THK UKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. WXMlHhK U. lU'Jl. Classified Advertising Rates ! r tin Iragnt t id nn I 1f ! $ ia far o"y, I iomkuiioi d It par ib vt dy. T wiimi d f ar tin par (ay. I wixx ullx da No 4 lakaa (or iM Ilia lotad al lira, Ikaaa rn ny aiihar to lb ltl or Huiiday lira. All 4rliMiunia ppar la bat a waralhi and oaalaf daily iiaiwra lut la fti tuNTKACT ItATM ON AI'I'l.lCATIoN Waat ada cnpied al laa tollowlBl at-fu-aa; MAIM nrriCK....Iilt and raraam hit. h.-ul Bid .... Dauib Kill HI. Cun.-ll lnufla 1 aVnil "I VVANf Af KECEIVaUi UK 4'llO.Vk, ATLANTIC l0 TUB BICE Kill nut t rponlbl far Ittoi lhan aaa Incurrart tneriioii al aa aatartiaaiuani ordered lor mora (baa oo liuia, iuMiNO houri ron want Ana Kviiiic fc.lltlun 11 40 A. M. lrnli, tuition.,,, ....: P. M. udy Ml Hun I I. al.. halurday p EATHjTFiTr ITOIJ4PANT William K. beloved, ion of Air. ana Mr. Kveratl t!ol.ant, dl.d at tba hum, JOJt Howard street, at lh uf 7 niuniha and 17 day. Funeral rrvne at Hulaa A Rlepen aliail, 'iZH Cumin. lrat, rUlunley, at J p. ill. Intnl. inl Prospect Hill remeiary, IIKH.NHARDT Sil. "J ri. Fri day at tua hunia. 3I0 atran. Funeral Hatilnluy 4 t. lit. from Brew. funeral hum, 1'ltli and K tirwf, Hcv. c. F, Il.dlrr iifftclatln;, llurial at Ira.-, -land Park cemetery, OI'NI'F.llSo.N Uunder. una i tr, Thurailay at hia hmn, ;i,ul t. Ht. Funeial featurday at t p. in. from Biawrr'a fun.ral limn, :4th ami K. Ktv. A. K. WullHirn officiating, llurial at llra Hntnl Park cemetery. AUTOMATIC "aim; courrat burial vaulla n diaplay at leading undertak ers. Writ Omaha Concret Vault I'n., Omaha. CARD OF THANKS. wjrfwiSlt Til extend our heartfelt 7hnks to th neighbors, relatives. First United I'reabylerlan Sabbath school, painter and decorators' union and friend, for their many kind arts, sympathy and floral offering during tha Illness and death of our dearly beloved son and brother. Mr. and Mra. Harry Vo. and Daughter, Anita. CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn Tha largest rmatery In Nebraska: 120 acres Just north of tlin city limit west of Florence. An Ideal location safe from dlaturbanc by tha clty'a growth. )'erpetul rare. Not operatad for profit. Cemetery ofrica Forest Lawn street car terminus, 42d and north city limits. City offlc, 720 Brandela Theater iilJg FUNERAL DIRECTORS. P. J. STACK & CO., Succftaaor to Stu-k t. Falconer OMAHA'S BKST. ISAMbulance;irv0 Thirty-third and Farnam. Hulse & Riepen PIONEEIl rUNERAr, DIRECTORS. Formarly at 701 8. 16th St., hav movedto 8824 Cuming St. J a. Hit. "heafey&heafey : Dndrtikr anil YOmbalmera. Fhon HA. 266, )fflc 1611 Farnam. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON VI Dour las. Ph. Doug. $2U FLATIRON Ji'Rr7.r ;hv,p-AVsi.?i: SAY IT WITH FIX)WEKS FROM HESS A aWOBODA, 1415 FARNAM STREKT. JON BATH, 1804 Farnam. Jackson 1908. I.. Henderson, 1607 Farnam. Jackson 1268. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Ilirtba. Arthur and Mary Anderson, hospital, bor, - . lrfwla and Rosemary, John and TCssie Furgeaon. 6807 North Thirtieth street, boy. Clyde and Bertha White, hospital, girl. Benjamin and Marie Uray, 1821 North Twenty-second street, girl. Fred and Bertha Carlaon. hospital, boy. Karl and Dorothy Price, hospital, boy. (lust and Minnie Carlson, 4368 Mason atreet. girl. Claude and Margaret Miller. 4290 "Wirt . street, loy. Charles and Lotona, Gavonla, 1508 North Sixteenth street, hoy. Harry and Alice Schuldlce, hospital, twins, girls. Clinton and Hannah MeCracken, hos pital, girl. Orle and Laura Stiles, 3714 Spencer atreet, girl. , , Robert and Nina Williams, hospital, boy. Klmer and Maude Anderson, 12m South Fifteenth street, boy. t'uul and Lena Cattan, 1011 South Kleventh street, girl. Hector and Susie Jlonole, 516 William street, dirl. Harry and ilary Whitney, 4913 Spencer street, boy, Tatrick and Mary Gaughn, 616 South Sixteenth street, girl. Deaths. 'William A. Reeves, 24, hospital. s Keith W. Ileum, infant, hospital. Mra. Mary Keller. 61, hospital. Robert Watson, 61, hospital. Walden Nelson. 10, hospital. MARRIAGE . LICENSES. The following persons were isaued per mits to wed: A. Jarvla Croft, 21, Yuma, Colo., and Olive D. Shandler, 21,- Esbon, Kan. Le C. Allgood, 21, Omaha, and Mar'.e Ellis. 18, Omaha. GiuKoppo Roicaforte, 24. Omaha, and Maria ltusso, 21, Omaha. (ieorge W. Johnson. 24. Waurika. Okl., and loia Beitz, 26, Denver, Colo. James Peclia. over 21. Omaha, and Anna K. Moelier. over 21, Omaha. Jerry Kruplrka, 23, Tobias, Nub., and Agnc Simkovsky. 19. Tobias, Nfb. ' Leonard .Talmscm. 31, Omaha,, and Esther O'Grady. 16, Omaha. Len Carter. 22, Omaha, and Evelyn Lewis. 21. Omaha. XMAS HINTS "A Tip From Santa" TMH KULS CAM SUPPLY TOUR XMAS , A .N 1 S W 1 1 11 A , Tiano. 