mra. Albert Sibbernscn has s pair of hield-hnped buckles. Mrs. Charles Metj wears s pair, and has even gone further and appear occasionally in a jewelled anklet of black velvet. Mrs. James Dnwd I anotherinatrou who affects this ultra modern touch of a rhine stone ornament on a narrow black band around the ankle. Some of these anklets are made in the shape of bow knot with silver "dangler ' hang Ing from them, and some of the prettiest of the strap-buckles have moon- stone center. The fad is popular with the younger set a well, Mis Izetla Smith having worn pair just before she left in October, Mist Dorothy l'ayne ana auss jcancnc jonnson aiso wear tlicin. Why Spanish Women Love Earrings 'I love my earrings," said Elia f'Mriniiio, who, with her brother, is ,!..;.,.. . ........... c. ll'lll M (flRCA'tia ,-iaiM?H tlrillWIHg act at the Orpheum tin's week. ' Do you always wear them?" she Mas aked. "Except when I sleep," she re plied, touching tenderly the long (hrec-scctioncd beads of jet sus pended front her pretty ears. In Spain they pierce a girl baby' ' cues when she is a few months otd, Mi Canlno explained, and the ihilil wears a small gold ring until ild enough to adopt the mote mar velous dangle which most women, and all punish women, adore. Per hap it is because earring are par ticularly becoming to the Spanish tare that they love them so much. "Sec" said Miss Cansino. uointing to her cheek bones, "hiph, wide, and then small," indicating the sudden farrowing of the face below them. It was easy to see why her sizable rirrings seemed to belong on either nde of this norrowing contour. Miss Cansino is really Spanish. She and her brother are pupils ot their lather, for many years Ma-- clnd s most famous dancing master, and now a teacher among New York's social set. Miss Cansino is eutrancingly beau tiful, if you like the Spanish type. J lor hair black and straight, is neither bobbed nor marcelled, though it has been both. "I. like it better this-a day," she said dreamily in her dressing -room yesterday, with an accent as charming as it is iinpos s'ble to suggest, ller heavily-lashed brown eyes have all the subtlety, allurement, softness and depth that human eyes can hold, and they shine like stars. No wonder that little F.lisa does not care for diamond ear lings. Why should one encourage rivals? Elisa is small, though ' she. does not lock it on the stage.. . She is the most deceiving person imaginable. ncr ncigoi is i icet 11 mciies, uui in her Spanish dress with the high tortoise comb in her hair she ap pears fully five inches taller. And he s older on the stage, too. pff staf,c ne looks a petite 17. Her ji is of beautiful texture and un ca'secrated by a line. "The castanets," she said, "it is almost harder to play, them prop-, rrly than it is to dance. " I could tell ycu in a few. minutes how to 'do it, but it would take you years to learn.--The two hands play dif ferently, just as on the piano. The left hand marks the rhythm and the right sings the song." Apanisn siyies ic vciy puyuiai in New York, according to this Miss Cansino, for New York ,wc men are wearing the long ; earrings, the high back corhbsv and 'even black lace scarfs. ' '-' , v.. Ellsa Cans'no. For Miss McMartin. Miss Frances Morrow will enter tain at luncheon Saturday at the Ath letic club in honor of Miss Lorna McMartin, a December bride. Her other guests will be the Mesdames H. K. Schafer, C'hark's McMartin, Fred F. Martin, Charles R. Davis, Truman 11. Gross, Kichard S. Martin; the Misses Marguerite Schafer, Ruth Parker, Katherine Lineburg. Eleanor Slabaugh, Margaret Hoffman and Winifred a.nd . Miriam McMartin. KiwatLs Dinner-Dance. The Kivvanis club entertained for the members.' wives at a formal dinner dance Wednesday evening at the Rome hotel. Sixty guests at tended. Christmas carols were a fea ture of the evening. H. V. Bubb is the retiring president and E. D. White, president-elect of the organi zation. ' Omaha Club. Ihe