Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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. 1
Trial of Banker
On Embezzlement
Charges Drags
Technical Nature of Teiti
mony Reqoirea Explaining
To Jury Case Will Con.
tinue Next Week.
i '
Dog Hill Paragrch
Georie Blnchaa
Th Dof Hill preacher said tome
hard thin! atinur alnnara Im Ma ux.
- - - - " "
1 . . . C .1... J . 1.
uwiiBliggngij, inv n GQngrCgS
Fremont, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special
Ttlfgram.) The technical nature of
the testimony In the trial of Ray A.
Ixwer, rharged with embesslement
of $13,000 from the Valparaiso State
bank, ii canting the caie to drag
tnonotonouily. The trial has been
in progreti all week, The itate
liopci to complete its case this
wfrlc. ,
The state selected seven of the
more than 20 counts of the indict
rrcnt upon which to prosecute.
V Assistant Attorneys General Chase
y and Dort are conducting the proscu-tion.
Tones Chief Witness.
J. B. Tones, assistant cashier of
the bank under Lower, has been the
principal witness. Bank documents
:md records have made up a large
part of the evidence. The transac
tions recorded In the books have
necessarily been explained in detail
to the jury.
The state is attempting to prove
that lower appropriated $13.(X10
horn the funds of the Valparaiso
hank and transferred it to his own
credit in the Farmers and Merchants
hank of Vcrdon. His father was one
of the owners, of the Verdon bank.
" Wife It Spectator.
Kvuteucc was introduced to show
that in 1V18 and until the closing of
the bank in 1919 Lower received a
salary of but $175 a month. During
this time it is alleged he built up a
credit of $200,000 iu the Verdon
bank. , ;.
Mrs. Lo:9f Is an interested spec
tator t Jltst trial and follows closely
all of Jth testimony. ",. f,
Jwer was found guilty about
tar go. He was released on a
'technicality due to the signing of
thi. complaint by Assistant Attorney
Urm-ral Laverty instead of the at
torney general.
Neighbors of Animal '
Shelter Seek Removal I the signing of the Declaration of In-
i he ' howling and " barking and
fighting and whining and yelping of
dogs fills the air at Twenty-first and
Iiard streets day and night and resi
dents of that neighborhood ere tired
of it. They filsd a suit in district
.. court yesterday , for an injunction
again? t the animal shelter operated
there by , the Nebraska tiumane so-
They Jove animals, say the peti
tioners, and are in favor of animal
shelters on principle but not in prac-
lice when the animals show ingrati
tude by piereinu the 'air night and
c'.y wjth unsenimly and disturbing
tries. r '-
lion wished that some of them couM
have been there to hear it.
Yam Sims says he has done more
things for people than they ever did
for him, and he is a good mind to sit
down and wait until they do a lot
for him. but if he did do that, the
people would decide he wasn t any
account and wouldn t help him at all,
Today's Attractions.
juaito j nomas Meighan in
"White and Unmarried" and Charles i
Chaplin in Shoulder Arms
Sun "Over the Hill." -
Moon Priscilla Dean m "Con"
Strand "The Sheik."
Empress "The Matchmaker,"
Muse "The Princess of New
Grand'The North Wind's
Malice. ;
Hamilton Ethel Clayton in
Crooked Streets,"
William Farnum has every right
to be hailed as the "American Star
Supreme" because the popular actor
was born in Boston on Tulv 4. 1876.
the one hundredth anniversary of
"Across th Continent," is to be
Wallace Reid's next picture. Philip
c. nosen, wno nasi just completed
"The Champion," in which Mr, Rcid
stars, will, again direct.
