8 THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1921. Classified Advertising Halts Mf in imii vera la uaal I aaa 4 III pet day, ( .Mcuil J tw . 1 niMtullit s It . una pr day. It ohmtuiI). No ad UW. (at iaaa Ikaa luai at tto. lb ria apply Hb.r la Ik Daily w nadir U All adrtlamnt appear la kola amain) and nla dally papers tor IK ana chars CONTRACT RATE OM APPLICATION . wnl a 4 pid at Ik follenlsi Iifaki UfN orric....i;t and nrum ma. Sou Ik lid ,. Doui Nik L 1 OUflell mufti., ...It ftratl ! WANT Aba IlKCailVtD B" fUONC ATLANTIC JtOt THB BCC will bui b rpenlbl far )inr lhaa aaa Incorrect Inaanlaa af a dvartiaaaMi order far mot tkaa aaa lint. lLOaINO HOUR rOfi WANT API. .nin ICdiiion. j 41 a. M Morning t-.tlllou Ml p. 14. una. '"oa..ljP,JUkaiurda D E ATH & F U N E R AL NCVTICE8. II.OHKU. Knob; aied t year, 17 days. M.J tfalurday bis home, 3t I T Ohio street. Murviv.d by wife, daughter, granddaughter anil Hire broth.ra. Funeral Tuesday, J:J p. in, from reeldenc. burial at Forest Lawn cam, tar jr. AUTOMATIC sealing comrai burial vault on dlaplay at leading undartak ra. Writ tnnaba Coocrat Burial Vault o., Omalia. CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn . Th la r rout rem-teiy In Nhrliai I!" tea Juat north of Ilia city limit wart of Florence. An Ideal location af. from dlaturbanca by th r-ny' growth Perpetual far. Not operated for profit. Cemetery offir Forest Lawn street car terminus. 4.'d an-l north city limit. City offlc. 720 liratidoia Theater Bldg PUNR A LDI RKCTOR F.J.STACK&Ca7 0ucrior to Htsck ic Fslconer OMAHA'S BEST. l'IKRCB A Tiff TJTTT A Xinrimr Thirty-third and rrnam. Hulse & Rienen riONKKR FUNERAL DIRECTORS. formerly at 701 8. 18th 8t.. hav moved to 1224 Cuming St. Ja, nil, HEAFEY & HEAFEY" Undrtakrs and Erabsimers. rhon HA, 246. tiffie till Farnam. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON jfl'X FLATIRONym."?;: SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS 8WOHODA, 1416 FARNAM STREET. JOHN BATH. 1R04 Farnam. Jackson 19U. K Henderaon, K07 Farnnm. Jnckaun 1268. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth.. Frank and Marie Uiri-ha. 211 Center street, boy. John nd Edn Stephens. 4118 North Twenty-Mix 111 street, girl. France and Christina Hushes, hospital, fc-lrl. I'Htrlrk and Margaret Cunningham, SSHl T etreet. girl. John and Gladys Wood, hospital, girl. Thumaa and Anna I'ritchard, hospital, boy. Gilbert and Esther Harry, 2915 Mason street, girl. Arnold and Alba Slovens, 2003 Seuth Eighth street, ' boy. Hans and Martha West, hospital, girl. Fred and Klsle Bendorf, 1MJ Hart man avenue, boy. Edward and Rosa Johnson, 2609 Wool Worth avenue, girl. Charles snd Pearl Mortz, 4403 North Twenty-fifth avenuj, hoy. Henry and Clara Bowley, 6ii03 Mili tary avenue, boy. Deaths. William P. Kennedy, 6. 2618 O street. (.under I.. Ountlerson (2. 2612 L street. Tn Eyck 11. Fonda, 82, 1404 South Tenth street. William Everett Holsport, 7 months, 2024 Howard street. Mrs. Florence 1-atteson, 68, 4 JO North Eighteenth street. James Aaron Parks, 53, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. John Wozniak. 24, Omaha, and Betty Orlmm, 20, Omaha. Thornton H. Thomas, jr., 24, Denver, Colo., and Dorothy Will 26, McArthur. O. XMAS HINTS Enjoyed Every Day In the Year Is a subscription to tti r . Daily and Sunday Bee. Appreciated by every member of tho family, and a daily re minder of your thoughtfulness. Send your order to . Subscription Department, The Omaha Bee. DIAMONDS! GIVE A DIAMOND FOR XMAS. T'e have beautiful diamonds at prices you can afford this Xmaa. Diamond rings and diamond Jewelry of the highest character, wrist watches, cut glass and many beautiful .gifts for Xmas. C. E. Reese, Jeweler, 321 South 16th St. 1! LESSONS free with every J. W Tork & Sons saxophone eold between now and Christmas. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1514-16-18 Podge St. rhone I'D 1622. CANDIES! CANDIES! CAND1ESI All candles in their purest form made daily In our sanitary candy kitchen by oxpert candy makers who know their business. Chocolates, creams and nut candy put up and delivered In our special Christmas Boxes. CANDYLAND 1523 Farnam CHRISTMAS. . What better present could you give to children or members of family than a savings account in the OCCIDENTAL BLDO. & LOAN ASS'N. 18th and Harney. It Draws 6 Paid Quarterly DANCING LESSONS. GIVE A COURSE IN DANCING, k What better gift for the boy or girl 'than a coure In dancing? Class or priv ate lessons. KEEP'S DANCINO ACADEMT. 1814 Farnam St. A FlTTURt. HOMESITE. A LOT IN BEAUTIFUL MINN 15 LUSA. What gift could be more useful, mor appreciated and a better investment? An example of thrift to purchase one -' ,'of these for any member of the family, v Call Mr. Toliver. Atlantic 0721. B ASP BROS. START RIGHT. A saving bank and a savings ac count, pavs a Christmas dividend of 6 8TATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS'N, 215 South 17th St. FURS mska excellent Xmas gifts. W carry completo stock. c'has. J. Gold stein Fur Co., over Fry'a sboa store, 16th and Douglas streets. BUT a Nu Bone corset. A lovely line of , Bungalo aprons. Silk lingerie & novel . ties. Hattie Putnam, SOi Karbach Blk. HAND embroidered Betty-Mae houer dressea, unbleached muslin. S3; black sateen. 