Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 A
THE BEE: OMAHA, bUiSUAK, '-t. 11.
W If V
Juryman mneai
Trial Accused
Of Misconduct
Man Said to Have Diaomed
Trial Outside of Court
Judge Haiti Pro-ceedingi.
Auburn, Neb., Nov. 26. (Special.)
Tfii days of trenuous, tense work
in'tlUtrict court in the trial of Mr.
I.ury Neat, rhirgrd with the murder
of her huband, Hen Neal, went lor
nothing when District Judge Raper
today entered finding that, because
of the misconduct of one of the
jurors, Run Rowan. miitrial has
reunited and the whole case muit be
tried OAer again.
Korean ii citizen of Auburn, a
man of meant, and has stood well in
the community, lie is a thresherman.
Yesterday reports, came to the
judge that Rozean, in spite of the
daily admonitions of the court to the
jurors, had discussed the case out
side the court room. '
Mistrial Announced.
This morning court was expected
to convene at 8:30 for what, it was
believed, would be the final day of the
long trial. Instead of the trial, there
was a conference of the judge and
attorneys for the state and defense
behind closed doors. Bozean was
summoned before this body, as were
other witnesses. The court room,
which had been crowded since 7 this
morning, was in a buzz of conversa
tion as the hours passed.
Just before noon the conference
ended. Judge Raper summoned the
jurors to their box and stated that
a mistrial had resulted because of
the conduct of Rozean on two oc
casions. '
The judge stated that on Novem
ber 24, Rozean, in a conversation
with Cyrus Milam, stated that the
case never should have been brought
and that the county had been put to
needless expense and Mrs. Neal
would not be convicted. On No
vember 21, the court stated, Rozean
made statements regarding the. case
to Mrs. Milam. ,
Immediately after ' the conclusion
of the judge's finding and dismissal
of the jury, the defense entered
motion that the trial proceed with 11
Judge Raper answered this with a
wave of the hand, toward the jury
and this remark;.
"Gentlemen, you're excused."
Then he called upon Prosecuting
Attorney Armstrong to institute
contempt proceedings against Ro
zean, the offending juror.
The defense asked fpr an immedi
ate retrial. It was indicated this
might be some time during the De
cember holidays.
Mrs. Neal Near Tears.
Rozean's face did not change ex
pression as he sat in the jury box.
Mrs. Neal and her daughter, Ava,
who had been in the room since 8:30,
seemed near tears, . The long ordeal,
which they thought nearly ended,
all had been in vain.
The mistrial has cost the county
and the defense thousands of dollars.
The community is in a furore over
the amazing denouement' of the
case. . ,, . ,; ...
400 Bandits Baltic
n a if
. Buenos Aires marines
Buenos Aires, Nov. 26. (By The
Associated I'ress.) rour hundred
well armed bandits entrenched in the
village of I'io lbanci, in the state
of Jianla Cruz, repulsed an attack
by the marines landed front the
cruiser Almirante Brown, according
to belated dispatches received here.
A number of the bandits and marines
were killed or wounded during the
engagement, in which the attackers
used machine guns.
The bandits hold prisoners in the
village a number of the residents of
the region, including English ranch
era . and S. J. Mac Bey. manager of
the Armour packing plant near the
town ol aanta Lruz.
Government reinforcements ar
rived on a transport at Rio Gallcgos
yesterday, but that point is so far
from Faio Ibanez that it is feared
a successful attempt to rescue the
prisoners will be impossible for sev
eral days.
Jack Atkinson Plans
. ; . Long Airplane Flight
.Jack Atkinson, Omaha aviator,
will hop off Ak-Sar-Ben field next
Wednesday morning on the first leg
of a 4,500-miles flight in his Lincoln
Standard tourabout airplane, he an
nounced yesterday. He will be ac
companied by Lester Baker, me
He will fly to Kansas City, St.
