Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Pmaha Business
:Men to Vote on
l Tariff Proposals
j '
United State ChamW of
Commerce Seeking Opiuiou
t Of Loral Organisation
; Oa Levy Policy.
riiiiiitsi men of tin: city are to he
given an mixrttinity to vote within
the i next three day for or against
a tariff policy which ha been u
Scd by l'mti'4 State Chamber of
The balloting here will be in
charge of the Omaha Chamber of
Commerce. 1 he vote is being taken
over the entire country by 1.400
l)iMinr5 organiiorions making tip
the, membership of the United State!
5 Some Departures Seen. '
The proposals of the United States
Chamber of Commerce committee, f
adopted, would in some instance
mean a departure from tradional tar
ilf principle and practices. The
proposals to be voted on are:
,Jte'latioti should permit, m the
event of mange of economic wc
tmL adjustment of taritf rate by
administrative authorities within lim
it prescribed by congress for the
purpose of maintaining a consistent
tariff policy. ' '
'.'Creation of a tariff adjustment
board to administer adjustable rates.
"Reasonable protection for Amer
ican industries subject to destructive
competition from abroad and of bene
fit to any considerable section of
tli, country.- . ;
"The anti-dumping legislation of
May, 1921, should be maintained in
Provides Against Discrimination.
"The principle of maintenance and
encouragement of our export trade
j.hould be observed in tariff legisla
tion so far as is consistent with pro
tection of American industries' of
benefit to any considerable ' sectiou
of.rjihe country and subject to de
structive competition from abroad.
"Tariff legislation should be fram
ed and administered with a view to
meeting discrimination, direct or in
direct, by other countries against
American trade.
TTfle present system of valuation
for' levy and of ad valorem duties
should be maintained and the so
called "American Valuation" should
not be adopted.
"Do you favor a postponement of
general tariff revision until condi
tions in international trade and fi
nance are sufficiently stabilized to
foijjn a basis for, legislation pos
sessing permanent value?"
v . -
Nobles to Succeed Worden
In Charge of Masonic Home
Rev. Carl M. Worden, who has
been head of the Masonic home tor h
children in Omaha since it was
founded last spring, has resigned -his
charge, to be effective January 1,
1922. He will leave shortly after
ward for a trip to his home in- Mich
igan. ' :. . '
Mr. and Mrs. Jamesr Noble have
been selected to succeed Mr. Wor
ile.n. Mr. Noble has'bren in charge
ofi boys' work at the Y. M. C..A.
v - .
B$y Surprises Prowlers ;
They Escape7With $125
When Frank Maritsas, 17, returned
todiis home, 538 South Twenty-fifth
avenue, Wednesday night, he met two
men in the hallway. " One made a
lutge at Maritsas, who escaped and
called police. '';
The intruder ran. from the rear
rf in liniii-A na tllfiir llflrl PntArpH with
$125 in gold pieces that had beenj
jnuuen m a ciusci.
Pupils of Cass School
;; To Give Patriotic Play
pupils of Gass "school of all na
tions," will give a 'patriotic play this
afternoon, in .which; China Italy,
R,ssia and Germany will group
themselves about the figure of Amer
ican "Liberty." .' V: , . ; "
Immigrant pupils ' of "Miss Rose
Bernstein's class will represent the
different countries. Each will speak
lines characteristic of that country's
relationship, to America..
V. C. T.U. Backs Rolirer.
Frances Willard society of the
Wi C.T.'U. voted yesterday to en
dorse the plans o, Federal Prohibi
! tioji Director Rohrer to enforce the
18th amendment in. Omaha on New
Year's eve.' .
Immoral Kekorte to He
Cloocd by Injunction
Hoteli and rowio'nc house oper
ated for immoral jmrposfi and the
rendenvou of many alleged drinking
prtif ill be cloerd permanently
by injunction, a fan a evidence can
be obtained aint.t them, Ueputy
(,'onnty Attorney Coffey announced
The county atttwney' office filed
applkatiou in " district court for in
junction to cloe for one year the
California hotel. Sixteenth and Cali
fornia street; Overland hotel, Thir
teenth and Harney streets, and place
at 19UG Farnam trect and ill South
Tenth street.
0. A. C. Wipes Out
$91,799 of Debt
President W. A. Schall Pre
enU Figures to Show Pros,
perity of Organization.
