Tilt: UKI5: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1U2I. T 7 V -. Jr. Salvation Army Pair to Observe Golden Wedding Captain and "Mother" Doddi .Will Celebrate Fiftieth An. niv? raary of Marriage Next Sunday. Mother" DoJ.U, 71, for 20 yean in tlmrgc of the Salvation Army fre? labor bureau in Omaha, and he husband, Captain Jonathan V. Uoilds, who opened and maintained for 20 years the Workingmen's ho tel for homeless workers, will ob serve their golden wedding anniver sary at the family home, 2032 North .Nineteenth street, next Sunday. No celebration has been planned tor the day because of the failing liraltli of Mrs. Dodds. She is bent . in years, jet still lives in content, 'Mid faith shines from her eyes, aj slic speaks modestly of the work ac complished lor mankind in more than 40 years of service. All through these years her husband has been a cheerful worker at her side. Six children were born to Mother Dodds, and but one is still living, lie is Henry Dodds, .18, who live on a farm in South Dakota. Twenty-three years ago Captain and Mrs. Dodds arrived in Omaha and opened the Workingmen's shel ter at 418 South Thirteenth street. For 20 years at this "house of hope," Captain Dodds and his wife aided the poor, comforted those in dis ess and sheltered the nomcicss. ; Both were born in England. They were married at Middleboro, York shire, 50 years ago next Sunday. Eight years later they came to America. Captain and Mother Dodds are now pensioned officers of'the Salva tion Army. Three Fremont Banks Defrauded of $270 By Put and Take Game Htnry' Teigler 1$ Chosen to Head New Fremont Bank Fremont, Neb., Nov. 29. Henry Tclgeler, prominent businets man ami banker, lu been choten pie.idnit ,( the I'uioii National bank, the new in. stitution which combines the farm ers and Merchant National, (he Commercial National and the cloned lirat National. The merged banks open for bui nr in the building of the former l irst National tomorrow morning. J. Iloward Heine, Thomas l-olcr, both formerly of the Farmers and Merchants, wrre tho.eii vice preU dents, with A. ti. I hrutensen, (orm erly vice pre.idcnt of the defunct 1'ir.t National, Cieorge C. Gage, formerly cahier of the Commercial National, receives the nie po.iiion in the merged bank. Herman lirrk man, vice president of the f irst Na tional, becomes auditor of the new bank. O. F. Turner, former head '( the Commercial, will act at chair man of the finance board of the Union National. I'rckident Teigcler was formerly a member of the board of directors of the old Firtt National. He is chief owner of the Fremont Creamery Co. Bee Want Ads Produce Results Jury to Hear Burch Trial Is Completed Los Angeles, Nov, 29. The jury for the trial of Arthur C. flurch for the alleged murder of J. Helton Ken nedy vi as completed here today in Judge Sidney N. Heave's court and adjournment wt taken until tomor row when District Attorney Thomas Lee Woolwine will outline his fuse and begin the presentation ol testi mony, The jury is composed of 10 wo men and two men. A thirteenth or al ternate juror, a woman, was sworn to hear the evidence and take the jilace of any one of the regular jur or who may become incapacitated. According to attorneys, "taking of testimony will take from two to three weeks, l'aul IV. Schcnik, chief counsel for Hurcli, Indicated in the examination of jurors a defense of innily would be presented in ad dition to a denial lUirch killed Ken nedy, and that the testimony of alienists would be relied, upon to a considerable extent. if Fremont, Neb., Nov. 29. Three Fremont banks fell victims to the , "put and take" swindle game for a loss of $270 in an identical scheme IT that fleeced the Columbus banks last ' .1 L tirl- arw! lianL-e id tlirpp Missnilvt citieis. . One man and two women, believed s to be members of a gang of check artists working in conjunction throughout the country, made the 'haul at the Fremont State, Fremont National and Commercial National. Their first appearance failed