Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE TiEFT: OMAHA. Fill HAY. PKCEMHER 10. 1921.
'Big Three' Naval
Powers Agree on
5-5-3 Ratio Plan
Japan to Retain MuUu and
U, S. Two Ships of Mary,
land Class Britain to
Build Two.
(renllnntd Pram Fifa Om.)
number of capital shins a propoied
in the original American plan. The
30 American vessels to be scrapped
iiniicr the original proposal had
1 tonnage of 825,000 and those to be
scrapped under the present plan have
a tonnage of KU.0OO.
Japan will scrap the same number
as under the original plan, but the
l mended list substituting the old
Srtsu for the new Mutsu makes the
total tonnage to be ' scrapped by
Japan 4JS.000 tons, in place of 448,000
tons in the original plan.
Great Britain, which was to have
scrapped 19 capital ships under the
original plan, is to give up 23 under
the revised arrangement, but will
1 wild two new ships. The British
tonnage to have been scrapped,
under the original proposal was 583,
Will, and under the revised proposal
will ue W3.WU.
The total number of capital ships
by the three powers under the first
American figures was 66 and under
the revised figures will be r8. The
total tonnage to be scrapped was
1,878,043 tons in the original plan.
and is 1,861,643 tons in the revised
plan. .
It was indicated in the official an
nounccment that no further modifica
tions will be made tin the American
J0-ycar naval holiday plan except as
may be necessitated in arranging the
relative position of the French an I
Italian navies in the reduction plan
"Big Five" to Sign Treaty.
It was announced that the naval
rgreement, including that on naval
bases and fortifications, probably
', would be incorporated in a treaty to
be signed by the five powers. No
' plenary session of the conference, it
was stated, would be held to con
sider the naval agreement until the
entire subject, including that of aux-
iliary ships, was settled.'
Under the agreement it was offi
cially estimated that the United
States would save from $15,000,000
to $20,000,000 over the original pro
posal of the American government.
The agreement was made public
in an announcement to the sub
. committee on naval armament,
which said:
. ."The following are points of.
agreement that have been reached ni
the course of the negotiations be
tween the United States, Great
Britain and Japan with respect to
their capital fighting ships:
"Agreement has been reached be
tween the three powers the United
States, the British Empire , and
Japan, on the snbject of naval ra
tio. The proposal of the American
, government that the ratio should be
5-5-3 is accepted. It is agreed that
with respect to fortifications and
naval bases in the Pacific region, in
cluding Hongkong, the status quo
shatl "be maintained; that is, that
, there shall be no increase in these
fortifications and naval bases except
that this restriction shall not apply
to the Hawaiian Islands, Australia,
New Zealand and the islands com-,
posing Japan proper, or, of course,
to the coasts of the United States
and Canada, as to which the respec
tive powers retain their entire frce-
., dom.
Japan's Tcnnage Increased.
"The Japanese' government has
found special difficulty with respect
to the Mutsu, as that is their new
est ship. In order to retain the
Mutsu, Japan has proposed to scrap
. the Setsu, one of her older ships,
, which under the American proposal,
was to have been retained. This
s would leave the number of Japan's
capital ships the same, that is, 10, as
under the American proposal. Re
tention of the Mutsu by Japan in
" place of the Setsu, makes a differ
ence in net tonnage of 13,600 tons,
; making the total tonnage of Japan's
,. capital ships 313,300 tons, as against
299,700 tons under the original
' American proposal.
"While the difference in tonnage
is small, there would be consider
able difference in efficiency, as the
retention of the Mutsu would give
to Japan two (2) post-Jutland ships
' of the latest design.
"To meet this situation and to
preserve the relative strength on the
' basis of the agreed ratio, it is agreed
that the United States shall com
plete two (2) of the ships in course
of construction, that is, the Colo
rado and the Washington, which are
now about 90 per cent completed,
and scrap two (2), of the older
ships, that is, the North Dakota and
the Delaware, which, under the
original proposal, were to be re
tained. This would leave the United
States with the same number of
capital ships, that is, 18, as under
the original proposal, with a tonnage
of 525,850 tons, as against 500,650
tons, as originally proposed. Three
(3) of the ships would be post-Jutland
ships of the Maryland type.
