Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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My Marriage
"Revelation, of a Wife"
(CowUfM, 1111. f Hmstm IWv.
twit lM.t
The Sound Mads Heard Behind
Her When Lillian Drove Away.
"She ' not particularly original," I
commented idly, when Lillian had
interpreted tte Dean's early rising
at a trip to the telegraph office.
"Rita lirown did the tame thing
when we were down south."
"What eUc could the poor giil
do,'" uuotcd Lillian, "cave ttage a
fjke telegram? Neither hat any tal
ent for facing failure or humiliation.
Hut don't nuke the mistake of put
ting Rita iirown and Bets Dean into
the tame category. Of course, Bess
is catty and vain, also the is very
angry at you, and if there was ever
a chance where she could do you
some petty, purely feminine ill turn,
she'd contrive the trick. There'i no
real villainy iit her, however. But
the other dame? I wouldn't trust
her across the block. If she ever ap
pears on your horizon again, you
ee that she is hobbled, pronto."
"I'lUook out for her," I promised,
"But if you want to eat a decent
breakfast before Col. Travcrs ap
pears, I'd advise you to stop talk
ing." "Good enough advice, old-hen-vvith-onc-chickcn,''
she retorted af
fectionately, and I fussily watched
her until she had discussed a good
breakfast, for I knew- that the offi
cer's arrival would peremptorily put
a period to any further thought of
food. She had said that "he must
not be kept waiting, for there is stiff
work on hand," and she was not one
to utter such words idly.
While They Waited.
It lacked five minutes of the hour
named by Col. Travers when we
finished, and as we walked out to
the veranda I noticed that Lillian
took from its hook a motor coat of
hers which hung in the hall ready
for use, and put it over her arm. I
looked quickly from the light sweat
er which she had on over her gown
to the coat, wondering vaguely why
she wanted it, as the morning was
delightfully warm. But I knew bet
ter than to ask her the question and
she vouchsafed no explanation, sim
ply laid the coat over the railing of
the veranda and seated herself in one
o the big porch chairs.
"Is there anything in the world
equal to the beauty of the morning
sun upon these mountains?" she ask
fd, dreamily.
"Unless it be moonlight upon the
ocean," ' I countered, with a vivid
memory of that never-to-be-forgotten
"Getting homesick for the east
end of Long Island?" she laughed.
What Lillian Asked.
"A little," I confessed.
"I think myself it's nearly time we
all went home," she said reflective
ly. "I'm ever so much better, and
there are any number of things I
ought to do. And, above all, there
is Katie. I want to see that young
woman." ' ,
I looked at her, wondering at her
continued harping upon the subject
of my little maid!s queer behavior-as
reported, by my mother-in-law's let
ter. She returned the look with a
quizzical smile."
"I do take a lot of patience, don't
I, Madge? But trust me. I'll tell you
all I can as soon as I can."
"I 'don't mind anything, just so I
am of real use to you," I assured
hdr hastily, and then the noise of a
rapidly driven motor, a little whirl of
dust, a sudden slackening before the
Cosgrove premises, a stop before he
Kate heralded the approach of Col.
Travers. The officer himself was
driving, and beside him sat Ted Cos
grove. As they alighted and came
up the path together, I noticed that
the boy was heavy-eyed from fatigue
and lack of sleep, the interruption
of his healthy boyish routine, while
the officer evidently used to catch
ing sleep When he could get it, do
ing without it whenever necessary
was as fit as possible. I had not no
ticed in the stress of the evening be
fore what a really handsome man he
was, with his magnificent figure,
clear complexion, a bit high colored,
and black hair heavily tinged with
His manner was faultless, too, as
he bowed in acknowledgment of my
introduction of him to Lillian. Then
he spoke crisply but deferentially:
"I have only a very few minutes,
and our talk must be undisturbed.
Can I talk to you where we will be
sure of no interruption, or possible
listeners of course, unintentional
ines?" he amended hastily.
