THE FEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, UfcCKMBLK IV. urn. 301 loneyMarkct Is ;kvcl Near ill si I) Mi. m " iWUWSM' Call Morwy v rflolShojt Vill Knl-d )o ill l iln.l 1 . . , . ct-Gfcatrv InduMrial Activity Forcsmt. Juiilr I T HOLLAND. ,l, fiurjwho a beginning nr KbtitVo Involving- large financing. facrfh'Schltf' said: "The Unitrd Slate Wi hiw'nrroiJie a 4'4 per cent na- V'v(iM'C St,,ilT ,nus ,I,oke yfW rlwo Wore the outbreak of the Kuropcan war. He meant that the EMfllant- rate of interest for loans ila4tt'rt iiilutry, commerce ami kL7n would be in tlie neighbor hvvUf A'i pfr cmt. l 'mM furthermore that if a Eil of this amount wan inaintainrtl STaWOuM simulate industry and tout, to heavy demand for funds , with which to pav the cost of ocvO nent of natural resources and rrt the need ot the railroads. It rould also serve jrreilly to increase gtir international trade. . Use lntrfrl. M-h .?nli. . . u'.ty. personally to n1or 'Th" I;nn"y vn ILHrw.d m- w,Mt ? .. r- lu t., . l-no.l of . """ th." 'Mi'; h, r.n-..ln. w. Inwsr Hurt l"r sn.l tills prr.u.ti-it ir. s"h'ff M IM ..liilo.i H" r KiHl. Iwl " bwnT.r,m.?v ..taut 10 mm- '. .h. Th mrirMr of ins r rJ .i".nn.l for funds. l.;fr oth.r , j ,. y m.rki. . . Then It ' , l,,U. t wrutn. by h1.-h ,m? in Su '.rohublUty It would not ha "in un.!rtU . hod tt not bn for ( billof that hnr uliould bo " ' oon.robni, whbh iroulU pwnt ' ulKlbin n4, money market dn.orai ' '"."vtiltiMrrntrti Uow Pool WorUed. I hlfcKl ortnfrfto tlluntratlon of the , i ,,,5 l ' hb th, pool ol.rr.trd It c..n Z. wportM tht rvrry morntnK . rnioi notified tli ..thor1d i-om'nltl ' how much money It had on hand wh eh -tank IhWht report HHI and jo on. i Then, In the course of an hour, It . ' ifirowetl ho- "uch the ,om,lne,,,b"f,h,f? if New York, who were member, of this Si-ajjc': & . s-s: ",st !SdT''mrer needed fundupoi1 call were, for the ! most part, compelled to. accept the rate ! ri!StSM 'but that th.a arrant;-' , m.Tu ?.d tend .ready to ron.erve mon-y and to protect th. market. It ce talnn nr-vented un(1ue pecla"n- But 11 l VecoKnlMd . an emergency measure and ! for that re.eon 1IU1. heed wa paid o ih. cri M.m. some of which actually ' ierted that thl. call money pool was a combination In reatrMnt of trade, other .mefKencle. have at time, Ju.u ' fled action which mlKht under :nntorrretatmn rf-the- laW be regarded rU"..n -Panic condition, prj railed Mr,. Morpan -would call up tt"ous .Tn-T obf which1" be named1.bU.n SrVirrfor I Pol for the purpose of protovtlBK the stock exchamre a61".n i iv ' . bank pres dent would tell nr. Man overlhPo, telephone that he could ubscrlb. the amount called tar mM -out cutting Into his reserve so tha .it w"old fall below th. leM "l"1"6; Mr. Morean s reply would be m?r.ency. .erve. were Intended for " Tn. amount which he "quested the banks to subscribe was taken to the stock chanBe and offered In ch amounts thjt the daniter of money panic was ellmlnatea, .od normal condition, were restored. Sound Preeent Conditions. .Today serlnua discussion. llnouKht1a" vet wholly laformal. Is In progress with a view to decldlns whether or not the emerirency to which was duo the oKanlza tlon of the call money pool has not Paused. 1 If It has passed, and If the unprecedent ed Inflow of funds continues, no doubt Mn pool will b- dissolved. r,erhnj. soon after the first of January. If It is. the" ;iW a fe,. and, llouUi marke or . 1 '!. T;,.." . whir "" almost completely absolute cnt-ol j of f..