Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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Soloist at Concert II French Alliance
To Leave Omaha.
Mr, ind Mr. EiiR'nt CofTren rs
running' to leave Omaha the end
of Vtctmber to make their home in
Hatting, Neb, Many farewell par
tie i are being given in tlirir honor in
the next two week. Monday eve
ning Mist Jane Canan entertained nt
dinner at the Athletic club '.or Mr.
and Mri. Coflfcen, and altcrwsrds
Clarence Cnaji entertained at bridge.
Mri. Richard J. bkankey v. as hostess
Tuesday at a luncheon at the Hur-
k'fi-Nih tea room, followed by an
Orpheum party for Mr. Colfeen. and
Friday Mr. I-lovd True will give a
unuge pany in tier nonor.
r For Mrs. de Dardel"
Mrs. E. V. Delaplane will be hon
est Wednesday at a luncheon at her
home for Mr. Carl O. de Dardel of
Chicago, who, with Mr. de Dardel,
the Swedish consul, is in Omnha (or
a few days. Her other gm-sts vill
be the Mesdames C. M. Kylander,
Otto Swanson, Hilding Jacobson.
Charles Keller. Clarke Russell, J.
Henrickson, Fred Marhoss of Chi
cago, N. P. Swanson and Miss Ante
lia Edquist.
Joint Church Bazars.
Wednesday and Thursday, De
cember 14 and IS, have been set
aside at bazar days at the court
house for the following organiza
tions: The Asbury Methodist
Episcopal church, Hirst Memorial
Methodist Episcopal, Walnut Hill
Methodist Episcopal, Clifton Hill
Presbyterian,. Emanuel Uaptist and
the Ladies of the G. A. K.
t 1
Observes Birthday Anniversary.
Mrs. Harriet MacMurphy, charter
member of the Omaha Woman's
club and chairman of the constitu
tion committee, was presented with
flowers, in honor of her birthday an
niversary at the general meeting of
the club Monday afternoon in Bur-gcss-Xash
auditorium. The home
economics department also remem-
bcrcd the occasion with flowers.
Miss Bradley Takes New Position.
Miss Grace V. Bradley, who re
cently res;gned as superintendent of
f Ford hospital, is the new superin
tendent of nurses at the Douglas
county hospital, where the Nurses'
home has been reorsanized and im
proved. Miss Bradley has been
president of the Nebraska State
Nurses' association and was for a
time secretary of the board of nurse
Artist Here for Holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Wil
bud and their baby son arrived Tues
day morning front 1 New York to
spend the holidays with Mr. Wil
bur's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H,
Wilbur of this city. Lawrence Wil
bur is a former Ornaharf, an illustra
tor, some of whose work was on ex
hibition this fall in the public library
with the exhibit of Nebraska artists.
C. L. T. Club.
The C. L. T. ilub met at the
honie of Mrs. L. B. Messacar, 4319
Grancj avenue, " Monday afternoon.
' Miss Winnifred Paddock was host
ess . ... ' - j '
I Iks ' J" W 1 1 1
Dr. Felix Depecher will give
lecture before the members of the
French alliance in his office Satur
day evening, December 17, it ;8
o'clock. The subject of this lecture
will be Mt. St. M clid and surround
ing country, illustrated with lantern
tlidrs from views which the doctor
took while in France last summer.
This will be the first of I series of
lectures which the doctor will give
this winter. The other Subjects will
be:". Trip Through Alsace Lor
raine," "A Visit to Auvergne," "The
Coast Country From Brest to St.
- The doctor lias many views illus
trating the country, and the customs
of the people. Other lectures will
i be Riven this winter by Madame
j'August Borglum and the official lec
turers from France, among whom
1 will he Bernard Fay, Arnold Van
Gannrp and Frank Schocll, details
i of which will be announced later.
Members of the French alliance
lunch together every Saturday noon
i in a special dining room of the
' liurcess-iMaah stores at which
i French only is spoken, and after the
; lunch enjoy a short talk in French
by Ur. Dcspccher and others.
.The members are also enjoying
lessons in French which have been
arranged by the alliance.
Problems That Perplex .
Asaerd h?
Miss Marjorie Current. University
of Omaha sophomore, will be the
contralto soloist in "The Christmas
Dawn," a cantata, to be given as a
feature of the Glee club concert in
the university auditorium. Wednes
day evening, 8 o'clock. Jeaji Bucta
Protzmati! head of the college de
partment of music, will direct the
chr.rus. Eifty-fivc college students
will take part in the alia r.
