Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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Landis' Ruling
May Cost Yanks
Rutli and Flas;
Bambino's Defiance Might
Remove Him From Base
Ball Meusel Second
To "Babe."
New York, Dee. 12.-Babe Ruth'i
open defiance of Judge Landis, high
commissioner of base ball, will cost
the New York club at least $100,(100
if, indeed, it does not remove the
colorful Bambino from the pale of
organized base ball entirely and
render him a dead asset to the Yan
kees. Judge Landis has given the an
swer to the oft-repeated query: "Is
Kuth bigger than base ball?" and
it was a reply that is not likely to be
modified by a pica of extenuating
By suspending Ruth, Bob Meusel
and Bill Piercy until May 20, 1922,
isnd fining them their shares of the
world's series prize money, which
are being held in escrow, Judge
Landis tossed a bombshell into the
American league. While the sever
ity of the punishment was not un
expected, the verdict carries harsh
provisions that were not anticipated.
Ruth's employers were prepared
to stand a heavy financial loss, but
had hoped in some way to have the
sentence modified so that the home
run king could train with the Yan
kees next spring and then keep in
condition until his suspension was
Will Babe Stand Hitched? -'
By outlawing the Babe entirely
until late in May Judge Landis prob
ably will drive him into an.alliance
with , independent promoters and
thus prematurely end a great career.
Kuth has many offers and it will
require great tact and persuasion on
the part of the Yankee colonels to,
Leep him "hitched" until he can free
himself in the manner suggested by
the official verdict.
- Ruth's ill-advised barnstorming
lour last fall netted him less than
$5,000. The interest on this, as
charged by Judge Landis, can easily
amount to ten times the principal.
Aside from what Ruth is worth
as a box office attraction on a spring
training trip and the first month of
a championship season, the strong
possibility of his quitting organized
base ball now looms up. Babe
can undoubtedly make big moriey
on independent bookings next sea
son, but after that he may not do so
well. Home run records off bush
pitchers do not greatly interest base
ball fans.
Once Ruth breaks away he will be
done as a Yankee. He will soon be
28 years old and he is getting heavy.
He might trade on his reputation in
a third major league if he could
find promoters to start one. How
ever, the costly Federal league is
still frSsh in the minds of the pro
moters and money is tight right
Halts Record Making.
In any event Ruth is not going to
be the heroic figure he was in 1920
and last season. If he quits he will
be a total loss to the club, and if he
sticks, but does not go into training;
until late in May, he may not regain
his form until midsummer.
And with a month sliced off his
season he has practically no chance
to equal or even approach his home
run records of the past two seasons.
To the loss incurred by Ruth's
suspension must be added the ex
pense of securing two new outfield
ers with which to start the next
championship season. The chances
of the Yankees repeating as cham
pions under these circumstances are
anything but bright. Failure then,
with no Ruth to draw the crowds,
and with no world's series to top the
season, could easily run the Yankee
losses up to $500,000.
The more one considers the Lan
dis decision the tougher it gets.
Hein Clothiers Trim
.Wood row Cafe Team
The Hein Clothiers of Fremont
evened matters with the Woodrows
No. 2 by trouncing them by 38 pins
in a special match at the Omaha al
leys Sunday afternoon. The to
tals for the three games were 2,552
and 2,514. In a previous match the
Omaha team won by 11 pins.
- Woodrow Cafe No. t.
.T. Jarosh ... 18 Hi 17801
Frsncl n 124 175 4M
Huntington Ill u 111 191
F. Jarosh 201 li 178 (41
Wills 179 184 ieo Ht J.514
Hrln Clothiers,
Sturm 161 ill no 5?7
Thornton .........12 171 208 (OS
Vlrbln 144 170 171485
rillky ......168 171 180480
Taylor 101 150 111 6.11,55!
Dave Wilson to
: Captain Illinois
Urbana, III, Dec. 12. Dave Wil
son, right end on Illinois (1921) foot
ball eleven, today was elected cap
tain of the 1922 team to fill the va
cancy caused by Captain Peden's
Shooting Gallery at
Iowa to Be Reopened
Iowa Gty, la., Dec 12. After a
lapse of two sessions, the shooting
gallery at the University of Iowa is
to be reopened this) year to irive in
struction to members of the Reserve
Officers Training; corps, who are
candidates for the rifle team this'
year, according to Lieut. Thomas E.
Martin, in charge of rifle practice.
Bean Start Training.
Berkeley, Cal., Dec 12. Universi
ty of California's foot ball team will
start practicing here December 17,
in preparation for its game at Pasa
dena. Cat., next New Year's day
against Washington and Jefferson
niversity, m
Paw dm I'll sVchrduWs Game.
