Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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Minnesota Man
Heads American
Road Association
Committee Report Ignoring
National Standardization
Of Bridge Adopted ly
Highway Officials
Charlrs if. Babcock. Miunouta,
was elected president of the sncr
iean Association of Stile Highway
Official at the annual busiincs mtvt
fag lield yesterday aftrrituon at the
Hotel Fonli-nelle. Otllrr officer
elected were Charles J. Bennett, Con
necticut, vice president; Charles M.
Uphain, Korth Carolina, wcrctary,
und Frank T. Sheets, Illinois, treas
urer. Col. W. D. filler, l'ennsyl
vania, and D. P. Olson. Idaho, were
elected member of the executive
The dosing session tl the annual
convention was devoted to husines
and the reports of officials and com
mittees. Reports of the committee on
standards, headed by Col. V. 1).
Uhler, Pennsylvania, which had for
its main theme the standardization
tf bridges throttKhout the country
was adopted by the convention after
a few minor changes.
The convention unanimously en
dorsed the new laws pertaining- to
federal and Mate road building. The
next convention city is to he named
by the executive coimn'ttie.
School Nears Completion
Oshkosh, Nib.. Dec. (Special.)
The new $J0,(X)U school building
at Lisco is Hearing completion and
it is expected that it will he occu
pied soon after the first of the year.
Brief City News.
If 7 11 v 4 J$ 1 v .
: u
v&n r&mm If
To IMwiisw 8iillmt)i 'Iiiiiisc
Habhl Fredorli'k Colin' tupli- nt
Temple Israel tonight will be "Shull
We Transfer the Sabbath to Sun
day?" and Saturday morning, "The
Fosters Hnvc Dmmlifi-r A daugh
ter was born yesterday to Mr. and
Mr. Charles Foster of Fairbury,
!Xeb. Mrs. Foster formerly was
Miss Jennie Roberts of Omaha.
Kdiiealor to Visit Dr. s . O.
Thompson, president of the Ohio
State university, Columbus, )., will
visit his brother, L. .A. Thompson,
4049 Charles street, , this city, Mon
day. Administrator Quits David A.
Baum tendered in county court his
resignation yesterday as one of the
administrators of the estate of
James E. Baum, assigning ill health
a the reason.
Fueltive Rccaptnrcil Bert Van i
i-iosen, drug addict, escaped rrom
the United States marshal's oUire
yesterday while awaitiiiR trial before
Judge Woodrough. He was cap
tured three hours later.
Dunlnp Improved Tlvo condition
of Robert Dunlap was reported im
proved at ' the Swedish hospital,
where he underwent a serious opera
tion Monday, Mr. Dunlap is cap
tain of fire company No. 1.
Ijoase to Be Sold Robert J.
Webb, trustee in ' bankruptcy, has
sent out to creditors of the Securi
ties bulldinp, Sixteenth and Farnam
streets, notice for the sale of the
99-year lease on the building.
Rod Cross CampalKti The annual
membership roll call for the Red
Cross Omaha chapter will be held
next week, beginning Sunday and
closing tho following Saturday.
Henry Doorly is general manager
of the campaign.
Parole Violator Violet Smith, on
parole from the Nebraska state pen
itentiary on a charge of forgery,
was arraigned yesterday before
Judge Foster on a similar charge.
She was held to the district court
in $2,600 bonds.
Takes Job in Frisco Gretchen
Allen, 1141 South Thirty-second
street, has accepted a position with
the Waller Cloak and Suit Manufac
turing company of San Francisco as
head designer and buyer. She will
leave for the coast next Monday.
Greetcrs Convene The annual
convention of the Nebraska Hotel
Men's association and the Nebraska
Iowa Greeters opened yesterday at
the Hotel Fontenelle. Harley G.
Conant, president of the association,
welcomed the convention to Omaha.
Jury Disaerecs A jury in Dis
trict judge Troup's court, after de
liberating 22 hours in the case of
Ralph Sadler, charged with swin
dling W. J. Kostovy out of $9,500
two years ago, was discharged yes
terday, having failed to reach a
"Mystery Man" Returned Frank
Pierce, "mystery man" of the Fogg
murder case, was returned to
- Omaha yesterday and confined in a
cell at the city jail. He will be held
there until the arraignment of
"Finger" Stevens and Mike Damato,
charged with the murder
Claims Damages Eva Harden
brought suit yesterday in district
court for $10,000 damages against
the Omaha Safe Deposit company,
alleging she was permanently in
jured when she fell on some stairs
on property owned by the company.
