Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    McKelvie Talks
At Anti-Saloon
League Meeting
Ncl)raku Governor Called
Upon for 'Hurry-iy
Specdi i'l National
- By E. C. SNYDER.
Mn.hlnctaa formpnmlrni Omaha Xif.
WashiHRtoii. Deo. 8. (Special
Telegram.) Gov. S. R. McKelvie of
Vcbraska, arrived in Washington to-
day from Charleston, S. C where
lie was in attendance at the annua!
meeting of governor, lie had hard
ly time to "'wash up" when he waa
railed upon to address the Anti
Siloon leaKiic, now in session here
Later in the day the governor had
an interview with Secretary Mellon
of the Treasury department on de
partmental affairs.
Mrs. McKelvie joined Iicr husband
liere, having come frtsm Lincoln to
attend the dinner which President
.nl Mrs.' Harding gave this evening
at the Whjte House in honor of the
governor's and their, wives.
Governor and Mrs. McKelvie left
for New York or! .the midnighrtrain
hut .expect to return to Washington
arly next week for a stay of several
; t. Senator Norris, greatly benefited
; , 'jy his visit to Nebraska, arrived
; troni the west this morning.
. ; Senator Hitchcock was the princi-
tal speaker at the convocation of the
University of Minnesota at Minnc
; apolis tonight. His subject was
,; "The League of. Nations."
i.'"t" Representative ' Kinkaid returned
.'rom Nebraska today.
, John V. Gilchrist of Omaha, a
public accountant interested in tax
problems, is in Washington on busi
, less with the internal revenue bu
- rcau.
$16,000 Is Sought
For Summer Music
City Concert Club to Appear
; Before Commissioners in
Plea for Appropriation.
An appropriation of $16,000 is
"; aked of the city council by the City
. Concert club for the purpose of pro
','.'.' a iding for band concerts in Omaha
parks next summer.
Representatives of the club will
:t appear befpre the city commissioners
V in the council chamber, December
, ,. 20, together with others interested
in civic music. . .
Heretofore the music enthusiasts
. have depended . on individual, sub
se'riptions to finance civic music. '
Co-operation, of . the public is
. asked in a circular letter just sent
K '. out by the City' Concert club. The
' ' letter reviews the work accomplished
. during the last season by the club,
, - '.vhose object is to make Omaha one
; of the nation's musical centers.
Cattle Sale Authorized
K To Pay $ 12,2 10 in Notes
An echo of losses sustained by Mis
' ourt Valley Cattle Loan company
Investors crept into .federal court
' Again yesterday when Judge J. W.
' AVoodrough signed an order aurbor-
!zirtg John 'A... Rine, receiver, to .iell
v. 131 head of cattle from; the Karl F.
. ' Dietsch rahch' tiear ,Brbkc,ti' Bow,.
Neb. Dietsch signed", not,es totalling.
' 512,240, on 'which a number of Ne
braska, Iowa and Kansas banks seek
, collection..' . ?''..'.
, Smallpox at. Standstill;
4 New Diphtheria.. Cases
No new cases of ftnallpox were
reported at the;.city.-' health office
yesterday. There, are' three cases
, "on record. Health Commissioner
Pinto spent the anorning vaccinating
' at Central . Park., school, where pu
pils vntift exposed, to smallpox.
Fottr ,;new diphtheria cases " were
-reported, yesterday. Five ' cases
,t were releasedf 'making .a total of-57
j; diphtheria cases. ' ' ,
; - Lincoln Teacher to India
Lincoln, Dec. 8, (Special.) Miss
Laura Suhr, a ''Lincoln teacher,
i '4 sailed from San Francisco today for
,,v India, where she. will be a misston
" ary for the Women's' Foreign Mis-
sionary society.
extra rocr
pants rKtr.
With Every Suit or
Overcoat Order
To reduce our stock and
keep our tailors busy.
Good workmanship and per
fect fit guaranteed.
Tailoring Co. ;
317 South 15th Street'
Cuticura Is Wonderful
For Your Hair
On rearing- rob spots of dandruff and
tichmf with Cutxmra Chntroent, Next
raorniBft saampoo with CutJcnra Soap
and hot water. Tina deanses the scahjt
ef daodrufl aoJ proraave' iair health.
Saaaat Sa0.rOT V.BU t.-rtMnnUt.
