THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 27. Hp. 9 A kiUl. toiaha Waifs Arc Shod in Winter The Bee Fund By ' r Widowed Mothers, Fighting Discouraging Battle With Poverty, Are Cheered By These Gifu. A certain measure of poverty is a good thing (or the children. Cut the abject niiicrv in which many ' SU live through the caprice of fate endangers their very live. A pair ot allocs tor a child it an impossi bility in many of thrse families where widowed mother fitiht a dis cotirachiK battle with poverty. Your contribution will briiiR joy to such a home and prolcit tender tret from winter' cold. No other l 1 : i-- 'ft.. r -- .1 . wnds to this. livery cent given to this fund goes to buy shoes for the abjectly poor children, livery case ' investigated 1 strictly without cost to the fund bend or bring whatever you can fiare to The Bee and help this very iictuiul benevolence. ' Previously rknawlrdffd ...S005.1J i. i. Arun, (jollienburf , Neb 8.00 lara Hawlry X.OU Jane Kewmee . t.00 Mr.. K. Johnaoe, Kimball Neb, ... t.00 (. W. .Johniton . 6.IK) Ilnzcl hVkI Vlrdl Krlrk. Mlndrn... 4.40 aMr. rturab M. Voung, Nehawka.. fl.Ol) Ktniwl, Hockport, Mo S.00 ) Hnmun too t.ot S.M I) i A.rrwiii ............. i.uu (t., Colpetiac. 5.00 flal S34J.1S "It One "Carrier" Case of Diphtheria la Reported Within the last 24 hours but one. diphtheria "carrier" case was report ed to the city health department. One case of mumps was reported and two cases ot measles. Marriages Hancbett-Wllllarae. Grand lalauct. Neb. The marriage of iiihh Maael Gertrude Wtlllame and Clark (aymouu w. Hanchett, both of thlf ;. ly, took plac at th noma of Mr. M. .'rmlnberry. Rev. A. A. Smith of live rrrebyterlan church offlclatlna, After' a brief honeymoon trip to St. Jo ph. Mo., they will reside In thla city, the groom being employed a a book keeper at the Union Pacific hops. Fag an-Ilaker. Orand Iiland, Neb. At 81. Mary c. tliodrul In thla city occurred the marriage ot mIhh Marls Baker, daughter of Mr. end Mre. George M. Baker, to William 1. Fagan, aon of Mr. and Mrs. William 1'aEan, Rev. Father llelmea conducted the Impressive ring ceremony. Following tile ceremony breakfast was served the v.'oddlng party. Mr. and Mrs. Fagan will bo at home at Ovlna, Nob., the groom being engaged In the raising ot pure bred Hereford cattle. ' ' ' MIller-RuDP. . McConk, Neb Dale Miller and Mlsa IMIth Alice Rupp were married hero by Uev. A. U Zlnk, After a short visit in L'ozad, McCooli will be their home. Deaths Mix Lain Calwelt. Beatrice. Na. Mias Lulu CulwaM, fona.riy a te.-br tn the Healrlr Hub ainiwl, died at l.laroln aha hat bee lining sine leaving tills clly. TBe budy taken to Auburn, '.r former home, fur burial. , Mr. O. K. Iteming, ll'atrl.e. Neb Ura. O. R. rmnlng, fnritorly a resident of the ("ortland vb la ity Hed et her bom. In Colorado after a .rotoiied ll'r.rae. The body sa brought to Cortland fur burial U tlighlaaj Center cemetery. W,n Taylor. North riatte. Neb Tha body ef Warn Taylor, who ws killed In tha lailroad arJa In thla lty presumably while at tempting tn get abroad a moving freight train. sent to his borne In Mauoketa, la. Young Taylor waa en rout to Malt lke to enlist In tha navy and bad been In town for two Uaya preceding Ina death. John Larson, Slromatiurf, Neb. Funeral aerrlcea for John Larson, IS, were held at Htromaburg. Mr. Larson died following an operation tor appendlcllla, 11a managed a tombstone business In this city and wa a member of the Kdi-n Haptint church. lie leavea a wift and two children. Mra. R. 1 KliUey. Beatrice. Nab. Word was received here of tha death of Mra. R, F. Klnley, former ly of thla city, at her home at Colorado