TJIIC IIKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY. PKCEMBER 10. 1921. 17 ( i Sell l in jv Things It Pays 1 Santato Know Recent Bride The kiniple crepe de chine Art i, I !way iucccfiil, is mil worn this jcar. y Hrown rift drejri have liroad cloth appliiiel in the form of coin dots. Some of the new velvet gowns show jk hluiibcJ bai'k and a straight (rout. Rows of head mark off geometri cal figure in silk or velvet to cover hat frames. ' Same of the Parisian suit jackets emphasize the low waiatlinc in a pro iiounccd way, , C.owng of the Heating panel type are worn with the same variations with which various designers express their individuality. The cedar and united- chocolate tones of ltrown arc hcitiR made a rveat dral of in suits. They coin hine well with black. Christmas Banquet. The Christmas banquet for High School Ciirl Kcscrve club of the citv will take place Saturday evening at the Y. C. A. Miss Ruth Elliott, president of I ommcrce lliirh club. Mis Adeline Mcl'nllnrk of Friendship club of South lUfili, Miss Leola Jensen of l entral HirIi rreslimau club and Miss Zelda WestberR of Central High Student club and Miss Alice (iraves of Unison High will respond to toasts. Miss Mildred White of the Alumnae club will preside as toast mistress. Other numbers on the program will be a vocal duet by Misses Lucy Hill and Alice Castcel; a Christmas story. Miss Polly Kobbins: trio, Misses Alice Hooper, Gladys Rey nolds and Genevieve Jones; dance, Misses Mcrile Self and Dorotny Han cock; a playlet, "Christmas Eve," by eight girls from Commerce club. Breakfast. Grape Fruit. Oatmeal. Creamed codfish on toast. Coffee. Luncheon. Canned baked beans, brown bread sliced, steamed orange mdding. x Dinner. Cold sliced pork, creamed po tatoes, spinach, peas, lettuce sal ad, old English plum pudding, coffee. J ." . J ilm (itr m null '! H' tat tuHkliX ini. WtM'h lll'K "HM ; 10 ' Th unn't froup unt III It'Miia hi; guidUn. M'-. i. t' Ui'4iil 'Itiur.. ll.V eteltltil l' Un I'Ull.liu." KutK. I !! Mrn.lirl mul Ktl I.u W-t prprt diiint-r ilia Wnuifi "uit day. The vnln pnl in it iu.l of IIIU.II, Vh lluwnhl cruup lli't lli h"in nf Kixntn hr ili-y riJ lit fruiior unit worUrit on i'hnilin Hn MlM ! Jon. nai nrouil lll'l al (he h.mta tit Crul uy "n4ji lor tiu.m. iiitiiif Tim llinhhii gniiip m t limit of IjiuIm tlitu lt.nlhl W ...In. ..lay when plan fur thflr nil wr comiMol-!, Hearts of celery stuffed with cream ' cheese and sliced on lettuce leaves with French drcinjr. Governor Urges Purchase of 1 92 1 Seals An official document siKiied by (ioveriior S. R. McKeUie, who is honorary president of the Nebraska 'J'tibgicuUikis association, reads; Tli liiillilay i'a..'il ! iinii'hliitf and iiuoiy i.rnplK i bo tloulit iirotmriiK ll-t ..f rtiinililutii atul llimklii how u'' t" iha mimuiit lli-y jnirn.t aa lfl iluriiic tli ari-iin. Ilvr I l.h to rail at l.'Mil'Hl In l'i f'"l IKat Ihi-t will lie l i ) on miIo riming i'ii ditto lire. aMIim riinalmna llmu-amla i'f t'hriniiaa anila nf . cry iirnn laio l-iar (Httt ran bo put mi I. iirTi. an. I lim it n il o( vt iiy mf .! ilt'iHriiii mil. 