In this picture the star returns to
his old love the automobile, in a
transcontinental tale by Byron Mor
George Siemmann. who nlavs tti
villain's part and plays it cleverly
ii me picture sname, which is soon
to be shown at the Moon theater,
left the stage for. the silent drama
because he wanted to tay home
nignts . JI, began in pictures as a
leading man, Then Jbe took on. so I
Maori , Act Violator ,1
H Given Jail-Sentence much weight that he went into the
... - '. : I . J.-.- ... T heavv'1 ptaac (kit I. k. UJi 1...
ruoert k. Kawjjs pleaded guilty to
violation of the Mann act )p bring
ing a girl from Oklahoma to Omaha
six months in the Pod.;; r fy jail
by Federal Tudse' Woodrouuh late
yesterday. The judge ordered, how
ever, that his sentence shall dale
from August 16, when he was in
carcerated in the Douglas county jail.
AiretsbU attrasttoa, will corfla t ta
Bran4ia thtstar on Monday, P.
camber )t, whan, William Harria. Jr..
praaartta fay Balnler )n 'Baat la Went."'
THIS rqmerty by Samua! BhipmiB and
.Tfttin B. rHym?r, rap for two consecutiva
yaara In iw York, but tha proponents of
It n aniertajBmant amphaiiaa In ear.
tleular the fact that jt haa proved aa de;
lightful to playgoer (n ether cltiea. Tha
rumedy la one wlili'h gives full scope ta
tha flna tslnti whieti liava gained Mis.
Balntar avioh (rest prlaa, pralsa by tha
way which haa net In tha laaat affected
bar vnotleaty ar h sea) with whith ah
playa her role. When alia appaared In
("hioaxo recently the orltlua unanimoualy
ared that It waa remarkable after three
jeara to aaa a player Interpret the same
rqe with auch ipentaneoua virility. Mr.
llarrta will eend with Mlaa Painter an
orfunlaatlon which will uphold the repu?
tatlon ha ha salne for only allowlna
the beat t b eep under a la nme.
At the Qtyety (atarMnf thla -afternoonl
will appear Jaroba and Jermon'a latest
effort, tha "Flashllghta of JJJJ," headed
by Itlchy JShorty McAUleler. and Harry
Sp'ripon. There haa been ho attempt to
furfU'i any deep laid plot, but nifrely
a succession at amu.ln; and lively fea
tures. The supporting company includes
Lulu Moore. Olga Woods. Lillian Letter,
Olann Eaetman, Jamea glater and Jaek
Mundy. Tomorrew's mattnee starts t
"The Bat," which will b presented at
tha urandels theater far tha last time to.
matinee aad aveninar. haa repeated in
ana its success in New York and Chl-
One young; lady wha saw the oien
ina performance on Thursday night aaid
aha a;rey ao exoited ehe waa accused of
endeavoring to climb out of her seat ana
never Knew she was talking to a total
stranger until her eeeort Insisted upon
little personal attention. What la more.
ah was believed. Last night an excited
gentleman in tha balcony warned ' tha
peaple on the stag to beware at a erltl
cl moment. "The BatM haa a reality
ftbaut it that keeps averyepo In nervous
suspense rrom the rise of (he curtain to Its
una 1 tan. (
"With the matinee and evening per
formance today the popular - Orpheum
show for this week comes to close. It
is tne Din naaded by William Halllgan
in "Hlrhlowbrow." and by Eddie Bussell
n A Man Of Affalra" The show ooen
in with the matinee temorraw le to have
Hatph Rircs and Katharine Witchle for
oaa or tne stellar attractions. They re
u appear in tne dainty offering called
"Dane Idylla." Oeorge McKay and Ottle
inline are to appear In the amualng amt.
"4)1 in Fun." Mr. SfcKay Is to arrange
aa arterpjece. inis win be a unique
entertainment, a revue in which every
performer of the entire show will tske
part. Franker Wood and Bunee Wrde
arc ta appear I their Uktest success. "All
meat, :ady.
zona .Gala, a Wisconsin woman and
alumnua of the atata university, 1 one
of the most talked of and honored atari
in tha book field of American life today.
