Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    licit:: OMAHA, TUUiWJiAV. DiiOSMBlSK 6.
; Society
Mitt Glenn Wtdi
Tht nurrwBe of Katherine Glenn
el Omihi nd Mide Corry of Hot
orinci. S. D.. ha jut betn an
. Mounted. It took place Thanksgiving
, lay, Rtv. Char-lei fc.. LODDty 01 mc
First Chrittiati church ofliciatinf.
The bride was nurse here, her par
tnti residing at Albia, la. She was
graduated from the Alleghany Gen
cral hospital, it I'ittsburgli, fa. She
met her husband year ago wnen
he uai natient at St. Joseph lios
piial. Mr. md Mn. Corry will reside
in Hot Springs.
Press Chairman for Clubs.
Mrs. LeRoy Davis of Lincoln has
accepted the appointment by Mrs.
Fdgar Tenney, president of the lit-
hraska State Federation of Women's
i"lnh. to the rhatrtnanshin of press
and publicity. Mrs. Davis is one of
the young women in club work. She
; served during the administration 01
Mrs. A. E. Sheldon, as chairman of
circulation for The Bulletin, the state
club organ. Her appointment is re
garded by club women as a wise
one, and her acceptance as fortunate
for the clubs.
W. R. C. Officers.
U. S. Grant Woman's Relief corps
elected the following officers at a
meeting Tuesday afternoon' in Me
morial hall, court house: Mrs.
Marian Wright, president: Mrs. F.lla
Howman, fust vice president; Mrs.
Klizabeth Mealin, second vice pres
ident; Mr. Emily Longueckcr,
chaplain; Mr. Genevieve Cole, con
ductress: Mrs. Alice Sreeves, guard;
Mrs. Ella Norgard, treasurer. The
tecretary will be appointed by the
president at the January meeting.
Delegates to the W. R. C. state
ronvention, to be held at Lincoln in
May, are Mesdamrs Ma M. Man
ning, Genevieve Cole, Olive McCor
tnt'ek. Sarah Dennett; alternates,
Mesdames Ella Bowman, Elizabeth
Melio, Nora Melvin and Millie
Food Sale.
Circle 8 of the woman's division,
J-irst Presbyterian church, Thirty
fourth and Farnam streets will hold
a food sale Saturday, beginning at
9 a. m. in the church narlors. Afrs
-Arthur J. Cooley and Mrs. George
F. Johnston will be in charge of the
' Movie at Yates School.
A motion picture. "The Secret
Garden," starring Lila Lee, will be
snown in the auditorium of Henry
W. Yates school Friday evening at
7:30 oclock under the auspices of
the rarent-Teacher association. The
picture is taken from Frances
Hodgson Burnetts book of th
same name, a story for children.
A scenic picture, "Colorado Plat
eau,'' and "Adventures of Bob and
Bill," a Boy Scout picture, will also
De snown.
Congressman Jefferis Speaks.
Congressman A. W. Jefferis spoke
at a tea Wednesday afternoon in the
Brandeis private dining room to a
group of women interested in the
maternity bill and the opening ses
sion of the peace congress. Mrs,
Draper Smith presided.
H. S. Daniel Loans
Library to
Problems That Perplex
Answered by '
E!een hundred books, including
standard fiction and reference nooks,
have been loaned to the new RaMon
public library for a period of three
years by Herbert S. Daniel, retiring
acting postmaster, tiiroimn tne et
forts of Judc J. W. Woodrough.
The forma oneninc of the library
sponsored by tiie KaNton Woman's
club, Mrs. C. M. Milliner, presi
dent, will take place Saturday after
noon and evening. Story telling
will be a feature of the afternoon
program, which will be devoted to
the children, and a musical program
will he given during the evening.