Omaha cluo is planning a series of tea dances every day from December 2.5 till New Year's for its members. The New Year s eve eel cbratipr will begin with supper at 11 6'cfdcV and there will be enter- tainmenf.featurcs during the evening and special favor dances. Lowe Avenue Missionary Society. The Woman's Missionary society of Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church will meet Friday at 2:30 with Mrs. T. M. Patton. Assisting her will be Mrs. A. C. Smith andMrs'. Pearl Welsham. i The leader will be Mrs, R, i E, Wiukelmaf) and the subject, .'Syria and Persia.. . . ISl LIE IE PY-TIME TALES MJteA LE OF KITTY CAT R SCOTT BAILEY ILAJto My Marriage Problems ' , Adulp UarrUMin' New I'hase ot ' "REVELATIONS Of A WIFE" lOnumitiU (911. tn Nwtpct Vmtvn Aarrte. iaa.i C-u.. i.U TUiMrvc ItiVv rillPCCJH Well, old dear!" ' Dicky looked up lazily from the rustic veranda of our bungalow as I came up to the steps. I had just left Lillian, and my imagination was still running riot with the dramatic episode she had related to me, and the still more dramatic possibilities of the things she had left . unsaid. Dicky's drawling tones brought me to earth with a jerk, and I looked into his quizzical eyes with a con fusion I could not hide. "Would it be too much temerity on the part f a mere man to in quire as to the result of the secret session?" he asked gibingly. "I trust the romper pattern was satisfactory." Until I heard the reference from his lips I had completely forgotten that I had made the copying of a romper dsign my excuse for asking to see Lillian before her drive with Robert Savarin. I was furious with myself for the embarrassed flush I could not control, especially as I knew from , Dicky's tone and look that he had fathomed my ruse. 1 have learned in the last year to my surprise that Dicky sometimes jeal ously resents the confidences which Lillian and I share, and I quickly resolved to tell him everything that 1 rnnlft Vlnnnralilv ti thp ronvprsa- - . - j v. - - - - tion I had just quitted. 1 "I thought you'd get that," I said laughing. "I'll confess that the rom per pattern is nonexistent, but I hope Robert doesn't share your in tuition." Dicky Is Observant. "Don't worry," Dicky advised in dolently. "He has room for only one emotion this morning, and that's jealousy of the stalwart military gen who just left us.' I don't envy old Lil her drive this morning. '"What Lil ought to do," he wec.t on. frowning. "i to give that solemn old goat a swift solar plexus and knock some of the archaiq ideas out of him. Bob's a great artist. When ever I think of his work I feel like getting down and knocking my head three times against the floor and waiting for permission to speak. But, s I believe I've told yon before, he belongs on a pedestal. When he comes down to earth and begins to dabble in human emotions and af fairs he's out of the picture, allee same all other great men. There ought to be a law locking each of them up in an isolated beautiful gar-ien.- 1 stared at Dicky in amazement "Then you know he disliked her foing in Colonel Traver's motor car," I stammered. . "Know rtf echoed Dicky. "It didn't take sleuthing or psychic abil ity to discover that. He looked ex actly as if he were one of the vic tims of the Inquisition, and they imd just begun to light the siow fire under the gridiron. I hope your warning to Lil was effective, so she'll know how to allay his wrath." "When Do We Go?" "I trust it was," I replied demure ly, determined not to humor him by exclaiming again over his undeniably clever guessing or insight I did not know which to term it. "I tried to tell, her everything she ought to know about fits injured feelings. But I've Something more interesting to tell vou. Smith hasn't been caught yet." - Dicky's eyes danced with gleeful mischief as he gave me a long, teas ing look. "Do you call that iiews?" he asked "My dear child, you're at least three red-ink editions behind schedule. I had the information you are now giving out several minutes before 3'OU did. I am afraid you must yield the palm as a news-bringer to " "Ted Cosgrovel" I inadvertently completed his sentence with the name of the boy whom J had com pletely forgotten. Hij had returned with Colonel Tra vers, and, of course, Dicky and the Cosgroves had learn ed from him everything of which he had personal knowledge.