Britain Allowed Two Ships.
"As the British have no post
Jutland ships, except one Hood, the
construction of which is only partly
post-Jutland, it is agreed that to
maintain proper relative strength, the
British government may construct
two (2) new ships not to exceed
35.000 legend tons each, that is,
calculating tonnage, according . to
British standards of measurement,
or according to American calcula
tions, the equivalent of 37,000 tons
each. It is agreed that the British
government shall, on the completion
of these two (2) new ships, scrap
four (4) of their ships of the King
George V type, that is, the Erin,
King George V, Centurion and
A.iax, which were to have been re
tained under the original American
proposal. This would leave the
British capital ships in number, 20,
as against 22 under the American
proposal. Taking the tonnage of
the two (2) new ships according
to American calculation, it would
amount to 74.000 and the four ships
scrapped having a tonnage of 96,4X)
tons, there would be a reduction in
ret tonnage of 22,400 tons, leaving
the British tonnage of capital ships
'582.050 instead of 604,45a This
would give the British, as against
the United States, an excess tan
page of 56.200 tons, which is deemed
to be tar, in view of the age of the
ship of the Royal Sovereign
the Qwctf tliabeth type.
Maximum Tcnnije Fixed,
"The maximum limitation for the
tonnage of ships to be constructed
in replacement it to be fixed it 35,0)0
legend ton, that I, according to
British standard of measurement.
or according to American ralcuU'
tions, the equivalent of 37.0X) ton,
I n order to give accommodation to
thee change. The maximum ton-
nage of capital chips i fixed, for
the purpose of replacement, on thtf
basis of American standard ol
calculation, a follows. .
"United States. 525.000 ton;
Great Britain. 525,000 tons: Japan,
315,(!00 tons.
"Comparing tin's arrangement with
the original American proposal, it
will be observed that the UniteJ
States is to acrap 3(1 hips n pro
posed, save that there will be
scrapped 13 of the 15 ships under
construction and 17 instead cf 15 of
the older ships.
"The total tonnage of the American
capital ships to be scrapped under
the original proposal, including the
tonnage of ships in construction if
completed, was staled to be 845,740
tons. Under the present arrangement
the tonnage of the 30 ships to be
scrapped, taking that of the ships in
construction if completed, would be
820,540 tons.
Japan to Scrap 435,328 Tons.
"The number of the Japanese ships
to he retained remains the same a
under the original proposal. The to
tal tonnage of the shins to be scrap
ped by Japan under the original
American proposal, taking the ton
nage of new ships when completed,
was stated to be 44H.V2J tons. J he
total tonnage of the ships to be
scrapped under the present arrange
ment is 4J5,3Jo tons.
'Under the original proposal. Great
Britain was to scrap 9 capital ships
(including certain pre-dreadnaughts
already scrapped), whereas tinder the
present arrangement she will scrap
four more, or a total of 23. The
total tonnage of ship to be scrapped
by Great Britain, including the ton
naee of the four Hoods, to which the
proposal referred as laid down,' if
cn-nplcted, was stated to be aiw,-
35 tons. The corresponding total
of scrapped ships under the new
arrangement will be 22,600 tons more,
or 605.975 tons.
'Under the American proposal
there were to be scrapped 66 capital
fighting ships built and building, with
total tonnage (taking ships laid
down as completed) of 1,878,043 tons.
Under the present arrangement on
the same basis of calculation, there
are to be scrapped 68 capital ships
wi'h a tonnage of 1.861,643 tons. .
The naval holiday of 10 years
with respect to capital ships, as
originally proposed by the American
government, is to be maintained ex
cept for the permission to construct
ships as above stated.
This arrangement between the
United States, Great Britain and
Japan is, so far as the number of
ships to be retained and scrapped is
concerned, dependent on a Suitable
agreement with France and Italy as
to their capital ships, a matter which
is now in cpurse of negotiations."