'I hi-.a aU will rua oni tii'iiiiy rai h aitii Hill U ofd'rpil Imp aala wit ilio aifi.rla anil al iHtuih in varlnuv pulihu I'lai liy ihn.a iiitrft!it In Ihn work for tthtrli iIim fiuincy ilonva.l will tia iii..iiilo., Mhli'h. in Una , la tiactl in afav ami finally. II la hiiitl. la rMiliat Uiat Itialilioua itlaaaao knuwa oa f uiirrrlllimia. Inn Nrliraaka Tiilifrt'UliMl aaaiH'lallnn, 1 if Hlllill IT, H. K Tnwiia la iriaupnt an. I lra. K. It. J, IMIinlm nf IHnah la '.' raiary anil tmaaiiri-r. In their report of Ilia wum fur lh year Hilt' Auaual, IIJI aliima it Inraa imrnaw hut llio rar ICO. I lakn ihia inaihoit nf I'limiiivmlinif I hi wmk if llio aiHifiy ami aak all tn pur i haaa th fhriatiiiMa anila ami thereby re leva tli.ia affiii'ieil ami pievenl the iirei nf lllla Unailfill illei.ei ait fatal l huMin ii. I y. If y.'il In lva h".a anil fheer iti tlin affllrteil, iiun-haao Iheao I'hri.tniaa tnltena nf smil will. Central High Parent-Teacher. , The rarent-Teacher asaociatioit of Central High cliool will meet Wednesday, tf p. m. in the school auditorium. Ex-mayor Hrown of Kansas City itl talk on "Mm and Women uf Tomorrow," All parents of children attending the school are requested lt be pir rnt and take part in the dn- ins. ion mi "I lie AiKi.i'iihi tit ln titmit ll Sl'tll Hi I Mil. trill. Ill I'.lfa ticipate in ihe I'iiiii.hi til the Parent IVaibrr Aim.i i.hi.iii " I'.ee NN ant Att rcoduce Kfaiilti. Pee Want Ads Produce Result Mr;.. William Rapp is a recent bride, her marriage having taken place I'riday, Deeeniber 2, at the home of her brother, Albert l'hil pot, of Lexington, Xcb. Mrs. Rapp was Miss Lena lTiilpot hefoic her marriage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. I'hilpot of this city, former ly of Weeping Water. The bride's parents entertained in honor of their daughter and her husband last Sunday evening at it family dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Kapp of Waterloo entertained for them at dinner Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rapp will reside in Omaha. Things You'll Love To MakSr titchedSwwc) This hemstitched smock is rather unusual in line and decoration. Cut a kimono-shaped smock. Have it open at the side. Cut the bottom and the sleeves into points. Cut a two and one-half-inch wide strip of -the' material into small scallops, two mid one-half inches across their widest part. Face all edges of the smock with this scalloped band, turn ins the band under to the wrong side. Turn in a small edge around 1 he scallops and baste them down. With a very large-eyed, coarse needle and colored thread hemstitch the scallops on the wrong side of the smock. A hemstitched smock like this is very dainty for morning wear. Camp Fire Girls A local tionnr will ba awarded to all On nip Klre ftlrla Belling tlulr quota of lied Cross ChrlHtmaa ai'ala. All Kroups who have not received their seala are requeateil to rail at heailquarters for aame. Miss l.ucy Garvln'a Kroup fa practicing for a play, ltuth Wlllnrd who takes the leiullne Dart and Caroline Levi, Wllma linker, Rita Mantcll and four danclne sirla are in the caste. The A la hi Kroup met at the home of Louise Furay on Friday to plan Christinas work. The Luta Kroup, with Sirs. Carrie McUlll, guardian, helped at the Red Cross Saturday. Tha Lexse group met at the home of thPir guardian, Mrs. Colin .Mckenzie, f l i day and worked on Christmas gifts. The Akiyuahatl Kroup had a candy booth a"t the .Minne l.usa church Decem ber 8 anil 9.. The Whitenohl group, Mrs. J. IT. Brownlee, guardian, had a candy sale at the Tankratz grocery store. The Yallanl group met at the home of their guardian. Mrs. Ora Johnson, Monday when Cleraldlne Polmanticr