6 B THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1921. Problems That Perplex AaswereS r ' - BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Do Men Respect Women Nowadays? (iT ,,ier' 4re mtn exUnt ,flc"e day lio lake a girl out and con I aider a handshake and a pleasant good night sufficient reward for their jpaina, I have yet to meet them," writes Iv K. M. "There i a type of man," she ifoei on, "who is' loud in his scorn of the 'baby doll' and makes a point ol seeking the society of girls who are patently 'nice.' But he cannot see why when he takes such a girl out for an evening's entertainment she objects to kissing him and making love or what he calls love as a remuneration for his magnanimity in bestowing his attentions upon her. , , "I am not speaking .idly but from sad and bitter experience. During the last summer I was forced to drop four, apparently nice, respectable, pleasant young men for this reason. I cannot (or the life of me see why I nhnulil kiss a man the first time I bo out with him. and have tried to lm press this idea on the minds of the Ol llie SUuallou never ftccilia ivi Uliui limit. Ain-y paj y''; the harm?' Then comes the usual dissertation of being a prude., "Now, I am considered pretty, dress well, am able to sustain a con versation and have cultivated the art of listening. So when a man asks me out I naturally think it is my personality that appeals to him, but my self esteem drops with a sickening thud when I realize 4hat, after all, they just want what the veriest jazz nauy coma Itntr read and notKlcrl , IStl t there something in what this gif claims? Have you any "standard ot hue womanhood? Do you take, the trouble to differentiate between the girl who offers you her mind and the stimulation of pleasant conversation and the silly little animal who enters to you on quite another basis? Have you clung to your best ideals of manhood? Or do you think of noth ing but excitement, stimulation, emo tions and the cheap pleasures of the moment? One of the dearest, sanest, sweet est girls I know put iMike this to me: - "You know that I've had the ad vantages of a practical education. You realize that ever since I came out of college I've been earning my own living., and making g6od at it And it isn't my beauty or wonder ful clothes or social position or wealth that 'gets me all the invita tions I'm lucky enough (o bavc. It's the fact that folks seem to find me interesting. And I'm sure I'm in teresting to them, because every one and every thing in this wonderful old world of ours interests me. But enmetimes I eet so 6ick and tired of going to theater on Tuesday with one man and somewhere else on Benson Benson Correspondent Community Center. Community center activities have have been resumed in Benson, the officers of last year's organization having taken up the work until a new organization lias been effected. Mrs. G. Ekstrom furnished an interesting program, which was given Friday eveninc. December 9, in the audi torium of the city hall. Mrs. Ek- strom was chairman of the program committee during the past year. Benson's Woman's Club. N . The Christmas cantata, given Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. H. Loechner by members of the music department of the Benson Woman's club, was a very fitting program for the closing number of the 1921 club year. Preceding the cantata Rev.- O. W. Ebright, pastor of the English Lutheran church, told the story ot the Christ child. This vivid word picture created an atmosphere of reverence and appreciation for the musical numbers which followed. The solo parts were sung by Mrs. L. E. Hunt, alto, and Mrs. E. N. Carson, soprano. The soprano leads in the choral numbers were sung by Mrs. C. B. Crisman, Mrs. Richard Skan key, leader of the department, accom panied. Fifty members arid guests were in attendance. Tea was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. E. H. Tindell. Guests were Mrs. A. D. Palmer, Mrs. Charles Klineschmidt and Miss Ethel Yost. J. W. Yeager gave a talk preceding the program, on the subject of "Americanization." Christmas Pageant. Members of the English Lutheran choir and Sunday school will stage a pageant entitled, "The Festival of the Season," Sunday evening, Decem ber 25, in the auditorium of the church. G. W. Uhler, chorister, and Rev. O. W. Ebright, pastor, have this work in charge. Among those taking leading parts are: Queen of the season, Miss Alice