tfprlnns, t'olo. una was 0, and leave her husband and flva children, William Ml ruble. , Chester. Neb. William Blrubla, old let tler of Cheater, died very euddenly at hi horn here following an lllneaa of three weeka. He leavea a alto and aeveral grown cblldrn. H. ltendernhot. Cumberland, la. Abstlnenc from Mmulante of all kinds was attrlbnted by If. Hendershol for hi longevity. H died at nia home her at the ate of . tlie oldest resident In tha county. Mr. Hen dershot was a native of Mlntour county, Pennsylvania. Ha came to Case county In U67 and lived on a farm near her un til be wa 80. Aged Men Pie. Wet Point, Neb. Among th death occurring thl week are those of Oliver Brush of Banner county, Herman Bochel man. Clay county, and Anton Konopacek of thl county. Th flret two died at St. Josephs horn for the a fed, and the last at tha county (arm. All were agod men. Mr. Konopacek I survived by nu merous relative! residing near Beemer, wner n formerly lived.. Earl tientle. , Atlantic. la. -Karl Oentle, SO, former resident of Atlantic, wa killed in a rail- roaa accident in Utah, according to ad vices received here by hi slater, Mra. H. H. Campbell. Mr. Gentle formerly was a conductor on tha Bait Lake & Utah road, recently being made assistant train master. B. O. Bergeson. Aurora, Neb. B. O. Bergeson, . wa burled here. Service were held In the Presbyterian church. Rev. C. C. Dodds of the First Christian church officiating. He had lived In Hamilton county since 187ii and waa one of the most widely known citizens of th county. Henry Map. Aurora. Neb. Th funeral of Ifenry Mapea of rhillips was held at th family home. Rev. C. C. Cobb of tha First Christian church at Aurora had charge of th aervlcea. Mr. Mape wa an old time resident of Hamilton county. Audubon County Breeder ' Will Show More at Chicago Atlantic, la., Nov. 26. (Special. With strong hope of winning the world's championship, F. L. Ander son, Audubon county horse breeder, has gone to the International Live Stock exposition with his 4-year-old Clydesdale mare, which won the grand championship at the Iowa state fair this year. The judge who placed the ribbons at the Iowa fair will also judge at the big Chicago show. At Dcs Moines he told Mr. Anderson the mare was the prettiest specimen of a Clydesdale mare he had ever passed upon. Elliott Seed Man Will Judge Grain at Chicago Elliott. Ia., Nov. 26. (Special.) T. II. Petty, pioneer seed man of Elliott, will again officiate as a judge at the corn show held in connection with the International Live Stoclj exposition in Chicago. He will rep resent Iowa in the group of judges. This honor has come to Mr. Petty annually for a number of years. Yeggmen Loot Motor Firm Safe for Almost Nothing Yeggmen broke open a rear door of the Fred C Hill Motor company, Twenty-firsr. and Leavenworth streets, Friday night, pried the com. bination off the safe and opened it and ransacked the office. They got no money and very little loot of any kind. hospital here. The body waa taken to Cordova tor burial. Osmer A. Germain. Tab Rock, Neb. Osmer A. Germain, 58, a pioneer resident ot DuBols. died at Ms home. Funeral aervlcea were held at th M. E. church In DuBoie. Frank A. Zamiow. Central City Funeral service wer conducted for Frank A. Zamzow, pioneer and one of the best known cltlxens of Merrick county. For the past 60 ye,ars ha resided on a farm near Arther. Mr, r. K. Teller. Columbus, Nb. Mrs. Teller, wife of Fred E. Teller, traveling salesman and owner of a book and stationery store here, died after a lingering sickness. Tho body was taken today to Newark, N. Y., her old home, fotrurial. Caarlee Lewis. Callaway, . Neb. Charles Lewis, an