THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, Salesmen Add 12 Pairs of Shoes to Cow Described as Most Reliable Manufacturing Machine Invented Virtues of Milk Giver Extolled by Experts at Meeting of Agricultural Bureau of Chamber of Commerce. 1 I i X The Bee Fund More Contributions Needed, However, to Care foe Poor Children Exposed To CoH Cliff. HidUluon, J. C Hiddkson Jis Thurmond, Frank Quinlan, C, L. To.nson and R. if. Heard, sales- mn (nr RnKrrtt. Toll 11 son & Rand.J St Louie, with Omaha headquarter!; ixv the Paxtoa hotel, sent a dozen ; pairs of new Star brand shoes worth $5 a pair to The Bee's shoe funcM ,"dV- ... I Th.u Vixintr fii'.fe.i ratllLIV tOJ needy, cold feet. Cash contributions are coming m tnu.'lv tint ranidlv cnotiuh to raft. for poor little boys and giria will feet exposed to the nipping coki. Every cent contributed to thi?r dtnH o. f buv shoes for the waifs of the desperately poor. SemM a gift to the fiiml today, it wm no acknowledged, in this column. Prevlnuatr mrrlvl Hitiltiln. C'hrtmn Mm. A. C. Cumuli Hluffa Mttijorla. ami Klrtwrd Klllvr 3 Tot! l.flwl .1 xitii.l.n; Lincoln C. of C. Endorse Taylor for I. (. C, Lincoln. Doc. 9.-(Special Tek-j tram.) The Lincoln Chamber ot Cwiimwi nasseil resolutions in-. dorsing the candidacy of H. G. Tay-J lor ot tiie MeorasKa uauway com-i mission for a berth on the Interstate Commerce commission. The cow came into her own Fri day noon at a meeting of members of the agricultural bureau of the Chamber of Commerce, business nieu anil farmers wheu Prof. R. G. Hayne, Chicago agricultural expert for the International Harvester Co., extolled her manifold virtues. ' ' ' "What is home without a cow?" he asked. "The cow produces more human food than any other thing or animal She eats refuse and in turn makes it into milk and butter fat. Milk is the best food that can be eaten. AH homes need it. If you want to postpone your funeral cat more butter and drink more milk," the speaker warned. , Mr. Hayne said in one steer there was 548 pounds of food and that one cow produced in' a year 2,218 pounds of milk and butter tat. "If we drank all the milk and ate all the butter we needed we would need 10 times the number of cows we now have in Nebraska," he said. "Farmer" C. L. Smith, Portland, Ore., in charge of development work along the Union Pacific rail road, from Cheyenne to the coast, described his years of experience in visiting homes of farmers and in structing them how to live r.nd be happy. To be a successful farmer, he said, the home life .should be one of contentment. ' "I have found where farmers like their work and are not too greedy for money and with a good cow, garden, pig and plenty of hard work he was always successful" "Farmer" Smith also extolled the cow and made a plea for more good herds in Nebraska, "Co Most Reliable Machine. "The cow is the most reliable manufacturing machine ever in vented. It manufactures milk that is iudespensablc to humans. "Progressive railroad managers long ago learned that the more prosperous the conditions r.f (lie community they served with trans portation facilities the more business they had. "Investigation demonstrated the fact that where dairying was the leading factor in a systetm ol diver sified farming, those communities were the most prosperous, their prosperity was continuous, ' hey had more money to spend for merchan dise, and because of the better fi nancial condition they were able to furnish a larger measure of pas senger and : freight business." Carl R. Gray, president of the Union Pacific railroad and chairman of the committee, was expected to preside but did not arrive in the city until 11:30. D. P. Hogan, vie? chairman and president of the fed eral land bank, presided. Mr. Gray and other high railroad officials were also present at the meeting. bail Piano-- , rVTR Exchange It For I PIAYERP1BNO 2ZhJ 15 A MONTH PhY3 . Why "hang on" to the old silent piano that stands in the corner? If you can't play upon it, if you never hear it, you should trade it to us as part pay ment on a Live "Aeolian Made" Player Piano We sell such players as STEINWAY, WEBER, STECK, WHEELOCK, STROUD AEOLIAN and BECKMAN. PAYMENTS MiC CO: 419 S. 16th St. Omaha, Neb. USE BEE WANT ADS THEY BRING RESULTS Continuing for Saturday Reduction ill I I I i W fir ? ? ? Sale ot Apparel Exceptional Values in Women's Coats i .50 You will appreciate the adaptability of these coats their lines are grace ful and the fine fabric is combined with furs in a most charming way. Full silk lined. Colors are navy, black and brown. Trimmed with ' '4; Australian Opossum, Nutria, Mole, Beaverette Third Floor .' Choice of Balance of Our Entire Stoc1( of COATS 30$ Reduction This sale includes every Fall and Winter Coat in stock. Plain and fur trimmed; every desir able material and color is included. All sizes. For example: Coats: Coats: Coats: Coats: Originally priced at $50.00, mw . $35.00 Originally priced at Kft $75.00, now $DiDJ sr?:4.1 ....$69.13 Originally priced at M ftK ftft $130.00, now J1UU.VU Coat Shop Third Floor Choice of Our Entire Slock f DRESSES 30 Reduction Dresses for every occasion sport, street, after noon and evening. In the choicest materials, styles and colors. Betty Wales and Rosemary Dresses excluded from the sale. Dresses: gfe'S.:: $17.50 Dresses: SSf.:! $27.83 Dresses: tSSt-.V. $41.83 Dresses: tSSjS-.V. $80.50 Dress Shop Third Floor What to give for Christmas is the ques tion of the hour and busy shoppers are taxed to the utmost in making the proper selections. Perhaps these sug gestions will help you: Boudoir Caps Frivolous bits of daintiness, thess adorable boudoir caps will thrill any heart. Delightful varied assortments in our Christmas groups, priced from $1.00 to $3.95. Knickers The ever-increasing popularity of these com fortable garments classes them among welcome gifts for women of all ages. Priced from $3.95 Is $7.50. Wool Scarfs The snug warmth of these soft wool scarfs makes them particularly fitting for gifts at this season. They're comfortable and warm in the softest of brushed wool, in a wide choice of col- on. Priced from $5.95 to $8.75. Marabou Neckpieces When the fur scarf seems a bit heavy, then these fluffy Marabou Neckpieces are exactly, what is wanted. Soft colorings and downy of texture. Priced from $2.00 to $10.08. Our Entire Stock of Suits on Sale in Three Groups Value to $59.75 Values to $85.00 j Values to $125.00 $25.00 $39.75 $59.75 Suit Shop Third Floor Our Entire Stoclf of Girls' and Misses' COATS at a 30$ Discount Warm winter coats for school or dress .wear. Handsome materials, styles and colors. Sizes 8 to 18. Junior Shop Second Floor ' Gift Suggestions From Our Toilet Goods Shop Individual Bottle Coty's Lorigan Extract $6.50 Mary Garden Toilet Water $1.75 and $3.00 Roger & Gallet Fleurs de Amour Extract $7.50 Rigands Un Air Embaume Toilet Water $7.50 Sterling Silver Nu Point Pencil $1.49 Vanity Cases, double and single. .. .50c, $1.00 and $1.50 60c Cutex Manicure Sets 49c A large assortment of Toilet Waters, all odor. .. .