10 THE mi: OMAHA. Kill DAY. PKCKMBEU t. 1921. Classified Advertising Rates par tin lemiul I ore la nasi t )id per llx xr lUr, I coaeMutit, dais M pr Una p.r day, I ons.cuil., Hes It ear lln Mr U. at ii.neacullve dart . ad taken lor icm man lutsl of las, Ib.e. rat., apply nhtr u iii Daily or inula . All as.ertt.eiiieiile ipiiui I Ifiili luurnlni anil tula daily iiirt tut lit ehaif, CUNTIUCT BATF1 OM AI'I'I.U'A HON M'sM ad accented l IB follawlnf IAItf riFFICK....lili and Farnam fct, uih rlilc ..... ,,,,,,4lie atauin ill'li M. I'bun.il 'imfls I Koil Ml WA. It AU Hr.CKIvr.U UK I'tiUNK ATLANTIC 1000 THa) 11 KE will out ba reaponelbls fir ior than oaa Incorrect luaaiiion of a ailtoniaauiNK ardsred lor tuot (ban on linn CLOHlNfl HOUIli rCftl WANT AM. Kamii Kditioa.,,.,,, ...... .11 ! A. M. l(lri,i,.a- Filltluu.. t OO 1'. M. kufiHayKrlillua I 00l". M ttaturday JiUHI.s iiarnaon, nioiftcr of Mi. Itoliurd li. "urn. ui.J lint iilyht after a lllll.rrlili; illiiHa. Mm. Mill be t ! .1 at llralley I'tfitnrii. i li.ip.-l at 0;;ifl, Friday a. In. Hi-i-wcea Hil be conducted .y ltv, Vli... I'iinliay, Burial Mill l at Iuk I'll. TVASTI-.i. una lieil lable iittd mti. blUUril uoie, (, with I . Mil and i.ill. nil smut i-omiition, wild good ili)lng riuti (-(iii, rut It,-, (tiius, frnlii. elc. lllve full .irt,.-ll,.D lltl'l pint (lcliU'rail. Y, M. I' A . Central OM , Neb. KfNIiKltM" IX - l'lr, UK.- ii! year. Ti,.u .iU.v at hi 1 1 1 1 . . Jt,o. I, HI. Fun.-ial Sitluril.iv ii' 2 i. iii f'-niii Ttiei. i-r it funeral limnc, 24th aiu! K, Ret. a K. H allium I. fill utiiitf. Uunal til Out. i-I-itnl I'nrK li-ry. Al'TuM-VIIC ci'iillliu lonereto lnirl.il viulla mi diapl.iy tit leading undci'lnU- ra, rito uiii,, In Concrete Burial nult Vi.. Oimihit. CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn ' '!'(' I- r':-t (Tim 1'Tv tl) NelirHMliii; Jum north it the lily limitu vft f Fim i ii'1". A ii nli -.l IncHiiun h.if o i rot ii thhtui ImiM't by the iii'h Krowt!i. JN'MMtiiMl -ro, .Vnt o,M'fiit( for profit. iVtut'tt'iy nffi-tf Kotfwt ltt w ii strc'-t t.ir f i in lit u. 4 'i liU'l Mnrtti city llinitu tty ufnco, 7;") llrun.K'n. Th-atsr JCJif !?UNKRAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO.," PucrMior to OMAHA'S HKST. .'J'AMBULANCEI! Thlrly-lhlrd and Farnarn! Hufse & Riepen I'lONRKlt rUNKRAI. PinECTOBH. Korincrly t 7UI H. 16tli St., hav nioved lo j;24 Cuming St. Ja. UJI. 'HKAFEY& HEAFEY I'nderiikera aud Kmbalmera. Phone HA. Sf.S. Office tin Farnam. FLORISTS. LEEXApONig SaV rrvfril FIAIWKRH FROM HKSH & SH'OHUHA, HI5 FARNAM STIiKKT. J oiiX-MATilni ITarnam. Jmhnn 1HU6. . IJiiiterHtili. 1007 Knrniim. Jiu'kaim 1258. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. lSlrlliM. Srirn ami Martnn llsllfurd. 120 North FoMy-xM-onil Hlrei?!, twinn. fcirlH. rtiarls ami I.piui Komirie, 7:11 BlonJo trfet, uiii. Dan ami Mary H'gurty, 4::a I'atrick . lli,niH Itoy. Clyde anil Anna Nynnlat. Imnpltal, frlrl. Mi'rtou mill Ina Ilofrtnalin, liupital, bov. Aiitmitn nnil llosalia falanltro, 1C 16 Lake street, hoy. Michael nnd l.ucla Slecxkl, 33011 Ruulh Thlriy-Boventh stri'dt, slrl. Clarence nnd .Mary , Jlcider, liospttal, oy. llrulhi. .lolin S. Clayton, 64, 4410 South Thirty- ciiTlitli stro.'t. . Jnh'i Robinson. III. hospital. Matilda Schroeder, 60, Tnrker utrw't. Hin-vry V. onn. 5. Ifi'-'H Plnknfy street. .lohn lllalicnwcll, 79, 2336 orth Slxlii-tii i cnuo. Floyd Koiri-r Johnaon, Infant, liospital Frank I'rUn, hospital, llarrv V. Cornell. 2.1. hospital. Mrs. Amelia Council, is, 16U Howard itreet. Ctiarl'-a V. ltannnn, 61, hospital. Airs. Radical Koi'k"ford. '70. hospital ': Hfiirli'li WiikI, 7(i. hospital. .tunics Pllk, Si, 1,m)8 Nurth Sixteenth atrcct. Louise Petersen, ! inonthH. hospital, ""marriage licensesT" The following persons were, issued per mits to wed: Montrose B. McReath, IS, Omaha, and Kitzaheth Orallt. JU, Omaha. Auitust Wohlers, 27, Omaha, and Mabel l.aekcr, 25, Omaha. William 11. Pierce. 21, Rlalr, Neb., and fern Holder. 18, Council Bluffs, la. Ocorse Flllp. St. Colon, ,Neb and Mary fachal. 26, Prague, Neb. (ieorgo A. Hass. 22, Davenport, la., and Irene Vlelc. 19, Winnebago, Neb. He Forrest Fesler, 23, Bellevue, Neb., and Barbara raulson, 26, Fort Crook, Neb. Ulenn Curtis. 33, Oharitn, la., and Grace Fall Kellogg. 32, Albia, la. XMAS HINTS "A Tip From Santa" VICKEI.S CAN' SI.TPI.Y YOUR XMAS WANTS WITH A Piano. Victor Vlctrolas. r Flayer Rolls. Victor Records. , Conn Faxaphone. Violins lruir.s. Guitars. M'Utte Sewing: Machine. AU useful and practical gifts. Take 1 tip und sea us NOW. Nickel's 1 Tiih and Harney. 13 SELECTIONS FREE WITH COLUMD1A URAFONOLAS? Sacrifice sale of type E-2 Columbia ilrafonnlas. slightly used formerly J12(i. While they last. 172. with twelve selections (Columbia recorda). tree. Easy Terms. No interest IT ART MA X' P Sixteenth and Howard Streets. STOP AND THINK. Spend Xmas in your own home. A heme with 6 large rooms and bath. Mod. out gas. Two large 60 .foot lots Chicken house, fruit and shade, straw- Berries, etc. Call DO. 7210. SPECIAL! Saturday only! Picture frames. Your picture in one makes an ideal gift In the picture framing department of T Brandeis' stores (6th floor) for Satur day only, you may purchase Standard swinging flames, sizes xS and Sxll for J.4 including glass and fitting. Stan dard straight frames may be had for only i.4 including g:ass fitting ,- - rra. FOR CHRISTMAS A beautiful siredale puppy for kids and grown-ups. Why spend money for trifles that mean noth ing. Thst is looked at and put away. A roo-t pappio, intelligent airedale will ' bring- Jot every day in the year. Certi fied iedigree(i from our rri2e winners. I7 VV . W. Bldg. Tel. AT 1348. A FUTURE HOMESITE. A LOT IN BEACTIFL'l. JulAiMI LUSA. W'hat gift couid be more useful, more appreciated and a better investment? . An. example of thrift to purchase one of three for any member uf the family. Call Tourer. Atlantic 0721. Rasp bros. BIO barc-ains in phonographs and records. SH1.AES FHiiNQOKAPH. 