THE PEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1921. & 'I ( T I' Jack and Jill Jck, dfir, my good old Uncle Bill wrote me that lie s planning to come to the tity on a business trip. Ilowebout kinff him to bring Aunt Klinor with him?" Jack wis actually startled. "Why, I nvcr met them, dear. Yo know what it will mean, don't you? I've had country relative visit town when I wai a bachelor and that wai enough to Ust me a lifetime." "But, Jack, Uncle Bill gave us our lilver let. and it cost hundreds of doltare ..." "It would have, if it had not been plated ... I know a hall-mark when I see it and I know the plated goods, too I never mentioned it to you, but that silver set is a false alarm 1" Jill was indignant as a bride of less than a year could be. And some times that is very, very indignant. "There you go, insulting my rela tives. Why, what did your relatives (send us? Some old handpainted hinaware, and a set of encyclopedias that we never read, and some chairs that you yourself said were so an tique that they ought to be sent to the fossil department of the museum of natural history 1" "There, there, honey I'm not wor rying about the wedding presents." Not even a kiss would mollify her, however. "I am delighted with the silver, or near-silver, because I've eaten the most wonderful food with it that was ever cooked by the most wonderful wife in the world." Jill's eyes did soften at this. Then Jack started on his own tack again. "But, I know visting relatives. They expect you to pay their carfare, going and coming. They have lists of the shows they read about in the papers and far be it from such that they should ever pay for a ticket. Then they want to see Chinatown, and the Ghetto and Coney Island and every place in the town that is stpuid ana tiresome. "But I could take them there if I knew the way. You wouldn't 'have to!" . "But I have always been the goat who did have to. Nol No! I'm off the relative stuff for life." That was settled, but it still rank led in Jill's heart. Next atternoon Jack received a telephone down at the office and the f-ilverest voice in the world greeted him. " 1 "We're invited to dinner, dear, and then to a musical show afterwards I'll be down in the auto for you and meet you at your office building en trance at five. ..." There was a rattling of the phone and they were cut off! Jack could not get connected again and a call to the home resulted only in the information from the cleaning woman that Jill had gone to the city two hours earlier, to meet some friends. Promptly at five Jack sailed forth from the office. . , In a big touring car which resem bled a Pullman in its bulk and ex pensive look sat Jill, between a very fat and jolly old gentleman and a smiling middle-aged lady. "So this is Jack! Welcome to our family, young man. Jill wasn't such a bad judge after all!" was his greet ing. . "This is Uncle Ben and Aunt Eli nor, Jack, dear,"' said Jill happily. "They motored to New York, and have given me the most wonderful ride all around New Kork. "Yes I haven't been here for twen ty years so I hit all -the old land marks. But the town has changed. Chinatown, the Bowery, Coney Island, the Goddess of Liberty, all are changed. So we're going home tomorrow, as it only took half an hour for me to put my deal through," They had a wonderful dinner fifty dollars was the check which Uncle Billy blithely paid. The show was wonderful, and Jack readied that the teat must nave cost a shocking price, for Uncle Bill bought them from a speculator at the door. Another gorgeous supper, with dances for Jack and Jill together on a wonderful floor and they were deposited at the depot in time for the very last train home.. "Sorry I won't see you again, Nephew Jack. But I am going back home tomorrow morning. You and Jill save your vacation and spend it up on my stock farm regular turn nicr hotel it is without the guests and profittering. I'll expect a two week visit" from you. Don't for Ret!" As they rode out, Jill peeped up at Jack, from her place against his shoulder. "Do you think we ought to accept and visit? He's a rela tive !" Jack gulped. Then he nodded. He was actually embarrassed. "Well, he would not have any carfare to pay for us on farm. Let's gol" (Copyright, lt:t. Thorn p.on Featuro Servlca.) Common Sense By J. J. MUNDY. Cheer Up I It is so easy to become cynical, suspicious, envious and disagreeable. And why? The span of life is short. So short, we cannot, should not, waste any of it The cynic, fails to get the joy he should possess because he is sus- Picious: . , , , . Suspicion carries with it cold aloofness and that does not make friends. Envy and disagreeable thoughts take the biggest toll from the person so afflicted. The disagreeable, dissatisfied per son makes others unhappy, but hurts himself the most because there can be no sunshine under a cloud of morbid thoughts. Of