- For a sec ond or two I was chagrined at the turn things had taken, then relief swept me, I need tell Dicky noth ing more, but could take refuge in pretended playful pique. "I'll be glad to doff to him my new fall chapeau w hich I haven't bought yet," I laughed, "for he's saved me a lot of breath. Do you think they'll catch Smith?" "Very nifty hunt that," Dicky an swered cryptically, gazing steadily at me until I flushed crimson, and was furious with myself for doing so. "But keep your little secrets, old dear. You haven't got anything worth very much, I'll gamble on that. Lil's off on one of those nose-to-the-ground stunts, as old Harry used to call 'em, and 1 have a little fancy that what news she spills wouldn't keep any reporter in oyster crackers. When do we go from heah. old deah when do we go from head?" "You mean yon want to go home?" I stammered. "Go to the head of the. class! Your answer is perfect." "We can go any day." I returned slowly. "I can pack in a couple of hours. "But I'd rather wait till till" "Till our respected friend, ifiss Dean, vamocrses, I suppose," he said. CHAPTER XVIII. Kidnaped, There wa great rejoicing among all the Mouse family. Pudgy Mr. Moses Mouse had picked up a bit of newt that delighted him and hi wife and all their many relations. Somebody had stolen MUs Snooper as the Mouse family always called Mis Kitty Cat! Somebody had taken her aw ay I Master Meadow Mouse had seen it all; and he had told Moses exactly hr,w it happened. Master Meadow Mouse knew that a wagon had borne Miss Snooper up the road and over the hill. He had watched it disap pear, with his own eyes. All those thing Moses Mouse repeated a fast as his short breath would permit. He had hurried hack home to tell the news as soon as he had heard it. He found, however, that no one cared who took her; no one cared when. It was enough to know that she was gone. And everybody exclaimed tnai it was the best news ever and good riddance to bad rubbish meaning Miss Kitty Cat. If it were only true! The Mouse family scarcely dared believe, that it was. But when two days had pass ed, and Moses Mouse himself had e'en ventured into the pantry, and the kitchen, and the woodshed, with out meeting Miss Kitty, the Mouse family dared decide that she had in deed gone for good. Meantime Miss Kitty Cat was hav ing a most unhappy time. It was true that she had been stolen. A man driving a peddler's wagon up the hill one evening had noticed her as she lay on top of the stone wall, around the turn of the road beyond the farmhouse. "Kitty I Kitty I Kit ty!" he called, as he stopped his horse. And reaching behind the seat, he brought out a bit of food, which he held out for her. Now, it happened that at that very moment Miss Kitty Cat had her mind on food. She had been hoping that a meal would appear at any mo ment out of a chink in the wall. And when it was dangled right before her eyes like that she couldn't resist it. She climbed up into the wagon. And the nxt thing she knew, the ped dler had clapped her into a basket and fastened the cover. Miss Kitty Cat was a prisoner. There, my beauty! the peddler exclaimed, "I'll take you home with me. We need a mou&cr. And I dare say you're a good one. Unlets I'm mistaken, you were hunting chip munk on the wall." Miss Kitty Cat made no anwer. Naturally, it pleased her to be called id All those tliintfs Moses Mouse Kpsitti &i fut u his short breath would permit a beauty. But there were other mat ters that she didn't like in the least. Her captor had forgotten to toss the scrap of