Sorcnson; Christmas, Miss Edna Snell; Father Time, Paul Kistler. Members from the choir and Sunday school will represent the seasons. Art Calendars. Mrs. W. A. Wilcox has placed a number of Nebraska League of Women Voters' art calendars in Ben son for sale. These calendars can be purchased from Mrs. D. C. Sturtz, Mrs. Walter Snell or at C. H. Sprague's drugstore. Mouey received from these sales goes into the treas ury of the league. Baptist B. Y. P. U. At the last meeting of the Benson B. Y. P. U. the following officers were elected: President, Charles. E. Kelly; vice president, Velma Ayles worth; secretary, Emma Ehlers, and treasurer, Cecil Jones. This organi zation is planning art interesting pro gram, to be carried out during the coming year. All Baptist young peo ple in Benson are urged to help in this work. . Meetings are held each Sunday evening at 6:30 at the church. Entertains for Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. H. Howes of Key stone Park entertained at their home Wednesday eveninsr in honor of Mrs.. "Ben Smith, who left Thnrsdav for ! Tucson, Ariz., where she will spend the remainder of the winter. Mrs. Smith was accompanied by her son, Eugene. Tri-City Birthday Club. Mrs. E. A. McGIasson was hostess at a 1 o'clock luncheon at her home, 4826 Webster street. Friday, for the members of the 'Tri-City Birthday . club. Birthday Dinner Parties. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilcox enter .. tained a dinner of eight covers Sun day in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Wilcox. Mrs. Belle Hawes, mother of Mrs. Wilcox, also entertained at dinner Wednesday in honor of the birthday of her daughter. Covers were placed for six guests. Home Mission Society. Mrs. R. Burford will be hostess at her home, 3301 North Fifty-ninth street, Wednesday to the members of the Home Mission society o the Methodist church. Mrs. Burford will be assisted by Mrs. P. A. Legge. An all-day session, beginning at 10 a. m., will be held. The Omaha district has requested the ladies to give this day to the task of sewing rags for fugs. men, but it is useless.. The ethical side i give mem, Wednesday with another, and having a chap I meet at dinner of a Friday ask me out for Monday, that I could scream. " ''I can't get any one man to take. a devoted, friendly interest in mc. And most of them come right out and tell mc that it's no fun spending an evening with a girl who holds you off at arm's length even when you're dancing. Doesn't a girl's mind matter at all it Doesn't her character or her sympathy or her wish to enjoy a real friendship appeal to '.the boys of today? Do they want to make love to every girl they see much of to make love they don't really feel?'' I wonder. So many girls ask me these questions and so often I strive to rebuild a tottering faith. But the evidence is against us idealists. Boys, stop and think and then write me the truth about itt Do you live Just for the stimula tion of the moment? ' Are you victims of your own un bridled emotions? Is what you ask of women the pure of the physical, witl . and spirit forgotten?. with the mind Do all the little light o' loves mat- r so much that you've forgotten to hope for the one big love? 'Society Call Walnut S370- Each" member', is to come supplied with the necessary rags. Une hot dish and hot coffee will be furnished by the hostess, members -attending to furnish sandwiches. Benson Camp of Royal Neighbors. At the ' regular meeting of the Royal Neighbors Wednesday evening in the I. O. O. F. hall the following officers were elected: Oracle, Mrs. Abbie Wehrli; vice oracle, Dora Schaeffer; past oracle, Stella M. Young; chancellor, . Anna Henry; recorder, Katherine Brumfield; re ceiver, Myrtle Glandt; marshal, Grace Fahnestock; physicians, Drs. G. W. Parsons and W. H. Reed; musician, Eva Souqup, manager; Gretchen Tindell. Regular meetings are held the second and fourth Thurs day evenings of each month in the I. O. O. F. hall. Brotherhood Entertains. Members of the English Lutheran brotherhood entertained at a banquet Monday evening, December 5, in the church parlors, in honor -of their mothers, wives or sweethearts. .The large tables were decorated 'with Christmas trees, candles and roses. Four large roast geese were served. Covers were placed for 54 guests. G. W. Uhler was toastmaster and 10 members of the banqueting party re sponded with toasts. Each lady pre sent received a Christmas toy as a favor. . Sunday Dinner at Cherry Croft. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Welch enter tained at dinner Sunday N at their home at Cherry Croft in honor of Mr. Welch's sister, . Mrs. Leander Wilson, of Chicago, Covers were placed for 10. ' Church Bazars. The ladies of the Baptist church held their annual bazar Monday and Tuesday in the rotunda of the court house; The Methodist ladies enter tained at a luncheon and bazar Wed nesday in the church parlors. O. E. S. Kensington. . The Order of Eastern Star kensing toft of the Narcissus chapter No. 261 will be entertained Tuesday evening, December 13, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hutton, 2718 North Sixtieth street. Presbyterian Ladies' Aid. Mrs L. W. Raber, 6406 Maple street, will be hostess Wednesday to the members of the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid society. War Mothers' Kensington, The Omaha War Mothers' kensing ton was entertained Wednesday at the home of Mrs. , Good, Twenty eighth and Capital avenue. Election of officers was held at this meeting. DISAPPEARED Several of our customers have disappeared, leaving instruments that were not fully paid for. Player Pianos Pianos Phonographs . These instruments will be sold at once for the balance due us. Some of them are nearly new, some are nearly paid for. Balance can he paid on very easy weekly or monthly v payments. !7all at once and secure one of these extraordinary bargains. . i ' " Thatcher Piano Co. 1824 Douglas Street Temple Israel Vaudeville ,J ) '-'3 ft ffftf' jyn Jstdo? Zizgter jfl Mrs. Isidor Ziegler is manager of the vaudeville performance which will be ' presented Wednesday eve ning, 8:15 o'clock, in' the vestry rooms by Tcmple'Israel players, as a benefit for the Temple sisterhood.' Act A' is "Indoor Athletics."' It will be presented by Ben Lewis, Mil ton Livingston, Eugene Blazer and Dave Rosenstock. "Song and Dances" by KleaXewis and Goldie Spiesbcrg er is the next number. It . is i fol lowed by "The Great American" Home" (a dramatic chop suey), in which the actors are Janet Gilinsky, Nora Wolfson, Cecelia Feillcr, Phil Wolfson and Al Gilinsky. Martin Suearman will offer "Im pressions and Expressions from Inside and Outside for No. D. 'bay It With Sonjjs," say Hortense Sugar-, man 'and Selwyn Jacobs in the nexti number. 1 .. Klea Orschel Lewis. Lillaine Ka men and Ricklie Z. Boasberg will, appear in a one-act play, "Pierrette' and Pierrot." In a musical fantasy: will be Evelyn Schanfarber, Lee Handler, Zenie Wolfson, Lillian Bergman, Ruth Lowenstein, Harry Goetz and Sidney Meyer. The Temple players are Mesdames Harry Rosen feld, Ben Lewis, Ben Boasberg, Isidor Ziegler, Martin Sugarman, Herbet Heavenrich, Her bert Kamen and Miss Cecilia Fener.1 The orchestra includes Mrs. Harryj Rosenfeld, piano; Miss Helen Soniers. Hugo Heyn. The annual bazar of the War Moth ers' organization will he held Monday, December 19, in the rotunda of the court house. Royal Neighbors'. Bazar. The Benson camp of Royal Neigh bors will hold their annual bazar Thursday, December 15, at the Sun theater. . Baptist Evangelistic Services. The Baptist evangelistic services will close Sunday evening, December 11. Baptism will be administered to a number of candidates Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock at the Immanuel Baptist church. ' . Christian Church Bazar. The annual bazar, conducted by the Willing Workers society of the Ben son Christian church will be held Fri day and Saturday, December 16 and 17, in the court-house rotunda. The sale consists of handcade garments and fanjy work, canyJa fruits, jellies and home-baked fqrS of all kinds. ' Luncheon Guest. , Mrs. H. L. Mjillay of Gregory, S. D., was a luncheon guest Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Wolfe. O. E. S. Officers Entertain. The officers of the Narcissus chap ter No. 261 of the Order of Eastern Star and the past matrons and patrons were entertaned Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sprague. Attends Strathmore Banquet. Messrs. William Zimmerman aqft F. B. Oliver attended the banquet at the Fontenelle hotel Friday eve ning, given by the Strathmore Paper company. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ranz motored to Fremont Tuesday. Mrs. O. Arthur Melcher will spend the week-end in Norfolk, Neb. . Mrs. Ben Smith and son, Eugene, left Thursday for Tucson, Ariz. Mrs. Leander Wilson of Chicago is visiting relatives in Omaha and Ben son. Mr. and Mrs. William Schopp have moved into their new home on Hap py Hollow boulevard. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown will Baldwin Line of Pianos Phone Jackson 3066 i Unitarian Church Plays and Bazar Thursday Eve Two plays will be given Thursday evening, December 15, 8 o'clock, at the rirst Unitarian church, "I he Farewell Supper" and "The Finger of God," with Mark Leviugs and Charles Lyttle directing. Miss Bon nie Dean, Mark Leaving and David Roberts will present "The- Farewell Supper." The cast for the other play includes Miss Gcraldine Olsen, Stan ley Wciser and Stephen Spencer,- The Pioneers will hold a bazar during the evening, proceeds to go to the club room of the church. Household Hints Dye stained white stockings with a good black dye.' If soap is allowed to harden it will last twice as long. Do not allow silver to stand un washed over night. Serve hot cooked turnips cubed in lemon butter sauce.- ' Chopped celc.-y and beet, with mayonnaise, .well mixed, and served in a cup shaped piece of lettuce. If you wish your bread to have a soft crust wrap in a dean cloth as soon as it comes from the oven. A small, tart apple added to a beef hash in which onions and pota toes are used makes a welcome addi tion. The apple should be chopped fine. . . Put 'a drop of honey on baby's chin and tell him to lick it off an excellent view of tongue and throat is thus afforded without the baby's fretting. Directs Cantata Jean Buchta Protzman, head of the University of Omaha department of music, will direct a joint Christmas musical of the Girls and Men s Glee clubs, to be given in the college audi torium Wednesday evening, Decem ber 14, atv 8 o'clock. Fifty-two stu dents will take part.. "The Christmas Dawn," a cantata, presented by the combined clubs, will be the feature of the program. visit relatives and friends in West Point during the holiday season. Mershon Welch, student at Culver Military academy, will spend the holi day season at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Welch. Dorothy Dletz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dietz, left Friday for Lit tle Rock, Ark., where she will spend the -. 'nter with fier grand parents. Miss Gladys McFaden and Miss Margaret Webster of the University of Nebraska were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Wolfe. Mrs. F. Kohlert, Mrs. Claud Glandt and their father, R. D. Crossctt, of Denhof, N. D., were Tuesday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hagerman. . Miss Bernice Dunn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dunn, who has been attending Chicago university, has accepted a position as teacher of English in the Omaha Commercial HigJi school. Harold Berry, formerly of Benson, who has been seriously ill at Swed ish Mission hospital, is slowly im proving. Harold and Harley Berry are twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berry and have many friends in Ben son. Masonic Temple Bldg. "f plllill"8 Things You'll Love To Make Velvet ChrjanthmumOriaet If your material is very lovely and you wish to use but little trimming. make this ticd-bodice for evening frock. Cut a long sleeveless bodice that is slightly fitted at the waist line. With pencil mark off at the bot. torn two-inch bauds at five-inch in tervals. Have the bands 10 inches long. Then mark into points us shown. Have the bodice hemstitched on these lines and cut into picot ffTPPh Ar- DsrV V Public Sale ' To 13c llcld in Fremont Tuesday, December 13th Commencing at 9 a. m. and continuing until 9 p. m. The Western Theological Seminary of Midland College having purchased, the home of -Mr. Kay Nye is now desirous of selling the . - i Furniture, Rugs and Furnishings Values have beeu carefully estimated by experts and most liberal prices have been put upon all the things, so that it . will be very profitable indeed for everyone who can use high-grade Furniture and Bugs to attend. Included- v One of the finest collections of Oriental Rugs - and Carpets in the middle west; Furniture for Dining Room, Living Room and Chambers, Solarium, Library, Breakfast Room, Billiard Room and Receptional Hall; Draperies and other furnishings of the finest. For a list of the sale with prices write to Professor J. F. Krucger, 415 East Military Ave., Fremont, Neb., or phone Fremont. 3.'5!). We're Shoe pecialisis No slipshod that's good enough goes here. All work personally inspected and it must be done right. Prices Very Reasonable. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention.. Standard Shoe Repair Co. 1609 Farnam St., Omaha. "Downstairs." PM -HOLIDAY SALE Of Appropriate Gift Furniture v 1 1 1 Ll IffM'W Walnut Period Design w III! iB-. Dresser $39.50 S 1 1 i 1M Bed ........ ,. $27.75 g C- Table.. . .$19.75 f l 1 Tt TOYS FREE g S fc-! Wih purchase f if I J I.IJI.lJJlJ.u H'l.rrWJ.l i n T Makes g f JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB MYemUber f PRACTICAL GIFTS I . eSSSSSS ? Floor Lamps .......$13.85 yFTT""' ' JJ'U4T;H If W Mahog. Sewing Cabinets.. $ 6.75 SSSrB M Smoking Stands sg sT"'1"'1 niwfKjT & Mahogany Spinet Desks. .$34.75 DUO-FOLD M p End Tables.:, ....$4.65 GOA Cf M fr Dozens of Other 54uU Jtf 3-Piece Li iring Room Suite, tapestry or velour, (1 1 Q PA rgain 113.0U fcj a real barga Beautiful Phonographs Mahogany or Oak finish Will make an ideal Xmas Gift Price Only , I FREE A beautiful Floor and 25 Records each Phonograph. OpeUdi $1.00 Rscords, only I J JC0R.I4 DODGE Aj4v SIX I Tel Jackson 1317 NtjjgBjX t-uv. Tie each adjoining two rib bou into a knot. If the bottom of the bodice is faced with a contrast ing color before the hemstitching is done the effect of this ticd-bodiec for evening frock is even more stunning, (Caprriiht, Mil, by fubiis uor Ce I Cornmeal and Tapioca Pudding. Mix a quarter cup of granulated tapioca, two tablespoons of corn meal, half a teanponn ol salt. Add to a quart of -scalded milk and cook in a double boilrr ifiitit it begins to thicken. Then add one cup of brown sugar. Pour into a buttered pudding dish and bake 45 minutes in a moder ate oven. Serve cold or warm with cream. ; Ginger Cake. Cream a cup of butter with half a cup of brown sugar, add two cups of molasm's, one cup of milk, a ta blespoon of ginger, a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon and three euns beaten separately. Add two cups of silted Hour, a teaspoon ot soda dis solved in a little cold water, then two cups more of sifted flour. Hake in shallow buttered tins lined with paper. Repairing Beautiful Bed Room Sets mm if eJLl U I I n a '1 Lamp with J, Y1 Crystallized Fruit. CrystaTilieJ plums, crystalucd cranberries, fine flavored pears, dulled cooked rice. I'rel and quarter the pears, cook in either lemon syrup or sour cider nd sugar syrup nntil tender. 1 lie rice should be sweetened and (lav cred to tate, set in a ring mound and chilled before turninjf'out. Dnir the pears and heap up in the center of the rice ring Kcturn the syrup to the fire, boil and when it spins a thread, drop in halved plums, i few large cranberries, and cook in this until the syrup crystallizes around the fruit; then pour over the pears. Heap up the dish with whipped cream, and serve chilled. Large yellow plums, suaar svruo. powdered sugar, one pint, sweet cider, or drape juice. cook the plums slowly m sugar syrup until tender and clear, then remove, drain and roll in powdered Your "Own Shock Absorber To absorb the slioe!;g of walk Inn repeated 4,000 to 8,000 times a day, for that Is the number of steps you take nature made the foot arch flexible. "The imprint of the human foot," writes Dr. Lillian Whltnev. "shows that only the heel, ball and outer border touch the earth, while the hollow of the foot, that part upon which the greatest weight rrsts, does not touch the earth at all. Here lies the great elasticity of this wonderful mechanism." A flexible, elastic and shock ab sorbing foot arch calls for a flexible shoo nrch. But all ordinary shoes have a rigid piece of steel embedded and concealed in the shank. No wonder that women find the day's duties less tiring, less of a strain on nerves and muscles, when they wear Cantilever Shoes with flexible arches. The Cantilever shank is all-leather, and conceals no hidden metal. Free movement of the foot, elasticity in walking, a normal support to the loot while standing, make Cantilever Shoes the shoes you Bhould wear for standing or walking. They are modish in ap pearance and wonderfully comfort able. A Cantilever Christmas Certificate makes an acceptalbe gift. Sizes 2 to 11, Widths AAAAA to EE For Men and Women. HOSIERY, SPATS AND RUBBERS Sold in Omaha Only by CANTILEVER SHOE SHOP Moved to New Location, 1708 Howard St. Opposite Y. W. C. A. Bldg. Write for Free Booklet. ADVERTISEMENT. You Cannot Hide Your Fat Overfatnesi is the one misfortune you cannot hide from