, Lillian's answer was a question.
"Can you drive and talk at the
lame time?"
She had thought it all out before
hand! I saw the meaning of the
motor coat laid over the veranda rail
ng. Into Col. Travers's eyes flashed a
learn of admiration.
"Yes, and that is of course the
Scst solution. How soon "
"Now." Lillian rose and picked
jp the motor coat from the railing.
The officer, with quick accustom
ed courtesy, took the coat and help
ed her into it. Another minute and
Ihey had walked to the car, entered
it, and the officer was bending to the
twitch key.
Behind me I heard a sibilant in
take of theb reath, almost a gasp. I
iurned to see Robert Savarin, with
face drained of all ccjAr and his eyes
flaming. .
Where It Started
Beauty and the beasts!
Pretty Pearl White, film star, will play with the "dear" cubs, but she
won't lead 'em around.
Those who see the noted star in "A Virgin Paradise" at the Moon
theater beginning today may f:cl relieved to know that all the time Miss
White was having fun with the lions, a dozen trainers were on hand with
spears and burning torches ready to rescue her if the atmosphere became
Drawn thither by the immense! called the king of wig' makers, has
growth of the motion picture pro- taken up his home in Hollywood,
duction plants, William Hcpnerjlk has "always previous to this time
had lii headquarters in London and
New York.
Ella 1UII, a former film star, who
has been giving her attention for
three years to domestic duties, it
planning to m-tiirn to the screen in
pictures made by her husband, Em
ory Johnson.
Gaston Glass and Marguerite de
la Mottc won first prize in a dancing
contest in which many famous film
actors took part at a Los Angeles
hotel the other day. Nearly 000 pic
ture celebrities took part
Today's Attractions.
Sun "Over the Hill."
Rialto "The Miracle Man,"
Moon l?earl White in "A Virgin
Strand "The Sheik."
Emprcsi Bert Lytell in "A Trip
to l'aradise."
Muse "A Virgin Paradise."
Grand Buck Jcncs in "Just
Hamilton Eillecn Tercy in "Maid
of the West."
Mothers Awarded Damages
For Sons' Deaths in Cavein
Watertown, S. D., Dec. 9. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Damages aggregat
ing $9,1)1)0 and $4,500 each were
awarded by a jury in the circuit court
here to Mrs. Emma Baxter and Mrs.
Mary Dowd from II. A. Park, buji
ness man of this city, for the deaths
of the women's sons, Orvillc Baxter
and John J. Dowd, which they al
leged were due to negligence on the
part of Park in failing to keep the
two little boys out of a basement
for a new building which he was
erecting. The boys were caught and
killed by a cave-in of the dirt walls.
Each of the mothers sought to re
cover $10,000 damages.
Douglas County Farm
Bureau Meets at Elkhorr
The Douglas County Farm bureau
will hold its annual meeting at Elk
horn tomorrow beginning at 10 a. m.
II. D. Lute, secretary of the Ne
braska Federation of Farm Bureaus;
George Boomer of the Nebraska Ag
ricultural Extension service; and R.
E. Holland, county agent leader will
be among the speakers.
Husband and Wife
My husband ties his shoe strings
in sissy bows. H. A.
Copyright. Jill, George M.tthew Adam.
Seventeen railway bridges to cost
approximately $1,000,000 are to be
built in South Africa.
Are You Constipated?
Just Try This
Tliniuaiid of conillput-d enrle have
entirely overcome their ailment by follow
ing the advice of thou who recommend
IMlaxIn. The harmleie lull tablnte ara
marie. In eiact conformity with tba fa
mous prescription for this particular all
tifnt. You mint understand that Pllailn (Ivea
natural action and la an effective liver
regulator ami not a purse. Dllaxln ron
tiilna the necenvary element to correct
thin humnn ailment and adjtit (ha In
ternal tract to a normal and healthy
atnte. With the rvgulnr una of Dllaxln for
a xhnrt time In accordance with directions,
ronstlptatlon can eventually l overcome
ami Ilia line of these or any other laxative
niav b ontlrely abandoned. It contalna
nothing of a habit-forming nature. This is
all because Diluxln ereatea a healthy and
active elimination.