-dj .."on call will have ended The man vho eet; money uoon cnll will i-o where n" "an find It obtainable at the i"t "ate and in that way a tree and uiulit monev market will be f stabllslv-d Should tnis i mr j. tn the winter that action will !, drtlonal proof of the rapid approach of The United State, to normal financial , if'-.rh .nd condition. It Is also the ! wVsumptlon that the Pl';fl"" 0 funds will lead to the establishment or ISck standard rat. of Interest M i" represented by the oommen ; made by Mr Schlff. funds can be obtained by in dustry, commerce and business at I ' pir Vent all who can .peak wl h authority .ay that this will "e?1V 1 .d to very treat activity In Indu.trlal I nd commarcUt life, and In forelfn trade. I Sir Arthur Pearson Dies As Result of Accident ' London. Dec. 9. (By A. P.) Sir Arthur Pearson is dead as the result of an accident at his home here. While in his bath he slipped, strik ing his head against a faucet. -' Stunned, he fell into the water and was drowned before aid could reach him. Cyril Arthur Pearson was born February 24. 1866. He was one of the outstanding publicists in England until his evesight completely failed him in 1914. He founded Pearson's weekly and other well known publi cations, among them the Daily Ex press of London. At the time of his death Sir Arthur was president of the national institute for the blind and during the European war he organized measures for the benefit of blinded sailors and soldiers. Revised Rules for Rail Workmen Effective Dec. 16 " Chicago, Dec. 9. Revised working . rules for railway maintenance of way workmen will be promulgated De cember 14, to become effective De cember 16, it was announced by the United States railroad labor board today. - " , Due to the fact that many rules had alreadv beert agreed upon between the railroads and the employes, the board has made rapid progress. In a majority M cases, not more umi half a dozen rules were in dispute. Completion of the maintenance ot war rules will clear the board's docket of all rule cases pending, leav ing them free to take op wage ad justment cases, as soon as they are filed,. tl Li Uriel City INVhi. C'raM-k" fcf Yetiaman Thura. day lillitH bUw iHn I ho afo in th ertV f HtonrtB Hm, ol dfaloro. Hniermh mid I -Mini treeu, and rm'ed with and a safety rusur. . Itrl IIim1 Orthvti Mvil Hoek Inland dillnl iwiner nd trslstlf orHi- luv riimec) from fh Hallway ilmn bulldini and nr imw Itt'Mtrd at 1 10-1 1 1 Woodmen of the World building. rrwent'vl I in A Mlk Amerlean fl;i wns jriill to the Ca w hool of JI tiatlons" yesti-rday by Oorge; ('n'k W'umana Hllf ior). Mr. If. H. Hull, patriotic Instructor, mwda th preaentatlon. tit iMrsf Itjtiit Hurirlura tol betwfu 1400 and 1500 from a nf In the ollVe of tho Sanipte-fUrt Motor coinpanv. KHhteenth and Hurl streets, Thursday nlht. nc iordltiK to a rifort itmd to police, I'aHt Kn-ljtlit West A tralnload of JD er. tilled with Htitomoblles from New Vork, ronslgned to Onk land. IMI.. will pans throinrli Omaha tml-lit. piulaviirlnir to Ht a new riwd for Med und arvli:e from tllfl fUht IMMISt. 4 a. IMMiilN.otl. j:"!.""" ! broiiK-lit bv Hcl-ii lirni'i Kruhni. 