4 THE DDE: OMAHA; THURSDAY; DECEMBER 8. 1921. U. S. and Not Japan Bijr Purchaser of Australian Wheat Grain Reported to Be Des lined for Famine Stricken District of Russia; Two Stories Afloat. WfeVuwtuneWunter B; CHARLES D. MICHAELS... (IhVjko, Dec. 7'.-Tlie United Sutn and not Jaran has been the li'H buyrr of Auifralian wheat in the pat few weeks. Tbix was con firmed Lit yrsfcrday and it ii uu t'er slood that Cliicao grain lirnis landled the details of the business. Aeeordinp tf ilioe in a position t.,know, the wheat will go to the lamine-Mrickrn district of RusM'a ia the transsil'erian railway and Ja I an had nothing to do with the WJrrhase cxrept possibly act as trokers for the American interests. Jheie are two stories regarding the transition. The first and what '. regarded as the moft probable, is that the money to finance the grain was advanced by New York or Pitts burgh interests in return for com. jncrcial concessions from the soviet government, and the other that the latter paid cash for the wheat. Estimates Inaccurate. It is ronsevatively estimated that 35.0(10.000 bushels of wheat has br.-ii l:ouijht for shipment to Russia with some expressing the belief that -o,(X)0,(KH) oushels have been taken. However, there has been cancella tions of purchases reported of late ana the quantities m consequence tould not accurately be determined. J he rumor that laoan was oreoar ing for war, based on the purchases of unusually large quantities of wheat not only tn Australia hut also in the United States and Canada, was tirst circulated in grain trade circles several months ago, carefully inves tigated and prove. to be unfounded Recently it was revived, however, by claims that Japan had been drawing down large credit balances in this country, with rumors of shipments of munitions from Canada to the Orient. Japan Free Buyer. Owing to a shortage in the wheat anil rice crops as compared with consumptive requirements, Japan has been a .free buyer of wheat in the world's markets for its own ac count. Between the United States purchases for Russia and the actual Japanese takings as high as 40,000, 000 to 50,000,000 bushels has been mentioned. London cables claimed Japan had bought 37,000,000 bushels of.. Australian grain alone, but part of . this represented American pur chases. Statisticans, . however, be lieve that Japan does not require over 20,000,000 to 25,000,000 bushels unless the rice crop is much smaller than reported. While Japan normal ly, uses far more rice than wheat, the high price of the former causes the purchase of wheat due to economic conditions, a growers' food being responsible for the high price of rice while wheat is much cheaper. Nonpartisan League Endorses Woman for t Governor of Dakota Pierre, S. D., Dec. 7. The Non partisan league, m state convention here, late today indorsed a woman Hiss Alice Lorraine Daely, former teacher and now organizer for the league, as its candidate for nomina tion for governor. The action was taken with few dissenting votes. The republican party, -at its con vention, adopted a platform indors ing national bonus to ex-service men, giving women right to serve on: juries, commending President Harding for calling the disarmament conference and approving the work of congress. Candidates for nomi nations for state office had not been selected late tonight. , . Sleuth Gets His Former Captain Freed in Court Alex MacGregor,' giving Medicine Bow, Wyo., as- his home, gained his freedom in Central, police court yes terday when arraigned on a charge of drunkenness because he : declared that City Detective Fred Palmtag was the only man he knew in the city. Palmtag, who was in court, ad mitted that he knew MacGregor. Outside of. court Palmtag' declared that he should have seen to it that MacGregor .was given "life," be cause, declared Palmtag,' "That guy was my captain while I was in the army. Ych, and that ain't all," said Fred, "he not only was my captain, "but he got me five days in the guard! house at San Bonita, Tex." By RUBY AVRES. ((Mtlnurd tram jfslrrdnjr.) Anne went up to bed early that night because the felt that he could bear no more. There Iiad eemed tomething unnatural and terrible about the whole day to Iter, and yet in the ilem:e of her own room .tie wondered once more if her own overstrung nerves had not been' more than half responsible for it all. She .had sai'yd night to the For turr Hunter.. aRM; touch of heV hand. ji. Airing ra'-iraise her eyes to hi, ami now tic was ..longing with all her