Vur-IJned Suits for Flyers Mail
pilots of the Omaha air mail field
will appeal to Postmaster General
Haya for fur-lined suits to be worn
as part of their flyin? equipment.
II. G. Frown is president and Tex
Marshall vice president of the local
Kroup of flyers.
Xew Freight Alent Named 'Wil
liam Haywood has been appointed
general freight agent of the Illinois
Central railroad in charge of solici
tation, with headquarters at Chi
cago, it was announced here. He
was formerly assistant to the traffic
manager at Chicago.
Postal Reorganization Reorgani
sation of the postal department into
state units was announced yester
day by Postmaster General Hays.
Much work heretofore done In the
central offices at Washington will be
diverted to accounting departments
of larger postoffices.
Doctor Sned for Divorce Dr.
Lynn J. Putman, physician, 1911
Park avenue, was sued in district
eourt yesterday for divorce by Grace
Putman, who charges extreme
cruelty. They were married Au
gust 21, 1308, and have two chil
dren. Thomas Lynn, 10, and Robert
Hugh. 14.
Contract Expires The street
lighting contract between the city
and the Nebraska Power company
expired yesterday. According to
Commissioners Butler and Zimman,
the new contract will not be drawn
up before the first of the year. The
streets will continue to be lighted,
To Address C. of C. R. A. Hayne. I
Jhicago. agricultural expert for the
International Han-ester company,
and "Farmer" Smith. Cheyenne, de
velopment worker for the L'nion
Pacific railroad, will address a
- luncheon to be given today at the
Chamber t Commerce by the agri
cultural Committee,
Anita Stewart "The Invisible Fear
Ye girls who would hasten to the
feet of Hymen, hearken to what
Anita Stewart says;
Here are some of the rule she has
hid down for maidens whose eyes
are turned toward matrimony:
"Don't marry a man just because
you think he is 'cute' or something,
lis may be cute like a young puppy
deg, and as useless.
Don't marry before you are 25,
because you have to give up all your
girlhood jcy of making a lot cf men
miserable before you finally pick on
the one you ivant.
"Don't pin all your happiness to
a man, anyway. Have other inter
estschildren, social work, a pro.
"Don't go by what a man says he
likes in a woman keep your eyed
fee'ed for what he really does like.
Tlen do it."
Anita propounds some of those
"dent's" in her next picture, "The
Invisible Fear," which opens Sun
day at the Rialto theater.
Today's Attractions.
Sun "Over the Hill."
Rialto "The Miracle Man."
Strand "The Sheik."
Moon Priscilla Dean in "Con
Empress "A Trip to Paradise."
Muse "The Wild Goose."
Grand "Mother O'Mine."
Hamilton Tom Moore in "Officef
Sends Chicken
to Bee Fund
"No Name" Contribute fc?0
"Lover of Children"
Fears for Tota.
Two letters accompanying con
tributions to The Ike's fund for sup
plying shoes to extremely poor
"I am a little boy 10 years old ami
the only boy papa ami mamma
lave. I have never had to go with
out shoes and it niut-t be awful, 1
am sending you l mamma gave me
from some chickens she sold, so you
ran get some little boy or n'1'
pair of shoes. I have some trap
set and if I have good luck I wn
send in some more money.
"These frosty morning make on',
shiver even when clad in warm
clothing. How must the little ones
fare who have no woolen hose ot
good, thick shoes? May this gooJ
work go steadily on.
