Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1921, Page 12, Image 12

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Bomb 'Susject'
Recognized as
- .Wrestler Here
petectivc Chiff Van Deuirn
Rectllf Seeing Prisoner Per
form During Ak-Sar
Ben Carnival.
When Mike Stine, irrottd Thun
ity niglit ind questioned regarding
the bomb fxplonion in Wall trcet,
New York. SeDtemher 16. 1920. w.i
brought before Chief of Detective)
Van Deuien yesterday a coinci
dence made the chief of detectivei
practically a witness for the de
fendant. Van Deusen recognized Stine at a
professional wrestler who appeared
here with the Patterson carnival
company which held forth during
Ak-Sar-Ben carnival week, Septem
ber' 16 to 26, J920.
Involved in Dispute.
Van Deusen remembered that one
day Stine became involved in a dis
pute with a wrestling student of
Farmer Burnt and that Van Deusen
separated them.. He fixed the date of
this at about September 21. Dates
will be checked up further but Van
Deusen says he is sure Stine had
nothing to do with the dynamite ex
plosion. The only reason for Stine's arrest
was an anonymous message de
livered at the police station by a mes
senger Thursday telling the police
to look for a "dark-skinned man
with long black hair, wearing a green
sweater with red stripe and red col
lar. Ask him if he drove the one
horse wagon of dynamite in Wall
He was arrested at the Grand
hotel, 520 South Thirteenth street.
Trailed by Detectives.
Washington, Dec. 9. Investiga
tion by federal asrnts has disclosed
that Mike Stine, held by the Omaha
police on suspicion of connection
with the Wall street bomb explosion
cf September, 1920. could not have
been implicated in the crime, accord
ing to a report received tonight by
Director Burns of the bureau of in
vestigation of the Department of
Justice. , '
' The report, which was submitted
by special agents of the bureau,
said Stine was with a carnival at
Chippewa Falls during the week of
the explosion, was cn route to
Omaha September 17 and was in
Omaha September 18 and, therefore,
could not have been connected with
the New York bomb crime.
Black Bear in Bluffs
Helps Self to Big Pig
-The black bear in the vicinity of
Lake Manawa, south of Council
Bluffs, went on a rampage a(?ain
Thursday night. This time he car
ried off a pig weighing 70 pounds,
the property of William Cochrane.
The owner of the porker heard the
squeals and went to the door just
in time to see it carries away.
Two nights ago the bear killed a
sheep at the Cochrane place and left
the mangled carcass in the field.
Cochrane says the bear walked away
op his hind legs Thursday night,
carrying the fat pig with its fore legs.
He had no gun and was unable to
give, chase.
Barracks Bag Lost for
Two Year 8 Is Recovered
His army barracks bag, nrssing for
more than two years, will be received
as a Christmas present by "Chick"
Kline,, overseas veteran of Company
L, the Bluffs unit of the 168th in
fantry. He had given up all hops of
ever seeing the bag and his posses
sions again. -
Kline's bag, was forwarded to an
other ex-service man of the same
name in Pennsylvania. The eastern
buddy found a. membersh'p card for
the Eagles lodge and finally succeed
ed in tracing the Bluffs man through
the lodge records.
Bluffs Man Injured When
Thrown During Runaway
John Devaney, 1402 South Sev
enth street, Council Bluffs, sustained
a severe gash in his head when
thrown from his wagon in a run
away near the Great Western tracks
on South Eighth street.
He was taken to the Great Western
freight house, while a doctor was be
ing called, and was removed later
to his home. It required 40 stitches
to close the long cut in his scalp.
His skull ' was not fractured, how
ever, and his recovery is predicted.
Divorce Awarded
Wife of Attorney
Get Confession
From Hoy Bandit
Youth Admits to Bluffs Police
That He Held Up Grocer
In Dark Alley.
Terry Bellows, 20. is the lone
bandit who held up John McSorley,
ftrocrr, at the mouth of the alley near
hi store, 80S South Main ktrect, ac
cording to a full confession which
lUuffs police state is in their posses
sion. McSorley was robbed of a has con
taining $)') alter t closed lii
store for the night. The highway
men appeared youthful, he told po
lice, and wore a white hnndkerchief
for a inaik. The grocer was Hopped
at the entrance to the alley next to
his store.