J lie library is located temporarily in
the oflice of the Homeward Hcalty
company. I ntil a librarian is ap
pointed members ot t lis woman s
club will be in charge under direc
tion of Mrs. O. J. Milius. chairman,
Books are being purchased by the
woman club wiib liiinis raised ny
entertainments and food sales. J he
club has its own motion picture ma
chine ami movies arc given every
Friday evening for the bcnclit of the
library fund. A riiminasc sale will
be conducted Thursday at Twenty
fourth and U streets under dirce
tion of Mrs. I.. M. Lord, president
of the second district, Nebraska
Federation of Women s Clubs, for
the benefit of the library fund and
the state' federation endowment fund.
Much credit is due members of
the Ralston Woman's club for their
untiring efforts in securing the
librarv. A library building is the
aim ot the club.
Oflicers of the club arc: Mrs. I.
M. Skinner, president; Mrs. W. C.
b.dmiston, vice president; .Mrs.
George Shivery, secretary, and Mrs.
Georec Ilolfiuaii, treasurer. The
club, which was organized live years
ago, has a membership of about SO.
Luncheon and Bridge Club.
The members of a new bridge and
luncheon club met for the first time
Tuesday at the home of Miss Wini-
tred Smith. The club has culinary
ambitpns as well as a liking for
bridgfc and the luncheon is served at
the bi-weekly meetings by four of
the eight members in turn. Each of
the four is responsible for one course.
The tnembers of the club include the
Mesdames Lester Klopp, Byrne
Holmquist, Richard Mallory, Her
bert Negle, the Misses Ruth Carter,
Gwendolyn Wolfe, Winifred Smith,
Winifred Brandt. The next meeting
will be December 21 with Mrs.
Klopp. '
Listen, Wprld!
There is no surer test of a human
than the pronouns he uses in his
conversation. If he harps on the
first person singular you can put
- him down as a four flusher.
The Johniie who corners you and
tells ypu
' All about the way he revolution
ized the office force
AU about the way he told the boss
where to head in
All about the jealousy at the lodge
that keeps him out of a chair
All about the big job he did last
about the way Smith & Co.
have gone to the dogs since he "re
signed from the force
"AH about his superior car
And his superior dog
And his superior tenor voice
And how he won the war
The lad's a two-soot.
The Jane who calls you up at 9
? ; -JSX
Mrs. A. V. Shotwell has returned
from a month in New York City.
Mrs. Laura Wood returns Thurs
day or Friday from I'cqiia, O., to
spend the winter at the Colonial.
Ilallcck Rose, jr., will return to
Omaha for the Christmas holidays.
He has been attending Miss Mun
son's chool at Scwicklcy, I'a.
Mrs. John Fillius and daughter,
Miss Marion Fillius, have returned to
their home in Los Angeles after
10-day visit with Mrs. Fillius' sister,
Mrs. J. H. tarsc.
Miss Elizabeth Stewart, who has
been the guest of Mr. and Afrs,
Ludovic Crofoot, will leave Thursday
for Los Angeles where she will
spend the .winter" - ..,
Miss Mildred Kalmus of Denver;
who has been the guest of Miss Zer-
hna Bnsbm, returned home Wed
nesday. Miss Brisbin will go to
Denver after Christmas to visit Miss
Miss Cornelia Baum will arrive
December 17 from Mount Vernon
seminary, Washington, D. C, to
spend the holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Baum. She will
be accompanied by Miss Grctchen
Kayser of Pasadena, Cal., who will
be her guest during the Christmas va
cation. . -
Mrs. Joseph Baldrige arrived
Wednesday morning from the
east. ' Mrs. Baldrige has spent the.
fall months at Rockland, Maine, and
Miss Gwendolyn Wolfe has ' been
with her mother since her return
front Europe where she spent the
summer. Miss Woltc is in Dubuque
and will return in two weeks. Graf
ton Wolfe will be home in a few
days to spend the holidays here.
Swastika Club.
Mrs. Frank Swearingen was hos
tess Tuesday afternoon for the
Swastika club, an organization which
has been meeting and playing high
five for 19 years. The prize win
ners Tuesday were the Mesdames
Peter Mehrens, J. C. Reider.'A. E.
