THK BEE: OMAHA, JUTUItDAY. DKCKMKK1! 10. 13 i a Sr. ? V. t s. I V ( 1 Omaha Grain December 9, 1921. Arrivals of corn today wer liberal, with 123 ran sgainst 106 can a week ago, Kercipii of other graini were light. Corn ranged He higher to Jic lower and generally unchanged. Wheat trading; was alow and only a few inlet had been made up to 12:30. Oats were unchanged to t:ic higher. Wheat offering finally sold at about yesterday's price. Rye and barley were, unchanged. WHEAT. No. t hard. 1 car. II SI. Nu. I hard, 1 car, 11.04 (smutty); J car. II. 01 (smutty!. Nu. J hard, I rar, II At (40 par cent dark): I car, SI. 00 lyellow); 1 car, Ira (ilowl. No. 4 tuft, 1 car, (amully). Msmpl liatil. I cars, 11,01 (yrPow aesvll). No I irln 1 ear. It. 01 (nurthein, smutty!. No. I sprint. 1 car. 11.10 (.lark, north ertt. amully), tin. I mined. I car, (amulty). Sn. 4 mlted. l-l car, 4Jc; M ear. 15a (red wlnl.r. amully). (ample mlsed, 1 rar. 0o (live evil. CORN, white. 1 car. 4',e. white, I car. 40',o; I cara, 43. yellow. I eara, 4nt,c. lliw, 1 cr. aiHicj 11 car. No. 1 No. I No. N'. J 4u ft N.i. 1 J cara, Nu. I yellow. "Sc. HiKed. I cara, t ear, 401c; 1 cara, 40r; 4"C S enrs, N'i. I mlsed. 1 car, 39 V: 2 cars, 34.4. Sample mined. 1 car. DUt lahloncra' weights). OATS. No. 3 white, t cara, iie; S 1-1 cr. No. 4 whit, 4 cara. :V; t cara, nvi:. No. 8, I uiira, T.-. N.i. 4, I ,ar. 7:v. Sample, 1 tar. 71c, HAKlXy. No. , t cfir. 4.o. No. 4, I car, 44t.e. UMAIIA WECEIPTM AND 81111 .MKN'Td. UAKI.U18.I Vteeii T-ar llocelpu Today Ao. Ago. "mat m (,4 '"rn I ill lo.l i i "at 21 19 4 H lo a I liarley J J j Shlpmenta Wheat 9 lii SI 'rn M jj 4 at 4 ' 4 u H.v. 13 I 1 Barley S 1 S 1'KIMAKT RBCKIPTs AND SHIPMENTS. (lIUSHIiLS.) Receipts Today Week Ago 1.1)41,111)0 1. 058. 001) 390,000 Wheat 1,234.000 torn 1.426.VUO Usls 102,00(1 Bulpmeiils Wheat 307.000 819,000 'orn ....... Sjl.noo 370.000 Oats JiO.OOO 453,000 KXPOItT CLEAR ANCKS. lliUSHKI.S.) Today Wheat and Flour 314,000 t orn ; SbS.OUO CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Week I'arlota Today, Ago. V lien I U 12 Com 2tiS 227 Oat 30 i!i KAN8A9 tHTT RECEIPTS, Whut 177 170 Com 0 M Data U 10 ST. LOUIS RECRIPTH, Yar Ago 1.312.00.1 421,000 3411,000 1.11 291.000 418,000 Wheat !0 Corn 90 Ont 28 N(JIITI1 WESTERN WHEAT Minneapolis 40 Puluth 114 Wlnnlii?g .816 ' Ytar Ago 1,336,000 Yoar Ago. 4 61 40 12? 15 20 1.-0 36 1 51 14 12 RECEIPTS. 207 36V 142 11 768 951 Boston Wool. Boston, Dec. . Tho Commercial Bulle tin tomorrow will aay: "lVhlle thore has been rathnr less p ulatlve trading among the dealera In the wool markat during the past week, the market has loat none of its strength. Indeed, the manufacturers have felt olillgid to com. Into the market fot. a folr quantity of wool and to have kept the tone of the market very atrong. There ll:i been some strength added to prices, nut rthly of medium gradea but also of the finer wools, especially wools of good staple. The trade Is more encouraged over tariff prospects The goods market Is still In the dol drums, repent ordera being of minor pro portions, although the dresa goods manu facturers continue to get some good ordera. The mills are still busy, but gradually the old contracts are being, worked off and ' machinery autlvRiea Is decreasing. Wlnconsln. Missouri and average New fcngland: t blood. 2728c; blood, 27 J2Sc; M blood, 2425c. Scoured basis: Texas fine 12 months, 7075e; fine 8 months, 6567c California.: Northern. 77SOc: middle county. 770o; southern,. 60; 63c. Oregon: Eastern No? 1 staple, 80f 86c; fine medium combing, nwwi Clothing, 65O70 ; valley no. x. Dne staple cnoice. sdip.oi-. Wood combing. 65i&oc: niom. romb-lng, 45(850c; fine ana line m"'""; HoThlng, 6570c; fine and fine medium French combing. 'Of'! rulled: IVlalne. 8590c: AA, 72S0o, A supers, 60ifj)S8c. 7,ine Mohslrs: Best combing, !730c carding, ii&'iie. Oregon: fine and eastern 7073o. Territory: best Holland Letter on Page 20 Letter by Holland on money market will be found on Page 20. Sat. Afternoon AUCTION! Starting lt30 P. M., December 10, and Continuing All Afternoon. Partial List Complete furnishings of a twelve room "better class" roominsr house and one complete lot from the Gor don Van Co. Cane and mahogany living room suite, upholstered In blue velour: very fine fumed oak dining suite: ivory finish simmons bed and chiffonier to match; filing; cabinets, letter siie; flat top sanitary base office desk; gas stoves: gas plates; kitchen ta bles; rockers; dishes; cooking uten sils: slop jars; wash bowls end pitchers: dressers: BO comforts blankets; pillows; sheets: pillow cases: 6 U-e boxes: sleds: springs; mattresses: dining tables: lot of din ing chairs: pedestals: sanitary couches number of good russ; lino leum not to mention n lot more ar ticles that should be of interest If you want some particular article of furniture, call us, perhaps we have it. ATlantlc 6266. STEPHENSON, Auctioneer - 1509 CAPITOL AVE. The downtown, (team-heated, ground floor Auction House, Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Produce Live Stock Furnl.hed by State of Nebraska, da. Lartm.nt ef agriculture, bureau ef mar eta and marksilng: Ue rnltry. Wh'sale Wh'tals lluying helling . I'rtce. I'rlce. Drallera ,,, jf n; ;( u Springs 17 on jj u llena, light 14 U I ! W WIS Heae, bwvy 1 till i't itll Coras I r IS 12 t il iutkt ,.,,.i....i on i o:o 12 till 14 tc"0 Turkeyi to o:i ;t (,3d Preaaml roultry. Drollara "prints M.ii. .. Co. ks . t'ueka , Oeeae ,. Turkeys SO 23 ii It a fi n 435 o J. i n mi ,.U 022 ..17 : i . 