85. Call Walnut TRADE your used piano on a new player A. HOSPE CO.. 15U Douglas. SPECIAL prices on Xmaa box candy. Rogers, 24th and Farnam. A REAL live Christinas nresnt. beauti ful canaries. 3765 4'uming. Harney 476S. BMl bargains In phonograph and records. SHLAES PHONOGRAPH, 14"4 Dodge. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. with white extending on tho neck ana turning a nine io m. rum, - " h on right hind hoof; an. were to th name of Jack. Reward. Market 4217. LOST Hair pin set with blu rhinestones. Graduation remembrance. From Or pheum theater to 1th nd Harney south to 16th and Howard. Call KsU J61 SPECIAL NOTICES. WILL not be responsible for bill cob tracted by Grace M. Curry. T. J. Carrv PERSONALS. KKNT Hoov-r vacuum. $f.y. HA. kXPE&X MASSAGK 4VyVULAib BRINGING UP HAMi THE THIj )t) THE TEHTH TIME I'VE rALL?K.I'LL P.P a to so PERSONALS. THU HALVAT1UN Army In.lu.trlal hem aoiiuii your oia ciotninu. rurnnur. maiaklne. W rnllact. V dutrlbuta, rhuu 1'ouilaa IJi and our wagon will call. Call and InapiH't our hnm, 11I1-1II1-IIM Kortit St. MAfl.NF.TIO hath, alau maaaane with vlo. let ray treatment. Vnlqu for run down yatnni, rhfumallum, iteuritia, nervou nea and hardening of th arterlra, tc, li.iunlaa KATMRVN U KILKV, Kln and calp p. i lallat. J A 326 ; ahamiioo anil . II. bULFHUll bath, Bwetllab maa, rhl mpoly. I.vrnlnm to 1. I in so. 2"tn at, Theatrical hlnorlral mqu cnatume. for play and partlr. at Lteben'a. )mah. KLKCTRIC hath. 8wed. inin. WE. 111. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleatint;. ACCORDION. ld. knlfo. box pleatlnn covered button., ill atylr: hematltchlnn. buttonhole. Writ Ideal Button Pleating Co., SOI Browo block, Jackson NEtiR. PLEATING g ton. 1'0 Frnm. 5d Floor. D. Hem.tltchln. MUl- (;. Contractors-Painting. I'AINTINO. papering; and plaoterine. Nau. Walnut 4t7. Dancing Academies T"F?F'P'C4 1818 ,'1"',"n. Dougla 8140. XVAJAJA O w hav taught lnor than 13.000 people to dance. Let ua teach you. h;xprt Instruction. Beglnnertor advanced class or private lesions. Dentists. DR. NASH. 724 City Nafl Bk. AT. 0537. Dressmaking. FURS, suit, diesses, remod'l, rellned. Ha. 6S04. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Hallway Ex. Bldg., J A. 20SS. Night. KEN. 3813. Independent Detective Bureau. 304 Neville Blk All. 6501; night. Wal. 4056: K. 0465. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evidence aecured In all cases. Atlantic 1136. DETECTIVES that get results. 40 Pax ton block. JA. 1819. DO 6757. Kodak Finishing. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing, printing. Kase Studio. 213 Neville Blk FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. Tho Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. Patent Attorneys. J. W. MARTIN, patent attorney, 1713 Dodge, Omaha, also Washington, D. U We help sell patents, models made. Printing. EDDY Printing Co.. 212 S. 13 St. Do. 8647 M'scf Uaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS price with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 402 N. 16th St. Doug ' las 5049. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 35c; double edge, 45c doz. Mall orders so licited. Omaha Sharp Co.. 103 N. 16th. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses made over in new tick at half price of new beds. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. FULL dress and tuxedos for rent. John Feldman, 109 N. 16th St. Jackson 3128. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron Electric, 318 S. 13th St, Omaha. CALL Herman, the Glazier. Kenwood 270J. BRITT Printing Co.. 7 Elks Bldg. ASH HAULING, WEBSTER 6470. FOR SALE. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drums.xylo- phones. etc.: Instructions. rspairinir; 2761 Davenport St. Phono Harnov -2967. JOHN TAFF saxophone shop, repairing ana supplies. 306 Lenang Bldg. D. S476. Clothing and Furs. FOR sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool 'Dundee" suits, cheap, alteration free, DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS,. Northwest Cor. 16th and Harney Sts. FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. 203 S. 15th St. Douglas 72S8. Typewriters and Supnlies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sola agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every niHchlne aruaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, Jackson 4120. 1912 Farnam. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES Wo rent, repair, Fell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 16th and Harney. Douglas 1973. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, eto. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724, WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6146 WANTED to buy a one or two-chair barber shop. Give full Information in first letter. Box A-l 42. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Men, 18, over, wanted for railway mail, postoffice, other government positions. Exsmination soon. Salary 11,400-11.800 year. Experi ence unnecessary. Particulars free. Write t'olumbia School of Civil Service, 171 Pope Bldg., Washington, D. C. RAILWAY mail and postal clerk examln aCons. Age, 18 upward. 