The Omaha Athletic club ha paid
off $94799.57 of it indebtedness dur
ing the Ut two year, under the
management of F. W, Rothery, a
statement just issued by . W. A.
Schall, club president, ihofi.
'reident Schall'. statement was
made public "in view of the many
rumor which have been current dur.
lag the last two or three month
relative to the financial condition of
the club and the possible closing of
some of its departments," it i ex
plained. . ,
Thq itatement, comparing the
club' financial condition, October 31,
of this year, with it condition
on the tame date of the year
1919, shows that the reserve fund
in these two yean ha increased $JW,
820.78. In addition the current bill
of the club are not only paid prompt
ly.but discounted, the statement taid.
The club' present indebtedness
amounts to JSSJ.UW); $00,000 of tin
amount being note payable, and $-i'J2,-0(H)
mortgage bond, ('resident Schall
point out that because of the credit
extended member, the club require
a large working capitxl, a fair aver
age of the amount .needed being ap
proximately $35,000.
The club publication call atten
tion to the fact that the club pay roll
ha been cut $4,000 a month, or $48,
000 a year. Tin cut in pay roll is
equivalent to $J0 a year from 1,600
member, it says.
Prewar Xmas Rates
On Omaha Railroads
Christina special rate on all rail
road running out of Omaha will be
in effect thi year for the firt tune
in a i!oen year. Folk wlio wan
to go home or away from home for
the holiday can travel at a reduc
tion of 23 per cent from the regular
fare. In other word, the rate is
fare and a half for the round trip.
The ticket ill be on uh Ikcem
her 22, 2i and 24, and vull be good
lor the return inn till January 4.
The minimum price will be $250
ami txcurion ttikei will nut be
sold to place where the one-way
regular fare u more than $25. How
ever, it i pointed out. person with
ing to travel greater distance can
use the low rie by repurchasing
ticket a they go along.
Sixty per cent of China' extrusive
protiuction ot coai come trom nve
rtorincrn provinces.
imilii!'i:il'lil!l'.ll'.fi'Nl'iniiril.lniM-li':i"il!n I I I I I II II III i li, I I I I I II iiI;iiii I I I I I M II I ' ;l
Friday and Saturday a Christmas
Sale of Hosiery
A GIFT that is assured of a welcome and, if not for
a gift, for yourself of course, you cannot afford to
miss this rare opportunity to secure fine quality
ITose at prices as low as these. .'- .
Hosiery Priced up to $5.00
Some have hand embroidered clox jin two color combina
tions or self colors, others with lace insets ; plain colors
and fancy patterns for dress wear. Ex
ceptional values for this
sale at " "
lseis; plain uuiuia
Hosiery Priced Up to $3.00
AH full fashioned silk in black and brown, regular and
out sizes, embroidered insteps, semi-fashioned in black,
brown and navy. Broken lots .of Onyx,
Wayne Knit and other standard lines.
All first quality. Choice
Hosiery Priced Up to $3.00
Wool Hose in fancy patterns, ribbed and fashioned. Heavy
cotton and silk, ribbed in two-tone combinations. One lot ot
full fashioned black silks come in sizes lz to 9.
Good weight black and brown, seamed back, fashioned
inkle, seamless foot. Broken lots o Vic
tor, Eiffel and other standard brands.
.11 first quality. Choice
Hose Shop Main Floor
Store of Specialty Shops.
Friday and Sattirday
Our Entire Stock of
Priced From $2.95 to $35.00
20 Reduction
Sweaters for indoors and outdoors in all the newest weaves
and styles including slip-overs and tuxedos; fashioned of .
Silk Wool- Jersey
in all shades as well as black and white.
Brushed wool scarfs also reduced 20 from regular prices. "
'The Store of Specialty Shops;
Make This a Furniture Christmas
The joy of giving is doubled when the gift is a fitting '
one. This store shows an unlimited variety of gif t novel
ties which is indeed expressive of the spirit of Christmas.
We have arranged tables filled with attractive
toys at a very moderate cost for easy choosing.
Table No. 1
Any article on this
table, 106
Tree Candle Holders.
Tree Wires.
Caidy Boxes.
Bouncing Balls.
Table No. 2
Any article on this
tabic, 25
Doll Banks. liorns.
Roily Tollya.
Sad Irons.
Knife and Fork Sets.,
Crawling Bugs.
Jump Ropes.
