Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 17

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7 B
Benson. Correspondent
Bsnaan'a Wfimna rtk
A cantata, entitled, Chritma,"
J by Franx Abt, will bi rendered
Thuriday afternoon. December 8, jt
th home of Mm. V. H. Loechner
ii by tht member! of the double quartet
I of the club's music department. Mr$.
T Richard Skankey, leader of the de
partment it accompanist and E. II.
Uhler, chorister of the English Lu
theran chit-ch, director. Tea will be
erved and' each member ia allowed
a gueit -whifc is Interested in taking
out a membenhip In the club,
Parent-Teacher Assoc! tlon.
Tuesday evening, December 8,
Benson High school, is the date and
place of the next meeting of the
. Parent-Teacher association.' The slo
gan for the next meeting is "Bring a
new member fur the association and
old magazines to be used by Miss
Jessen in her acrapbook collection."
After the business session music and
addresses will be enjoyed.
Mra. Melcher'i Pupila Recital
Pupils of Mrs. O. Arthur Mclcher
will be presented in song recital
Wednesday evening, November 30,
at the Benson English Lutheran
church, Sixty-second and ' 'Miami
streets. Miss Helen Roby will sing
"Song of a Heart," by Tennyson, and
"Silent LaRoon," by Hamblen; Miss
Brook Carll will render, "Rainbows,"
and "My Little Love," by Hawley.
Miss Louise Cuylcr, pupil of Miss
Emily Cleve, will give two violin
numbers, "Meditation," from "Thais."
by Massanet; "Canvonetta, ny A.
T A 1 : . 'TU r-i-. ,
X "April Rain," 'by Guy D. Hardelot
t. and Woodman will be sung by Miss
Myrtle Snell. F.-B Oliver will sing
I i Gathered a Rose" and . "Who
IA. - II U.. TVAU.. T n ow1 T7rticf
R. Ball: "My Laddie" and "Lullaby"
will be rendered by Marjorie Nye.
Miss Olga Sorenscn, piano pupil, of
Miss Margarete Liljenstolpe, will
play Liszt's arrangement of a selec
tion from Verdis' Rigolctto.' Miss
Ruth Sclheimer will , sing, "Sorter
Miss You" and, "Big Brown Bear"
by Clay and Nana Jucca. The' con
cluding numbers'-of .the program are:
"The Sentinel Am I" and "Three For
Jack' by Watson and Squire, 'and
will be sung by Mr. O. Atthur Mel
cher, Miss Olga ' SofenseTv'accom
panist. : y , '. :'' '' . r', ,
. Thanksgiving1 Dinner Party 1
Mr. and Mrs., W."Fitch and Mrs.
Rose Coleman entortained at a
Thanksgiving dinner party when
covers were placed foe the following
guests: Mr. and Mrs. Q. C. Roberts
and son Lawrence, Mr.. and Mrs. L.
White and daughter Dixie, and Miss
Carol Killian of Arlington, Neb.; Mr.'
and Mrs. A. Rasmussen of Washing
ton, Neb., and Mrs. Dora Fitch and
Myrtle Killian of Omaha.
Baptist Busy Bee Class.
Members of the Baptist Busy Bee
class were entertained Saturday at
the home of Mrs. O. N. Younger. The
afternoon was spent in sewing for the
Christmas bazar. Refreshments were
served to 10 girls and. their teacher,
Miss C. Johnson.
Evangelist Services.
Rev. E. C. Barton will begin a
series of evangelistic services at the
Baptist church, tSutiday.r-. November
27, : Rev. Mr. Bajton ha been re
cently called to take up the work of
SSthis-congregation. , ( 4
Methodist Basket ' Ball Team. I
' , The Benson Methodist basket' ball
team will entertain at two moving
picture shows Monday evening, No
. vember 28, at 7 and 9 o'clock in the
Sunday school auditorium of the
church. The two shows present
Harold Lloyd in "Haunted Spooks"
and Blanche Sweet in "That Girl,
Montana." Proceeds will be used to
finance the team'. ,
. Surprise for Mrs. Reishaw.