Newton Cohn Freed on
Bond at Philadelphia
Newton G. Culm lid hearing in
Philadelphia yesterday nd a re
leased by federal luthoritie there
under $5,000 for lift ppemne
there April 1, United Statef Attor
ney Kinsler wa$ informed, by wire
"It is in direct opposition to ill
the instructions I sent" to 'mialel
phia," he said, "and I may have to
reronvene the grand Jury and re
inle t him "
Cohn was one of nine men indict
ed for activities in promotion of the
Missouri Valley Cattle Loan com
pany. The case is set for trial Jan
uary 9. - '
High School Clubs
Decree Sky Is Limit
Elaborate Yule Parties Plau
ned hy Fraternities and
Sororities'. " ;. ""'
Christmas parties and dances,-witK
the cost apparently no object, have
been planned by Central High school
fraternities and sororities, according
to reservations already made at the'
fashionable hotels. .
The idea seems 'to be that each so
cicty will strive to outdo the other
and assessments of $10 a member have
not been uncommon this season, it
is said.
The Sigma Tau Nus are to spend
55 cents each for programs alone and
at least $100 for theirs ballroom, ac
cording to a well informed member.
Their party will be at the Hotel I-on
tenelle, December ZJ, Alpha sigma
Lambda is giving a1 dance at the
same place December 28. The party
will cost them at least $350, it was
announced. ...
Alpha Rho also will have their
party at the Hotel Fontenelle. The
O. T.'s, a society of girls, will dance
at the Blackstonc, December 24. The
Emanon club is having a party, there
December 21 and C. T.'s, another
girl's club, will'dance there December
27. Other parties will be given by
the I. K. club, the Les Hiboux and
the rhi Lambda fraternity.
First Slacker Trial
At Fort Crook Set
Weaver Bausch, 25, alleged draft
evader of Leigh, Neb., is being held
at Fort Crook, pending court
martial for desertion.
Bausch's ase will be .the first to
be tried at' Fort" Crook' for evading
the draft, army Officials stated; He
has been in the guard house at the
barracks since November -ll-.- The
American Legion at Leigh arrested
him for the military authorities.
Bausch; will . be tried within two
weeks before a general court of a
dozen army officers. Capf. . R. A.
Greer will prosecute him. ; He will
be represented by Lieut.' P." E. Jack
son. Oto Bank Closed
Sioux City, la., Dec. 8. The state
bank-of Oto at,Oto,Ta., with a capi
tal stock of $25,000, was thrown into
receivership in district court on peti
tion of the Iowa bank superintendent.
No. 1 Th invisible, double steel support
to tha reh.
No. 2 The long-, stronsr, . fitted Invtaibl
counters along each aide' of the '. ehoe,
formlnp a "bandaged brace" to the foot.
No. 3 Narrow heel-hugging: feature which
, makes a "combination lait." preventing-
'.. Slipping rivlnsr solid comfort.
" ill-'
Negro Done King
Is Found Cuillv
Smith Hciiu Held on Three
Counts hy Federal Court
Heavy Sentence Expected.
Smith Ileitis, negro "kirg of dupe
peddlers and chief wholesaler In the
old Third word, was found, guilly on
three counts for narcotic sale by a
jury in federal court yentcrday,
Judge Woodrough has not yet pro-
nminnil i-iitrnre nulilllt lleill and
John V. Moore, his cloest rival.
A jury was impaneled ' try v crsie
Edwards, associate of Ileitis, today.
Heavy sentences are expected.
Estella McGuire testified yesterday
that she turned over $4"U daily to
Ilcins for dope she puddled for him
in iinid ami l rma n t it ii-t. fnr a
111 , Will. ,. . ...
period- Of several months. Some days
wnen DUtmess was gooi sue lunini
in as much as $800, she stated to
narcotic agents.
been oeMenced hie Monday. , 1'ive
are woinen,' . Since' th government
is running behind schedule, in uispos
ing of its .62 cases.'ah effort is. be
ing made to have Judge T; C. Monger
open a second criminal court here
Monday. ' ' - ,
. -; ,-r i: ... 1 ;'
. S.. Wants Fingerprints.
He who would deposit money in
the postal savings banks must now
leave his fingerprints as well. Tin's
order, effective December 15. was re
ceived yesterday by Acting Post
master Daniel.
Fingerprints fii the two forefingers
will , be taken . When the account , is
opened anct wncncvcr money is wun
drawn. Postal employes will also be
recorded by fingerprints. ..
rlijW LIS
Valuc-Ctving Slore
Sale of Usgd
Those contemplating pur
chasing Washing Machines
will find a number of value
giving offers in second-hand
machines in our Used Washer
Department (fourth floor).
These machines nave been
,put in first-class condition
and if you don't mind a few
scratches on and ft'little var-.
nish off a machine, ryou can
save many dollars on the pur
chase price of a good washer
by buying now at Bowen's.