1 1 V 1 4 ..1 V!i ..II V20 ..22 3 Klgs. ICggs, per case,.. . 12 4J 14,10. neiavi, rresn till) No, 1. rrtsh 41 f48 No. I, fresh 21 t30 Cracka, Irestt JJ j oinraaa SKIS tao- curding to grade) 2 40 llutter. Creamery, prints 41 Creuinury, tub 44 Country, beat 10 032 35 Country, common.. 22 26' ii llutter fat, elation (5 41 it OI4 Uto 40 via 046 (I 45 r4 ttlO price Pralrlo No. I. plain! . .32 Hay. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. I'plond t'plaud ., .MMIand.. Midland. Midland.. liOwlsnd. . Lowland. . (ch'ce) , Alfalfa No. 1 KtanUard No. 2 ...... No. 2 ('at tUraw , Wheat Straw II. HI u 12.10 9.MIJJ1U.50 7.40 K 10.(01411 60 H.tlift 10.00 7. onto 8.00 l)Ut 9.00 7.0UW 8.U0 1S.O0iift9.00 l.00(i17 00 12.O0U15O0 lO.tlOw 12.00 t.OIHti I 00 t.oaap 9 00 7.00 s ou U block east of the r. Capitol Are. r U a o D o n o u 2 Warehouse property, o 1108-10 Howard. Retail fi stores on Farnam street, o D TO LET Trackage Warehouse Property rtei'elptfl were Offw-Ml Woal.y.,, Of fid. I Tueedsy .. Official Wednesday Official Tliursday., Kmimala Kri.Uy . , . . Klve days tli.a k..U,oli Kama day last k.H.l Maine day I wk ago, 10.542 Ham day I wk auo.Uo.m Hauie day year ago.. 24.1)2 Omaha, Pee, t, Cattle Hon "heeo 1 i.1 1.414 .v" 4i 1.60V 21.004 44.04.1 24,191 1.121 40,v?7 t.47 4,052 1.0m 8, Sol 1.40 1.3:2 I 114 1. 1 (.3 10.4U 2.104 10.. 1 2 51.124 7,99:) 2II.9-9 30,1911 Reeelpta and dlapoalllnn of live stock at the Colon stock yantiJ, Ontuliu, Neb., for 24 hour ending at 2 p. in., I 'St em ber I, 1121: RLTKIPTS CAHH. Cat. liga. h), r.. M. & St. P. Ry W abash R. It Mo. I'ae. fty I'nlnn fac. R. R (.'. ft N. W. Ry., east .,, C, ft N. W. Ily wet ., ('., Ht. P. M. A O. By... ('., H. Q. Ry., eaei ., f ., Jl. ft Q. Ry., wett , , C, It. I, A P., east ., C. It. I ft P.. wet .. Illinois Central Ry. .. C O. W. Ry IIM. Total receipts DISI'OBITION M KA1. II 13 1 ... 7 4 14 I ... 8 3 4 ... 3 ... 10 1 3 1 ... 1 1 ... ... 1 1 ... 3 U 43 11 Potatoes Potato shipments continued to decline laat week, as shown by the unload reports. A total of 10 cars were unloaded in Omaha during the first five daya of laat week. Very little trading was done and prices remained unchanged. No Nebrsska Karly Ohio potatoea aold to re tailers at 31.73 to 12.00 per nwt., with No. 2 selling at 31.30 por cwt. Ilwl River Ohio stock sold to retailers at 32.00 to 32.26 per cwt. Hay Hay receipts ran aUghtly heavier test week than for tlia ptecedlng week. A totnl of 12 cara were reported for the firat five days of last week, os compared with a total of 0 cars lor the alx days of the preceding week. Of laat week's receipts, 28 cars consisted of prairie hay ana .4 ot alfalfa. The prices 0: No. 1 reupland and No. 1 midland were reduced (0 centa per ton. The receipts were very light the middle or the week but were heavier than uaunl the last of the week The demand continued good, especially for the better grades. Poultry The extra heavy shipments of all kinds of poultry Into the market that prevailed during the Thanksgiving sea son became lighter last week, especially on live stuff dearera offered about lc more per pound on live springs and hens than they were willing to pay the first of the week. Dressed poultry wsa In abund ance on the market and the demand waa very light The prices of pressed poultry remained unchanged from what was quoted the flrat of the week. Kggs There was a material increase in the receipts of fresh eggs on the market lust week, but prices remained quite steady up until the last of the week when some ot tne larger aeaiera quoieu 111c buying price at a sharp decline. Host ot the dealers are buying eggs case count and paid 311.00 to 313.00 the last ot the week for No. 1 eggs. 8ome paid 114.10 to 115.00 per case, less off. Storage eggs are selling at 28o to 40o per dozen, according to grade. Butter There was no change reported In the prices of butter last week. Cream ery prints sold to retail city trade at 4te per pound. Receipts 01 country butter were somewnat neavier last week, ouc dealers were quoting the same prices that prevailed a week ago. Fruits rananas, rcr id., zjfomic. Oranges: Size 310 and larger, J6.So!.7.00; slsa 260, 6.007.00; size 280, S5.50.00; size, 324, 35.00 B. 10. T.emons: Boxes, 86.60ft6.60. Urapen: Emperor, in luga, 34.00ii5.26; In kegs. 37.00; Almerla. 110.00. Grapefruit; Crates, 4.50jf6.00. Apples: Jonathans, according to grade, 2.2S3.25; Delicious, according to grade. 