old oldler and a resident of Callaway for a number of year, died at the soldiers' home tn Grand Island. Funeral services were held at Callaway. McKUlin-McKenrut. McCook, Neb. Miss Anna Clalro Mc Kenna and Norbert J. McKillip were married in St. Patricks church, Rev. A. 1. Kunz, O. M. I., celebrating the nup liat mass. , - L Corel-Conkus. Boatrlce, Neb. William Webster Carel, ?n, Beatrce, . and Frances Cookus, 21, Crete, were marred at the court house, by County Judge Fred Messroore. , . . Btrehle-Poeaehl. I l,, -vi'est Point, Neb. Clement Btrehlo and JJllas Helen Foeschl were married at St ,v Mary a Catholic churcf In tnis city, rne brldo Is th daughter 01 pioneer resi dents of this county, and the groom Is a young business man. They will make their home nor. . C en era License. Genova, Neb. Marriage licenses were granted to Olen Owen Volghtlander, J4, of Janesvllle, Wis , and Viola Lenora Churchill. 34 of Exeter, and to Harry A, Wullbrandt, 3, and Mra Cecil Under wood, 36, of Sxiter. Chaae-Norbury. S - riiiaonv Neh Invitations have been Jasnt out announcing tha marriage of Paul (Itas and Mies Fannie Norbury of this city. Th marriage will tak place ixovemoor a. ' 8hlley-l)ay. Tnhie nnrV. Nh Miss Mamia say, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Day of Table Rock, wa married to John Shlley r.f Verdon. They will Uv on a farm la ' that vicinity. stAMkA.Yonnsr. Central City, Neb. Walter B. Baecke ot this city and Mis Orrai young or Tlnii4 were married at the borne of the brid' parents, th Re. Thomas F B. Smith of this placa performing tte mini Mr. Raeeke ia now serving as county attorney. Th bride i a talented. musician. Two) Connie Married. David Citv. Neb. Two couple were married by Judga L J. McCakey. They w .lames Var.hAi of TTlvsses and Ionie Coufal of Bralnard, and J,oule Sabollk of Bruno, and Rosa Curdo ot Prague. ' MAAM.KMlt. Walnut, la. At St. Patrick church hera I was solemnised the marriage of Misa Marv I Kent DODUlar society young woman ot walnut a nrt Thnmaa Moora of Greely Neb. The ermony waa performed by th. nv ITather Alhera of Avoca and was witnessed by a large number of relatives and friends af the young people. Th v,rirf ia a dauahter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil Jlam Kent, and was born and grew to , .omanhood here. She baa been teaching s for three years. Mr. and Mrs, Moore feslde In Greely, where th former ia eiupioj ou. Pnlnt Weddlna. we Tnint. Neb. Among th weddings taking placa during tha week are those of Bernard Breater and Miss Katharine .,r..i,.M.. rraalc Kaul and Misa Anna Peatrowskv: Henry B. Bhorn and Misa Mary lieeaa. RlT.Mnn Genera, Neb. Arthur M. Hester. 5J, and ss hoth of Friend, were married here by Judg Fulton of tha fc county court. Bosa-Seita, Pawnee City. Neb. Wilbur Boas and Miss Piecy Belts, both of Humboldt wer married In Pawnee City by Rev. Hage- mann. pastor of the First Cbnsuai church. They went to Crete. Neb., to iwnfl a taw dflve wltb friends there. Mr. Boss Is a mechanic at Humboldt and the couple will make their hom there. M. B. Immet. Ravenna. Neb. M, B. Immel, SO, who conducted a grocery in Ravenna for 20 years, died In a Kearney hospital. He gave up business about six months ago. Business Was suspended In Ravenna for a period' of five minutes, proprietors, em ployes and customers standing In silence n tribute to Mr. Immel. Funeral service held at th Methodist church. a Kraer-Leo. Oene"a. Nb A marrtar licne wa rranted to John Henry BraT. 4. and hann Marie Leo. 32. of uniewa. Showew-Snraave. tlimnr. Neb. Gaftord Showen and Mies Kthel Sprae-ue of Wymora were married at the Methodist parsonage In MarTsville. They will make