Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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! i
Marie Dressler's
Wed to Another
Death of James II. Daltou Re
veals That He Had Wife
Who Refused to
Free Him.
Cliicaao. Dec" 2. Event follow
Ing the death of James H. Dalton
of Boiton, in the Connrcss hotel on
the evening of . November 29, yes
terday revealed an intcrestir r ,nd
hitherto unknown eoitode in the
life of Marie Dressier, stags come-
dtenne. who ' played to crowded
housei In vaudeville here lut week,
Daltou has been known for years
at the husband of Miss Dressier.
Information from Iioston last night,
however, revealed tha. he was never
married to the actress, -but had liv
ing; in Boston a wife who refused
to cive him up. This was admitted
to be true by an authorized repre
sentative of Miss Uressier, spean
ing in Chicago.
Followa Buxom Star.
' The Boston woman, Mrs. L.
A. Dalton of 60 Brighton Ave.,
Alliton. a itiburb of that city, de
clared Dalton left her 12 year! ago
to follow the buxom comedy star
across the continent, and that he has
been with her ever since.
Miss Dressier, through her repre
sentative, admitted this, but this is
the story she told:
"I met Mr. Dalton in 1907. At
that time he was in financial straits
and I took him with me to manage
my affairs. We grew in a few years
to care a great deal for each other
and decided we would like to -De
married. . Then Mr. Dalton told me
of his wife confessed to me that he
had a wife, for I did not know it
until then.
Refuses Divorce.
"We went to this woman and with
Mr. Dalton's brother, beeged her to
divorce himi She laughed at us and
refused. Since that time Mr. Dal
ton has always been my; manager."
Miss Dressier last night accom
panied the body of Dalton to Corn
ing, N. Y. His brother, Benjamin
Dalton, has arranged for his burial
in the family plot there.
Nebraska Farm Aid Body
To Organiie Next Tuesday
AH bankers of Nebraska have been
invited to attend the final organiza
tion meeting and election of officers
of the Nebraska Agricultural Finance
corporation at Hotel FontencJJe next
Tuesday at 10 a. m.
The invitations, subscription blanks
and proxies are being sent out by
F. H. Davis, First National bank,
chairman of the first meeting, arid
John L. Kennedy, United States Na
tional bank, chairman of the organi
zation committee. ,
According to Mr. Davis, Nebraska
bankers arc showing much interest in
the new organization and many have
said they would join. Subscriptions,
at the 'first meeting totaled about
$230,000. The new finance corpora
tion has for its chief object the
facilitating of loans from the War
Finance corporation in Washington
to Nebraska farmers and live stock
St. Paul Honors Couple on
65th Wedding Anniversary
-qajasrsY r, ; - V "r" -j jrT"1" "- '!.'' I
St. Paul, Neb., Dcs. 2.-(Spccial.)
A public reception under the aus
pices of the St. Paul Commercial
club" was given Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Maddox in honor of their
sixty-fifth wedding anniversary.
The reception was held in the Meth
odist church. -
Mr. and Mrs. Maddox are both
pioneers of Howard county, movinsr
here in 1879. They are both 85
years of age. They were married at
Carson' City, Tenn., December 2,
1850. They have had nine children.
six of whom are still living, 12
Fire Guts Franklin
Business Building
Franklin. Neb.. Dec. 2. (Special
Telegram.) Fire of undetermined
origin gutted the mens furnishing
and cleaning establishment of J. L.
Carey. The loss on stock was about
$2,000 and on the building $1,000.
The building is owned by R. B.
Campbell and was occupied also by
the Francisco barber shop, Republi
can Valley telephone office and cen
tral offices, where the night operator's
life was endangered by the flames
working up to her office from below.
Only fast work on the part of the
volunteer fire department saved the
entire block of buildings on, the east
side of the street.
grandchildren and
10 great grand-
Boost in Telephone Rates
Authorized in Nebraska
Lincoln, Dec. 3. (Special.)
