THE BEK: OMAHA. SATUUUAV. ' DECEMUEU .3. 1921. My Marriage Problems Adas Oarrtaoa'a Nw I tunc r " REVELATIONS Of A WIFE" im at What tb Wounded Trooper Told. ' My heart ai full ol warm grati tude toward the awkward boy who had Juit revealed to me the truth o( Dicky's attack on the man named Smith. I extended my hand toward him impulsively, and he gratped it ohyly, while an embarrassed brick red flush spread over hi face,.' "I. don't know how to thank you, Fred, for telling me this," I said tin terely. "It nieii more to me than you think, and it has saved me from tore,ly misjutlping my liusband." "1 thought I ought to," he slam mrred, dropping my hand in an agony of embarrassment as Bess Dean's voice sounded behind us. She had crossed the room from the veranda door without our seeing her, and I wondered how much she had heard of our conversation. "What a touching tableau!" she Riucd. Keally, Madge, you might be posing as a picture of eternal gratitude. Fred must have rcnilrre.1 jou some signal service, indeed." Jlcr voice was gay, insouciant, but I surmised that uneasiness lay beneath her patently cartful . care lessness. She evidently had not eared that Fred had heard her mis leading statement to me. concerning Dicky s attack on Smith, counting on Fred's dumb shyness to keep him t'rom speech on the subject. -And she was keen enough to realise' that Dicky, in the mood he had been nil the evening., would not tell me the ti tit h concerning the reason for his punishment of Smith. . Madge Scores. ; , That , ' would have eventually learned it .hm Dicky she must have known, but I guessed that she was gambling upon that time coming aiteKshe had left Cold Spring. That JfS tared no whit for Dickv or his future opinion of her, if she could ' ..'.. I 1 .... grainy ncr vunuy, aim ncr , pciiy frrudge against me, by making me furiously jeatous of her, I was sure. I knew, also, that she would like nothing better than to have me .flame out at her before Dicky in '.iealous anger. But the sight of - Jrred in close, confidential conversa- lion with me had startled her. ; ' It was no part of my plan, how ever.. to have her guess what I knew ir did not know. The eternal Mine which lurks, more or less se Vurely. .leashed in ' every woman's ; make-up, woke and tugged at its bonds, demanding that I play with " the' girl's uneasiness. . - - ; '.-' "That depends -upon what one Mould consider a service," , re marked, carelessly. "But I have rea- son to .be distinctly grateful to Fred; nevertheless." . '. , , i t I looked ' squarely . at her for a tense instant, then glanced "' away quickly. And though she looked . , back at me as unwinkingly, - there , was .. an. , expression, which ; flashed 'into her eyes before rshe could con? trpl and banish it which told me that I had scored. And I was ex tremely glad -of the. , interruption which came just then from, the inn, proprietor, Kronish, for I was con ' tent to let the silent controversy be tween us rest just where it was.' ; . ' , A Telephone Message." . "The coffeei will be ready very , soon," he said. "Will you drink it - when it is ready, or wait for the others?" ;- ' -'" '" "We will wait 10 minutes," 1 de- cided swiftly. "Then if they have not come . back, you may serve those . who are here." ' , . "Thank you, madam," he said quietly, and went back to his ta bles, once more the placid, efficient inn host, as calm as though a short time before he had not been involved in a drarifa of life and death. "What's the great idea?" Bess Dean demanded, with laughing face but eyes narrowing in a peculiar fa cial trick she has. "Anyone would ' ; think you were the mysterious her oine, or . famous " dc-tcc-ative or something equally interesting to watch that , old fellow. I expected to see him hit his head three times on the floor and to crawl out back ward, he was