'victor Vlctrolas. Tlayer Rolls. Victor Record. Conn Saxaphone. Violins Drums. Guitars. White Sewing Machine, All useful and practical Rifts. Take his tip and aee u NOW. Mickel's lth and Harney. 12 SELECTIONS FREE WITH COLUMBIA ORAFONOLAS? Sacrifice sale of typ K-2 Columbia Orafonolas. tliirht.y used formerly S120. While they last. 97?. with twelve selections (Columbia records) free. Easy Terms. No Interest HART MAX! Sixteenth and Howard Streets. FOR CHRISTMAS A butiful airedale puppy for kids and grown-ups. Why tpend money for trifles that mean noth ing. That is looked at and put away. A irood Pappio, intelligent airedal will 1-rtnf joy every day in tha year. Certi fied pedffreed from eur prise winner. S17 V. O. V. Bidg. TeL AT 134$. A N IDEAIj pift Attractiveiy framed motto -"S rents and op. Ficiura framing drpartment, tli floor, Braa de:s storea, FI RS make excellent Xmi- gifts. we rarry complete stock. Chas. J. Gold- w Fur Co., ever Fry a ahoj store, lih ihI Iiglss street. TRAlB ur uaed piano on a new flayer i jpiano. Balance as lew at ?I9 per m 01 to. 1 A- IK'V'E CO., 1U Lu;i BRINGING UP WHATti THE. HATTER? THE GUMPS You av That can't BeVWE- . THAT i JVSt CAH'T PO rVNYrvUNIj- BvTf V 7i ..' I r J one HATPS r--v II '. I I'LL FOOL VOO- WAHT TO "MOW THAT CAM MAKC BREA AS Joct XMAS HINTS. Enjoyed Every Day In the Year Ts a flubscriptlon lo the nmnha Dally and Sunday - Bee. Appreciated by every member of the family, and a dally re minder of your thoutfhtfulnesj. Semi your order to Subscription Department, The Omaha Bee. I' AN OIKS! CA.VDIKS! CANDIES! Alt rami leg in their purest form made duily In our sanitary candy Kitchen by ixpprt candy makers who know their business. Chocolates, creams and nut candy put up and delivered in our special Christmas Hoxen. CANDYLAND H22 Karnam ' . , FURS!, FURS! FURS! Mink chokers make an 'ifleat present 115 to ?20; 'one-half their -value. . - DRESHKf THE TAILOR J&15 Farnam, BlTY a Nu Bone corset. See our lovely lino of Bungalow aprons. . Silk Ungere and novelties. Hattie Putnam, 602 Karbach Block. BKf bargains in phonographs and records. SHLAJES PHONOdKAPH. 14114 Dodge. SPPJCIAL prices on Xmas box candy. Rogers, 24th and Farnam. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. BOSTON BULL pu-p, male, white face, with white extending cn the neck and turning a little to the right; white tip on right hind hoof; answers to the name of Jack. Reward. Market 4297. LOST Briiullo and white Boston bull terrier, male; name, Freckles; mange spot on thigh; Bhort, crooked tail; lib eral reward. Jackson 1495. Call after 6 p. m. LOST Fox hound; color black, brown and white; tag No. 5956: answers to the name Jack. Call Market 1935. Reward. LOST Black leather wallet containing in surance papers, valueless to finder. Re ward. Market 3965. LOST Shell rim glasses, Sat'dey, at Em press. Reward. AT 6S87. Bet. 8:30 & 6:30. LOST St. Barnard female. "WA. 0S49. Re ward. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE CLTMATE CURES TUBKItCULOSIS at Mountainair Sanitorium, Alamogordo, N. At.; board, nursing and medical care, $K to J20 per week: for reservations or piirticulnlrs address, H. L. Hoover Sianaser. PERSONALS. THK SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. Wo collect. We distribute. Phone 1 Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodire St. MADAME Mayo Johnson, the beauty cul ture teacher, preparing to open the beauty culture hair dressing parlors for white only. Working colored students. Roil open for new pupils, Web. 4778. WILL Mrs. Anna McMiHlael please write her sister, Mrs. C. E. Blogg, 112 So. 17th St.. Manhattnn, Kan., at once. Important. KATHRYN L. RILEY, skin and scalp spe cialist. JA 3268; shampoo and wave. 1. SUI.PHUK bath. Swedish massage, chi ropody. Evenings to S. 209 So. 20th St. Theatrical historical masque costumes, for Plays and parties, at iLeben's, Omaha. CLEANING and pressing and repair work. Call Webster 4728. ELECTRIC baths massage. Block. , 318 Neville EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS 9540. RENT Hoover vacuum, tl.25. HA. 1071. ELECTRIC bath. Swed. mass. WE. 2911. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, eide, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button & Pleating Co., 308 Brown block, Jackson 19.;. NEBR. PLEATING rH: tons. 1S06 Farnam. 2d Floor. Dg. 6670. Contractors-Painting. PAINTING, papering and plastering. J. Nau. Walnut 4567. Dancing Academies K'FIF.P'S ms Samara. Dougla 8440. -"LJ1-'-L We have taught more than 15.0C0 people to dance. Let us teach you. Expert Instruction. Beginner or advancea class or private lessons. Dentists. DR. NASH. 724 City Nat l Bk. AT. .J7. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bidg.. J A. 2"5. Night. KEN. 3812. Independent Detective Bureau. 