Members of the Double Five club
entertained at a surprise Monday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
D. C. Sturtz in honor of Mrs.
Walter Reishaw. After an evening
of1 music and social amusements a
dainty luncheon was served by Mrs.
Sturtz. .
B'rth Announcement " ,
' A daughter was born Friday, No
vember 18, at Stewart Maternity hos
pital to Dr. and Mrs. J. M. F. Heu
man. Dr. Frank Smith Lectures,
- Dr. Frank Smith) of the First Cen
tral Congregational church gave a
very interesting lecture Monday eve
ning, November 21, at the Benson
Methodist church. His subject was
"The New Day." This is the first
of a series of educational entertain
ments tole given at this church dur
ing the winter months. The Ladies'
Aid society of the church is sponsor
ing the movement. .
Christian Evangelistic Services.
The Benson Christian church be
gan a series of evangelistic services
Sunday, November 20, Mr. Forey of
the North Side church, has charge of
the music. Shadduck's orchestra
will play each evening. Services
will, continue each evening during
the coming week. , ... - . .
'. Foreign Mission Luncheon.
' The members of the Methodist
Foreign Mission society will enter
tain at a 10 o'clock luncheon Wednes
day, November 30, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Whistler, 2712
North Sixty-fourth street Mrs.
Whistler will be assisted by her
mother, Mrs. C. H. Stephens, and
Mrs. W. E. Moore of Keystone park.
Mrs. Walter Reishaw will be leader
for'the afternoon study program.
C Family Dinner Party.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Raber enter
tained at a family dinner Thursday,
November 24. Covers were spread
for Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Nelson, Jack
and Sallie O'Rourke, Mr. and Mrs.
William Zimmerman and son Lewis
and Mr. and Mrs. Raber.
Dinner Guest
Mr. R. J. Schlieser of New York
the home ot Air. and Mrs. R. J.
Thanksgiving Dinner Guest.
Mr. and Mrs. O. McGuire and
i son O'Lnm, jr, Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald. H. Funk were among the guests
entertained at a Thanksgiving din
ner at the farm home near Blair,
Neb, of Mr. and Mrs. William Har
rison. A Thank Yoa Basket
Merrbers of the, Methodist Sun
day school board and of the teachers
presented a beautiful basket of flow-
Call Walnut 5370-
ert and fruit to Mr. Gorton Rath
Thanksgiving morning a an appre
ciation of the service he is rendering
as superintendent of the Sunday
school. Mr. Rath has acted in this
capacity for a number of years.
Thanksgiving Sacred Service.
Thanksgiving sacred services were
held Wednesday evening in the
Methodist church. Rev. E. C. Bar
ton, pastor of the Baptist church, de
livered the address. A service was
alio held Thursday morning at the
Englinh Lutheran church, Rev. Dorn
of Kountze Memorial delivered the
lermon. '
Thanksgiving Party.
The primary teachers of the Eng
lish Lutheran Sunday school enter
tained at a children's party at the
church Thursday afternoon from 2
to 5. About 50 children were in at
tendance. Out of Town Dinner Guests.
Mrs. James Hamilton Love of
Brooklyn and George Stafford of
Courtland, N. Y., and Mrs. Burdette
Johnson of Omaha were dinner
guests Thursday at the home ot Mr.
and Mrs. D. C Stafford.
Apron Brnr.
Ladies of the Presbyterian church
will hold an apron bazar at the
church Friday, December 2. Hand
made aprons of all sizes, styles and
colors will be for sale. Among them
are some very pretty fancy aprons,
suitable for Christmas remembrances,
also doll aprons. Sale begins at 9:30
a. in. Luncheon will be served from
11:30 to 2 o'clock.
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Lochner spent
Thanksgiving in Ashland, Neb,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Young and daugh
ter Jean spent the week-end in Mal
vern, Ia.
James Barry of Blair, Neb., was a
week-end guest at the home of his
aunt, Mrs. James Maney.
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Rosandeand
John Meleen left Monday for Cali
fornia, where they will spend the win
ter, i
Hcrshel Babcock, student in the
state university, spent Thanksgiving
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bi ts.. Babcoclc, . .