Pawnta City. Nab. Daa. II. (Spsclal.)
Tht s-hrtul (or th coming bakat ball
(son (or I'awn.a City HifS atnool la aa
Jan. I Falla City at Talla City.
Jan. 18 fthubart at Pawn City,
Jan, 10 Vartlon at Vardnn.
Jan. 11 I'aru Training ttchool at Para.
Jan. IT Humboldt at Tawn City.
Tab. I Wilbur at Pawnaa City.
Fab. 10 Pawnaa County Tnurnamaot at
Pawnaa City, In whlrh both boys and
Stria taama from Dubois, Durchard, Iwls-
ton and Pawnaa City will b entered.
Fab. 17 Shub.rt at fthubort.
Fab, II Auburn at Auburn.
Feb. 14 Falla City at Pawnaa City.
Hb, 85 Dawaon at Daweon.
Mar. I Humboldt at Hum bold'.
Mar. 4 Dtwion at Pawnaa City.
Tha local pat of tha Amarlran Laslon
naa a team in tna making ana will u.e
Ih floor ono night pr Thay will
schedule games with other amateur
teama In thla aectlon. The high acbool
girl will also announce schedule later.
Announce Schedule.
Friend. Neb.. Dec. II. (Special.) Tin
Friend Hlith achool baik't ball schedule
(or th coming season followa:
Deo, U lionne fc'reehmen at Crete.
Deo. 22 Lincoln at Friend.
Jan. 4 Uenava, at Geneva.
Jan. Wllber at Friend.
Jan. 13 School of Agriculture at Friend.
.Tan. 20 DaWItt at Friend.
Jan. 24 t'rete at Crete.
Feb. 4 Ashland at Friend.
Feb. 10 Hhelton at. Friend.
Feb. 11 Nebraska City at Friend.
Feb. 18 Aurora at Aurora.
Feb. 17 Ravenna at Havenna.
Feb. 23-24 Co. Tournament at Crete.
Orleana Team Loaei. .
Stamford, Neb.. Deo. 12. (Special. )
In a game in which the vlaltora war out.
classed from atart to flnlah th Orleana
High achool glrla were defeated by the
Stamford High achool glrla by tha acore
of 43 to T. Th aenaatlonal playing of
two Stamford playara, Clara Raaamuaaen,
center, and Paulina Harry, forward, the
latter with It field goala, waa a feature
of tha gam. Th Orleana boy a won from
the Stamford boya. II to t. In a roughly
conteated game. Beddeo and Leisure of
Orleana atarred while Yonngqulut played
a good soma (or Stamford.
Cage Practice Starts.
Bloomfleld, Neb., Deo. 1 J. (Special.)
Baaket ball practice has started At Bloom
field High achool and indications are for
good loams both boya and glrla. Coach
Feelhaver reporta many candldatea anfi
Intense rivalry for position, on th team.
The first game of the aeaaon will be on
th 23d, Crelghton playing her.
Deahler Team Win.
Deshler, Neb., Deo. 12. (8peclal.) The
Belleville High achool boya1 basket ball
team defeated th Deshler High achool
team here, 17 to II. Tha Deahler High
achool glrla defeated th Belleville girls,
13 to 14.
Baaaett Quintet Win.
Bassett. Neb., Dec. , -12. (Special.)
The local high achool boys' and glrla'
basket ball teama defeated the team at
Atkinson by the acorea of 12 to I and
21 to 9. Th boy won th first same.
Sutherland Defeat Ogallala.
Sutherland. Neb.. Deo. 12. (Special.)
Th Sutherland basket ball team defeated
the Ogallala quintet in a fast game here
by the acore of (4 to 14. Wldner of the
winners waa easily th outstanding atar
of the contest. This apeedy eager made
16 Held goala.
fit. Edward Win Another.
St. Edward. Neb.. Dec. 12. (Special.)
The local high school boya' baakat ball
team won lta fourth etrelght victory here
when It trounced th Bolgrade qulntat by
th acore of 23 to in a well-played game.
Belvlder Comnlete Schedule.
Belvldere. Neb.. Dec. 12. (Social.)
The Belvldere High achool baaket ball
coach has completed the 1921-22 schedule.
Practice haa atarted ana prospects look
bright (or a strong team. Th complete
schedule followa:
December 1 Davenport Bar.
December 11 Carleton here,
December 23 Open.
January I Fairfield there.
January 13 Alexandria here.
January 20 Open.
January 27 Edgar there.
February 4 Fairfield here.
February 10 Alexandria ther.
February 17 Davenport there.
February 24 Hebron academy her.