' - Hand Power Waiheri .
' $4.50, 98.50, $12.50, $15
Electric Wathera
$44, $55, $69, $75
Opportunities toaave money
on home furnishings axe daily
offered at this big, fast grow
ing store.
; It Pj te Rm4
' Bmren'a Soull Ad
Howard, bet. 15th and 16th
Whenfur Job Requires
Standing, Wear Ease-Alls
TpHERE is always danger to the waitress,
and to every. 'woman on her feet, of bring
ing painful experiences from broken arches or
strained foot muscles in the long hours of
hurried steps and much standing.
Such feet , need' strong support. Yet the
waitress as well as every woman wants to be
dressed smartly in the mode. Both of these
she may have, with health in abundance, from
wearing the Z '.Ease-All shoe, built for her ';
JHot ofhmSk
The "built-in" steel arches in the shank
maintain the weight. The "bandaged
brace" formed by a long, strong counter,,
keeps the foot bones and muscles function- 1
ing as nature intended. '
" Ease-Alls make one free to work hap-
j 1 pily, without . that . tired feeling . at night
. Nbecause nature has been helped to function.
. And don't forget Ease-Alls are made
: in the mode .
. Sold
The Store of
New Drake Apartment
Structure Temporarily
Blocked by Court Order
i District Judae Sears yesterday aft-
lemoon temporarily restrained the
I Drake Realty Construction company
i t'rnm tmililiiiiv a lira artarfmrnt
I houe ut Thirty-eighth and Daven
port streets,
The injunction was obtained by
Mary M. Zimmcr, Leo lloltniaii.
Maigarrt Ilynes, ticoree Hack, El
len wanon. George T. Forster, J.
I'm 1'ulver, Mary Jf, Doyle and K,
B. Hunch, all wlio live in the neih
borhond. In a petition they allrg" that a
large apartment as planned by the
Drake company constitutes a nuis
ance and would diminish value of
their property and is a detriment to
home owners.
According to Building Inspector
F.dgecomb a permit was granted by
the city council yesterday morning.
A hearing will probably be held the
first part of the week.
Lincoln Man Goes to Jail
On Complaint of His Wife
Lincoln, Dec - 8. (Special.) Or
ville li. Rogers. 18. and married, was
sentenced to from 1 to 7 years in the
state penitentiary for stealing an
overcoat from, a Lincoln store. His
wne, police say., called hcaoquarters
and informed them ot tne tnctt. say
mg sue 'wamea to teaca mm
l'iiit-cla35 hotel service, with nil ;
the refined atmosphere of th com- !
fortable private home. The kind of j
a place you will thoroughly enjoy. '
Sjieclal rates for permanent sueft oue j
nr tmn nttinl.. irith nrlv.tA h.rh. SSO r.
j moota and up.
Talks at llospe's
Specialty Shops.
Jfjr ..." '. 3,1 , ,.-..,.'rv.''., r.
Kennedy Again
Heads State Body
York (Neb.) Man Ke-EleoteJ
PreeiJent of Nebraska's Com
misiuoers Association.
Phil J. Kennedy, York, Neb., wa
reflected president of the Nebraska
State Association of Commissioners,
Supervisors, Highway Comlllision
er and County Clerks at the annual
election yesterday afternoon at the
Castle hotel, which closed the con
vention here.
Other officers elected were: L. K.
Barlow, Lodgepole, vice president,
and C. A. Holmquist, Wausa, secre
tary. The county clerks and rcgislcis of
deeds held their annual election fol
lowing that of the parent body and
elected A. B. Green, clerk of Cherry
county, president. Harry K, Knapp.
Custer county, was elected vice presi
dent, and Joseph li. Jlines, Saunders
county, secretary.
Both associations choc Omaha as
the 1922 convention city. The or
ganizations held their annual banquet
at the Castle hotel Thursdav night.
Congressman A. V. Jelicrii was the;
guet of honor. .
o Women's, Misses'
Values Vo
Tricotine, : serge, velour, etc.
All silk lined. Many styles,
finely tailored. Originally
sold up to $59.75.
Choice of Our
30 Reduction
This sale includes every Fall and Winter Coat
in stock. Plain and fur trimmed; every de
sirable material and color is included. All
sizes. For example:
PrtaJ-o Originally priced kt4"
0aTS $50.00, now .
Coats-?Sally Priced at
$75.00, now .......