Bellows was arrested Thursday
afternoon at Ninth avenue and Main
street, by detectives who had a tip
that he was implicati'id in the rob
bery. With liim was Evan Willi.iius,
21, of Silver City, who aIo was taken
to jail and held for invest i;ition.
Both boys had been chucking com
near Carson, la., but the coniission
Bellows j alleged to have made ex
onerates Williams from actual im
plication in the holdup. lie told
police that the Silver City boy was
visiting his parents at that place from
Monday until Wednesday, and that
he had not arrived in the Bluffs
when the robbery was staged.
Runaway Boy Captured
Wymore. Neb.. Dee. ".-(Special.)
T-Monty Richards. 16, who escaped
from the Feeble Minded institute at
Beatrice, was captured by OHicer
Lytic in the Burlington yards here.
Number Wymore Houses
. Wymore, Neb., Dec. 9, (Special.)
Street Commissioner B. O. Craig
is numbering the houses of the city.
Skogluud Made
Photographs of December grm!
uatcs of Commerce High tchool
puhlijihed in The Bee rotogravun
section last Sunday, were from th
Skogliiiid fctudio. Through nn error
no credit was given the photographe
nt the time of publication.
The "Food-Drink" for All Ages.
Quick Lunch atHome,Office,n4
Fountains. Ak for HORLICKS,
Dor Avoid Imitations & Substitutes
,Mn. Mablc II. Abbott, 80S North
Forty-ninth avenue, was awarded a
divorce decree yesterday by District
Judge Scars, from Raymond J. Ab
bott, attorney. She alleged extreme
Runaway Girl BoIis Hair
As Disguise in Bluffs
- Jessie Scott, 15. daughter of Mr
end Mrs. D. J.. Clark. 1144 South
Thirty-second strict. Oncha, bobbed
her hair as a disguise when she ran
awav to Council Bluffs Thursday
night. The alteration of her appear
ance, however, did not prevent her
apprchens oir by police at the Neu
niaycr hotel, where she registered
with a irirl companion..
The other girl was Martha Horn,
IS, 1.111 South Thirtieth street,
Omaha, and is believed by police to
have been responsible for the run
away party. Martha had threatened
to end her life 'Sunday when she
was corrected by her father. Jessie
cut off her hair on the street car
coining to the Bluffs and threw it
away at Pear! street and Broadway.
South Dakota Implement
Dealers Close Convention
Sioux Falls, S. D., Dec. 9. (Spe
cial Telegram.) South Dakota im
plement dealers ended their 23d an
nual convention in this city. The
officers who served during the past
year were re-elected as follows:
President, E. B. Kaesly, Carthage;
vice president, W. W. Barnard,
Mitchell; treasurer. E. C. Barton,
Vermillion; secretary, C. J. Bach,
Sioux .Falls, Among other things,
resolutions passed endorse the Sev
enth and Kelly bill, known as the
fair trade bill. Owing to the various
important problems confronting im
plement dealers Vlie convention was
one of the best held by the associa
tion for several years. . w
r 1
Name City Treasurer
Wymore, Neb., Dec. 9. (Special.)
The city council appointed J. W.
Smith city treasurer to fill the va
cancy caused bvthc res:gnation of
T. D. McGuire.
We're going out of business and have this stock to dispose
of regardless of our loss. Christmas shoppers will welcome
this value-giving event, for the "dollar" will go just twice
as far. You'll marvel at the drastic reductions.
USE Sloan's freely for rheumatism,
sciatica, lumbago, over-worked
muscles, neuralgia, backaches,
6tiff joints, and for sprains and strains.
it pemrates uiihoul rubbing.
The very first time you use Sloan's
Liniment you will wonder why you
never used it before. The comforting
warmth and quick relief from pain will
delightfully surprise you.
For forty years, Sloan's the world's
pain and ache liniment has been making
and keeping thousands of friends. Ask
your neighbor.
Keep Sloan's handy, and at the first
sign, of an ache or pain, use it.
At all druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40.
m ft it
M 7 I
IlI la 11
11 I i All nnr Winter Underwear, in a com-
I plete run of sizes; worth today from I I mm
t3 5 I I $2.00 to $10.00 a suit, vacate prices I I 1 UJ
1 and Up
t Silk LUle cl . U7, . - , Genuine Silk
- Shop Early When ihe Selec-.. JT f
h Sock., worth VV . tion It Best. . Kmt
5 40c and 50c per O -X Tie., values to
pairj vacate price, ' " ' - $4, vacate price,
29c, 4 pair. $1.00.