so deferential." "He's a bit upset by so much ex- citement," I returned non-commit-tally. "But let's go over and talk to Pa Cosgrove. He looks as if he were marooned on an island." The - shrill of the telephone punc tuated my luggestion, which had been made to avoid any further con versation with Bess Dean alone. And under so tense a strain, was every one in the , room and on the ver anda that every voice ceased and every pair of eye were on Kronish as he took down the receiver. "Yes. Thi is Kronish' place. Xo. Colonel Travers is not here. Who? Nobody of them. They are all with Colonel leavers. Who? Mrs. Gra ham? The lady, who drove the car? Yes, she here." v He beckoned me to the telephone, and a I walked quickly to it I was conscious of Bess Dean' eye bor. ing, into the back of my head, and knew that she would have given much to have been in my place. Her curiosity is overwhelming, her, de sire to be the center of things' as inordinate; "M rs. Graham ? This is.' Hastings. I have news which Colonel Trav ers must know at once. Crowley re covered consciousness long enough to aay that Smith was the man who struck him down. I think Crowley has a lot more to tell, but he lapsed into unconsciousness again. But they must get after Smith at once. Where is Colonel Travers?" "Gone to get" I did not finish the sentence, for into the room rushed Colonel Travers, Dicky and Ted, the troop officer' face black with fury. I did not need words to tell me that Smith had managed to escape them. Perhaps Mrs. . Coolidge Wasn't- Excited at ' Army:Nayy Game. J 77 4t j & If Ll: ISl LlElEJPY - TI ' JWl rC. T U C T- Tfr fay, ME TALES animal ALE OF ITTY CAT R SCOTT BAILEY 'Though she was' neutral, .Mrs. Cal vin Coolidge,. .wife of the vice prcsi dent.'coufd not; help but give the midshipmen pf.. Annapolis a cheer when they scored, the only touchdown in their game against the cadets of West 1'oint in their annual game at the Poto grounds. New York. Notice the eyes of Mt. Coolidge as she gave the navy boys a cheer, '.''.' Jack and Jill It was blustery,-biting; cold, old fashioned winter.',. - Jack and Jill went down- the hill to the little vine-covered church beT low their home; on the coldest Sua day of the year. .' ; ' "My gracious J-j-jilll" and Jacks teeth were chattering as he sudden ly looked down at her dainty ankles, clad in the laciest of silk stockings. "You'll get pneumonia before church is'over, with those'things on!" V Jill looked down and studied her ankle for an instant.,, . They were shivery,' but she liked them just the same. .. " "They're my very best pair," she answered haughtily. ".Where better should I wear them than to church?" "They're like lace curtains. Where on earth did you get them?" " "Aunt Sarah sent them' to me this week and l think they're exquisite.." . "Yes. . . on a. hot, August afternoon!";..- -; ""'' ' i "But I don't mind them. Jack deaf.. I want to well dressed as thjs other women-we kriow. And they're very, stylish." :,' Jack grunted indignantly, as he crouched inside : his ulster-collar, a. blast from Boreas cutting his re marks short, as the wind swept around , a corner , ' y He said nothing more until they had returned, home". .Then he be gan in deadly earnest. ' . - ' "Look at those gossamer things! Why they must have been made by a spider. I'm going to Reno, Nevada,,, on the next train -and apply for. .a' divorce if you don't reform!" "A divorce!" and r-Jill giggled. "On' what grounds!" , : ' "Cruelty to your , ankles and to my nervous system. Why, my tern pcrature dropped to ten below zero when I looked at them on that windy street." . - "Oh, you're such a big foolish goose," Jill told him, patting his earnest face. "But, you're a deaf to care so much. I'll try to change for the better." , ' It was warm in the house and they remained in all evening. . " ; It was