J t Political Pot Already Shows , Desire to Boil And Jerry Howard May Seek Sheriff JoWUre , ..." ; Touted for Congress. . Although eight mouths must pass before the next primary election in August, there are even now various Mramors in the political world, in- dealing more or less activity. , Avowed candidacies arc not ex "peeled by the political doctors at Wis early date, but some aspirants are beginning to show symptom. Others are "in the hands of their , friends.". , - M. L. Endres, county , and city treasurer, stated yesterday that in all 'probability he will be a candi- fires to any office, it is understood Mike Clark will endeavor to sue "ceed himself. C. B. McDonald, for- IHfcl'BEt:: OMAHA,' bUNUAV, .SOVEMHKil 27. 1921. 7 A mer city comptroller, is i probable candidate for sheriff on the.reuub I'can side ol the contest. Jerry How ard said he will make the race for sheriff. ' Treasurerihip Race. 1 J.' II. Mithcn and Otto J. Bauman, democrats, and Samuel Greenleaf and I. L. tictsel, , republicans, are among those mentioned in connec tion with the treasurership race. V. G. Vie,' former city, commis sioner and treasurer, is being spok. en of in connection with treasurer and also for congress. A substantial group of republicans is ready to sup port Mr. Ure in any political ambi tion. , Other republicans mentioned in connection with the congressional race are: Bin i. linker, Ben I. Thomas, Robert Smith and Nathan Hernsiein, provided Congressman Jefferis is not a candidate.. Henry J. Real. Raymond T, Cof fey and T. J. McGutre are referred to by friends as prospective candi dates for county attorney. It is ru mored that the Committee of 5,0(JO will bring J. Dean Ringer out as a republican candidate for county attorney. ' Davis Not Eligible. A. J. Weaver of Falls City, who was chairman of the state constitu tional convention and Adam McMul-' len of Beatrice, one-time republican nominee for congress, are expected to seek the republican nomination for governor. Clarence Davis, attorney general, who i mentioned frequently in this connection, is not eligible, the law prohibiting the canduiacy of an executive otiiccr ot the state lor an other executive office. J, N. Norton of Polk county and Theo Ostcrman of Merrick county; I'otli former .legislators, are prosper the democratic candidates for gover nor. , . . So far, R. Beccher Howell of Omaha is the only announced candi date for the, republican senatorial nomination, but gossip includes both Governor McKelvic and Congress man Jefferis of' Onialta as likely en trants. -No democrat has offered to contest senator. Hitchcock s claim to the democratic, nomination. "Dope" May Be Upset. Any of this political "dope" may be upset before the primaries close. Some interest is being manifested in a convention which will be liclq at Grand Island December 8 for the organization of ' another political party in Nebraska and. possibly, for the nomination of candidates. Some of the promoters, of this third party movement are . against' a primary campaign, which situation portends a lively scrimmage in the Hall county seat next month. Represeutatiua of the "Committee of 48" will attend the Grand Island convention and members of the Nonpartisan league will be in their seats. F. L. liollett of Lincoln is chairman of the tem porary executive committee. Man Seeking Address of Overseas "Buddy in Omaha Will Gunuar Scaberg.. now An Omaha, make his address known to Acting Postmaster Daniel? His overseas "buddy," " Robert Blumer of Monroe, Wis.,' Is eager to get in touch with Seabcrg.-. Blu mer wrote the postmaster he . has received numerous .letters and a Thanksgiving gift from Scaberg, sent from Umaha, but -io return address was indicated. FlatUinoulh .Musicians 1 To Play nt City Mission Z. F.' Mathcny's orchestra will nlav at Sunday school services in the City Mission at 3 this afternoon. At 4 Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wcscott and. a party of musicians from Plattsmouth will present a musical program, . The annual Thanksgiving dinner will be given at the mission for mothers next Thursday. Man Is Guilty of Contempt for His False Affidavit Divorced Husband Will Rc- reive Sentence Because of . Untruth, Sworn to, to AM His Wife. Joseph Strilka, .charged with con tempt ' of court, was i pronounced guilty by District Judge Stauffcr late yesterday, after his daughter, Marie, testified that he had sworn to a false affidavit to save the good name of his wife, Ludinilla. Marie told the court her father had sworn he. had not sen his wife since their divorce, in order to save "mother's reputation." Marie asserted that when she tes tified her father was dead she simply had meant that he was "dead to her mother." She had given this testi mony during trial of a suit brought by her mother against Louis and Gail Margolin, from whom Mrs. Strilka obtained a judgment for She charged in her suit that the Margouns nan misrepresented tne value of the Loyal motion picture meater, wntcn tney oiu ner. Attorneys for the Margolin! filed a motion tor a new trial, after a jury awarded Mrs. Strilka the $5,200. It was "then that Mr Strilka's alfidavit stating that he had not seen his wife since their divorce was filed. At- mat me ainciavus were laise ana Judge Stauffcr ordered Strilka ar rested. . Judge Stauffcr will sentence Strilka Monday morning at 9 o'clock. This Will Be Ampico Week; Many Recitals Planned This week has been designated "Ampico week." at the HurgessNasli store, under direction of M. H. Hill of the store. ' Philip Gordon, a not able pianist, will appear in a feature recital and will give short recitals at some of the. schools, A vocalist of national prominence is promised also for the feature recital. . All recitals and events in connec tion with Ampico week will be com plimentary or upon the invitation of the Burgess-Nash company, in con junction with the American Piano company. $219,725 Pledged to Boys' Home Fund Ten Days' Drive for Father Flanagan's Honw De- clared Success. Twenty per cent of the subscrip tions received during the Father Klanacan Govs' Home drive was cash,' Chairman J. E. Davidson of the drive announced last incut. At 9 the total amount of cash was $41,- 539. The total amount of pledges and cash subscribed durmg the iu day drive was officially announced as VV1725, Srvprat iileilurs nlrrarltf liave been redeemed -by the .' subscribers, r al though the first payment dnes-nbt have to, be made until June 1. .; ! headed by Sebastian Salerno,, walked into the headquarters office yestcr ilav with $1,300 in cash. The com mittee consisted of S. Mangamaro, s r.itnlrmn S. finnll.i K ; Xfaitrn- vigo and A. Mangiameie. iney rep resented the Giovanni Amcglia uuj Christoforo Colombo societies. Several subeiiptious for member, ship in the "Women's Special 1,000 flub", have , been received .'by Mrs, Arthur Mullen, chairman of the club. Among those from out in the state were Mrs. .Keith Neville and Mrs. F.. T. Seebeiger, both of North Platte, the former home of Charles Kenvyorthy. I the, boy orator; Mr. Gilbert M. Hitchcock and Miss Until Hitchcock, in Washiiigrou, 1. C; Catholic Daughters of America of Neola.'la., and tHe 'Catholic Daugh tcrs of America of Falls City, Neb. Special Agent for the Burlington Promoted G. It. German, assistant chief spe cial agent of the .Burlington .railroad in Omaha, will become division spe cial agent. of' one of the eastern di vision lines, it was announced at, Bur lington headquarters here Saturday. II. N. Stamper, will be transferred, from-lines cast, to Omaha, and pro motcd to the vacancy left by Mr. German. Mr. Stamper has had clwtrge of various lines on eastern divisions and had had charge of the St. Louis district. The changes are effective December 1. . . Special Demonstration of the Liberty Dress Form Set for making Home Made Dress Forms. Let our Demonstrator help you make a form. Notion Department Main Floor 1 , MSIi 25fe CHristtnas Siorefor&veryBodif .A Special Demonstration of ' The -Marvel Hand Embroiderer Monday in the Art Needlework Shop With this machine one can do perfect embroidery work by hand ten times as fast as formerly. ,, Bur(e-Nih Art Needlework Shop Second Floor, ... Mi. A Remarkable Sale-of Pearl Necklaces i V Indestructible and Lovely i At Less Than Half Priced : v ' La Salle pearls of exquisite quality make a" Christ-' maa gift guaranteed to make. any feminine heart beat faster. They are of the loveliest tint and the most attractive size. Pearls of a similar quality have sold in our own stocks for twice; these prjees. ' : : 1 16-inch Necklace.iwS-18-inch Necklaees: ;; ; $3.50 21-inch Necklaces: . $4.25 " 24-inch Necklaces:5 $4.95 27-inch Necklaces: $5.95 Bur(ei-Naih Jewelry Shop Main Floor. Imported , Beaded Bags An Unmual Offer- $0)95 2. m IkM a J m S trig iTiuiiuujr ui Cxi Christmas problems will be solved for many in this varied and beautiful assortment. To an unusual degree they combine .smartness and service. The bags are the new drawstring style, beaded firmly on a heavy net foundation,4 which means, of course, that they, will wear a long time. There are many, at tractive ' floral designs on light and dark backgrounds. Burfeaa-Naeh Jewelry Shop Main Floor. t Wonderland's Toy town Now Open In the Downstairs Store Come and see Santa Claus I Monday , In the Downstairs Store Christmas Toys for Boys and Girls , Hundreds of pretty dolls, buggies, toy dishes, fur niture, are here for the little girls. . Trains,imechanical toys; airplanes, iron toys,, engines and manyimore of the boys' favorites are here in great assortments. ;; And not only the tiny ;jtot: but the grown-up people as well, enjoy them day by day. Many, are buying now to avoid the rush, and having us lay them away until Christmas. ' - ?1 50 Knots and Splices The boy doesn't live who has not tried to tie a running hawser knot, a bow line, etc. Here is an outfit that is practical and instructive. Carpat Sweepers, 23c to 50c. j Tree Trimming, 5c to $1.00 Gilbert Toy, 25c to $37.50 Tinker Toys, 50c to $1.25 Candle Holders, 5c to 10c. .Bubble Boolu, $1.25 ; Drumi, 25c to $10.00 ;, Black Board, 50c to $4.75 Tool Cheats, 50c to $18.50 ; Drawim Master, $3.50 to $15.00 Baby Swing, $1.00 to $2.00 00 ( Dressed Dolls They are cunningly fitted with fancy hats and frocks. Their hair is long and curly, in either blonde or bru nette color, and their eyes open and shut. 14 inches long. ?1 Imported Dolls With sleeping eyes, bobbed CA wigs and dressed . attrac- t tively in cambric. Nine inches long. Harmonicas, 25c to $1.00 Musical Toys, 25c to $10.00 Stencil Craft, 10c to $3.50 Metallaphones, 50c to $4.50 . Xylophone, $1.00 to $2.50 Roly Poly, 50c to $2.00 ' Circus Toys, 50c to $1-75 Shooting Gallery, $2.00 to $5.00 Train, Mechanical, $2.25 to $10.00 Train, Electric, $7.00 to $60.00 Toy Makers, $1.00 to $3.75 Burtess-Naah Toy Shop Downstairs Store, Moviegraphi $6.75 to $22.50 Pop Guns and Rifles, 25c up. , Folding Beds, 50c to $1.00 Red Chairs and Rockers, 50c to 75c. Toy Percolator, $1.00 Brooms, 25c. Bell Toys, 25c to 11.00 Package Balloons, 5c to 25c. Rubber Dolls, 25c to $1.50 Parker's Games, 25c to $4.00 Push Skates, $1.75 Are You Planning a Winter Trip? All of the annoying details connected with a winter trip are attended to in our "Ask Mr, Foster" travel service without charge or fee. The route outlined, the ticket and reservations secured, cards of introduction to hotels pro vided, descriptive literature and all desired Information supplied. The service and advice are reliable and freely given. ' FOSTER TRAVEL SERVICE, Third Floor. Third Floor Burr-Nah Co. A Festival of Music November , 27 to December 3 . Mr. Phillip Gordon, .noted pianist will bo .here during Festival of Music Week," No ; vember 27 to December 3 under the auspices of the Burgess-Nash company. Mr. Gordon will be presented in a series of concerts throughout the city culminating in a Joint Feature Recital on Friday evening 'in 'the Burgess-Nash Auditorium when he will be as- sisted by Miss Lois Johnston, soprano. 1 t , On Saturday at 10:30 ai m. Mr, GorV' don will give a children's concert when moth ers are invited to bring the little ones. In con nection with this concert 'there will be a. "Music Memory Contest" for children, with an -. offering of $50.00 In cash prizes. .. Tuesday - ' -Special Showing of the Film "IMMORTALIZED" This film, starring (Mr. Leo Ornsteln) talented pianist is most remarkable.' It.will be accomplished on the Chickering ( Ampico , by Mr. Ornstein's own records. . ,' . . Tuesday 9 . -30 a.' m.,12 m.,i:45 p. m., 4:00 p. m. t,, v . Everyday from 3 to 5 p. m.- , -i Recitals Rachmaninoff Dohnanyi . . v' ' .Leviizi GodowsJt) '.. and others, through their Ampico Recordings. New Gumfit,, Knickers One of the. Most Comfortable Knickers - on the Market No ; more disarranged garments from pulling down waistband. Seat ., opens and closes easily, buttoned below waistline.. We have the exclusive sale of these garments; in silk jersey and the very fine woolen jersey, jn purple, gray, taupe, brown, green, navy, and black. Prices $5.00, $6.50, $7.00, $7.75, $8.25, $9.95. Burfeee-Neeh Underwear Shop Mala Fleer. Chamois Fabric Gloves $11 65 s -j At Less Than Manufacturers9 Cost r Twelve-Button Gloves ' .Made with. pin tucks as pictured heavily embroi dered with five rows of silk stitchings in six plain colors and white. - Women's Smart Gauntlets Made of finest quality imported yarns, in chamoi 1 sette finish, many of the styles enriched with ocean . ,'pearl buckles and heavy five-row embroidery. These gloves of the finest quality chamois fabric, have the appearance of suede leather, and are noted for long wear as well as warm wear. y. . , The Colors: Beaver, mastic, brown, mocha,. champagne, white, .;;..' and in combinations of colors. Some are siU lined throughout, .. ' i - - arteaa-Waafc Carl Shaaj Male Fleer. 'r , r Jersey Silk Underwear The Thoughtful and Practical Christmas Gi - l Let us help you select it, we have complete assortments, of -every-thing for the wife; sveetheart, mother or sister. , ' " '- " ! ' ' -r.-'.:-'-. i Silk Jersey Nightgowns Silk Jersey Knickers Daintiest of pink, ojchid,: blue 'colorings In pastel shades; these comein either the in plain tailored 6r fancy lace-trimmed ' elastic or loose knee also the popular stepin styles, $6.75 to $25.00. ; style. $2.95 and $8.95. ' ' " - Silk Jersey .Vests ,: In all the pastel shades; these come in the bodice or regulation shoulder in the regular or the extra long lengths. The plain tailored, hemstitched, embroidered or lace-trimmed. Priced $2.$5 to $11.95. Silk Jersey Chemise In all the pastel shades, some are tailored with just rows of hem stitching, others are embroidered or lace-trimmed. $4.95 to $11.95. . Burtese-Naah Underwear Shop Main Floor Beautiful Fabrics for Christmas At Interestingly Low Prices Monday Canton Crepe 40 inches wide. Muffler Silk - t 24 inches wide. : Wool Jerey 54 inches, all wool. Skirting Plaids 38 inches wide. ' Velour Coatings 56 inches wide, all wool. .Woolen Fabrics ;' 42 to 56 inchea wide . 3,000 Yards of Plain. and Novelty Silks $1.65 a Yard'' 7" Plaids, Roman Stripe Satins, Taffetas, Tricolettes, Crepe de Chines,. Georgette -i Crepes, Kimono . Silks and Wash Satins Bisrxesa-Naah Silk Shop Seosael Floor.