Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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Third Party to
Meet Todav At
Grand Island
Intimate of Attendance Im
jioViMe a County Con
cntioiu D'ul Not Report
Nml 500 Signers.
Grind Island, N"cb Dec. 7. Dele
jjjtfi plcdgM at county max meet
in;; to a new political platform ad
hiiict to tlic formation of a new po
litics! patty in Nebraska are to meet
line tomorrow lor tlie purpose o
perfecting legal orsaui.ition, adopt
ing a platform, selecting a title ami
electing a Mate committee, to Uy the
ground work for the active participa
tion of the party in the V22 Nebraska
These were among the subjects that
ilcliiiitcly bad been announced for
the convention, nioht of them contain
ed in resolutions and required by
st.tulc to be adopted brfure a politi
cal party can enter the Nebraska
field, raramuunt is the legal !
mand that the convention have 50')
ignel delegates duly elected and rcp
reentative of their districts.
The committee in charge of ar
rangement of the convention has
notified the tempoiary state commit
tee that all h in readiness and that
no time should be lut in formalities.
In order to complete tiie business
that is to come before it, the com
mittee pointed out that county or
ganisations should be organized and
he prepared to transact business hn-T
nied'atily after assembling. J
Attendance Big Question;
How blanket representative of the
state the delegates will be was not
to be ascertained in figures prior to
calling the convention to order, but
prominent leaders of the-movement
declared there would bp more than
the required number of delegates
present, as the response of the
various counties had been almost un
iversal, according to reports lure. In
this respect, leaders felt assured of
representative attendance. The state
committe wag unable to state how
many counties had elected delegates
at meetings held last Saturday, as
reports had not been ordered, but it
was indicated in private opinions that
practically all counties held meet
ings. Since the time tlic foundation of the
new party was laid at the Lincoln
meeting, there have been numerous
utterances as to the policy and pro
gram of the proposed party in the
way of endorsing candidates, affili
ating with other parties, selecting a
name and outlining planks for the
platform. Taking the consensus of
expressions of the apparent leaders,
what instructions to delegates are
available and the sentiment that has
been voiced in those organs who in
dicate they are favorable to the pur
poses of a new party, it appears that
the endorsement of candidates at
convention time tomorrow would
generally not be approved and that
affiliation with any other party would
he frowned upon. Numerous names
.have been suggested by parties over
the slate, but generally disapproval
has been expressed by the adoption of
?ny of the political titles now in use
or a coal:tion of names of political
Parties k which may contain a few of
the principles advocated by some ad
herents of the new party.
Leaders Are Confident. ,
On the other hand, calculating
from unofficial reports of attendance
at the county meetings, it is indi
cated that in but a few localities
were the meetings attended by more
than the number of delegates alloted
to the county. In others it was nec
essary to draft names for delegates.
In all instances, however, judging
from these reports, sufficient names
were signed to officially represent the
The new party 'will name candi
'.ales for congressional as well as
.tale offices. Some counties have in
truded delegates to hold out for na
'ional offices. The representation de
cided at the foundation meeting called
for an eaual number of men and
women delegates.
It was definitely established that
United States senator R. M. La
Toilette of Wisconsin, invited to ap
pear at the convention, would not be
present. J. G. Browne of Chicago,
an executive of the farmer-labor
party, has written expressing a wish
to see relations established between
his party and the one proposed. J.
A. H. Hopkins, a prominent leader
Player Song
Wabash Blues
Tucky Home
Say It With
My Sunny
Jazz Me Blues
Jealous of You
Scroller & Mueller
Piano Co. s
1514-16-18 Dodge SU.
. 1C"
in the "liberal" party, alto lias caused
much comment among new party fol
lower! by Hating hit deiire to at
tend the convention,
The platform adopted by the new
party, if it follow the policiei named
in published planks by a number of
leader, will be along lines described
at "conservative." I'Uns for financing
the campaign aUo arc to be discussed
at the convention.
Among the name that have been
advanced tor the new party are "in
pendent," "progressive," "new Ne
pendent," "progressive.' new Ne
braska." "liberal." "Nebraska hide-pendent-progressive,"
"proal party,"
"liberal progressive" and "union."
Rail Employes Adopt
Four-Day Week Program
Fremont. Neb., Dec. 7. (Special.)