was elected secretary and Marjory Bailey, treasurer. Relieve babys itching skin with RES10L Soolhinq and He&linq Has just the cooling touch to produce comfort and permit sleep Does not smart or sling when applied Jfe. Pineapple Ice Cream Here's something new for Sunday dessert! Pine apple Ice Cream of a rich, luscious pineapple flavor that only the best of pineapples can give. No need to say that It's a Harding Special your taste will tell you that! Buy it from the dealer who sells CmttmaC M ICE CREAM "3 .XIbltsiSPal ' Y. imiQ OQfM.fYX CZ-i.t J I nune.n viuu uvi jouiom c SUNSHLNE KRISPY AND GRAHAM CRACKERS, tbe real fam ily food. No charge or refund for container. Special for today, 4-lb. caddy of Sunshine Krispy or fiftf Graham Crackers for UOC Washburn's Gold Medal Flour. 24-lb. sack S1.22 Sweet Tooth Flour, 12-lb. sack 5S Graham Flour, 5-lb. sack.. 29 White or Yellow Cornmeal. 5-lb. sack l ie sack Del Monte Sliced Peaches and Apricots, 16-oz. cans, 3 for oiC Per doz S2.25 Del Monte Minnesota Crosby : Corn, 3 cans for 50 Otoe Lye Hominy, No. 3 cans, a fine grade, special, 3 cans for Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, per lb ...-aaot. 10-1 b LOOK! Fancy Florida Grapefruit, thin skinned and juicy, 6 for 47 Navel Oranges, regular 50c size, 2 doz. for 75 1P21 Crop Hickory Nuts, get them while they last, 3 lbs. for ...25C Another shipment of Fresh Mushrooms, per Lb 75 Very Best Creamery Butter, per lb 45 Shelled Popcorn, guaranteed to pop, 6 lbs. for 25 Fresh Peanut Butter, -per 2-lb. can 47 Extra Fancy Young Turkeys, per lb 4S Frida? Orders Are Tour Goaniiitee of Early Helitery Saturday. niA LMClAf DAD 10"ara 45 BIVI b.ioS3.55 Skinned Th Highest Crada Macaraavi Ef ( Neodla, SjtaghatU and otbar Macaroni Product mmm mm. OMAHA'S LEADING CASH MARKETS For Quality Meats, Quick Service and Lowest Prices at 212 No. 16th St. 4S03 So. 24th St. 2408 Cuming We are in position to take care of all our customers. Our stocks are complete in every detail. People come here from near and far because our meats are up to par ! k v. i a CM arvi.jMMaMiHi Fancy Fresh Killed Hens 25c Choice Cut Round Steak 15c Fancy Breakfast Bacon 12 or whole sides 22c Choice Fresh Spareribs 124c Choice Beef Pot Roast " 10c Sugar Cured Picnic Hams 14c EVAPORATED MILK, Tall can.3, each SMOKED MEATS . Sugar Cured Skinned Hams, lb. .20c Sugar Cured Regular Hams, lb. .22c Sugar Cured Picnic Hams,,lb 14c VEAL CUTS Choicest Veal Shoulder Roast, lb . 14c Choicest Veal Chops, lb 13c Choicest Veal Stew, lb . . . . . . .22lzc Choicest Veal Legs 02 or whole), per lb 20c SPECIAL SALE ON PURE LARD Choice Fresh Leaf Lard, lb .10c Rendered Pure Lard (m any quan tity), lb - 1214c WHITE NAPTHA LAUNDRY Cr SOAP, Mb. bars, each. ..... . BEEF CUTS Choice Rib Boiling Beef, lb 8c Choice Beef Chuck Roast, lb. . . .11c Prime Rib Roast Beef, lb 18c Choice Cut Sirloin Steak, lb 15c Fresh Cut Hamburger Steak, lb. .15c .Choice Boneless Corned Beef, lb. 14c Choice Beef Tongue, lb 20c BIG SALE ON ED S. VAIL, EVER GOOD and LIBERTY NUT BUTTERINE Liberty Nut, Mb. prints 21c Liberty Nut, 5 lbs ..