March 3 Edgar here. ,
Ravenna. Neb.. Deo. 12. (Special.)-
Basket ball season In Revenna broke loose
here when the local team beat Ansley, 17
to 14, In a good game. Ravenna's sched
ule la rather heavy thla year, but It
hones to make a good showing, as It still
has a couple of the last year players who
Helped win a state pennant.
Grand Island Wins.
Orand Island. Neb.. Dec. 12. (Special)
The Grand Island High achool basket
bail team won lta lirat game or the sea
son at St. Paul by the score of 30 to 12.
Kelso was the outstanding star for Grand
island, rruner ana Black also playing an
exceptional game.
Franklin Teams Win.
Franklin, Neb.. Dec. 12. (Special.)
Franklin High achool basket ball teams
won from the (aat Upland teama on their
own floor. The glrla' score was 19 to 8.
Irene Ready starred (or Franklin, throw
ing nine field goals and being successful
in the only (re goal attempted. The
boya' score was 18 to 14, in favor of
Mead. Neb.. Dec. 12. (9oeclal.) Mead
consolidated high school boys' and girls'
basket ball teama defeated the North
Bend girls to th tune of 21-4. and also
the Luther college boys, 26-15. Both
fames were fast, but th visiting tjams
were outplayed.
Cage Practice at Albion.
Albion, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special.) Tha
high school boys of Albion have started
baaket ball practice. Forty boys aigned
up for basket ball this season and a
squad of 20 was selected from these.
Albion haa a great many of last year's
players In the squad and expects to de
velop some excellent material during th
The schedul Is as follows:
December If St Edward at Albion
(boya and glrla).
January 6 Indians at Genoa (boys and
January S Columbus at Columbus. ,.
January 14 Schuyler at Schuyler.
January JO Norfolk at Norfolk.
January 21 Stanton at Stanton.
January 17 Genoa Indians at Albion
(boys and glrla).
February 1 St. Edward at St. Edward
(boya and glrla).
February 10 Newman Orov at Albion
(boys and girls).
February IS Stanton at Albion.
February 14 Newman Grove at New
man Orov (boys and girls).
February 21 Benson High (Omaha) at
March I Madlaon at Madison.
St. Kdward Wins.
St. Edward. Neb.. Dec, 11. (Special.)
The local baaket ball team defeated Bel
grade by the acore of 21 to 9 here. St.
Edward haa won all four of the games
played this season. Ths schedule for th
8t. Edward season la aa follows:
December II Albion at Albion.
December 23 Oenoa at Genoa.
January S Cedar Raplda at St. Ed
ward. January 1S Fullerton at Fullerton.
January 10 Flgln at St. Edward.
January 27 Belgrade at Belgrade.
February 1 Albion at St. Edward.
February 10 Cedar Raplda at Cedar
February 17 Elgin t Elgin.
February 24 Genoa Indiana at St, Ed
ward. March I. Fullerton at 8t Edward.
January 14 Genoa Indians at Genoa.
srlbner Ttawrs Win Again.
Srlbner. Neb.. Dec 11. Special. V
Scribner High baeket ball flippers de
feated West Point High at the Wmt
Point gym by a 29-1 ror. Notwlthrtand.
Inr the high rnr. th ram was hotly
contested throughout. Th first half
ended with th aeor 11-1 with Scribner
ladinr from the start. Scrftmer- cam
bark rtronr In the ax-end half and did
not allow tha West Pointers a flld bas
ket. Thiers and Vever were th out
standing stars of th Scribner team whll
Badwlg showed ap best for West Paint.
Wesnssses ta Fold.
Ravenna. Neb, D-r. it, (Special.) A
aatntet of reenlars wkk a trio of exper
ienced sabatltate and a number of H tr
eble bukit ball artists comirg on from
the rsnka. Ravenna high Khnol basket
hfl looks aa prom lain as last year, whew
th team a the rhantnioxahiD In Class
"C. C W. fjehTien. rtmrh. annovnree.
One Tictary already ts rertaterert. th Ha
vana kera and glrla1 teams defeating
Veteran to BeTradedJ
fx. J&fi
i-'T-ifii " ii nfii r nii-iriiiiii-uwtini J
Bobby Veach, of the Detroit
Tifers, one of the greatest out
fielders and sluggers that ever
took part in the great national
pastime, is to be used for trading
purposes this season by Manager
Ty Cobb. This statement was
made by Los Angeles friends of
Cobb, who declare that the Tiger
chieftain will start in the Ameri
can league pennant chase with an
entirely new team.
erson (captain), (orwarda, W. Goehrlng,
center and Bartlet Plderlt and B. Brt,
guarda, make up the first team, with
Cnariea Clark and Lyman Caaa, th aux
iliary. Herbert Evera. Charlea Freaae and
Horn Boswell ar also in reserve. The
schedule (or the season, as revised, (ol
December 16 Ansley St Ravenna.