Changes in several charges by the
telephone compahies were authorized
today by the state railway commis
sion, Charges of $2.50 and $3.50 for
installing telephones in residences
and in business places, respectively,
where i the drop and wiring are al
ready in place were raised to $3.50
and $5 respectively.. These are the
same charges as for installing phones
where the drop .and wiring are not
in place. . ' . -'.'-
A flat rate of $1.50 ftr changing a
telephone from one part of a room
to another; and of $2.50 for chang
ing a telephone from , one room to
another, Were instituted in place of
the former charge of the cost of the
work plus a reasonable profit. '
Alimony Is Debt, Say9 Man .
Protesting Jail Sentence
Lincoln, Dec. 2. (Special.) Is
alimony a debt? This question was
put up to the state supreme court
today when Jess Cain appealed from
the district court for a writ of ha
beas corpus to get himself out of
jail. .,, ..;
Cain was sentenced in the' district
court to 30 days in jail for contempt
of court following his refusal to pay
alimony to his wife. He applied to
the district court for a writ of ha
beas corpus, which was denied. ;
He then appealed. He holds that
alimony is a debt and that under the
constitution no person can be - im
prisoned for refusing to pay a debt.
.William Randolph Hearst
' ' Passes Through Omaha
The shoes of William Randolph
Hearst, publisher, squeaked protest
ingly as he paced up and down the
platform at Union station Thurs
day night while his train stopped in
He explained to a reporter that he
is "'old-fashioned," and favors keep
ing the United States out of Euro
pean politics, and doesn't place a
great deal of faith in the disarm
ament conference.
Former Omaha Grain Man
In St. Barnard Hospital
William R. Richter, a short time
ago a wealthy grain man of Omaha
is now broken in health from worry
Over his conviction in federal court
hero, for forging bills of lading for
grain cars, and his sentence of a
year and a day in federal prison and
fine of $5,000. , ; ;
So undermined is his' health that
friends had him taken to St. Ber
nard hospital in Council Bluffs
recently. An effort will be made to
get a pardon for him from the presi
dent. His attorney, W. F G. Gur
ley, will go to Washington soon for
this purpose. : t
, Federal Prisoners Escape
San Pedro, Cal., Dec. 1. Eight
federal prisoners being taken on the
transport Henderson from Bremer
ton, Wash., to the Atalntic coast,
escaped through an open port while
the Henderson lay in harbor here
today. Records . aboard the vessel
did not indicate why the men were
held. .
YOU can't do your best when your
back and every muscle aches with
fatigue. Apply Sloan's Liniment
freely without rvlbxntt as U penttraks
and a quick glow of warmth and com
fort will put the "pep' back into you.
Good for rheumatism, neuralgia,
lumoago, sciatica, sprains and strains,
aches and pains, bruises, stiff joints,
bad weather after-effects.
For 40 years Sloan's hat been the
standard liniment in thousands of
homes all over the world.
You'll find it clean tooleaving no
skin stains, muss or clogged pores.
Its very odor healthy and stimulat
ingsuggests the good it will do.
Keep a bottle handy for you never
know when you will need it.
At all druggists 35c, 70, 11.40.
Woman Held on
Burglary Charge
At Los Alleles
Divorced Wife of Chicago
Broker Confesses to Robbing
Home of Movie Director
In Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. Z Mrs.
Etta Belle Hell, formerly of Chi
cago, and said to he the divorced
wife of Joseph Ilcil, broken of that
city, was being hel l in the city prison
here early today following her arrest
yrsterday on a charge of burglary.
According to arresting officers,
Mrs. Heil told them was the
widow of a wealthy Chicago banker
.but was later identified through a
press dispatch front Chicago as the
Mrs. Heil who some months asto was
held by the police there on charges
of robbing homes wncre she was em
ployed as maid. .
Stolen Articles Found.