1 . f
( I Z .,, , H I Lk. Illl I .on Soft Hat in the .tore, I L f
I Stetson Stiffhat V U W I . , .. c t T LrtvW
a II ' I including Stet.on .taple., 1 -
I in the store; vacate jj' B Ta,ue. to $1SM. vacate )J
D price I price
Buy the
Genuine Victrola
From -- A CSi 11
- - r - -
so there will be a
Victrola in your
horne this Xmas.
We have every
style and every fin
ish and we'll be
glad to demon
strate any machine
or record you wish
to hear.
Come in now and make your selections
and we will deliver Xmas Eve if you
so desire.
Fifteenth and Harney Streets
If T
All our Soft Collars Delpark,
French Pique and
Brands; 50c and
60c values ......
6 for $1.00
Shirts, all fast colors, values
$2.00 to $6.00; vacate prices
Finest quality Outing Flannel
Pajamas, values
$4.00 (one or two
piece); vacate price
Pure Silk Socks,
worth today $1.00
and $1.50 a pair;
vacate price .....
2 Pairs, $1.25.
Phoenix Included
Genuine Cheney
Pure Silk Ties
values $1.00 and
$1.50; vacate
price . . . ;
2 for $1.15.
fir mi -v 1 1
) : I B day
JM lUI l -
B fl
All Silk and
values $1.50 to $5.00; in three
Xmas Folders Free.
i i .'ill i i i w m mm i w m m g m m r i m w m w r-
ii ii iivrkirii hi ii if ii i ti zjjdz ii ii i rii 1:
and 'Fibre
Socks, worth to-
60c a pair;
vacate price. .
3 Pairs, $1.25.
Fine Silk Angora Mufflers and
Scarfs, values to $5.00; vacate
Belt, and Belt
Strap., 69c and 79c
dozen in box, $1.19
303 South 16th Street
Securities Building
The "Christmas Store" for Men Ready
in Most Complete Holiday Attire
Hart Schaffner
& Marx
Special Holiday
The spirit of Christmas
is in these big overcoat
values. We're giving lots
more than we get you're
getting much more than
you are giving. Smart
styles and rich in color
ings and fabrics.
Hundreds of Men's
and Young Men's
Specially Priced fo
Saturday at
Big roomy plaid back
ed overcoats, warm,
serviceable and stylish
materials; -well made
in every respect; the
kind of overcoats that
make you feel "all
dressed up."
We surely started something when we decided to unload our
Clothing stock, dnd the way the men and young men have
been buying is noth ing short of sensational.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
; And Other Makes of
Fine Suits
$20.00 $45.00
Men's and. young men's suits made
up in tlie height of fashion, every
garment band tailored in imported
and domestic fabrics the most re
markable values we have ever of
fered.' 1
For the "Hard to Please" Man
Who Wants Something
Entirely Different
Hart Schaffner & Marx finest
overcoats, made in " such popular
fabrics as Crombies, Montenac
Great Coats, Ulster and TJIsterette
models and Chesterfields, full silk,
Just One of a Kind
all different, made up exclusive
ly for Hayden Bros. r
Men's and Young Men's Pants Several d9 RA fn jrj pa
Thousand pairs from which to select pO0J IV tp I OV
Practical and Useful Gifts The
Keynote of Our Apparel Offerings
Fur Coats
The Kind to Make Every Woman
Exceedingly Happy
36, 40 and
45-in. length
A most complete lot of fur coats in 36, 40 and 45
inch lengths, mads up in Hudson with squirrel,
heaver and self trimmed. A-l French seal, rac
coon and opossum coats in this group worth con
siderable more than the price asked above.
Smart Winter Coats
For Misses and Women
$21.50 and $39.50
A thousand coats in this group made up in the
season's many new and lovely materials; a va
riety of styles to select from. Many fur trim
med and plushes. Coats made to sell from $35
up to $65.00. '
rWT '
l i
Hart Schaffner
& Marx
Suits for Boys
Regular $25.09 Values
Vour unrestricted choice of
all our boys suits made by '
llart Schaffner & Marx, actu
al values up to $LV).00.
1 U