1130 monthly. F.xperlence unnecessary. For free par ticulars write J. Leonard, (former Civil Service examiner) 909 Equitabla Bldg , Washington. D. C. Professions and Trades. BIG MONEY! DO IT NOW! LEARN THE BEST BUSINESS IN THB BUST WAY. IN THB BEST PLACE AND SHORTEST TIME. LEARN IT ALL AT THE NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 2814 N. 20TH ST., OMAHA. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG. FIREMEN. BRAKEMEN, beginners. 1150. later 126 monthly. Write Railway, Box T-1737. Omaha Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN experienced In general mer chandise wanted by one of the leading concerns in the country. ' Excellent op portunity. Commission hapis. New York Merchandise Co., Ill Fifth Ave., N. Y. CAN use salesperson for high-cis groc ery specialty, house to house experience benlficial to your service. Kenwocd 0si7. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. STEADY and reliable young man wuh motorcycle and side car desires tem porary or permanent wo-k. MA; Zti. SIT. WANTED Cook, meat and pastry; In ut out. Addross J. hL. 401 2sorUi lath St. FATHER .'-"n mi ,,v. 1 x n il I'll - 1 mm 1 f"r r! I K R HAVE wiJirrru SNOW-iNOW I Hsve WRITTEN .tOMC POCTRv WOULD VOU LIKE tNOW TO HER Little,1? nfe. -11- v JP.kAI'N. Llf.T?5SL rvvvy AM .c5 Try-i-v f-.ti- . l-c5 Secure Help Through the Bee FREE No restrictions are made as to the kind of employe. It includes any help in the following divisions: MALE Stores, Offices, Professions, Trades, Salesmen, Solicitors, Agents, Canvassers,. Hotels, Restaurants, Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Miscellaneous. Confine your ad to 18 words, bring or mail to The Bee office, it will be run 7 days without cost. This offer does not include firms or individuals outside of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. The Omaha Bee WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. YOUNU man wants work, wholesale house, assistant shipping clerk, any thing In that line. Honest, willing worker. DO. 7051. YOUNG man, living with parents, wants position as gen. office clerk, book keeping or Junior accountant. Ja. 0335 mornings. EX-MARINE, 16 years continued aervlce, wauta position ss watchman or special police in city or out, good references. Box A-115, Bee. A-l TRUCK DRIVER, position as delivery man, wholesale or retail. Thoroughly acquainted with Omaha. riererences. Treasonable wages wanted. WE. 4094. YOUNG man wishes work as salesman or clerk, well recommended, honest, good worker. C. E. Young, 2202 2d Ave., Co. Bluffs, la. EXPERT Ice cream packer, also under stand? how to care for wholesale trsde. Acquainted with retailers In Omaha DO. 7051. YOUNO married man wants- office work experience In accounting costs and gen eral office work. Best references. MA. 3567. REFINED mlddcl aged lady desire posi tlon. housekeeper In widower's family or father and son. Kef. L-3S6, Omaha Bee. , STUDENT wishes work, evenings and Saturday, board and room or salary: ex perienced in drug line. L-395, Omaha Bee. ENERGETIC young man, 23, with sales manship and office ability seeks salaried position. Ref. fur. Douglas 7034. Bert Stanley. , " WANTED Position by young married man ss truck driver or clerical work. Can give references. Call Market 3761. YOUNG man, ex-service, urgently lp need of work, odd work of any sort accepted. Call Atlantic 4917, ask for Kinney. WOULD like a clerical position; exp. In mailing, filing, typing. Will take kny position. Ref. L-439. Omaha Bee. YOUNG man, 26, desires position with real estate or collection agency. a Stayer, 3605 Charles street. STORM windows or other carpenter work. Call Atlantic 5023 or see Chas. Carpenter, 1921 Chicago St - PLACE in electric shop. Have two years exp. on D. C. E. A. Nielsen, 1452 Lothrop Street. Webster 3626. EXPERIENCED fireman wants position; prefer plant. Anthlng accepted. -Call Fireman. Walnut 1488. MAN wants job in garage to learn re pair work, had some experience. O. D. R., L-394. Omaha Bee. MIDDLE-AGED man wishes odd Jobs painting, housework, etc. Tel. Atlantic 4917. Mr. I'rban. EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur wants private family or garage work. Ref erence. Webster 6109. HOTEL manager or clerk wishes perma nent position, very best of references. Box L-398. .Omaha Bee. YOUNG colored man wishes employment as chauffeur, hotel porter. Ref. Webster 0233. Ask for James. COLORED MAN, married, wants position as Janitor In an apartment house. Box L-407. Omaha Bee. YOUNG married man (white) wishes work of any kind: knows all parts of city. Kenwood 0446. FURNITURE polished at your home, by experienced man out of work. Call Walnut (1823. MAN will do any kind of work In ex change for room and board. L-428 Omaha Bee. MAN Age 61; handy worker: educated, wants work In private family. George Robinson, 319 N. 17th St. . STEADY man will work around place for board and bed. John Davis, Gen. Del., Omaha. MAN In need of work can do housework, painting and stationary fireman. Doug. 6715. WANTED Work In hotel or restaurant; anything; married man. L-405, Omaha Bee. YOUNG MAN going to school would like sn afternoon Job. Call It. I Potts, Kenwood 4116. YOUNG married man must have work. Permanent work only. Call Cleo DeLay, 4036 Seward St., City. STENOGRAPHER Office assistant. 