Dail Eireann Debates
Pact in Secret Session
(Continued From Faffs One.)
posals were submitted to the Dail
cabinet on September 3 certain ob
jections were made which Mr. De
Valera does not think were ade
quately met. in the final draft. The
secret session is occupied with a
discussion of these points and it was
said after last night's adjournment
that the members had got no further
along in their discussion than they
were when the public session was
concluded early yesterday afternoon.
Ulster Letter Rejecting
Irish Free State Published
London, Dec. 15. (By A. P.)
The Ulster cabinet's letter definitely
rejecting the British cabinet's invi
tation to enter the Irish free state
was made public today at Lloyd
George's official residence. The let
ter, dispatched by Premier Si.-James
Craig, yesterday protests against
Ulster's interests being involved in
the Anglo-Irish treaty without her
being consulted.
Of Disarmament
Meeting Settled
Results of Conference Succc
ful Beyond Dream of Any
But Moit Optimistic
British and Irish Probe
Killing of British Sergeant
' Dublin, Dec. 15. (By A. P.)
British and Irish liaison officers to
day were investigating the killing of
Sergeant Enright of the Royal Irish
constabulary at Limericy yesterday.
Sergeant Enright had been an active
agent in. suppressing Sinn Fein mili
tary movements.
Another incident which . the Irish
republican army authorities dealt
with immediately was an attempt
this morning by a crowd of youths
to stretch a streamer across Earls
Court terrace, opposite the meeting
place of the Dail Eireann, with the
words, "which flag?" between the
union jack and the Sinn Fein tri
color. Sinn Fein volunteers dis
persed the party.
On the walls outside University
college during the night was painted
the legend, "Down with the Sham
Free State; up With 'the Republic."
Ulster Defense Move
' Launched in Belfast
London, Dec 15. Preliminary
steps in an extensive movement for
the development and co-operation
of the Ulster defense movement
have been taken in Belfast, accord
ing to the correspondent of the
Morning Post.
He reports that the Grand
Orange Lodge of Ireland yesterday
unanimously adopted a resolution
calling on all members, and those
of the Royal Black institution, to
join the loyalist defense association.
This organization, he adds, was
formed to protect protestant inter
est in whatever way might become
necessary during the present situation.
Police Fire on Concealed
Belfast Snipers; 1 Wounded
Belfast, Dec 15. (By A. P.)
Sniping was resumed in the vicinity
of Marrowbone and York streets
last night. The police fired on the
concealed gunmen. The only cas
ualty repotted was the wounding of
one man.
A shop xras wrecked by a bomb
after it had been closed for the
One cf the men wounded in Tues
day's shooting died today, j
)) TrtbanvOMlui Mr LmwI Wlrv,
Washington, Dec. 15. Announce
ment on the complete agreement of
the 'power on the naval holiday
crowned the achievement of the in
ternational conference on the limita
tion of armament with a measure of
success beyond the dream of any
but the most optimistic statesmen.
Here are the outstanding accom
plishments up to date of the con
clave of the power called by Presi
dent Harding:
1. Agreement on a 10-year "naval
holiday," providing for the reduc
tion and limitation of the navies of
the United State, Great Britain and
Japan and the preservation of the
Utu i, no tif iuvil ban and tarti
(union in the wetrn 1'acilic.
2. Agreement terminating the
Antita-Japanese alliance a"d provid
ing fr the stabilization of price in
the tVidc by the United Suit,
Great Britain, France and Japan,
3, Agreement to remove many of
the foreign restriction on China and
to rnpect the territorial ri'ht and
idniiniiitrative integrity of the Or
iental republic and preserve the open
door for trade and industry of all
Coal Attained.
The conference da now attained
it goal. All that remain will be
the formulation of decision already
arrived at and further consideration
of the Chinese problem.
Senator Lodge, with the adminis
tration backing, lias the republican
senator well luted up for the treaty.
Prediction are being made that not
more than half a dozen republican
will insurge.
The rumbling of revolt among
the democrat against Mr. Under
wood' leadership quickly disap
peared after hi arrival at the capi
tal. There is no prospect now that
he will be dcpocd from leadership.