14'4 Podc-. kl'tX'IAI. rrl.is on Xmas boT candv. Rasexs. Zf.h bad Farnam. BRINGING UP fCR tfiOODNCVj tAKC LOOK AT THAT 'NOW THE WINDOW iti ThC ' - .... ,v - LOKCbA- 1 XMAS HINTS. Enjoyed Every Day In the Year U ii NtiliriTlpti'iti t (lit tHu.ilm I'.illy H itd fu mid y I if c , pprt'i in toil bv ivry niHinhiT of lh fitinily, ntt.1 a dully r. tnlniltr of ur ihuutilHfulntm, Snt mii r'Jii' tu Subscription JJcpartment, The Omaha Bee. AM'IES! . 'A. 1 'I KS! I'AMMKS! -Ml r.mdir4 )n thi-ir itntt fortii mado daily lu our Miintttry randy kitrhc-n by -M''' t cati'lv ituiktr u ho know thir lu Uions. i:h(Molflt . rrmiiiri and nut I'tiiidy .i 1 1 no nnd d'llvertd in oar t'. I Y f.A N I Jt'ci I'lirnatii FURS T FURS !FURS"! Mink i-liokrrs inalie on Ideal pvt-aent IU to $j'i: niic-half their vI'ib, HUKSIIKIt THE TAU.UR liiti Farnani. Fl RS iiiaku axcrllHiit Xlnss Kills. Ve tarry I'ompli-to .sioik. riiax J. Holil- siiui Fur Co.. over Fry's slloj store, li.lh anil IioukIiis tr.'ts. TRALM your used piano nn a new player piano. Halanei- as low at $ti per month, A. liust't: rn,, H.1,1 Piiumiia. LOST. FOUND AJiJDREWARDS. isnSTuN Bl'1,1. pup, male". whTla" face" ulth white extenillna: on the. tterk anil In mini; n little to the riRht; white tip on rlKht hind henf; nnsAvurs to I he name of .Tnek. Reward. Market 4-37. LiiKT ItlHik leather wallet contalnlnn lis. suraiice papers, valueless to finder. Re ward. Market r.ui;,,. LOST Shell lllll Kinases. Ma fdc y t "I;m lu'vsK. Reward. AT r.ss7. l:,.t. S : 10 ft :S0. IAIS'I fiec Fair leather liloves. near postof Rewanl. (Ids I'axtun Hllc. LOST Mt. Barnard female. AV A . US49. He m ard. SPECIAL NOTICES. TI1K !UMATK "otKKS TUUKHV'ULOSIS nt jMomiiairiRlr Hanitoriunj, Alamosordo, X. M.; tmard. nursing and medical caro. $ifl tn 2it per week; for reservations or T'nrt iriHnt'H addi.sa, !I. L, Hoover, Mannticr. PERSONALS. THK SALVATION Army industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. Wo collect. Wo distribute. Phono Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our uew home. 1 110-1112-1 1 1 4 Dodge St. WILL Mrs. Anna ileMI'hael please write her sister, Mrs. C. K. Hlngg, 112 So. 17th St,. Manhattan, Kan., at once. Important. KATHRYN U RTLEY. skin and scalp spe. clalist. ,IA 32HS; shampoo and wave. ji. Sl'l.PH I'R baths, .Swedish massage, chi ropoily. Evenings to H. 2ng So. 20th St. KL10CTR1O bath Block. -massage. 318 Neville RBNT Iloover vacuum. $1.25. HA. 1071. ELECTRIC iiaths. Swed. mass. WE. 291 f. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching. buttonholes. Write Ideal Button ft Pleating Co., 308 Brown block, Jackson 19:in. NF1TJT? PT.W A TlWn Hemstitching. .. -ix, Cover(,d But. tons, i. hi a Farnam. 2d Floor. Ve. 6670. Contractors-Painting. PAINTING, papering and plajstering. Nan. Walnut 4."67. J. Dancing Academies K TF,P'S 1818 Famnm. Douglas 8440. kJ We have taught more than 15,000 people to dance. Let us teach you. Expert instruction. Beginners or advanced class or private lessons. Dentists. NASH, 724 City'afl Bk. AT. 0537. Deteves. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, , Railway JA. 2056. Night. KEN. 3812. Ex. Bldg.. Independent Detective Bureau. 304 Nevillo BIK. All. fiaUJ; night, Wal.. 4056; K. 0466. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evidence letureo In all cases. Atlantic 1136. DETECTIVES that get results. 409 Pax ton block. JA. 1S19. DO. 5757.' Dressmaking. FCRS. suits, diesses, remod'l 6S04. relined. Ha. Kodak Finishing. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing, printing. Ka.e Studio. 2)3 Neville Blk. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. Patent Attorneys. . W". MARTIN, patent attorney, 1713 Bodge, Omaha, also Washington, D. C We help sell patents, models made. Printing. EDDY Printing Co.. 212 S. 13 St. Do. 8 647. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS "VwiV the beiR price with privilege to huy hack at small profit GROSS JEWELRY CO., 402 N. 16tb St. Doug las 5049. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 35e; double edge. 45c doz. Mail orders so licited. Omaha Sharp Co., 103 N. 16th. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY, Mattresses made over in new ticks at half price of new beds. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. I FULL dress and tuxedos for rent. John i Feldman. 109 N. Kth St. Jackson 8128. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. l.eBron Fleetrie. 318 8. 13th St., Omaha. BRITT Printing Co.. 7 Elks Bldg. FOR SALE. Pianos and Musical Instruments. Now Is the Time to Buy -Your Christmas Phonograph and Save C35 to $100. vt a;e closimr ut come real bar frams in used phonographs; every one fully guaranteed. 1 to 2 selections of music free with each machine. Read This List $35.50 Columbia Grafonola with 10 selections .$ 15.00 $i-i.