Hons eon haa aptly ctlled her a green
ree. supposedly on account of fier
markakla success, and tha stark style she
used to win It. In her novel "Miss Lain
Bsii." she shews folks. wha have not
bean aponged by tha trteke l caltur, and
faahian. with unsparing plstnneaa of dress,
manner and speech, and draws I kens la to
ana nt or her human story. Just aa tnsy
are; and we are. In the flesh. "Miss Lulu
Matt" will be the attraction at tha Bran-
dele ob next Friday and Saturday, Paeeen-
eT ana je. wttn a saturaay taauaea.
At tha Kruress today, final verform-
ages) will be given of the ane)w which has
I Its stellar sat tha Five Troubadowrs.
whs present an eaelnaivs sieging act. la
which they render enoat Interesting
tepertolr ef c lassie and com erf r aonga.
la tha set offered by Adellna Roattlno and
William Barret te, attaa Hoattlae s ehsrae.
terisstloet sf as Italian never gtrt la ex
trsanaly elevee. Best a -e being a talented
ewenedlenaa. ska peasassea a voice ef wide
rang aad alead!d ajaslity. Tka dla.
aseraa ef tha ak ra brighl sind rraductlre
f plenty of atsfgn.
heavy" classT-that is. he hat to nt,.
villains. . His work as Sir Sagramor
in another pictur booked for the
Sun theater in the near future, "A
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's
Court," is said to be an exceedingly
fine bit of acreen characterisation,
S:egmann is a veteran of thq Spanish-
i-vnicncan anq woriq wan.
Judge CV. Sears Sees
Son Initiated Into Elks
When" District Judge C. W. Sears,
as a benevoleni Elk and a proud
father, attended initiatory ceremonies
of eight candidate 'jnto the Elks
lodge, last night, he saw his son,
Jigby Sears made a "Brother Bill"
Judge Sear Is past exalted ruler
of the Omaha Elks and he confided
yesterday that it was one of his
highest ambitions to watch his son
initiated into the order. The other
candidates were; Pistrict Judge C,
O, Stauffer, A. J, ChurehiH, T. P,
Hurley, Morris Wobler, W. H,
Barnaby, Eric Saudberg and A. F.
Strehlow. i ,:. .
R. IT,'- Howell. 15 manager of the
Metropolitan Utilities district, told
the Elks, following the initiation, of
his recent trip abroad.
Former Officers Give
Information on Crime
t, B- Butler, city Commissioner,
admitted yesterday that he had bean
getting confidential information from
Robert Samardick and Paul Sutton,
tormer members ot the Umaha po
lice department, relativa to alleged
law -violations here.
Both Samardick and Sutton, since
leaving the police department, have
Deen seeking reinstatement, it is said,
but without success.
Sutton was released from the de
partment several years ago follow
ing differences with superior offi
cers. .
Thi It How Lynchburg, Vsu,
Woman Saya Headache
Often Affected Her.
Everybody will read with interest
the statement of Miss M. E, Wood
ford, 1808 Fumore street. Lynch
burg, Va., who says:
l don t believe anybody ever
suffered from headaches like I did.
The pains felt tikst an iron band
was being drawn around my head
and my temples would throb until
was driven almost distracted. I
shudder when I think of those aw
ful headaches. I bad no appetite
either. - ,
"Iowe Tanlac an everlaitins
debt of gratitude for enairely rid
ding tne of those terrible headaches.
My stomach has been toned ud. too.
and everything I eat agrees wjth
me now. Tanlac certainly brought
me health and happiness."
lanlac is sold in Omaha by the
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
and by leading dm ggists everywhere.
Style Without
Costs that depart from the ordinary
in color, line end trimmings. These
are the boat offerings we have ever
made in the heart of the season:
Majority of these Coats are generous
ly trimmed with rich furs. Styles for
every occasion
Fourth Floor.
Fancy Wool Skirts
-an extra special
Saturday offer
Newest winter skirts de
veloped from fine Prunella,
two-tone stripes and Plaids.
