THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER S. 1921. Police Seeking Head of Defunct '--Fremont Bank Embezzlement Charges' Filed Against Frank B. Knapp Attorney Says He Will Return. Frmone, Neb.. Dec. 2, (Special Tclrgram.J Frank B. Knapi. presi dent. o( the dolunrt Fidelity I'rusi company, i wanted toy the pfliciaU o(" Dodge coonty on a charge of the embezakrnent and theft of funds amounting t? $.1,585. The funds are said to Itttnng to a client, Stephen Carpenter, 80, Saunders county pio neer. According to Knapp's attorney, Trank . Dolzal of Fremont, Knapp will return front Chicago at oner. The head of the failed institutionleft this vicinity with his wife a, few weeks ago. One daughter, Marjorie, 20, is in Fremont. Carpenter alleges that he gave Knapp $3,585 to be invested in Lib erty bonds. Later, when questioned regarding the investment. Carpenter said Knapp assured him the transac tion had been completed. T. L. Mathews, president of the Nebraska Building and Loan asso ciation, who is receiver of the closed trust company, says no bonds were found filed to Carpenter' credit in the. effects left by Knapp. A complaint filed in district court accused Knapp of embezzlement and theft of the funds. Attorney Cook announced that no official steps would be taken at once toward returning -Knapp from Chi cago on the promise of his attorney that Knapp will come back to face the charges" - - Knapp came to Fremont in 1910 as cashier of the oltf First National bank, later becoming president of the Fidelity Trust company. Previ ous to coming here he was con , nected with a bank at Wahoo. , : Sofiar Thieves Get Speedy r' Trial in North Platte Court n North'Platte, Neb Dec. 2. (Special- Tedegram.) Speedy justice was ; meted to five boJc car thieves here. ' Boyd McGucc, Mark Richards, I Frank McCullough, William Wyman and Charles Palmer were arrested early this morning. They were ar- raigned before. County Judge .Wood , hurst and pleaded guilty. 'They were taken before Judge Ttwell of ' the district court and renewing their ' pica of guilty -were each sentenced to from one to three years in the pen itentiary. These men during the past 20 days" had stolen $800 wprth of merchandize' from Union Pacific cars ' and had buried the larger part of the ,- loot irt canyons.-south of the city. One ibf '.Jhe men led the railroad de- tectiveg ro the spot where the mer chandise was cached.: Pawnee Jan Kollar Lodge j ' Dedicates Fine New Home 4 Pawnee City, Neb., Dec. 2. (Spe- cial.) The lodge of Jan Kollar. No. , 101, Z C. B..J., has completed a 3 fine lodge" hoftie! southeast of Pawnee I City whiclt cast $J24Q0. The lodge 5 is composed of Bohemians living in the. community where the hall was - built.' - It "is a -Chapter of the na ; tional organization. .Much of the V material and labor for the hall were . donated. vV-, " ' The house was packed at the dedi v cation. Addresses were given by. i County Judge David Neill, S. Serpan, Czecho-Slovak consul from Omaha, and Frank J. ' Pipal of-Humboldt. A dance apd supper were held after the speeches. ., " Red Cross Drives in Two .. Counties Are Postponed , Pawnee City, Neb.; Dec. 2. (Spc ? ciaL) Because of unavoidable cir-1 cunistances, the drive for members by the National Red Cross launched between Armistice day and Thanks giving day was postponed m Pawnee ' county until December 6, 7 and 8. Table Rock," Neb., Dec. 2. (Spc ' cial.) The American Red Cross ; drjve ' for ' members in this county Cwas postponed until December 6,7 rand 8. Youth Accidentally. Shot . In Shoulder With Own Gun Wrest Point, Neb., Dec, 2. (Spe cial.) Floyd Wirth. IS, son of Mr. i and Mrs. J. H. Wirth, was shot irt' ? the shoulder by the accidental dis--. charge of his own gun. The young man, in company. with;' others, had ' 'ibeen hunting,:;mJ , was ' driving home - in a wagon..-Just how the accident ' happened is "jiot- known. ' He was taken to the hospital' at Norfolk,' where it was found that his arm and shoulder were badly injured. 20 Farm Mortgages Filed In Gage County in Month . Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special.) Following is the mortgage report for Gage county; for November: Number of farm mortgages filed. , 20, amount, $84,930; number of farm ; mortgages released. 21, amount, $77.- 296.50: number of city mortgages . filed, 35, amount, $52,520.38; number cf - city mortgages released, 22, , amount, $32,960.12. Cheyenne County Covered By Six Inch Blanket of Snow Sidney, Neb., Dee. 2. (Special Telegram.) A general snow is fall ing over Cheyenne county and at 5 this afternoon was six inches deep , with prospects of several inche more before morning. No wind is blow ing. Wheat fields are covered with snow and live stock is fully pro . tected. Bradshaw Farmer Missing York, Neb., Dec. 2. Friends o! Tarvii Yates, stockholder iin a Bradshaw bank and owner of nura ' ber of farms in that ricinity, are , anxious as to his whereabout! He ' left Bradshaw three week ago for a business trip to Iowa and has not been located since. , , Farmer Hurt in Runaway , Beatrice. Neb., Dec. (Special Telegram.) Guy Garresson of . Adams was severely cut and bruised abont the head and body when his tam ran over him. The accident happened n his farm while be -was hauling bay. Priest and Chauffeur Injured in Car Crash Grand Island, Neb.. Dec. 2.