3.60)5.00; Rose Beauty, according to grade, 32.001913.00; spitz, aceoraing to grade. 2.602.75. Cranberries: BB1., 20.0025.00; l-3 BOI., tigs: 24-8 OZ.. JZ.ZBIff Z.4U; 1--J.U oz., ti.ou; 60-0 oz., 83.603.75. Dates: Dromedary, 36 pkgs. per box, 38.75; Fard, per lb., 26c: Hallos!, per lb.. 17c Vegetables Potatoes: Mebraska .ariy Ohlos No 1, 81.7502.00; Nebraska Early Ohios No. 2, 11.3001.73; Red River Ohios No. 1. 32.002.25; Red River ohlos No. 32.00. Sweet potatoes: Per bu., ?1.60p 00; per bbl.. $5.00 fffi 5.25. Celery: Jumbo, tl.231.60; Michigan. 6576c. Head let tuce: In crates. 34.0U4.50. Leaf lettuce: Per dozen, 5060c. Onions: Red dm.), 67c; yellow, lb., fjfiie'Ao; Spanish, crates. regular, 3.508)Z.7& ; upanisn, 110 10. crates, 37. 00($6.00. Cabbage: Per lb., 4c. ucumbera: Dozen, 31.50gp2.5Q: box, 35. so. Cauliflower: Crate, 3i.76ift3.00. Radishes: Dosen, 76W90c. Squash: Hubbard, lb., 2 !i4c. TurnlDs: Per lb.. H423c. Carrots: Per lb.. 21,4 3c. Egnr Plant: Dozen, 32.60. flarllc: Per lb., 35c. Peppers: Per lb., 15 ft) 25c. Brussels Sprouts, rer lb., 2to. Khaiieta: Psr dozen. 90c. Carrots: South ern Young, dozen, 31.00. Beets: Southern fra.ll .loxen. SI .00. HI see aneous Honey: case, iu.ouroo.uu. Nuts: Black walnuts, lh., 68c; English walnuts. No. 1, lb., 30?i33c Brazil nuts, washed and large, lb.. ISc Brazil nuts, washed and medium, lo., lbqyibo; pecans, No. 1. lb., 20 30c; filberts, round sicny. lb.. 16.(f'18C peanuts, jumoo, raw, io., laiAtfilSc heanuts. hand picked, raw, lb.. 9Vic: peanuts, hand picked, roasted, lb.. 1 I 6b 1 Qreen vegetables ureen peppers: rer lb.. 35c. , ,t . Root vegetables parsnips: j-er 10., ac. n.,ihanes: Per lb.. 2V4c. Beets: Fcr Ih., 2Mic. Carrots: Per lb.. !14t. Turnips: Per lb., 2V4c Cucumbers: Fancy or extra, oox. 35.60; fancy or extra, aozen, j.u. Hides nnd wool. Beef Hides Ureen salted No. 1 (late take off), per lb., 7c; green salted No. (Ista take off), per 10., onoc; green No. 1 (late take off), per lb., 46c; green No. 2 (late take off), per 1b., 8 lc; ren salted (old stock), per lb., 33P 5e: green sauea ouu niaa, poi- iu., w green bull hides, per lb., 3c. Hrtria M loea i,arK-e. t 'n. i.bu'w..vv medium, 82.00: email, 31.60; pony ana Tinea 75era1.R0. tstieep Miaes reus, green sauea, en iu size and wool, each, 15oc; sneariings, creen salted, as to size ana wool, eacn, wool cno ce line ana "a oiuuu, per lb., 154GP18C; cnoice meaiuiu ana blood, per lb., 1216c; choice low 'A blood, per lb.. 10 12c. NUTS. Black walnuts. 5c. Knglish walnuts. No 1 s?.n. Brazil nuta. large, I He medium, I618e. Pecons, No. 1. 2024c. Filberts. 1618c, Peanuta, Jumbo, haw, 12UC16c: hand picked, 11c. The wholesale prices oi orei con are s follows No. 1 ribs, 18V4c: No. 2, iuc- No. 2. l!Uc: No. 1 loibs, 22ttc No 2. lH4c: No. 3. 18c; No. 1 rounds, lsuc: No. 2. 13c: No. S. 10HC No. chucks. 8t4c: No. 3. 8c: No. 3. 7c; No. l niates. 7L,c: No. 2. 7c: No. 3, H4c Mlarellaneous ma's: Z 8 -OS. pacKages, box. 32.00: 10-1 2-oz. packages, box, Honev: Crt.. 24 frames, so.o". tocosnun Per sack, 88.00: per dozen. 11.23. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. H.v TTpdike r.raln Co. PC. 2"37. Dec. Cut. It: Armour Co, 413 3l Cuilahy Pkg. A .... 24.'. lmld Pkg. Co. 0 I. orris Pkg. Co t8 8H0 Hwlft ft Co 2s5 3 J. W. Murphy 1,498 twang Ci 313 Lincoln Plig. Co 59 Ogdcn Pkg. Co 20ii Hlgglns 1'lig. Co 40 81 Hoffman llros 22 Midwest Pkg. Co ileiitiin ft Van Hunt ,. til J II. llulU 10 K. a Christie ft Hon . . 31 Dennis ft Francis ... John Hrrvey 223 Hunlzlng.T ft Oliver .. 60 T. J. Inithram 3 F. P. Iwl 1 J. II. Root ft Co 10 Rosenstoclc Hros 25 Other buyers 200 t1 1 p. ' 747 1.554 1,037 .1,818 4,6114 3Xt Total Cattle With a light run of cattle Frl day the market ateadled down and practi cally everything offered went at Thurs day's levels. Strictly choice corn-f.'d yearlings brought 8H.25ft9.20 ami good weighty beeves fold around 3.608 7.60. Choice heifers sold up to 13.23 i 3.25, but ordinary cows were hard to move snd. outside of desirable yearlings, steers and heifers, the market is around 25J)50o lower than it was a week ago. Demand today came largely from shippers, as lo cal packers are still crippled by the strike. business in storkers and feeders vns quite active with prices generally 20o higher for the week. OUotat fins on Cnttlr. Hood tn rhotra beeves. 37.25Q8.25; fair to good beeves, 3r. 25ft, 7.10; common to fair beeves, 35.50 tog. 10; good to choice yearlings. Sft.Ooft) .50;" fair to Rood yearlings, S0.50tfc7.7fl; common to fair yearlings, S5.&0 rg) 6.60 ; good to choice heifers, 35.8508. 67; fair to good heifers, 34.75475.75; good to choice cows, $4,411 lip 5.00 : fair to good cows. $3.30 35; common to fair cows. 82 50fi'3.35: good to choice feeders, $3.90i'lt. 50; fair to good feeders. 8;i.405.86: common to fair feeders, $4.75i)5.35; good to choice Blockers. $ii.25g)6.76; fair to good stock rrs, $5.75iff C.25; common to fair Blockers, 25.005.