( Victor Victrola with, 10 se lections 4-2.59 $125.ri Columbia Grafonola with 10 selections $ 6S.P0 $150.00 Columbia Grafonola with 29 selections H.fia $2:5.0') Columbia Urafonola w.th 20 selections $125 00 $5. fj Columb:a Grafonola with 10 selections $ 35 ns MAKE YOUR SELECTION TOMORROW TERMS ONLl $1.00 PER WEEK Schmoller & Mueller . Piano Co., 15H-1S-H Dodge ft. Phone DO. 1S?J. a-MTK tjaytr raU, tjieay. yytv ZMi. .J FATHER w r J 6AV w I OON'T KHOW. I VUZ EAT IN' SjIR. AN DIDN'T r DRCAK! FOR SALE. Pianos and Musical Instruments. O KlA." "SM li'll Vrif tidru7iii. xylo phones, etc.; IriHtmctloiia, rtimlrinr; SiSl DsvenpnrtSt. Phon Harnov 10S7. JOHN TAFF aaiophone ahnji, repalrlns and suppllsa, 300 I,eflanK ll.lt, D. 8470. Furnitureand Household Goods. l.l.Fii'TltlC vueuuin cleaner. Walnut 3iil.'l. Jil-.'li .rliiB. 1,1. Walnut U17. Clothing and Furs. FUR aale. a few uuclulined, all-wool 'JJundc)" suits, cheap, alteratlona fre. lifNDKU WOOLF.N MILLS. Nort Invest Cor. ISthaiid Hurney Sta. FURH remniteied, relined and cleaned. KNKKTER ALASKA FUR CO.. "13 H. 16th Ht, Doujlsi 728. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AM ADDING MACHINES. All MAKDS bouKht, sold, rented nnrl rpaired .Sole uttuiitM for the CORONA. Oct our prleea before you buy, livery niHchine Kuarsnteed. Central Typewriter Exc. .Taeksnn 4150. 1913 Farnani. Miscellaneous Articles. "SEWING"MACIIINES V rent, rfplr. rfll n?dlTi and parta. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 197S. WG buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc. Umalia Fixture & Supply Co., S. W. iCor. 11th and DoukIss. JA, 2724. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bouRllt, sold anil traded. J. f. Reed. 1207 Farnani. U. 614H WAN'l'KD To buy a MeCaskey reKlster that could handle 300 accounts or more. i:o!tA-lj)5. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. A-l TRUCK URIV'KR, position as delivery man, wholesale or retail. Thoroughly nerjualntetl with Omaha. References, lleasnnslile wages wanted. WB. 4094. lANiSIl man wants work on dairy farm, thoroughly experienced, will work rea sonable if position permament: under stands auto cars. Douglas 7H51, YOTNO man with Ford touring car, wishes work, services with car; very reasonable, knows city, has good ref erences. Webster 4094. YOUNG man wants work, wholesale house, "assistant shipping clerk, any thing in that line. Honest, willing worker. DO. 7061. EXP. salesman and collector: married, 12 yrs' road exp. ; expert on farm machin ery; will except any employment, X. 290. Omaha Bee. EXPERT ice cream pucker, also under stands how to care for wholesale trade. Acquainted with retailers in Omaha. DO. 70S!. HAWAIIAN-CHINESE student desires pos. evenings and Saturday, for board and room. Tel. Wt I,. A., AT. 3733 after 7 p. m. YOl'NG married man wants office work, oxperienee in accounting costs and gen eral office work. Best references. MA. S5G7. RELIABLE young man wishes work, as truck driver, is careful and knows city and suburbs. Reference if required. DO. 7051. MAN out of work wants job varnishing, polishing furniture and woodwork in private homes. Reasonable prices. DO. 6786. YOUNG MAN, good education, technical experience, office experience. Work ol any kind. References, Box A-SO, Omaha Bee. REFINED mlddel aged lady desires posi tion, housekeeper In widower's family or father and son. Ref. L-396, Omaha Bee. STUDENT wishes work, evenings and Saturday, board and room or salary; ex perienced In drug line. L-395, Omaha Bee. YOL'NG married man wishes position as grocery clerk or driving truck or motor cycle; exp.; best of ref. DO. 9375. EXPERIENCED laundry man wants to be manager, none ton large or too small. I. V. I... 216 No. 25th St., City. YOUNG man, 26, desires position with real estate or collection agency, A Stayer, 3605 Charles street. HOTEL manager or clerk wishes perma nent position, very best of references. Box L-398, Omaha. Bee. YOUNG man wants work on Saturday or Sunday nights, or both. Box A-29, Omaba Bee. GENERAL housework wanted bv Jap man wun goon rer. Ian Atlantic 4699. Morning or evening only. EXPERIENCED fireman wants position; preier plant. Anthlng accepted. Call Fireman. Walnut 1488. YOUNG man wishes - position as solicitor or collector with salary or commission. Box A-25. Omaha Bee. KX-SERVICE man, married, desires em ployment as watchman, grocery clerk, janitor or porter. A-28, Omaha Bee. CARPENTER wants work any kind; let me fix your storm windows. Carpenter, 1921 Chicago. AT. 602:1. MAN wants job in garage to learn re pair work, had some experience. Q. D. R.. L-394, Omaha Bee. illDDLE-AGED man wants work of any kind; willing- and capable.1 Box L-270, Omaha Bee. CITY SALESMAN. 3 years exp., groceries or notions. Have guod ref., and Is hustler. L-325. ALL around dairy man wishes position, dry milker and a sTood caretaker. A-26. Omaba Bee. STEADY man will work around place for board and bed. John Davis, Gen, Del., Omaha. MAN in need of work can do housework, painting and stationary fireman. Doug. 6715. ilAN Age 61; handy worker: educated, wants work In private family. George Robinson, 319 N. 17th St, WANTED Work In hotel or restaurant: anything; married man. L-406, Omaha Bee. YOUNG MAN going to school would like an afternoon job. Call R. L. Potts, Kenwood 4116. YOUNG married man must have work. Permanent work only. Call Cleo DeLay, 40.15 Seward St., City. STENOGRAPHER Office assistant, 19. 1 yrs. experience, high school graduate, references. 1,-404. Omaha Bee. SIT. WANTED Cook, meat and pastry; in or out. Address J. H 401 North 16th St, EXPERIENCED meat eutter wants posi tion. Can elre references. WA. 37n. 4 YEARS of experience in grocery store; good references. Call Douglas 6751. MACHINIST, first class. 