Rather than cause the laying olf
tf 4J ier cent of their co-workers,
Fremont employes of the Northwest
ern voted to adopt a four-dav week
program during the present depres
s:on. 'I he new schedule goes into ef
fect December 10. The action was
taken by the employes in lieu of a
reduction in the working force. No
tices had been posted for the last
few das that this reduction would
take place and as a result the em
ployes made the decision that de
clares Wednesdays and Saturdays
holidays until business becomes
Man (lonviclrd of Murder
(iiven 20-Yrar Sentence
Winner, S. V , I'ec. 7. (Special
Telegram.) Varnon McNichoK who
pleaded guilty to the murder of Ray
mond lirooks in Tripp county,
was sentenced in circuit court hero
to 20 years in the penitentiary at
Siomc Falls .
After the prosecution had intro
duced its testimony, McNicl.ols de
cided to change bis plea of not guilty
to guilty of manslaughter.
The slaying of Brooks resulted
from McNiclioU' alleged insults to
Mrs Brooks during her husband's
absence, Brooks being slain hy'Mc
Nichols soon after his return home.
Chief Outlines
Work of Public
Roads Bureau
Expenditures on State and
Federal Highways This Year
$111,362,863, He Tells
T. II. MacPonald, chief of the
bureau cf public roads, United Stales
Department of Agriculture, was the
principal speaker before the annual
convention of the American Asso
ciation of State Highway Officials at
Hotel oFntcnellc yesterday.
Mr. Mac Donald gave a resume of '
ttiM t. rtrl- eA ttiA lnivr.ui ti mitilirl
roads and its projected policies in
handling1 federal aid. He also took
up transportation problems which he
says must be solved from an eco
nomic standpoint.
According to figures cjled 'by the
chief, the estimated registration of
motor vehicles tilts year is 9.750,000;
8.404.000 are automobiles, the re
mainder trucks.
Expenditure for all road was
"From 1910 to 102 the potential
number of motor vehicles demanding
highway service increased more
than 1,800 per cent," he said. "Ex
penditure during the same period in
creased 400 per cent.
"In the period, 1918-21. motor ve
hicle increased 700 per cent and
highway expenditure about 200 per
This increase, according to Mr.
MacDonald, was due to favorable leg
islation and the accumulation of funds
which had been voted, but which
could not be spent during the war.
In 1921 the estimated cost of date
and federal roads under construction
was $I4I..1o2,8o5. Of this amount
$59,900,615 was spent in state aid.
The total mileage of roads was 6,986.
Aid Legislation.
"The Future Federal Aid Legisla
tion." a paper outlining future legjs
lat'on for the building of federal aid
roads ami under what conditions
they are to be constructed, was read
by W. C. Markham, legislative rep-
County Will Establish
Museum at North Platte
North Platte, Neb., Dec. 7. (Spe
cial.) Through the efforts of the
local chapter of the D. A. R a Lin
coln county museum will be estab
lished in connection with the public
library. Residents of this county
possess many relics of local histori
cal value rnd it is believed a suffi
cient number p can be obtained to
make a very creditable showing.
Is CoytiVoness
stealing your Beaut
It will. And it will da more. Jt
will put circles under your eyes. It
will take the blush of youth from
your cheeks. It will take the'
energy from your step. It will tend
you to the sick-bed when you
should be enjoying life.
When you are costive you need
an effective aperient something to
tone up your liver and give youth
to your step.
Take Dilaxin for natural action. It
. Is made from the tame formula
the famous Dilaxin prescription, so
you know Dilaxin is effective. Forty
handy tablets, fifty cents. Get them
from your druggist today.
Vkke Dilcrtfn
An Array of Leather Gifts
"for your selection
You'll te agreeably surprised at the
completeness of our useful gift se
lections for both men and women.
Give him a good durable
hand-boarded 18-inch cow
hide bag with welt edges,
sewed corners, leather lined,
3 roomy pockets, 'snap fas
teners and inside lock, in.
Black or Mahog
any, at the ex
tremely low
price of
rREimo ttfiNLi
Fitalls make appropriate gifts for men. They hold the
comb, brushes, razor in fact, all toilet articles in a
separate place. Priced at
$2.50, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00
Frelingf & SteinW
1S03 Farnam Street Here 15 Years
I'aluc-Civing Slorc
Give the Men Folks
Thia Christmas
Smoking Set
It is a gift enjoyed every
day of the year. We are
showing them in 50 different
styles all in mahogany and
priced at
$1.00, $1.75, $2.75,
$3.25, $4.50, $6.25,
$7.50, $10, $12.50,'
$15, S17.50, $20,
$22.50, $25.