(0; stock heifers, $4.005.25; stock cows, 33.2504.00; stock calves. I4.607.26; veal calves. $3.608.2o; bulls, stags, etc., 82. 60S '4.60; good to choice grass beeves. 35.75fT6.50; fair to good fcrass beeves, 3 005.60; common to fair grass beeves, $4.60ig5.(i0. BEEP STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 11 796 $ 6 33 22 1030 $ 8 50 16 831 7 00 20 1272 7 25 18 1270 7 50 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 3 863 6 00 15 896 8 00 22 326 6 75 24 956 9 25 HEIFERS. 6 763 6 25 27 811 5 50 CALVES. 2 ISO 7 00 Hogs Receipts,, 3,600 head. The market was active, showing a general advance of 10lg)15c over yesterday's average. Light hogs sold at 36.366.55 with a Top of $8.60. Mixed loads sold at 36.OOI2p6.25, packing grades at $D, 5006.00 with the heavier grades selling down to $5.00. Bulk of sales was $0,006 H. 35. HOOS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sn. Pr. 43. .316 150 $ 5 50 65. .290 190 $ 6 75 66. .282 110 6 00 C2..2C9 ... 6 15 63. .232 70 6 30 75. .241 ... 6 35 75. .221 ... 6 40 77. .238 70 6 43 80. .240 40 6 50 64. .208 ... 6 56 72. .223 ... 60 Sheep Receipts, 2,300 head. The fat lamb market was very active today show ing a general advance of 25H135C. borne choice lambs selling-for $10.85 with fair to good lambs finding a ready sale at 310.2510.5O. All other grades were quoted steady, feeders selling from $0.00 fa) 9,25, ewes are -quoted from $3.505.00 with no choice lots received today. Quotations on Sheep Fat lambs, god to choice. $10,606)10.85; fat lambs, fair to good. $10.00S'10.60; feeder lambs, good to choice, $.1. 50&9.00; feeder lambs, fair to good, $7.508.60; colt lambs. $5.25(6.25; fat yearlings, $6.007.50; fat wethers. $4.605.25; fat ewes, $3.005.00: feeder ewes, $2.753.50; cull ewes, $1.00fi'2.50. FAT LAMBS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 254 fed 82 $10 85 237 fed 73 $10 50 UKKUKR LAMBS. 69 9 60 Art. I Open. I High. I Low. I Close. Yes. D W. Farnam Smith D & Company Jackson 0584 1320 Farnam Street - aoaoaonononoi Wot, Dec, 1.104 l.MK 1.11 1.1" May 1.14 1.1514 1.13. 1.1 1-1 , 1.14'4 1.1514 1.13 July 1.03H! 1.03H 1.014 1.01H 1.03' 1.03H! J 1-031, 1.0214 Rye I I I I Dec. ,4H! .85 .831.1 .'S .84 May .901,1 .14 .89 .91S .90 Corn t Dee. .484j .48 .48 .4814 . .48141 48 May .64i! .64H .63 .644 .64 .541, 6414 .Tulv .58 I .66 U .55 .63 .56 oats I I I I ! Dec 1 .52l lS2 .32SI .32! 32 i .22141 1 iv May .38) .3814! .331, .38! .28 .3l 1 314 July .39 I .39 .38 .39 .33 Pork I I Jan. HS.O" 113.39 114.78 18 15.00 :i4 7i i .Tan. I 8 81 I 8. 10 8 71 8.80 -75x May I 3.22 I 1.25 9.13 9.22 1.13 Ribs I I It Jan. I T.70 I 7.4 7 7(1 7.77 I T.S7 Msv ' 3.00 I 8 0S 1 7.97 8 05 I 7 43 By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. (hlrag Tribune-Omaha IW laa4 Wit. Chicago, Dec. 9. Grain market fluctuated in an erratic manner. Trade was not large, but toward the last report! that Germany waa in quiring for large qtianiitir of wheat, rom and rye M to free buying and an advance. The c!oe was at net cains of 5-8&1 l-4c on wheat. Corn averaged lower, but cloed tin chanRfd, while oatu were unchanscd to l-8c higher. Kye gained S-8('i 1 l-4c. Scattered buyiiiK watt sufficient to life -wheat prices around 7-8c early, but the buying quickly gave out and a break of 2 cents from the hih fol lowed, due more to lack of support than any pressure. Many of the lo cal rleiiiFUt went short on the de cline and started to cover freely when seaboard messages reported Germany was bidding and inquiring for offers on a liberal scale, one house receiving seven cables. Prem iums on red winter wheat to arrive advanced S cents to the basis of 8 cents over December and also as sisted in making the bulge, the fin ish being about the top. Mills liny wheat. There was some buying of May wheat hre that was attributed to mills that apparently were removing hedges against salts of flour, although the general run of reports from the southwest Indicated no Improvement In the demand. Con siderable exchanging of futures fur cash gialn for export account was under way. but there was nothing In tho character of the buying to siiKgest a large export buelncss. It waa estlmateii tl.ut Hruunn bushels of Manitoba now at Buffalo chunged ownership. exporters taking grain ngulnst previous sales, and fresh export business of 400,000 to 600. Ooo bushels was claimed. Corn showed a heavy undortono from the start, with local traders and com- mission houses moderate sellers, but when wheat rallied corn followed and finished about the top, after a rouge of W';c. Country offerings were reported as slight ly larger In some iiections. 