not for several days that they' were out walking again, and suddenly Jack caught another f lett ing glimpse at the wee ankles of th(j perfect wife. "My goodness! I knew it would happen!", he exclaimed. "What would happen?" . . "That exposure on Sunday in those skimpy ghosts of stockings has taken effect!" ' r , "Effect? Jack, don't be ridicu lous, there's nothing the matter with me. , , ' "Look ,at your ankles, I tell you!' And Jack dropped his cigar in hii' temporary excitement. "They're swollen up to almost double the sizel You've caught cold, or gout ' orj something from the way you've been disregarding nature!" :. , ' "You ignorant big fault-finder!' laughed Jill. "Why, these are woolen sport-stockings. I bought them in the. city yesterday. . And just .to please you.'.'- . ... Jack studied the effect, cs Jill walked oh. . : , - "Well, thry ' may ' be warm, but they certainly dV, look 'dreadfully clumsy .llow.ymuch do ' they weigh?" ' . " , , ., "They're'iight' as" down, and now you don't like them--after I re formed! But they're really .-'as warm as toast." v '-' , .. f . "Oh, all right" but lack was mournful; . '. ' . :'. "But you have such pretty ankles honey girl. .1 guess they're all right to rough it m but ... ; ' - , '"But nothing," You niade. fun of the styles and .these.-, are just as fashionable as the thin silks.-, So there!" '. '. ' . ' .' "Huhl : Style' is ,a; great thing it .blowi' hot and .cold,-' .-commented bewildered Jack. "I guess the old saying is right 'Fashion covers a multitude 'of shins' and if' you pick the right fashion .you can maintain your health after all!" ' . , ' , Copyright, J921, Thompson Feature Service. CHAPTF.K VII. Two In a Tree. , When Mis Kitty Cat dahcd out of the woodhed Kriky Squirrel va two jumps ahead of her. That was really a better had than it sound.. Frinity was alway a good jumper. And the more scared he was the further he could leap.' Anybody that knew him well would have known then to see him that some thing had given him a great fright. First he noticed "a strange uneK, Next lie had seen a strange nose come stealing out of the-woodshed door. And not knowing, who was poing to follow tlut nose". Frisky i Sii:irrel felt that the sooner ' he climbed a tree the better tt would be -for him. So he made'for a tall elm that wasn't too far away. Though Miss Kitty Cat was a fast runner, Frisky reached the- foot of the tree ahead of her. And he was halfway to the lowest branches be fore he took a real look at his pur suer. ; , , .To his dismay he saw that th. creature hadn't stopped at the foot ol the tree. The monster had already began , climbing alter him. Frisky had never seen anyone just like this fierce person. One look was enough for him. He pushed higher and higher into the treetop, and crept out on a dropping limb, which kwayed beneath his weight ai ht clung to it. There he paused, while he watched to see what the stranger would do, "I tlxink it's the finest port in the worldr Irisky chucldad. And as he stared nt the creature he remembered ' suddenly what Mr Crow had told him. There's a cat at the farmhouse," the old gentelman had said. "This must be the cat," . Frisky Parents' Problems What is' the .wisest thing'-to. do in the case of a. girl of 12 who, because she .has ..hcar-dv about the "cruelty-of killing animals even, for: food, wishes very decidedly to be vegetarian? ' I should .wholly", honor her feeling. The girl is expressing an .-impulse of her finer.,1 nature, ' humanitarian - and altruistic. ' Be.' sure' to - provide the proper substitutes formeat, and she will I be . none the worse,- physicaHy as well as. mentally.;1, ivy; ) .; , One .cup of unsifted -flour" makes almost a-' cup and: a half of- sifted flour. ''- , ' For Coldn, itrtp or Inflaeun and aa- a ' preventive, take Laxattve BROMO QUrNINE. Tablet. The genuine beara the' alxnature of E. W. Grove. (Be aure you. get -BROMO.) SOc Adv. ' U TUNED AND REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed . A. HOSPE CO. ' 1SI2 Douglaa. Tal. DAif . 