Westman. Mrs. F. A. Foote.will
be hostess at the next mectinir, De
cember 20. '
The First Application Makes Skin
Cool and Comfortable
If you are suffering from eczema
or some other torturing, embarrass
ing skin trouble you may quickly
be rid ot it by using Metho-Sulphur,
declares a noted skin specialist.
This sulphur preparation, because
of its" germ -destroying properties,
seldom fails to auicklv subdue itch
ing, even of fiery eczema. The first
application makes the skin cool 'and
comfortable. Rash and blotches are
healed right up. Mcntho-Sulphur is
applied like any pleasant cold cream
and is perfectly harmless. You can
obtain a small jar from anv good
Ionian do Cowboy.
T)r Mi I'wrrax: 1 am slttlnc
lions tonight In camp on the 1.
ami S. wtili your iaicr of advlea
before n. so I iliouabt I wuiild ak
your opinion on a few thing:
1 ant eoHbuy, I believe, by heart,
th work cornea to me so tuny; but
I am eeiiinif tired uf this Kind of
a lice and want a change, I do not
Co to vt-ry niHiiy ainum'tueiits, I lo
not take well; I don't know why.
At first tha crowd treats int flue, but
l( I go attain they will hardly speak
to ni. 1 went to a school party
one lime; thry were dancing ailiool
dances, such n iiiarchlnir through
the promised land. I did not know
how It wan done; tho teacher
Miowed ma how. After that tha
crowd would not have anything to
do with inc. 1 dress well, never uie
Hlniig In company, upeak to every
body kindly; but still to no avail.
I have never hiirnied a soul.
have always tried to follow thu
straight and narrow. ,My fellow
men have nothing to shun mo for
but still they do. 1 sometimes fct-l
like I ought to be a hermit and
have them forever.
I Kot nrquninted lth this same
teacher afterwards and she secmrd
to like mo pretty well for iihnui
thre mniitliK: ha then also gave
inn the alln: but 1 think it wn that
poino ono of my "frlemln" told her
m.nie lies about mo that she be
Hhe now Is tn the east or west. J
don't kuoc which, but nil summer
lone I have lonaod for this Kil l nn I
have longed for no ono clue, Junt to
ack her what she heard about me
that wax not rlsht and to talk wlih
lirr aKiiin. I would not rare who
was mad nt mo if 1 could have this
girl fur mine own.
Now, MIns r h iriH x, please Hnswcr
this, that I might start again Into
his world with a happier heart, to
know, and to know 1 know, which
move to.makp.
.Inst what Is It you wimt to know?
How tu tind the Kiel ? How to make
peopla like you? I would be Bind
to help, you, hut am not at all sun
ran. lour letter makes me inniK
you are too senstive and too intro
spective that ts, you examine your
self too closely. You seem to be
somewhat melancholy In your out
look. H ia very evident you arc long
iiiff for romance. It ia alno evident
that you are relying upon your vir
tues to pull you through. Has it
ever occurred , to you that cheer
fulness and optimism aro unite as
good virtues us "never uslnpr slang
in company?" Kvcry one of the vir
tues you mention ia a decided credit
to you. but I believe if you will stop
thinking of yourself so seriously you
will more quickly succeed in mak
ing someone else, perhaps this
teacher, think seriously of you. The
best thing you have told me about
yourself is that you like your work,
which I presume is in the out-of-doors.
Remember this: A" strong,
cltan, honest man is admired by all
the world. Get some self-confidence,
aggressiveness and .1oy into your
makeup and. you will never again
have to sign yourself "A Lonely
Cowboy." v
- if. and J-: Be steadfast to your
principles and the "fellows" will
take care of themselves. It Isn't
wrong not tp have a beau, ypu know.
Birthday Party.
Mrs. II. G. Fleishman entertained
in honor of her daughter Harriet's
birthday, Tuesday evening. Twenty
young people were the guests. Holi
day decorations were used. Games
and dancing occupied the evening.