304 Neville Bik. Atl. 6501: night. Wal. 4056: K. 0465. JAMES ALLAN, S12 Neville Blk. Evidence lured in all cane. Atlantic 113S. DETECTIVES that get result. 409 Pax ton block. JA 1819. DO. S757. Dressmaking. FI RS, auits, dresses, remod I, relined. Ha. 6804. Kodak Finishing. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coivnng. developing, printing. Kl Studio. ;i.t Neville Blk. FILMS DEVELOPEll "FREE. The Er.sign Co.. lt7 Howard St. Patent Attorneys. J. w. MARTIN, patent attorney. 1711 t nodge. Omaha. '.so uasntngton. u. - W help veil patent model mad FATHER OUR COOK I LEAVING WANT VOO TO to tc-lu net? 4-000 q e SEE IT IN C0L0R5 IN THE SUNDAY BEE ANNOUNCEMENTS. Printing. F.UDY Printing Co.. 213 S. M St. Do. 8047. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS price with privilege to buy back at email pront, unu3 JliWKI.RY CO.. 3 N. 16th St. Doug las 6019. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single. SOe dnublt. edire. 45o doz. Mall orderB ao. licited. Omaha Sharp Co.. 103 N. 16th. UM AHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half price of new beds. 1907 Cuming. J A. 2467. FULL dresa and tuxedos for rent. John FeUtin an. 109 N. l'ith St. Jackson 3128. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. I.eBron Meclric, 318 S. 13th St., Omaha, CALL Herman, the Olazier., Kenw )ud 2701. HRITT Printing Co., 7 F.Iks Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods, ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner. WaLiut 376.1, Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drutna.xylo phones. etc.; Instructions, ripalrinf; 2761 Davenport St. Phone Harnv 29G7. JOHN TAFF saxophone shop, .repairing and supplies. 806 Leflang Bldg. D. 8476. 8S-NOTF. player rolls, cheap. Wen. 2699. Clothing and Furs. FOR sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool 'Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free, DUNDEB WOOLEN MILLS, Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. FURS remodeled, relined and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. 203 S. 15th St. Douglas 728Si Typewriters and Supnlies. . TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jackson 4120. 1912 Farnam. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, fpM needles and parts. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 1973. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, elo. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 61 46 WANTED To buy a McCaskey register that could handle 300 accounts or more. Box A -10 5. WANTED SITUATIONS.' Male. YOUNO man wants work, wholesale house, assistant shipping clerk, any thing in that line. Honest, willing worker. DO. 7051. EXP. salesman and collector, married, 12 yrs' road exp. ; expert on farm machin ery; will except any employment. L 390, Omaha Bee. EX-MARINE, 16 years continued service, wants position as watchman or special police in city or out, good references. Box A-115, Bee. A-l TRUCK DRIVER, position as delivery man, wholesale or retail. Thoroughly acquainted with Omaha. References. Reasonable wages wanted. WE. 4094. YOUNO man wishes work as salesman or clerk, well recommended, honest, good worker. C. E. Young, 202 2d Avev Co. Bluffs, la. EXPERT ice cream packer, also under stands how to care for wholesale trade. Acquainted with retailers in Omaha. DO. 7051. MAN will do any kind of work in ex change for room and board. L-428 Omaha Be. ALL around dairy man wishes position, dry milker and a good caretaker. A-26. Omaha Bee. STEADY man will work around place for board and bed. John Davis, tlen. Del., Omaha. MAN in need of work can fie housework, painting and stationary fireman. Doug. 6715. MAN Age 61; handy worker: educated, wants work in private family. George Robinson. 319 N. 17th St. WANTED Work in hotel or restaurant; anything; married man. L-40w, Omaha Bee. YOUNO MAN going to school would like an afternoon Job. Call R. L. Potts. Kenwood 4116. YOUNO married man must have work. Permanent work only. Call Cieo DeLay, 4035 Seward St.. City. STENOGRAPHER Office assistant. 1. I yrs. experience, high school graduate, reference. L-404. Omaha' Bee. YOUNO man wants work on Saturdav or Sunday night, or both. Box A-29, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED meat cutter want posi tion. Can givp references. WA. 3790. MACHINIST, first clap. 11 jr. experi ence, wishes work. Tel. Walnut 5031. ACTO mechaidc. married, experienced all cars. Wood. Harney 1544. RELIABLE colored man. 3. want work pi any aina. we.. ,n. CARPENTER wants work for a few days. IV Mark"t 29o7. 1RCU clerk. Have had 4 year exp. I.