Society Campbell-L'ncell. Miss Mary All'U tnccll. daujlitcr of Mrs. Eiiecll, fcouili Thirty-sixth street, was married Wednesday at the home of Mrs. L , M. lieadle, . I'aiiltioii. to Leslie James Campbell, 't he lieadle lioiuc ia the same building iiv w hich Mr. Campbell's parents were married 50 , years ao. The bride w 01 c a rowii of chif fon velvet trimmed in seal fur. She wore a corsage bouquet of butterlly roses and sweet peas. Fullowiinf the cercmnny Mr. and Mrs. Earl Krd'linir, 4415 Maybcrry ;rnue, cntcrta ned in honor of the couple at a dinner in their home. Favors were old fashioned nosegays for the women and boutoimieres for the nun, The Ktiets were Messrs Mild Mesdanxs I.. J. Campbell, V. C. Jolinson, K. F. Baird. Tri Delta Meets. Delta Delta Delia alumnae will en tertain at tea Friday . afternoon, 4 o'clock, in the Brandcis tea room .' ior Min Pearl Bonisteel. national secretary of the sorority, who is vis um?: the chapters throughout the country. Miss Huni'.tecl 'recently returned iront Tour, F rance, where she spent ..a year at the Foyer,-a relief station tor-, the women and children of France, established by Delta, Delta, Delta during; the war. ,. The association also conducts a vocational guidance bureau at the national headquarters in Chicago. Delta, Delta, Delta sorority was es tablished 31 years ano, on the eve of Thanksgiving in 1888, at the Boston university. .Mrs. Lloyd True is president of the local alumnae. Alumnae members will conduct a bazar Saturday at the Haas Brothers store for the "benefit of the chapter house in Lincoln and to purchase Christmas gifts for poor children. Board Members Receive Guests. Mesdames Charles Hubbard, H. II. Raldrigc, Henry W, Wyman, Ralph . Peters, Arthur Mullen and E. S. Rood, members of the Salvation .Army board, will act as a reception committee when members . of the Omaha Woman's club visit the old and new Salvation Army homes Fri day afternoon at the invitation of H. E. Roulfs. A chartered car will leave Seven teenth and Harney streets at 2:30 o'clock. The old home at Twenty fourth and Spaulding streets, will be visited first. The new home is lo cated at Sixteenth and Grant streets. . Order of Does. The . Benevolent and Patriotic Order, of Does will meet Friday, 2 y. tn. in the Elks club rooms. A full attendance is desired. Members have been invited to visit the old and new Salvation Army rescue homes some day next week and the date will be decided upon at 'this meeting. ( - '"" Pythian Bazar. Lillian Temple, Pythian Sisters, will have a sale of hand made ar ticles and home made candy in the .lobby of the Sun theater Friday and Saturday. .' t' .W: Extension Society. , The -Extension society will meet! .". .Friday,'; 2:30 p. m., with Mrs. Louis Simonies, . 3401 ; North Sixteenth trect, ' ' . . . (. :' . '. : Bazar. , Fern Camp 3165, R.. N. A. will hold a bazar Friday evening in the .. Swedish auditorium. 'i Personals 'Mrj. '' Arthur Guio'u has returned from' Sioux Citv, where she spent 10 days. '; "' ,- A ' son was born December 7. at he Stewart hospital to Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Anderson. ' 'Miss Clara Bull of Pasadena who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert French left Thursday for her home. -- ' - Mts. Edward Johnson left Thurs day".': to 1 spend Friday : at Grand Island at the convention of Baptist somen there. Mrs. Stella P. Ritter of Fairbury -will -'spend the Christmas holidays vith her lister, Mrs. Bradley Rce md Mr. Roe. Mrs. Eilery Davis of Lincoln, who has been the' guest of Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Davis, left Thursday jnorn- ng for her home. .....) Mr. and Mrs. Yale Holland will leave ' shortly before Christmas lo . visit Mrs. Holland's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.