Senator Underwood, It Is under
stood, had declared hi willingness to
call a democratic caucus at once to
bring the leadership question to an
imiiird-tte lnw Juan, There were
no such reiueu,
Innumerable parley iff an infor.
mat nature wrnt on during the day
.Sriiator Underwood declined to d'
cu tin result tf hi conference
wiih democratic senator, but it wa
IciNied that after looking the situa
tion over carefully be felt confident
the democratic oppoiition, now in
the proce of development, would
largely disappear.
Tribute to Japanese.
Stnator Borah, republican, and
Senator Shield, democrat, paid high
tribute to Japanese diplomacy in te
curing what they declared amount to
a guarantee ol the integrity ot the
Japanese empire for the next 10
Senator Reed of Missouri, demo
crat, launched a vigorous attack on
the treaty tn the enate. Ue char
arterizrd the pact a "a gold brick."
lie tharucd the conference negotiat
ed the treaty in secret and that the
naval reduction agreement Is to b
used largely at a "pack horse
carry the four-power treaty through
the senate.
The senator declared that the n.ival
agreement would "make England
bos of the seas" for 10 year more
and that it allowed Japan a navy out
of all proportion to population and
wealth. The offer of the Uniied
Mutt to i educe it navy was so
generous, lie said, that it ought not
to be evpectrd to mate any addition
al Mcnf re to secure it acceptance.
Washington Anti-Alien
Laud Law Declared Valid
Seattle, Dee. IS. Federal Judge
Cushman yesterday banded down a
decision upholding the state ami
ulirn land law for a second time and
throwing out of hi court a suit of
Frank Terrace of Seattle to enjoin
operation of the law.
Notice of appeal to the United
State supreme court wa filed. 1
Kansas Coal Fields
Quiet as Troops Come
Pittsburg. Kan., Dec. IS. By A.
P.) Wtili the arrival of three troop
of National Guard cavalry here tit's
morning, quiet prevailed lit the Kar,.
a coal fields. There were no re
port of further activities) by the
marching women who for the pat
three day have congregated at Lost
mine and prevented miner from
toing to work,
The troops, after waiting here In
il.e'r railroad coitihe fr some time
'drained aiii! 7S cavalrymen wi
kMiiru into electric car ami ai
pad bed to the l'rauklin and Mother
ry jitnci, y.
A machine uun roinnanv froi& 7
Lawrence, K-n., i expected to ar
rive iieie uiuc iiiiiv luutiy
The cavalrymen who reached iet
llii morning carried rifle and old
fashioned (traight cavalry fabrc, al
most four feet in length
Milk Price to Drop
St. Paul, Dec. 14 Milk will drop
1 cent a quart to 10 cent here Fri
day, it wa announced loday.
"sss5 ; 9 a. m. sharp r '
Kindly Note
We extend pa
trons of this aala
the privilege to
exchange or re
fund any un
satisfactory pur
chase. However,
we ask your co
operation to the
extent of return
ing it the aamo
day purchased.
Our .Greater Annual
Christmas Sale of
; ! ,
The event that commands the undivided attention of femi
nine Omaha. Here are undeniably the most wonderful
styled Dresses that Haas Bros, have ever offered at $10.
You'll be amazed when you see
the character of these Dresses.
Their rich fabrics, lovely trim
mings, clever tailoring and to
think they will cost you but
Twill Cords " .
Satin Finish Broadcloth
Poirat Twill Rothanara Crepe
Twill Back Velvet ,
Tricotine Satin
Canton Crepe
Measured by the values of
these Dresses, there should and
will be a crowd of at least two
hundred women waiting to be
the first in our store Saturday
Chinese Embroidery Beaded
Iridescent Trimming
Taisel Bulgarian Fringe
French Knot Fringe
Silk Braid Metal Braid
Applique Lace Fur Trimmed
Silk Embroidery
Jet Trimmed ,
Cire and Broadtail Trimmed
500 Dresses Involved That Are Worth
Three and Four Times This Price-
Omaha women know what a $10 Dress Sale
at Haas Brothers means, and when we
promise this to be the greatest sale
of them all, you will understand
' ' why you should be here
. early.