A pitiful line of cold little boys
and girls await your donation to
this work. Send it today to The
rice, if you possibly can.
rrvlouljr arkmiwlcilicrd fHHD ft.1
No Nam ko 00
Junior Lvukiip, Mrtlioilint churih,
Krlvlilcre, rb SO
A FrlrnJ 5 mi
M iiluw'D Mite. Illttlr, N.'! Oil
Lover of Children 2 Ml
A Friend 3 INI
llnrwjn Jarkwn, Wnllineli. Neb. . . 3 IK)
linnounerd ye
limit will be
Final return
24. Reduced
tares will apply Between points noi
farther apart than approximately 7'W
mile. Minimum fare on which the
excursion rates will apply will be
Dog Hill Paragrafs j
" By George Bingham
It Is reported that recently a honey
bee followed Miss Hostetter Hocks
Total !0 (15
Reduced Fares to Chicago
Announced ly Railroad
Excursion rates of fare and one
half for round trip over' the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Taul railroad for
the holidays will be on sale Decem
ber 22 to 24 inclusive, W. E. Clock,
general agent passenger department.
nearly home before it discovered that
the flowers on her hat were false.
Atlas Peck -and family, who have
been thinking about moving out of
the neighborhood, have decided to
remain in our midst, and for a
change have turned the bed around.
Washington Hocks,1 while asleep
last night, dreamed that he heard a
roise at the door. It was so loud it
woke him, and then he got up and
found he was mistaken.
The Japanese have a superstition
that to eat anything for the first
time adds 75 days to one's life.
' Having launched his latest super
feature, "Hail the Woman," which
John Griffith Wray made one of the
tremendous picture successes of the
year, Thomas H. Ince is setting out
to do another big one. Its present
title is "Someone to Love." This is
;:n original story by C. Gardner Sul
livan, and is a tale of circus lite.
Robert Iirunton, one of the lead
ing California producers who re
cently sold his immense studios in
Los Angeles to an eastern syndicate,
is leaving for England, and says he
may produce pictures there if the
conditions warrant. Among them
will probably be some Rudyard Kip
ling stories.
Liquor Law Violator Gels
6 Months' Term Despite Plea
"I have little consideration for
men of your type who brazenly vio
late the laws," declared District
Judge Troup to Charles Reiser, 3908
South Fourteenth street, who was
before him for sentence after being
found guilty by a jury of illegal pos
session of liquor and mash.
Reiser asked the court for leni
.ency, pleading that he had "learned
" after Tudcre Trouo had
sentenced him to jail for six monthsJ
and lined. him ?aUU. Judge lroup
declined to change the sentence and
68 Automobiles Stolen.
Sixty-eight motor cars were re
ported stolen during the month of
November, and of this number 57
were recovered, according to the
monthly report of Lieut. Jack
Pszanowski of the auto theft bureau,
made yesterday to Chief of Police
Dcmpscy. In October 86 cars were
reported stolen with a recovery of
An inventor has just produced a
gun from which a stout line can,
from the shoulder, be shot a dis
tance of 110 yards.
' F.B.BILL I -?
Tdks at Hospe's
E 0 3
Sends a
Schmoller & Mueller
Phonograph Supreme
To Your Home for Christmas
The Schmoller & Mueller
Guaranteed Phonograph has
a clear, resonant tone. Plays
all records. Art cabinets, the
highest achievements of ex
pert craftsmen, and the price
is $20 to $50 less than any
other high-grade instrument.
Call tomorrow and make your
selection for immediate or
Christmas delivery. Remember
our terms, $1 down and small
weekly or monthly payments on
the balance.
Six model to select
from priced at
$80 to $215
n If you can't call, write or telephone us
Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Co.
Dodge Street
Douglas 1623
Common Sense
The Open Road.
You know that you ire deficient in
knowledge of many thing which you
should know to he conndered intelli
gent. Year after year you put off from
time to time the let period you think
you must have to learn more of these
subjects and you will still continue
to put off.
Why not pan out for one niht a
week during thin winter.
One night a week devoted to your
particular study would accomplish
Self denial will enter in. Perhaps
there will be a big party the very
first or second evening you set to be
gin the mastery of your study.
What will you do postpone the
study again?
What are you in caiurst about,
study or personal pleasure?
You may find kind friends to help
put you through if it becomes known
that you are willing to sacrifice a
personal good time for work.
But do not blame your kind friends
for deserting you and your cause if
you are found wanting on account of
too much devotion on your part to a
"good time."
And if you knew that a very much
more lucrative job were at the end
of the road after you have acquired
this additional knowledge would you
not be more than ever anxious to
pursue the subject?
It requires regular systematic study
and a serious mind concentrated on
the thing in hand. Can you qualify?