Things You'll Love
To Make
Miss Findley to Entertain.
Miss Mary Findley will be hostess
ata tea January 2 -at hervhime in.
honor of Miss Dorothy Collier, who
will be her guest during the holi
days. Dancing Party.
An old time dancf -will be 'given
in the parish hall of Holy ..Angels
church, -Twenty-eighth and Fowler
streets, . Thursday , fevenirtg, under
the auspices of the women's Society.
, Personals '
A darling gift to make for a dear
friend is a double envelope purse.
Cut oblongs of, velvet, each 10 inches
long and seven, inches wide. Mark
off each one like the diagram; A,
which is as follows: Measure up four
inches from the bottom and draw
a dotted line; four inches above, an
other dotted line; one-half inch in
from each side dra a dotted line
up the entire length of the material.
One-half inch in ' from that line,
draw another.
Cut away the shaded parts. Crease
along the' remaining dotted lines.
(Press in the creases with an iron,
but be careful not to blur the velvet.)
Line each oblong with silk. Fold to
form the envelope? and stitch to
gether.' Place the. two envelopes bade
to back; button-hole them together
with silk. That is, along the bottom
and two vertical sides. This leaves
a pocket between for a handkerchief.
Close each envelope with a snap
tastener. Join a ribbon or leather
handle, and a tassel -at the bottom to
Complete this exquisite double en
velope purse. ' , FLORA.
(CppyriKbt. 1921. by Public Ledger Co.)
My Marriage Problems
, Adele Harrison's New Phase of
' (CesmsmV lilt, Nesspsssr raatare Bamee. iae.i
, Hew Lillian Came Back From Her
r Ride.
i' Marion's eyes widened with inter-
. est as she saw her mother descend
from Colonel Travers' automobile
-and watched the stately politeness of
.the officer in taking leave of her.
That he had meant to escort) her to
' the house, I guessed, and I smiled
to myself as Lillian frustrated his
purpose by giving, him her hand in
farewell. He bent over it ceremon
iously, and Marion gasped ecstatic
ally. . , ;
"Oh -Auntie Madge, Uncle Rob-
ertl" she exclaimed.1; "Isn't it just
like a movie! Only he ought to
: have kissed her hand. I don't see
why he, didn't. ' Oh-h, Uncle Rob
ert, don't! You squeezed me so
tight you hurt.,"
"Em sorry, dear." The man
loosened the arm which he had in
voluntarily tightened around the
child at the sting of her heedless un
conscious words, and Marion, wrig
gling down, ran to meet her mother.
Robert. Savarin rose , as Lillian
came toward the steps, and I ad-
roitly slipped in front of him, deter
, mined to keep the management of the
situation in my own hands.
"Do hurry, Lillian," I entreated
laughingly.. "Here's a starving man
who has waited breakfast so that
you and I may have a second cup of
coffee wjth him.
"He'd better 'look out, or-1 may
devour the whole breakfast," she re
torted lightly, coming up the step?.
"There's nothing like a motor ride in
1 this air to-give you a second appetite.
Robert, '.you were a. dear to wait.
Thank you," as he took her mo'or
coat from her. "Now for the
breakfast room!"
Dicky Helps.
Nothing could have been more
casual, more matter-of-fact than her
manner, and yet I saw that Marion's
.ridiculous ' little speech" concerning
the movies had roused again the ab
surd jealousy concealed behind Rob
ert Savarin's calmness. Would he
be able to control it, or would he
: With a heartfelt little sigh of re
lief, I saw Dicky rounding the corner
of the house, and knew that if he
were only in the mood to set going
his never-failing stock of nonsense,
there would be no eharfce for Robert
Savarin to betray his jealousy or to
brood over it. '
"Morning. everybodyr Dicky
called. "Madge, ma?-1 inquire why
yon did not waken me when you
rose to be Queen cf the May this
morninir. If I hadn't had the sub
conscious thought of those fish Mrs. j
-vosgrove-j-oriHsed to wy-tor oreaK-i
'fast, I would bave been sleeping yet,
Mrs. E. M. Spear of Genoa, Neb.,
is m Omaha for a few days,
Announcement is made of the
birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. Marks Wednesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Krane an
nounce the birth of a daughter, Jane,
December U, at btewart hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Doherty of
J acoma, 'Wasli., who have been vis-
ltmcr Mrs. Dohertv's oirents.v Mr,
and Mrs. J. B. Rahm, left Sunday
evening lor their home. - -. .