-;7, EXPERIENCED fireman ork- Al. 7. W ID I V I A rlERE-'S SOME. SK JOST ) t f 5!i'-.p; T 7ZZZZT MOTHER VS- TO fefi V$V 10 ) A 'TtSVTT AAt.. V--'n"',H N 1 T I 11.111 Tt - M av f - X I I t V. 8. i'aLiil OfT., Ri ati4. FEK NC TO SAY MAT COOKr. I TIT FOR TAT WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. HAWAIIAN-CHINESE student desires p--. evenings and Saturday, for board and room. Tel. W. L. A., AT. 3732 after 7 p. m. YOUNG married man wants office work, experience in accounting cost and gen eral office work. Best references. MA. 3567. MAN out of work wants Job varnishing, polishing furniture and woodwork In privuts home. . Reasonable prices. DO. 67H6. YOUNG MAN, good education, technical experience, office experience. Work ot any kind. References, Box A-30, .Omaha Boe. REFINED middel ageil lady desires posi tion, housekeeper In widower's family or fHther and son. Ref. L-396, Omaha Bee. STUDENT wishes work, evenings and Saturday, board and room or salary; ex perienced In drug line. L-395, Omaha Bee. WANTE1 Position by young married man as truck driver or clerical work. Can give references. Call Market 3761. YOUNG man, ex-serviu. urgently in njed of work, oild work or any sort nccepted, Call Atlantic 4917, ask for Kinney. YOUNO man, 26, desires position with real estate or collection agency. A Stayer, 3605 Charles street. GENERAL housework wanted by Jap man with good ref. Call Atlantic 4699. Morning or evening1 only EXPERIENCED fireman wants position; prefer plant. AnthinV accepted. Call Fireman. Walnut 1488. EX-SERVJC'E man, married, desires em ployment as watchman, grocery clerk, janitor or porter. A-28, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED laundry man wants to be manager, none too large or foo small, I. U. L., 210 No. 25th St., City. CARPENTER wants work any kind; let me fix your storm windows. Carpenter, 1921 Chicago. AT. 502 MAN wants job in garage to learn re pair work, had some experience. G. D. R., L-394, Omaha Hee. EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur wants private family or garage work. Ref erence. Webster 6109. HOTEL manager or clerk wishes perma nent position, very best or rererences. Box L-398, Omaha Bee. YOUNG colored man wishes employment as chauffeur, hotel porter. Ref. Webster 0233.' Ask for James, COLORED MAN, married, wants position as janitor in an apartment house. Box L-407. Omaha Bee. SIT. WANTED Cook, meat and pastry; in or out. Address J. H., 401 North 16th St. Female. REFINED middle-aged lady desires posi tion as housekeeper in widower's ramny or with father and son. References. L-408, Omaha Bee. STENO.. over 12 years' experience, thor- ouchly qualified ana competent, ucsires position; fllO. liest reference. L-409, Omaha Bee. POSITION WANTED As housekeeper, in motherless home, by young woman. Kef. Box L-403, Omaha Bee. WANTED Position as cook; best of ref erences, prefer institution; years of ex pereince. Call KE. 2862. A RELIABLE colored woman wants house cleaning and laundry work of any kind. ,'Ie. Douglas 7084. COMPETENT stenographer desires pet manent or temporary position. Five years exp. Walnut 3113. FOR a competent practical nurse call Webster 6172. Drs." references. Con finement cases special. WIDOW wants housekeeping position, town or country. 2906 B St. Apt. , South Omaha. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion. Competent and reliable. Web ster 2014. PLAIN and fancy clothes carefully laun dered, also curtains and blankets. Web. 4283. STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone operator desires position. No experience. JA. 2829. WHITE woman wants housework, mail your letter to L. P., 1469 So. 17th. ANYTHING in a grocery, factory or labor work of any kind. Webster 1642. PRACTICAL nurse wishes engagements; excellent references. Market 3504. GIRL wants errand job. Box L-427. Omaha Bee. experienced. ELDERLY colored lady wishes to nurse children. Webster 2941. YOUNO white woman wants work fore noons. Doug. 6297. Laundry and Day Work. RELIABLE woman wants day work, washing, cleaning, any kind of work. Helen Ellis. 2003 Cuming St. AT. 3746. A RELIABLE colored woman wants house cleaning and laundry work ot any kind. Telephone Douglas 7084. WOMAN wishes bundle washing of all kinds; will Yall for and deliver, with ref. Web. 3105. BOHEMIAN woman wants work of any kind. Day or nights except Sunday. Douglas 6.161. WILL care for your children at your home night or day; also day work. At lantic 2018. DAY work and bundl washing wanted, either plain or fancy. Market 2877. EXPERIENCED laundress, C5 to 411 cents per hour. Call Douglas R759. DAY WORK of any kind. Call Douglas 7153. Referereo.. LAUNDRY, cleaning or care of children. Webster 61 . COLORED girl want general nousework, I DAY work wanted by whit woman. Call Douglas ."'.."..'