$1.00 Evergood (the finest Butter ine made), lb. for .23c Evergood, 5-lb. cartons $1.10 Fancy Creamery Butter, lb 41c Express and Mail Orders Filled From This List Phone ifWW ' jP 9 Open Saturday Till 9 P. M. At. 4603 Free Delivery 1814-16 Farnam Street Mail Orders Filled Startling Saturday Specials From Omaha's Greatest Market Food Center Buys Carload Young Pigs Big Pork Bargains Saturday Due to pnokers' strike Hie pork market is exhausted. Our buyers visited the farms and bouslit direct a ear load of young pigs; these were dressed by independent paekers and we oifer for Saturday pork values that cannot be. duplicated elsevvlurt?. Fresh Killed Spring Chick ens, Young OfiUrt Hens, Ducks J ' - L Fresh Young Pig- Pork aper.-....i6l2c Fresh Young Pig Hams Hal or whole, 1Al9 per pound .... lt'-L Fresh Sliced Ham, lb., at 25 Young Pig Pork Chops, lb., at ...25 Fresh Belly Side-Pork, lb l-l'ad Pure Pork Sausage, lb 15t Pure Rendered Lard, lb Steer Round Steak, lb 177 Steer Shoulder Steak, lb 12e Steer Porter House Steak; lb ..250 Steer Pot Roast, lb., at i IOC Prime Rib Roast, rolled, lb 22Vs0 Young Veal Stew, lb 1)0 Young Veal Steak, lb 2o0 Young Veal Roast, lb 14C Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb 19H0 Cudahy's Puritan Hams, half or whole, lb., 27d Cudahy's Puritan Bacon, half or whole, lb., 3310 Lamb Roast, lb., at 1260 Genuine Lamb Korequartets, lb 14C Genuine Laiub Legs, lb. 2o0 Lamb Stew, per lb., at 7M0 Headquarters for Fresh I'ish and Oysters Cigars Just Inie the Doo Cigars Extra Special for Early Christmas Shoppers Buy Them by the Box Camels, per carton $1.75 Mozart-Vencedoras, 20c value, box of 25 $3.50 ; Mozart Imperials, 13c value, box of 25 $2.45 Otello, 10c value, bos of. 25 for $1.50 Prince .Albert Smoking, full pound $1.34 Tuxedo, large glass jar $1.44 Gillette Razor and packago of blades 89 Gem De Luxe Razor and i.ackage of blades. $3.00 value, for $1.00 Large assortment of pipes and smokers' articles. Omaha's Greatest Grocery Specials Unbeatable Values Big Special ill "Old Monk" Olive Oil Gallons $4.75 ij-gals. .$2.60 Quarts ..$1.35 48-lb. Sack Gooch's Bes Flour, at .... lest I I 10 1-79 1 I lbs. Best Grami!atfl Sugar for 55t 1 ! Country Butter Rolls, farm at Danish I'ioneer l.'reamcry Butt-r. ler lb 42 Rex Nut, Gem Nut and Xutola Kut- terine. at. lb 24 Creamed Cottage dices'", lb. SO? Fancy April Storaee Esps. 4'U-C Checked Ekcs in carton?, doz., 35 Fancy Domestic Swiss Cheese, p--r lb, at 55c Fancy Itice, 2 lbs. for Gorton's ready to fry Cod Fish Cakes, can 9-oz. SiMikist .Sweet Orange Marmalade .... Goueh Macaroni, Spaghetti, Noodles, 3 pkgs., Campbells Tomato Soup, can 5 lb. can Fancy Prunes, special 4 lb. Box Soda Crackers. Saturday, at I V THE COFFKK DEP.IRTME 3 lbs. Food Center Special Coffee for .... Breakfast ('up Coffee, 3 lbs. for Have von tried 1'iemier Coffee? Per lb. WE Cl'AIIAXTEG IT. Thompson's hairy Maid J'ancy I'reaniery Mutter, per lb., 450 direct f-oni 300 XT 15 2i 19i 25c 1UC 95c 56c 9Sc 880 23c With every pur rluise of 10 bars Crystal White Soap at 610 we Rive you free one liar Creme Oil Soap. KK hnr ease nt $5.95, 1 liars Creme Oil Free. Bt . t Juicy Florida Grapcfmit, 4 for i 25c Fruits and Vegetables Large Hickory Nuts, Sunkist Navel 3 lbs. for 25c Oranges, doz., 23c n Skinners Th Highest Grade Macaroni Egj Noodle, SpeyhetU and other Macaroni Product Ortman's Genuine Fruit Cake. per lb 60c Ar.gel Food and Orange Cake. each 3fc Pecan KolK per pan 250 Danish 'innannn Holis and Uutter Kolls, doz 200 Christmas Broken Mixed Canife, per lb 250 Butter Cut, per lb. ...... ..290 Ribbon Candy, per lb 29 Foil Line -t hrlMmm (Hdj and lanes. Winners to $2 Trade Daily Prizes F.KV. GEO. DOnX, MRS. F. D. MFMAUG1T. Harney ;174. . io So. 31st. Webster 4tw. N. 14th Ave.' MKRLE EAKtri. Mfl.. M. COHEN, HarneT ;T09'Dpdee Su 5i:i Florence Blvd. V. E. H..SETT, (Kuirla.s St. SIR. GElKGE HfMiAV, roil Harney St. Basket Stores Company To Our Patrons and the Buying Public of Omaha: It U necessary that the Basket Stores Company immediately raise a largo amount of money under the Temporary Receivership so that we can adjust our affairs with our Creditors.' The "Cash and Carry" plan does away with the Delivery Cost, the Bad Charge Account and Collection Cost, therefore the Basket Stores sell for less. By purchase comparison, we have saved our patrons about $300,000 on their Grocery Bills the last year. One large Cookie and Cracker concern refused to sell to us because we retailed their crackers at 15c per pound while every other concern in Omaha retailed their crackers at 16c and 18c per pound. Today we are retailing Saw yer Crackers at 14c per pound. The Consumers of Omaha can draw their own conclusions. Another large national advertiser refused to sell us direct be cause we were selling their goods too cheap to the consumer. Below we are giving you a partial list of the low prices that we are making to turn 'our surplus stock into money. We urge our patrons to take advantage of thtese low prices. Yours trulv, BASKET STORES COMPANY By W. D. Williams, Pres. Canned Fish Doxsee Minced Clam, 2 cons 15 Doxsec Little Neck Clams, 2 cans 45 Boneless Cod Fish, Mb. pkg 28 SALMON Red Alaska, Mb. tall can, 3 for Hi0 Tink Alaska, Mb. tall can, 3 for 1H Chum, Mb. tall can, 4 for 50 Pink and Medium Red, '-lb. can, 4 for 4t SARDINES Oil Sardines, 10 cans 140 Underwood's Mustard, 3 cans .420 King Oscar, in Olive Oil, 2 cans. ..... . .3, Oval Sardines, in Tomato Sauce, 5 cans 90 TUNA FISH Litfht Meat Tuna, 2 cans 380 White Meat Tuna, 2 cans 450 Household Articles Basko Brooms, each 890 Cash Habit Brooms, each 730 Kelly Brooms, each 380 Spoke Scrub Brush, each 200 Sink Brush, each 50 Carryall Bags, each 50 and 8 Clotheslines, each .280 Headlight Matches, 6 pkgs..., 300 Basko Tissue Toilet Paper, 2 rolls 250 Cash Habit Crepe Toilet Paper, 3 rolls. .250 4-oz. Roll Crepe Toilet Paper, 5 rolls. . .25c Clothes Pins, pkg 10 Jet Oil Polish, pkg.' 150 2-in-l Paste Polish, can 100 Shinpla Paste Polish, can 90 Bixby Liquid Brown Polish, bottle. .. .140 Toilet Kleen, 3 cans 30 Sani-Flush, can .250 Mop Sticks, each 220 Glass Washboards, each -700 Zinc- Washboards, each '. 580 750 ?O0 Condiments Coney Bear Apple I5ulter, l.'-oz., 3 for 570 Peanut Butter, 3 lb 5i0 Snider's Catsup, fi-or.. bottle, 3 for ." l(i binder's Cut-nip. 16-oz. bottle, 3 for S7 Yacht Club Salad Pressing, small bottle, 3 for 18 Large bottle, 2 for 7O0 Coney Bear Pure Preserves, 22-oz., 2 for Pure Fruit Jelly, 7-oz., 4 for Imported Marmalade, 16-oz. jar, cach.,-!! While Bear Preserves, 22-oz., 3 for...wSl Basko Jell Powder, 3 for .250 Jiffy Jell, 4 for 1 4ii0 Knox Gelatine, 3 pkgs HiO0 Cash Habit Mustard, 7-oz. jars, each. . .100 Cash Habit Mustard, 18-oz. jars, each.,17d Queen Olives, quart Mason jar, each..48 Ripe Olives, medium can, each 250 Ripe Olives, lunch size can ..14 Pompeian Olive Oil, ',i-pint can -40 Pompeian Olive Oil, pint can 78 Mazola, pint can 290" Mazola, quart can t-540 Mazola, -gal. can 98 Mazola. gal. can ,....$"1.84: Large Dill Pickles, 5 for 250 Sweet Pickles, jar 270 Sour Pickles, jar .