A Gift for the Ladies
that will ever be a continuous
reminder of friendship
M f
This is a real gift a gift
that is as useful as it is orna
mental. See our large display
of Spinet Desks all beauti
fully finished in mahogany
and priced from
S19.50 to $65
Give Gifts of Furniture
This Christmas
It pays to read Bowen's small ads.
jfi&Bowen (d
Howard St. between 15th and 16th Sts.
1 H School sWiH Utilize Sheep
in Experiments.
Dr. Bruner Explains Theory.-
- Miirh. has been done with the franc
plantation of monkey and goat glands
for reviving pnyaicat luncuona. de
clared Dr. Bnjner, "and we expect to
meet with success In putting- new
brains Into the heads of subnormal
children through the exclusive use of
'a. sheep fland diet."
tw. montmi imDrovemeni or the cu
tis!) ts will Be recoraea usmy on speci
port blank oem preparea
education print trm
FhorographeJT&m Chicago "Tribune" oOct i8, ioji
Both Young and Old
Find total Vigor and
Physical Strength In
Renews Gland Tissue By
Aotual Replacements
Try Youth-Gland for two weeks, (1 pkg. of
tablets) and find for, yourself the wonderful
difference it will make in your endurance, health
and appearance. -
Feed your glands and defer old age.
Youth-Gland is prescribed and endorsed by
hundreds of physicians in both America and
Youth-Gland offers you the quickest and
surest way to health, strength and efficiency
when you feel the need of a tonic treatment.
You don't have to use your imagination
to note the difference when you take Youth
Gland. Your health, happiness, appearance and
mental alertness depend upon the condition
of your ductless glands.
Youth-Gland revives the ductless glands
by feeding them and you feel this stimulation
just as surely as you feel revived when you are
hungry and give your stomach food.
Youth-Gland will rejuvenate you in appe
tite, body and spirit. It will bring rest to
your nerves, improve your digestion, make
good the over-drafts upon your energies, and
by rebuilding your tissues bring back your
old-time vigor.
Youth-Gland is also rich in Vitamines,
Bulgarus and Nuclein therefore rich in the
greatest of all life-giving, strength-building
powers known to science.
Brought to its present perfection by years
of experiments and use by the most noted
scientists of Europe. Sold in America under
special arrangements with Druesen-Kraft
Chemische Laboratorium of Paris and Leipzig.
When you do not feel your "old-self when
over-work or worry has "pulled you down"
accept this suggestion and try a short treat
ment w ith Youth-Gland Tablets.
Be sure to state, when you buy or order,
whether you wish the treatment for "male"
or "female."
ScnJ Your Name avA Address and a Wonderful Little Book Will Be Mailed You FREE
Youth-Gland Chemical Laboratories, Ltd. 56E.RandolphSt. Chicago, IU.
SoJd in Omaha hr 1! itore of the Sbrrman & McCcnnc'.l Drug Co.
nJ other prorcf s e urti-gisti.
rrsrntativc c( the .ocition i nd
lo cuetary of the Initiation com
mittee. Chart! M. UubcocW, Min
nesota, presided t the morning
The I'rogram in the afternoon wa
given over to the dicuiion of con.
traction and recarch. ll. V. Cole
man, Virginia, presided. Tanrri
were rea'l ly Charles M. Vplu.n.
fUte highway eusjinrtj vf North
Carolina, ami V. K. Ilatt, director
of the advisory board on highway
research, Washington, l. C,
last night T. II. MacDonald.
chief of the bureau, wa the guest of
honor at a d nuer at the Umuha
Palmer Hog BrrcJrr Saje
All Farmers Feeding Stock
G. II. Harry came in from rai
nier with 6S head of choice light
liogi for which he received the top
price of the day of $6.70 hundred.
Mr. Harry aid mot every farmer in
l is neighborhood had hunch of
live tock on feed and that there
would he a number of h pmeuti
made to the Omaha market at toon
a conditions warranted, lie aid
there had been a little wg cholera
around l'almcr, but that it had not
done a much damage as tome
other parts of the Mate.
J0HN A. SWANS0N, Trfl.s
"I km neter before en
o many Tinmen boylofr
men's gifts In moo's store.
l. men a gins in a mua nrr,
i (iocs they matt know hr
past experience that ithen
iWM. L. HOLZMAX. Trew.:
1 Throughout
reater Store
non w
a ( hrMuias gift bears the i.
tnenns more fhan Jut in
article to wear bat an article
of north while Mjle and
character,'' said a
rleier little wem
an shonplnir here.
The sale store for
"His" gift Is here.
Here's the Store Equipped to Give Real
Service in the Rush to Get
That Gift for "Him"
KRVICE means more than just plenty of
goods, and we have the largest selections
of men's wear in the Vest
Service Here Means Entirely Unequaled
Valuesfor Instance Our
Finest Quality
$35.00 to $65.00
Suits and Overcoats
The Talk of Omaha at
$25 to 50
Last Year You Paid .
( $40 to $90
Kvery conceivable new winter model in our extraordinary
showing of America's finest clothes. A host of famous makers
best style ideas here-a Christmas display without a parallel
for value, variety, satisfaction.
MES'S EXTRA TROl'SEBS Extra good .
values best in America at
$3.50, $5.00, $7.50
DOTS' SUITS, 2 pair pants j B0IS' "VEKC0AT8-J10 to 138 .value
sin on S12.50. 815.001 S7.50. SIO.OO. ftl&.uu
Our Great Annual Pre-Christmas
Sale of Fine Silk Neckwear
Thousands of beautiful new, strictly high-grade Silks await your choosing in this
sale of Neckwear
$1 50 Neckwear $2 Neckwear $2.50 Neckwear
at 95C at at'lU
75c Neckwear $1 Neckwear
at 45c at 65c
Quality Silk Shirts 5
Worth $8.50 to $10, at
Strictlv highest quality Silk Shirts, Jersey Silks. Broadcloth
Silks, 'English Loom Silks, (ionuine Eatrle Crepe Silks, King's
Cloth Silks, Heavy Satin svripe irepe iiks,
Choose From This List of Men's Gifts
tfon's Sweaters, $4.50 to $12.o0
Men's Hiindkerchlefs, Htc to $1.50
For Collars, $10 to $25
Leather Belts, $1.00 to $2.50 -
Men's Hosiery, We to $2.25
House Robes, $4.00 to $35.00
Fnr Caps, $5.00 to $25.00
I'ajamas, $1.50 to $12.50
Men's Gloves, 50c to 7.50
Smokin? Jackets, $(U0 to $12.50
Silk Mufflers, $1.25 to $10.00
Sight Kobes, $1.00 to $5.00
Traveling Baars, $5.50 to $45.00
Wardrobe Trunks, $26.50 to $100
Suit Cases, $1.50 to $:!0.0O
Standard Trunks $H.00 to $50.00
Save Almost Half Cn
Beautiful Cut Glass
Next Saturday at
Union Outfitting Co.
Hundreds of Pieces in the
Latest Designs Purchased
Below Market Price.
As there is nothing more al
frsctivc or decorative on the ta
ble than Pretty Semi-Cut Glass,
the Special Purchase Sale a!
Union Outfitting Co. Faturday
is certain to attract those seek
ing useful and practical gifts.
The purchase included Mry
onnaise Set. Sug-ar and Cream
crs. Nappies, Vaos, Spoos.
frays. Jellies. Not Pishes, Coir.
ports. Fruit r.owls. Celery Trays
and other gift pieces. Ard.astl
fpys. you make your own tornr.
All Work Guaranteed
1512 Douglas. lei. Dou-. 6SS
J S25.C0
Givca in TKree rr-
I5.C0 $10.00
Value- Giving Price
Made on $40,000
Worth of Living
Room Furniture
Bowen Co.
The response from thrifty
shoppers to our offering of
$40,000 00 worth of Living
Room furniture, consisting of
full suites in velour, tapestry
and cane, - as well as many
beautiful separate pieces, such
as Davenports, Sofas, Gate
Leg and End Tables, Spinet
Desks, Smokers' Sets, etc., has
been extremely large.
You. too. should take ad
v?ntige of the prices now of
Wed on home furnishing at
l!:e Greater F-pwen Stor?.
Py so doing yon not ny s
cur? the best values, but t. ill
sv: many dollar.. Givs gifls
of farniturs tlii3 C.hii.-;ni?.
Ltc Wunt Ads IVuducc I'.csull
The Christinas Editic.i
The Billboard
Ktk In a to mm. kaavtHat
VSf In tk hW IfllMlll
Ike Went Ail I'rufiutc Rcvjt.