Table No. 3
Any article on this
. table, 50
Mechanical Autos.
Horse and Cart.
Automobile Horns.
Carpet Sweepers.
Mechanical Butterflies.
Lawn Sprinklers.
Climbing Monkeys.
Table No. 4
Any article on this
table, 756 '
Ten Pin Sets.
Aluminum Dishes.
Uncle Wiggley Games.
Coon Jiggers.
Mechanical Steam Rollers.
Bubble Sets.
Iron Toys, etc.
The original White Kiddie Kars with wooden wheels at
one-half price while present stock lasts.
Nn. 9. Tf Mrlio Y nra voo-lllnrlw O 9R rin 1 19
. - - e " .j " , . -.a.
No. 3 Kiddie Kars, regularly 3.00, now 1.50.
No. 4 Kiddie Kars, regularly 3.50, now 1.75
Card Games Suitable for Young and Old
Phoebe Snow.
Three Guardsmen.
Nellie BIy.
Two-game combination (India and Checkers).
Spoof. Pollyanna.
Spelling Bee. Old Maid.
And a complete line of the newest games.
Golden and Fumed Oak
Rocking Chairs
More than 200 different patterns from
which to choose Sewing Rockers, Arm
Rockers, high or low back types, sad
dle seats, fabricoid seats and spring
cushion seats with Spanish leather up-holstery-4.85,
6.75, 8.00, 8.50,
9.00, 9.50, 10.00 and on up to
35.00 and 40.00.
; Children's Chairs and
. Rockers .
Sturdy, sensible styles built for enduring
service, in fumed or golden oak, ma-,
hogany, ivory, reed, fiber and grass
95, 1.00, 1.35, .1.50, 2.00,
4.00, 4.85, 5.00 and up to
12.00. .
57 Cane Chairs'
and Rockers
Three different styles from -which-'
to choose, with; seats and backs
of. genuine hand-woven cane,
finished antique to match the rich
brown mahogany finish. "While
they last Friday, each... 13,85
Overstuffed Arm Chairs
or Rockers
Two splendid high back types in Spanish
fabricoid at 29.50
A wide variety in attractive tapestries
and velours 35.00, 39.50,
. 45.00, 48.00, 49.50 and on up
to 165.00. : : .
Windsor Chairs and
Copies of quaint old antiques in shaped
wood with rush seats, 10.50, 11.00,
14.50, 15.00, 16.00 and up to
36.50. , y . ;Vr
;" :f Reclining Chairs
in fumed or golden oak with Spanish fab. ' .
ricoid upholstery 14.75 -
Others at 29.50, 34.00, 39.50
and up to 69.50.
FANCY PALATINE RAG RUGS These show the new nov
elty borders and mixed centers in soft pink, blue and
Size 24x36 inches 2.50
Size 27x54 inches. ... .4.25
Size 30x60 inches 4.75
Size 36x72 inches .6.50
MOQUETTE COUCH COVERS in attractive Chinese designs
and colors 20.00
, TABLE SCARFS in a big variety of sizes and colors, of Ar-
mure, Tapestry, Moquette, Damask, and Velvet, from 3.00
to 20.00. .
pillow tops ...2.00 2.50, 3.75, 4.50
WILTON RUGS to match the large room sizes, or to he used
together. Size 27x54 inches, 1050- Size 36x63 inches,
16.50. .
IMPORTED ORIENTAL MATS A large bale has .very re
cently been received from Constantinople. They are of
beautiful, soft coloring, suitable for gifts, at 6.50. 9.50
and up to 19.50.
RARE ORIENTAL RUGS Irans, Shiraz, Belouchistans in
many sizes and beautiful colorings. Every rug is now about
; on'e-half the former selling price, due to the low rate of
present exchapge. Could anything make a more pleasing
gift? Choice ....... v 50.00
EMBROIDERED BED SPREADS that are beautiful and un
usual, in blue, rose, or gold,, for full sized or twin beds,
each ... 13.75
WOOL-FILLED COMFORTS in beautiful silk mull, at 14.75
and 18.75.
Wamsetta quality. ' '
Sheets, 81x90 inches, each. ...... .4,25
Cases, 42x38, each ...1.05
Fine All-Wool Single Blankets ...... ...10.50.
Ail-Wool Double Blankets .12.50
Automobile Robes for open or closed cars 10.50, 15.00,
18.75, 28.75 and 35.00.