A son, Richard Leroy, was born
to Mr. and Mrs.-Harold vSmith at
St. Lukes hospital' December 8. Mrs.
iMiiith was formerly Miss Genevieve
Ingalsbc of Council Bluffs.
Mrs, George R. Voss and Mrs.
Henry W. Yates left Tuesday for
M. Joseph, Alo., where they will
spend a few days , with a sister of
Airs. Yates, MrsJ. P. Johnson.
Will T. Graham and daughter,
Miss Helen, leave Saturday for Chi
cago and Freeport, III,, where they
will visit Mr. Graham's mother.
They will return Christmas eve.
Mrs. Fred Marhoss of Chicago is
the guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Henrickson, and will stay
until Christmas day. She leaves
Christmas evening for her home.
Miss Anita Currey, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Currey, will re
turn Sunday from Danville, Ky.,
where she is at school, to spend
Christmas vacation with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cole will en
tertain at a buffet supper Sunday
evening in honor of Mr. and' Mrs.
Robert Forgan of New York, who
arrive this week to be the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Congdon. '
Mrs. Frank Colpetzer, who is now
in Chicago," 'will Sfrtvcin -Orhaha
soon after Christmas to be with Mr.,
and Mrs. Moshier Colpetzer. The
latter have given up their plan of
going to Chicago before Christmas.
Philip Gray Lovell of Cambridge,
Mass., whose engagement to Miss
Helen Smiih of Omaha was an
nounced early .. Jast '.. summer, w0
spend " Christmas at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith.
'Miss Lucille Goldstrom will leave
Wednesday evening for Chicago,
Louisville, Ky., and Charleston, W.
Va., for a two months' visit with
relatives and .friends. . Many -social
affairs have . been planned in her
honor. . " .' ."
If you've eaten them all I'll who's
had breakfast, anyway?"
"Everybody but you and Robert,"
I returned. "But I'm sure there are
plenty of fish for both of you.' Mrs.
Cosgrove would never fail you like
that." " v -i
Madge Signals. Lillian,.
"Cupid alone knows what a-woman
will do, and -he. won't. teil,' Dicky
observed, walking jo the dining-room
door and bowing low as he ushered
us in. As-1 pressed" close after Lil
lian, I managed'td giv. her anpld
signal which we had tfsed when we
were doing government work -together
during the war, and which
meant that I must speak to her alone
as soon as possible. It was not un
til we were all seated at the table
that she was able to assure me by an
answering signal that she had under
stood and would act upon my mes
sage. ,
There was never a gayer break
fast table. Dicky was in on-: of his
most nonscrrsieat'' moods, . and I
breathlessly aided him in keeping the
conversation at the frivolous key to
which he had pitched it. I think Lil
lian comprehended what I was try
ing to do, for she tossed our.absurcii
ties back to us admirably, and Rob
ert Savarin while a close observer
could see his submerged -grouch
manfully tried to' hide his '.annoy
ance. . '
"Will you motor with me this
morning?" he asked Lillian.
"I'd love to," Lillian fejoined cor
dially, but her eyes were on me, arid
I saw she was waiting for a cue to
manage the prior interview I washed.
. "Can you delay your trip just a
few minutes, Robert?" I asked in
geneously. "Lillian has been prom
ising for ages to draw me the outline
of a fascinating little suit for Junior
which she saw in the shops one day
And I do want to get started snaking
it today. I have the material all
ready, and I'll keep her only a little
while"' V
"Of course, as long as you wish,"
the artist responded courteously, and
I relaxed with the assurance that I
would be able to warn Lillian of
Robtrt's reaction toward her work,
before he saw her, .
She came to the point at once, as
after breakfast, I strolled with her to
her bungalow. leaving Junior and
Marion with Dicky and Robert.
"What's up, Madge?" she asked.
"Any more r.ews of last n;ght while
I've been gone?"
"Xo. but it's something almost as !
startling," I returned, "and I have r.c ;
business repeating it to yon, but Ij
leel somehow that I mast.
Then .1 told her,
George Voss will arrive home
next week from Princeton, to snerid
the holidays with his mother, Mrs.
George R. Voss. : Mr.Voss, though
connected with the 'Triangle club,
will not travel - with them this
year. He is property man .for the
organizationand his work is com
pleted before the club starts its trip.