-Originally priced at
$98.75, now . ,
Coats Originally priced at
$150.00, now .,
XI. .1
Clothesline Swindle
Trio Held for Trial
Webb J. Elliott, Kdwin Keice Mc
Cormiclc and Irwin H, MeCormicfc
mcic bound over to the federal court
yesterday by United States Commis
sioner iioehlrr under bonds of $J,000
taeh to await trial on a charge of
using the mails to defraud Adolph
Schncrbeli out of $5,600. The de
fendants did not testify at the hear
ing yesterday afternoon. Protests of
defendants' uttoruey against "execi
sive' bonds were without avail.
Pchnerbdi alleges that the thr;e
men sold him the state rights to a
new invention, a clothesline to
which clothes could he fastened w ith
out the use of pins.
Urges Six-Wheel Truck'.
Members of the chic improve
ment and public highways commit
tees of the Chamber of I'oiiniicrre
were adressed Wednesday by A. T.
(Joldbeck, chief of the division ot
tests, bureau of public roads, United
States Department of Agriculture.
Mr. Goldbeck advocated laws which
would recmire the distribution of the
load of a motor vehicle hauling heavy
loads over .more wheels. He sutj
frestcd six-wherl trucks or trailers.
This would lessen the damages to
pavement, he said.
A well ventilated house
easiest to hear.
GreaV Pre-Christmas
A sale of exceptional interest lo women of Omaha coming as
it does just at the holiday season when new Dresses, Suits and
Coats arc desired, it affords a splendid opportunity to save
money. The reductions arc enormous, and the merchandise is
of the finest quality. 7
Entire Stock of Suits
$59.75 Values to
Y'eldyne and tricotine. All
silk lined, some fur trimmed.
Handsome styles. Originally
sold up to $85.00.
: .-Entire Stock of
$ 35.00
Choice of Our Entire Stock of Girls', Misses' and Synall Women's
of the younger set have not
L' 1 111 It . " i
mis reuueuon suouia dc oi --great, interest. me .saic-inciuaes me entire
' f.toelv, which contains many late, arrivals in all the newest material?,
styles and shades. Some have fur collars. Sizes 8 to IS years.
The reduction is 30
Coab70t.prip$ 9.95. Coavs-5s.p!d."p$29.50
Coafe-wggjr P ?p 25.75. Coab-oP P 59.75
Ra-mCoabal.?. $7.25 RamCoabeP, 0.75
Store of Specialty Shops
Fruit Dealer Wlio SuKI
Hoozc Ordered lo Mote
Joe Failla, arrested for bootleg
ging, hum find a new place to live.
Jleedles of Jite's plea that he and
Bad Colds
WET, stormy weather, rxriufe,
sniffle, and the heavy cold is on. 1
th. King's New Iiscovery break it up j
quickly ami pleasantly. Mead rlrsnrd ,
up, cough relieved and you feel better.
At your druggists, 60c.
Dr. King's
New Discovery i
For Colds and Coughs
Bowels Begging for HclpT'lV. i
King's Tilln will bring you the I
happiness of regular, iiotnwl txwrls
snd b'vrr functioning. Mild but al- '
ways reliable. At all druggists. 2.x-. !
r. Kind's Pais
and Girls' Ajpjparel
$85.00 Values lo
Tricotine, veldyne, Moussyne,
etc. Plain or fur trimmed. All
sizes and colors. Originally
sold up to $125.00.
Choice of Our Entire Stock of
30 Reduction
Dresses for every occasion sport, street, aft
ernoon and evening. In the choicest materials,
styles and colors. Betty Wales and Rosemary
Dresses excluded from the sale.
Originally priced at
$25.00, now
Drcsscs0risinally Priced
. . $39.75, now
rjpgSSs Originally priced
$59.75, now
rjpgSSgS Originally priced
$115.00, now
purchased their new Winter Coats.
. nil t ' 11 il i
and in manv cases more.
I is family lived n tl,c rear of his
fiuit store, JkiH XoitH MKieeni'i
street. Federal Jtitlge Woodrough
yestetday ordered the store cloi'v'
tor one year.
Santa Claus Himself
Is Here With 25' to
50' Saving on Toys
Union Outfitting Co.
This Substantial Saving Due
to Their Location Out of
High Rent District.
All the- lowest Polls. Toys,
fiami-s ami Mechanical Wonders
ri-pi-i'M-iitiinr the inventive trenius
of America's best Toy Makers
will ho found in the mammoth
Toylnnd of the Union Outfitting
Co. at a saving of We to DO'e.
And everything is now. There
were no old toys carried over
from last twnson, and jolly old
Simla Clau.4 (liinisclfl in on ImnH
to meet the girls and boys. Your
Crt-dit is Good on Tova. Buv
now, pay for them next year. '
at .
9oa3e. Oceana E-m ste. Th