'i no guit una outside markets outbid Chicago as much 2c in some sections, and the bulk of the grain sold went that woy. Export ers were after gruin ana sales exceea- tho 70,000 bushels reported here, while at the seaboard the day s business was estimated at IIOO.IRIO bushels. Domestic demand was less active, owing to local sellers asking higher prices compared wltl? the futures. Sales were 37,000 bush els, with receipts 303 cars. Oats Follow Corn. .. Action of the oats market wag a re flection of that of corn, and while there was buying ot May at 38 lie by a strong commission house, trade In tho aggregate was not large. The domestic shipping de mand continues fairly active, with sales of around 150,000 bushels per day, whilo the country Is not selling freely to ar rive and local receipts were 65 cars, with samplo sales generally unchanged. Eastern interests and cash houses were good buyers of rye from the start and there were reports of export sales which were confirmed after the close, with a total of 300,000 bushels. December was sold and May bought at 614c difference, while thero was spreading between May wheat and May rye at 24c difference,.! the rye being bought. No. 2 on track sold ut lc over December. Receipts, 2 cars. Pit Notes. "We do not look for any cheaper h'ogs In the near future and feel that any ex pansion In interest In tho product will mean a further depreciation in price," mean a further' appreciation in price," meats continue In good demand. Offer ings from packing interests are light, oven on the advances." ' A late seaboard message from Russell said one house reported having seven or ders from German houses, asking for offers on wheat, rye and corn. Kansas City wired Thomson McKin non: "Export houses here are bidding basis of 114c over our December for No. 2 mixed corn. 30 days shipment at the gulf. I am told business Is going on all the time." "The importation of wheat by Japan is not an unusual thing," said B. W. Snow. "Ordinarily Japan is a small exporter when her crop is large and an importer when the Japanese crops fall down." Seattle wired that it wp.s reported on good authority that Japanese brokers had bought American wheat freely yesterday and the day before. A New York message said: "The United Kingdom paid a shilling advance for hard winter wheat, equal to 2Uc a bushel." Minneapolis wired: "Considerable more wheat in. but part of increase is south western winters. Good milling wheat is in good demand early and mostly sold at unchanged prices." New York wired Steln-AIstein: "Import ers say they have lots of cables and bids this morning. One house reports a 1,'ood business and another house states that its bids are all for United States wr.ear. ' Australian crop reports are favorable, Harvesting is now general. 133 Nat Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. Dec. 9. Cattle Recelnls. 5.000 nead: beef steers, fat she-stock and bulls, mostly 1625c higher; top yearlings, $9.35; gooa i,t05-pouna steers. iuo; bulk beet steers. $7. 0098.00: canners and cutters. slow; veal calves. 25c to 50c higher; bulk to packers around, $9.00; stoclcers and feeders strong. noes Kece pis. neoa: active, lo 25o higher than yesterday's aversge; mostly 25c higher: closing strong; hold over moderate; snippers oougnt aoout 17,000; two of local smaller houses iu market; top, $7.50 for light lights; bulk, 180-pound and down, $7.25 7.50 ; bulk 200-pound and up. $6.807.15; pigs. 10 tffifio higher; bulk desirable, 7.35p7.&0. hheen and l.ambs Reee nts. 17.000 head: killing classes, generally steady; fat iamb top, iii.tia; bulk, ju.swu.''1); emis, $8.009.00: top yearlings, $9.50; no choice ngnts here: fat ewe top. $6.00; bulk. $4.505.50; practically no feeder trade. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Dec. 9. (U. S. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts. 3.000 head: beef steers, steady to 25c higher; mostly 1625c higher, closing strong; top heavies, $8.60; other sales. $5.257.75; she stock mostly steady to strong, spots. 25c higher, better grade cows, $4. 50)6. 00: other kinds. $3.60(84.25; few heifers, $6.607.25; others, $4.006.00; canners. dull, bulk good kind around $2.00; bulls, $2.754.60; calves, steady: good and choice vealers mostly 37.007.50; good and choice heavy, 36.507.00; junky kinds, 32.003.00. Hogs Receipts. 3,600 head; market 15o to 20c higher; spots. 25 higher; light lights to shippers, 37.00; light butchers, $6.90; bulk of sales, $6.706.90; packing sows, strong, good grades, mostly at $5.76; pigs, strong, best $7.10. Sheep jind Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; sheep, sready; lambs, strong to 25c higher; fed westerns, $10.25. Si. Louis (.rain. St. Louis. Dec. 9. Wheat December, $1.08 bid; May, $1.13 asked. Corn December, 48c bid; May, 63c. Ual3 December, 36c; May, 40c bid. Chicago Grain New York Quotations Kama of price ot (he leading stark furnished by Lo llisn, I'nU.i Trust building : RAIL. Thur. Illsh. l.ow, Clou. CI.--. A. T, ft V , 9 '. Halt. Ulna , 2 36 84 ('Hainan I'arllic. . j:o 74 14 l T- 7 24 14 33 71 32 79 l 50 no ii S. V. ntra chea, ft Ohio.,... Kne H. It (It, Northern, rfd Chi. IH, Weatein, Illinois CnUul K. C. B.iulher.i, . . MlasoArl I'ailfl.. , N. V. N II. ft it. N, Panda Ry.,.. chl. ft N. W Prim. R. It Heading Co,....,, It. I. ft I 8.. Pacifle Co Southern Hallway, M, ft Nt. P.... I'tilo ii PaiMflo ,,,, Wabaall STKtl, Am. Car ft Vdry..l4 143 Allls-l'halmer Mf 34 l:ou no lit, i 13 74 7'4 3!' 