In. Heil was arrested following the
finding in a house leased by her of
articles alleged to have been stolen
from the residence of Sam Wood, a
motion picture director. According
to officers, Mrs. Heil at first declared
she knew nothing of the articles, say
ing they had been left at her home
by a mght watchman. Later, how
ever, the police said, she broke down
and confessed to having taken the
property from the Wood residence.
In Fashionable District.
Mrs. Heil was quoted by the
notice as having said she came to
Los Angeles four months ago irom
Chicago. She rented a house in a
fashionable district, she said, and iu
furnishing it she exhausted her al
lowance, which she said was $300 a
munth. Mrs. licit told the officers
she then saw an advertisement in a
newspaper calling for the services
of a maid in the Wood residence
and she applisd for the position.
When left alone in the residence hc
Is alleged to have taken the articles,
the finding of which in her home re
sulted in her arrest.
It was said at police headquarters
t'wit detectives would check up Mrs.
Keifs activities in Chicago as well as
CDDiniunirate with her former home
in West Virginia.
At Lincoln Meeting.
J. II..Beveridge, superintendent of
Omaha sshools, and John L. Mc
crory, assistant in the office of the
Board of Education, are in Lincoln
attending the meeting of the Nr.
braska Schoolmasters club. Belle
M. Ryan, assistant superintendent of
schools, also is in Lincoln for a meet
ing of the evecutive committee of the
Nebraska State Teachers' association.
Cora Still King of Farm
' In Point of Money, Value
Washington. Dec. 2. Corn is' still
king of American farm products in
point of money value. The census
bureau, in a statement , Utt night,
placed corner the hem! vl lead
ing crops in 191'), with a value of
fJ.507,7,)7.102 out of an aggregate
vshie for the whole list of about
Next were: ' Ifay and forage,
SWJJ.OOO.OUO; cotton and cotton
seed, $.'.355,000,000; wheat. $2,074,.
000,000, and oats. $855.UOU,(KX).
Economic Hearing Held Up.
Lincoln, Dec. 2. (Special.) The
McKclvic economic probe commit
tee, which expected to nunuf Us
hearings today, met this morning
and postponed the reoiscnlns of
hearings umil next Monday morn
Dependable maids can
by using a Bee Want Ad.
10 Governors Attend
Chicago Stock Show
Chicago, Dec. 2frn governors on
their way to the, conference of gov
ernors at Charleston, S, C. today,
attended the International Live
Stock exposJrton where a special
program in, their honor had' been
lunuulatcd. ' .
Those attending were Governor
Carey, Wyoming; D. M. David,
Idaho; lVcus, Minnesota; Dixon,
Montana; Mabcjr, Utah; Campbell,
Ar'7ona; Len Siuall, Illinois; W. T.
McCrav, Indiams; Mcchem, New
Mexico and VcKtlvic of Nebraska.
. Soufh Dakota. Wfstonsin. Illinois,
Minnesota fttM Iowa tontributed the
state thatnp'on team of girls whose
exhibitions, of cooking hare gained
approval from the judges in the dif
ferent wctons and from which the
champion will c selected.
For nilv on fraelr cvanr
i night Dr.Hobm'i Eczema Ointment.
You will be (urprimd mt th quick im-
provorwnt. Good alwforcMint,acM,
ikuqc sjcin ana oiner Kin uwDin.
One of Dr. Hohsoo's Family Remedies.
Eczema Ointment
Stop That
It's unnecessary ar.cL
nerve racking. Apply
cooling Resinol
Ointment and know
thecomfort it gives.
Hartman's, With This Very Unusual Offer,
Make It Possible for You to Secur e
Any Graf onola for
Only $ 1 .00 Down!
SELECT the model of your choice simply pay one dollar tlowu
Easy terms can then bo arranged and we 'will hold youc
Grafonola till Dec. 23, at which time delivery will bo made.
' Join our "Xmas Music Club" and have a "World's Musical
Masterpiece" instead of a disappointment Xmcs morning.
j It Immediate Delivery Is Desired, You Can Also Arrange
lor Other Very Special Terms.