Louis, Louisville and finally " to
Jacksonville, Fla., and - back to
Omaha. He will, make many side
flights and will investigate flying
conditions throughout the south
with a view to establishing a passen
ger plane line . between here 'and
He will carry a letter from Mayor
Dahlman to the .mayor of Jackson
ville, The Aero dub of Omaha,
Chamber of Commerce of Omaha
and Nebraska Aircraft corporation,
Lincoln, have endorsed the flight.
The ship in which he will go is
the same one in which he crossed
the continental, divide and circled
Pike's peak. '. - v
Husband Says Spouse, Wrote
' But Refused to Come Home
" Her husband twitted her that. he
' had married her just because Ire had
set out to do so, and nagged her
continually, Kathleen M. Hayes al-
legea in a divorce pennon sue mcu
in district court recently.
But yesterday the husband, Fran
A. Mayes, was grameu a octree ui
absolute divorce from her by Dis
trict Judge Leslie, on his answer and
cross petition for divorce.
The husband said that while , he
lived in Lancaster county his wife
came to Omaha and taught school.
But when school closed in June she
neglected to return home, being
content to fulfill her marital duties
by mail.
Road Conditions 1
Cosgrove Victim
Of Times, Pastor
Says at Funeral
(it: ' ti i rr
j mini j juucicuuy xiuucai
And Generous, Asserts Early
Acquaintance) Many Eyes
Moist at Services.
Fnrabhf4 fcr Oaafca Aate Clak.)
IJ n coin Highway. Et Roads :
. t -. Mint- rt.tnnr for
Icht mile at Marahalttown; roa bow
opm from Dwltt to Clinton.
Lincoln Hlnhway. Woat Roads tlna:
.a-cather cloody rrywhr azcapt Can
..tral City and Grand Island.-
O, I D. Hlshway Roada fair to Ash
land: detoor at Ashland brtd: ood to
Lincoln and wast.
' Highland Cutoff Roads cosd: wontnr
... u - n.rt
weather cloody.
- Omaha-Topoka Highway Roads ai Cal
ient; weather cloudy.
S, T. A. Roads Koads excellent; weath
, ar cloudy. ,
Soorso Washington Birtwny Roads
Blaek Hills Trail Roads good; weather
' cloody; snow some points northwest.
King ef Trails, Booth Roads In sr.
collect condition to Hiawatha; rongh ts
Learen worth: detour from LeaTenworth
" ts Kansas City on account of road vork.
Kiac of Trails, North Roads fine to
Vlaaourt Valley; rought north; weather
aloofly U Rirer Road Goo , ts Xoa
Homes. ' .
,. Whits role Road Good Casssy; do
tour for aU alios oast of Casey; weather
I. o. A, BhortUns Roads rood; weather
; gwudy. - . .
Iwaathor U?& 1 gltnwood. roaas j
"James Cosgrove was a victim of
the. times: of circumstances. Con
demn him if you will, but remember
ood is a just uod.
Ther were manv moist evei In
the gathering of Z5U persons at bt.
Cecilias cathedral yesterday, as.
Rev. James A. Aughncy pronounced
these words in his funeral sermon
for "Jimmy" Cosgrove.
Inherently Honest
Rev. Mr. Aughney, who was an
early acquaintance of Jimmys, de
livered a strong sermon. He pointed
out that "Jimmy" had received good
religious training, that he was to reed
down by influences of the time and
that inherently he was honest and
Short services were held at the
home of the' mother, Mrs. Margaret
Cosgrove, 4530 Izard street. So
large was the crowd that fully half
were unable to gain entrance into the
Relatives Follow Casket
"Jimmy's" widow, his mother and
little sister, Helen Clare, and his two
brothers and .their wives, Mr. and
Mrs. Max Cosgrove. and Mr. and
Mrs. Donnie Cosgrove, and a num
ber of other relatives, followed the
casket from the cathedral at the
close of the services.