If you are troubled with constipation
you owe It to yourself to Rive Dllaxln an
honest tryout. It will not disappoint
you as have other alleged remedies. You
will feci younger and better every day
All clniKKlsta the world over are now
selling Dilaxin at fifty cents per box. The
sole distributor is the Marmola Co., 67
Gnrflel'l HldK., Detroit, Mich. Newspaper
and Hlllboard advertisements ara already
appearing on this product. Y'ou should
get a box from your drugKlst as early aa
possible and prove the vnlue of thla wou-
uerful remedy for yourself.
Largest Makers asd
Retailers of Fine
in the
World w-ws,
e-' r,.X. SS.
Browning, King & Co.
"The SSoro of the Town
We Make Every
Garment We
Sell in
Our Own
Silhouettes are f-o called after
Etienne de Silhouette, minister of
finance of France in 1759. The name
was given not because he invented
them, but because they were cheap.
Portraits made by tracing the out
line of the shadow of the sitter were
invented about tnat iimc, mu
Silhouette was extremely persimoni
ous they were named Silhouettes m
derision of their cheapness.
Copyright. ISil. Wfee-e- Syndicate. Inc.
Boy oi 16 Confesses to
Murdering His Mother
Windsor Mills, Que., Dec. 9.
Leonard Fion, 16. today confessed to
the police that he murdered his
mother, Mrs. Joseph Fion, by shoot
ing her cn December 2. He had
been tinder arrest as a material wit
ness. Twenty-five per cent of the gas
manufactured in the United States
is used Industrially
Again We Demonstrate
Our Superior Value Giving Power
$30.00 tallies S 19.75
40.00 values $28.75
$15.00 values S31.75
$55.00 values S38.75
$65.00 values S46.75
Styles for young men who are
Styles for the men who have
reached the top.
Dress Gloves Mofflers
$1.85 to 8G.00 Hk $2.00 to $8.00
Wool Glove imported Madras Shirts
$1.(K to $3.50 DoS,n4Ur $U9 to $10.00
Lined Gloves "jj" Silk Shirts
$3.50 to $10.00 smi?. $3.65 to $10.00
Silk Hosiery FlL'"K lnnel Shirts
49e U $3.50 F;d $350 to gMO
Wool Hose Pajamas
$1.00 to $S.0Q sV? $U0 to $10.'i0
Underwear ,0Krt Sipht Kobp
$U5 to $12.00 S3'5 I $1.50 to $2
"Very Special"
Men's and young men's single and
double breasted fine all-wool beau
tifully tailored suits. Made to
sell at $30.00, $35.00 and 145.00.
Your choice now COO K(
""si8 84 to 40
$30.00 values 19.75
$35.00 values $2.75
$45.00 values $31.75
$50.00 values 38.75
$60.00 values - S46.75
$70.00 values S56.75
At 4 Special Prices
53.45, $4.35. $5.45
and 6.95
House Coats and Robes ....7.50 to 35.00
Leather Novelties. Bags, Cases, Collar Bags,
Traveling Sets and Toilet Articles.
I'.By a Bronninc, King Co. Hat Order"
Fur Caps 5.00 to 22.50
Full Lined Chamois Caps 3.00
Inband Caps SI. 50 to 3.00
Knox and Stetson Hats ...-SG.5U to 10.00
Derby Dress Hats 3.00 to S10.00
Umbrellas 3.50 and up
Women's Christmas
Tailored Shirt Waists
2.95 to 12.50
Sweaters ..8.00 to 12.50
Girls' Middy Blouses, -wool and
cotton 2.50 and up
Girls Hats, velvet and patent
Leather .4.00 and up
Ladies' Knox Hats, choice of the
house, worth tip to Of ft flfl
$23.00, for PlJeUU
Silk Hosiery.. 1.45 to 7.00
Hath Holies I Boys' Belts
$450 to $10.00 ties 50c to $2.00
otlilnK 1 '
Jersey Sweaters Equal Boys' Sweater
$3.00 np TT;'n $2.95 to $12.00 .