meat into the basket the bait with which he had caught her. And it was somewhat breathless in side her prison. And Miss Kitty Cat had no idea where the peddler was taking her. He had clucked to his horse and started him plodding up the hill. Every time a wheel struck a stone Miss Kitty' gritted her teeth. She never did enjoy riding in a wagon, anyhow. And this one was not at all comfortable. "They'll wonder, back home, what's become of me," she thought. And one thing is certain; everybody will miss me I" Tea for School Set. Mrs. John Ronald McDonald will give a tea on Monday, December 26, for her .daughter, Miss Elizabeth McDonald, who will be at home from Bradford academy. Mrs. E. W. Gunther has gone east to join her son, Clarence, for the holidays. They are in New York at present and will go to White Sul phur Springs, Va next -week. Mrs. Gunther will return to Omaha about January 7. Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Why Doesn't lie Propose? Dear Miss Fairfax: I am coming to you for help. Anrl would you please tell me what to do? I have teen going with a man for almpst, two years, and he keeps tolling me how nlre I am. and my plaeo could notbe filled, and I am sure he loves me.' He knows I have no home and must work for my living. Yet he does not ask me to marry h!m. Now I have made up my mind I cannot give him any more of my time if he don't intend to marry me. I am going to let him go. I love him and It will be hard to give him up. But, Miss Fairfax, please tell me what to do before I make this move. TUZZLBD. I think you have a "level head," as the saying goes. Two years is long enough time for a proposal If the man intends to make one, pro vided there are not some extraordi nary circumstances. Has the man any obligations toward a mother or sister, or is he not earning enough money to keep a wife? ilow old is he. How old are you? Is he very, very bashful? Terhnps he takes it for. granted you will marry even tually. But just from what meager information I .have, I sympathize with you. If you do decide to stop going with. him. tell him frankly why. That will be fair and will give him an opportunity to understand you and declare himself. Reader: For your nard times partv issue Invitations on common wrapping paper. Deliver personally, don't spend money for postage. In struct everyone to dress appropri ately. Women can wear gingham dresses, men -overalls, etc. Kefresh ments should be doughnuts, apples, popcorn and coffee, or sonrthing equally simple. Your evening's en tertainment, if you do not dance, should consist of old-fashioned games, such as charades, spin the platter, going to Jerusalem, clothes pin race and similar entertainment. Ask your parents to tell you about the games they used to play. The clothes pin race is exciting. Divide up into two sides. Place a chair at the Beginning of each row. On the chair are 10 clothes pins. At a given signal the clothes pins are to be passed one at a time to the foot of the line, wher another chair is ready to receive them. The passing becomes hilarious fun because some one Is sure to drop a pin, and if It is a girl she is sure to squeal. A Maker's Surplus Stock of Floor Lamps About HALF Saturday Union Outfitting Co. Scores of Beautiful Bases and Shades in Newest and Mast Wanted Ideas. If you are thinking of getting a Floor Lamp or Table Lamp for Christmas you can secure a beau tiful one at an extremely low price at the Union Outfitting Company next Saturday. A well known eastern manufac turer of Floor Lamps anxious to secure a complete clearance of Floor Samples and surplus stock before taking inventory, disposed oi his entire stock at about half regular wholesale price. And, as always, you make your own terms. It'll Make a Big Boy Out of Him CREAM OF RYE, served with milk or cream and sugar, is delicious! Chock full of bone-and-muscle building nourishment. You'll like its different flavor. Buy it at your neighborhood grocer's in