Club Issues Invitations.
The University club has scheduled
a steak dinner for its members on
Thursday of this week.
My "Marriage Problems
Adelo Garrison' New I'bawj of
Cfiint, !!!, t fMiitr lUntct lot I
Th Quei tion Dicky Asked Madge
to Answer.
Bess Dean achieved a most rred
itable Luah at the end of Dicky'
ipcrcli. and a fascinating pout. 1
made a mental bow to her pluck and
poise, for it took both to remain
calm in the face of so humiliating
a failure as was hen in her attempt
to make me jealous ot her.
Whether or not Dicky had fath
omed her scheme I did not know,
but if he bad carefully planned to
thwart it and humiliate her he could
nt have gone about it in more effec
tive fashion than lie had i"t used.
My heart was siu;ins with cruel
elation as I listened to Hess Dean's
retort, elation that was augmented
bv the knowledge which I knew she
al.-o possessed, that both Mr. Cos
groc and rred had heard every
word of Dicky's speech before tie
patting on their trip to the shore for
the I'ish and tackle.
"How well you tell it!" she
laughed. "Madge, don't you believe
a word he's saying! I would be no
'troo lady friend' to you if I didn't
tell you that he's simply trying to
square himself with you. I didn't
mean to give li t tit away, but since
he's so tmgaHuiit I'm going to spill
the beans, lie was trying to hold
my band all the w;iy, but 1 thought
of you, dearie, and rcpell-11-cd him.
Hut he needs disciplining, and a
stern eye kept on him."
Madge Rejoices.
"I'll discipline him," I promised,
laughing, when I get hint home.
"Yes, I'll bet she'll put salt on my
broken head, just on account of you,
Bess Dean," Dicky groaned in mock
terror. ay, ill wait a hundred
years to act even with you for stir,
ring up Madge's awful jealousy like
Then we all laughed, and if there
was a. slightly hollow sound to our
mirth there was no one but our
selves to hear it. As if by psychic
unspoken consent we stopped the
badinage and talked of the carefully
impersonal things which arc always
such a refuge in a strained situa
tion until Fred and his father came
back with the fish and the poles.
Bv the time we reached home we
were all so physically weary that I
do not think any mental emotion
mattered to any of us. And then
Dickv and I were in our own shack,
and I gently pushed him into a big
chair and brought a pillow for his
I didn't fuss when there were
people around," I said determinedly,
"but you may as well submit with a
good grace now. I'm going to take
care of that head if I have to tic
you hand and foot to do it." -
All right, he growled, yet there
was tenderness m ins voice. But
if I fall asleep while you're fuss
ing and you wake mc us, the angels
in their infinite mcrcv help you."
"Pooh! who's afraid?" I mocked as
I lighted my canned heat stove, put
on my tiny teakettle of water and
prepared basin and gauze and dress
ings. And, indeed, my heart was
lighter than it had been since Bess
Dean appeared at the boarding house.
I never had been actually jealous of
her, never really feared her, but shC
had made me most uncomfortable,
and I rejoiced at her discomfiture,
r.nd at my own surpiise that she
would find some rune to advance the
date of her departure.
While I waited for the water to
boil and then cool again, Dicky told
me of the in (or mat ion Kronisli had
given him.
"Does Lillian Know?"
"Kronish didn't know Smith'
plans, 1 am certain of that. Hut b
was the 'Man Friflay,' who did
whatever he wjs told. Smith told him
touigiu io swear mat nc had been in
the tun since before dinner, when in
reality Kronish knew that he wa
gone for two hour before the
trooper was brought in, and that
when lie did come back, secretly by
a rear path, he was sweating, winded,
as if he had been running, and his
cloilmijj was m a frightful state o
dishrvclnicnt, as if he had been
crawling on the ground, which, n
course, we know he had. It seems
he always kept a complete wardrobe
at the mn, and a room to hiinscl
there, so he could change at any
time, lies a bird, that chap! Won
dcr what's at the bottom of all this,
Do you suppose Lillian knows.'