70', 31 79 18 19 II lit !! I" 79 41 211. 71 31 ! m 20 71 34 '4 l 19 33 31 79 1 l Financial 1 1 Bonds and Notes I2i i: U i:4 i Am, l.nco Co. I'ld. A I. H Corp. . 11. Id. 1.. Wka lleth. Htret Corp. . Colo. V. ft I, Co. .. Crucible 8. Co. , . . Am. 8. KixindrUe. . Lack. Htrel I'u. ... Mid. M. ft Ord. Pressed 8. Car Co. Ilep. I ft Btoet Co. Kail. Hteel Spring, H.-Micf 8. ft Iron, I'. H. 81. .el Vanadium Steel 99 i it 87 91 i:i M An. Con. Mln, Am. 8. ft 11. Co. Chile Cop. Co. C'hlno Cop. Co.. I 'ul. ft Arts. . . Insp. Conn. Cop. Kenn, Cop Miami Cup. Co. Nev. C Cop, Co. Ray O. Cop. Co. I'tah Cop. Co, S 84 47 29 C 64 ; 9i 3 CoPPKUS. 48 47 4S 12 27 42 33 45 24 5i. 62 93 34 83 31 ih l:"i 2714 39 24 20 14 14 2 31 'i 26 !' 14 14 81 INDUSTRIAL". 144 34 14 M 64 fi'l 34 4Kb 29 80 6: 93 .".9 8.1 32 4 4S 12 !7 ii ! 24 14 .14 32 31 3414 'si 46 29 7 68 0 31 34 32 41 2 '4 7 69 4 73 10 ,10 34 82 66 .17 11 61 2 19 42 10 14 32 I45'i 87 1. 9 86 1 37 2$ 84 35 44 2 16 62 91 Its', M 33 47 44 10 27 53 37 25 23'. 14 14, 61 31 39 81 21 115 SI' 32 47 29 7 70 30 42 74 10"i Am. 13. Sug. Co. .. 2 28 23 A.. O. ft W. 1. 8. S. 81 30 31 Am. Inter. Corp. .. 40 39 40 Am Sum Too Co. 31 30 30 Am Cot Oil Co Am Tl ft Tel ...11 116 1M Am Ag Clt Pro.. 21 Bosch Magneto .. 3411 Con'tal Can American Can Co 32 Chandler Mot Car 47 Central Lthr Co. 30 Cuba Cane Hug Co 74 Cal Pckg Corp... 69 Corn Pdcta Rfg Co 94 Nat Knam. Stamp Famous Players.. 74 Flak Rubber Co.. 11 Gen Klectrio Co... 13644 ut Nonh'n Ore.. 31 Uen Motors Co... 11 Goodrich Co 3SV4 Intornat Harvester 82 Am Hide Lthr pfd 67 U 8 Ind Alcohol Co 38 Internat Nickel... 11 Internat Paper Co 63 Island Oil ...... 3 AJax Rubber Co.. 20 14 Kelly. Sp gf'ld Tire 42?. Keystone Tire, Rub 11 Internat M M. com 15ti Int. M. M.. pfd.... 64 Mex. Petroleum ..113 112 Middle States Oil.. 16 14 Pure Oil Co 38 Wlllys-Oevlund Co. 6 Pacific Oil Par.-Am. P. & T. . Pierce-Ar. Motor.. Royal Dutch Co.. U. S. Rubber Co. Am. Sr Rfg. Co.. Sinclair Oil & Rfg. 22 Rears-Roebuck Co. 56 Studebaker Corp... 79 Tob. Products Co.. 69 Trans-Cont. Oil . . Texas Co U. S. Fd. Pr. Corp. Union Carbide White Motor Co... Wilson Co.. Inc. . . . West'se Airbrake.. Western Union West'se El. & Mfg. Am. Woolen Co... Total sales, 608.800. Money Close, 5 per cent; Thursday's close, 6 per cent. Marks Close, .0052 ',4; Thursday's close, .0052. sterling Close. $4.1014; Thursday's close, $4.09. 73 11 V16 136 136 31 31 Slli 11 34 82 66 84 11 62 2 20 42 111 15 64 113 112'1 14 14 11 3414 82 Vj 67 37 ll. 62 2 CO 42 10 II "4 64 45 61 54 49 V, 63 54 10 411 10 45 39 29 93 93 49 li 0 37 6 46 61 13 48 62 63 21 56 78 57 10'i 45 9 45 39 2R 93 91 49 80 38 6 45 61 14 49 63 54 21 56 78 59 10 46 10 4 45 39 29 93 92 49 80 37 46 61 14 48 62 64 22 66 i . 79 68 10 46 10 45 38 20 9i 49 80 By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. I hli-ags Trlbuii-Omli He Im1 w Ire, New York, Dec. 9, Perhaps the most sigtiihant fact about today's stock market wa the abrupt decrease in business. Tho number of shares which changed hand was the small est in live weeks and not much more than one-half of Wednesday's figure. This hardly mean that the public is nhaiidoning the market, for the public has aheady been absent from it for a considerable period. It is more reasonable to assume that the professional operators have grown fatigued at the physical effort of put ting prices alternately up and down against one another. Change of prices were as meaningless as they have been throughout the month; in general, today's movement was slight. A downward reaction in foreign exchange rates would have surprised nobody. Hut the decline did not con tinue, quirk recovery ensued, and al though only Spanish. Swiss and Swedish exchange sold up again to the Reason's high level, the rates on London. Paris and Berlin ended at higher figures than Thursday' clos ings. Proof of Position. In some respects this wnyi more striking pi.Mif i.I ihs market's atrong poalllon ihun has yet been provided. The whole of this month's In fnreiKU cm ha lie c Is highly liiteresilug I'mumeiit, first on the London oracle who lately piti-tir'd the Imminent cullapse of Kuropean finance "which only a mirui lo rmild aeerf," and next on the recent plan of Professor Cii. sel and his newspaper toadjustor for "revaluing" the pound sterling at tho New York price of $3.6.'.. Kadi successive statement of Eng land's foreign trade Is examined by In telligent people with two illslin't ques tions In mln. I whether tho total volume of trade Is Increasing or decreasing, ami whether the monthly "Import surplus" is rising or 'falling. The flint considera tion determines the trend of profit and prestige tn overseas trade, upon wlitc.i tlrent llrltsln's prosperity depends; th.i second shows whether England Is or Is not taking Its foreign Indebtedness In hand through a normally balunced out ward and Inward trade. Tho November figures, cabled todny, show the largest foreign trade of any monih allien March, but valuo of exports and Imports com. blued is less by 43 per cent than In No vember, 1920, and the reduction In cx pbrts nlone Is somewhat larger. Since the fall In average Knglish prices dur. Inp the Intervening 12-month had ben only about 83 per cent. It follows that in actual tonnnge there ha been a tonslder ablo decrease. London Money. London, Dec. 8. Silver Bar, 31 per ounce. Money 214 per cent. Discount Rates Short Mils. 3 per cent: three-month bills. 