-(Spe- etal Telegram.) Two large touring cars collided on the Dlae Hills high way, five mile south of St. Paul. Rev. Father Jarsimki of Ashton, Neb., and his chauffeur; unidentified, each luttained a broken leg .and severe bruies. The other car, be longing to Mr. Mclntire of Wolbach, contained five persons, including the father of Mr, Mclntire, who was being taken to the St. Francis hos pital of this city, and several friends on their way to attend the Sousa band 'concert here. - . Father Jminsfci was thrown through the . windshield. The col- liMon occurred .when Father Jarsin ski's chauffeur: attempted to avoid a horse in the road, failed to observe the car ahead of the horse, and plunged into it. Neighbors Husk Corn Crop Ior farmer at Wood River Wood River. Neb., Dec. 2. (Spe cial.) Thirty-four neighbors and friends of Luther Wiseman, injured in an accident with a shredder while filling his silo about 10 weeks ago and who is still in the hospital, en tered his corn field with 14 wagons and teams and. the entire crop was husked and cribbed. Several women prepared dinner . and an , afternoon lunch for the husky huskers. 1 State Will Not Use New Seal Amsberry Says Secretary of Slate Demands Further Legislative Action . Before Junking Pres. ent Design. L'ncoln, Dec. , 2. (Sp.ecial.) G. A. R. men opposed to the attempt to change the design of the great seal of Nebraska won another point today when. D. -M. Amsberry, -secretary of state, announced that he would refuse to use the seal adopted by the commission on official state documents. . .. , Amsberry declared that the law would back him up in his refusal lwrano ihf Irimlatiiiv at the last fession Jailed to repeal the old law when it passed the new one wnicn authorizes the' appointment of a committee to decide upon a new. de sign for. a state seal. "Until' the next legislature repeals the old law specifying that the seal used since territorial days shall be discarded, and the one to be selected by the committee shall become the -.f final an1. T will refuse ICl let the new seal be placed on official state documents, AmsDerry . saia, . The committee appointed to select a seal must report its decetlon to Oovernor Mckelvte by January 1, !.'. the decision of the commit' tee is final, no matter what the gov. e rnor'i opinion it in regard to the crign, The legislature appropriated $100 for expenses of the committee. De signs submitted must be for honor and not for money. , There have been seven designs submitted to date. It was reported here today that Architect Goodhue of New York, designer of plans for Nebraska's new $5,000,000 state house, had vol unteered to draw a design for the new seat, free of charge. Two Autos Hurled Over in Collision; Man Injured Superior, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special.) A large auto belonging to . Jess Lee of this town turned over twice in a collision with a car driven bv J. E. McElheny of Bostwick. It is believed that neither driver had an opportunity to avoid the collision. Lee s car was hit amidships. escaping considerably bruised. The car ol Mctuhciiy also was turned over and McElheny. his wife and baby were thrown clear. - De Witt Seeks Bible School Beatrice. Neb., Dec. 2. (Special.) Citizens of De Witt held a mass meeting to consider the proposition of securing a Bible conference there next summer. A committee has been named to solicit funds for securing the conference. '. -. Seek Successor To Congressman Auburn Man Considered for Post Should ReavU Join , Law Firm. Auburn, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special.) A rumor is current in political cir ties in the First congressional dis trict that there is a possibility of Congressman C. F. Rcavis resigning to ipke advantage of an offer made' to 'hint to associate with one of Il leading law firms of New York City. So persistent is this rumor that several of the republican leaders in the district are figuring on the pos sibility of a vacancy at no remote date During the last few weeks Lanw caster and Otoe county leaders have. been oniftrriHiX with l dgar Per tic ii. prominoit republican and leading southeastern Nebraska law yer, who resides at Auburn, to as reruin it lie would be willing to be drafted a the party candidate in the event that a vacancy occur. Should.' Mr., 3?eavi resign at an early, date, there will be more than a year of the-fcrm to' be filled. It