"1 haven't the slightest idea," I re
plied truthfully. "When she gave mc
t lie badge she told mc she hail .
hunch 1 might need it, but she sail
that she was not speaking from any
knowledge, just from intuition.
"Not front any specific knowledge
of this case, perhaps, Jiicky rejoin
sagriv, "but 1 II bet she has some
background somewhere against which
this will show up. Trust old Lil for
having all the threads or getting
them. But you keep out of it all you
can. If there s got to be any saving
of the world let the other fellow do
Home-made Remedy
5 Stops Coughs Quickly I
T Th hut rouli meflrlne rrt X
T war, I. A family lll.v ull.t mid T
T Quickly tuadr. Bavf about $!. T
You might be surprised to know
that the best thing you can u?e for
a severe coiigii, i a remedy which
is easily prepared at home in just
a few iiionients. It's cheap, but for
prompt results it beats anything else
you ever tried. Usually stops the'
ordinary cough or chest eold in lit
hours. Tastes pleasant, too children
like it and it is pure and good.
Four V3 ounces of Fines in a
pint bottle; then fill it up with plain
granulated sugar syrup. Or use clari
fied molasses, honey, or corn syrup,
instead of sugar syrup, if desired.
Thus you make a full pint a family
supply but costing no more than a
small bottle of ready-made cough
And as a cough medicine, there is
really nothing better to be had at
any price. Jt goes right to the spot
and gives quick, lasting relief. It
promptly heals the inflamed mem
branes ihat line the throat and air
passages, stops the annoying throat
tickle, loosens the phlegm, and soon
your cough stops eutirely. Splendid
for bronchitis, croup, hoarseness and
bronchial asthma.
Fines is a highly concentrated com
pound of Norway pine extract,
famous for healing the membranes.
To avoid disappointment ask your
druggist for "2'a ounces of Tinex"
with directions and don't accept any
thing else.' Guaranteed to give abso
lute satisfaction or money refunded.
The Pioex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
It for a change. Isn't that water
right vet?"
"Just," I pronounced upon invest!'
Ration and proceeded with the wash'
ing and dressing of hit head, finding
that it was indeed but a shgh
wound, which reciuirrd only the at
teutioiv 1 could give it. Dicky
squirmed and swore, raved at my
awkwardness, threatened to put on
the bandage himself registering all
the usual masculine stunts in such
circumstances but when the ordeal
was finished he drew me down on
his knee, kissed mc warmly, then
held mc oft, looking at me quiz
"You little devil!" he said. "I
meant to pay you back tonight for
tne way vt'ii vc icni uiuhih uu
at Bess Dean's head. I was going
lo give you a good dose of your
own medicine, let vou wonder if I
really had succumbed to the lady's
cliarim fT.ut you were such a trump
down there that 1 just couMn t. Kiss
me azaiu.
And I meekly and joyously
obeyed. .
New lIovcs show colored kid liti
ings. '1 hrrc are white gloves lined
with tan or lavender. There are tan
gloves lined with brown and gray
ones lined with black. Very often
the colored lining is turned back in
the form of a cull over the stitched
back of the gloves.
.Vorinihe in'
comparable at7
sixteen "supreme arooncj
violinist's oPhere-
insists Hiat her accom
paniments te upon (he.
jVYexttonty beloved
violin" she zsi look
an he .Mason Hamlin
as he most inspiring
ormcrsical itisttnments.
seems to beqin wnere
oUicr pianos leave on
in giving life and voice
to (he cjenius oT music?