It you will bear in mind that Columbia Orafonolas ALONE have
been reduced to pre-war prices, you will at once be convinced
that, your phonograph will be a Columbia.
Save! Note Reductions!
(Cabinet Models All Finishes)
Type K-2 (Formerly $225) now $150
Type G-2 (Formerly $150) now $125
Type F-9 (Formerly $140) now $100
Type .2 (Formerly $120) now 9 85
iiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiim j '
Give ; i
Gift Hint!
Her a
Electric Table Lamps
Road Conditions
(Vtormlahed hr Omaha Aut Clob.)
Lincoln Highway. Eaat- Roads In Tcrf
teed condition: detour for eight milts
near Mamhalltown; road from Dewitt to
Clinton now open; one roufh stretch near
Cedar Rapids.
Lincoln Highway. West Roads la ex
cellent condition to Grand Island and
west, some road work near North Platte.
O. U D. Hlghwer Bad detoar near
Ashland: roads to Lincoln and west food;
detour between Imperial and Chase.
Highland Cutoff Roads good.
S. I. A. Roads Roads excellent condi
tion. Oorahnaker BighwajK Reads fine.
Omaaa-Toseka Higawer Road good.
Oeorge Washington Highway Roads
food to glens City; weather cloady.
Black Hills Trail Road goodi nttle
knew seme points north.
Kins of Trails North Roads fine to
atlasokri Valley; roads north a. little
Klag of TraOs. South Road! In excel
lent eendltioa to Hiawatha; Rdagh to
Za Tee worth; Learenworth to Kansas
City still necessary to detoar eat account
f read work.
Rirer te Rlrer Road flood ta Ses
Wilts Pole Road Good te Casey; fle
lewr for six miles east tn fair shape.
L O, A. Saortl la e Reads good.
Blae Grass Read -Roach to Qlcnweod ;
est of Glenwood reads fine.
m. i i" -i " i t ti
1 - II
TENDER SKIN ; N m " " M 3fflfflW if
R PrilAI 1 44-InchCedarChest i-- ildWlJ
rlHUL- I With Tray J, (ZgL
BSBUy 1 M Wty EE) L To the person desIrlnB to (rive a B I - f '" ill "llf '
fl - ..... k Cedar Chest, our epecial for Bat- p . jfS '" m -
J 500lhin4ndHelinq . t M, , urday will be of keen interest. I lip Jth . T
- JuHt as Pictured,,- f m 1 'VJ v . I & w
1 'J IP copper trimmed and S J OD 1 H a. t ZLjf ll fl
SS7S"SSjrS S M., , I) M ' bleUtra15"Baat "V.? JL 0 KBSf ' -wf M J
i ill in i m i mm m r- e ji
jp- Saek ltlSlg yeclal'JrJ jBs
'.. I . jl ll anlfolily ? gain appoal. " "S555 "
' ' A ' p $24.50 I $1.98 Big Sewing Cabinet
. ThO most III Comes 111 m . fjffV Hak. her happy with this Martha
All . .. , J I IhW Washington Design Sewing Cabi-
popular . 811 t ; mahogany,. g yTj fa . -t. a beauty, m
I , modd ' fU 1 I oan ana ,; m v . n W' 1 .JfeO rafcat''.'.:. UTF
100 $159 . HI fl II Walnut ; - 1 fffiit lisfeiSk IMIIIIIirililMlill lilllllllllWMllMPPIf'II.IWW
This modern Otarirtmas carollerrv p "py p "k
7 ' JL . 1 I Bo.s Electric Washer I ; jfijPS A.
J win 8ins tor yo,u,tf tert,aIn you-not only on ' w ss ?;,nmdet.?fi;amn; $1 ntt - IffliflGJIluuKS!!
Christmas morn, but Tery morning In the entire year. . and swinging wringer, on I 8 ' f' " .