Nbver pleated effects. Regu
lar and extra sizes. Your
choice of the lot Saturday.
These Skirts Sold
regular up to $14.85
r That's
One ean hardly Imagine such beauty could be
developed iu any novelty bag. The dainty
beading, embroidery and ribbon effects, in the
richest of color combinations. These are new,
decidedly new and they pre priced upward
Herzberg Hosiery Specials
Our broad stocks of America's Finest Hosiery afford
Omaha women a shopping plage where Hosiery satisfaction
IS certain.
Novelty Wool Hose
Heather iihadts, plain or clocked,
weights to auit your needs. Very spe
cially priced.
$1,65 to $2.95
Silk Hose
Supply your personal needs or those
you want for gift purposes here Sat
$1,00 to $3.95
Bewitching New Arrivals
What lovelier gift than a beautiful Blouse, appreciated
always. Particularly will this be true it you Sive
Blousea of auch extreme style daintiness as we are
asking you to view here tomorrow,
Every Color Tilt's New. Every Tabric That's New,
I very Trimming That's New.
Lowest in the City Prices
Douglas Street
For Saturday's Continuance of This Sale We
Have Added Hosts of New
In fAct stocks are greater than ou the opening day. This is an
opportunity to securo dresses of extreme good stylo for gift
Cinfon Crept
Kittens Etr
Polrtt Twills
CsncuJ Cloth
Styles tor
Women enJ,
Every new
and Desired
Color Is to
Be Had
These Are $35, $45 and $55 Dresses
Fourth Floor.
Oh! Girls!
Here Is a Bob for You
Just the thing you have bean
seeking. A regular $15 val
ue. Made from naturally
curly batr. Featured for Sat
urday, only....,,,,.
Need a little con
finer for the hips
and that firm,
comfortable sup
port that only a
corset can give.
include many styles which we especially
recommend for slight figures. Some of them
ire rubber-topped or topless, others merely
short from the waist down.
Most are very lightly boned. .
Ut US show yen these or othe styles jn "
iVarner's Corsets--the Guaranteed Corsets. .
$li to 6i
A Saturday Special in
Warner Confiners
Shown In both pink and white
with book back and front;
while they last only
First Floor.
Beyond a Question Here Are
Omaha's Greatest Values in
Pumps and Oxfords
Two Important Groups
Two lots that embrace the very newest Footwear .
creations of the winter season, as well 'as bringing ' '
to Omaha women the most extraordinary type of
Footwear bargains, . f t
.Comparison will instantly con
vince you that every' pump or
oxford n either lot should be
sold for considerable wore
money, .
Satins, Patent Leathers, BUek
and Brown Calf, Black and
Brown Boarded Calf, . Styles
enough to satisfy every ladiva
idual taste, v
Wesssnim Floor.
Here 's News of an Important Sale of
, And coming from Herzbergs, Omaha women will expect something out of
. me ordinary and we predict you'll not go away disappointed.
.Sizes 2 to 6 ,
Coats shows In Chinchilla and Polo Cloth, either '
loose back or belted tffectg. Choose from nary,,
grey, Souato blue, brown, mohawk.
Values to $10.50
Sies 7 to 16
Coats developed from plain and two-tone Polo
Cloth. They are full lined. Many with fur col
lars. Shown In brows, tan, Swnto blue and mo.
bawk. r
Values to $19.50
Breakfast Robes
of Narrow Wale Corduroy
Here's a Saturday offering that
should create unusual interest:
Breakfast robes shown in Copen, -Cherry,
Bote, Coral and Purple.
Very special, at, only.
Our reputation as Children's
Coat headquarters is growing
by leaps and bounds and th'
reason is values,
Bring the Girls up Satur-
urday to try on
these Big; Value Coats
Fifth Floor.
trn. 1 MSI
$1150 -jar iL:
If J, )i K U I
X97 -