course, everyone has trials and some heartaches, but there is no use in trying to prolong the stayno use in making an effort to retain them. While we are making this earthly trip let us be good sports. Let us 6eek to make our fellow companions on life's voyage happier because we are going along, travel ing the road together. The things which bring happiness spring from the heart and happiness makes us stronger, better, more hu man and rational. And if we have joy we scatter it. (Copyright, 121, International Featuro Service, Inc.) DANDRUFF REMOVER SHAMPOO REJUVENATES AND NOURISHES 11LE IT CLEANSE: The Perfect Shampoo. No excess ol!, fti, caustics or alkali to leave the hair gummy, stringy or sticky. Two sizes: 75c and $1.50 After shampooing, us FITCH'S QUININE TONIQUE SUPERBE a an antiseptic and astringent, giving new life and luster to the hair. Ask your druggist.' Los Angeles Hi Aim O TV: aaitra poruora Ml J 11 X Straightaroaq over the El Paso short line onlq M hours Kansas Citu to Los Angeles, The low altitude, mild weather roaq. Short est in miles and time to San Diego, through Imperial Palleq and the inspiring scenero, of Carriso Qorga Drawing-room compartment observation steep ers. Famous Qotden Slate dining car meals. From Kansas Cihj dailq at 9:05 a.m. - The California!! From Kansas Cinj dailq at 10:15 p.m. Standard and tourist sleepers and coaches to Los Angeles, etound-trip tourist rates. A choice of routes in either direction, including San Diego without extra charge. Comfort and Couriesq are qour fellow travelers on the Qolden State Route iMk Island Lines Qn axmedkm with EPtilU-Soufarn Rode) Voonsoppta vshubte taforauho coaeeniaq i Cthferaa trtp. ad nlwn om of all both CuasullilsaetlTirtttrffrT Tr-rt fl-rnt ' Fast Dooqlss WW. MIS Dodqo Stroet, Out J, S. McMsIHl Di. Pass. Aqeai. lock Islaad Ira Fttoao Jackso Ml ooeaa 810-11 W. O. W. Bldg. Osaka. Nab. ess ten Com 55fe CHristmas Siorefot SverySafy iif. Very Remarkable Sale of Exquisite Sheffield Silver At Far Below Usual Prices A direct factory purchase from a manufacturer in need of ready pish enabled us to buv at one-half price an uncommonly beautiful and widely assorted choice of Shef field Silver. Coming during these gift buying days it is the logical solution of many gift problems, for these pieces have superlative charm and will endure. There are r numerous designs in each piece listed . V the ditference in tne two price groups ae- pending on size and intricacy of design. Each Item As Listed o o u GUERNSEY JUGS ROLL BASKETS BREAD TRAYS SAUCE BOATS TEA CADDIES t MUFFINEERS CRUMB SETS FLOWER BASKETS SANDWICH TRAYS FLOWER VASES BON BON DISHES ALMOND SETS SYRUP SETS CASSEROLES WATER PITCHERS BUTTER DISHES COMPORTS TRIVETS SUGAR AND CREAMERS CHEESE AND CRACKER DISHES Bargess-TTnuh S!lTrwart Shop Main Floor 7 i This is your . chance to tell Santa what you want to find In your stocking or on tht Tree on Xmas morning. Be sure to telephone him on Wednesday ' . night. Children Telephone to Santa At Burgess-Nash Between 6 and 9 Wednesday Night DOUGLAS 2100 That's Burgess-Nash then ask for Santa. Give him your name and address and tell him what to bring you. you haven't a telephone rev member that Santa's mail box is always waiting lor little letters ' w: Bargens-Mash Toy Shop Dawnaialra Store An Astonishing Offering of Handsome Coats ir.'JkA Winter BlmBctlY! Wk "'""'"'d . V,"' i'"""u' jit ""f"? Iff 4i m iim lined with Itf 'f I excellent $1 JJlikji "ly ST i"i,"yC'"" Wr nmay) rfvl de Chine iirfZ Ill 5912 J Ti fc05c in I tgJ culls " Cjfagaj"ajarjaarfTrwY'1"' Just Received Priced at a Fraction of Their True Worth This Is How It Happened Our buyer has just returned from the New york market where he purchased,,at most remark able prices, this wonderfully beautiful stock of handsome coats fashioned of the finest woolens and tyimmed with the most luxurious furs. 1 One Wonderful Group at Such Fabrics as: Geront Bolivia Velour de Laine Marvel las Erminei Rich With: Caracul Fox Beaver Squirrel Wolf These coats were bought at from one-third to one-half less than their wholesale value from one of the country's leading manufacturers. The savings are in turn offered here in this Great Before Christmas Sale. , I in Coats, which are so often beyond the reach of many, have been reduced for Wednesday. Come as early as possible while the loveliest of these rare models still remain. One esneciallv lovely model soft gray fabric witn deep collar and cuffs of long-haired gray tox. l. r ' This Is One of the Most Remarkable Coat Events of the Present Season Bloused model of A vk brown ' vNyfiiV Moussyne jtt i!jr with very beautiful j Beaver 7T ' collar 69 Softest black Erminie with a lining of rich Crep Malinesse Beaver .Col lar, fancy stitching 1 ff Rich Mar vella cloth, heavily em broidered, lined with Crepe Malinesse Beaver Collar I 1 1 lar u 12 IS. Brea-5asti Coat Shoo Tkir4 Floor '.!