clean, "air-tight" fibre cans. It is never sold in bulk. . Get a package and read the many fine recipes for serving it. Treat your family to a new taste. Need for Belter World Is Seen S'uker at League of Women Voter, Meeting Blames Misrepresentation for IU. "Miireprrientation U one of our crrateit trouble today," laid L. A. Hartley, of Lincoln, who poke be fore the League of Women Voten, Thursday afternoon, In the Hurgfii Nah auditorium, on "What I Your Excuse for Having Lived?" "There are so few people who are willing ti live and do what U rhjht; w should lve the world much bet ter than we found it that it our only exams for living," taid Mr. Hartley, "L'ntil you have interested the people of all walks of life in what you art doinu, you still have work to do. "Ncbraka haa few illiterates. We have a liiich class of forfhjn-born cit izens in this state who bring up the standard. The fellow who has had the advantage of a college education owra VH per cent more ot his time to the world than those who haven't had the opportunities that an education affords. Only 10 per cent of J0,(XX school children in the United Statek ever finish high school and only 2 per cent finish college." Allan Tukey told of the services held in connection with the burial oi Unknown Soldier in Arlington ceme. tery, Washington, L. C, on Armistice day. Tin league endorsed a motion that the annual election of officers In Jan uary be conducted by proportional representation. The league also en dorsed the movement of the City Concert club, anklng the city com missioners to appropriate fundi for municipal concerts. Mrs. Charles Hubbard, local chair man of the league, presided. Mist Alice Looinis of Lincoln, prominent club woman, was a guest at the meet itf. t Allen Clarke, will arrive from the University of Chicago, December 2J.I to spend the holidays with bis par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Clarke. ADVERTINKMF.NT. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS MAY BE OVERCOME If ou bv Catarrhal Paafntaa "r or ara tvan Juat UUI hard u T urarni- of ba fttat nouaa (a la f .your druiifi.t and get I ounta if i- rarmuil (daubla trenithl. and add to It H pint ot hot watar and a llttld rranulalml aurar. Taka t taMaapoon four tima a liar. Thia arlll o(t. lrtn quick ratlof V from tha diitrtaalna nd doIim. riaaaad ttaatrlla ahould open, breathing baaoma and tha mucua atop drappini Into tha throat. It la aaay to prapara, coats llttla and la Plaatant to taka. An ona loalnir kaarlna ar ho haa Catarrhal Daafnaaa or haad nolaaa should glva thia praacriplloii a trlnl 5 Interesting Drug Stores 5 Owned and Operated by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Convenient and Profitable Places to Do Christmas Shopping While our stores are filled with attractive articles suitable for Christmas Gifts, we shall not neglect the every-day essentials-and our patrons may expect even during the busy Christmas days to find our stocks unbroken and our service good. Special Prices for Friday and Saturday Dec. 16 and 17 CANDIES No belter place in Omaha to buy all sorts of Confections than the 5 Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores. Llggetts Beaton Chocolates and Bon Bona In handsome boxes. 4 lb. to 5 lb. each, rang ing In price from, per box 250 to $7.00 This line Includes the "Dainty Dutch Delights," Llggett's Elect Choco lates," "Tha Orange and Gold Box," and other na tionally known brands of the "Chocolates with the .wonderful cenlera," Sun Maid Raisins. These helfrthful and de licious Ralains in largo boxes of 24 small pack, ages, for $1.00 Woodward Candies, Well known hereabouts for their high grade and constantly maintained ex ' cellence and purity. We are offering for the boll-, days a very representa tive assortment of these sweets, Calarabs, Calapricots and Calorange. In packages -Each, QQ? We have a full line , of these well known Califor nia Trull Confections. Gordon and Rainalter Pure