-C. Casper, in St. Paul. Miss Lucille Hoffman has re turned from - Chicago, where she sncjit three weeks with Miss Ruby Haskett, who is attending the uni versity there, Mrs. T." F. Coad and daughters. Mrs. Ellen Coad Jensen, and Miss Beatrice Coad, left Tuesday evening for California, where they will spend the remainder of the winter. Miss Marion Hamilton, who went on to Washington to attend the de but of a. school friend. Miss Mary Hamilton, and to visit her aunt, Mrs. Daniel Stapleton, has put off her re turn to Omaha until just before Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis and Mr. and Mrs." Louis Clarke leave Friday morning for Kansas -City for the junior League Frolic, in which Miss Dorothy Belt of Omaha is taking part.,. Mr. and Mrs. C IT. Spiegal of Davenport. Ia., announce the birth of a daughter. June Theo, on De cember 5. Mr. and Mrs. Spiegal were formerly of this city, and Mrs. Spiegal was, before her marriage. Miss .Sylvia OrlorT. Several former Omahans are gath ered this week at the home of Mrs. Samuel Shultz in ia. Pa. Thcvare Mr. and Mrs. James Ir win" Johnston of Greenfield, Mass.. and Mrs. Nancy J. Moore, now of Chicago. Mrs. Moore will spend Christmas in Omaha. Mrs. Paul Gallagher was taken to Ferger hospital at midnight Sunday and underwent an operation toe ap pendicitis Monday morning. Her mother, Mrs. F. H. Kincaid of Kan sas Citv. arrived Tuesday morning. At latest reports' Mrs. Gallagher was doiAg- as well as possible. t Things You'll Love To Make Dure ef VcUel,fd.5lk Here is an exquisite pur- of vel vet, heads and silk. Make the body" of the hag of soft black velvet. Cut a piece of silk to fit across the top of the bag, a piece, for the back and one for the front. Make thuin two inches shorter than half the length of the hag. This silk may be of gray or of any color you like, perhaps of a4 color to match your frock or wrap. Cut the lower cdnes into square tabs, as shown. Bead these silk pieces, with small steel or black heads, srt. closely together. Now cut three' strips of silk for each side; they should (it across the tabs as il tustratcd, and reach to the bottom of the velvet purse. Bead these strips, too. Stitch these beaded strips to the velvet and fasten all into the frame. . Finish the bottom, of the tabs and strips with loop of beads. This purse of velvet, beads and silk is exceedingly attractive and out of the ordinary. Sets Date for Tea. Miss Mildred Weston will be hos tess at a tea Thursday, December 22, in honor of her sister, Mrs. How ard Martin of Sioux. City,. Dance at.Hanscom. There will be an informal dance at the Hanscom Park pavilion De cember 10 under the auspices of the Updike Grain company. Problems That Perplex . Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX. A Narrow-Minded View. Dear Miss Fairfax: I have been going. about with a young man for a year and love him. This young man had another- sweetheart before he met me, but they were not on speaking terms at the time of our acquaintance. They are on friendly terms again and, although I believe he- cares for me, I am inclined to think he .still feels affectionate toward this other girl, as whenever her, name .ismentional in company he always has something to say to her credit. ; In fact, he 'won't allow- anyone to say a word against hen1' Coutd you tell' me what 1 am 'to do in a case like this, as it is annoying, when you have the idea he cares 5 as much for another girl as he does for you? ."!.. VERONICA.. Would you think well of the young man if he were not loyal to the girl he one? cared for?. If Jie spoke slightingly of her or encouraged others to do so, how much faith could you place in him? By taking,a petty, jealous or suspicious attitude'-toward him,' you may well drive , him from you and back to" her ior "into another search for the right, girl. Be broad minded and generous about this re lationship. . All the trouble exists in your mind, and tliereMjnly.'" J ' C '. ,' ; To M. 1). T. ' Pear -iriss Fairfax: I have just finished reading your- advice to M. ' D. T., In whieli you' state that one.- who became IS-years of ape be-fore tlit new- law, in- iegard to' minority" of females went'. into pffprt last July is not now of age unless she is 2t. - ' , Miss Fairfax, I think your'advie ! on love is very sane, and always cor rect; but in regard to., this -question I'm afraid you are mistaken as to the law. If a girl, had already be come of aee before . the" law - went into effect that law f annot 'make her a minor again. The., law : contains the provision that all. females who were past 18 at.