You'll find Navy, Black, Brown and Taupe
to predominate, but with the lively
contrasting trimmings the variety
is splendid. Sizes 16 to 40
mostly. '
500 Petticoats in a sale Saturday at
After you have chosen your Dress you will want to share in this great
sale of Petticoats. Fine Cotton Taffeta and Sateen Petticoats in
fancy and plain, regular and extra sizes, all colors. These make
sensible, practical, inexpensive gifts.
Second Floor, Brown Block
16th and Douglas
To Serve You Better
We Will NOT Remain
Open Evenings
A fresh, rested group of salespeople will greet
you here every morning if they do not have to
serve extra hours.
It will be reflected in their cheerful attitude
and their readiness to be'of helpful service
during the last busy shopping days.
From Nine O'clock Until Six
Every Day
The Man Asks;
Over and over the man asks himself, "What
shall I give, what shall I give?" We.
answer, ."Let it be beautiful enough to treas-'
ure and practical enough to wear. Hence we
.. .,, list these.; attractive things : f or . his con-v
.venience. . ,'.,.vv
Baby's Gifts
It is a foregone con
clusion that the little tots
will receive all kinds of
wonderful playthings for
Christmas. Perhaps that
is why your gift will be
doubly appreciated if it
comes yi the form of a
Bonnets '
Carriage Robes
The Baby' She
Second Floor
, Wouldn't she like a fancy
carved hair comb? In col
ors of black, shell and gray
from $2 to $7.50. .
"Vanity, vanity, all is van
ity," but there are things
galore to satisfy even the
most discriminating.
Three beautiful - ostrich
plumes go to make up the
loveliest fan $21.
A smart Morocco purse is
silk Jined and boasts of
many clever appointments
A holiday array of colored
beads are assembled here
for prices that range from
50c to $2.50. .
A lovely glove silk teddy
makes an instant appeal
to any feminine heart
and is a gift that will be
fully appreciated.
Flesh - colored ones
trimme in hemstitch
ing and real filet $5.
U Flesh colored and
trimmed in tucks, and
insertions with edges to
match of real filet $7. J
U In flesh and white with
beautiful hand embroi
deries. Priced $7 and
$9. . '
Black teddies that are
tucked and hemstitched
are priced $7.75.
Second Floor
These gauntlets are of fine
French kid and come in
brown, black, gray and
beaver $7.
The always acceptable
gift, hand-embroidered
colored linen kerchiefs, re
duced from $1.25 to 89c.
Write for Our
New Style Cir
cular FREE
Send a postal today
for our latest circular
j right off the presse.
' Contains mny sea
sonable uggestion
to make your gar
ments more attrac
tive at less cost We
do all kinds of
Buttons, Etc.
Excellent workmanship
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tentiongivento all mail
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Send for this free circular today.
31 1 Brown Block. Omha, Ntl.
"Largest business of it
kind in the country."
Low Rent Location of
Union Outfitting Co.
Saves You from 25
to 50; on All Toys
Santa Claus (Himself) Is
On Hand. Buy Your Toys
Now, Pay for Them
Next Year.
You will be surprised at the
dollars you can save on your
Christmas Shopping List at the
Union Outfitting Co., and, too
you will enjoy making your selec
tions, as everything in the big
Fairyland of Toys is NEW.
Do not let the lack of ready
cph prevent yon from giving th
kiddies a happy Christmas. Come
Saturday and make ydur selec
tions while stocks are complete
and pay for the toys next year
on convenient terms.
Cuticura Toilet Trio
Satisfies every want of the
most critical in cleansing,
purifying and beautifying
the skin and complexion.
Nothing purer, sweeter or
more effective for every-day
toilet purposes.
tact Fmtr HaS AiMr "OttmUV
nim.DvtlH.IUtallJbM'' IMmn.
"t Sow&c WiMuiiaiMMf Tifcvutte.
memm 9op man nhat ama.