their horns on a farm near Wymora. Basrer-Orieo. York, Kek Alexander Baurer . and nrtha Grieea. both of Sutton, secured a marriage license here. nerbas-Eltla. Tork Neb John T. Herbat of McCuol and Danna T. El He of Tork were married t the Vnited Brethras. chOTCh by Rev. W'lM" - Tork. Neb Louis D. Patten and Mia oee A. Mellanon. ootn oi lora, wre ' aed a marriage Ilcensa brr. Business Changes Ellen Whalen. Beatrice. Neb. Ellen, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mis. James Whalen, formerly of Cortland, died at her home at Plalnville, Kan., of scarlet 'aver after a brief Illness. Ram P. Wallace. Grfswold, la. Sam P. Wallace, on of the unique characters of southwest Iowa, died at his home in Red Oak. A quarter ot a century ago Mr. Wallace promoted a street car line in Red Oak. The scheme did not prove a success and Mr Wallace lost heavily In the venture. Mr. Wallace turned showman and organized a road circus. It wintered In Red Oak and an nually, tor many years traveled through out this part of the west. It was known ss the "Golden Pulse Shows'' and made money for tla owner. Mr. . U. Flory. Shelton, Neb. Mrs. G. U. Flory died at Crab Orchard where she had been visit ing with two of her daughters. Mra. Flory had been a resident ot this part or tne state since 1392 ins noay was taken to Gibbon for burial. Mrs, Barry Gardner. Beatrice. Neb. Word was received here of tbe death of Mrs. Harry Gardner, 48, formerly a resident of Cortland, which. occurred at her home at Kansas City. Her hnsband wa formerly editor of tho Cortland New. B. O. Bergeson. Aurora, Neb. B. O. Bergeson, an old settler of Hamilton county, died very sud denly at his home. Mr. Bergeson came to thl county in 1878 and has been con nected with many publio matters In tho county. He served two term a county assessor. For many year he waa the leading auctioneer of tbe county. Mr. Eergeson waa on of th prominent re publicans mentioned for th position of postmaster. Mrs. Sophia Flory. Beatrice, Neb., Mrs. Sophia Flory, TO, died at th home of her daughter, Mrs. F. 8. Richardson, near Crab Orcnara, aner prolonged illness. Telma Carel, Beatrice, Neb. Velma, the llttl daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carel, died at bar horn In this city after a brief illness. Mrs. Marl Schiffbauer. Madison. Neb. Mrs. Marie Schlffbsjuer, wife of William Schiffbauer of Sprlng- viw, died at th hom of her mother, Mrs. Anton Gamer of this city, after a lingering Illness. Marie Katherlne Ganzer wa born at Madison. W la. April 7. 1866. oh came to Madison county wita ner parents in th early '70s. She was mar ried to William Schiffbauer at Madison December St. 188. They resided In Madi son for several year following their mar riage ana tnen removed to otcianoma, where they lived 14 years, returning to waaison tnree years ago. For tne past year they bave resided at Sprisgvlew. Glean Jensen. Callaway, Neb. Glenn Jensen of Arnold, son of Mr. and Mr. Otto Jensen, died at bis borne. Osmer Germain. Pawne City. Neb. Oamer Germain, an oldtlm resident of tbls community, died st his borne near here. Th body was brought to Fawne City tor burial. Mrs. WUhelmlna Linden. Grand Island, Neb. The body of Mrs. Wjlhelmlna Linden, a former resident of Grand Island, wboj died et the home of relativea In Ravenna, Neb. was brought to this city for busial. Funeral services wr held In St. Paul Lutheran church, Kev. Mr. Michelmann officiating. The Home of Content The most potent influence In society today is the contented - home. To seek all one's pleasures ' away from the family fireside can only be in the end a bittei disappointment.. Let us add in every way to the content