11 yrs. experi ence, wishes worX Tel. Walnut 5031. SITUATION wanted. House clearing or yard work. Box A-J3. Omaha Bee. AUTO mechanic, married, experienced all cars. Wood. Harney 1544. RELIABLK colored man. 3 of any kind. WB. 700. wants work YOUNG MAN wants position in store or ofPr-e. Walnnt 58. CARPENTER wants work for a few days. P.. 11arkt 2r.7. URUG rierk. Have bad years ex?. J--.r. Cuiit Bts, U. 8. rlcn Ollc itf aiertd. WiL LIP "WHrt hcam. HG WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. K. I'KKIKNCEU dreiuuil wsnla work. M7, Female. KFFINKI) inlilille aiteil lady itiaires pn. tlon as housekeeper in iriowr' family or with rut fur and ion. llfrriiicts. . 1,-4HM. imiiilwi Hie, 8'1'ENii.. over 1J years' experience, thor oughly iiualtried and competent, desires position; .110. Rent reference-. L-409, Omaha llee. FuS Vr ills' WAN H' D Ahou's"ekoeper. In motherless home, by young woman. Ref, Box I. -4 in, i in, ana H e. E.P. stonog. thoroughly iiuallflril. com petent und nocurate, ilcsltea iioattlun. I10. Rest ref. L-;i2ii. Omaha Hi e. WANTED Position as cook; hast of ref erences, prefer Institution; years of ex perelnee. Call KE. A REL1AHLE colored woman wunt house cleaning and laundry work of any kind. T"l. Douglas 70M. COMPETENT stenographer ili-sires pera manent or temporary position. Ft years ox.. Walnut 31 13. Foil a cniutietent practical nurse call Webster C172. Drs.' references. Con finement cases special. W'IDOVV wants housekeeping position, town or country. 290S II St. Apt. 9, South Omul. a. 10XPE11IKNCKD stenographer desires posl. tion. Competent and reliable. Web ster 2014. PLAIN and fancy clothes carefully laun dered, also curtains and blankets. Web. 4 2 S3. WHITE woman wsiits housework, mail your letter to T.. P., 1419 So. 17th. ANVTIIINil in a grocery, factory or labor work of any kind. Webster 1H42. PRACTICAL nurse wishes engagements; excellent references. Market 3001. GIRL ivanls errand job, experienced. Box I.-427, Omaha Bee. ELDERLY colored lady wishes to nurse children. AVebster 2941. YOUNU white woman wants work fore noons. Doug. 6297. Laundry and Day Work. RELIABLK woman wants day work, washing, cleaning, any kind of work. Helen Ellis, 2003 Cuming St. AT. 274'i. Bl'NDLE aud family washing wanled; satisfaction given, by dozen l.2h; called for and delivered. Phone Web. 1091. A RELIABLE colored woman wants houso cleaning and laundry work of any kind.' Telephone Douglas TOM. WOMAN wishes bundle washing of all ' kinds; will call for and deliver, with ref. Web. 3106. BOHEMIAN woman wants work of any kind. Day or nights except Sunday. Douglas 6361. WILL care for your children at your home night or day; also day work. At lantic 201S. DAY work and bundle washing wanted, eilher plain or fancy. Market 2S77. EXPERIENCED laundress, 35 to 40 cents per hour. Call Douglas R759. TWO neat colored girls desire day work. WE. 7025 or WE. .6422. DAY WORK uf any kind. 7253. References. Call Douglas DAY work wanted by white woman. Call Douglas 8.133. DAY weK wanted Market 3992. by colored woman. DAY work wanted by white woman. DO. 6117. LAUNDRY work by the day. WE 02U2. DAY work, laundry or cleaning, Web. 3214 HELP WANTED- Professions and Trades. BIG MONEY! DO IT NOW ! LEARN THE BEST BUSINESS IN THE BEST WAY. IN THE BEST PLACM AND SBOKTEST TIME. LEARN IT ALL AT THE NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 2814 N. 20TH ST., OMAHA. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG. WANTED Two flat-bed and two rotary pressmen. Iowa town 3a. 000. Good wages, splendid working conditions; open shop. Address Box Y-1741, Omaha Bee. WANTED Five compositors, two Linotype operators. Iowa town So, 000; good wages, splendid working conditions; open shop. Address Y-1740, Omaha Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Write for catalocr. EXPERIENCED retoucher wanted. Rem brandt studio. Jackson 3548. Salesmen and Solicitors. CANVASSERS wanled to sell cosmetics; 140 per cent profit guaranteed. Knowl edge of massage Important but not essential. .Address United Dealers Asso ciation, Inc., 246 Fulton St., Brooklyn, i. 1. GOOD RELIABLE SALESMEN TO SELL 3 PER CENT CONTRACT for Deed. Meeting at 458 Omaha Nat'! Bk. Bldg., Friday eve. SEVERAL salesmen, country territory; selling groceries wholesale to consumer. Jlust have car. Large commissions. 2404 Ames. Omaha. SALESMAN wanted. Excellent opportunity for city. salesman to sell office supplies. "W. R. Stemm. 421 Paxton building. Agents and Canvassers. LOCAL and country distributors, ex clusive proposition, fastest selling auto accessory on the market. 100 per cent profit. Write Safe-T-Llte Co., 113 N. La Salle St.. Chicago, 111. AGENTS Wonderful article, somothing new, sells on demonstration, every home needs and buys. I,. Loser, 2421 Cum ing St., Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. REFINED housekeeper for modern home, no children; one in family. References required. A-31, Omaha Bee. HOUSEKEEPER without children; able to do plain sewing. See Mr. Oni-.'S, Tele Phone building. WANTED A housekeeper in a Christian family of 2. A-32, Omaha Bee. Saleswomen and Solicitors. TWO young women to eell a first-class spec, in city. A good seller. Box L-402, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. WANTED 15 women, house-to-house work, good money. See A. J. McKea zie. Douirlas St. BOARD anl room, some salary, fr girt with stenographic experience. Harney 6S39. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wases while learning; strictly modern. CaM or write J4 Dodge St. TH-City Barber Collepr". EDUCATIONAL. 1AY SCHOOL NICillT R'Huub. Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, coroptometry. short hand and typewriting. railroad -d wiretetw tel'trraphy, civil service and - I Knglisb and commercial bmnci ; Write, call or phone Jackson li6a lor large illustrated catalog. Address Boyt.ES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. an Sant School ot Busings. Day and Kvning SrhMts. Oman a Nattunal Bank B.dx. L'uufcjas fe3U, TJi ..riFT mZQ MOT. SFU JICCS AMI MAUC1E IN ULL TACai Of COI OR IN THE SUNDAY Bit talll II 1 I II hi I III II 7T'F.I JU 11 UUUU. I I U YWt I III I V Rj A II I -kJ I III V. J I D . II I VUH II OM fvNTj I . I j ii BUSINESjCHANCES. F CALK Two s.Tvlin slull. mi gliao. line vifinie power pumps; tifw ; at half price. Fnune Wiilniit s:.. WANT to hear from owner having btial- ' nvaa lor al. J. o. M't-onney, Itr inlnal Bids'., Omaha, N b. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. OUT YuCR ROOM through Th Ilea furnisher! room di rectory. Call at offle for Hat of chnleo desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and riuifri seeker. Fl'li.NIHH ED. two rooms and hath, meals included, tit the Colonial holel. 3Sth and Fartiaiu Sis., for one or two luonttis. Apply st hot' l office. HAKNKV 672i Sirietly modern room, private, family, for l or 2 Koiillomoii, close to Leavenworth car. RiH'M WITH 1IVTII, prlato home, will give board for gentlemen. (25 park IV. 114 1S7R r.i',1.. inrge furnished rooini sult.ililn for couple; hoard If desired. Harney 7.17s. 1' W E N T V S?;ci)ND ti 7ii N. Laie room, well heated. KB. ::69". Housekeeping Rooms. TUB OU1DE TO the better housekeeping rooms Is the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Ure office fur free copy containing desirable vacancies 10 an puns or tnr c:y CASS ST.. 4t'iS (loud location, 2iarco louth unfurnished rooms, adjoining hall way for kltchenet. Make nice apart ment. Light, heat and telephone, fur nished. I'PSTAIRS of mod'-rti bouse, furnished f(,r tignt iikpg. ; light, heat and gas for- I lilsjicd: walking distance. DO. H975. TWO large looms with kitchenette and j connecting bath, f f. ., . inja South Twen- t V -Ii I ii 1 11 St. Tel. HA. 1519. i STKAM-H GATED, unfurnished rooms, Call Kenwood 0014 or Kenwood DISH. Ct ' Ml' I , F.f Ei . FTiiri7lshed 1. 3. 4-TiTi7"apt 6"2 Park Ave. Harney M7.!. Unfurnished Rooms. TEL. WEBSTER M91 Two unfurnished rooms for rent, light, heat and gas fur nished. 3SI4 NORTH 20lh; 50; 4 rooms and bath; garage; owner. 2857 Mamlerson. VINTON ST. mi'TWO-Vfl IDERN FRONT ROOMS. JACKSON 4262. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. GOOD, well furnished, li-room house, strictly modern. Good location. Lease to May 1. Jackson 0046. 1620 VICTOR New 6-room bungalow. 153 month; perfer nice couple. WE. 7015. Unfurnished. 1928 South 20tlr St. Only $20 This Is a liKht semi-basement. Hns city water, Hf-wer. toilet, gns, electric liprhls, all newly decorated. If you are now payinpr high rent, you will find these, rooms a bargain. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. Atlantic 0050. 828 fin, 53th Ht. Ono block east of Elm wood park; brand now, ti-room bungalow: parage. Glover & Spain 918 City National. Jackson 2S50. FOR RENT House with garage. 41st and Izard, W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. Jackson 0564. NICE 4-room house for rent. 501S S. 22d St. Jackson 0280. Call after 5 p. m. S917 SOUTH 27TII ST., 6-room cottage. Inquire 2522 B St. Market 3805. NEW 2-story. 6-room, modern nome in Dundee vacant. Atlantic 3623. 7-ROOM house, all modern. Webster 3176. FOR RENTAPTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. COMPLETELY" furnished 2 and 3-room apartments: private bath; steam heat; walking distance. Brown Apt., 508 N. 21st St. DO. 6644. LOVELY six-room apartment, nicely fur nished. $65. Call at 117 So. 30th. Har. ney 6839 or 6813. FURNISHED rooms for sleeping and light housekeeping. 1505 Farnam. First floor. NICELY furnished apartment: accommo dations for 4 people. Ken. 1774. 2709 DODGR 3 rooms and kitchenette; main floor: furnace heat. Unfurnished. Look ! Desirable Apartments 2- rnom Large living room and liitch en, tile bath, built-in bed. Apt. No. 1, Royal, :U3 South 27th, Ave., $45 sum mer, $55 winter. S-rotim All large, newly decorated throug hout. Murphy bed and dressing room. Apt. 4. HiUf-rest, 24th and Jones St., $rn summer, $f!2.5u winter. 5-room and bath Very close in, PtrJrt ly modern. The Eilr-fn, 611 South 15th at. Knt onlv jr5. FURNISHED APTS. 3- room including bedroom, complete ly furnished, easy walking distance, No. 11, S w ee t w o o d , $ 7 5. We also have some very attractive houses, 4 to S rooms la various loca tions, reasonable ront. Payne & Carnaby Co., "OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN." 616 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 1010. No Coal to Shovel No Sidewalks to Clean If you rmt an apartment in Turner Court At 31st and Dodge Streets. Three rooms with 6-room accomoda tions. Conveniently arranged, nicely located. No. 07 $70.00 per month. No. 115 $0.00 per month. Peters Trust Company, j IVhrtra On.sha ll.nl. Atlantic 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. ! - Idalia Apartment, 115 North 33d Street Apartment No. 2. flv rooms, built in bed. Rental. $100. Immediate pos- Hastings & Heyden, K!4 Harney .st. Atlantic nn-.n. CLARINDA 31st and Farnam Sts.. fine 7 -room apartment, extra larjte torn fort able rooms, living room with fireplace, 4 large bedrooms, including maid's room and extra bath. Phone D. 7715 during day: Web. 5I! evtittn'R. Peters Trust Company, WHERR OMAHA RENTS FIVE-ROOM modern a part men t. every thing first-rlara condition. Reasonable to right party. Allanti.