13. iiKxhiKl flmrlrs A. Menaman and hi parentM. allftfliic breach of pitiiiiitii. wh rtlemisxed In district court fM,rily t tlic request of 111" 1'Hrmin. St)c if MortliiSM A scries of iiicriiiiRM to present th new pro tinned building code to the varloun buililiiiK ItitcrcKts of tho city Is tilHtmcU to IicrIh nbout the first of the year, the city bulldina; review board nitnounccs. lltirrylnz t Dinner? John Mol tanrd was only fined 12-6" In Cen tral police court yeHterday for upeedlwr when lie cxpliilned to JudKc Kontcr thiit he Und only been married a short time and wus hurry ing home to dinner. Arirst I'lve Hoys Five boys were arrected yemenlny on complaint of the Shcrtoitn-McConncH J)rtiR com punv that thieves had been Rteallnn quuntltioH or perrumcs iiou m"" stocks from their store at Forty ninth and I'odno strecta. Murines Arrive Siimlny I.ieu,t. G. r i'.,D.,1rnai. In ohnrffA of the 1T1H- rine detachment which will RU.ird mall ronMKnmentH in aim oui v. ,.,..,.,,. unniitiioil vpRt.Tday that the llrst detachment of men would lrrlve here Sumlay morning. tftc Hour to 1-cuve Town Thomas Murphy, chaiKeil with petit larceny, arrested when he at ..moicil to steal an overcoat from an automobile, was releaned by Juilxe Foster yesieruay. woeii nv. promised to leave town in an hour. Telephone Expert Here Ban- . , . u -,i i nt k. York, first vice president and chief engineer of the American Telephone and lele- Ktopli company, is rM;' Omaha today to witness the cuttlnK over of a part of the city's telephone lines to the automatic system. Misuse of Fund Joseph Leopold, grain .dealer, defendant in a $50,000 heart balm suit brought ' by Miss Gertrude Craig, which was dis missed, has been charged with mis appropriation of funds of the com pany of liriggs-Leopold. tn a suit filed" by his partner, Guy V. Briggs, iu district court yesterday. 300 Reserve Corps Officers to Meet i State' Convention to Draw Delegates From All Parts of Nebraska. More than 300 .reserve corpsj oi ! c... MnlirncUa arp exoected to attend the corps convention to be held at the Army building Monday and Tuesday under the auspices of the Reserve Officers' association of Omaha. ' n Jft The convention will open at V.JU Monday morning. There will be an address of welcome by Mayer James C. Dahlman and other ad dresses by different corps officers. War Films to' Be Shown. In the afternoon there will be a meeting at the Burgess-Nash com pany auditorium, the feature ot which will be the showing of nine reels of motion pictures. The pic tures will show troop movements on the front in France, different meth ods of map-making, machine gun operations, etc. - There will be a banquet at the Hotel Fontcnclle at 6 p. m. A morning and afternoon session will be held in the Army building Tuesday. Committees in Charge. Committees in charge of the con vention 10 now: General Convention. Mat E. M. Barnes. Med, R. C-! H M BaWrige. F A. R. Maj. Leo. J. Crosby. F. A. R. u.: i-isuu ilif J. M. R. C; Capt. O. E. Ensler, Inf-RC- rrorraro. ""V"i" A '. I I? T Hurt. tf ti 8. A.: Lieut Laster U Klnaey. F. A. R. C. Lieut. R. G. Conklln, A. S. R. C. Recrptlon. Capt J. B. Foster. Inf. R C.I MaJ W. J. Red'fleld. Med. R. C; Lieut. Andy Jen .in o. M. R C: MaJ. Q. W. Johnston, Q. M. R. C. . Capt. A. A. Wedemeyer. Q. M R. C.t ti.... rim.r Vnritvrr. A. S. R. C.I Capt. Harry Northcutt, Q. M R. C. rnbliclty. Lieut. A. R. Almbren. A. S. It. C: Lieut. R. M Jones. Inf. R. C. Credentials. C.Dt. R. I. Stout, F. A. R. C Tekamah, District No. 1; Capt F. H. Cunnlnsham. FAR. .. Omatia, nisirici .o. t. nmmj O V. Stout, E. R. C, Lincoln. District 3; Capt. 8. E. Ragan. Med. R. C. Seward, District No. 4: Capt A. L. Rollln, Inf. R c. Columbus. IJIstrlct No. S: MaJ. Homer Pavis, Med. R. C. Genoa. District No 7; Maj. R. L. Crnasnn. Inf. R C. Hasting. District No. I; MaJ. C A. Yod er, Med. R. C. Elm Creek, District No. S; Capt. T. B. Wilson. Med. R. C . O'Neill, District No. 10; Capt. R. U Cochran, C. A. R. C North Piatt. District No. It; MaJ. N. C. Vandemoer. E R. C. Scotta bluff. District No. 13: Capt. Lee R. Farm er, Med. R. C, Alliance, District No. 13. Pay 1922 Auto Licenses York, Neb., Dec. 9. (Special.) County Treasurer F. L. Propst re ports 905 automobile licenses sold and delivered for the year 1922. SITTINGS for photo graphs made before December 21 will be deliv ered in time for Xmas. Please sit at earliest moment possible. ff itk at. at Chemist Charges Potash 'Industry In U. S. Betrayed 1 ! I ' Secret Contracts Signcn? 