and good cheer of the home. Music is of the first impor- tance. And for good music, nothing will better serve you than The Brambach Baby Grand the last word In beautiful pianos Durably Built v Classic Design Exauisite Tone Full Guarantee Price $695 The Brambach requires no more room than an upright. A tissue paper pat tern, sent free upon request, will show this when spread up on the floor. Mrs. Georgia Behahl. Grand Island. Neb. Misa Georgia Scbabl, formerly employed at the Union Pacific station restaurant here, died at the state tubercular hospital at Kearney. The body was brought to tbls city for burial. Rev. J. H. Btttl conducting the services. V stMa faera Greearr. f a. a- X Orawfnrd wfle baa b-n in charge of the American Express eruce. fca.a eowgnt in usp in'r u ' F. H. cama, who wlU re to Den-rer. Tha enir-m office was recently taken Ter br tbe Nortbweeteni railroad and aa attic peaed. at their station, afaa Tfefaftt? Rare hard. Na.-vArcher Hie of Paw r City has arranged to sr-ea tbe Woei dertaard theater here ry Satarday. Two baa beast closed for some urn pax. Lorrel Drttrirk. Grand Island. Neb. Lorrel Dettrlck. 4, little son of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Stuch berry, died at his borne In tbia city after an Illness of fonr days. Funeral services were held in the home, conducted by Rev erand Cbrlstlanson of the Congregstional church. Th body was taken to Bradshaw for buriaL Henry Mapea. Grand Taland. Neb. Henry Mapes. one ef the oldest residents of Phillips, died at hi home after an extended illness. Funeral services were held la bla borne in rhtllipa. Mrs. Bertha Dwyer. I Grand Island. Neb. Mra. Bertha DwTer. 17, wife et Edward F. Dwyer, an employe or tbe Singer sewing Macbtne company ii this city, died at her homo after an ex tended Illness. Surviving her besides ber 11 ua band are four children, the youngest aa Infant babe of on week. The body was isaen to ber former hom at Quitmsux, Ma, tor buriaL AAntf atatwlaje Aurora. Neb. Adolf Reuber. former resi dent of Hamilton county, was buried la the Aarora cemetery. Th serrlce were in caarg 01 tn Masonic lodge at L'tlca. F,B3auiael Gels. Ravenna. Neb. Emanuel Gels, S. died v-ry sudoealy after taking a drink of w.ier. ne naa been well aad strong. H Hvd In Rarenaa for many years, aad avea nte ared wife and family of grvw caiarea. Mr. Mete Khra. Tork. Neb. Mrs. Mete X. Re bourn. 13. oiea a ine xamtiy aewi aer arter short U'nea. Th body waa taken ts A Baiey lor auria!. Mrs, Hewry Marti . Trt Nek Mrs. Henry Marteosoo. . who kens was at Cordova, died la The Art and Music Store 1513 Douglas Street NOVEaMBERV Bramljachlby Grand itanth ADVERTISEMENT. Radium, King of Cures There are only two kinds of RADIUM, namely: RADIUM SUL PHATE and RADIUM JJKOM1U RADIUM SULPHATE is the only one sold directly to the sick, having ia it Genuine RADIUM Metal Element, so necessary to preserve the power of Energy and to reach the germ of deep-seated, malignant diseases. RADIUM SULPHATE cleans out disease of Rheumatism, Kidney, Tuberculosis, Appendicitis. Spine, Catarrh, Asthma, Insomnia, tc zema, Tumors, Ulcers, Nervousness, Pyorrhoea, Rectum, Prostate, Psor iasis, Cancers, Blood Poisoning of every type, female affections, dropsy, hay fever, heart, stomach, liver bladder, neuralgia and all other diseases that cause suffering, and it rejuvenates the tired, worn, debilitated people ot all ages. strengthening every organ of the body and making them feel twenty years younger! We give s saeoey-back guarantee. If net satisfied, on tuberculosis and eaneer, tlx twv saost difficult of all to car; all otber affections heme easily cleaned eat by H. It is applied eo