Gift Shop
Victrola Style 80
Easy Terms Arranged
COLOGNE BOTTLES in the different shapes
shown, in the illustration in clear glass,
decorated, formerly 3.25, now, each, 2.25
In Steuben glass, formerly 3.50 and 3.75,
now, each ..2.50
(The colors are blue, pink and aurene)
of two Cologne Bottles and Powder Box,
all in the same decoration, formerly 14.75,
now complete at 12.00
Gifts for Men
Dutch Silver Cigarette Cases
(tax 33c) r 6.50
Leather Bill Folds in calf... 4.75-
Leather Bill Folds in Steir, mounted,
at 8.00 and 10.0O
Leather Cigarette Cases 6.75
Manicure Seta for Traveling 12.50
Other gifts include Smoking Sets, Silver
Cigarette Cases, Ash Tray Sets and Cigar
PLETE in ivory, polychrome, and mahog
any, stands of metal and of wood. The
shades are of blue, rose, and taupe, all
lined ........... ...3.50, 4.50, 5.50
Imported English Tea Tots,
in Wedgwood, Olympic,
Renfrew and many-other
beautiful : patterns, rang
ing up from 1.75
" 7-inch Pyrex Casseroles
at il.75
9-inch size ...2.50
5- inch Pyrex Pie Plates 50d
6- inch size , 75
8- inch size 95d
9- inch size 1.00
10- inch size 1.25
Universal Electric Tea Pots
at .16.00
Universal Electric Grills
at ...12.50
Universal Electric Coffee
Urns at 25.00
Universal Electric Toasters
at 8.00
Universal Electric Irons
. v 6.
Community Silverware, very
suitable for gifts, at very
attractive prices.
A Victrola
for Christmas.
Will bring the world's greatest artists in
your home for all time. Select yours to
day, while you have a complete line to
choose from; all models and all finishes.
Easy terms arranged. . .
Thone Atlantic 3000 and inquire about our
Christmas Club or approval plan.
Going Home
For Christmas?
Tako advantage of tho
three-day holiday "Saturday,
Dec. 24th. to Monday, Dec.
26th. Inclusive. Special round
trip fares on the
Fort Dodcrc. Mason City.
St. Paul, Minneapolis, Roch
ester and other points.
Tickets wilL bo sold Dec.
22, 23 and 21 at fare and one-
half with final return limit
January 4, 1922. Half fare
for children. . '
For fares,-; sleeping car
reservations, and further in
formation call, write or phone
Marshall B. Craig
General Agent Passenger Dept.
1419 First Nutional Bank Building
Phono Jackson 02(30
Consolidated Ticket Office
141 ft DmloA KtriTf
Phone Douglas 1C84
Value-Giving Store
Give Gifts of
This Christmas
Our new low prices on qual
ity furniture makes it profit-
t able for you to give Gifts of
Furniture this year; $40,000
worth of living room furni-
, ture, comprising full Buites
and odd pieces, now offered
at big reduction at the II. R.
Bowen Co.
Gate Leg Tables
in mahogany finishes dur
able, and strong they would
make an ideal gift to the
friend living in a small apart
ment. Bowen's new low price,
.only ,- ,
$28.00, $30.00,
$35.00, $45.00
Golden and Fumed Oak
' v Rockers
Select one or more ,today
Ifor gifts, having them laid
aside for later delivery. " '
$8.75, $9i50, $10,, ,
$12.25, $14.50,
$15, $1S, $19
Give the Men Folks
This Christmas a
Smoking Set
- It is a gift enjoyed every
day of the year. We are show-'
ing them in .50 different
styles all in mahogany, and;
priced at . x , ; .
$1.00, $1.75, $2.75,
$3.25, $4.50, $6.25,
$7.50, $10, $12.50,
$15, $17.50, : $20,
$22.50, $25. . .
A Gift for the Ladies
that will ever be. a continuous
reminder of friendship
This is a real gift a gift
that is as useful as it is orna
mental. See our larjre display
of Spinet Desks all beauti
fully finished in mahogany,
and priced from
$19.50 to $65
Gire Gifts of Furniture
.This Christmas -
It pays to read Bowea's small ads.
jj&Bowon (3
Howard St., btwca 1 5th and 16th 5U.
iiiiiiiHMhliiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiitiiHiiiiiii'iti1 if if
1 ft. I I J..4..fc4 IIIIII1IM