31 Distributing (.'orupaiiics, J)r. Teepl . Saj6(f runny Now Controls Nurkrt. New Vork, Pec. 9. Germany has NOW ISN'T IT TRUE . that taste is about the -:!ii::;S biggest thing in a cig- JZ aretteT And when it's thatsPiCv the "all-there" taste of I 4.Leaf FLAVOR Spur's spicy 4'Ieaf blend VV well, you can't beat it! J Kentucky Buriw ' J 1' c' tobacco tutt I I Choice Macedonwn 1 1 for spicy aroma III Golden Virginia n it for life and sparkle 1 Broad Maryi-and I for cool-burning ,0r packet of 20'a Ltrxmr fi; Myers Tobacco Co. lit wmH i.aUiniuiH.iiiiiimmuiuuiuuiiiUiMii iff ! the for Bo matinee bags. The new brown ooze cow hide bags are . proving very popular, ask to see them especially. Purses from the Cordova shops,-purses of Moroccd leather, spider grain calf, cqbra grained; cow; hide, pin seal, in fact the most com prehensive purse showing, in .the city in which there are , S ' NO Lather Picture Frames Tour photograph in ens of thess frames will make the g-ift doubly attractive. .W havs them tn a variety of styles and sizes at prices from 92.75 to 812.50 y mhTninli Factory Lugp'acteeadyuarerf " ' Charles Koran, President. 1318 FABNAM STREET Phone Jackson 0480. tli tt seized cntrul uf the American i tail) market, virtually -l all American competitor, in the firt important tla.h of the "new com mercial war," Pr. John V., Tecple, prraident of llie New York ettio,i 'f the American Chemical society, declared tonight, in an addnts at the ClirmUts club. The new potash indiitdry in Amer ica, lie declared, u betrayed by J4 American distributing coiupanies, which he named. These coiupanies, he said, had aigned ecret cou tracts which eliminated all posi. bility of competition with the Ger man monopoly, "I have in my possession," '..aid Let "HER " Xmas Package Contain One qf These It's there, yes, somewhere in every femi nine heart, is the love of beautiful ac cessories. What would please HEll more then, than a gift from our at tractive purse collection? We show here but four, whereas our showing includes hundreds. There's the purse for dress occasions and purse for shopping, the purse the business woman and the TWO PURSES ALIKE, in remarkably low price range ot $3ito$50I A Wardrobe Trunk Value for SATURDAY A full round edge, three-ply wardrobe trunk. Fiber cov ered, has open top, plush lined, contains laundry bag, shoe box, bar locking devise for trays, beautifully lined, at a wonderful ly low price. Stop in and see tils bargain tomorrow. The price Is but $45.00 Be sure to include this store in your Xmas Shopping tour, for there are hundreds of gift suggestions in our novelty leather goods that will help you in your gift selections. Robert Koran, Sec. and Treas. NEW LOCATION Opposite W. 0. W. Bldg. iififliaii Pr. Tuple, "a copy vl a new form uf contract framed with the dcv il's own ingenuity, to evade all ex iting Amcricau lavtf, including the aiiti-dtinipiii act and the Sherman Hitti-triiat law. This contract ii be tween the Pcutschrt Kaliy ndikat of Hetlin the official Cierman potash iiioiiopoly and the .M American di. tnlnitorj. The provisions of this contract, vtiili the change of a few word, ate applicable to almost any industry iu the country and if this form of alliance is to be successful, then there is nothing to prevent the utter wiping out of one industry after another in this country and the s a irom Manicure Sets We show but one example of the many we have in stock. These sets will prove the an swer to many a gift problem, and the prices are from 84.75 to 825.00 - ii nil- mifinitium" tratiafrr of iuJuirial iimiuiy to Germany, "The contrail prmidi-s for the amount ti1e iuriliate(' by r.nh a'. these companies. The price d'atme provides that if any t( the btivrrs is vHcred a lower rate than the tut. throat price agreed upon, the tier mans are to be given an opportu. nily to meet it before any outside purchases ate nude. The (ierma-t seller also agrees to pay any tax or duty affecting deliveries under Hie contract whiih nuv he iiimowril or atsexed f.y the 1'iiiied Stales." ihe Germans have won tbeir first victory in the new commercial The Gift Appropriate The Shoe3 of today are so beautiful that they are capable of affording genu ine pleasure, and to afford pleasure is the true pur pose of a gift. For those givers who prefer to avoid the respon sibility of selection we have. Gift Certifica tes issued in any amount. You present the Certificate and the recipient chooses the Shoes she prefers. Shoe buckles are much in vogue and make very appropriate gifts. A com plete line to choose from in Rhinestone, cut steel and beaded effects. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam Street Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Don't Miss This Opportunity To Provide the Gift of Efficient Cleaning For Your Home at These Special Termsi of Only $2.50 Down and $4.00 Per Month; Word -Building Contest Closes Dec. 10 Send Your List to Sales Dept. The first person submitting a list giving the greatest number of different words made from tH letters in PREMIER CLEANER will receive a Prem' Cleaner Free. Only English words a found in a standard dictionary will be counted. An ElectricalGift for Every: one at the Electric Shop Nebr aster Power Co. Farnam at Fifteenth ATWie 3100 Hr, 'c ate the sufferer. If they C4ii hold, their poil for a year we are out of the lniiur forcer. t'pon lliat the German depend, for thin they can raise tln-ir prices und in one seaoon easily recoup lours sus tained y jlieir present cut-rate con tract. . p; Exceptional Values Overcoats 23 s33 s43 Three groups of prices each one offering the greatest values in Suits and Overcoats that can be found anywhere. If you want to make sure try and duplicate the $23 group somewhere else at $35 or more; the $33 lot at $45 or more; and the $43 garments at $60 or more. Ideal Gifts For Christmas Y OUR selection of an impressive gift for a man who is in clined toward distinctive dressing will be happily placed in the choice of any article you may select here. Hats, $2.50-$10.00 t Neckwear, 75-$3.50 Shirts, $1.50-87.50 Pajamas, $2.50-$7.50 Undies, $1.50-$9.00 Hose, 40-$2.25 Mufflers, Sl.OO S5.00 Tuxedo Vests, $7.50 Tom Wye Jackets, Knit Vest3, $7.50 $7.50-$8.50 The House of Kuppenheimer Clothes 1415 Farnam St. ELECTRIC CEEANEft Man Datlly Dunne,! What He Strikes Match Near Powder Urokrn How, Neb.. Dee, 9 (Spe. rial, 1 Albert Dow nut uf l.odi badly burned about the (ate and liamis when lie stuck a lighted match near a sack of powder on the top of a cupboard. ' and Suits mm 2314 M St., So. Side MArket 1500 ( ) 1 rtOi J 1 fi