boar each elay. Every phase of th two cmsMered. it Is a better RADIUM than that diswerwd by Mom. Carle. It kas bees proven in tbts city that 11 worth ef it will ear more and severer disease than ti,v worth of Maw. Carie's RADIUM discovery et Utetr respec tive soiling prices: and it is a hamUesa, BODsargieaJ car for all eperabl diseases. It doe not wait: gwa ran teed to retain K earmtrv Properties tan rear. "Yasi i net ct two tale tJese." That It or la gan, and it is aa true aa tbe son ahntea. Writ er call for rrteratur. INTERNA TIONAL RADIUM COMPANY, 1M Nertfc Serkag St, Lea Aaressa, Cat. A Whole Carload of ABC Wa stiiiig Machines and For Our Demonstration Back to Pre- War Values! Sale! We have with us a factory demonstrator who will show how the A B C "Alco" and the A B C Electric Laundress lead in efficiency. She will be glad to demonstrate at our store or in ypur home without obligation, the A B C washer or ironer. See how easily the ABC Ironer operates, and with the Ironall attachment see how ruffles, collars and cuffs, and children's dresses can be ironed. The price of the A B C "lco Electric" is within range of every purse. Now 84.50 The A B C "Alco Electric" is a compact, sturdy, convenient, smooth running family-size washer. Its Swinging wringer operates in any desired position simultaneously with the washer or separ ately. Its machine-cut gears make it the most quiet-running washer of its type ever constructed. In short, it is the ideal washer for the average family. The ABC "Alco Twin Electric" is especially suitable for farms, large fami lies, hotels, rooming hoases, restaurants and small laundries. . Both tubs wash simultane ously or separately to suit the needs of the operator. It has a reversible swinging wringer that locks in any position. The full i h. p. motor is equal to the task of driving all three at once under load. Underneath drive. AH moving parts safely enclosed. Safer for operator and children. Let the A B C Electric Laundress Do Your Next Washing Why risk some new, untried washer or a washer offered at a "bargain," because its makers are apt to go out of business, when you can obtain a genuine ABC Elec tric Laundress backed by a 12-year-old factory, in business to stay and look after the users of its ma chines? Long endorsed by the Goo$ Housekeeping and legions of users. Choose an A B C because it merges the advantages of all other washers' in one, yet it costs no more. Choose it because it washes without jar or racking noise the unfailing sign of simple, strong construction. The ABC "Alco Twin Electric Washing Machine Twice the capacity of the single machine. Now 106.25 o The , ABC Electric Laundress Greatest Value on the Market Alternately the soiled thing? are lifted and dipped, rocked and tossed by the A B C Elec tric Laundress, the cylinder type machine. Steel frame, tub of the fa mous "Armco" rust-resistinf galvanized iron or heavy tin lined copper. The cylinder, choice of hard white maple, air-seasoned, kiln-dried, will not warp, rot nor splinter, or zinc cylinder, holes coun tersunk and embossed. The Complete ABC Electric Laundress The ABC Ironer, with dual connector operating direct from any ABC Washer. There are many special features of con venience and quality of performance secured by the design of the A B C Ironer. The ABC Ironall that iron raffle. The ABC Electric Ironer may also be purchased equipped with motor for independent operation. The A B C Electric Laundress Quality is not simply a name that applies to the outward appearance of the A B C it i the kind of work, the way it is built and the service it gives its owners. Now 124.50 -Credit or Cask 5th floor north A: