Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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11 A
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Revival of Early .Fashions Will Bring
Back Romantic Era, Modiste Believes
iWoman Weiring Drfii o(
Century Afo AMumet Chir
actrri.tics of Period,
Syi Designer.
Ktw York Dec. 3. Will oar
new romantic styles in clothes bring
tack n era of romance?
Will the revival of hoopskirts, lace
scuff, tiny faiu and garlanded coif
furci cause to live again the deticate
creatures who fainted a eaiity and
as gracefully as they flirted? And
do their garments really affect the
characters of women?
Sudden changes in demeanor are
seen in the drab little girl who sud
denly Rets ft new dress. She is
transformed. So is the middle
aged hitherto uncared for woman
whose husband may unexpectedly
gain wealth. Her new raiment
makes a new woman out of her
Miss Ethel Traphagen, expert on
dress design, confirms the legend
that clothes make the man or wo
man. At her studio on Popular
street, Brooklyn, she displayed a
number of drawings of styles of the
past and told me some of her own
theories on dress.
Miss Traphsgen's Conclusions.
- "Undoubtedly wearing clothes
barking back to times of romance
will make women take on the char
acteristics of those periods," Miss
Traphagen says.
Ot course, you kuow one 01 my
nets is mat we go mrougn one in
carnation after another, and that
when we long for the trappings of
some one era we are going back
to those days through which we pass
ed and which we loved.
"In a certain mood a woman puts
on a garment to -express that feel
ing. Again, when she puts on the
dress of a bygont century she as-,
suraes thereby the qualities or va
garies of the time. ..'
- "In-4he different stages of develop
ment in our lives we are subject to
different moods in which we revert
to former experiences. If a woman
puts on a Moyen age costume she is
apt to feel as the women of those
middle ages did.
"The fact of woman taking to the
bouffant skirts and a rosebud gar
landed coiffure shows a positive
leaning back to the days of romance.
In the 30s and in the 60s there was
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a romantic spirit, but there was also
hypocrisy. Those crinoline girls
looked very sweet and demure, but
they were not always so ingenuous
as we think them.
Spooning and Swooning Customs.
"Even when these styles are
brought out now there is always a
little flippancy added to them."
But where, oh where, in our high
ly condensed conditions of life is
there room for the dear creatures to
wear their hoops and succumb to the
"vapours" at the slightest provoca
tion? . At least girls who swoon
easily might be preferable to those
ultramoderns some of our readers
score so savagely, those who spoon
too easily and those whose only
"vapours" are the thin streams of
cloud that arise from the amber
cigaret insulators.
"In Victoria's reign," Miss Trap
hagen continued, "she was so re
pressed that everybody became bot
tled up. The styles immediately
showed this. The squeezed-in waists
the ridiculous stuffed leg-of-mutton
sleeves tell of the influence of this
strict ruler.
"But in America we have a con
glomeration of races. Each brings ft
different environment and a past.
The countries from which they come
each have had a .different history of
fashion affected in so many ways in
the past. No one- silhouette of
style predominates today. . r y; ,
"Clothes influence women greatly.
The gingham dress imparts ffiutn
and freshness. It speaks oi chili
hood and bred and butter days.
Brocade makes us feel regal; velvet,
dignified and ft little softened.
"She who dons taffeta becomes
crisp and jaunty like the fabric. Btuti
serge is business like and suitable
and lends self-confidence.
"The rolled-down stockings and all
too short skirts we have had for
some time give a woman vulgarity.
Or, rather, they bring out her in
nat vulgarity, for the fact that she
wears them shows the quality to be
in her.
"Colors have ft greater power over
ourselves than we imagine. Each has
a separate meaning. Yellow speaks to
those who can understand it, but blue
cannot say what yellow says. Neither
can red nor violet. Blue is cold and
formal,-but very satisfactory. Green
is cool and restful, while yellow is
cheerful and brilliant and creates
harmony about it. Red is warm and
aggressive, orange rather hot, but
still very decorative; violet is mystic,
mournful and darkening.
Light Colon Give Youth.
"Light colors give youth, gayety
and femininity to women, while the
dark shades offer dignity and repose.
Neutralized colors have great charm
and subtlety." .
. What man wouldn't want to pro
tect a dainty thing in shell pink or
baby blue, and who cares what hap
pens to a navy blue serge girl?