3 9-16 per cent. 3 Today J Last 'i Mat. 2:30 Ev'ng. 8.20 'fwo Times Brock Pemberton Present Zona Gale', Rial Life Comedy Hay Market Furnished hy Omaha Hay Exchange, December 1. 1921: Prairie Hay Receipts have during past week; demand prices slightly lower. Alfalfa Receipts light; demand good; prices stesdy. Straw Limited demand changed. Upland Prairie No. 1, No. 2. $9.5010.50; No. 3, Midland Prairie No. 1 No. 2, I8.60fiil0.00; No. 3, Lowland Prairie No. 1, 2, $7.00(5)8.00. Alfalfa Choice. $18.0019.00; No. 1, $16.0017.00; standard, $1 S.00 1 5.00 ; No. 2, $10.00 12.00; No. 3, $8.0O9.O0. Straw Oat. $3.OO9.O0; wheat. $7.00 8.00. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. Ga., Dec. 9. Turpentine Firm; 73c; sales, 150 bsrrels; receipts, 376 barrels; shipments, 184 barrels; stock, 12.171 barrels. Rosin Firm: sales, 940 casks; receipts, 1,691 casks: shipments, 1,141 casks; stock, 77,243 cask. been Iisht fair; top prices nil. $11.50$12.00; $7.5008.50. $10.50fg11.00; $7.008.00. , $8.00 9.00; No. "ftgiss Lulu Beit. WMh Csrroll McComs, and Orljla,! Company Matinee, 50c tu $1.50. Nignt, sue in .uu IT COST TO PRODUCE "The Black Panther' Cub" Starring the screen's foremost emotion al actress, FLORENCE REED, support ed by an exceptional cast. It is sensa tional, lavish, and spectacular. Don't miss it! It will be shown at THE BRANDEIS THEATER for the entire week starting tomorrow. Two New Specialties at Whole Broiled Baby Lobster Served Hot With Melted Butter, Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City. la., Dec. 9. Cattle Receli ts. 800 head; market, steady; fed steers ami yearlings, $7.60(6)11.00; warmed ups. $4.00 I5i7.00; fat cows and heifers, $4.oo?t7.59; rSnners, 31. 50tB2. 60; veals, $3.50i8)7.50; feeders, $4.006.00: calves, $3.6056.60; reeding cows and heifers. $2. 604.5t; grass cows and heifers, $2.50$ 5.00. Hogs Receipts. 3,000 head: market, t 4J15c lower; lights and butchers. $6.35(0 6.50; mixed. $; heavy,. $5.00$ 6.15; bulk of sales, $6.106.45. Sheep Receipts. 600 head; market, steady; top lambs. $10.36. St. Joseph Lire Stock. St. Joseph, Dec. 9. Hogs Receipts, 7.500 head; market 25c to 35c higher; top, $7.10: bulk. $.7587.on. Cattle Receipts. head; 15243c higher: steers. $4.50ft10.25; cows and heifers, $3.50310.25; calves. $S.O0'98.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.500 head; market steady; lambs, $3.76610.50; ewes, $4.00434.75, Breast of Guinea Hen With Orange Marmalade, 75c New York Sngar. New York. Dee. S. The local raw sugit msrket was unchanged with new croo controlled Cuba quoted at 2e. cost and freight, equal to 3.60c for centrifugal end 2c for old crop, or 3.08e for centrifugal. There were sales f 10.000 hags of new crop cuoas to an operator lor January j shinment at 2c. cost and frelrht. Cable I l'.' advices from Cuba state that there are now six centrals ginning in Cuba. Raw sugar futures closed: Janoarv, 2.17c; March. 2.18c; May, 2.28c and July, 2:40c. r I.lbertT Bond Price. New Tork, Pec. 9. Liberty bonds at noon: 3s. 95.70; first 4s. 97.12 Vd: sec ond 4s, 7.: first 4s. S7.34: ee-ocd . 47.10: third 4p. 7.S: fourth 4s. 97.40; Victory 3s, .; V'ctory 4.-. t9.S. Llhe-ty bonds closed: 3s. 35 70: first 4. 47. IS bid: second 4s. 7.4: first 4a. 47.34: second 4. 7.: third 4. 7 41: fourth 4s. :; Victory 3s. 39.9$; Victory 4s. $ 33. PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY with iron wire and steel window and door guards, bars, bolts and locks. Champion Iron ate Wirt! Works 1505 Jackson St. Jackson 1690 j Hotel Wtenelle i7H , !25- T and I m iSlK HI . - 111 . l-eVjr'k.liWL.'liV: 71 ' III in -pfr in At All Hours in the Main Restaurant The Indian Room After the Theater LAST TIMES TODAY EMPRESS NOEL LESTER CO., in "A Variety Surprise;" HOWARD & JEAN CHASE CO.. in "That' Mln;" MAQK & STAN TON, in "Home Sweet Home;" HAN LEY A HOWARD, in "Class ft Sass." Photoplay . Attraction, "A TRIP TO PARADISE," Featuring Bert Lytell. OPENS 'WhJti OPENS , TODAY iH1' TODAY cdstorvo'fAeJundle dxd Qvdi7dupocrisu. mmmB THIS PICTURE AT THE MUSE TODAY ONLY Jiff vlfn ' w Headquarters of Good Things to Eat" FINAL DAY "The SVIhacSe" I4J2 19:4. Am, T. a T. Co, 4a, Am, T. T. 4'o s, Amend., la. 14:4 Aruiuar Is, 1J0 Ileglan llov, . 1941 , It.. uo llov. 7, 1143 H.l ll. Steal Is, 1432 .. Ilrlll.h , 1421 Iinti.n ta. I9i Can. No. 4a, 144 AS. ln,l AAe.l Tit 1.1 100 lo 3 47 oo 103 13 to l .104 1UB ,104 1014 .1"" lsa .99 49 . 4! 