-thp time tlie law went into effect cduld not be affect ed by such a law. - ,, Please don't think I'm, trying to criticize. I'm merely. mentioning- the fact that'" I believe iyou-.liavo been misinformed in regard, to this mat ter. Sincerely, .. .. ' ;, ', , ,E. K. Thank you for your "letter. -'J3. K. I was misinformed in tho matter. It ia true that one who had become of ago before tho . new law went into effect cannot be made a minor again. lnsasQtv-Florida Special . r An All Steel Through Train Leave Kansas City 5:30 pm Arrives Jacksonville 8:45 am (second morning) via Frisco Lines and Southern Railway. Dining car service all the way. Fred Harvey ineals on the Frisco. Florida literature, reservations, and information at Frisco Ticket Office : 709 Walnut St, Kmmj City, Mo, J. C Lovritn, Division Pauengtr Agent 3 I) LINES American Ked Cros Ik gins Its Drive With Enthusiasm. The Red Obis will'lioM rally luncheon Friday noon at I o'clock st the L'randeis lea room far all Ked Cross woikers ,twj ; all head of auxiliaries during the war. They are urged tv t't back title) harness and put the' Ked Cross drive over. Wed nesday at a meetinn at Ked Crest headquarters Harry Doorly was elected the active chairman of the ; drive, which begin next Sunday, for one week. The l.iou club and the Concord club have pledged them selves to go 100 per cent utrong for membership in the Red Crocs., Mrs. Charles Met spoke on the drive Wednesday afternoon to a social meeting of the Does at the Kilts' club rooms. Mrs. Burt Will Sec Her DaughteHn Play. Mrs. J. W. Burt will go down to Lincoln Saturday - to sec the per formance, of "The Winter's Tale," given by; the student dramatic asso ciation of the I'niversity "of Ne braska on Thursday. F'riday'and Sat urday of this week. Mrs. Burt's daughter, Miss Frances Burt,; plays the role ot'l'erdita. Mis Burt has a great ileal of-dramatic ability and has taken part in several btudetil pro duction's tins fall. Church Bazars. .' Lefler Memorial, First -Church Of the Brethren. St. Pauls Episcopal and Good Shepherd will hold their bazars in the court house 'Friday and Saturday. The Women's Benefit Association of Maccabees will also hold their bazar on Friday and Saturday ' at the court house. Bridge Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hosic g.ue a bridge dinner Tuesday evening at their home, for Mr. and Mrs. Brad lev Roe, who leave in January to i make their home in Chicago. Terhaps M. D. know this? T. will be' glad to Would l!e "in Style." Dear Miss Fairfax: Please answer my questions as soon as possible. Are white canvas pumps worn for formal evening wear now? Must a formal dress for a girl in her 'teens be one of the decollete kind? What is the latest in pocket books? Are vanity cases still in style? Thank ing you, I am, JUST A Gnu,. P. S. Is it too lute to "bob" hair? Mine is getting thin, but still I want to be in style. Canvas pumps are not appropriate for winter. A gown strictly decol lete is not. the. best kind for a girl in her 'teens. A moderately low cut neck with the. shoulders fairly well covered is preferable. There is such a variety of bags that it is difficult to name for you the very "latest." They are still showing beaded bags, but leather is in the lead. In my own opinion, the hand tooled bags are the best looking ones shown: but they are costly, running from $23 to $50 in price. As a matter of fact, you can buy a bag of almost any sijo or shape and still be ."in style." Vanity cases are still very popular and they are fre quently shown in combination with the pocketbook. It isn't too late to bob your hair, but please have a. better reason for doing it than the one you mention. ADVERTISEMENT. HEALING ORE M QUICKEST RELIEF FOR HEAD COLDS .Colds and catarrh yield like magic to soothing, healing, antiseptic cream that penetrates through every air passage and relieves swollen, in flamed membranes of nose and throat. Your clogged nostrils open right up and you can breathe freely. Hawking and snuffling stop. Don't stay stuffed up and miserable. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist. Applv a little in the, nostrils and get instant relief. Millions endorse this remedy known for more than fifty years. ' tl THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. DECEMBKU 9, 19'Jl. My Marriage Problems ' Allele Crrlou' New 'lia of "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" . tCupniM, I'll. r'Nwm rrstur luetic, Im.) The Guesi Lillian Made About Ben Dean' Errand '.Marion, l'U wager you a tiivktl that you can't get dresed before I dres Junior.' ' The little girl sat up in bed u if palvanied at my challenge, although she had been Mecpy enough before. I had slipped into Lillian' bun g,i low in the Cosgrove grounds at her w ak in hour tt dress my small lad, whom I had left with Iter the night before, and I wished to get both chil dren out of the way before. I told Lillian of the night's dramatic hap pening. Lillian raised herself on one elbow and gave tnc one swift, keen look. "Ttachinif tny cheehj to gamble, arc von?" she mocked, while Marion 'giggled gleefully. "But if you're go I ins to offer a wager, give one worth j hurrying for,- I'll wager a real corn ! roast, Marion, with potatoes and : everything, thi.t you can rut Auntie Madge' time down a whute .minute. ' "Uh-h. watch me," squealed Mar ion, diving for her clothing, while I, lot course, slyly manipulated my. (dressing of Junior so that she fin ; islied just inside the time prescribed j by her mother.. . I "You won both wagers, dear," I said, kissing her. ".Now, will you please take Junior out for a little walk on-the path? Don't let him get his feet wet, and tell Auntie Cos !jrovc that your mother and Auntie Madge would like to breakfast a few minutes earlier than usual if she can manage it." " "AH " right.. Come, Junior, she carolled, taking him by the hand. "All wite. Dooncr. . tmnniui," he echoed,- dutifully, trotting along be side her, and Lillian and I smiled at each other in motherly pride as they went out.' "Well what is it?" she asked when I had closed the door after "I know you aren't staging all this dressing, haste and early i breakfast without reason. "The Man. I Mean." ! She was-dressing swiftly as she j spoke, moving with precision and no waste of time or energy in her old efficient way. That she could listen land file the information received while completing her dressing, I well knew, and I proceeded to give her as orderly and detailed a history of the night's events as I could manage. She only interrupted me once, and that was when I was giving my de scription of the man,' Smith. "What sort of eyebrows has he?" she asked abruptly. "L'pustially heavy, and jet black. F.D.BILL Talks at Hospe's Saturday DON'T MISS HIM $7.50 Worth of Advo Xmas Groceries Free With a Hoosier Sat. Union Outfitting Co. $1.00 Down Xinas Club Plan Sale "Hoosier" Kitchen Cabinets Will Open Saturday. What more welcome gift than a time and labor-saving "Hoosier" Kitchen Cabinet and just picture how surprised she would be to have a big, hand some "Hoosier" chock full of "ADVO" Groceries delivered to her Xmas Eve. "Advo" products are the choice of discriminating house keepers because of. their high quality and excellent flavor. The Union Outfitting Co. is the only store in Omaha where you can get the' famous "Hoosier" Cabinet. 5,000 of these Cut Glass Water Sets Given Away Free During Our Year End Clearance A Set Free With Every $25 Purchase Buy on Credit 1417 Douglas St ;Andye, they looked in one place a ii in iixu i'ciii I'liuftru iifcc n woman's. Hut, of course, that is nonseiue," ' "As it happens, it isn't." Lillian siid quietly. "If he' is the man I think he i. he used to have a queer looking tuit of eyebrow, heavier than the rent, oyer his li ft eye near the middle, and it was white, while the ret were black;' It was a mark which made him conspicuous yean ago, and the man I know 'w ould be clever enough to dlsguie it in just that way. Where was this appear anre of plucking of which you speak?" ' "Just where you have indicated," I returned, and Lillian nodded. "No doubt the man I mean," she said, "Go on." Ueftire I had finished she had com (eted' her toilet, , and seated herself by the window;, cupping her chin in her hands the obi familiar gesture which I liad seen so many times when she had some problem, pro fessional or personal, to think out. It was one 1 had not seen since the day of her collapse -indeed, before that, and though I feared that she might overtax the strength of mind and body which had been for so long in jeopardy, yet I rejoiced at this in dication that "Richard was himself again." I busied myself quietly with pick ing up the children's, night things, arranging the room, for nothing so annoys Lillian as to have any one watch her when she is engaged in working out a problem. And when she raised her head,' it was to ask an incisive question. . Bess Dean Rises Early, "This Col. Travers