Hiqhetf: price J--JuJiesf oraisea
1313 Douglas St.
The Art and Music Store
Temple Israel
Temple Israel 'layer will present
a vaudeville performance of .even
acts, musical and dramatic, at the
Temple vestry, Wednesday evening,
December N, under the management
of Mrs. Jsidor Ziegler. These player
are remembered for a highly enter
taining and Murcessful production
last year.. They arc: Mesdames
Hen Lewis, lien Hoasberg, Harry
Koscnfeld, ' Martin Sugarmaii, llcr
bert Heavenrich, II. S. Kamen,
Isidor Zicglcr and Miss Cecelia
I Viler. These aid other, touting
'l young people, will appear in tin
year's performance,
Suing brans and shredded carton
with mayonnaise, on lettuce.
How to Be
Jt is hard to be pleasant when
everything is not right. A number
of women writers lately hao called
attention to tho Importance of fixit
comfort. Tight. uncomfortable
shoes; faulty posture due to high
heels, they say, have been the cause
of lovers' quarrels, marital unhap
plncss, blighted romance.
"A cramped foot makes a cramped
Tho American girl is wearing
more sensible shoes. Mora ot her
time Is spent in outdoor games like
1enni3 and golf. She walks more.
Her disposition Improves the more
she avoids the ills and aches that
go with inactivity.
It Is so much easier to be in a
pleasant frame of mind when your
feet are kept eomfortablo and well
in Cantilever Shoes. The shoe arch
is flexible like the foot arch. The
toes are not crowded. The foot Is
so free and eary that you forget you
have shoes on. Good, comfortable
feet are a great aid to a pleasant
disposition. Try Cantilever Shoes
this week and enjoy Cantilever Com
fort. All men admire a woman who
is happy!
A Cantilever Christinas Certificate
makes an acceptable gift.
Sises 2 to If, Widths A.4AAA to F.E
For Men and Women.
Sold In Omaha Only by
Moth! io New I.orntlon, .
1T08 Howard St.
Opposite Y. W. C. A. Bide
Write for Free Booklet
Valuc-Civing Store
Bowens-The Store
for Practical Gifts
Year by ysar mora
people form tne habit of
giving gifts with defi
nite appeal and useful
net. Year by year we
are selling a greater vol
ume of gift furniture.
The result is that this
Christmas we have pro
vided a rare and com
plete stock of furniture
suitahle for gifts and
with a definite corner in
the home.
And you may rest
assured that the furni.
ture vt offer at this
occasion it priced at the
very lowest.
. m., just when you're busiest and
tells you
How everyone raved over her last
night at the dance
How many proposals she re
ceived '
How young Perkins is killing him
self by inches because she rejected
him' .
How her hair dresser says she has
t the most beautiful and unusual
?-How her doctor says she has the
' most-marvelous and unusual psychic
constitution '
V lion everyone knows she has the!
. most marvellous, and unusual psychic I
power . - . - '
How i
' But what's the use? By their pro-j
nouns snail j-ou Know tnem. ana
beat it while the beating's pood.
(Oerntat 'br George Matthew Adams.
Enjoy life
DofTf be self conscious
because of a badskin
Adopt the daily use of
Resinol Soap and
coflipfexxm tiiatwili
stand the test of the
brightest lights.
5cofhinq and HeIinq
1RV .
In the sanitary
Bailey the Dentist
Established 1833
Painless Extraction of Teeth
Dr. R. W. Bailey
Dr. Bertram Williamson
Make Dentistry Easy for You
706 City Nat. Bk., 16th and Harney
See Our Display of
Gate Leg: and EndTablrs,
Davenport Tables
Sewing- Tables and
Writing Desks
Give Gifts of Furniture
This Year.
It pays lo read Bowrn's small ads.
Howard St. between ISth and 161h Sts.
When in Omaha
Hotel Rome
Fat That Shows
Soon Disappears
rromincnt fat that comen and ntays
where It is nut nede-l in a burden, a
hindrain to activity, a curb upon pleas
ure. Yuu can taktj off the fat where Jt
fallows by taking aftr each meal and at
bodtinr. one Marmola Prescription Tab
lot. Thse little tablets are aa tffertiv-
and harmless as the famous prescription
from whirl, they take their name. Huy
and try a case today. Al! drutftsts tho
world over sell thm at one doilar for a
case or you can order thm direct from
tho Marmola Co., 4fi!2 Woodward Avp.,
Detroit. Mich. You can thus bay gocd-by
to dieting, exereise and fat.