Pallbearers were: Frank Kane,
Robert Glasgow, Ray Wilson. Wil
liam Fox, Wylie Compton and Jos
eph Fields. Burial' was in the Holy
bepulcher cemetery.
President Expected
To Retain Gov. Reily
Washington. Nov. 26. Governoi
E. Mont Reily of Porto Rico, who
arrived in Washington several days
ago to make a report to President
Harding on the present involved
political situation in Porto Rico, took
luncheon with the president at the
White House yesterday and made an
informal report
After the conference it was
learned that the president feels as
much confidence in Governor Reily
as when he appointed him to his
present post, and no doubt was ex
pressed that he would return to
Porto Rico, in spite of the opposi
tion of certain political factions to
Three More West Children
Taken to City Hospital
Three more children of the fam
ily of Mrs. Mary West, found suf
fering . diphtheria in one room up
stairs, at 1120 North Sixteenth
street,: have been removed to the
city emergency hospital, bringing the
total to five. The sixth West child
remains at home with its mother,
who is being, aided by. the county
and the Associated Charities.
Students to Sell
Pencils to Build
Animal Shelter
Junior Humane League of
Nebraska Humane Society
Sponsors Campaign Among
, School Children.
"A million pencils" is" the cacm
paign slogan of the boys and girls
who will participate in a salesman
ship contest, beginning December 1,
under th eauspiees of the Junior Hu
mane league of the Nebraska Hu
mane society. ,
The purpose of the campaign is
to raise funds for erecting and
equipping an animal shelter and
hospital on the property recently
purchased at Twenty-first and Izard
streets. The shelter will be a me
morial to the boys and girls of the
Must Join League.
All pupils in the sixth, seventh,
eighth and high school grades of
Omaha and Nebraska are eligible
to enter the contest and compete
for prizes. The ' only condition is
that contestants sign application
cards for membership in the Junior
Humane league,
in i frr and cards mav
be obtained by applying at the of
fice Of the Nebraska numane so
ciety or by telephoning Douglas
Many Prixea Offered.
Aw-irie onrl nri7 will be eiven
to contestants in the following man
ner: To the salesman who brings
in the first order. To each contest
ant who sells six boxes or 72 pen
cils. To the one who sells the great
est number of pencils during the
month of December. To the one who
sells the first 500. To the one who
,.n. 1.. (ire 1 nm Fsrh month
also at the close of the campaign
. 1 1 ) ' . " . . n r A
in April, aaaiuunai juitca am,
awards will be given.
An,nn li nriTfe tirlllff COflSld-
.lll.V.lf I'tv f ' .
ered are: A registered aircdale or
Boston bulldog, a nicycie, a Doy
Scout suit, a Camp Fire Girls' suit,
KwMtsr. wrist watch, moving pic
ture machine, athletic equipment
and cash prizes.
But One Month Left to
Reinstate Insurance
Tint one month is left in which
ex-service men may reinstate their
o-ovprntrifnt insurance if it has
lapsed. They cannot reinstate it
after December il,
A campaign is being started to
urge them to grasp this final op
portunity. Employers are being
asked to urge tneir ex-service em
ployes to attend to this. "Insurance
week" will start December 5.
Ninetyfour per cent of the cash
value of most of the government in
surance oolicies mav be borrowed
after the first year.
Men wishing to reinstate tneir in
surance may meet an insurance rep
rvemtativ if the United States Vet
erans' bureau at the Army building.
Fifteenth and iJodge streets, auring
"inenrnnr wrpk ." Innuiries ad
dressed to the United States Veter
ans' bureau, 701 Woodmen of the
World building, will receive attention.
Canada's Export Values .
Greater Than Imports
Ottawa. Nov. 26. The value of
Canada's exports during' the year
ending October 31, was greater than
, -- . , !..! 1 -1.
ncr imports, auu . uuui -
showed a decline compared with the
preceding 12 months, as shown in a
summary of trade given out by the
dominion bureau of statistics.