!. DAY worK wanted bv colored woman. Msrk-t :,9'.i:. DAT work wanted by whit woman. DO. KfL JIUCS ASa IN fVl.1. rt,t. OP fOIORS IN THE SUNDAY fltfc I UNDCRtiTArO L l-KAVIrH- J M.'"3'tlr M WE, TOCO A 7 ef iv- I'VE LEFT- WANTED SITUATIONS. Laundry and Day .Work. LAUNDR Ywoik by the day. iVK 0:u2. DAY work, laundry or cleaning. Web. 3214 Male and Female. YOUNO married couplo with atnall child desire Job on farm. Can give refer ences.. Wagner, 6239 So. Twenty-third. Market376t. HELP" WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. RAILWAY mail and postal rlerl: examin ations. Age, is upward. S130 monthly. Experience unnecessary. For free par ticulars write J. Leonard, (former Civil Service examiner) 909 Equitable Bldg, Washington, D. C. Professions and Trades. BIG MONEY! DO IT NOW! LEARN THK BEST BUSINESS IN THE BEST WAY. IN THE BEST PT.ACH AND . SHORTEST TIME. l.tAK. 11' ai.i. AT THE NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 281 N. 20TH ST., OMAHA. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG. WANTED Two flat-bed and two rotary pressmen. Iowa town 35.000. Good wages, splendid working conditions; open shop. Address Box Y-1741. Omaha Bee. WANTED Five compositors, two Linotype operators. Iowa town 35. "00; good wages, splendid working conditions; open shop. Address Y-1740, Omaha Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Write for catalog. EXPERIENCED retoucher wanted. Rem brandt studio. Jackson 3548. Salesmen and Solicitors. GOOD RELIABLE SALESMEN TO SELL 3 PER CENT CONTRACT for Deed. Meeting at 458 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg., Friday eve. SEVHRAL salesmen, country territory; selling groceries wholesale to consumer. Must have car. Large commissions. 2404 Ames, Omaha. CAN use salesperson for high-class groc ery specialty, house to house experience benificial to your service. Kenwocd u.nn SALESMAN wanted. Excellent opportunity for city salesman to sell office supplies. W. R. Stenim, 421 Paxton building Agents and Canvassers. LOCAL and country distributors, ex- elusive proposition, fastest selling auto accessory on the market. 1"U per cent profit. Write Safe-T-Lite Co., 112 N. La Salle St.. Chicago, III. AGENTS Wonderful article, something new, sells on demonstration, every home needs and buys. L. Loser, 2421 Cum ing St., Omaha, HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Ladies to learn barber trade. Professions and Trades. Special rates and Inducements. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEOP1. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED An experienced salcrflady in our delicatessen dept, Table Supply, Meat Market. TWO young women to sell a first-class spec, in city. A good seller. Box L-402, Omaha Bee. Household and Domestic. REFINED housekeeper for modern home. , no children; one in family. References required. A-31, Omaha Bee. HOUSEKEEPER without children, able to do plain sewing. See Mr. Om.'S, .tele phone building. WANTED A housekeeper In a Christian family of 2. A-32, Omaha nee. Miscellaneous. WANTED 25 women. house-to-houte work, good money, bee A. J. Mca zie, 2315 Douglas St. BOARD and room, some salary, lor gin with stenographic experience. Harney 6S39. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Tri-City Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptoinetry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 for large illustrated catalog. Address EOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School or Business. Day and Evening Schools. 22E) Omaha National Bank Bidg, Douglas 5890. BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED Partner with from 7.t)iiu to II". nod to invest in excellent proposition. Must devote entire time to the business. Salary $75 to $190 per week. Particular as to character and business ability le quired. Write Box A-33, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Two service station gaso line visible power pumps: new; at half price. Phone Walnut 2886. WANT to hear from owner having busi ness for sale. J. C. MeConney, Ter minal Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GKT TULK ROOM through The B"e furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list nf chcice desirable rmms la U parts of the city. A etrrvir that benefits bo;h adterttter and roam seeker. A NICK nouth warm romi off larh on Harrr rar line. For gntlmen, $1 j pf-r week. 2)tj California fr. Ha 4sr., . NI"K. Iar" f'trn h-I rm-in : auit.iti'f fur toupl, buaid if Utbuvd. Uarni. r IXJ' Drawn for FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. TWO large rooms with kitchenette and connecting bath, 165. 1029 South Twen- ty-ninth St. Tel. HA. 1510. HARNEY 6720 Strictly modem ronm, privVte family, for i or 2 gentlemen, close- to L.avenworth car. DUNDEE, 9"5 Norlh Forty-ninlh street Two modern moms. Walnut 4107. References required. PHONE Walnut 1953 West Farnam dis trict. Large front room. Modern. 