-220 Basko Worcestershire Sauce, 2 bottles. .48 Snider's Chili Sauce, 8-oz. bottle, 2 for 40 Horseradish Creme, bottle 150 Pure Horseradish, 8-oz. bottle 18 A. B. C. Marshmallow Creme, 3 cans. . .45 Liberty Maraschino Chei-ries, 5-oz. bottle 2 for 44 Argo Corn Starch, 1-lb. pkg 10 Kingsfords Corn Starch, 1-lb. pkg 13 Basko Cider Vinegar, pint bottles 13 Basko Cider Vinegar, quart bottles. .. .210 Bulk Cider Vinegar, gal 450 Full line of SAWYER BISCUIT COMPANY Cookies and Crackers Lilv Soda Crackers, lb 140 S. B. C. Soda Crackers, lb 12c Shell Oyster Crackers, lb 14 Pearl Oyster Crackers, lb 120 Graham Crackers, lb 140 W. C. Gingersnaps 11 Fig Bars, lb ' 210 There are no better goods made than these. Are you paying more than these prices for your Crackers? Mail Orders Will Be Filled at These Prices All Goods Shipped f. o. b. Omaha Send All OrdeVs to 715 So. 9th Street, Omaha Your Opportunity to "Live Better for Less" BASKET STORES COMPANY Douglas 3940 We Deliver To Any Part r0f The;City SEVENTEENTH ATN 'DOUOiAS STRUT REAL SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Sugar, 10 lbs. for ....... 56c 1 1 Pet or Carnation Milk, per can 10c P. & Q "Soap, 10 bars for. . . 63 c Omar Flour, 43-lb. sack. . . $1.89 Blue Bell Flour, 48-lb. sack $1.79 Red Oak Corn, C cans 63c Big 4 Soap, 10 bars. 63 f . (1 Soap Shaver Free.) . , Sunmaid Seedless Raisins, per lb 210 Extra fancy Prunes, 3 lb3 for.- 400 Extra fancy Grape Fruit, 3 for .250 New Mixed Nuts, per lb .250 Virginia Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. for. . . .250 Extra fancy Navel Oranges, dozen... 330 Best Creamery Butter, per lb 470 Rich Nut Oleo, per lb : 290 New York Cream Cheese, per lb 270 Morrell's Mince Meat, per lb 250 Ankola Coffee, 3 lbs. for (y2 lb. Ankola Free.) Advo Jell, any flavor, 3 for Hershey's Cocoa, lb. cans Sun Dried Japan Tea, per lb .$1.15 .25tf .190 .480 Cigars Just Inside the Door Extra Special for Early Chrbtmas Shoppers. Buy Them by the Box. Mozart Vincedora, 20c .value, box of 25..$3,e() Mozart Imperials, 15e value, box of 25 $2.45 Otello, 10c value, per box of 25 $1.50 Camel Cigarettes, carton , $1.75 Prince Albert, full pound $l!34 Tuxedo, in a large glass jar, per jar. ...$1.44 Gillette Razor and package of blades 89f Gem DeLuxe Razor, a $3.00 value, each..$l.(H) Large Assortment of Pipes and Smokers' Articles Meat Department Fresh Dressed Spring Chicken, lb.26', Choice Steer Beet Roast, lb 100 Choice Steer Boiling Beef, lb 7U0 Choice Steer Rolled Rib Roast, lb. . .220 Fresh Hamshalf or whole, lb 1810 Lean Pork Chops, lb 22(iJ- Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, lb.. 19'"? No. 10 Pail Pure Lard, lb $1X0 Young Veal Roast, lb.. 150 f)rtmari Ortman's Genuine Fruit Cake, per lb 60e Angel Food and Orange Loaf Cake, each 3Q Pecan Nut Butter Rolls, per pan 25e Danish Cinnamon Rolls and Butter Rallt, dozen 20 Saturday Candy Specials Lyon's Glace Fruit Chocolates, 1-lb. box, $2.00 value. $1.00 Cocoanut Brittle, lb 25 Peanut Brittle, lb 25C Jumbo Salted Peanuts, 2 Ib...- 35 Saturday Fish Specials Genuine Norwegian Stock Fish, per lb -. -24(k Holland Herring, keg. $1.05 Fresh Oysters, Selects, per quart 73 Standards, quart -,Got Ask for Gorton's Salt Cod Fish. WeSellSiaHflERfc The Highest Grade Macaroni, Egg Noodles. Spaghetti and Other Macaroni Products. MAZOLA Pints, 23c; quarts 43c; y2 gallons, 83c; gallon cans .,.$1.63 i I "J 1 ;