(Copyright, J21, Intfrnmional Teatur
Service, Inc.)
carries about her appearince be
taught to kcrp herself ttiyr
Carelesinrts in personal appear
anre U tuua'Iy a phae of develop,
mcnt through which the child mutt
be helped to pass. Al the con
sciousness of personal reiponiibility
is awakened, habit of tidiness will
become fixed. Even children who
hive been carefully trained and have
formed hahils of order and neatnen
in their earlier years may pas
through a phase of untidiness and
disorder. As a member of society
she must be taught to care for her
self so as to be agreeable in appear
ance as well as in personality.
Parents' Problems
How can a little girl w"ho is very
Union Outfitting Co.
Places Big Purchase
of Rich Cut Glass on
Sale Next Saturday
Sale Prices Are Just About
HALF What You Would
Ordinarily Pay.
The bijjftest money-saving: sale
of brilliant, sparkling Semi-Cut
Glass Omaha bomemakera have
known in many, many months
will take place next Saturday at
the Union Outfitting Co.
There are pieces suitable for
gift purposes as well as everyday
use, comprising Mayonnaise Sets,
Sugar and Creamers, Nappies,
Nut Dishes, Vases, Spoon Trays,
Jellies, ComporU, Fruit Bowls,
Celery Trays, etc. At always,
you make your own erma.
Where It Started
Printing on China.
Dr. Wall of Worceiter is usually
credited with having invented the
process of printing on china or earth
eoware; but a man named feadler
of Harrington street, Liverpool,
England, Is claimed to have beta
the first really to practice the art
He used copper pistes, and Wedge
wood, the famous manufacturer of
that period, had all his plates printed
by Sadler.
Coprliht, Hit, WhuUr Syndics!.. ln.
2 fori?
Genuine Java wrappers
Do you know what a.
mild, fragrant smoke
that means?
!ii!li!liiuiilli;li:iui:il:i:i:::i:i .1"l:r:S"l"llil i:i:;r'l,iliili:liil't:l'il',!ii!IMI'iliili!l'Jiiiir'iiitH:iiii!iii'iiii:ii:ii:iii!'',r'i"::''l,:ii'l''l"i rrr l"lnr r l!'.'l:'rn.J::ii:il"l : 'I'l I 'I I J'S H
Strikingly low prices
made on $40,000
worth of Living
Room Furniture at
H. R. Bowen Co.
Last Monday we started sell
ing 340,000.00 worth of Living
Room Furniture at less than fac
tory ccst. And, if you take ad
vantage of our Value-Giving
prices, you are sure of saving
many dollars.
Included are complete suites
in velour, tapestry and cane, as
well as an almost endless num
ber of odd pieces pieces that
are ever useful, pieces that lend
the finished features to the
The very low prices at which
these furnishings are offered
pive you a splendid opportunity
to completely refurnish the Liv
ing Room or add a number of
pieces before the holidays at tri
fling cost. See thi3 display and
pive gift3 of furniture this
More Heat -Less Cost"
Carbon Egg
$9.50 per Ton
Carbon Lump
$10.50 per Ton
Here is the fuel'to heat you house
this winter in a way both comfort
able and economical.
Don't Waste Your
Coal Money
Buy Updike Carbon Lump. The ,
cost is low, yet scores of our cus
tomers are expressing great satis
faction with its heating qualities.
You, too, will find this a good fuel
and a cheap one.
We Deliver to All Parts of Omaha
6G6 is a prescription for Colds,
Fever azd LaGrippe. It's the
most speedy remedy we know.
Friday and
fttiwi&WMffl Got
Friday and
in mahogany, complete with draw
er and pipe shelf, cigar rest, etc.
Other Smokers 2.00, 3.75
and up to 13.50 in a great va
riety. Cedar Chests
A very large assortment in all
sizes and various styles and trim
mings 15.00, 18.50, 20.50,
31.50 and up.
Foot Stools
in tapestry and velour, with mahog
any frames 1.25, 3.00, 3.75
and up to 35.00.