December 10 Ord at Ord.
December 17 Scotia at Scotia.
December 1J Grand Island Business at
December 80 Litchfield at Ravenna
(boys and girls).
January 6 Grand Island at Ravenna.
January 13 Ansley at Ansley.
January 10 St. Paul at Ravenna (boya
and glrla).
January 27 Loup City at Ravenna
(boya and girls).
February 24 Loup City at Loup City
(boya and girls).
February 9 irand Island Business at
Grand Island.
February 17 Ord at Ravenna.
February 13 Glltner at Ravenna.
Expect Strong Team.
Valentine. Neb.. Deo. 12. Baaket ball
teama representing six cities in northwest
Nebraska have organized a league (or the
aeaaon. The cities making up tbe league
are Merriman, Gordon, Rushville, Chad-
ron. Crawford and Valentine. , A chal
lenge to the North Platte league for a
game to determine th champions will
be Issued at tha close of the season, of
(lclals announce.
BuahneU Team Wins.
Buahnell. Neb., Dec. 13. (Special.)
The BuahneU High school defeated the
Burns (Wyo.) High school at both girls'
and boys' basket ball on the local floor.
The acore of the boys' game waa 80 to 21
In favor of BuahneU, while the Buehnell
girls won their game by the score of 7 to
4. The Bushnell teams play Potter on the
Potter door December 16.
Case Practice Starts.
Nebraska City, Neb., Dec. 12. (Spe
cial.) The Nebraska City High school
basket ball squad has atarted practice
with nearly fifty members. Last year
Nebraska City took the championship of
class "B" at the state tournament at
Lincoln. Thla year they expect to be well
up In class "A." There are eight of last
year'e squad of 10 left for this year and
many more are being put into condition.
Coach Garges announces the following
Coast Still Hopes to
See Notre Dame Play
San Diego, Cal., Dec. 12. The lo
cal foot ball committee handling ar
rangements for the December 26
game here in which Centre college
and Notre Dame were expectd to
play until Notre Dame cancelled the
game, is hopeful, following the re
ceipt of several telegrams, that the
foot ball clash will be staged, as
originally planned. Only a few min
or details remain to be settled to
clear up the misunderstanding which
arose, it is said.
Gordon-Bennett Balloon
Race to Start at Genoa
Berne, Dec. 12. The Swiss Aero
club has definitely decided that Gen
eva shall be the starting place for
the balloon race for the Gordon
Bennett trophy in October, 1922.
Tia Juana Results
Tlajuana Sunday Race Results First
Race. Five Furlongs Clear Lake, 112
(Lowe), $5.60, 14.00, $3.20, won; Harvey
Smarr, 104 (Huntamer), 115.40. $4.i0,
second; Happy Valley, 116 (Taylor), $2.60,
third. Time. $1.02 4-6. Mias Dunbar,
ijaay lone, muriei s rei, veueniiaa ,uauy.j
and McCroan ran. m
cecona, rive r unongH uuiy rasnion,
108 (Williams), $16.40, $7.00, $3.20. won;
Tlllotson. Ill (Parke), $3.80, $2.40, sec
ond; Ringleader, 104 (Huntamer, $2.40.
third. Time, 1:01 2-5. Little Jake. Bill
Head, Stiletto, Hattie Will Do and Book
worm ran.
Third. Mile and a Sixteenth Pierrot,
103 (Huntamer), $4.20. $3.00. $2.40. won;
8alseorge. 103 (Atwell), $180, $3.00. sec
ond: Shenandoah. 112 (Carter), $2.80,
third. Time, $1:4 1-5. Teo Brecken
rldge. Brown Favorite, Billy Stuart and
Alma B ran.
Fourth, Mile and a Sixteenth Breeze,
110 (R. Duggant. $10.00. $5.40, $3.60, won;
Regresao, 107 (Martines). $4.40. $3.40, sec
ond; Veri Loon, $0 (Studer), $5.80. third.
Time, $1:47 1-5. Star Realm, Belgian
Queen, Gath and 'Woodis Montgomery
ran. Irwln entry.
Fifth. Six Furlongs xHad Over beels.
113 (Saladln), $6.00. $6.20. $5.20, won:
xBobby Allen, 115 (Slaughter). $6.20, $5.20,
second; 'Orchid King, 103 (Parke), $5.20
third. Time. $1:1 1-$. Private Peat,
General Agramonte, Sam Reh. Poacher,
Rapid Stride. May Maulaby, Vic Munoz,
Sedan and vHerder ran. xBlsbee entry.
Irwin entry.
Sixth. Mile Deckhand. 112 -(Taylor).