5888 ' ' Children Thrive on It -and they like it So do grownups. Nu- ppkfTlS. trltious cereals mostly wheat with a JjjCrrynlCv d delicate tang of chocolate. SKSjJj a v . JCMeaaik ScHIr. tnam ?aW.' WTO Once you become ac quainted with Gooch's Best Flour, you understand fully what we mean when we say "It pays to buy the best' Gooch's Best Flour makes more loaves per sack. POM'S BEST HIH A cAlso : ' i Gooch't Beet Paaeaka Flon Gooch't Bait Buckwheat Float Ceoeh'e Beit Wheat Hearts Gooch'e Beet Macaroni Oooch'e Beet Spafhctti Gooch's Beet Eff Noo4W Bargains for Saturday in Used B an d Instruments TERMS IF DESIRED - QUE York Helicon Baa In first-class condtion, - silver finish $95.00 Holtoa Silver Trombone) and Cast) Good as new, no dents York Bra Trombone and Case King Circular Alto, Silrer Finish, with Caae Wonderful buy at Conn 4-VaWe Upright Baritone Just over hauled in factory, looks like new and cannot be equalled at Conn Cornet and Case 15.00 Holton Cornet Silver finish, wonderful ac tion, a snap 60.00 50.00 30.00 45.00 70.00 40.00 30.00 23.00 3S.00 A New SUVer Cornet No case A New Braaa Cornet No case. A New Braaa Trombone No case. A New Silrer Trombone No ease . - --.... OU aatrumts take me mart r net en the C- C. Coaa CeaSs. i .15th and Harney DO urla 1973 "DoUglas ' . 3940 ' We Deliver To Any Part ' Of The City ' elEVtimiHTM ATVPOUOtAS TWKST WORTH WHILE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Sugar, .10 lbs., 57i Omar Flour, 43 lb.. Blue Bell Flour, sack $1.89 Del Monte Peaches, No. 2 ; can, 20c; dot.. . ... f 2.35 No. 1 Canned Fruitt, in heavy, ayrup, can, 15c; dor. $1.75 Extra fancy Florida Grape fruit, 54 size, 3 for 25c; case...., $4.25 Big 4 Soap 10 bars, ; 68c ;qv One Soap Shaver FREE. BIG NEW BAR 10 ban ....47c lj Box of 80, $3.45 Palm Olive Soap, 6 bars for 49c GROCERY DEPARTMENT "Advo Pancake Flour, 2 pkgs. ........25c Prunes, extra quality, 3 lbs. for ....... 40c ; Quart Jars OliVes, each... ..'......43c American Maid Jelly, in large jars, ea..23c. "Pure Apple Juice, gallon cans, ea.. . .... .49c Karlo Fat Herringr, in tomato sauce .... 19c ' Household Blend Coffee, 3 lbs.. ..... . .$1.00 (One-half Pound FREE) . Advo Jell, 3 pkgs. for -'. ...... ....... . .25c Sun-dried Japan Tea, per lb. ......... .43c - Bakers Wet Cocoanut. .15c Bert Creamery Butter, per lb. . .7. ...... 47c ' Turco Oleo, per lb..... 27c,- Rich Nut Oleo, per lb. .29c Iten'g Chocolate Animal Cookies, lb.... 35c Cocoanut Snaps, 2 lbs. for. 35c ' New Crop Mixed Nuts, per lb......... 25c New Crop Brazil Nuts, 3 lbs. for...... 50c New Crop Filberts, per lb. ... . . . . ..... .20c Fancy Navel Oranges, dozen ..........39c Popcorn, guaranteed to pop, 6 lbs..... 25c . .22i2ej .iey2 ...10f) .151- , MEAT DEPARTMENT Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, lb. . Extra Fancy Lamb Legs, lb Young Leg of Mutton, lb. Choice Steer Beef Roast, lb....:. Lean Pork Loin Roast, lb......... Fresh Hams, half or whole, lb. Choice Steer Rolled Rib Roast, lb. . 224 No. 10 pail pure Lard, for. ..... ..... $1.00 Choice Steer Rib Boiling Beef, lb. ... . .6 Extra Fancy Lamb Stew, lb. . . . . s. . . .6y2f CIQARS-JUST INSIDE THE DOOR Extra Special for Early Christmas Shoppers, Buy Them by the Box. . Mozart Vincedora, 20c value, per box of 25 ..$3.50 Mozart Imperials, 15c value, per box 'of 25 .......... ................$2.45 Otello, 10c value, per box of 25. ... . . . .$1.50 'Prince Albert, full pound ......-......$154 Tuxedo, in a large glass jar, per jar. .