- 11158. -"IS LmiDGE Strictly modern fiat. Good location FOR RENTAPTS. AND FLATS. Unfurnished. Foi'H-RiiOM ateam boated apt., 114. P. Stebl.ma. ti.lll Chlengu. FOR RENT Business Property. THIIEE-STORY and hsenIeTiTbulliriug, HI137 Farnani St., right In tha heart or tlio coining rot n il center. Will lease for turn of X'srs, about 12. nun s,,ar feel III all. Fur further Information aes ALFItMD TIIOMA8 ii su. CO. r."t First Niiiional Piiiik, 'I'll LKT Trackagii wnreliouse property Howard lT'.aii nriuse property stores oil Farnani street W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. n lisoni.',i;4, 1:121) Fsriiam St. FOR attractive) ami comfortable-offices Willi reasons!! rent. Ki-a un at I Finance building. ME RCA NT ILL STllRAliE AND WAltK. iiui sr; .'ii.,iiir? and Jones Pts. H. 1. Chris! ic. warehouse sr traik'ge prop. F 1 1. WE AD. 310 SO. MTU ST. Garages. NEW double garage. H24 South ruth St. CASS ST., 49n7 darag." Wal. 119." FI R iil'iioriF "V A it ehouhe" S'epatjito locked rooins for hrusobotd goies and pianuu, moving, packing uud sKlpplne. ELK INS OMAHA VAN AND STORA'11'7, sOli South 1st 11. Douglas 4113. tSTl.MATES furnished un storage and mnlng. Contracts taken by Job or br. Olobo Van & Storagn I o ,IA. 4338. AT. (J23(i. 1,20-21 North Dllll Ht, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. in FORDS AND OTHER MAKES. Cash Time, 1 raile New and Vsed--S-'o ii.i betore buvmff. Fords from fjO I nnd up. Winter Tups arid Bodies. OOLDSTHOM AUTO SALES CO., 131 Harney St. ajeksun 24H8. Central Oarage, open Day and Night. TWo Mnnnom 34s. seven pas. touring cars, one Mar men ;u, four pass, roudster. These cars are now ready for resale and jirlces are extremely low. The cars have been completely R-New-Ed and priced for quick ssle. H. 1'ELToN. 2019 Farnam St. .MAXWELL closed car, J326. This car is In excellent condition and will bo sold for one. third rash and a note for bal ance to pav as you like. WII.LYS-OVERI.AND INC., 2562-1 Farnani St. do .UK bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3600. FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 1919 6-passenger Essex touring car. 1 1914 4-cylinder Cadillac touring. 1 1918 4-passenger Nash coupe. ATLANTIC 2916. Bl'ICK K-45. 1920 touring, perfect con dition, Reflnlshed; a real bargain. Need some cash. Terms to desirable party. 2024 Farnam St. rhone DO. 89S7 LIGHT Six. Touring with Continental motor. J250. one-third cash and note for balance. Mr. Morris, 2563 Farnam Street. OAKLAND Sedan, refinished, perfect con dition, five tires; must sacrifice cheap, 2024 Farnam St. Call DO. 8987. BUY A GUY I.. SMITH USED CAR. A .Safe Investment. 26th Rnd Farnam Sts. Phone Douglas 1970. HUICK Light Six Touring, like new, $425. One-third carh and your note for bal ance. Mr. Glass, 2564 Farnam St. USED cars bought, sold and exchanged. THAWVER AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam St. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Oreen ough Radiator Repair. 2039 Farnam. 'ORD touring, 1920 starter, very rea- sonable. DO. 8154. 3202 South 4th. WHITELY Repairs Radiators. 3 20 SO. 13TH ST. STUDFiBAKER Six Touring-, S275.Q0. Terms. Hnllcroft. 2 55 2 Farnam St. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 24th. Autos for Hire. WHY not rent a one-ton truck and drive it yourself to do your moving and haul In?? It will aave you one-half your movln? bill. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. T622. Accessories. WHY bey cheap new tires when you can get slightly used, not rebuilt or junk tires, for these p-iees: 30x3, $5.00; 22x3H. $7.60; 32x4, $8.50; 32x4'4, $11.50: 32x4, $9.00; S4x4, SI0.00; 3.1X41,4, $12.00; 34x4. 112.50; J6x6'4, $13.00. Cords $2 extra. All tires nonskld. Send $1 per tire, balance C. O. D. 6 per cent off for cash with order. FLEISHMAN'S TIRE SERVICE. Service Garage 16 and Leavenworth. F ARM LANDS. Iowa Lands. FARMERS Sell your land; cash, terms, exchange: information free. George W. Brown. P. O. Bnx 653, Clinton. la. Minnesota Lands. HQUITY Land Exchange. St. Paul. Minn. Nebraska Lands. 15 ACRES, north of Florence, improved. $5,300. Jackson 0327. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. FUNDS ON HAND NO DELAY. 5-year first mortgages on Iowa or Nebraska land or city property wanted. See Mr. Day at Omaha office 12 to p. m. J. R. DAY & CO. 505 Keelino Bldg. Omaha, Neb. D. 6994. 34 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. la. lei. lot. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E H. LOUGEE, INC.. 518 Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1015 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2715. $100 to $10,000 made p romptiy. F. D WE AD. Wead Bldg.. 310 S. ISth St. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Jo Sell, to Buy, to Build We need houses to sell. Have clients for medium priced homes. Prompt, ef ficient service; Let us figure with you on that new house. Charles W. Martin & Co., REALTORS. 37 Om. Net. Bank Bldg. Atlantic 0187. 