yourself or from those around you. If too thin, your dressmaker or tailor can supply the deficiencies, but the overfat carry a burden they cannot conceal. There is one sure way to reduce your weight surely and quickly. The harmless Msrmola . Prescription, which changes the fatty tissues and fat-produc ing foods to solid flesh and energy, helps the general health and digestion, permits you to eat substantial food, and leaves the kin clear and smooth. This famous pre scription is now condensed into tablet form. Each tablet contains an exact dose of the same harmless ingredients that made the original prescription capable of reducing the overfat body steadily and easily without the slightest ill effects. Take but one tablet after each meal and at bedtime until the normal weight is reached and the bodily health completely restored. Ask your druggist for Marmola Prescription Tablets or send one dollar to the Marmola Company, 4612 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Mich., the price the world over, and you will receive enough to start you well on the road to slimness and hap piness. ADVERTISEMENT GALLST0NES Dr. E. E. Paddock, a physician of Kansas City, Mo., is giving away Free, an illus trated book .that tells how hundreds of people have obtained wonderful results from a simple home method of 'treatment in cases of inflammation and catarrh of the Gall Bladder and Bile Ducts as asso ciated with Gallstones. Juflt send name to Dr. E. E. Paddock, Box OB-201, Kansas City, Mo. IF toq an Mrvoas. dwpeodtnt, waak, ma down, throat h execn or ether gum, w want to mail yon our book which talla about SEXTOS IQUE, a mtormtira roMdv that will coat yoa nothing it yon ara not anroi or bonefltcd. Erery man noadint a ooio to varrona personal woaksoM, ate., abonld gt thia frea book at auea, CUMBERLAND CHEMICAL COMPANY 440 Berry Block, Nashville. Tsnn. ADTERTISEMENT. nfuLr- ia Sat the Original and Genuine YEAST TABLETS Now Used By Millions As Simple Easy Way To Help increase Weight and Enerrv. Clear Tri Skin and Correct Indigestion and Constipation AST1N5T7" nte yeast TABLtt r-OiUINE iwtiu&WBteii sugar artid shredded cocounnt uii'il they are completely routed; place to halves in each sherbet glax. Take the sugar syrup in which the plums have been stewed, add the grapes juice or cider, and turn into a freezer, and when frozen stiff pile on the plums in t,he glasses. All Nebraska -, awaits the swoop and the oar of THE WHITE EAGLE! When in Omaha Hotel Rome Bailey the Dentist EstsblUhcd 1S83 Painless Extraction of Teeth Dr. R. W. Ilsllry Dr. Bertram Williamson Maks Drntiitry Easy lor You 70S City Nat. Bk.( Kith ai4 Harney Cuticura Ointment Is Seothing After Shaving After shaving with Cuticura Soap, the Cuticura way, gently rub tender spota on face with Cuticura Oint ment Then wash all off with Cuti cura Soap and hot water. Rinse with tepid water. mbbIsBmb rm t VsU- Addrair "CrMm Lsk MariM, Das. ilOJlMu tt.Uui " Ijotd -jj. wbgra, SoapZfcB. OinUMnttS andsdc Talcum Sc. (trCmien Soap soara without mug. You Can Be Fascinating Lyko brings the happiness which has its source in good health. Happiness and health make any woman contented and tend to make her more attractive more mag netic in her personality Lyko through its active agents cleanses the sys tem and tones the body and health means beauty and vivacity. Tht Ortat OcmmI Tonic Lyko keeps a woman looking young by keeking the bodily functions in nor mal condition. It ia a great aid in removing waste mat ter and tones upthe digest ive organs. No woman need look or feel old beyond her years when a laxative tonic like Lyko can be pur chased that will help her to retain perfect health. Purity Lyko is comb nation of laxative and tonic drugs of recog nized therspeutkvalue. The formula is the re mit of a great many experiments by the best chemists. Mo remedy is better none mors effective as a mild laxative tonic Ask Your Druggist Lyko la aold only In the oritrinal paekara. It ia bottled In out own laboratories nndor tbe merit hygienffe condition) and then only af tor a teat u to ita perfect compounding. Get a hot tie today I Your drnjtffct Milt it Sot Manufacturer LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY New York KeasaaCNw V or sale by is eat on Drug Co., 15th and Farnam streets, and all retail druggists, ADVERTISEMENT. If You Are Not Entirely iatuhed With The Results In Your Own Case, Your Money Will Be Promptly Refunded. TV o