$1.44 Gillette Razor and package of blades 89c Gem Deluxe Razor, a $3.00 value, each. $1.00 'Large Asortment of Pipes .and Smokers' y : Articles. ORTMAN'S bakery dept. - Peean Nut Butter Rolls, pan, ;f,r 1 ......25 Chocolate and Strawberry - Marahmailow Roll, each 204 Whipped Cream Puffs, doz. QO Bread Roll a. d...........12 SATURDAY CANDY SPECIALS Fancy Sunar Coated Jordan' Almonds, that 1 kind, lb, 69 Cceoanut Brittle, per lb 25 Peanut Brittle, per lb. "....25 Jembe Salted Peanuts, 2 lbs, 354 WeScUSrarWERfc the hlchcet grade) Macaroni, Spaghetti, Egg Noodles and ether Macaroni Product. Jiought. And to lirr he called: "It you're th cat. don t come any nearer, madam I Vou might ge hurt." l or he remrmbered, too, thai he had told Mr. Crow that he wouldn't harm thr cat. ' "It i' the cal,lhe said to himtclf prrarnl), "for nc has stopped." Milt Kitty Cat did not quite dare follow Frbky Squirrel to the tip where he swung. She crouched upon the branch a little way from him, where it afer for lyr, and with switching tail and hrittling whisker, waited to see what he would do next. ,. . ' ,"It makes we uneasy to see you waying so," she oV Frisky. Be sides, you're shaking thin limb. ' And 1 don't like it." "She's a fussy creature this cat!" Frisky said to himself. "I promised Mr. Crow I wouldn't hurt her; but 1 didn't promise him-that I wouldn 1 tease her." So he bobbed up and down with all his might. : "Stop!" cried. Miss Kitty Cat. ill Milk , For Infants 1 A IntaWs NO COOKING The "Food-Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch atHome.Office.and Fountains. Ak ht HORUCJCS. 19-Aroid Imitations t Substitutes "That's a vecy reikless thing; to do. It's like rocking the boat." "I think it's the finest sport in the world," Frisky chuckled. "I know a .finer," Miss Kitt) snarled. "What's that." lie ssked her. "If .1 could get my claws on you I'd soon show you, she told him grimly. Somehow there was something about hrr rrmnrk that startled d'ul ky Squirrel something that lit.idf litin shiver. ' And lien he shler4 ha lost bis hold on the tip of the limb. Down he dropped, slipping and floundering from one branch w another,' , And down Miss Kitty Cat lowed him. ! ... '"'l (rapyrllit, H!l. Wotropolllan Ktws., yair a.rvlca. I 11 1. v - as. SOMMER BROTHERS is H. 0188 EatafclUheJ ISSS 8801-03 Farnaw Juat received, a ahipwiit of Freth Muahroomi, Ih. tancy UrMl Sprinij Chirk"'. par lb. 7c Jonaa "Little Pl(" Hams, par lb 40c Chole Vounr Turkay , prr lb. ... .i .'. our Market. We pride ouraclvea . upon Ita clfanllneaa. Alv t are fa turlnv M.. J. IX, Coffer at lait wa havr faund a brand that w ean tru'hfully say U the "Quail t Coffee" of America. 1" a e k a i in Vacuum can. to kerp It fre.h. Per lb. can 50 hII flirv X 25c OLD MONK OLIVC OIL! "Old Monk" mrane mnun, per hi. " .y. Imuorteit I'lmantoee, it eana for n a.. Kancy Honda Grapefruit. Ihln aklnaiL'J S for ttra Fancy hunkiit Lluon. per .'2. d" ....tU Krr.b Coonanuti, wli...lO and UViS H.aJ Utluc. ch log?' The Very Beit Creamery Butter, t-er ' c- Ameriran Beauty Mararonl and " Spaghetti. S pkm. for 1 Monarch Granre I'ekoa Tea. A won- derful Tea Special per lb ". OMAR WONDER FLOUR Tf there have it. We are combining quality 24-lb. aack... tt a better Klour we would and Price In thlt oner ..95c 48-lb. sack... $1.88 ADVO COLO MEDAL COFFEE per J-lb. can. ........... -SI-IS PEARL WHITE SO ATT . ljirge bars, IS bare, for Star rer box S3 J" Caaaba Malta I."' ImnariW f.A.m Ckaaaa. Satauma Orane.t.- Fraah kluahraoma, Freeh Radiahaa. Celery Root. Bruaaela Sproutt. Grew B ne "Toatreaarvica, kindly give ua your ardtr Friday Phone DO uglas 1796 1608-1610-1612 i Harney ; Come Once and You Will Come Always Lean Pig Pork - PI. Eoast, per lb....' 02v "Fancy Young Veal 1 r?i Roast, lb. ........ JC Fancy Fresh Dressed Hens or Spring Chix, - OKn per lb. I...;... i dtaOC Narrow Lean Break- O T 1 fast Bacon, per lb. . dts f 21 Best cuts fancy Steer Shoul der Roast, 124 c per lb. ..-. eg w Steer Shoulder - Steak, per lb. . 