to arouse suspicion when each of the trio started accounts at the respec . tive banks, depositing $10 and re ceiving pass books in exchange. Shortly afterward the swindlers ap proached the receiving teller's cage with forged checks for $100 to be placed on deposit. The checks were written on banks out of the state. Two days later, on the same day that.; the Columbus banks handed over -$540. the trio working Fremont t- VV .cashed checks: for $100, realizing i.' TVirofit of $90 from each bank. When an attempt was made to check up the accounts the loss was discovered but the smooth trio had disappeared. Siberian Veterans, A. E. F. Form Own Organization New York, Nov. 29. Announce ment was made last night of the or ganization of the Siberian veterans, comprising members of the A. F., naval men serving in Pacific waters. Russian railway service and allied organizations. including welfare units'. Founders, coming from as far west ; as San Francisco, elected President Harding: and former President Wil son honorary commanders-in-chief. in Siberia during the war, was chosen commander-in-chief, with Rear Admiral A. N. Knight, chief of staff, and Captain Cody Marsh of Washington, adjutant. Telegrams of greeting were received from Pres ident Harding's secretary and Gener al Pershing. ' , Henry Dunn Has Figures About His. Administration Henry W. Dunn, police commis sioner, has " compiled comparative statistics of his department, covering the period of June 1 to November 15, 1920, during a former administra tion,, and also the corresponding period of this year, under his owu lice administration. The statement shows the following figures: i:o 19 Liouor casea in Central colice court 15T Z23 Keepera of disorderly houses tried 43 7! Inmates disorderly houses 40 189 Keepers 11-ffoverned houses tried 40 66 Inmates Ill-governed houses.... 89 173 Women arrested 122 28 Casea bound from police to dis trict court 14S . SPG Automobile stolen 620 S76 The stolen property report shows I a total of $175,581 during the 1920 period as against $130,386 this year. Baltimore Street Car Men Agree to New Wage Scale I Baltimore,,. Nov. 29. Baltimore street car employes Monday decided to accept a new scale ot wages Jan uary 1. The decision was reached at a joint meeting of delegates of the railways employes association and officials of the United Railwavs com pany. The vote to acept the pro posal was - to J. Under the new scale clerks, con ductors, motormen and shop men will receive practically the same pay as that of two years ago. Platform men and shop men will be reduced Z cents per hour. Change in Union Pacific Service to Denver i The Colorado Exoress leaves yOmaha 4:25 p. m., and arrives Den ver vyO a- m.; Colorado Special leaves Omaha 1:15 a. m. (sleepers ready 10 p. m.) and arrives Denver 3:30 p. m. The Denver Special from Omaha 8:10 a. m. will be discontin ued for the winter after November 30. For information and berth res ervations ak Consolidated Ticket oiiice. Fifteenth and Dodge streets, i j Union station, Adv. r SKR EARLY c Christmas Candies Wholesome Candies Starlight Mix A line, hard candy mixture, spe cial, per 1Qr pound lVC Chocolate Peanut Fudge Full of good peanuts, spe-, cial, per 1QC pound Fompelan Room Main Floor West. Handkerchiefs An easy gift to select. Always acceptable and one never has too many. Women's Pur Linen Handkerchiefs Hand embroidered and lace edged handkerchiefs bought from a New York importer. Many are samples of the finest linen. 1.00 to 1.50 values, each, 59c Imported Sample Handker chiefs Made of fine cotton and Shamrock lawn with at tractive corners embroidered in white and colors, ig 25c values, each IOC Main Floor North What Shall I Give for Christmas? A Few of Wednesday's Answers For the Practical Boys Boys' All Wool Sweaters Slip on or coat styles in plain or high school color Q Q C combinations.. 