$1.14. $6.20. $3.40. won: Jake Schaa. 112
(Jacobs), $6.80. $3.60, second; Shortston.
105 (Huntamer). $3.20, third. Time. $1:41
4-5. Gordon Roberts. Gwendola, Boone
vflle. July Fly and Chow ran.
Seventh, Five and a half Furlongs
Carrie Moore, 103 (Williams), $6.60, 12.60,
$2.20. won: C. A. Comirkey. 113 (Mar
tinet). $2.40. $2.10, second: Catherine
Rankin. S3 (Studer), $2.40. third. Time.
1:08. Bounding Through, Harrlgan'a Heir,
Furbelow ran.
Boxers Organize
Permanent Order
Ckleaa-a Tribune-Omaha Be Leased
New York, Dec. 1Z Perma
nent organization of the Na
tional Sports alliance, a body
comprised of boxing managers,
boxers and boxing fans, the ulti
mate object of which is to be
come affiliated with the Ameri
can Federation of Labor, was ac
complished at a meeting of box
ing managers, boxers and boxing
fans held at the Lexington ave
nue theater yesterday.
Notre Dame and
Centre Will Plav
Indiana OffciaU Finally De
cide to Accept Terras for
December 26 Game.
South Bend, I ml, Dec. 12. Notre
Dame will play Centre college foot
hall team on December 26 in San
Diego, Cal, Definite announcement
to this effect was made this after
noon. The game has been declared
on and off several times.
According to present plans 23
Notre Dame players will leave for
the west December 18. They will
stop only at Tucson, Ariz.
Kingsley Winner
Of Doubles Event
Shooting against a stiff wind,
which made perfect trap work im
possible, Kay C. Kingsley, crack
Omaha shot, smashed 21 out of 24
targets in the doubles event of the
Omaha Gun club program Sunday
afternoon, thereby capturing the
prize shoot of the day.
Kingsley's gun played a tatoo on
the clay birds until the wind started
playing around the traps when it
was impossible to get a good "beat"
on a "bird."
By virtue of his victory in the
doubles event, iCingsley , won i a
goose. '
In the singles event of the poul
try shoot, H. C. Hunter, E. A.
Moore, Joe Dawson and Robert
Reasmor each won a goose, M. R.
Dalphin and Ray C. Kingsley cap
tured two geese, .while Ben Whitney,
Ben Geilus, Bruce Thorp and M5. R.
Dalphin each carried home a duck.
Each nimrod shattered 19 out of 20
The annual election of officers of
the Omaha Gun club will be held
Thursday evening in the county sur-
veyors office in the court house.
The meeting is scheduled to start
at 8 o'clock. All members of the
club are urged to attend the meeting.
Maroons to Open
Season With Dana
The University of Omaha basket
ball team will open its home season
m the local gymnasium, January 7th,
in a game with the Dana college
quintet, according to an announce
ment made yesterday by officials of
the university.
Coach Ernie Adams has a tough
schedule for his basketeers this sea
son and expects many hard games.
The Maroons have been practicing
for the past two weeks and are
rounding into fairly good condition.
Konecky, former Central star, is
making a hard fight for a guard
berth and Stands a good chance of
being selected as ' one of the regu
lars. Wilmarth, Hunter, Burnam,
Corr. Dowd. Baker and Russel are
other new men who are showing up
well in practice games.
Schlaifer Matched
To Fight in Denver
Frankie Murphy, coast welter, who
gave Johnny Tillman a lacing re
cently, and Morrie Schlaifer have
been matched to exchange swaps for
10 stanzas at Denver, December 22.
Johnny Creely, Schlaifer s mana
ger, this morning closed negotiations
for the bout, which is to be the mam
event at Jack Kanner's club.
Kenner tried to obtain ferry, but
owinsr to several fights ki the east
the Pittsburger was unable to ac
cept the match.
Fancv and assorted diplomats are
going back to Europe to buy their
own meals.
Nothing was accomplished at
Washington conference that couldn't
have been done by mail order system
except eating. Meeting was triple
alliance of before, after and mbe
tween dinner speeches. We got
turope so into habit of being fed
that when transatlantic biscuits
stopped arriving over there, they
came over here to get them.
' Dips might cut down size of skir
mish boats and battle barges, but
you didn't pipe them slicing down
number of knives and forks. Spoons
and ladles will be kept right up to
full war power. '
Mons. La Blink and Sig. Spiggoty
had great time traveling around with
their napkins tied around their necks
in self-defense. Minister plenipoten
tiaries and ambassadors extraordi
nary leaped from meal to meal like
fleas at dog show. They were wined
and dined by clubs, building so
cieties, sororities, sewing circles,
syndicates and protective tenant
Way disarmament convention
acted, delegates must think next war
will be fought in somebody's kitchen.