19. I yrs. experience, high school graduate, references. L-404, Omaha Bee. TRUCK driving or any kind, of labor wanted. Glen Sayers. phone Doug. 6106. A NO. 1 plumber's helper, three years exp. 1825 No. 21st St. R. C. Grow. RELIABLE colored man. 35. wanta work of any kind. WE. 70S0. EXPERIENCED window trimmer open for position. 1,-4.11, Omaha Bee. BEGINNER on durms wanta to lay for dances. Box L-434, Omaha Bee. DRUG clerk. Have had 4 year exp. I.-337, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED fireman wants work. D. 8357. Female. REFINED middle-aged lady desires posi tion as housekeeper In widower' fsmlly or with father and son. References. L-40S. Omaha Bee. STENO.. over 11 years' experience, thor oughly qualified and competent, desire position: 1110. Best reference. -L-409, Omaha Be. POSITION as bousekeeper, have twin girls, age 7. In or near town. Good home, mor than wages. L-410, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED office -clerk and book keeper wanta Job. references, anything considered. Box L-281. Omaha Daily Bee. A COLORKLf lady, clean and honest, would I'ke a few offices to clean. Call eninr4i. Telephone larl;et 37. LAVX waiju cooking by say. Harney 4.41. U. S. Pstml OHlfa nuiii4. A, FEMALE Stores, Offices, Professions, Trades, Saleswomen, Solicitors, Household, Domestics, Hotels, Restaurants, Miscellaneous. WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. YOUNG girl, neat appearance, desire clerical work for the afternoons. Will ing and capable. L-412, Omaha Bee. POSITION WANTED As housekeeper. In motherless home, by young woman. Kef, Box L-403, Omaha Bee. WANTED Position as cook; best of ref erences, prefer Institution; years of ex pereince. Call KK. 2862. WIDOW lady with 2 children, 9 and 11, wants work as housekeeper; food refer ences. L-430, omatta nee. COMPETENT stenog. five years' exp. de sires permanent or temporary position. Walnut 3113. FOR a competent practical nurse call Webster 6172. Drs.' references. Con finement cases special. WIDOW with 3 children desires clerical work, 2 years exp. clerical and postal clerical. Webster 6116. , WIDOW wants housekeeping position, town or country. 2906 R St. Apt. 9, South Omaha. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion. Competent ana reliable. Web ster 2014. STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone operator desires position. No experience. J A. zszs. WHITE woman wants housework, mail ' your letter to L. P., 1469 So. 17th. ANYTHING in a grocery, factory or labor work of any kind. Webster 1642. GIRL wants errand Job, Box L-427, Omaha Bee. f xperienced. ELDERLY colored lady wishes to nurse children. Webster 2941. YOUNG white woman wants work; fore noons; Doug. 6297. GOOD seamstress wants work by day or by hour. L-433. Omaha Bee. RELIABLE housekeeper wants a position. Country or out of town considered. Box A-141. Laundry and Day Work.- DAY work of any kind; would like to get dinner ut night, by reliable colored lady. Webster 6931. WOMAN wishes bundle washing of all kinds; will call for and deliver, with ref. Web. 5105." RELIABLE colored woman wants bundle washing. Fancy work a specialty.- Best ref. WE. 2612. PLAIN and fancy clothes carefully laun dered. Curtains and blankets. Web. 4283. EXPR. white lady wants day woik, ref., 13 per day. Phone Douglas 6071. COLORED woman wanta work by the day. KE. 0520. i LAUNDRY, cleaning or care of children, Webster 6109. COLORED girl wants general housework, Market 2976.' WHITE laundress wants work Wednes days and Thursdsys. Kenwood 4962. RELIABLE woman wants day work or bundle washing. Webster 3214. WOMAN with ret. wants day work .Tues day. Atlantic 4030. WANTED Day work, exp., or bundle washing at her home. Webster 66:11. LAUNDRY work by the day. WB 0202. DAY WORK wanted. WE. 0803. DAYWORK wanted. WE. 1873. Male and Female. YOUNG married couple with small child desire Job on farm. Can give refer ences.. Wagner, 6239 So. Twenty-third. Market 3761. SALESMAN wanted. Excellent opportunity for city salesman to sell office supplies. W. R. Stemm, 421 Paxton building. Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS Wonderful article, something new, sells on demonstration, every home needs and buys. L. Loser, 2421 Cum ing St.. Omaha. Miscellaneous. COLLECTORS WANTF7D. Several wanted, single men preferred, good chance for advancement. 1818 Capitol, Apt. 2, after 6 p. m. HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Salesman with ability, to de velop as a district manager. Satisfac tory compensation to proper party. Traders-Hydro Vulcan Tire Co., Traders Building. Chicago, Illinois. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. TWO young women to sell a first-class spec. In city. A good seller. Box L-402, Omaha Bee. WANTED Bohemian woman for cooking and kitchen work. 1429 South 13h St. Household and Domestic. WANTED Experienced white maid for aecond work; references renuired Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, 1303 Park Ave. Har ney 0633. HOUSEKEEPER without children, able to do plain sewing. Ses Mr. Onus. Tele phone building. WANTED A housekeeper In a Christian family of 1. A-33, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. WANTED 25 women. bouse-to-hout work, good money. See A. J. Mcken zie. 231.1 Douglas St. GOOD pay to ladies who ran do Batik eesary. Call Room 30. Douglas Block. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. TEACHERS WANTED We need tea-hem with college train ing. Many po-ftions open. Write OS. Com. and P.-of. Service Turcaa A Maine, !, Ho Ul. . 1 I I I I I I f-l " I I I I P . I I fl If I . I 1 1 1 1 1- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i r 1 11 t t j- v a 1 - 5fE J IOCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL TACC OP COLOM IN THE SUNDAY BEK c' 'I3 .1911 IXT'U FlATUM StRVIW. IWC..-J--J ' HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Meti. ladle anil bu to loarn barber trade; big demand; wage whll learning: .trlctly modern. Call or writ I4QI Dodge Ht. Trl-t.'lty Barhar College, BIX ranvaaaer on specialty; pay dally. Ilohrdsun, 420 N. 23d. 1 to 3 na to p. m. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NltiHT SCHOOL. Complete coure In ccountncy. ma chine bookkeeping, coniptutuetry, ahort hand and typewriting, railroad and wtroleaa telegraphy, civil aervlce and all Kngllab find commercial branch Write, call or phone Jackson 166k for htrf Illustrated catalog. Address HOYLK8 COLLEGE. Boyle Hld Omaha, Nth. Van Sant School ot rlualneaa. Day and Evening Schools. 120 Omaha National Hank Bldg. Dougla 6890. 3USINESS CHANCES W ANT KD Partner with from 17.000 to 110,000 to Invent In excellent proposition. muse opvms enure urn i inn i,ubhi-. Salary 175 to 1100 per week. Particulars ss to character and busineas ability r. quired. Write Box A-33. Omahit Bee. TO buy or sell a business quickly, write th Western Business Exchange, Ter minal Building, Omaha, Neb. FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GET YOUR ROOM through Th Be furnished room dl- reclory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all psrts of the city, A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. A NICE south warm room off bath on Harney car line. For gentlemen. 13.75 per week. 2885 California St. 11a 4X65. BURT ST.. 2753 Nice newly furnished rooms near Crclghton college; Ha. 2943. 3010 UODOBi strictly niodom room in nice home, walking distance. Harney 7246. 2116 HARNEY ST. Pleasant south front room; suitable for two; good heat. PLEASANT Apt. 601. room; gentlemen. AT. 4701. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO th better housekeeping rooms Is the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter.. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies In all psrts of the city TWO exceptionally nice, large, warm rooms; furnished or unfurnished; in up-to-date home, 1 block from car. Harney 2402 or Jackson 1605. Adults. 320 NO. 20TH. Three-room, nicely fur nished Apts., modern but heat. 17 and 19 per week. Aiso steam heated Apt. Walnut 4169 Furnished room. Bemis park dist. Sunday breakfast, lady only. FRONT 2-rm suite. Harney 2505. Board and Rooms. LARGE corner room for couple. The Merriam Hotel, 106 SO. 25th St. DO. 207. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. 1056 SOUTH 28TH ST.; a most artistic, cozy, six-room semi-bungalow, after January 1. Rent reasonable. Harney 6979. GOOD, well furnished, 6-room house, strictly modern. Good location. Lease to May 1. Jackson 0046. , Unfurnished. ' 4803 BURT ST. Five rooms, strictly modern. $30 per month; paved street: not far from car; In Dundee. Call Atlantic 3501. $82.60 828 SO. 69th St. One block east of Elmwood park; brand new, 6-rooni bungalow; garage. Glover & Spain, 918 City National. Jackson 2850. 612 SOUTH 17th Ave., 7 rooms, all mod ern except heat. A, P. TUKEY & SON, 620 1st Nat. Bk. JA. 4223. Evenings. Peterson. DO. 6170. FOR RENT House with garage, 41st and Jzard, W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. . Jackson 0564. 7 ROOMS, all modern, garage, paved street, at 22d and Larimore avenue. 175. Kenwood 0176. 3917 SOUTH 27TH ST., 6-room cottage. lliqiro 2522 B St., Market 3865. 7 ROOMS, hot water heat; garage. So. 34th St. At. 3623. 2131 6-ROOM house, low rent. Kcnwooa 6110. -ROOM, all modern, 1536 North 20th. 7-ROOM house, all modern. 2306 Ogdcn FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. TO LET. Six rooms with bath. Mercer Apts., 3920 Cuming. W. FARNAM SMITH CO.. Jackson 0564. 1320 Farnam. TO LET. Small apartment, Mercer apartments, 3920 Cuming. W. FARNAM SMITH CO.. Jackson 0564. 1320 Farnam. A VERY desirable, completely furnished apt. Vacant December 15. Two large rooms, kitchenette adjoining, furnished in new ivory furniture, i 160. 2916 Har ney St. HA. 7169. after 6 o'clock. COMPLETELY furnished tr and 3-room apartments; private bath; steam beat; walking distance. Brown Apt., 608 N. 21st St. DO. 6644. LOVELY six-room apartment, nicely fur nished, $65. Call at 117 So. 30th. Hir. ney 6839 or 6813. Unfurnished. A COSY. 3-room apt., with private bath, on first floor. Very desirable location. 150. 