15. Fi,EAS,XT room, suitable for two 2112 Chicago. Atlantic 2'U7. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms la the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containirg desirable vacancies ip all parts of the city CASS ST.. 4158 Good locution. 2 larg. south unfurnished rooms, adjoining hall way for kitchenet. Make nice apart ment. Light, heat and telephone fur nished. UPSTAIRS of modern house, furnished for light hUpg.: light, heat and gas fur nished; 'walking distance. DO. 8976. 221) ST., 828 S.J Two roomr, nmuern ex cept heat. J4. for liKht housekeeping. i STEAM-H EATED. unfurnished room. Call Kenwood 0014 or Kenwood 1 tiSO. THREE lovely furn. rum. for lipkg in mod, home. 2503 Bristol street. COMPLETELY' furnished 1. 3, l-nil. apis. 602 Park Ave. Harney 5875. Board and Rooms. MODERN room with board, suitable for 2, Hansom Park, 1-516 So. 24th St. Harney 31M. 3006 MASON, board and room H. 373. Unfurnished Rooms. TEL. -WEBSTER 11191 Two unfurnished rooms for rent, light, heat and gas fur nished. 3S14 NORTH 20th; $50; 4 rooms and bath; garage: owner. 2857 Manderson. VINTON ST?! Ts 22 fw7)MODEHN FRONT ROOMS. JACKSON 4202. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. GOOD. well furnished. 6-room house, strictly modern. Good location. Lease to May 1. Jackson 004 6. Unfurnished. i92crsoutir2otirst. Only $20. This is a lifrlit sciui-baseinnnt. H.ts city wal or. sewer, toilet, ga", electric liKhta. all newly decorated. If you are now paying hiph rent, you wili find thee rooms a, bargain. Hastings & Heyden KM Harney St. Atlantic 01150. NKW 2-slory. 0-roimi, modern come in Dundee vacant. Atlantic 362,'!. 3917 SOUTH' 27TH ST.. 5-room cottage. Inquire 2522 B St.. Market 38113. STRICTLY modern hous. Forty-first and Dodge streets with garage. $35. S. P. Bostwlck. Atlantic 1606. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. COMPLETELY furnished 2 and apartments; private bath; steam heat: walking distance. Brown Apt.. 508 N. 21st St. DO. 6644, LOVELY six-room apartment, nicely fur nished, $65. Call at 117 So. 30th. Har. nev 6829 or 6S13. NICE'LY furnished apartment; accommo dations for 4 people. Ken. 1774. 2709 DODGE. 2 rooms and kitchenette; main floor; furnace heat. TWO ROOMS and hath, $7.50. 311 No. Twenty-fifth street. 408 NORTH 22D. 2-room, nicely fur nished, modern apt. Unfurnished. No Coal to Shovel No Sidewalks to Clean If j on mut an :.partm rit in Turner Court At Hist and Pudge Streets. Tii fee renins wit h ,r-rom m i omoil; t i on s. Conveniently a mi n fed, nicely lorattd. No. 2'' $70.00 per inonlh. No. 113 JMt.oO per month. Peters Trust Company, 'Where Omaha Rents." Atlantic n' t I. I7ih and Farnam PI" Unfurnished. DANDY large 4-room apartment. 5-roolil accommodations. good neiK'ihorhood, 22nd and Wirt St.: price. $7 p-r month. Includes heat, light, gas. hot and cold water and phone. Call Doug. 7715 during day; Web. 3191 evenlnfcs. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RF.NT8 3.115 DODGE Strbtly mod-rn fiat. Good location. Call Jackson 3352. FOUR-ROOM steam heated apt.. $.:.".. tt. . sel'bins. Dill Chb-aco. FOR RENT Business Property. THREE-SToRY and lisem-nt baiidirx 2'U7 FdriiKtii St.. right in I tie nn 01 III comii g retail .enter. Will lease 4ertn of ve.irs.. about 12 "iiu square fed in a'L For further in!rm':"n wl I ALFRED THOMAS si N CO. j First Natural I til I I WE HaTk ..-.,. snapiy .-:fi. lint "nt , v-.v reasonable. Call at 4" Finance: Bldg. - I Drawn for The Bee by McManus Cvtiyriubt, tU.I. lutrnatioiial News farvlr oh: I DON T KNOW U AOOOT THAT-TMC IW OOW L.AV.r - at a a. - t-CPT. ;2Jo The Bee by Sidney Smith V. I -aBtWarf- air-tll 1 Ml I " I Same; thinc, , ' I fit Ml S W,CN t1K. y pw5 n i Oiuvright. 11121. fhirairo Irlhuna tnntpar FOR RENT Business Property. MERCANTILE STORAGli AND WARB HlUJSE CO.. 11th' and Join StB. II. M. Christl", warehouse & trark'ge prop. SEE F l. H EAD. 810 ITo. 1STH ST. ' Garages. NEW double garage. 621 South 2Slh St. CASS ST.. 4907 Uarage. Wal. IX'Ja. MOVING AND STORAGE! FIREPROOF WARUIIOUSb Sepaiate locked rooms fur lirusehold goods and Viuno3, moving, packing and' skipping. IlEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. Southli:tn. Douglas 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracts taken by jub or hr. Glnba Van & Storage Co., JA. 4338 AT. 0230. 520-24 North 16th St. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 60 FORDS AND OTHKR MAKES. Cash Time. Trade New and Used See us before buying. Fords from 150 anil up. Winter Tops and Bodies. OOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 1318 Harney St. oJckson 2468. Central Garage. Open Day and Night. TWO Marmom 34s, seven pas. touring cars! .waiiiiun 0, iour pass, roadster. n'i ... . These c.,! are now ready for resale anil pri, t-s are extremely low. The cars nave been completely R-i-New-Ed and priced for quick sale. H. PELTON, 2019 Farnam St. SOME bargains in uaed Fords; prompt uenvcry oil new V OrOS. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3600. BUICK K-45. 1920 touring, perfect con dition, ltefinislied ; a real bargain. Ne;d some cash. Terms to desirable party, 2024 Fiirnam St. Phone DO. 8987. OAKLAND Sedan, refinished, perfect con dition, five tires; must sacrifice cheap. 2Q24 Farnam St. Call DO. 8987. BEY A OUY U SMITH-USEW CAR. A Safe Investment. 26Un and Farnam Sts. Phone Douglas 1970. USED cars bought, sold and eThangedT TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green- ough Radiator Repair. 2039 Faraam. FORI) touring. 1920, starter, very rea sonable. DO. 8154. 3202 South 24 til. WHTTF1T.Y Repairs Radiators. II1H1DU 1 320 Sit. 1STH ST. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 24th. Autcs for Hire. WHY not rent a one-ton truck and drive it yourself to do your moving ana haul ing? It will save you one-half your moving bill. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. T62J. Accessories. WHY lit'y cheap new tires .when you can get slightly used, not rebuilt or junk tins, for these p-c-f 30x3 fci. $5.00; 32x3', $7.50; 32x4, $8.50; 32x4V... $11.50; 32x4. $9.00: 34x4, $10.00; 3:ix4'i., $12.00; Blxl'.-i. $12.50: 25x5, $13.00. Cords $2 extra. All tires nonsMd. Send $1 per tire, balance C. o. D. 5 per cent off frr cash witli order. FLEISHMAN'S TIRE SERVICE. Service Garage 16 and Leaven worth. KARM LANDS Iowa Lands. FARMERS Sell yuur land: cash, terms, exchange: information free. George W. Brown. P. O. Box 553. Clinton, la. Minnesota Lands. EQUITY Lan Exchange. St. Paul, Minn. Nebraska Lands. 15 ACRES, norm of Florence, Improved. $5,500. Jackson 0327. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. FUNDS ON HAND NO DELAY. 5-year first mortgages on Iowa or Neh. land or city property wanted. See Mr. Day at Omaha office 12 to 2 p. m. It. in. L. R. Day & Co., 505 Krclino Bldg. Omaha. Neb. I'. 6994. 34 Pearl St.. Council Illutfs. In. Tel. D1. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. B II. LOUGEE. INC.. 538 Keeilne Bide. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2715. $l"i to $10. uoo made p ronintly. F. D WEAD. Wcad Bldg. 31U S. 18th St. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Tn I'uv or spM Oiilaha Ka Krtatp -e FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City N it. Bk. fildc. Jackson 142i. nRTiFMTn Peaitv c Lis w"n 1 41 8 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 196. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List it with C. A. Orimmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. P T P IT F T T REAL K SUTb. Dlftlilil I sei!s. Rents, Insure. 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 0633 FARMS, el'y real estate. Kale or ex change. All kind of insurance. REED A CO.. 1207 Farnam. Dougla 6146. FOR quick a-'tion list your property with BEST OESTKINO. Doug's. ! !5. "2 Securities Bid;. K7-li7 BKNN EK aiMi'AXV, IriTrancel Cull Edward Periey. Douglas 84'. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. $; cash w; 1 '.akrt firt paymeut on a beautiful 1'undee buncatow. abnut 2 years old. strictly ;ii--.ierp. oak finish floors. ImioI Will either seil or rent. A!.-" haie anoih.r 5-rHmi cottage In Dundee for rent. C all lor Mr. Crs at Duug'a Hil day. real estate suburban. Uuiiiiee. "" STVHV HIAMK AMI slTl'C' ptll Ml.ti UAilAllK A rl.Vt IHiMi;. A south front hum uun.-d .uil aubsiaimal honna HJ'ti f.'aiur. a firi!v , uti nmin. .iii. ii iloura, iM.wing irff d.nliia nwni, 3 l'1'l r..,.i.. .larpih iiai'-h and l'h ' ' mid (liNir; isk fiunta, H auamel fm i. It, nil burner, hoi air heatli.g plant: llmid heater, Uumliy lut. .! ' baannetil, Itrirk f..uiultloni laiga f't'i't imri-hi alnrm lid and U""ta. I'ra and Inrallun an application. A V Tt KKV A M'N. ;n tat N'n,l't Hank. ! a"" Florence Nethawsy, Flor. froo. no cotiired KII, H" REAL ESTATE TO EHANGE. Foil KXi'HAMIK Highly tiniinived. B'-ra fx t : . IS tulle, from lliineiil; bulliliima worth lio.nun, prha .''" 'r I rr, fetr uf 'ttc?uiiihran''a. ' a ilianae Uiger faun or wild lund. H' liwal) Urns.. !; I'lymouih Bid. Mlniiea.nUw, Minn, a Fl N B " A ' " H " Short distant finut paled road, nurth of Fltireiice; lllt'ely Itnproveil, lota f fruit, utie iit-ra riMderrte, fina varle'V. Hav IT.Hito eiuitv. Kschatiae for limn In illy. all Mr. Trai-y, IU 4" I.VVKHTIOATB enhanita" sttettr Forrad rash sales. CIIA.1, ML.T1I. ICi ran. am. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Wc"st." A Genuine Bargain Account of slcktiess, oun' r leauuit for Flurliln, must fell H-rnom hoiiie good a new. In West L.avnuorth dutri.