will be the duty of the governor, after a 'vacancy in the position is declared, to call a special election and give 10 days' notice. of the same. In anticipation of this republican leader already have been sounding Mr. Ft-rncau.f He was one of the influential members of the late con sritulinnul - convention and stands very" hlrtj 'in, the district and I re. garded by many as the logical choice of the party to Ve the successor of Congressman Reavis should the lat ter make tip his. mind to resign. Foliage painted over in silver, gilt and polycfnue. is the thing for tho winter vase. . . ' Freight Rates Must Be Cut, Says Kendall D'es Moines, la.. D-c. 2. (By The Asodated J'ress.) Reduction from the "ruinouly high" , freight rates and some means of liquidating old debts of the farmers are necessities if worse depression in agriculture is not to come, Governor N. E, Ken dall of Iowa declared, in a statement nude public today after his depar ture for Charleston, S. C, to attend the conference of governors. The conference, he said, should seek re lief for the farmers. - Banks in Iowa are doing a pa triotic duty, the governor said, and the credit agencies were straining, to aid the farmers, and the War Finance corporation would do much, but not enough, Oovernor Kendall mio. Beatrice Seeki to Retain Fair by Purchase of Park Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special.) The plan to form a V.W cor poration to ptnclia.e the JKn City park by the agricultural society is meeting ith favor among the busi ness men, and it is thought the nec rtkary shares of stock will be sold If this is done the agricultural so ciety willretaiu the county fair lure, and not let it go to Wyniore. A number of business men of tliat place arc endeavoring to .secure its location there and propose to hold the fair in Arbor'Sute park in case they are successful. , '. Forger CcU Priion Term Beatrice. Neb.,' Dec. 2.T(Special Telegram.) Murk Dodge -was sen tenced by Judfte Colby trom one to 2U years in the state reformatory on a charge of forgery. V . Complete Murder Trial I'icrce, Neb., Dee? 2. - (Special Telegram.) The. Bahr murder case went to the jury in district court here at noon today. . . , . . . What's the big idea in Spur? It's the 4-leaf blend that gives a spicy -' flavor . . . unlike any other cigarette. ' i ; . that Spicy ; 4-LEAF FLAVOR Kentucky Burley for good old tobaceo taste Choice Macedonian for spicy aroma ' , Goiden Virginia .... for life and sparkle . ' ' , ' Broad M ARYt and v for cool-burning i ' - CIGARETTES , smart Brown . v ... and Silver f ' packet of 2fs -r. ' - . LtocsTT & Myers Tobacco Co. Browning, King & Co. The Store of the Town i - '?-.; '..',.". ... , ". '. .-, ,. : c-f : v:'; ".-;' !':-.M," " - .. Gentlemen! Here's a Real Christmas Present For You! We have just received three hun '"dred Suits from our New York fac tory. Every Suit is a real honest value and distinctive in its fit arid tailoring, at - v ''ft.'. "As Clothes Makers"- we know our clothes are .' Made Better Look Better Wear Better Are Better. $50 -j. Sizes 34 to 46 Men's Shirts Men's Underwear 100 dozen pure silk Shirts, in jersey, crepe, broadcloth and V pussy willow: Splendid values that sold up to $7.50. Now on sale at . " Medium and heavy weight cot ton and wool mixtures in blue and natural color. An extra good quality that sold regu larly for $3.50. Now on sale at $ A Fine Chrutma Gift Browning, King 15th and Douflas StreeU OMAHA & Go. Harry H. Abbott, Mgr. Twenty feet above the hiK pent Men! Young Men! Here Is Your Greatest Clothes Buying Opportunity Barker offers His Entire Select Stock In This Mighty Clearance of SUITS aid 0VEEC0AT S Garments that stand apart from ordinary ; . clothes be'eauseof their? individuality of style, super tailoring, and fineness of fabric. Three Wonderful Clearance Groups Offered for your selection a full month ahead of regular Clearance time. The back ward season leaves us withitoo many win-' ter garments Hence this Sale. i Ml 4 Our Regular $25 Suits Our Regular $35 Suits and Overcoats Now and Overcoats Now Sizes for-Men of every build : These are $35 Values Elsewhere These are $45 Values .Elsewhere Our Regular $45 and $50 Suits and Overcoats Now A $5.00 deposit will reserve any Suit or Overcoat for a period of thirty days. Every thinking man ' should grasp this op portunity for remark able savings. These are $55 and $65 Values Elsewhere Nothing . Reserved. Choose Without Reserve Any Boy's Suit, 0'Coat . or.'. ; ;' . Mackinaw in the house at a discount of 25 Majority of Suit HT 2 PanU foremost 20 of America's Clothes Builders are rep resented in this Store wide Clearance Barker's Prices are always $10 'tinder' other Clothing Stores, and these" Sen sational Reductions are based on Barker's Low Cash Selling Prices. - JllMiiMMiir Second Floor Securities Building. 16th and Farnam Sti. 1