Candies. This splendid line of confections is one of which every Omahan should be proud. The factory where these fine candles are made is the very first one at the left as one enters Omaha by the Douglas St. bridge This was originally the O'Brien factory, but its facilities have been much improved and enlarged In recent years under the management of Its pres ent owners. Some of its leading products are: Gordon's Swiss Style Milk Chocolates, Yi lb. and 1 pound. Gordon's Monte Chris to Chocolates, lb. and 1 pound. Small Package Candles. All of our Drug Stores are well stocked with Small Packages of Con fections, which include: 5c, 10c and 25c Sweet Chocolate Cakes and Cro. quettes...,.5 and 100 Peanut, Almond and Co coanut Bars. These are generally 24-5s and 12 10c Cakes or Bars in box, and are sold at, bos, $1 Graham's Barbecue Chocolate. (New and Unique ) 2 feet long, bo,.$3.CO 3 feet long, box. .$4.50 These boxes are filled with a choice selection of Fruits and Nuts in Cream with heavy Chocolate coating. Stock Reduction Sale of Patents or Proprietary Medicines We are constantly re ceiving shipments from manufacturers and im porters and at times find our stock too heavy. Items named below show present stock and prices we shall make to reduce. 283 bottles $1.25 Pinkham Compound at 720 25o Cascarets at ig 720 bots. 60o Syrup of Figs, at 49J 400 bots. $1.00 Rexall Kidney remedy (large) at 7B 720 bots. 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills, 14 Laxative Aspirin Cold Tablets, at . ..19tf 432 60c Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin, at ....44o 72 bots. 70c Sloan's Lin iment, at 440 300 11.00 Syrup Hypo- phosphite Com pound Tonic, at, bot....g4 400 fl.00 bots. Listerine, at 70 380 50e 12-oz. bots. ink er's Milk of Magnesia, at ..34 1,440 30c boxes Phenolax Wafers,-at . .....19J 132 boxes Buckten Arnica. Salve, at 19 600 boxes Raqua's Char coal Lozengers or Tab lets, at ..i ..90 120 bots. Enos Fruit Salt, at ....79e 1,000 pkgs. Requa's Cu beb Cigarettes for Ca tarrh, pkg 9 600 25c Aluminum Case Menthol, Inhailers 170 1,440 40c Castoria (Flet cher's genuine), per bottle 240 1 lb. bot. Proxlde Hy. drogen (pure) 290 800 bots. 35c Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, at ........240 720 $1.20 size Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, at .-940 132 Rexall 50c Rheumatic Remedy, for 390 720 bots. Freezone Corn Remedy, at 240 720 boxes Nuxated Iron, at 840 There will be plenty of help during thia big 2 days' salt so all will be promptly served. Save Money on These Toilet Articles 804 bots. Mulslfled Cocoa1- nut Oil Shampoo, cut to 390 144 $1.00 bots. Craft for hair Youth 740 96 pkgs. Lloyd's Euiesls English Shaving Cream at 400 234 $1.00 pkgs. Pyorrho- clde. at 790 200 Tubes 60c Mennea's Shaving Cream... 390 720 boxes 50o Djer Kiss Powder and Compact Powder and Rouge, color made for your in dividual complexion 390 890 jars 60c Harmony Co- Doa Butter Cold Cream, at ....49 1,440 tubes Pebeoo Tooth Paste, at .. .....430 288 bots. Orchard White, at 370 $1.00 Malted special .... Milk-. 740 This sale includes Bordn's, Horlick's, Coor's, Thompson's. Eagle Condensed Milk. Per can, Friday and Saturday 190 Bayer's Aspirin. $1.25 bot. of 100 C graln tablets.. 890 Hair Nets Special. 'ENIDA fHAIPyEX Friday and Saturday we shall sell standard Hair Nets of all kinds at Each, 110; Doz. $1.26 This sale Includes the V e n 1 d a, "Qoodform," "Fashionette," "Charm, tng Lady." The lattet Is double mesh. Yardley's English Lavender Water, Bath Salts and Ineompar. able Toilet Soapt and Powders See this wonderful line at our Toilet Goods Counters. Five Perfume Stores Our stores at this sea sin are veritable "Per. fume Bowers." Ask ut fer your faverite. Houbigant, Paris. Our assortment this year of the products of this well known French Perfumer will be found quite complete. Houblgant "Ideal" Ex tract, (small bottles) at S4.C0 and $7.50 In bulk by the ounce or or less. Eau de Toilette, at 93.50 and $6.50 Quelques Fleur Extract, glass stoppered bottle, I fn box, for... $4.50 Toilet Water special I I $4.25 and $8.00 Sachet Powders, In both of the above odors, in bulk and in small bots. Bond Boxes Handsomely lacquer ed. Heavy sheet Iron bores for bonds or other valuable papers, at ..