41 .107 10 I'., B. Q Jt. , 1J4I07 101 Chile Ss. 141 101 101 D-nmaik . 1943 lot I ii4 !u Pont ?. 1411 1"4 o Pr.n.h llov. . 1414 ,,,, ov French llov, 7s, 1441,, 91 II. V. (lixidrlrh ;. im . 94 Hood. T. hub, , I9H.II0 ill l.t Northern 7a, 114.104 104 Jap. llov. 1-t 4a. 1923.. 14 37 Jap. llov. 4s, 1911 71 71 Norway la. 19411 n4W 14 N. W, H. T. Co. ts, 1941.107 107 N. Y. Central 7. IMS ..loi 106 Penn. K. H. I'o. 7. 110. !" 104 P. It. It Co, , 1914 ,.IS4 li R. W, 11. T. Co. 7. 116,101 101 Hwlft Co. 7s. 1923 ....100 100 Hwlft Co. 7a, 111 ...102 102 Nwlas llov. 8s, 1940 111 114 I , . nunoer 7s. isjo.H'J Vacuum oil 7s. 148 106 u Vi'vat, In. ,. 1913 ....106 lU tv& Men. Kl. Irutiuny 8a, 1944 llrunl 8a. 19l .102 .101 104 107 107 101 .104 4 41 4I 1 41 1 5 41 4 67 I 41 44 I 4 $ 73 t 13 7 14 .7 7 97 9 7 14 94 10 44 I 13 I 09 4!l 4 II 4 14 5 94 4 73 41 43 III 1.23 3 75 14 7 76 7.40 llrttiUlrrels Trade Kelew, New York. Dec. 9. lirudsireet tomor row will aay; "The outstanding feature In tho tr.i'lo reporla this week are the aians of In creased activity In retail trade, due to the stimulus or holiday buying the country over .and seiisouavi weather In northern, eastern and western areas, against which Is to be noted a further aeaaonal quieting down of business ,if lubbers ami whole salers, who, approaching the Inventory perioo, are iniitsposea to assume new com mitments. Kven In til matter of retail buying, however, there are irregularities visible, largn department tore advertis ing freely, finding distribution better than do small retailer In general. As a whole, holiday trade In money value doea not measure up to that of a year sgo." Weekly bank clearings, $4,999,609,000. South Side Pioneer of Omaha Diei At Home on South Siile Pertiard StiRge, 7.', .NU T street, died at his home yesterday. He has lived in Onuha J7 years and is sitr. vived by three sous and three daugh ters. Funeral services will l e held in Hrewer chapel at 4 !s.ilurd.i of- afternoon. Kev. C. Holler will liciat. Burial will be in Grace land cemetery. Need for Stimulant Costs Man Two Fines Henry Hansen, aged South Sider, who told Federal J mine Wood rough he must have liquor for a stimulant, was linrd $5 in federal court yesterday. This was bis see ond oileiiae, but he test tied he had paid a $UK) fine in the stale const, llo lives at J0JI 0 street. South Side Brevities Kor RaleA man' $43 overcoat, as gooo) aa new. for 313, 3U. Market 1441. 71RT VRKK r'l'lt HAl'.I.INil. 3701 W 8TKKKT. MAHKKT 1268 Advertisement. tllllKNT COAL? CKIITAINI.Y. MAH KKT 0076. HUl'TII OMAHA ll'ri COM PA NT Advertisement. F.nouKh fuel oil to supply the river steamers of that country has been found in Colombia. New York ('niton. New York, Dec. 9 Th list was Irregu lar in featureless trading In the cotton market today. Karly uncertainty gave way before scattered short covering and moderate support from trade Interests, which lifted the list III to 20 points over Inst, night' close before the end of thn second hour. Hut the market fell back again In the hiter trading, losing the early advance when aouthcrn interesta and local longs aold more actively. Price re ceded to a level of 10 to 18 point net loss, but before the close rallied to on a level with yesterday's final bids. The market was steady at tho finish, three points lower to one higher. IN PER- SON "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" Mat. end Nite Today Good Res'v'd Seat 50c luck Slmor Preient, Burlaik'i Mont Popular Entertainer LEW KELLY & His Own Pick of Merrymakers "T.l Mr. Kelly at "Fuller Bull." every aerlona. ,nce. Teeml with brine) sew "KELLYISMS." Ladies' Tickets. 15c-30c Every Week Day fplill LAST DAY extern (0Vauw CUICVXV th but im vauotviut Last Two Time MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 Early Curtain TONIGHT at 7:55 RALPH RIROS 4 KA7HERINE WITCHIE: GEORGE MeKAV OTTIE AROINE; FRANKER WOOD A BUNEE WVOE; QUIXEY FOUR: Nail Abel; Palmero'i Cir cus : Juogllnt Nelieni; Aemp's Fsblsa; Toplo, of the Day: Plthe Weekly. Mats., lie to too: msis 73s and $1 Sat. and Sun. Night, lio to $1; wi $1.23 Sat. and Sua. Next Waek C4RLYIE BLACK WELL; Tha CANSINOS and Othtra. FINAL DAY The Sheik" The Season's Sensation LAST TIMES TOWITE DONT MISS IT TOMORROW "POVERTY OF RICHES" A Pass From a Woman's Soul Mi j yustie Ljaraen M lii'DAlMCEi S! II IM At Omaha's Big & ill Amusement Palace 1 ?3 lfi'eO Refreshments Muiic Entertainment ySf lliBiaPS Carl Lamp's Orchestra Wh 11 Pa' GRA IN WE solicit your consignments of all kinds of grain to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kansas City and Sioux City markets. We Offer You the Services of Our Offices Localed at Omaha, Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, , Illinois Sioux City, Iowa Holdredge, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska Des Moines, Iowa Milwaukee, Wis. Hamburg, la. Kansas City, Mo. Get in touch with one of these branch office with your next grain shipment. The Updike Grain Company "The Relialle Consignment House" nic