15c 300 lbs. Best Cane Sugar .....$6.15 Small Lean Pig Pork Loin Roast, per lb. .... . . .19 Prime Rolled Rib Roast, per lb. - 22 Vat Steer Pot Roast, lb.. 10 ' Large Bottle Extra Fancy Catsup. 19fJ 48-lb. sack Pillsbury's Best Flour ...............82.23 48-lb. sack Gold Medal. $2.25 43-lb. sack Blue Bell. . . .$1.75 . Pillsbury's Pancake i'lour ' at ...12!id .; Swansdown Cake Flour. . . .38. Advo Assorted Jell, 3 for. .25 - 1-lb. can Stallwieck Milk and : . Cocoa,' per can ....... .49 - Assorted Campbell'" Soups, -. 6 cans for , . . . . . ... , .55? Tall ' cans.' Milk, Pet, . Carnation, -. Wilson's, per can : . . . . 11 , Per case .'.....$5.25 Elkhorn Milk, per can. . . .lOd ... Per case ... . .'. .... $4.50 Our Central Special Coffee, lb., 30(; 3 lbs. for. . 88 Our Fancy Santos Coffee, . per lb.. V..22V64 TJncolored Japan Tea, lb.48 Tea Sittings, per lb 15 No.' 3 cant Extra Fancy Coast Brand Sliced Peaches, ' Apri cot, Green Cage , OQ Plums, per can. ...... dH7C No.; 3 cans Broken Slices Pineapple, - ' OO. per' can w. ....... . No. 3 cans Sliced or Half Peaches in Syrup, dJO Qfi per dozen ...... Va&eivLr Per can ........... . .25 Advo Extra Sifted Peas, "Z , per can, 28; per doz.$3.25; Advo Corn, per can 20' Per dosen ,. $2.20 J. & M. Corn, per can .... 18 Per dozen ....... . . .$2.00 Extra ' Standard Corn, can . 10 ' Per dozen ..$1.15 Early June Peas, can. . . . .15 ' Per dozen .'I ........ .$1,75 i 10-lb. cans Wedding Breakfast . , Syrup -..'.: . .' ') l'45 ; Not-a-Seed Raisins, lb. ;..25' Sun-Maid Raisins, lb. pkg.23 Dried Apricots, per lb.... 23. Dried Peaches, per lb. ...20: DIG NEW .bar! 10 iara 45,t 'J tea 80 3.25 McCombs' Home-Made Chocolates, Extra Special, per lb. Our Crispy Peanut Brittle, lb. .......... .25 Dowell's Cream Caramels, lb.. .49 50, Iten's Tea Sandwiches, per lb. .... . . ... . -30 Iten's Applejam and Centuary Cookies', lb.. 25" Pecan Nut Butter Roll, per pan .......... . 25 Extra Fancy- Jonathan Apples, box $2.90 Chocolate and Strawberry Marshmallow Roll, Extra Fancy Grapefruit, 2 for 15; 4 for. .25 ' each . . 20 Ex. Fancy Imported Figs, lb., 35 5 3 lbs..$1.00 Whipped Cream Puffs, per dozen ........60 Fresh Brussels Sprouts, - Mushrooms, . r. Bread Rolls, per dozen '....12 Tomatoes, Artichokes, Kumquats Creamery Package Butter or Country Roll Butter, QQi per lb. OITZC Finest April Storage Eggs, per dozen . ......... .. .42 5 lbs. Swiff s Snowflake or Gem JSTut Oleo $1,19 Checked Eggs in Cartons, dozen . 35c- Mozley's Dixie or Alco Brand Oleomargarine, per lb. .26 Always Fresh . COOKIES anil CRACKERS S V ; ; I r i Special, while they last. FIG BARS . v . . . . . . 19c SPECIAL ASSORTMENT 19c u I Advance Potted .No. 1 2 . Curtis Pimento, No. B. & M. Flakes, sm. Cove Oysters, 4 oz. Cove Oysters, 8 oz. Meat, .......10c 21c ..15c ..19c ..33c V2 BASKO FLOUR S pounds .............. 35c 24 pounds . .......... . .97c 48 pounds . . . . .' . ..... $1.90 Washboards,1 glass . Washboards, zinc . Headlight Matches Tooth Picks Spoke Scrub Brushes. . . .70c ...58c ,.i 5c ...4c ...21c Pearl White S'p, 10 bars, 44c - P. & 6. Soap, 8 bars .. . . . 50c Lennox Soap, 6 bars .. ..23c Diamond "C" Soap, 10, 37c Palm Olive Soap, bar .'. .10c BASKO JELLY POWDER Per package ... .'. 9c Basko Coffee, 3 lbs. . .'.$1.00 Basko Cocoa, .24c Bulk Cocoa, 2 lbs 25c Basko Baking Powd. lb., 21c A, & II. Soda, 1 lb...:... 9c Eub No More pwd. Ige. 25c "20" Mule Team Borax 17c Lux Soap Flakes, 2 for . .25c Sunbrite Cleanser 6c Gold Dust, large ....... 30c Rinso ................. 8c . BASKO BROOMS 4-Tie, 89c. CASH HABIT BROOMS, 4-Tie, 73c Mich. Navy Beans, 4 lbs., 29c Blue Rose Rice, 4 lbs. . . .30c Pop Corn, 1 lb. pkg. 3 for 25c Basko Baby Beets, No. 2, 20c Tacht Club Salad Dress ing, 10 oz. 35c Prep. Mustard, 8 oz. . . .10c We Fill All Mail Orders WE CAN HELP YOU LIVE BETTER FOR LESS "tt ti