They scrapped imported gas masks
in favor of domestic nosebags. (
Barroom politics gives way to buf
fet diplomacy. Full battle strength
of modern nation consists of 144
piece dinner set. Full stomachs
maketh empty heads, but there's
something to business of stuffing
visiting diplomats. Sims and Harvey
would have done much better if they
had scooted around England with hot
hot potatoes in their months.
So far as this arms conference is
concerned, each dip seemed to think
his stomach was official ballot box
and each morsel of food one vote.
Impossible to tell jost what was
accomplished at Washinginn unless
touring delegates submit to X-ray.
Drief City News.
New Clwk Employed Mlsa I'aul
ln Chluuika wu sditftl to the
Malt In the) ottU-s of ths elork of ths
Irdcral court yesterday.
tilWHi in rimrlty The In! Mrs.
ElUn Murphy property was ap
praised at Sal. 27. SI. Bh left
murh to charily, the rest to hor
Ku'lMX't I'mst Mlks Btlne, sus
pect fit ths Wall alrri't bomb mys
tery of September, 1920, who waa
arrested In Omaha through an
anonymous letter, has bi'on set free.
Olillnini IlurU Vern V OlttlnK
was brought buck from Tsooma,
Wiish., yesterday to answer a
charge of using; the mails to do
fraud. Ills father gave 15,000
J'rn Aid llonrtl MiVts Plrector
of the new Nebranka Agricultural
Finance corporation meet today at
14 U W. O. V. building- to complete
organization. Many applications
for aid are pouring In.
lloiitri Highwayman Holdups
took S7 from J. H. lllackwell, 8919
Florence boulevard, Sunday night
They (tot nothing: from H. M. Blmp
son, 224 North Twenty-second
street, who fought them till they
Extradition Ib-fuwtl Nick Hal
ter, deputy sheriff, returned from
HouKton, Tex., without I L. New
comb, for whom ho went south on
a urifA Hpanrtlnn rhflrpA Tvfrn,1l.
tion was refused by the governor of
Osteopathic Clinic Omaha onto
opathio free cJinlo will be held
Thlirarlnv ovftnlnir a 11 Dmuha
National bank building. The doc
tors in charge ror this date are An
ton Kant. Afahftl Wpnnon nnrl .Tpnnla
If Pld nn lVM.(r4itf n 1 11 firn Win
N. Balberson was bound over to the
niBtnct court under 11,250 bond in
Central police court yesterday on a
charge of forgery. Russell Judah,
complainant, accuses Balberson of
forging a 140 check.
"Inmntes" Fined 50 Eot h Tina
Kellberg, Mrs. A. H. Jump, Mrs.
Kva Hall and Joe Marbletop, ar
rested Saturday at the California
hotel, were fined 50 each by Judge
rosier in central police court yes
terday on charges of being Inmates
vi a disorderly nouse.
Sweetland In Bankruptcy Invol
Untarv bankruntrv nrnpoorilwiyQ
against the Sweetland Candy com
pany, ranos j. Tnompson and John
Gochls, proprietors, were begun
yesterday in federal court. Credi
tors jiaraing ureamery, iiarie
Haas Drug and Iten Biscuit com
FOR the first time In his career as
an actor, th film favorite, C'arlyle
jniaeKweii, is playing an Omaha en
eragement. He has temporarily left the
picture field, and is appearing at the
Orpheum In the one-act comedy, "Eight,
Six and Four." Ths laughable play was
especially written for him by Mark Swan.
Another of the stellar attractions thin
week is the dance production of spirited
numbers by ths Spanish dancers. Eduardo
and Elisa Cansino, whose program in
cludes a few American danceB. The big
society night audience last evening was
much taken with both of these stellar
offerings, and also with the concert per
formance ef Count Perrone, baritone, and
Miss Oliver, sophrano. ,
All critics agree that Florence Reed In
"The Black Panther's Cub" playing at
the Brandels this week establishes a new
record for emotional acting. She assumes
four distinct roles In this production, and
in each she is perfection. Her work in
the dual role In the last few scenes is
truly the work of a great artist. W. K.
Ziegfeld in presenting his first photo
drama spared nothing in making "The
Black Panther's Cub" lavish In settings
and ,ln costumes it is a work of art.
Don Alfonso Zelaya, son of the former
president of Nicaragua, is appearing Rt
the Empress this week In an offering of
wit, amusement and philosophy. He will
play any classical selection asked for by
the audience. An act which la deserving
of a place in any well-appointed vaude
ville show, is that offered by Taylor,
Macy and Hawks, the three aces of
comery and song. They are most pleasing
with their harmonious voices and comedy
One of the brightest soubrettes oh the
burlesque stage, Dolly Barringer, appears
at the Gayety theater, with "The Lew
Kelly Show," headed by that wonderful
interpreter of the dope, Lew Kelly. Miss
Barringer has been termed 'the bundle
of springs." This attraction is one of
Jack Singer's best. Ladies' matinee rt
2:15 daily all week.