N3Fg'W . all bikd
. '""v - thing
it Dtnmsm iv
They'rt twice as welcome dressed
in bright Dcnusoa tags nd teais
and cards, each better-made, each
with a sparkling holiday idea .
At Statlooer, Dept. Stores, and
Dragcista, Ecbswao
I'w.- lag w r v r bta ra r M u
I. ltTVZ. 3 i d it 1 tJ?aAAAJ
V The Tent f Lot
Pear Mma t'airfax: A girl of IT
tern me encaged to a man of 30
about a year ago. The young man
waa called to service in tt foreign
country and. under the circum
stance, they agreed to brenk the en
gagement, although he claimed he
loved her and was willing to marry
tier ana take ner with him. Through
a change In plans fur which he was
not rexponalble he was nut called to
go after all Now, though he ineeta
11)0 girl in a buslncM way aeveral
time a week, he haa never referred
to' their, former relationship or
treated her other than as an old
friend. The girl ia heart-broken and
It Is hard for her to meet hint In
that way.
How would youi advise tho girl to
act or what would you advise her to
do? C. I. C.
T'osHlbly the man feela that the
girl failed him and her promise
of love when she did not try to ar
range to marry him and accompany
him on hla projected trip across the
sea. Men have their pride, too, you
know. If the girl's love ia greater
than her self love, she might sug
gest to, the man that she'd like to
see- him at her home and have a
chance -to resume the old friendship.
After all, suppose she is alighted
won't the quick, sure wound be bet
ter than wondering and torturing
herself with the possibilities of the
situation? An taivltatlon to call ia
encouragement but . it can't be
called "running after a man."
lt Them Gossip.
Dear Miss Fairfax; I am 18 and
have a boy friend of about one
and a. half years my senior whom
I have known two years. Lately he
has been taking me out almost
every Sunday. A git friend tells me
people are talking about us. My
feelings toward tins boy are those
of si rung friendship and lov (If
t list's what it may be called), the
kind you would give to a brother.
Am I doing wrung In going out with
till young man, and shall I believe
my friend, abuut the people talking
about us? ii.
Huptfose folk did talk a bit. What
could they say? "Uertha'e a sweet
girl. Charlie Pavl aeema to find
her Interesting, Thoke two young
folk certulnly have a flue friend
ship." There' no harm in your
seeing this hoy onee a week and
you'd be weak and foolish to give
another thought to a careless girl
foolish and exaggerated report of a
bit of gossip which probably never
meant anything at alt to the folks
who like to talk over their neigh
bore. - Test of Love.
Dear Miss Fairfax: A verv dear
friend, 21, Is going about with a
young man four year her senior.
This man loves this girl very much
and she loves him. This girl haa
been used to good times, but thla
man does not make enough to give
them to her. She is willing to sacri
fice all this for the man she love.
He wunts to marry her, but is afraid
that she would not be happy, while
she says she can. Now, .what li
want to Know is, ao you think that
this girl should waste her time with
this man when he doesn't think he
can trust her? INTERESTED.
Don't you think it is Just a well
for the girl to prove to her own sat
isfaction that she's likely to be con
tented and happy with what the I
man has to give? It s easy enough
to make all sorts of promises in the
first rtush of emotion. Hut when It
route to soitllug Uuwii the (jult
in ik lit San m humdrum.. For Iter own
sake a well a the man's It's best
tu be praotlonl and make a test of
of resenting the uisu's altitude, Mliy
not share hi sans recognition of
the fact that it' easier to promise
than to perform.
Ifcui'l YVr!t. ,i llliu,
r Mis Fairfax: I am SO.
There I a young iiun who work
In the neighborhood and in whom
1 am tilUi.h Interested. Nuw I should
like to meet him. but unfortunately
none of my friend are ai'iiuiiinted
with him. I was thinking abuut
writing a friendly note to him, but
do not like to without consulting
yuu. Won't you please advise me?
Could you suggest anything else?
U. W.
Don't write the young num. He
will probably think you forward and
"eusy" and will find some way to
humilUt you. If you wait the In
troduction nmy ronis about In a way
to save you from cheapening yourself.
Flying Squadron
.The flying squadron of war days
is back in the harness.
Mrs, W, Y Ilolin, chairman of
supplies, organised it on Monday
md her woikers will cover every
public jtsftirring inOmuba this,
week in the interest of the fifth an
nual Red Cross roll rail.