'To btiv or sll Omaha Heal Estate "ee FOWLER & M'DONALD 112ft City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426 nTHlFNTft Realty Co. List with us 141 1st Nad. Rk. Bldg. Jackson HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List It with C. .A. Grimmel. Omaha Nat l Bk. Bidg. R T R tT F1 TT real f.st xr k. AA.AA.iJ X A Sells, Rents. Insures. 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson OS2J FOR quick sciion list vour property with BEST GES'I RING, Douglas nil'. (I2 Securities Bldg. FARMS, city real estate. Sales or ex rhsnge. All kinds of insurance. REED A CO.. 1207 Fsrnam. Imuglss S14. E. H. BENNEH COM I A NY, ln-urancc. rjillKdwar.l Parley. Douglas H. MUST have home by J, n. 1st. $l.'C cash- j Drawn for The Bee by McManut (.'upiris-ht, 1921, International Ki Hvrvlot IT'S WOR2 ThiAM I THOOCMT IT VU2 OM GOTH REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Income Property Near Commercial High School .liiat listed, four Tartly modern 4 riniin cotingia on 29th street, north of Cuming, that can be sold at a price of ti 3uii. that hritiga rental i.f l;:n per tl. ear. All east front cotiiigr s nn paved ainei. paving all pnid. liiectrle lights, city water and tnlleta. Payne Investment Co., 13 7 Omaha Nat. l:k. Hl.lir. Doug. 1711. ' LEAL- ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE X 1 I neres K'uzlng hind. J I miles south west of Tliei'ford. Thomas coliule, Neb. only .lu pur acre. Inc. l2.M"i. lll'ee enrs 7 per cent. L'liiliy li.nnn. We want mock of goods, garage, cars, pool ball, hurs-g, cattle, corn, etc. What have ou': PAUI REALTY CO., ELSIE, NKBLASlvA. Rrick St. Louis Flat lose to Crolghton college wo have a iioice iiivestinent. i. rooiiis and bath down. 7 resins sn.l Imtti nn s.n.r.1., furnnees. A i improvemiMits paid Yearly rental il.lin. Price. fm.SftO. Easy terlua. iiouiii conMucr liioilern tiuiignlow ill ei change, lull Mr. Mueller. (Jeorge F. Jonos Co., REALTORS. 212 Reellu,. m,g, Tiouglas li.U. 20 Acres Well 1mprovi.il. nr I'ouneil p.luffs, fur two or threi, snail homes in Omaha. Reduce our living e-xpenaes; live un land. Fowler & McDonald, Realtors. ,'A. ii;i' H2il City Nat Bk. Blclg. For Exchange 610 acres clear western Nebraska land at 16 per acre. Want a well located, modern home of 7 or 8 rooms; will pay difference in cash. WA, 07S9 KIR EXCHANGE Highly improver. 80 acre (arm, 18 miles from Minneapolis buildings Worth J 1 0,000. price J2II0 per acre, cle-ir of encumbrance. Will ex change fur larger farm or -wild land Schwab Bros.. 102S Plymouth Bldg. Minneapolis. Minn, 10 FINR ACRES. Short distance from puved road, north of Florence; nicely Improved; lots of fruit, one acre raspberries, fine varletv. Have 17.000 equity. Exchange for iioiiie in eny. call Mr. Tracy, HA. 4600 too seres level land near Wyoming oil .i-i.ii. m ,v per a. si, ooo inc. for omaha building lots. Box A-108, Omaha Bee. INVESTIGATE exebsngo eystem. Forced cash sales. OHAS. METU. 1623 Farnam. Al7ESTTEUBLBAir" Dundee. Dundee Home Beautiful home: well arranged; exeel eut condition; 7 rooms; sun room 10x18 heated; dining room 14x26',,, fireplace-' built-in cabinets: tile bath, real shower-2-car garage: paved alley an! street' Real value. $12,000 $3,000 cash. Near "1st and Burt. Evenings, Harnov 1 1 p World Realty Co., ougias -' Sun Thi-atf,- Bid, $500 CASH will make first payment on a beautiful Dundee , bungalow, about 2 years old strictly modern, oak finish floors, book cases, etc. Will either sell or rcni. Also have another 5-room cottage in Dundee for rent. Call for .Mr. Carse at Douglas 7412 ilavs. Florence Kethaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KE. J409 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. WEST FAHNAM CATHEDRAL DIS TRICT BIG SACRIFICE. In a beautiful Kellastone bungalow; 5 large rooms and bath on the one floor and 3 large rooms upstairs. Fin ished in the oak and white enamel. The owner will sacrifice $2,000 for quick sale. Can be handled with $1,500 cash. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 530 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 22S2. Six Rooms and Garage $4,800. TERMS. Lot 60x150. Located near 45th and earner In nice residence district. Com pletely modern. Nice shade and fruit, one block to car. See this now. Call Mr Campbell. WE. 0229 evenings. R. D. CLARK CO., Realtors. Atlantic 3531. 402-3 Securities Bldg LOVELY Clairmont bungalow. 6 rooins, all select oak and enamel, block to ear lino. Reduced price and terms. Call Mr. Mead, evenings Atlantic 3210, davi Jackson 3261, WEST FARNAM BARGAIN. 7 rooins and bath, all modern; gp.rage; full lot; paving all paid, for $5,250. Im mediate possession. P J. TEBBENS CO., 60; Omaha Nat. Bk. SEVERAL choice homes in splendid loea. tions, only $200 down. SHOPEN & Co.. Realtors. 234 Keeline Bldg. JA. 4228. BEST offer made buys 4177 W'akeley Ave., fine 7-roonl bungalow, Catbedrai district. Orehjh. 608 Bee. J A. O'.'nii. J B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest ment. 54 Peters Trust. DO. S097. D. E. BUCK ft CO. buy anil sell homes. North. Own Your Home. Start Today. $5 Down, $5 Per Month. Wii, buy u lot, level and in good noiKhtborho'd. near CeMral Pari; school. Build your&elf a Fin-ill tempo rary home and pay for the lot out of the money you formerly wasted in pay ing r'-nt. Price $1'45 and un. The Byron Reed Co. DoukIss 0297. 