' V yon are nervous, despondent, weak.
run down, throogn excess or otoer eaoro,
wa want to mll too out book which tails
boat SEXTONIQUB, a restorstlra remedy
that will coat yon nothinc if yon are not
cored or benefited. Every msn needinr a
tonio to overcome personal weakness, etc..
should get this tree book at ouee.
440 Berry Block, Nashville, Tens.
No Soap Better
For Your Skin
Than Cuticura
Bamnleearb fSosn. Oinrment.TRlcnm) free of Ooti-
evaXAbersteriei, Dept. X. SUldan, BUM.
Fine for Neuralgia
Musterole Insures quick reliet
from neuralgia. When those sharp
pains go shooting through your
head, just rub a little of this clean,
while ointment on your temples and
Musterole Is made with oil o
mustard, but will not burn and blis
ter like the old-fashioned mustard
Get Mesterole at your drug store.
S.'c and 65c in jars and tubes; hos
pital size. $3.
for Coughs & Colds
Thii jyrup Is dilfcrent from all ctticu.
Quiet: ielif(. No opitf. .15c everywhere
To Correct Constipation
Without Cathartics
Mastin's Yeast Vitamor Tablets Now-Used By
As a Natural, Safe and Easy Way To Aid Digestion, Strengthen In
ternal Organs, Increase Energy and Clear The Skin
Instead of dosing themselves with
treacherous cathartics and violent
drugs, millions of chronic sufferers from
indigestion and constipation have now
turned to the simple, easy and economical
corrective provided by Mastin's Yeast
VITAMON Tablets. By supplying in
concentrated form not only yeast, but
all three of those precious health-giving
raw food elements the vilamines
Mastin's VITAMON Tablets help to
feed and nourish the shrunken tissues,
strengthen the entire digestive and in
testinal tract and act in a natural way
as a general conditioner of the whole
system. Pimples, boils and many dis
figuring skin eruptions seem to clear up
as if by magic and the complexion be
comes radiantly fresh and clear under
the purifying influence of Mastin's VI
TAMON Tablets. Weak, thin and
run-down folks who have been ailing for
years! tha victims of undernourish
ment brought on by a lack of sufficient
vitamines are often amazed at their
astonishing improvement in weight,
energy, appearance and mental alert
ness after onlv a short course of Mas
tin's VITAMON Tablets with their
Mastin's VITAMON Tablets do not
upset the stomach or cause that bloated
feeling they are in no way distasteful
they keep indefinitely nod tire ensy
and economical to take. Make this
simple test: l irst weigh and measure
yourself. Next take Mastin's VITA
MON two tablets with every meal.
Then weigh and measure yourself each
week and continue taking Mastin's
VITAMON Tablets regularly until you
are satisfied with your gain in weight,
"pep," energy and improved appear
ance. It is not only a question of how
much better you look and feel, or what
your friends say and think the scales
and tape-measure will tell their own
THE CWGINAl ni7-yW3ifa
If You Aro Not Entirely Satis
fied With Tha Results In Your
Own Case, Your Money Will Be
VTAABLE.T Promptly Refunded.
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A mitd xstem rf treatment that mm Pil. Hstuift and tkv
f.erAl rtet in a hort time, without a .wvra Burtrtral -.
ration. No 1 hinroforre. Kthrr or othrr vnpral annthvMir ad.
1 eure u'iitJ in ?rry rt arrp;p fcr treatment, an no tn'ny i ta fat4 a a til
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rmniner.t Ppi k fea b rennaiiently cured.
OR. C R. TARRY Sana tor turn. Pet era Truat Bide. Be Blag. Omafca,