I jj
i iL
Rocking Chairs
in Fumed or Golden Oal(
With Spanish fabricoid upholstery
on seat and back 16.00
Chair to match 15.00
45 other patterns, in Fumed or
Golden Oak Rocking Chairs with
Spanish fabricoid and Spanish
leather upholstery, 6.75, 7.50,
8.50. 9.00 and up to 25.00
and 26.00.
f t tM M VSv
i a Dies
In waxed oak
Other Golden
Oak Library
all styles
and sizes
16.00, 19.00
22.00. 24.00
and up to
Overstuffed Arm Chairs
and Rockers
Upholstered in tapestry, a splendid variety at 48.00
49.00, ranging up to 110.00.
. i
Ladies' Desks
In fumed and golden oak 13.50, 20.00. 21.00,
22.00 and up.
Sale of Ostermoor Mattresses
Closing out our wholesale stock of Ostermoor Mattresses.
These Mattresses made by the Ostermoor Co. in art twill
ticks, 45 lbs., stitched edge. The advertised selling price,
35.00 we offer them to you now at less than wholesale cost
to close, each 15.00
BLOCKS for the baby and kindergarten age. Picture Blocks,
50 to 1.00
WOOD BABIES, AND ANIMALS with brilliant letters
2.35 to 4.15
ROUND CORNER BLOCKS, 1-inch size 65 to 1.00
NESTED BLOCKS 45 to 2.00
MECHANICAL TRAINS High-class mechanical engine, one
coal car, one passenger car and 90-inch track. .... .2.25
The same trains with two passenger coaches ..3.00
Large Mechanical Engine with Coal Car and three Coaches
and track 4.50
Iron Pull Trains
Engine and two Coaches 65
Medium size 1.50
Engine, Coal Car and two Coaches, large size, 7.00
Engine, Coal Car and three Coaches, large size, 10.50
Your boy's Christmas will not be complete without a drum.
See this attractive line, all with fibre heads that will give
splendid satisfaction.
8-inch size 1.00
10-inch size 1.50
12-inch size 2.00
12-inch Flat Snare Type,
at i 2.00
16-inch Boy Scout Drum
with genuine skin head,
Complete with symbols
at 6.00
Ruffled Curtains Specially Priced
Muslin Curtains in dots or small figures, per pair 2.50
Grenadine Curtains, per pair 3.75
Lace-Edged Filet Net Curtains in ivory or ecru, per pair
2.75 and 3.25
Cretonnes that make attractive Christmas gifts, such as
aprons, pillows, laundry bags, etc.
50S 75 and 1.00
Sateen-Covered Comforts
with plain borders, size
72x84 inche...7.50
Sheets, 81x90 inches,
each 2.00
Pillow Gases, 45x86
inches, each 35tt
Blankets of good quality,
. 5.75, 6.75, 7.50
and 8.75.
1 ... Axminster Rugs
Plain and Figured Axminsters made from all worsted
yarn, good for any room in the house.
22x38 inches 3.00 4-6x6-6
27x54 inches 5.75 8-3x10-6
36x70 inches 9.00 9x12
Velvet Rugs
15 patterns in 9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs in colorings and
designs ' 48.50
Wilton Rugs
for bedroom, sunroom and living room, in suitable colorings
and designs.
27x54 inches 10.50 8-3x10-6 90 00
36x63 inches 16.50 9x12 lOO'.OO
4-6x7-6 35.00
Chenille Bath Rugs
in blue, brown, and pink, or checkered.
24x36 2.50 30x60 fl 00
24x4S 4.25
A Beautiful Selection of
Rag Rugs
for Christmas, those with the floral and checkered borders in
pink, blue, gold, mulberry, and chintz colorings. All made
from new cretonnes.
27x54 4.25 36x72 6.50
30x60 4.75
STOVE SALE-Clearing Out All Floor Samples
Detroit Jewel Ranges. These Are Real Bargains.
92.00 White Enamel, Nickel-Trimmed Range 65.00
123.00 White Enamel, Nickel-Trimmed Cast Range.. 86.00
142.00 White Enamel and Nickel-Trimmed Range with
reservoir 99.00
165.00 Blue All-Porcelain Range 118.50
185.00 Blue All-Porcelain Range with reservoir. ... 1 36.0O
177.50 White and Grey Forcelain Range 132.00
ii t in u 1 1 i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i 1 1 i-m 1 1 ri ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I f J I 1 4