licart-.to go dowiiMairs again and put her aim round liis neck and sob out all her misery." Tommy had been ulky all day, watching her willi half-ashamed, half-angry eyes, but for the first time in her life she was not sorry for the way in which she had turned on'him. How dared he sov on John? Her face burned now as sliej thought of the humiliation she bad suffered when he showed her that letter, of the jcajousy that had been torturing her ever since. k John bad wid that iifl oiu vat know Iieniel i It, was a lie; It,iHnst have been a lie I and yet his eyes had met hers steadfastly enough when he said it. and there bad beeu no shame in his face. : Jhe went to- the window, and, drawing aside the blind, looked out into the garden. - If only she had said good night to him! If only she had kissed liiml The constraint of that dav seemed to have made an impassable gulf be tween tliciu which could not be bridged. She turned out the light and, drawing the blind up, knelt down at the open window m the .darkness. There was still a light in the drawing-room below, still the sound of voices, and presently Tommy came down the steps from the French window and limped away across the lawn. He was a queer boy sometimes, as Anne knew, he spent . half the night wandering; round the. country side, or down at Long-end cottage with F'crnie. He never did things in. a rational way like other people, and she wondered if perhaps she had been a little hard on him, if her own unhappiness had. caused her to be unjust. . a ' Then Mr. Harding came to the window, and for a moment stood in the shaft of yellow light, yawning and stretching his arms. "Well. I'm olf'to bed. I'll leave you to lock up. John." - . ... i , ... r xi. Anne siraintu ncr ears lur mc Fortune Hunter's voice, but no reply was audible, ana presently an was silent below. Dared she go down to him? As she knelt there, -trembling, -.in' the darkness, the silence .of . the night was broken by the muffled sound of the piano in the room below, as if someone was playing with the soft pedal down; but it was sufficiently loud for Anne" to hear the tune, and the tears rose to her eyes as she recognized it and- remembered the words to which it was set. There are soma weo kecl to the Tilde road. '. There are those' who wonder down the lie caught her to hint, filencing Iter with hit lipt ou hers. "I love, you, too! I Jore you . . . Anne, I'd give my life to make you happy." She missed the liepc!e.ncn of his passionate words; she heard only their sweetness, and for some moments they clung together und kissed; then she drew away from him. with a little tiglu . "And it quite all right again everything," h asked, hyiyv "F.vervthinsr." f'-K "J've beeij so unhappy,'. she wbis. peted. , , i i J Ic could not trust hmiaelf to answer; he was afraid that another word would break him down be went with her into the hall, kissed her again, and watched her till a bend in the stain hid her from dim. " . "And it s quite all rigftt agauv-r everything,' her whispered teucs tion haunted him and his own re ply. All righti again? He knew that it never could be. He knew that the bridge they had built vthat night with kisses and the clasp of dc stairinc arms would not stand se cure in the light of day; he knew that with the morning, the old shad ows and doubjs would, crep' back again and drive-them' still .'further part. , v",' ' He put but tlie light and. went up to his own room.' If only he 'were, worthy of her; although all last;night he bad not slept, sleep was far enough away from him now; there, seemed ..to be a firry wheel of thought revolving in his head which would-give him no rest. , ' - , What was the end of it all 1o be? He could 'see' nothing in the future but separation 'and heartbreak for them both, j ; 1 ..'''.' He cursed the day - that had brolight him to Somcrton, and yet he knew that it had given him the greatest happiness of his life. . Whatever happened,-, there would never be another, woman for him; no one could ever take Anne's place in his heart. ' " '':'.. He took'off his coat and waist coat and slipped- -into. ' a -dressing- gown. It was useless';going to bed, useless trying to sleep, - .".'