Paiamas f Boys' Wool Sport
$2.00 np to Hose
Sl.OO $1.00 to $3.00
Silk Blonses and rnt
Shirts s1"1 Boys' Wool Blouses
$4.50 np $3.00
Madras Blouses snL Eoyi' Fnr Lined
89c np Caps $150 to $250
Boys' Mackinaws and Sheep-Lined
Coats 7.95 up
Boys' Suits and Overcoats... $7.95 tip
Sweater sets for .the little fellows. Sizes
3 to 7 years.
Sweater, Legging?, Cap and Mittens
to match 10.00
Indian, Cowboy, Baseball Suit.
priced at 2.45 to 3.75
Headquarters for Boy Scoot Goods
Antle Hefuaei to Revoke
Lirftiw of Ogallala Doctor
Lincoln, Dec. 9 (Special Tele
gram )H. II. Antlei, secretary of
the department of public welfare, de
dined to revoke the Nebraska license
of Dr. E, p. Murdock, formerly of
Otfalluta. Citixrns demanded the
action, chancing the physician with
moral turpitude and drunkencts. A
hearinr on the charges was held last
Jewel, Flower, Color
Symbols for Today
The opal is today's alitmanic itoiic,
brinflnc its wearer good lurk and
brilliancy of mind. The superstition
that it i unlucky should not be held
against it on this day.
Today's natal stone it Jade, be
lieved by the Chinese to endow those
born on an anniversary of today with
long life, and the power to enjoy old
age, '
Green is today's color; though
symbolic of joy and hope, it was lie
licveJ by the ancient to be drMruc
tive to fiiemMiip.
The Japanese iris is today's flower;
it protects front evil the home which
it adorns.
(Copyilfht, Dll, by Wheeler nllrati.)
Artificial ostrich feathers for mil.
linrry have been invented of cel.
tuloid and silk.
Christmas Victrolas!
Christmas Records!
Christmas Terms?
$ 5.00
$ 5.00
$ 6.00
A MONTH purchases a $50 Victrola and a $5
assortment of Victor Records, your choice.
A MONTH purchases a $75 Victrola and a $5
assortment of Victor Records, your choice,
A MONTH purchases a $100 Victrola and a $6
assortment of Victor Records, your choice.
A MONTH purchases a $150 Victrola and a $10
assortment of Victor Records, your choice.
Truly, on these terms can you really
afford to be without a Victrola the one
gift of all gifts to please the entire
Let us demonstrate the Victrola you pre
ferno obligation on your part. And j
we'll hold it for you until Christmas !
morning, if you wish.
The Art and Music Slore
Omaha's Pioneer Victor Store
1513-15 Douglas Street
A ft A
U Fi
A MONTH purchases a $225 Victrola and a
$12.50 assortment of Victor Records, your choice.
A MONTH purchases a $275 Victrola and a $15
assortment of Victor Records, your choice.
The Sum of Good Judgment
$9.50 Per Ton
$10.50 Per Ton
Heat and cost are the two items that interest you, Mr. Fuel
Buyer. A warm house at low cost represents the ideal you
are seeking. We can refer you to scores of people who use
And are fully satisfied. Another point you'll want to know
is about delivery. We have three yards
Walnut 0557
Walnut 0300
Douglas 4452
Guaranteeing You Prompt Delivery
At Any Time, anywhere in Omaha.
Equipped to Care for ALL Your Fuel Needs