.Monday afternoon the squadron
visited the Army building at Fif
teenth and Dodge streets. They re
ported 100 per cent membership for
the drive.
The squadron will work every day
this week am! it will follow conven
tions and all public meetings of th4
city. It i comprise J of Mr. Holin4
chairman, am) Mesdimci Harry
I'Irhsrty, t Harry Pierce, Hc.iia,
Greenfield ind Mie' Nail Csessr,
and Gertrude XkCumber. -
Mi. Morton Vieno, chairman ol
the movie houses for the drive, hat
organized a band of workers who
will cover all the performance t
the. movie during the week. Mrs,
II. M. Craig it in charge of thq
Strand theater; Muse, Mri. .L. C
llanner; Rialio, Mrs. Olive I'laga
gett; Emprc, Mr. S. G. Othmeri
ud Sun, ,n. Jennie, Califs.
Red Cross campaign headijuartrrj
moved Monday morning to its new
location at 1809 .Douglas street.
Italy this year just about double t
last year's production of a little
more thin 110.000 tons of ''sugar.
Buehler Brosc
Omaha's Leading Cash
. For Quality and Service
212 No. 16th St. 2408 Cuming St. 4903 So. 24th St.
"Special for Wednesday and Thursday
Whole ,
- Side,
Cost the it ast
Special, at
Choice Small Lean Pork Loin, 9 Or
. y2 or whole U U
ChbiceBeef Chuck Eoast, 10c
ChoiceFresh Hams,
or whole,
Pure Lard,
in any quantity,
Special, at '
Evergood Liberty Nut
Choice Fresh
Spare Ribs,
Choice Fresh
Boston Butts,
1 8 c
Evergood Butterine
the finest spread for
Express and Mail Orders Filled From This List
For Athletes
(6iiIIIIIIDIDinSar; ,
Relieves Pain
Keep a Tube Handy
Thosleeming G Co.,N.Y.
Establish .4 JS84
I h a sueeessto! treatment for Kuptore
ritbout resortinf to a painful and uncertain
nrsieal operation. Mr treatment haa si ore
than twBty-f ire rears of sueeeas behind it, nd
I claim it ta be the best. 1 do not injort
peraffine wax. as H is daceeroaa. Time requited
for ordinary eases. IS dajs spent here with sse. No dancer or la Tin sp In
hoapital Call or write lor partienlars. Dr. Frank H. Wrap, No. 807 North 35th
St. Omaha. Neb. Dircctioas: Take a 13th or ISth street car coins; aorth snd rl
off at SStk and Canine Sts. Third residence south.
J.ooe ib. 1
bases ef
Nalt Cod
I1.h. lb. 1
aj Xniat
liave or.
rired. lb.,
Specials for Wednesday and Thursday
Buy-RIt Stores have their Christmas Candy, Nuts and Goodies on display at Duy Rlte prlcei.
Merely a Suggestion: Buy your Christmas Candles. Nuts and Goodies NOW. We will deliver them
my day wanted. For your consideration, note ths following:
50,000 lbs. of Schrafffa Fresh Assorted High Grads Chocolates Per lb. 58 ( '
Per 6-pound box, special $2.50
FOLKS-These are the Finest Chocolates that you can buy.
6,000 lbs. of Hand-Made Bon Bon Creams Per pound 43 c
5,000 lbs. of Pure Butter Scotch Per pound 33?V
5,000 lbs. of Christmas assorted Cut-Rock Mixture Per pound 27
5,000 lbs. Christmas Jelly Strings Per pound 37tf .
6,000 lbs. of Cocoanut Bon Bons Per pound 35
5,000 lbs. of Union French Creams Per pound 35!