020 Boys' All Wool Suits With two pairs of full cut knickers. Gray, brown, tan and olive mixtures, for boys 7 to .18 years. Priced 7 95 Boys' and Men's Caps Scotch mixtures and neat woolens with fur inbands. ST 75c t0 3.00 fourth Floor. GiftLinens Lace and Embroidered Linen Pieces and Scarfs Our own Importations. Each Imported Linen Towels- Hemstitched towels, some with damask borders in guest and full size. Each ' 49 c 10 89c Main Floor West Novelty Necklaces Beautiful cut crystal and jet,' in a big variety of color corn- 1 AA binations .. JLe-vlvf Main Floor East ' -' "Give a Garment" for Christmas All Ready-to- ; Wear Sacrificed Forty Days Ahead of Time Second Floor. Cafeteria Special Old Fashioned Chicken Stew, -with OA dumplings O V C Main Floor West Arcade. Women s Pure Thread Silk Hosiery 1.65 Per Pair Full fashioned, double soles, high spliced heels; colors, black, white, Russian tan and shoe shades; a most practical gift; special, per pair . 1.65- . Main Floor North Cwnivvvvvvva Buy Your . Christmas Health Seals at Brandeis Main Floor North om Give aPillow for Christmas Gorgeous Two-Toned Taffeta Pillows" with French flower decorations in rose, blue, or chid, green and gold. Round and oval shapes. ' 6.50 and 7.50 Silk Fabric Boxes For handkerchiefs and gloves. In pink or blue with attractive hand painted celluloid tops. , Each 50c An expert teacher is here to show you how to make novelty waste baskets, sewing baskets, lamp and can dle shades, pillows, etc., from materials in our Art De partment. From 9 a. m. to 12 noon, 1 to 6 p. m. Third Floor West. Gift Things for Infants Make the "First Christina" the dearest day in baby's tiny little life. French Hand Made Dresses 1 Impossible? Well, to be sure, you can't get them everywhere, but we maintain a Paris office to Insure us Just such wonder ful values as these. Every stitch In these fine nainsook dresses is put in by hand, seams joined iv:ith entre-deux, hand embroid ered yokes, sleeves and neck lace edged. Sizes 6 months and one year. 1 QQ Priced at P 1 VO Tufted Silk Robes In pink or blue satin or China silk with warm cotton padding. Spreads to match 2.50 10 6.50 Terry Cloth Dolls and Animals Hand painted and. ribbon trimmed. An unbreakable gift for baby. . 65c 40 2.50 Third Floor East ; Wednesday Suggestions in . Fine Gift Jewelry Vanity Case Silver plated, French gray finish, double coin holder, mirror and double powder case, soldered link chain; a very at- 1 Aft tractive and useful gift special; each ' ' 1 UU Dainty White Stoiie Barrettes Very popular worn at one side of the head with bobbed hair; platinum finish; round, oval and bow re and l ff knot effect; special,, DuC l.UU Shaving Cup and Brush Sheffield silver;; pierced design; put up In ff a white satin lined box; special 1 UU "" Main Floor East, Special Purchase of Sample Leather Goods On Sale Monday at Half Price 9 Leather Goods Always Acceptable Gifts A. range of prices to reach all; a few suggestions from this list of quality merchandise at low prices: Poker Sets, Collar Bags, Music Rolls, Card' Sets, Traveling Bolls, Manicure Sets, Soft Collar Cases, Jewel Cases, Writing Portfolio, etc. Prices range from 75c to $18.50 Main Floor East. "9:6iL Gifts That Will Please Men Silk Striped Shirts 2.85 Smoking Jackets 8.95 to 35.00 Holiday showing in all of the new styles, cloth, silk and velvet materials, beautifully trimmed with silk braids and frogs to match. Priced from 8.95 to 35.00 Fourth Floor. 1 A wide range of choice patterns in lustrous silk stripes. This is an opportunity to buy him a shirt hfe will always prize You may have them packed in a Christmas box, if de sired. . ' -Main Floor South. Santa Invites All the Mothers and Children to His Wonderful Home on the Big Eighth Floor Santa Claus loves the children of the whole world, and so' he gathers the things that delight them from every corner of the globe. There are imported and domestic toys of every descrip tion and they are made to delight girls and boys of all ages, including mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers for nobody can be grown-up in this wonderful city of