Little satin toes peeping from be
neath a lacy skirt are more tantaliz
ing, than plain tight of two little
knees that knock. Preserving old let
ters in lemon verbena may become a
more popular indoor sport than pre
serving one's own sweet self in apri
cot brandy. .
But the romantic girl had lily
white hands and wore flowers at her
throat This last feat is one mystery
we would like explained. The prac
tice of lilies-of-the-valley or violets
way up near one's larynx is inex
plicable. Dr. Bianchi May Head New
Latin-American Republic
Dr. Julio Bianchi is being men
tioned as the most favorable "candi
date for the presidential chair of the
new Central American Federation
of Statesthe union of Guatemala,
Salvadore and Honduras. Dr. Bian
chi recently was elected as the Gu
atemalan representative to the fed
eral council of the new republic.
The Guatemalan statesman has
been prominent in international re
lations between the United States
and the Latin-American countries
and is a familiar figure about Wash
ington, where he served as Guate
malan minister.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Practical Gifts
For Men and Young Men
THIS will be a Christinas season of thoughtful
giving. The useful gift holds sway. Yet you
will want to maintain the spirit of the season
by selecting carefully the gifts ior your friends
and relatives.
You will find in this store a complete showing of
men's wear, and all was bought for our stock with
an eye not only to economy, but the,
value that is always expected from
goods bought here.
Christmas isn't far away. The time to
make the most careful choice is before
the stores are- crowded with hurried
shoppers. We invite you in NOW, to
shop at your leisure. ' .
Men know your taste is above reproach
if you select their gifts at Black's. If
you need advice, we will be glad to
help you.
Make Your Selections Now!
These Suggestions Will Help You
In all styles, materials and cuts.
We are making a special feature
of the new things for the season
checks, plaids and stripes. The
prices will agree with your idea
of real economy in holiday buying.
Remember in buying Christmas
gifts for men that shirts of all
kinds are very acceptable dress
shirts, oxfords, negligees all are
appropriate for some particular
and Mufflers
Mocha, buck, suede, chamois, kid
our stock pf gloves offers you an
ample selection, no matter what
your needs may be. The knit silk
or angora wool mufflers fulfill a
real need with every man. We
stocked this year with an eye to
pleasing the man who is particular
about the smaHer accessories. You
won't go wrong if you buy him a
muffler here.
Did you ever see a man who wasn't
glad to receive ties or hose for
Christmas? We are displaying silk
and knit ties, either the wide-end,
bright-colored ones, or the narrow
knits. In hosiery wo show silk,
wool and cotton, full-fashioned and
otherwise. A gift here for all the
men folks, from son in school who
sports heavy woolen hose above his
brogues to father who favors his
feet with the lightest of cotton.
Charles E. Black
1417 Farnam Street
im.o bwm i
Another Big Step Toward
A Merchandising Ideal
We Desire to Announce
That The Brandeis Store
Now Offer
Victor Records
v Records need no introduction.
For many years the Victor Victrola has
bMi accepted' as the standard instru
ment in the phonograph world. It is universally
recognized as supreme in tonal quality.
A New Victrola Service
But we intend to introduce a new Victrola Service. Our new depart
ment offers a convenient service to the record buyer. Ten "Audition
Rooms," artistically appointed, sound-proof and comfortable, assure you of every con
venience for hearing and judging records under the most favorable conditions.
Largest and Most Complete Stocks
We have the largest and most complete stocks of Victor records in the
city. You may phone for any record and we will promise a quick de
livery. You may also listen to any record by phone.
Splendidly Equipped "Audition" Rooms
Victor Victrolas will be demonstrated in rooms acoustically normal and
by men of long experience, capable of advising you as to just the proper
instrument for your home. . ?
Buy Victrolas on Convenient Terms
In the sale of Victor Victrolas, as in the sale of other merchandise, the
Brandeis Store caters to the convenience and comfort of its customers.
We are here to serve you and are ready to make your purchase of a Victrola a mat
ter of the utmost convenience and pleasure. f
Cordial Welcome and Efficient Service
We invite you to visit our new phonograph department,
Main FloorWest. .We assure you a cordial reception
and prompt and efficient service. t$$r'
Victroli DeptrtmentMtia Floor Wes
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