2916 Harney St. HA. 7169, after 6 o'clock. ATTRACTIVE 6-room apsrtment, sub lease, private entrance, 2d floor, desir able neighborhood: 175. HA. 7390. 3315 DODGE Strictly modern flat. Good location. Call Jackson 3352. Peters Trust Company, ' WHERE OMAHA RENTS FOR RENT Business Property. TH RUE-STORY and basement building. 2037 Farnam St., right in the heart of the coming retail center. Will lease for term of years, about 12.000 square feel tn all. For further Information see ALFRED THOMAS & SON CO. S04 Firt National Bank. TO LET Trackage warehouse property, house property 1108-1 Howard. ware Retail 'stores on Farnam street. W. FARNAM SMITH CO. Jackon "564. 1320 Farnam St. TO LET. 4.000 to S.niie so. ft., ground floor. Farnam St.. between 2"th and 24th. W. FARNAM SMITH St CO.. Jackson 54. 1320 Farnam. TO LET. 3,en aquar. f-ct. 1108-10 Howard. W. FARNAM SMITH V CO.. Jackron 054. 132" Karnsm. FINE parage, 12, it square ft.. blk. to postoffice. K. D. Wead, Jit S. ltb St. At I51. jiCKCANTII.E STORAGE AND WARD- . r..M .-r. nil. '"'" 'M. 1L Christie, warehouse t track's prup. I FOR RENT Buiincis Property. W'K IIAVIO some anappy office that rent verv reasonable, cull at 401 Finance Bltlg. S K Hi y D. VVIiAII, 110 HO. UTH ST. M O V 1 NO-A N DST 6 R AGE. F I HE PR OOF WAHUIioUBb, Beparat locked room for hcusahold goods and pianos, moving, packing and hipping. Di;KIN3 OMAHA VAN AND STOP. AO H. 804 South lit II. Dougla 4163. tSTlMATES furniahed on lorg and moving. Contract tuken by Job or hr. Gloli Van & Si., rate Co., JA. 4331. AT. 0230. 620-24 Norlh 16th St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. Foil SALE Hoatun terrier puppies, reas onable 6302 8. Slat or Market 1642. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Ford Sedan, Ford Coupe CASH .OR TKIUIS. Ford Roadster, Ford Touring SEE VS. Motor Exchange Co. 2024 Farnam. Douglas S9R7. VSED AND NEW FORD CAMS. Adkins Motor Co., AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS, 4911 S. 24th. 'MARKET 0420. ATLANTIC 4866. 50 FORDS AND OTHER MAKES. Cash Time. Trade New and Used See us before buying. Fords from 150 ann up. winter Tops and Bodies. OOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 1318 Harney- St. aJckson 2468. central Garage. Open Day mil Night, COLE limousine in excellent condition. Upholstery like new. Mechanically per fect. This car Is three years old but can be bought at your own price. H. PELTON. 2019 Farnam St. SOME bargains In used Fords; prompt oeiivery on new fiords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. Th Handy Ford Servlc Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 8600. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment 26th and Farnam Sts. Phone Douglas 1970. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green ough Radiator Repair. 2039 Farnam. USED cars bought, sold TRAWVER AUTO CO., and exchanged. 2210 Farnam St. WHITELY Plays fair. 820 SO. 13TH ST. CLASSY 4-passenger coupe with heater. Sacrifice sale to close out. Atlantic 4701. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 81 2 S. 24th. Accessories. WHY buy cheap new tlreo when you can get slightly used, not rebuilt or junk tires, for these prices: 20x3W, $5.00: 32x314. $7.60; 82x4. 18.50; 32x41. $11.50; 32x4, 19.00; 34x4. $10.00; 35x4. 112.00; 34x414, 112.50; . 35x514, $13.00. Cards $2 extra. All tires nonskld. Send $1 per tire, balance C. O. D. 5 per cent off for cash with order. FLEISHMAN'S TIRE SERVICE. Service Garage 16 and Leavenworth. Autos for Hire. WHY not rent a one-ton truck and drive It yourself to do your moving and haul Ing? It will save you one-half your moving bill. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 2621. FARM LANDS. Iowa Lands. FARMERS Sell your land; cash, terms. exchange; Information free. George W. Brown, P. O. Box 553, Clinton, la. Minnesota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchange. St. Paul. Minn. Nebraska Lands. 16 ACRES, nortn of Florence, Improved. 15,300. Jackson -0327. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E H. LOUGEE. INC.. 638 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB, FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2715. $100 to $10,000 made p romptlv. P. D WE AD. Wead Bldg.. 310 a 18th St. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or s($J Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. ' Jackson 1426 IF you want quick action on your city property, list it with JAMES H. O'BRIEN REAL ESTATE CO., 1023 W. O. W. Bldg. DO. 8294. nRTTTTTSlTn. Realty Co. List with u uvu.,u fcr quick results. 1418 1st Natl. Bk.- Bldg. Jsckson 1966, HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List it with C. A. Grlmmel. Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. BIRKETT SJfc- 360 Peters Trust Bldg. ESTATE. Rents. Insures. Jackson 0633 FARMS, city real estate. Sales or ex change. All kinds of Insurance. REED CO., 1207 Farnam. Douglas 6146. E. H. BENNER COMPANY, Insurance. Cull Edward Perley. Douglas 8406. N. P. DODGE CO., quick sales. DO. 0829. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. HOW MUCH DOES YOUR MONEY EARN? THIS PROPERTY WILL NET YOU 10 PER CENT. Two separate brick flats, on corner lot. Strictly modern. Oak finish. Five rooms each, separate furnaces and cel lars, screened porches. Right up to date. Very reasonable. Rent $1,770 a year. Price $12,750. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. Atlantic 0050. WE WILL PAY Persona influential with few good in vestors 1n their community to render small amount of service. Investigate. A'Zt Omaha. Bee. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. SIX 5-room flats, nicely located; fin construction; paying more than 1 per cent net; terms: thla is one of our many investment bargains. Call Tracy, HA. 40. Browne & Tracy, 542 Securities r-ldg. AT. 3".5. INVESTIGATE exchange system. Forced cash sales. CHAS. METH. 1421 Farnam. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence Nettiaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KE. 1409 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West BEST offer mad buy 4177 Wakeley Ave., fine "-room bungalow. Cathedra, diftrl-t. Creigh. s B". JA. 2"s. JJ R Hl.HISSiiN. rrst -state and tiivest- meal. .42 Paters Trust. DO. (017, Drawn for The Bee by McMamu Copyright. II, lularnathiaal N turtle REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE, West. Good As It Sounds Full 1-story all modern 7-rnoni hum. K lichen, living room and Ultilng room on first floor. Four bedroom and bath on aecond floor. Oak finish and floori. l.i( ut, 75x150. Double, garag and chicken hiin with Hghla and water Installed, Fruit and shade tree, good neighborhood, clnae to street car anil schools. Must sell, will accept any reaaoiiabl offer and your own lerma Evenings phone Mr. Smith. Ken. O.m.'i. Mr. Shaver, Ken. 9761 or Mr. 11 den He, Wal. 2775. N. P. Dodge & Company, 404 Mlckel Bldg. Doug. 0829. WEST FARNAM. CAT1I KilHAL DISTRICT OWNERS SACRIFICE A peach of a kclaaluit bungalaw, beautifully decorated, consisting of five exceptionally large room and hath on the first floor and three bedrooms on second. Full basement, Rudd Instantane ous heatr. etc., cemented driveway snd garage. Owner leaving city and has cut urlce ll.ooo from cost. Will accept 11,609 down, balance like rent. Hers is an opportunity OSBORNE REALTY CO. 510 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2282 Field Club District A real bargain, 18,750. Terms. 1 room, oak floor throughout; excellent cond. BELMAN ATLANTIC - WALNUT S250 - 1248 723 Peters Trust Bldg. 5 ROOMS MODERN ASKING $4,250. Located at 3360 North 69th St. East front, comer lot. Street now being paved. Oak floors and finis;. Full cement basement. Owner leaving city and must sell. Look thi over and mak us an offer. Call Mr. Campbell. W'E. 0229, evenings. R. D. CLARKT'OMPANT, Realtors. Atlantic 35:11. 402-3 Securities Bldg. STRICTLY high-class Mnntclair Blvd. homs, sun room, breakfast room, fire place, all beautifully finished. Imag ine this for 17,250. make ah offer. Call SCHROEDER INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, Jackson 3261. SEVERAL choice homes In splendid Iocs, tlons. only 1200 down. SHOPEN & CO., Realtors, 234 Keellne Bldg. JA. 4228. P. B. BUCK ft CO. buy snd sell homes. North. $600 CASH down buys that dandy 6-room house at 3162 Fowler Ave. Call Walnut 6711 evenings. H. S. MANVILLE. Realtor. Atlantic 2403. 615 Peters Trust BUlg. NEW 6-room bungalow. modern, east front, on Prettiest Mile. Oak floors snd finish. Full cemented basement. Terms. Walnut 6704. NORTH SIDE SNAP. Six rooms, oak finish, garage; $5,500; good location. JA. 2419. NEAR 27th and railson, new, all modern 6-room bungs' v: - complete, (4,750. Easy terms. Ai nilc 3540. South. A BARGAIN, 5-room house and lot, $1,200. Jackson 0327. Acreage. DANDY ACRE HOME BARGAIN HIGH GRADE SPECULATIVE INVESTMENT Neat five-room cottage, large garage ' and chicken houses, fruit trees and shade, strawberry bed and 17lx262"feet of ground, on corner opposite the new Florence Field Additlou. The dwellings alone are worth $3,500; price of the en tiro property $4,000, due to owner's sac rifice. Here is a rare opportunity. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 5.10 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2282. Vacant Property. Large Lots, $225. $5 Down, $5 Per Month In high sightly location which Is rapidly Improving, near Central Park school. Only a few choice lots left and you will have to hurry. Call Mr. Ped erson evenings at Walnut 1320, week days Douglas 0297. The Byron Reed Co., DO. 0297. 1612 Farnam St. Ralsrnn T,rfi $200 up Sma" p"" IVctlSLUil 1JUL& ,ent down: easj y payments. Phone Stewart. Ralston 10-W. Miscellaneous. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 1345. 