is coming at eight-thirty, you say?"' "That was the hour he named." "He must not be kept waiting, for there is stiff work on hand. Come on to breakfast. There'll be nobody there so soon, and we can hurry through." But early as we were, Bess Dean was before us. She looked up as we entered, smiling as serenely as if she had not been hoist by her own petard the night before. "I pity the worms," she said saucily, "with three such birds as we astir. What's the .matter, Madge? You look as if Atlas had Lorint.he in" coirif&taMe' ai sixteen -supreme axnonc violinists oPhersejf -insists fliat her 2JXotxn pairiments he upon (he not limn i j u i violin, srnE saj ufiamlin Ike most inotririfl omu5ical imtraments Hft seems to begin uiW oSicr pianos leave oft in giving life asul voice to (he cjenius ot music' Highest priceJ-fiighett 'jnrareJ 1513 Dou;la St. The Art nd Mutic Store Store-Wide 'It i Matt to mv telovea !ut transferred the old world from his shoulder to yours." I "I'm sleepy, that' all." I said. "I I would have given anything t,i have , lrpt till noon, but those young sters' "I'll bet if the truth were known you pulled them out of bed," Bess Dean interrupted, i . "You must have been restless, too," Lillian remarked quietly. "Oh! I'm the original early riser," Bess Dean declared. "That proverb of early to 1ed was written about ine." Hut when Bess Dean had sauntered out of heal ing, Lillian-to a horn I had confided a little of the personal drama in which Bes-x Dean had figured had a different solution of the girl' early rising. ; "She went to mail telegram to some one in the city," she said shrewdly,. "It will be wired back here tomorrow a summons to come homK" Piano Recital Feature of . Art Exhibit. In connection with the WVJ. Potter and Charles Hawthorne exhibit of paintings in the Fine Arts gallery, Omaha public library, the. Misses Dorothy Morton and Adelyn Wood will give a two-piano recital on Sun day afternoon, December 18, to which the public is invited. The reception committee for that day will include Mrs. Ward Durness, president of the Fine Arts society; Mrs. C. M. Williclm, chairman of ex hibits, and Maurice 13lock, art di rector. 1- The exhibit is -open to the public every week day from 8 a. in., until 9 p. tn., and -on Sunday afternoons from 2 until 6 o'clock. Rhcumatic Joint; Ru6 rain Right Out-Try TAis! Khcumatisni is "pain only." Mot one case in 50 requires internal treatment. Stop- drugging! Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" directly into your sore, stilf joints and muscles ancl relief comes instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism cure which never disappoints and cannot burn or discolor the skin. Limber tip! Quit complainirg! G$ Great stuff for that "Quick! give-me-something-zippy" feeling during the aftemoon'let-doKii. " Sunswret Prunes.are brimful of natural fruit sugar-Nature'svray of feeding you energy. Leave a standing order with the office boy for a package a day. And " here's a happy hunch: Slip him an extra nickel so he can eat'em - 1 - raw, tool For sale everywhere! , ' . ' SMNSWIE Clisonii The Whole FamUy Will Like It ' Something Different! V lfpye than a Tirealrfast 'hoodL " Established t9 t have RUPTURE tithoot for ordinary cases. ! days spent here with me. X dancer or lavine is Is hospital. Call or write lor particulars. Dr. Frh H. Wray. Ne. 807 North 35th St.. Omaha. Neb. Directions: Ta a lS:n or lith street car goirg north and get eft at SSth and Coming St. Third residence south. Fashion Notes Some of the new fans have painted tifkit of amber. Kose and blue, gold and gri-eu are laid over the amber in the finest tracery of (lowers and leave. , Feathers for the hair are mounted on combs. One striking coiffure, ornament of this sort is a bunch of sweeping," curving cock feathers n scarlet, mounted on dark tortoise shell prongs. One of the. new afternoon dresses is of velvet quilted in gold thread and trimmed with Tersinn lamb fur with hammered trel nail head em broidery on the under hlecves and t heavily jeweled girdle worn at a low waistline. , . DANDRUFF REMOVER SHAMPOO REJUVENATES AND NOURISHES 1ILE IT CLEANSES The Perfect Shampoo. No exc oils, fU, cuuc or aiKgii iu leave me nmr gumm?, trinsy or eticky. , . Two sizes: 75c and $1.50 , After ihauipooini, use fitch's quinine tonique'superbe an antUeplic