$1.00 Christmas Tree and Gift Dressings. .. .10c, 15c and 20c 11.00 Box Eaton's Highland Linen 89c Toilet Goods Shop Maia Floor Saturday, a Sale of Blouses In Two Groups Crepe de Chine and Georg ette Over-Blouses in suit shades, including brown, navy, bisque, mohawk and combination col ors. Embroidered, beaded and braided. Also a limited number of plain tailored Crepe de Chine. at $ 2.95 Exclusive models of the fin est quality materials in the most fashionable styles and the new est trimming ideas. .There are Crepe de Chine and Georgette in tunic, tie-back and regular styles. Special for Saturday BIoum Shop Second Floor $ at 6.95 The Store of Specialty Shops,1 mm II mmp mm) i I.B. COO. lSti L JUCKS07 STS. I mm YUlMII.AVUf Now You Can Enjoy a Smart Warm Coat On Easy-to-Pay Terms NOW is the time to get one of these warm, styl ish coats that are so becoming LATER is the time to pay, if you use our special charge account plan which spreads the payments over a long period of time so you never miss the money. There is a big selection of warm, good-looking styles, show ing large and small collars with or without belts and any number of pretty, fur-trimmed models, all very moderately priced. New Cloth Coats $1950 JL sad up New Plush Coats $ 22 50 up Any Dress 25 Off Modes new and distinctive for every occasion in Tricotine, Poiret Twill, Duvetyne, Canton Crepe and Satin. Any Suit 3313 Off There are tailored models with youthful, lines; others lavishly embroidered or becomingly trimmed with fur. ( $10 Worth of 'Advo' Groceries If You Join Our Hoosier Xmas Club Plan Sale . Wouldn't it be splendid this Christmas to give her a cheerful, year-round gift that will pre serve her health and make her kitchen hours shorter by saving needless steps? $11 00 Down And $1 Weekly Brings Her Hooiier on Xma With a big box of "ADVO" Christmas Groceries free. But you must act quickly, as we have only a limited number of Hoosiers on hand. We Selected "Advo" Groceries because, being absolutely pure, fine flavored and reasonably priced, they are economical be cause you use less. Pound Boxes of Balduffs $1.00 Box Chocolates 44 c Pathe Feres Co. Wires Us to Hold a Christmas inv rnonograpns Regardless of cost, we place on sale our entire stocks of "nationally advertised" Pathe Phonograph at the lowest prices they have sold for in years. If you have been thinking of giving the home folks a Phonograph for Christmas, this sale is YOUR opportunity. SaleM Regular Pathe Wired Price Sale Price Model 3 $55.00 $35.00 Model 6 $75.00 $50.00 Model 12 Regularly $175.00; Xmas Sale Price Regular Prle. Model 7 .....$110.00 Model 10 $150.00 Path. Wired Sal. Price $75.00 $90.00 $110.00 Join the $1.00 Down "Pathe" Christmas Club. TEN DAYS Free Trial in Your Home, if You Wih. ' Easy-to-Pay Terms No Interest To Pay Saturday! Great Special Purchase Sale of Cut Glass at the Year's Lowest Price From a standpoint of "variety" and "value-giving" this is the "Gift Sale" of the year, offering Semi-Cut Candy Jars, Footed Jel lies, 6-inch Handle Nappies. 12 inch Orange Bowls, 12-inch Celery Trays, lO-ineh Hexagon Vases. 8-ineh Bowls, 8-inch Nut Bowls, 6-inch Footed Comports, 7-inch Footed Bowls, 8-inch Footed Pickle Dish. 6-inch Footed Triangle Nappies. Marmalade Jars, Sugar and Cream Sets, Mayonnaise Bowls wilh Ladle, 6-inch Flower Baskets, etc., etc., in beautiful cuttings at the ridiculously low price of 98c You Can Actually Save 50 ! onDolls, Toys, Books, Games Don't take our word for this shop around compare and be convinced. Purchasing in carload lots in addition to our favorable location Out of the High Rent District means a substantial savinjr on vour Christmas Toys. Make your selections Saturday while stocks are complete. . Santa Is Here! The jolly old fellow wants to meet every girl and boy and hear what they want for Christ- mas. Have Toys Charged Your credit is good here. Buy Toys now and pay next year.