Total exoorts for the - period
amounted to $941,566,435. while im
ports were $859,626,267. The value
of the dominion's imports from the
United States exceeded, however, her
exports across the border, imports
being $606,057,273, and exports,
Man Sues for Divorce.
Charging extreme cruelty, Charles
E. Peterson filed suit in district court
yesterday for a divorce from Jumu
E. Peterson, to whom he was mar
ried December . 5, 1912, in Council
M ft
Iokfor y
Mild Weather
MuiHcr Buttoned Around Cap
Cold & Stormy Weather
Muffler Buttoned Around Neck
At all leading ttores. Should your dealer not carry
them, give him our address at we sell to stores only.
50-52-54 West 17th Street New York City
Buj Tim's Mufrfer Caps" at
" l"1 M M '
Rancher Kills Child
For Refusal to Eat
. Colorado Springs. Colo., Nov. 26.
Refusal of Loraine Howard Sager
II to eat his dinner last Sunday cost
him liis life, according to evidence
Introduced at a coroners inquest
here yesterday. Death was directly
due to violence at the hands of John
Book, a rancher living near Rush,
Colo., the jury found.
The baby left in the care of Mr.
and Mrs. Book by its mother, a
Nevada school teacher, was beaten
with a razor strop and caught, by
the throat and shaken, in an at
tempt to force hi mto eat. Book ad
mitted on the witness stand. Physi
cians who examined the body said
that the choking possibly caused
rupture of , a blood vessel in the
brain. ,
When the baby's father, an over
seas veteran, broken down in health,
entered a federal vocational training
institution in Milwaukee a year ago
Mrs. Sager left her child with the
fJooks, paying them $30 a month
rom her salary as a school teacher
for his care.
Dependable maids can be found
by using a Bee Want Ad.
Elevator Operator Jailed
For Taking Employer! Tools
Tom Fillmore, an elevator oper
ator for Taxton & Gallagher for
several years, was sentenced to jail
for 30 days by Police Judge Wap
pich yesterday on charge Qe
Stealing tools from the company
and sclhnar them. The uUge tie
dared 1'illmore was unvtaieiul for
the employment given him. "There
is no appeal from this sentence," the
judge announced, "and 1 will not
accept bond.
Bee Want Ads Produce -Results.
If money is a consideration or
Quality an object, it will pay
you well to examine our stock
of Diamonds and other items
suitable for Holiday Gifts.
Cold, Sooty, Days
' make the family, laundering a
difficult task unless you have .
it done the Wet Wash Way by ,
the laundry with a prestige.
e-a:ii!itiiiiiiiift'i(''t:i''f'tti(!tiuiM(i,irt''i')iniMiiirtiiii'it 'S'ii'a--(ri'it'ii''i'ii''i':i:i''isi'f;ii:'t! n:: S''S ORCHARD & WILIIELM CO.tiii!aatiii:aMitaiiaiwi-ataiiai:a.tauiit"i-a'ia 'aiarraia-,a-iaraiii'ra,i:iia!-antaMaMa-;a-iiiaiia4:aiia:a!4liaiiaitiri
Christmas Seal
Christmas Mail
War Certificates
For Those Whose Name
Commences With "D"
Come in and Get Yours.
r. urniture
is ever increasing in popularity as an expression of good feeling at Christ
mas Time. It is a thoughtful gift. This year it is the sensible gift; and this
is the Christmas Furniture Store filled with beautiful things very low
An Elegant Mohair Living Room Suite
at an Interestingly Moderate Price
In design, construction and finish throughout It Is second to
none, fitted with full complement of dependable springs, all hand
tied, resting on quality webbing bottom, supporting looso spring
cushion seats. A fine grade of mohair upholstery in taupe and
, fawn colorings has been used.
Davenport, S179.50Rocker ...... 897.00!Cb.air .....$96.00
Other Davenports In Telour and tapestry are as low as 389.00
Chairs and Rockers to match S48.00 and $49.00
Special Items of Quality Furniture Specially Priced
Overstuffed Tapestry Arm Chairs and
Rockers, at $48.00 and J
$15(3.00 Louis SV Wing Chair with high back,
upholstered in blue velour
165.00 Overstuffed Spring Am Davenport in
tapestry, at A
79.00 Eocker to match
"78.00 Chair to match.... -..v...............
85.00 Old Oak Rocking Chair ivitbcane back
and tapestry loose cushion, upholstery, .
zzu.uu jjavenport to matcn. . .
$5.W Fernery to match.
i a a a i
95.00 Solid Mahogany Italian Library Tabic,
i 49.00 54 inches, at
163.00 Queen Anne Berkcy & Gay China
05.00 Closet in mahogany
98.00 William & Mary China Closet, in
QS OA mahogany, at
J-n Xn 138 00 Old Ivory Chif f erobe
JJJ'JJJJ 156.00 Old Ivory Toilet Table , trith triple
49.00 mirrors, at
68.00 Old Ivory Dresser
48.00 45.00 Old Ivory Bed to match.............
129.50 65.00 Queen Anne Dressing Table in Amer-
19.50 ican tvalnut, at
Tlie Original Cowan
Martha Washington
Sewing Table
Of solid mahogany throughout with
special attention to all the details
that made this cabinet the model of
them all. A limited quantity only,
to sell at the modest price of
Make your Christmas selection now,
while our stock is complete. A beau
tiful line of practical gifts.
A complete line of Pyrex Casseroles in
the new iridescent finish '
$2.50, $3.00 and $3.50
Latest designs in Royal Rochester wares,
Percolators, Trays and Electrical Novel
ties :
New model "Universal" Elec-
trie Iron ............. .....$-6.75
Guaranteed Simplex Electric
Heater, at 11.50
Carving Sets, Percolators, Crumb Sweep
ers, etc., in up-to-the-minuts designs.
Gas Range
Cabinet Gas Ranges,, complete line,
lowest prices. See our values
in a Cabinet Range, at. ,
Toys! Toys!
. Here you'll find charming little works of im
agination, lovely toys for boys and girls whose
little brains are always active. ,
From Baby Land Madam Hendron's walking and talking Dolls
from $1.50 to $15.50.
Schoenut's All Wood Dolls from $2.35 to $8.75.
Baby Dolls, Bag Dolls, Celluloid Dolls, Rubber Dolls.
From the Land of Electric Trains Passenger Trains, Freight
'Trains, Track, Switches, Signals, Tunnels, Bridges, etc.
From Toy Land Drums, Horns, Chimes, Metallophones, -Wagons,
Velocipedes, Books and Games. ; M
From Every Land Crawling Bugs, Mechanical Autos, Mechanical
Birds, Butterflys, Turtles, etc. 1 ' . a
Santa Claus
Is , here , every day. Bring
the little folks in to see
Two Beautiful Shetland Ponies,
Tarbaby and Starlight, to be given
away to some lucky boy or girl
for Christmas.
Rugs! Rugs!
New arrivals in French Wilton and Whittall Rugs are reaching us nearly every day,
and we can offer sor.e beautiful colorings and patterns, after the mill shortage of many
months. Also the prices are lower and very attractive. We invite inspection.
27x54 size .... ... . . . $12.50
36x63 size ..... . . '.V. 19.50
4-6x7-6 size . 41.00
6x9 size , . . . . . 7. . . . . 74.00
8-3x10-6 , size ...... $109.00
9x12 size .......... 120.00
9x15 size 165.00
11-3x15 size . 206.00
Oriental Rugs
Our own imported lines which were selected by Mr. Kalbian personally in Con
stantinople have been selling at much lower prices than for many years. The assort
ments are large and very complete from the smallest door mat at $6.50 up to the larger
room sizes. Many assorted bales at one price) for choice. Visit this department and
secure a lastinggift, always fitting.
Mousouls and Irans, at $35.00 and S42.50
Beluchifitans from $27.50 to $75.00
Gift Shop
Buffet Set
Including two candlesticks and stand In hand
decorated metal, blue and old gold colorings -with
Blue Topaz Glass Bowl and 6 pieces of
fruit: 1 Apple, 1 Banana, 1 Peach, 1 Plum, 1
Orange, 1 Bunch of Red Grapes; formerly 18;
now, complete $10.00
Cape Cod Fire Lighters
In wrought iron and brass. A necessary fire
place accessory these filled with kerosene
render unnecessary any kindling for wood" fires.
In Brass (formerly $5.75). ..$4.25
In Wrought Iron (formerly $9.25)... 7.50
Metal Reading Lamps
With adjustable shade, a book rack, and an
ash tray, in bronze finish, complete. . .$24.50
We have an unusual display of exclusive
Christmas Cards, at... 15tt to 50
O ' o
OTerdrapery Fabrics Of absolutely guaranteed Sunfast materials, in all the desirable
colors and in iridescent effects; per yard $2.00 to $2.50
Table Banners In an unusual array of styles and 6izes, of Tapestry, Damask, Velour
and Moquette $2.75 to $20.00
Table Squares and Pillow Tops In tapestry and damask,
at..... .. . $1.65. $2.00. $2.85. $3.75 and $4.00
(nrtain Nets A good assortment, at, per yard $1.00
Curtain Yoilcs, at, per yard 45t
Curtain Swisses, at, per yard 354k
Cretonnes, at, per yard 50
Rate and Very Rich Colorings
0 0
Blankets of Exceptional Quality
Fine Cotton Blankets with wool nap finished with silk bindings. In plaids of desirable
colors, pink, blue, gray and buff $5.75
Fine Guaranteed All-Wool Blankets, wool both warp and filling, especially designed for
Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 70x84 inches. DesVable colors in plaids, pink, blue, gray
and buff $12.50
We carry the well and favorably known Wamsetta brand of Sheets and Pillow Cases
in all sizes, for single and full sized beds, and in the extra lengths, plain hemstitched.
Good Quality Sateen Covered Comforts, size 72x84 inches $8.00
Eilk Mull Comforts filled with lambs' wool, 72x84 inches $14.75
Automobile Robes for closed and open cars,
t $10.50. $15.00. $18.75. $28.75 and $35.00
Luggage Department
Offers an unusual assortment of Bags and
Suitcases, fitted and unfitted, suitable for
Overnight Bag
15- lnch Patent Leather Bag, fitted $12.50
The same bag in 17-inch size 13.50
Seal Grain Cowhide Bag, fitted, 15
Inches 21.00
Ladies' Bags
16- inch Seal Grained Cowhide Bag,
leather lined $17.50
18-inch Seal Grained Cowhide Bag,
silk lined 15.00
20-inch Ladies' Suitcases, hand
lined and fitted $36.00
22-inch Ladies' Cases, fitted in in
laid ivory 52.50
Large line of Bags for Men and
.Women $10.00 to $45.00
Style 207
Adam Brown or Red Mahogany and Fumed or Golden Oak
Height, 45 inches, width 19 inches, depth 21 inches. Equipped with twelve
inch turntable, automatic stop, tone modifier and shelf filing system, de
signed to accommodate albums.
Join Our Christmas Club
$1.00 per week until Decembei25, will put any BRUNSWICK in your home
for Christmas. After that we arrange easy, convenient terms for payment
Act Now! Christmas Is Almost Here!
lsi.:ri-i rirrii 11 ti 1 itt 1 it in in 1 1 1 1 irrn rsi utnitifi m PHONE A.T LANTIC 3000 n 11 1 1 1 1 1 itnriri rt niiiMiininiiitiiii rrxi