5,000 lbs. of Assorted Jumbo Gum Drops Per pound i. 230
5,000 lbs. of Dew Drop Christmas Mixture Per pound ; ' 27 1
50 lbs. of Wild West Christmas Mixture Per pound 14
Mb. Boxes of Aunt Molly's Butter Creams Per Mb. Box .'. 69f
Mb. Boxes of Balduff's Kpryptian Chocolates Per Mb. Box "... 73
J,i-lb. Boxes of Balduff's Egyptian Chocolates Per Vj-lb. Box ' 39
Borden's Sweet Milk Chocolate Cakes and Almond Bars 24 5c Bars to a Box Special, per bo. -98
Buy-Rite Brand Coffee 3 lbs. for 95
Nlshna Valley Buy-Rite Brand Butter Lb. 480
Clover Blossom Buy-Rite Brand Butter Lb. 46 k
Pillsbury's Best Minnesota Flour Per 48
pound sack $2.35
Little Hatchet Flour 48-lb. saok..... $1.75
Little Hatchet Flour 24-lb.- sack - 90tJ
Fresh ground Graham Flour Lge. sack... 35
Fresh ground White or Yellow Corn. Meal
Per sack' . i.. i 140
,000 No. 2 cans Prince or Grand Canon
Apricots in heavy syrup Per can 33
J cans for 900 cans for $1.73
(Limit: 6 cans'to a customer.)
Fresh shipment of Kanio or Pillsbury's Pan
Cake Flour 2 large pkgs. for "250
Quaker Puffed Rice or Puffed Wheat Pkg. 150
Baker's Bitter Chocolate -lb. cakes ... 230
All White Meat Tuna Fish -lb. can ... 150
J2-lb. can....... 250 l-'b. can 450
1 carload of Extra Fancy Thin Skinned
Juicy Medium Size Grapefruit 3 for 230
6 for 430
Large size 3 for 2701 fr 500
Spltzenburg Apples Per box $3.15
1,000 Bushels of Extra Fancy Medium Size ?
Winesap Apples 10 lbs. for ; . . . . 850
Extra Fancy Red River Early Ohio Pota- .
toes Per peck, 4001 Per bushel $1.60
5,000 lbs. of Peach Flavored Prunes 3 lbs. 370
Large Extra Fancy Dry Apricots Pound.. 340
Jumbo Extra Fancy Dry Peaches Pound..,. 230
Jumbo Extra Fancy Pears Pound 430
Not-A-Seed Seedless Raisins Lge. pkg. .... 250
Extra Fancy Seeded Raisins Lge. pkg. .. 250
Dromedary Dates Per package 1 '230
500 Cases of full size Comb Honey Comb 29t
1,000 6-Ib. Pails of Idaho Pure StrSlned .'
Honey Per 5-id. pail O0
All Buy-Rite Stores have plenty of noiiy, Evergreen wreains ana wnrmmaa . - .
SSth and Cnmlnv - '
' Walnut Hill Grocer ' - ' '
Fortieth and HamlltoS)
, Fortieth and Farnam
lSfh and Dorcas
Vinton and Elih Sts.
'' S908 Sherman Ave.
35th Are. and Leavenworth
tut nnd S Sts. South Side
The flrocee of Dtindea
Slth nnd I. Sts. Month Side
13tb and flarflrld
. GEO. I. ROSS,; ,
Slth and Ames
Thirty-third and Arbor
Strong Vitality and Vigorous
Energy make the Hardest Job Easy
Yeast Vitamine build$ up the run down, cor
rects constipation and indigestion, and brings
' the glow of health to sallow, sickly skins
Grants Vita-Vim is
a thoroughly proved
scientific prepara'
food containing
yeast, oil and water
soluble vitamines
also iron,UuxVom
ica, and glycero
phosphates. It's in
tablet form, easy
to take.
The man or woman with
rugged stamina, strong vi-
tality, plenty of firm, mus
cular flesh and skin glowing
with health; and who doesn't
suffer from constipation or
indigestion-is bound to win.
The run down and ill-nourished
are handicapped every
day on. every job.
Science says yeast vitamine
is a big factor, in business
success because it builds up
the run down, brings new
"go-getting" energy to the
'weakly and listless and cor
rects constipation', bad skin
and other disorders. '. .
For better work.more enjoy
able play and the thrill of new
vitality and glowing health,
get a bottle of Grants Vita
Vim tablets today.
They are guaranteed to
benefit you or your money
For Sale by
Sherman A McConnoll, 6 stores. Wslnut Hill Pharmacy.
Beaten Drug Co. Benson Pharmacy.
Myers-Dillon Druf Co. Reid-Duffy Pharmacv.
Pop Druf Co. Green's Pharmacy. "
Unitt-Docekal Dins; Co. Saratoga Drug Co.
Trallc's Inn. . . Lakavlew Pharmacy.
James E. CorreU. Tobin Cut Price Dni( Co.
Rex Pharmacy.
Yates Drug Store.
E. A. Williamson. .
Beransk A Son.
Barney Dugan Druf Co.
Braadcis Stores.