- 890 Makes a nice present. Sanitax or Hyjeia Hair and Nail Brushes Do your Christmas Shopping NOW. Coty Perfumer Paris ' We have a representa tive line of the products of this well known maker embracing the odors L'Origan, Jasmin, Mu guet and Chypre. Fine Hair Brushes In natural woods and ivory celluloid. L. T. Piver, Paris. We caTty a very heavy stock of the goods ot tbls Parisian maker, whose products have long been so popular In tho Ameri can market. The princi pal odors are: L Trefle, Aurea. Flor- amye. In these odors are produced Extracts, Toilet Waters, Vegetales, Sach ets, Soars, Powders and Talcums. Our prices will please you. These are attractive and useful presents. American Ferfumos and Toilot Articles. American manufactur ers have made wonderful strides in the art of making Perfumes and other Toiletries, which for many years was con sidered aa inherently the exclusive right of tlva French. . Our stocks are very representative of the best productions of the best American manufac turers, as follows: Richard Hudnut, N. T. Colgate & Co., New YorM. Lazell & Co.,'Newburgh. Theo. Rlcksecker, N. Y. Baldwin & Co., Chicago. Dabrook, Detroit, Mich. Harmony of Boston. Langlois & Co.. Boston. P. Rieger, San Francisco. F. Stearns & Co., Detroit. Melba; Mfg. Co., Chicago. Christmas Cigars Wait for our list and see our prices. Do your Christmas Shopping Now with US. D'Orsay's French Toilet Goods. We have a small but very carefully selected line of the leading odors of D'Orsay, who Is con sidered a most exclusive Parisian Perfumer. This consists chiefly of the "Chevalier" Odor In Extract, Toilet Water, Face Powder and Soap. Again, we say: Ask us for your Favorite Per fume. Roger & Oallet's Parisian Toiletries We have long car ried a Very complete line of the excellent Perfumes, P o w d e r a and Cosmetics manu factured by the above named firm. This line Is noted for its excellence In quality and reason ableness in price. The' leading odors are: Fleur d'Amour. Vera Vloletta. Peau d'Espange. Violette de Parme. Sandalwood, In the above odors are made: Extracts (Essences), Toilet waters, Face Powders, Talcums, Brllllantlnes,, Lip Pomades, etc. Ask Us for Your Favorite. wman CORNER 16TH AND DODGE STREETS. D. L. Gssklll, Mgr. ' O. H. ChrlsUnsen, Asst. Mgr. Mrs Tora Kynett, Mgr. Women's Dept. CORNER 19TH AND FARNAM STREETS. J. W. Camp, Mgr. F. E. Lippold, Asst. Mgr. Mrs. F. E. Baty, Mgr. Women's Dept. CORNER 24TH AND FARNAM STREETS., James Harrlssn Prather, Mgr. C. E. Hansen, Asst. Mgr. Mrs. W. J. Dillrance, Mgr. Women's Dept. CORNER 16TH AND HARNEY STREETS. A. B. MeCennell, Vlce-Pres. and Seey. Rollin C. Sherman, Mgr. i 0. C. Butler, Asst. Mgr. Grace G. Gunnel!,. Mgr. Women's Dept. 4JTH AND DODGE STREETS. John D. Ralnty Margarette Brixxl, In charge ef Toilet Articles. GENERAL OFFICE, 2nd Fleer, 19TH AND FARNAM STREETS. Charles R. fthsrman, Frsa. and Treat, Miss Margaret Lyons, Office Mgr. Miss Frances Boyle, Asst. Mgr. lfoye than a rJ3r-eah-fat rF,oeGt When iii Omaha Hotel Rome ADVERTISEMENT GGB will break a Cold, Fever and Grippe quicker than anything we know, preTentinf pneumonia. EatVH4 ISM RUPTURE t hv ncftufa! trititiiit for withMt martin to pnful and Mala artirtl operation. M t tmtmnl an than I for OTdtMry . II Hara nni km Hik w. u.i. u. kofU Catt or m far part i alar.. Dr. Fmk H. Wray. Na. SOT Mart Mtfc St. Oanaam, Nab. Taka !Sh or lath attrrt car totef "ortb ni rat off at tita aa4 Canine Sia. TaiH reaidanc aonth. irfiral operation. V f trratmnl fcaa 01 or un trntr-fiT yaara of aarcaaa kakind H. mi ala'm It to ka tha kait. I ont taiarf araffln war. at H 4anrmna. Timt raaa-raJ