5-ROOM bungalow at a bargain. Only $i50 cash pavment. Douglas 665. GEORGE F. JONES. Realtor. ajaaa) 9 Jaaa) jbqw Need Furniture? I Th fnllnn.W ,'. nart.al lit of " The folio wins' is a partial list of the many items offered in our AUCTION Tuesday, Dec. 13th, 1:30 P. M. Remember you and your fellow buyer set the price. Columbia Grafonola. walnut case; walnut dining suite: Stickley oak living room suite, consists ot mas sive library table, three rockers and leather davenport to match; mahog any and cane living room suite: walnut bedroom suite; very fine fumed oak dining suite: brass beds; fifty sets of pottery vases, three tn each set, suitable for gifts; new blankets; Anglo-Persian rugs; small Oriental rug; Spanish leather box couch, nearly new ; kitchen cabinets ; chairs; rockers, refrigerators; sani tary couches; mattresses; couch pads : springs ; gas stoves ; coal ranges: heating stoves; Simmons beds: bedding; linens, and many,' many other articles. STEPHENSON, Auctioneer 1509 CAPITOL AVE. The downtown, steam-bested, ground floor Auction House, one-half block east of the Postoffice on Capitol Av. I nononononononoDO 2 cai a i i r A CO P o a o D o a o D o D o D o D o r A I lVlEiN 1 o D o D o a o D o a o a o a o D o $30.00 Per Month Buys Either House New 4 -room, all modem bunra at 282 Seward street. Posses sion this month. New 4 -room, modern except heat bungalow, at 2604 Ban croft street. Immediate pos session. o Creigh, Sons & Co. Establish 1868 2 Ja. 0200 60S Bee Bldg. jj n onoaoaoooDODsl ono Nebraska Banks Get $719,000 for Farmers9 Relief Forty-Six Country Hanks Cot Nearly Million Dollars Laht Week From the War Finance Corporation. Siilitatitil relief, amounting to S7l'.(KX), m brought to NebraiU banki and tlirir borrowers throiinli the war finance corporation lt week. Thi amount was iliviM among 40 country banks and applied by tlifin to the improvement of agri rtilliirnl condition. A total of $2. 27J,tXKl ha ken lent in Nebraska by the War l'iium'e corporation. In some counties mii.-iII attention is liting paid to the offer of Ions time, low interest agricultural oan. According to one explanation, this W in part due to tho belief that tins proposition is considered counter tt all that is known of human nature and is too Rood to be true. The formation of roiiuty organization) of bankers is spreading information about the government loan system and it is expected to Mitiiulatc re tmebts for money to aid farmers. L'anks that have put through ons loan are coming back for more. Five banks of Hamilton county have had loans of $102,000 approved. Greeley county, whose II banks have loans of more than $41X1,000 under nego. tiation, some of them already made, btill holds the record. K. W. Thomas, chairman of tho Nebraska committee of the War Finance corporation, announces that in the last week applications amount ing to $1,580,000 from 93 banks wer. sent to Washington for approval and payment. Since the start loans recommended have amounted to $5,313,000, distributed among 291 banks and loan companies. At tl'.c committee meeting Saturday and Sunday, 56 applications amounting to $643,000 were approved and for warded to Washington lor final action. Jewel, Flower Color Symbols for Tody By MILDRED MARSHALL. -The diamond is both the talisinanic gem and the natal stone for today. It attracts good fortune to all who seek it with honest endeavor, and endows them with courage and strength to meet all difficulties. To those born on an anniversary of this day it brings the power to attract sincere, constant love, if it is set in gold and worn on the left arm or hand. cients to bring success to all who Brown was believed by the an wore it at this time. The pink carnation is today's flower, and brings peace and con tentment to those who wear it. (Copyright, 1921, by Wheeler Syndicate.) Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham At ' preaching last Sunday, Raz'", Harlow wae sr rlrpsfiprl nn verv few - - -1' - - of his friends knew him and he did not know anybodv. - Foke Eazley observes that battle ships are dropping a little in price, as a person can get a fairly good one now for 42 million dollars f. o. b. his front gate.' , Gander creek, after being almost dry nearly all summer, is again full of water, and Sidney Hocks says he bets the fish are glad, as at times last summer the creek was so--jU'. he noticed sonic of the fish n, jst on their backs. ( Federal Grand Jury May Be Reconvened in Omali The federal grand jury may be recalled next Monday, J. C. Kinsler, United States district attorney, an nounced yesterday. "We have several bie cases ready for action. We are only waiting for the court to finish its present slate of dope and liquor violations," said he. "If we finish this week end, the jury will be recalled at once." Otherwise the jurors may be sum. moned back during holiday week. A. B. Curric is foreman. 19 Degrees Above Normal. Nineteen degrees above normal was the December weather record made Sunday when the mercury rose to 56. This totals 103 degrees above normal since December 1 and insures the palm to the year 1921 as the warmest year of record, ac cording to M. V. Robins, meteorolo gist Real Estate Transfers William Theodor. Oemmer snd wife t Ande-s fhristlsn Sorensen. Klnn-y St.. ISO ft. W. of rsth St.. 8. S. 40x120 $ 1 William Theodore Gemmer and wife to And-rs t'hristian Srenaen, Blnney St., 90 ft W. of 18th St.. . 8. 4xl7 i l Beatrice Olmsted and bnsband to Kleanor M. Avery. Wiillt St . (( ft. K. of 3II S'.. S. H. ml32... 111 , Byron R-ed t'o. to John K. Fisbtr and wife. ZTA St.. tt ft. N. it t'asteltar St.. E. S. 4xIS 4M Byron Heed Co. to William J. HowLr and wife. ?;M St , fl. N. of Caalellar St.. K- 8. 44x111 (ua tophi McKlnney and husband to Walter H. ink. 40th St.. ft. S. i'mkaey St., W. b, 4cxli o