.' He paced up and 'down the room restlessly half a 'dozen times, his thoughts all on . the future; if . one could only seel into it if one could only know, what was going toMiap- if he walked out of the douse tonight and never returned, lit would break her heart, and if he stayed, it could but end in the same way tool , He stood (or a long time Ion in thought; the open window and the night and the long, winding road beyond seemed to be waiting for dim, calling to him. (CeBilua4 la The turn Tmrw.) Omaha Girl Must Have Said "Yes" pen! It would have-' been 1 such , a Road Conditions - (FnrnUhrd by Omaha Auto Hub.) Lincoln Highway. East Roads (food. breather cloudy. Roads reported rougn Cfdar Raolds to DeWltt. DeWitt to Clinton.- roads ooen for travel. IJnroln Hluhway. West Roads good. weather cloudy. Grand Island and weal roads fine and weather clear: some grad ing being done near North riatte which 4a unaMrf PAmnlIMl this Wfk. O. L. D. Highway Roads fair to-A cil ia nd. detour near Ashland bridge on ae tount of construction work. Roads to Lin coln and west are in excellent condition. ! Weeth-r cloudy at most, points. Highland Cutoff Roads tine; weather cloudy. , . 8. T. A. Road Exeltent condition: weather partly cloudy. j C&rahusker Highway Excellent condi tion; weather partly cloudy. Omeha-Topeka Highway Roada good; twearMer cloudy. 'i, George. Washington Highway Snowing p Rlalr but road still in fine shape. lorth roatfs good to Sioux City. Weather 'fcloudy and much colder. :' Black Hllla Trail Roads tine: tight -Snow reported extreme north; weather ' cloudy and much colder. W Kin of Trails North Roads fine to . Missouri Valley, little rough some str-tches f north to Sioux City; weather cloudy and ' aomcwhat colder. i King of Trails 8outh Roads In excel lent condition to Hiawatha; weather floudy. From Hiawatha to Leavenworth roads are reported a Uttle rough. A de . tour la still necessary between Learen- worth and Kansas City due to road work ijn progrera. River to- River Road Good ta De ll ol nee; -"weather cloudy and somewhat colder. , W hite ,Pol Road Roads good and feather clear at most points. -S I. O. 'Xt 6hortIlne Roans fine; weather loudy some potnta. Blue Orasa Road Roada rough ta On wood, also one or twa detours: east ofj Olesweod roads are reported ta fine, sfeape to Burlington. j O Street Road Roada ta excellent eon-1 side road With a hedge for shelter In the night. Well, I don't care much for the first lot. When we meet I pass them by Tou may write me down among the worst itor a nomeieas, ne er-uo-weit am i: When you're Jog, Jog, Jotjin- along the white road, ' .. . ' . With your luck all upsido down, Well, you don't much care if you're on the right road' , When you're bound for Nowhero Town. I'm Just as happy In the byways, my ways. Wheresoever I may be For there's no Iriund waiting along tho highways For a vagabond like me. -9 The music ' stopped , suddenly, as if the player had wearied, and Anne rose from her knees by the' window and stole out of her room and aross the dark landing. Her heart was beating chokingly m 1 her throat as she crept down the.-stairs to the half-closed draw ing room door, and she stood there for a moment atraid to go in. She could see tlie Fortune Hunt er sitting sideways on the piano stool, the open . song on the rack and his hands hanging dejectedly between his knees-, - and lines'-of such utter misery in his face that she hesitated no longer; she fan across to him and fell ou her. knees beside him. "John John." She. spoke "his name in a little sobbing whisper, and with a stifled cry : his arms closed around her. ' , " He did hot speak and he made no attempt to kiss her; he just held her as if he could never let her go, his cheek against her soft hair. And for a long time neither of them moved,, till presently he rose, liftine her to her feet. "My darling it's late. . 4 .. .it's nearly 12." ' His voice was hoarse and uncer tain, and Anne looked up swiftly. "I had to come down I heard you playing that song oh, John, some how it hurts me to hear you play that.... and I .wanted'? to, say that I'm sorry for. ..today ;.- . .' and for all times I've been horrid to you. He turned away with a half groan; it was more than he could bear" that she should fieap" coals-of fire on his head, and she went on, only too eager now to pour out her love to him. ''But I love you you know I do, even when I'm unkind! Perhaps it's because I love you too well " simple solution to his life if he and John Smith 'could have, changed places that' autumn afternoon in the woods, and if he had been left lying there with the "bracken bnding above him. : ' ' ' And even now the whole story was not known. There-were many1 pa pers belonging to the dead man; he had not yet found the courage . to examine, and, with a sudden impulsej he took his keys from a 'coat, pocket and unlocked one of-the' drawers in the chest. ' ; . It was an untidy drawer; he ..had thrust half the contents from one' of the boxes upstairs into it, and for the first time ''now, ' the .'Fortune Hunter went carefully andmethod ically through the heap, of -papers. Bills, many of them letters of no importance, many of them from women, other documents which seejjied.-, to .have been kept tor -no reason whatever, and, last of all, a folded parchment tied with pink tape. The Fortune Hunter opened it ap prehensively jis with' queer ir relevance lrenie Claver's half-mocking words came back to his mind: "If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing well even being a criminal. He smiled bitterly at the memory; she, too, had taken- it for granted that, he was a blackguard. . . . He glanced down at the document in his hand it was a will roughly made, and altered here and there in pencil. There was a gift of 1,000 pounds to lrenie Claver, arid another small bequest to some man whose name the Fortune Hunter had never heard, but it was the last paragraph-of all that struck home t6 him; . 'The remainder-of my money, and all other properties, I leave absolute ly and entirely to Anne Harding of Cherry Lodge, Somerton., pngland, the one woman who stood by me. and believed in me, when I did not deserve it." So by using this man's money, he was robbing Anne! At every .turn, whatever he did, it was Anne who must suffer. If he left her now I LTV Sheet-Musio Hits MM - Headarhea frant Wight Cold. . Laiath-e HROMO QCININ'E Tablets r- -liera the Headache by curing th Cold. ; "A tonic laxatlva and germ destroyer. The ( Kna:he bears the- at gnatare of V. W. j Oror. - Po sore yoo get BROMO c. Adv. Specially Priced for Christinas 4 crs 98c Schmoller & Mueller I514-1S-1S K,,. ft Phase Dodge St. nin Vt. DsLu 162 The liver Is the Road to Health If the liver is right tlie whols system; is better off. Carter's Little Liver Pills awaken your Sluggish, "'"fir"-. eaCiii up liver and re Jieve constipa tion, stomach trouble, inac tive bowels, loss- of appe tite, sick head ache and dizziness. Ton need them. CARTER'S UTTLE IVER PILLS Purely vegetable 9mB nt-tatf Dose SuB Price ABVERTISEMKMV . : How To RevitalkeWornout Exhausted Nerves Your nerre power depends an plenty of good, rich, red blood of the kind that or ganic iron Nnxated Iron helps make. Nuxated Iron is like the iron in yoor blood and like the iron in spinach, lentils and apples, while metallic iron is iron just as it comes from the action of strong acids on iron filings. Nuxated Iron does not in jure the teeth nor upset the stomach ; it is an entirely different thing from ordinary metallic iron. It quickly helps make rien. red blood, revitahre wornout, exhausted nerves and give you new strength and en ergy. Orer 4. 900.000 people annually are using it.. Beware of substitutes. Always insist upon haying genuine organte iron -Nuxated Iron. Leak for the letters N. I on every tablet. . Sold by. all druggists in tKlrts only never in liauid form. (rarrVd BtooctStTwntrh ncj Ewdwincel When Out of Employment try A BWantAcl Diitlley ' Kiel J ' Maloue BorAs Passage for Two to i Europe. in "New Yofk', Pee.?. Dudley field Malone, former collector of the port, who recently was divorcrd in l'aris, has booked pajsaRe for liiinsrlf and Mrs. Dudley J if It! MaluJie for KotiloRue n 'the Holland-American liner Rotterdam, sailing Saturday. 'Announcement .wa made recently that lie was engaged to marry Miss Doris Stevens of Omaha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Jl. Stevens. Mrs. Stevens, in an interview on Sunday, said, that it was true Mr. M;.!onc had admired.ltrr daughter for a long tune, but Jn.it the latter could not make- Ir-mind.' to' niarrv him. "Doris told me." said Mrs. Stevens, "that if slu decided tq mar ry she would have the ceremony per formed in a- hurry, so that she would not Jiave time to back out." ! Mr. Malone could not be reached tonight. His first wife was a daugh ter of ex-Senator O'Gorman. I "If mv dauahtcr intends to wed Mr. Malone this week, she has said nothing to, us," said H. II Stevens, father of Miss Stevens, last right. "We had a telegram from her yester day in which .she, said, 'Nothing new.' That is all we know." Italian Love Child Sues' for Share In $75,000 Estate Charges His Wife Attempted to Slay Child With Knife Fremont (Neb.) Man Sues for Divorce; Alleges He Hal To Cook Meals nnl Po Family WaUiing. . Freiuont. Neb.. Dee. 7. (Special) Claiming that liis wife attempted to take the Me of their mtant cnnJ witn a paring kniic. Harry Try, railrorfd man. aonlied for a divorce in the local courts, acklng for the custody of their two children. The petition conies on the heels of their appearance in police comt a few days ago, when the husband was dismissed on a chaige of wife-beat ing. . He jetaliatts with the petition for a separation after four ear of tnarriaK. He is Mrs. l ry's third husband. ' I'ry states that in April, 1920, Ins wife flew into a violent r.tge and grabbing their little son, started to attack it with a paring knife. When he interfered just in tune, l'ry says his. witc attacked him instead, beat ing him about the face and head. He names other instances when Alii KKTIMK.MKNT. MEAT CAUSE OF KIDNEY TROUBLE Take Salt to flush Kidneys if ? Back hurts or Bladder bothers. he struck and scratched him in their domestic altercations and charges she used profane and Indecent language to him and the children, In addition to these allegations, Fry assert that his wife refused to prepare the meals and that he was forced to et the meals. He also accui.es hit wife of refusing to do the family washing and as a result, Fry states, he repeatedly was forced to take Iter place at the washtub to provide clean wearing apparel for Pairc County Former Finds Missing Bride Shenandoah, Ia'Dec. 7. (Special Telegram.) Floyd Towers,' Tage. county farmer, found his missing Cirrman bride. The couple were re. united at Norfolk, Va. His parent, Mr. and Mrs. I'earl Towers, received tlie happy message yesterday that Movd and liis wife -were togealur and would be in Coin December IS. The young bride came to this country ahead of her -husband anj was due to liave arrived in Coin November .U Her delay lead to un easiness about her whereabouts, tne message to his parents failed to give any dt-lails as to how the bride missed her husband when he lauded in Virginia. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION ( Vv 'jrvAvo7 u. fcttVKHV 6 Bell an s Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 5t and 754 Package Eerywhor JiKaMhV a I 1 1 hosse who Slr.-irlriwir llV ??ntl 'V J . . I . mentor prejudice in tfieir soWtion of 'a pi Alio are very like! to sacrifice ondurinrj satisiachon o expediency; rH I Explained On This Page Tomorrow WATCH FOR IT. Bee Want Ads Trodure Results. Des Moines, la., Dec. 7. (Special Telegram.) Issu ng a legal defy in the , face of alleged blackhandcrs, Carmela Romea, 28, "love daugh ter" of .the late Joe Amodeo, former "king" of local Italians, Tuesday brought suit m district court to re cover 'a one-sixth share in the for tune of her father. Scorned by the legitimate daugh ters and sons of her late parent, the pretty Italian girl, claiming equal rights in an estate worth more than $75,000, will attempt to prove herself the child of Amodea, and Amodco's sweetheart, who lived in Italy. If successful the girl will come into avhandsome fortune. , Carmclo Romeo was recognized by the late Joe Amodeo as his child born in Italy in 1893. In 1911 Amodeo went back to the land of his birth and brought the child to America as his own to raise among the others of his own blood. Living in Austria is now 38 times as costly. as in 1914. If you must have your meat every day, eat it, but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, says a noted authority who tells us that meat forms uric acid which almost paralyzes the kidneys in their efforts to expel it from the blood. They be come sluggish ana wcaiccn, men you suffer with a dull miscry in the kid ney region, sharp -pains in the back or sick headaches, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get sore and irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids, to cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body's urinous waste get four ounces of Jad Salts from any phar macy here; take a tablespoontul in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to. flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer irritates, thus ending blad der weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in jure, and makes, a delightful effer vescent. lithia-water- drink. Sae Tfltt&ut infants invalids Porlaranti, Invalids and Growing Children The Original Food-Driafc For AH Aces ASK FOR llorlick's the Original Avoid Imitations and Substitutes ' I Rich milk, malted grain extract in Powder No Cooking Nourishing Digaatiblo 414-26 Sscurities Buildinc Cornar 16th and Farnam Stt, Telcphona Douglss 5347. ; Omaha, Neb. Dr. Burhorn's Chiropractic Health Service When your health is low, when there in weakness of any function, whether of Btomach, bowels, lungs, kidneys or the organs of the head, the firt step is to remove the cause. The day is coming when all the world will realize that Chiropractic 'is the great science that its followers now know. To you who are suffering with acute or chronic diseases, we invite you to call and invest igate our methods without obligation on your ran. If wo cannot help you we will not nocept yout case. Office adjustments are 12 for $10.00 or 30 for 123.00. Office hours. 0 A. M. to S P. M. Lady attendant Call or write for booklets. he open- i .1 .' intndcd buyor find in the 5.ann lie), has ondiuscvl die entire musical xvorld and is not' approached in lona evit by aii other" piano n iho world. Thin Store carrii-a new and uwd Pianos and Players, from $150 mid better.' 1513 Douglas Street THE ART AND MUSIC STORE ! Douglas 3940 17th and Douglas BIGGEST BARGAIN SINCE 1914! , 500 Case of MAZOLA PIL bought direct so as to enable us to give you the following prlceg for the next two days. Tints O O Quarts at awOC at Halt gallons QQ. Gallons at. OOC at...... n Five "gallon i.imit ' cans . ; 43 c $1.63 $6.35 No Limit MEAT SPECIALS Fresh Cut ' 1 0nr Home-made Hamburger kt2i Frankf urts, lb . 15i "Sugar. Cured Breakfast Bacon, lb-.".., . We Deliver to Any Part of the City Public Sale WKtf Fto-iT More? I The New Way of "1 : Merchandising i ': ; Spells Economy M Investigate It Will -rfagj'f3 ; Save You Money ElJ'Jtlf I ' Call or Write 'V 2 flAKFOUD Iff ! VIZ MOsric Co. is Jj ' : 419 South 16tb Street ' - Li Z THE BABY GRAND STORE l I, , 1 1 s m M i in .i i i '." ., . ' i ssaMaajssHHsaaMsiaMHMs......B.aaBBaaaHMMsiasH1 To Be Held in Fremont Tuesday, December 13th Commencing at 9 a. m. and continuing until 9 p. m. The "Western Theological Seminary of Midland College having purchased . the home of Mr. Eay Nyc is now desirous of selling the Furniture, Rugs and Furnishings Union Outfitting Co. Big Joy land Has New Ideas in Toys at 25 to 50 Saving This Substantial Saving Due to Their Location Out of High Rent District. A wonderful showing of toys greets the eye of the Christmas Shopper as he or she enters the mammoth Toy City of the Union Outfitting Co. It is adisplay of sturdy, well made Toys and Dolls, rather than the short lived ones which one remem bers in years gone by. Jolly old Santa Claus (him self) is on hand to greet the girls and boys and learn what they want.; Toys are low priced and can be charged on easy terms. Values have been carefully estimated by experts and j most liberal prices have been put. upon all the things, so I that it will be very profitable indeed for everyone who can use 'high-grade Furniture, and Rugs to , attend. t Included l One of the finest collections of Oriental Hugs and Carpets in the middle west; Furniture for Dining Room, Living Room and Chambers, Solarium, Library, Breakfast Room, Billiard -Room andReceptional Hall; Draperies and otherN furnishings of the finest. For a list of the sale with prices write to Professor J. F. Krueger, 415 East Military Ave., Fremont, Neb., - or phone Fremont 339. 1 i 35 PerCent Saved in Buying Here Why? Our rent is less than a fifth for the same space two blocks up in . ,. . . . A ine nign rent aisirict. uur mar gin is smaller all around. A few of our long list of bargains: House Slippers of all kinds t 81.00 Children s Shoes, our price .$1.50 School Shoes, black or tan, t S2.00 Work Shoes .....S2.50 Dress Shoes 83.50 Men's Union Suits 9Sa CLOTHING SECTION Men's Suits or Overcoats at ..815.00 Boys' Suits or Overcoats. $7.50 Extra Trousers 82 SO STORE OPEN EVENINGS i HELPIIAND CLOTHirtG CO. 314 N. 16th STREET ill i l l I I I I I I I I 'I 'i!:i:i.'...ir:i.'i; l l l. I I III I i I II 111 ill ill l 'i ' nun I I i I i-1: t-1 i i i!j i:i ,. Closing Out Sale Ostermoor Mattresses sl 5"" -1 7?l We. operate our own mattress plant and, having decided to close out all Ostermoor Mattresses from our Wholesale Department, we "offer at this time, while stock lasts, a Had your iron today? Eat more raisins 45-lb. stitched Ostermoor Mattress, 50-lb. roll edge Ostermoor Mattress, Z retail advertised price 35.00, retail advertised price -40.00, - for 15.00 for .17.50 ; 'z NOW. IS A GOOD TIME TO BUY YOUR SUPPLY : QflMftWlKiDGo. - t SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS , I I I I I I I I I I II I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! , I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I.