Wroht (illustrated).... I... $150 . ' f ' Many attractive bargains in
Victor Records (your choice) 10 0 hjlii 1 ' toys await you here. .
7Milw..l:,: '.- i rMj I Buy a Toy
v ' w k-1 l Carpet Sweeper!
S 1 fl Places this Victrola m yim o ll'il I H The little folks will more than e-
. Ill . " in your home mliM 1 . 39c
I. rP k50"- I UKC Future LiU Iflwl igBi'M
Cxtertnindtn - InfrttuKftusio ' ) ll a mmiture girt is B dny - II n ft II 11 Jll II II lln II II 11 rrA!t
- . .Tr ww . ' gf mlnrter. The whole family will ' TblS II 'XlVll lit ill All III ill III II III III III JL If I -'ea,t
Pf- esoy this table. In 4.4, at o F III Mill I II Hi s III II III IIIIH III II 'llji-'
151S-15 Douglas Street. II r?1.. ""-en oak lLzZ. Xmas K '"jHy liyjlLIILliflJiyjJI Terms
The Pioneer Victrola Store , . M
6 Records Free
With Any'Used Model
Your Wife-
'Sellers" Cabinet!
A Most Practical Gift
The tsndency this Christmas' is to give only useful
gifts. You will have to admit that a kitchen cabinet
in the greatest labor-saver the woman in the kitchen
has. Too, with a Sellers you will take away drud
gery from her work. ,
, U3-50 Set of Community Silver
(26 Pieces in All) With Each "Sellers"
Decide to take advantage of this Christmas offer.
Several models in various sizes front which to se
lect. Held until Xmas if you wish.
Weekly Terms as Low as $r.oo
ISiniSMMIIIIIlM lllIllliiillllHIM
Gift Hint!
Period Tables for
Living Room Use
Nothing Is more appreclnted than
a handsome Davenport Table
Neat designs, ma- tAA..
hosany finish. Quern'
jvnue una vvmiaux w .
and Mary, at aCalU'
A wonderful sale of Assorted
Table Lamps, with bases fin
ished In gold bronzo and
bronze green, shades ti
In art glass,
Smoker Stand'
A practical g:ift for the nuin
of the houso. Fumed oalc or
mahogany finish ,nndKrnat
bargains. Be
them Saturday
itiu - hi .mt.
High Chair
Here Is a bar
gain .woilhy of
your attention.
Golden oak fin
ish and lets
down, and can ,
be wheeled
about. Only
Comfy Rocker
Fumed Oak
Roomy, romforta-bl-r"
ith mrlnir
upholstered neat
and fctut back, just
as shown here. An
unmatchahl vnlua
In Spanish fabri
cold upholstery
ic It Saturday,
Visit Our Toy
Department on
Our Main Floor '
Bring the children Saturday. Their eyes will 6pen
with wonder at the variety of toys now on display.
There are dolls, antomobtles, doll carriages, rocking
horses, kiddie cars, rockers, tables and chairs to
match, blackboards, desks all the kinds of toys thai
will make little, hearts glad Christmas mornlnp;.
Teddy Bear.
Is 22 inches high.
In oinnamon color
to look liks real
bear. Squeaky
voice. Only
Gunn Sectional Bookcase
This Is an unusual offof In a solid brown
niahogany Queen Anne deslU Bookcase:
four book sections, top anU base, wiih
pnnel ends, as pictured. 3 A
snlendid unit thnt can t .
n ; 1 ( i' 11 w . ut. a -.
valye. complete, st........
ase. with
A wooden house In
Colonial etyle. In
enamel finish, irrren
roof aud rreen
base. 6pe- AO.
elal at .. UOC
SIXTEENTH Between Hamey and Howard
Poster Bed in Ma
hogany Finish
A rt,l aaMortHirttt f Iwur
KsMa. W offer thm tctal tn
ltr tF full . raU v rf4 9
"'ltJ IOC 50
r ,
O Street Road la eireueat tasCJUm:
low completed.