The remarkably successful Chinese
American comedy. "East is West," with
Fay Balnter in the stellar role of Ming
Toy, and which will be seen, here at the
Brandels theater for three days starting
next Monday. December 19th. has the
distinctive record of two years In New
York, and one season divided between
Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago. Miss
Painter s Ming Joy nas necome so popu
lar that she could go on playing it in
definitely. Just as Warfield has played
the "Music Master."
m sn
w mm nr
Via Cincinnati nd th L. & N. R. R.
S.MP.M. L. Chlcao Ar. IHA.M.
S.4t P. M. Lot .....Enflwed..... ..Ar. 7.11 A.M.
7.0OA.M. L. Cincinnati. Ar. .1S P. M.
S.MP.M. Ar. Atlaata. ....... Lt. 7.2S A. M.
I.UA.M. Ar. Jcksnvill Lt. S.MP.M.
7.00 P. M. Ar. St. P.tariburr Lt. 11.00 A. M.
CempartstMat and DraHnr-Room Siaaping Cars, Obration-Club Car,
Dining Car and Caachas
Raquaata fa " stlatis ar biTiterf and ma. ba mada through local
Tiekat Aganta, or br addraoring W. H. Rawland. District Paaaangar !!.
aantatiTa, Pannarhrania STStcm, Raoma 40S-41S City National Bank Build
ing. Omaha, Nab. . .
Pennsylvania System
Oddly enough when Leitrice Joy
cut the birthday cake in "Poverty of
Riches," playing; at the Sun theater,
she drew the cherished wedding ring;
for which every girl secretly
hopes. This was coincidental with
the fact that Miss Joy was supposed
to draw the ring, and to be married
in the next scene. "Now I wonder
if the hand of Fate was in this, and
if it really means anything in my
young life?" the pretty actress
wanted to know.
Her engagement to Jack Gilbert,
screen actor and director, was an
nounced soon thereafter.
Today's Attractions,
Sun--"Poverty of Riches."
Strand "Don't Tell Everything."
Rialto "The Invisible Fear."
Moon A Virgin Faradise.
Empress "At the End of the
Brandels "The Black Panther's
Muse Marie Prevost in "A Par
isian Scanral."
Grand-'The Wonderful Thing."
Hamilton Lionel Karrymore in
"The Devil's Garden."
Like the proverbial cat, movie ao
tresses sometimes have nine lives,
Mabel Van Buren died nine times
recently in Jack Holt's forthcoming
picture, "While Satan Sleeps," be
fore Director Joseph Henaberry was
sansneu witn tne result.
Zane Grey has arrived in Los An
geles after a strenuous desert trip
in Arizona, where he spent several
weeks to absorb some atmosphere
tor his lamous novels ot the west,
Mr. Grey visited the Benjamin B.
Hampton studio to watch a scene
from his popular , novel, "Wildfire,"
come to life. He will be present at
the preview of this adaptation, which
will be held in the near future.
Florence Reed returns to -the
screen and Omaha in the lead in
"The Black Panther's Cub," the at
traction at the Brandeis this week,
The story is that of a woman
known as "the black panther of
Fans, owner of a luxurious gam
bling house, to which the wealth and
fashion of Paris flock. She has a
baby daughter whom she gives into
the care of the earl of Maudsley, an
old admirer. The earl believes that
environment is a greater factor than
heredity in the forming of character,
and brings ur his fosterdaughter
accordingly. The earl dies, and to
save his good name she is persuaded
into posing as "the black panther,"
returned to her fornxer triumphs.
Council Approves Plan
For Widening 24th Street
The city council committee of the
the whole yesterday approved the
appraisal of $38,240 for a strip of
property on the east side of Twen
ty-fourth ' street from St. Mary's
avenue to Leavenworth street This
strip is to be bought by the city,
Twenty-fourth street will be 100 feet
wide from Leavenworth street to St.
Mary's avenue when the new strip
is added to the street next spring.
5 in FOIL 25
test sefind 5 cent
1 .1 Oil
cigar in the world.
At all progressive store
Council Bluffs, la.
Special Mailing
Days Specified
Postmaster Announce Plan
To Insure Delivery of Par
celt Before Christmas.
To insure safe, early Christmas
parcel deliveries, Acting Postmaster
Daniel is to repeat a successful plan
pursued last year. It entails two
features: Patronizing the nearest
postal station and mailing on cer
tain days for certain state,
i Full directions were put into the
nails for 30,000 patrons yesterday.
The stations follow: Twenty-fourth
and Ames avenue, Twenty-fourth
and Ohio streets, Twenty-ninth and
Leavenworth streets, 6050 Military
i avenue, 5001 Underwood avenue.
1620 Vinton - street. Fortieth and
Cuming streets, 8617 North Thirtieth
street, Eleventh and Harney streets,
Twenty-fourth and M streets. Live
Stock exchange building, Burgess
Nash company, Thomas Kilpatrick
company, J. L. Brandcis & Son,
Parcels to be delivered before De
cember 25 must be mailed on or be
fore Monday. December 19, for Ala
bama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana,
Mississippi. North Carolina, South
Carolina, Texas and Virginia; on or
before December 20 for Arizona,
California, Connecticut, Delaware,
District of Columbia, Idaho, Maine,
Maryland, Massachusetts Montana,
Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jer
The Low Cost
American Family Car
Father, mother and the kiddies all
enjoy the comfort of the Overland
Four-Door Sedan.
Triplex Springs give easy-riding on
all kinds and conditions of roads.
25 miles to the gallon of gasoline
is common.
Dependability and long life further
emphasize its low first cost
Sedan complete, f. o. b. Toledo
Roadster. '-595 Touring --595 Coupe --S50
Factory Branch
2562-4 Farnam St. Open
Going Home
For Christmas?
Take advantage of the
Dec. 24th to Monday, Dec
25th, inclusive. Special round
rip fares on the
Fort Dodge, Mason City,
St. Paul, Minneapolis, Roch
ester and other points.
Tickets will be sold Dec
22, 23 and 24 at fare and one-
half with final return limit
January 4, 1922. Half fare
for children.
t or lares, . sleeping car
reservations, and further in
formation call, write or phone
Marshall B. Craig
General Agent Passenger Dept
1419 First National Bank Building
t hone Jackson 0260
Consolidated Ticket Office
1416 Dodge Street
Phone Douglas 1684
All Work Cuamtscd
1512 Doaglaa. TsL Dong. BSSS1
When Out of Employment
A Bee Want Ad
sey, New Mexico, New Vork. Ore
gon, t'cnmylvsnia, Hhods Island
Washington and West Virginia; en
or before December 21, Arkni,
Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, lows,
Kamas, Kentucky, Michigan, Mmne
ota, Missouri, North Dakota. Ohio,
Oklahoma, South Dakota. Ttnnei.
see, Wisconsin and Wyoming; on or
before December 22 (or Nebrsiksj
on or before December 23, Omaha
and Council, Bluffs la.
Army of Red Crosa Women
Workers Lay Siege to City
If anyone In Omaha escapes the
women workers for the annual mem
bership roll call for the Red Cross
this week they'll have to sneak up
alleys. Practically every office and
wholesale building in the city, be
sides the residence districts, were in
vaded by Kcd Cross membership
workers. Mrs F. W, Carmichsrl
and Mrs, I, E. David-ion, at Rid
Cross headquarters, 18l9 Douglas
street, reported a corps of women
took the field yesterday in the resi
dence districts, Joe Kctlcy detailed
28 workers through the wholessle
district The membership campaign
will last until Saturday night.
$1,223 for Fall.
Fred Van Sant was awarded a
judgment for $1225 by a jury in
District Judge Leslie's court against
the city of Omaha for damages
sustained when he fell into a hole
last February near Twenty-fourth
and Hickory streets.
Van Sant claimed there were no
lights 4iear the hole where the ciiy
was repairing a water connection.
He sued for $15,000. .
Evenings Phone Harney 0353
Value-Giving Store
Let Music Ring
throughout the home on
Christmas Day. .
a S
Save From $2.50 to $100
by buying your Columbia
Grafonola at Bowen's. Tbe
new reduced prices make it
extremely easy for you to
have the best in your home
this year. We have a model
for every home at the price
you want to pay, but we ad
vise an early selection.
On tha display floors in our Grafo
nola department va bava avary
modal Columbia You can select on
so daslrad.
Old Prlca Nw Price Too Bare
1275.09 $175.00 $109.60
26S.09 160.00 75.00
166.09 HO. 00 25.00
. 160.00 126.00 ZS.00
140.09 100.00 40.09
126.09 S5.00 40.00
7609 60.00 16.90
69.00 45.00 6.99
12.69 30.00 2 50
Visit Our Exchange) Record
Bring" us your old records'
(sny make), and we will al
low you 25 cents for them
toward the purchase price of
any Columbia Record on our
Exchange Table.
It par ta read Bow.a's small ads.
Howard St. bttwm 13th tati 16t Sts.