toys. There are structural toys, mechanical toys, electrical toys for the boys; dolls, furniture and cooking things for girls, playthings for the babies, desks, sleds, skates; things for older ones. Special Item for Wednesday Wood Bildo Sets, 25c. And don't forget the Eight Shetland Ponies! They are going to be given away to lucky boys or girls some time before Christmas. Let's introduce them to you there's Fashion Plate, Princess McDon ald, Mary Pickford, Trisie, Man of War, Over the Top, Sweet Patootie, Sparkling Burgundy, all ready to say "Howdy" to the thousands of boys and girls that will visit this big Toyland on Wed nesday. Every child has a chance to win one ask for tickets. Eighth Floor. fciC si ifTA svA "Srwe. iew s fFSie.eA Look Into the Toe DOWN in the toe of every Chrwlmns stocking, waiting to pop out with the ruddy red apple and the odd shaped bundle (which one always finds in the toe of any Christmas stocking, you know) ia a ong. It is the song that Tiny Tim heard the song you will hear, too, if you put the inner ears of your heart in tune. It is the song little children sing as their hearts warmto the glow of the Christ mas spirit. , The song that' wells through the heart of the business man as the light of the days of Love and Life breaks over his perplexities Bnd his cares. Someoncsaid that the world would bo a merry one if , all the cheer and love and courtesy displayed dur ing the Christmas season was spread out over all the year. Why not "spread" it f All we need do is to open our hearts every day of the year to tho song of Tiny Tim, "God Bless us every one," and to put the . thought Into everyday action. Above It all it Is the song to which the leaders o't nations are listening In these days of hope. It Is the Christmas song Its message Is "Peaji on Earth, Good Will Toward Men." AH the year it hums'its rhythm Into the warp and woof of living but at Christmas time it exultantly flings its melody broadcast Into the world. So, hidden away in the toe, of your Christmas stocking there is this song. So, hold it fast this lovable, beautltul, livable Christmas Song! J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. -Solution to the Gift Problem 50,000 PIECES Hand Painted China Priced from 50c to 10.00 There is nothing more acceptable than a nice piece of this beau tiful ware.Mt is always appropriate and always welcome. 9ur enormous stock is bo arranged on large single priced tables that it is not only a simple task but also a delightful "one to make gift selections. In this assortment of gifts you will find -. Cups andlSaucers Plates Nappies Bon Bons Berry Sets ' Cake Sets Celery Sets Nut Sets : A large assortment of novelty items not mentioned in " this ad. The values-are remarkable and regardless of our large stock, the best will go first. Early shopping is advised. . Dinnerioear32 and SO Piece Sets Specially Priced t Fifth Floor East. Drugs and Toilet Goods Mavis Individual Extract This popular perfume in neat red gift box, special at 44c Prescription Department Special Ounces Granular Effervescent Ssdium Phosphate, special Soda Mint Tablets . Bottle of 40 Prescriptions filled by registered Pharmacists only In our. Prescription Department. j Main Floor West. 39c 9c Practical Suggestions in ; . Hqusefurnishings Universal Combination Ranges Burn Either Gas or Coal These ranges are fully guaranteed and wonderful bakers either with coal or gas. Any Universal Range in stock. : At Greatly Reduced Prices wrro Special Aluminum Wear Ever Pod ding' Paa Two-qt. ize. regular 1.10 value. Special 49c Atnmlnnm R a B d "Roaiter Mad ot medium weight al uminum, apecial. 1.00 Rex Oak Heaters Any size fire pot, well made and fully guaranteed, at special prices. Pantry Sets Four pieces, made of white enameled tin, for tea. coffee, sugar and flour. Spe- i ff cial 1 UU Majestic Electric Heaters Size 7, 660 watts, special Fifth Floor Center. 8.48 Better Furniture-Cash or Credit-The Brandeis Store s .. . .if. 3 c riT :(.( .'.it . '.'!! 7 c t