1612 Farnam Street. Near 36th and Cass Sts Owner leaving city, will . nar-rifice beautiful home of 6 rooms, oak floor and finish, full cement basement with laundry convenient,-,', fine light fin tureB. Targe lot. double garage, cement driveway; in othr Tvords a r iom- nd a baruain at $7.6t(, with ll.SOt) casU. Fvoninir call Doug1. t'lSZ. H. W. Volland, - 710 Peters Trust Rids. Ioug. 5S. o D XEW BCXGALOW8 .Tuft completed and ready to orrupy Thy hav a romhined living, dining room. tr-( kitchen, built-in cupboard and taW two ni-e- bedroom. fin b-ith. on Ohio attest. Priced to sell at $2.5u(t: $rft rush. lmlanr month'. It. V. CLARY CO.. BKALTOR?. :4TH AM AMK8. KKNWilOp em. -ROOM BUNOALOtV. I Fully m d. and In the leet nf r4 j rsir; sereenei! porch; lot fenced: near car an.l school. A bargain at $4.ESi, ' real eaay terms or a lot or small m!g. ' taken ss fart payment. I RASH BROS . 212 Kelin Bldg- AT 7?t $en I'ASH down burs that dandy -reom house at 5I! Fowlrr Ave. Call Walnut 6711 evenu.gs. II. S MANVII.T.F.. Realtor. Atlantic 2401. 615 Peters Trut BMr. NEAR 27th and Ellison. nw. all jredera s-roem hingslow; orni-iete $I.7;.S. lasy terms. Atlantic 3541. France Prepares To Defend Stand For Submarines Bitter Opposition Expected From (Irrnt Iiritaiu lo Dc liiaiitU for Inorcasa la Tonnage. By HENRY WALES. Washington, Dec. 8 While tie "lig three" ate seeking agreement Oil the "accord in policy" the Trench delegation i preparing to (Mend, its Maud for a lancer tonn.iKe oi capital ships ami more ami nigger subma rines. Hitter opposition from Great ISritain is expected when France ask", fur 275.000 ton, of ships ami yo,(Hli tons of submarines, v liich arc th figures on which Admiral IVrtlinan-l He Hon. chief oi the I'rciuli naval staff, ij working. Not more than 250,000 tu-u of bi ships and oO.HOO tons of sulmici'sililt is the niitsiile allowance that should be made for France, in British opinion. Neither Japan nor the 1'niiel I Slates is particularly. interested in the sie of either the 'French or the Italian navies. Although Japan ha; interests in keeping the Mediterran ean open, it realizes that such a stat us inu.-t be obtained through a com bination of powers and that neither France nor Italy nor probably both together could close it against the; British at Gibraltar, Malta, Suez and the Dardanelles. There is no likelihood of the ques tion of naval armaments between Italy and France being postponed for another conference, according to the Italian view. However, it is thought another conference will be called at the conclusion of the Washington conference, in which the smaller na tions of central Kuropc will partici pate for the consideration of the question of limitation of land arma ments. 1 8 Die, Many Ships Lost in Storm Off N. F. St. Johns, X. F., Dec. S.At leat IS lives were lost, more than a score, of fishing schooners, barges and tugs were destroyed and property damage approximating $250,000 was done by the storm that raged along the New Fbundland roast on Mon day and Tuesday. It was believed today that the list of vessels lost in the gale might be increased when a check of the craft exposed to the fury of the storm was completed. Ship masters wbo brought their vessels into port reported the storm was one of the worst that ever swept the coast. REAL ESTATBE IMPROVED. North. NORTH SIDE SNAP. Sit eoonrs. oalt finish, garage, $5,600; good location. JA. 2419. Vacant Property. Ralston Lots Buy soar. Spring will bring a building boom and prices will be higher. $200 tip. Pay any conven ient amount down and balance easy payments See or phone Stewart, Rals ton 10-W. Miscellaneous. THE Old Reliable Rea! Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 1845. I WILL GUARANTEE To BUILD YOU A GOOD HOUSE AT A REASONABLE COST. KENNETH F. RLlii, 1611 HAP.NET ST.. 2D FLOOR. AUCTION! I Friday, December 9 1:30 P.M. Included in this sale is some vc-y ' high-class furniture, as well ss the ' complete furnishings of a twelre- room "better class" rooming house and one complete lot from the Gor don Van Co. Cane and mahogany living room suite, upholstered in blue velour: very fine fumed oak dining suite; genuine walnut rllninjr suite; walnut bedroom suites; ivory finish Simmons bed and ehiffonier to match; filing cabinets, letter sine; flat top sanitsry base office desk; gas stoves; gas plates; kitchen ta bles; rockers; dishes; cooking uten sils: slop jars: wash bowls and pitchers; 9 dressers; P0 eomforta; blankets; pillows: sheets; pillow cases; 6 ice boxes: sleds; springs) mattresses ; dining tables ; lot of din ing chairs: pedestals', sanitary couches number of good rugs; lino leum not to mention a lot mora r. tides that should be of interest If you want some particulsr article of furniture, call us. perhaps we have it. AT lantie 6265. STEPHENSON, Auctioneer 1509 CAPITOL AVE. The downtown, steam-heated, ground tloor Auction House, '2 block east of the P. O. en Capitol Ave. I pnonononoDononoan U n Choice Homes n Miller Park District 107 Kiorenee Blvd., 7 room, all modern; ileeping porch, fireplace; many built-in features. Nearly an aere of ground. Worth seeing. Mina Lusa District 2449 Ida St., new 7 -room mod ern stucco noue on a cor ner lot- A real buy at price asked, and terms offered. These are two of our many listings; tell lis what you want, we will do the rest. p Creigh, Sons & Co. Established 186S 0200 608 Bee Bldf. O Ja tncnononononononS SI. 609. 00 cash in advance for 1st year's rent. Want rood 7 or room houae on 1 't or IVi year lease. Will pay ti:0 month. it year's rent in advance. &mall family. Call, write, or phone. Creigh, Sons & Co. 60 Bee Bldf. Jackson 0200 Mortgage lioans Omaha Natl Pank nl 1 fl