end attrinient, giving new life and lutter to the hair. Aelt your druefiet. . a small trial' bottle of old-time "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store and in just a moment' you'll be free from rheumatic pain, soreness and still ness. Don't suffer! Relief and a cure awaits yoUi "St. Jacobs Oil" has cured millions of rheumatism sufferers in the last half century, aiid is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains snd swellings. isNatue-fUvoul prunes There's nothing just like CREAM OF RYE. It occupies a place all its own. With all the well-known food values of this truly wonderful grain, CREAM OF RYE possesses also a delicate flavor that has made it welcome in millions of families. It is made from the choicest grains of rye, thoroughly cleaned.speciallyproc- " essed, flaked and sterilized, and packed in "air-tight" fibre cans. CREAM. OF RYE is never sold in bulk. Can be used for bread, muffins, cookies, etc. Serve It Some Way Every Day . All good grocers have it. Try a package today. m oveceasfn! treatment for Kuptare resorting to a painful and uncertain surcSral operation. M treatment has am than twenty-fire years of acceess behind H. and t elsim it te be the best. I "o not inject rarsffine wax. as it i danrertus. Time reouired DOW EN'S' Valuc-Chlng Slor Eldredge Two-Spool "SEWING MACHINE Savei Drenmakinf and st the same time permit you to have more clothes for much ' less money. Own 't machine and keep tho profits at home,. , . . As usual, you jr privi leged, to make your own terms. Select your Sewing Machine now, having it to uso while paying for it. Eight handaomo models from which to choose; priced from ' $22.50 to $98.00 . Ask for demonstration -and remember it pays to read Vowen's email ad. . Write for Our New Style Cir cular FREE Send postal today J for our latest circular right off the preaset, ' Contains many tea-, onable suggestion Co make your gar ments more attrac tive at less cost. W do all kinda of . riealfng - Embroidery Heaaailtehial BnttoM, Ef e. Excellent workmanship guaranteed. Careful at ' tention given to all mail. orders. Prompt ervice. Send for tlnls free circular today. IDEAL BUTTON AJD PLEATING CO. . 311 Brown Black, Omaha, Neb. "Largest businesa of it kind In the country." You can't give your Xmas gifts in Paper and String ' The bright Den'nison seals that holdthe wrapping; the Dennison warning. tht says "Do not open until Xmas, and, the Dennison tag that name the lucky one are the holiday touches that make your gilts doubly welcome. - At SUHonen, Dept. Stores, and ' , Druggists, Lotnwhcrt , When in Omaha Rome AnVKRIISKMJENT .-,' . will break a Coldj Fever and Grippe quicker than anything we know, preventing . pneumonia.. . ADVERTISEMENT. To Relieve Catarrh. Catarrhal Deafness And Head Noises Persons suffering from catarrhal deaf ness, or who are growing hard oj. hesr ine and have head noises will bo (lad to know that this distressing- affliction can usually be ' succesful'y treated . at horn by an internal medicine that in many instances has effected complete . Telief after ether treatments have failed. ' Suf ferers who .could scarcely hear have hal their hearing' restored to such an extent that the tick of a watch was plainly audi ble seven or eight inches away from either ear. Therefore, if you know of someone who is troubled. with hrad noliea or catarrhal doafness, cut out this for mula and hand it to -them and you may have been the. means, of saving some poor sufferer perhaps from total deafness.' The prescription xsn bar prepared at home and is made as follows : , Secure from your drugirist 1 ok. Tsr mint (Double Strength ) Take this home and add to It pint of hot water and a little granulated, sugar: atir until d!n. solved. Take one tablepoonful fear times a day. Farmint i used in this way not only to reduce to tonic action the inflamma tion and swelling in the. Eustachian Tubes, and thus to equalize the air pres sure on the drum, but to . correct an execs of secretions in the middle ear, and the results it rives are nearly al ways quick and effective. i. Every person who has catarrh'. in ary form, or distressing rumblinar.' hissing, sound tn their ears, should give this rec ipe trial.. DEAD COLDS nUdt ia spoon; inhale rarxfs: ppty freely up ncartrila. . V VapoRud - Oct 17 Million Uxi Yuib Bill 4