-t; '! large lt a with fiuit and shade dig chicken houee, garaae, laundrt house nd other outbuildings. I'lu.c in I.eHvenworili far line, good naiaht'o' liniid. Will consider any offer and your mm ternis. Kvnlnaa ihnt.a Mr rainlt'-i. K K. n.itj; Mr Nhavar, Kb. -7 e. .n lr. Mrtcalfv, WA. 2776. N. P. Dodge & Co. 404 MirkJl II Id AT. Edgewood Lot Bargain Good lidgewond lot for aula vary tea. a. Minble. riunday and evenings tail WA. Benson & Carmichael 642 Taxlnn Illot k. Allantlo 3i.40. ' SfcVKRAL. choice homea In anl-mlld In.a tlona. only 1200 don. SHol'KN St l'(V, Realtors, 21! 4 Keellti Bldg. JA. 4221. BKST offer niad. liuya 4177 Vkclcy Ave, fine 7-roora bungalow. Cnlliedrai dlftrlct. Crelgh, aOn ne. J A. Q2IM1. FIVH-IIOOM butiKaloW, oak and enamel finish: large living room, paving raid. .lacksnn S2lil. J B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest merit. 64 2 Peter Trust. DO. 8097, D. E. BUCK CO buy and aed home. North. Attractive Five-Room Bungalow. Two-Car Garage 1h in is a'ry neat home, well bull, all ak finish, 5 good room, with hulli iri fireplace, buffet ahd bookcase, two car garage. Owner leaving city and prile cut from $8,000 to $6,6110 for quicU deal. Must have 2,600 cash. Locate I on Newport Ave., near 30th, In Mlnne Lusa. Glover & Spain 918-20 City Nat. Bank. JA. 850. Small Payment We are offering a particular M good buy just off the West Ames -A. car line. It lias five rooms. Is strlc mod ern with full cemented basement. Onn of its attractive features is the splendid hot water heating plant. Priced a trifle less than $4,500. While we are asking $725 down we might consider as low at $500, and the rest in reasonable monthly payments. Phone Mr. Mitchell, KK. 0799 or Amos Grant Co., Realtors DO. 8380, Until 6 P. M. -0i-2 Arthur Bldg. Ground Floor. 210 South 18th St. Montclair Bungalow Everything a five-room bungalow should be. Extra targe living room with fireplace. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Complete with gas heater, storm Shown by appointment. Call Grant Benson, evenings, Walnut 35SO. Benson & Carmichael 642 Pa.tton Block. Atlantic 3540. Own Your Home. Start Today. $5 Down, $5 Per Month. Wili buy a Jot, level and in good neigh tborhn'id, near Central Park school. Build yourself a small tempo rary home and pay for the lot out of the money you formerly wasted in pay ing r.-nt. Vrice J;'45 wnd un. , The Byron Reed Co. Pouglav A297. 1 II 1 2 Fa rn am R t ree t . Easy Terms For only $4,260 you can buy this five room, strictly modern bungalow. Oak floors and finish, bullt-ln bookcases, full cement baiement, located on an east front corner lot. House onlv 2Vi yea- old. Owner leaving city and must sell. Evenings, call Mr. Voorhees, Walnut 1744. R. D. CLARK COMPANY, Realtors. Atlantic 3531. 402-3 Securities Bldg. 3029 Layfayette Avenue Seven rooms and sun room, finished in oak and white enamel, newly decor ated, full basement, furnace heat, toilet m basement: garage for two cars. Im mediate possession. Triced to sell Ternis. George & Co., Realtors Atlantic 3024. Near Miller Park Dandy cottage, all modern, lot of fruit and two lots. $4,600; good terms. P. J. TEBBINS CO.. JA. 218 2. $600 CASH down buys that dandy 6-rooin house at 3163 Fowler Ave. Call Walnut 6711 evenings. H. S. MANVILLE. Realtor. Atlantic 2403. 615 Peters Trust Bldg. NEAR 27th and Ellison, new. all modern 6-room hungaIow complete, $4,760. Easy terms. Atlantic 3540. NORTH SIDE SNAP" " Six rooms, oak finish, garage, $5,600: good location. JA. 2419. NEW 6-room modern bungalow. East front on Prettiest Mile. Terms. WA. 5704. Vacant Property. Ralston Lots Buy now. enpin in ii p. a ounning Doom and prices will be higher. $200 up. Pay any conven ient amount down and balanc eay Payments See or phon Stewart, Ral ton 10-W. Miscellaneous. THE Old Reliable ResTistatTifflceT" M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO-, L'06 Dodge St. Douglas 1345. A 6-ROOM bungalow at a bargain. Only $750 cash payment. Douglas 6625. GEORGE F. JONES. Realtor. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE UN ION STOCK YARDS COMPANY OF OMAHA. (LIMITED! Th annual meeting of the stockholder, of the Union Stock Yards Companv t,f Omaha, (Ltd.) will be held at the office of the Company at the stock Yards in Omaha, Nebraska, on Monday, the fith day of January. 1922, t 10 o rioek a. m . for the purpose of ela.-tlng a Hoard of Directors, receiving report of its officer, and for the consideration and transaction of such other tnj.ine.. as may properly come before that meeting. The Stock Transfer Books of th com. pony wiil he closed ten .lays jrlor to th dr.te of tbe annual meeting. listed Omaha. Nebraska. December S. i:i. M. J.. SHAWCP.oSft. Secretary. When Out of Employment try A Bee Want Ad V r