Miss lone and Glee Gardner of the
state university spent Thanksgiving
at the home o'f their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. D. Gardner.
Miss Roma Roth, who is attending
school at Wesleyan university, 'spent
Thanksgiving at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gorton Koth.
" Mrs. James McTntqsh and daughter
Mabel have returned to their home
in Schuyler, Neb., after having visit
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Butler.
Mrs. William Carter, niece of Mrs.
F. B. Oliver, who has been in
Swedish Immanuel hospital the last
four weeks, left Thursday with her
husband for her home in Oakland,
Girls Community
Service League
Monday Cluga club supper, 6:30;
gymnasium, 7:30; Mrs. Charles Mus
sclman, leader; volley ball, 8:30.
Tuesday Wamm club supper,
6:30; , home-making class, 'Mrs. G.
P.. Kantor, leader; open house, 8:13
p m.
Wednesday Layette club sup
per, 6:30; dramatic art class, 7 p. m.,
Miss ' Marguerite ; Beckman, leader;
basket ball, 8 p. m. ' '.-.
Thursday French class, 7, Miss
Bosell. leader; Business English, 8,
Miss Marie Mathews, leader.
Friday D. T. A. club supper, 6:30;
chorus club, 7, Mrs. Noel S. Wallace,
leader; gymnasium, 8, Miss Kather
ine Carrick, leader.
Saturday Designing class, 1 :30,
Mrs. M. " L. Rowe, leader; dance,
8:30 p. m.
Sunday Open house, 3:30 p. m.
All meetings are held in the club
rooms, 210 Gardner building, 1712
Dodge street. Mrs. Mary Lydia
Rowe, hostess.
Y. W. C. A.
Sunday The Gipsy Smith Bible
circle will meet at 4 o'clock at the
central association building. The
book of Mark will be studied, and
those who attend are asked to bring
Bibles and the Gipsy Smith song
book. Following the Bible study a
light lunch will be served at nomi
nal cost. '
Monday High School Girls Bible
circle, under leadership of Miss Eliza
beth Howard, meets in girls' club
room at 3:30, for "Studies in Know
ing Jesus Christ."
Federation of clubs meets for sup
per at 5:45 followed by club meetings,
class work and games in gymnasium.
Tuesday Central Freshman club
meets at 3:30 in girls' club room to
sew on gifts to be given to poor fam
ilies at Christmas time.
Thursday Central Student club
will have a "Treasure Hunt," leaving
west entrance of the high school at
3:30 and following the leader until
the "treasure" is found.
Friday Alumnae club meets for
suppef, followed by business meeting
and basket ball games.
Saturday Open house for younger
girls at 3 o'clock in the girls' club
room. Story hour followed by games
in the gymnasium.
Longer Skirts.
Winter modes stress slender lines
and longer skirts, says the Decem
ber "Designer." Fashion has gen
erously taken care of the large fig
ure, for one's proportions are slen
derized by the long, graceful panels,
soft side draperies and longer hem
line that dominate the season's ten
dencies. "
. Indian Apple Pudding.
Heat a quart of milk in a double
boiler with a teaspoon of salt and
sprinkle into it half a cup of com
meaL Cook for half an hour, stir
ring frequently. Add half a cup of
chopped suet half a cup of molasses,
two cups of pared and quarter ap
ples, half a teaspoon of ginger, a tea
spoon of grated nutmeg and a pinch
of cinnamon. Turn into a deep but
tered baking dish, bake slowly for
three hours and serve with cream or
hard sauce.
Cook all custards over hot water.
Never let the water b "
XI i m t w t r
Irresistible the Display of Watches
in Christmas Gift Showing.
SUCH beautiful new watches are
in the Christmas eift showing at
the John Henrickson Jewel Shop,
Sixteenth and Capitol. Uniquely
shaped are the new cases which hold
such standard watch makes as the
Hamilton, Elgin, Waltham, Illinois
and Howard. There's a pretty little
burnished nickel case with gold edges
and chain ring elaborately engraved.
This case holds both a $12.50 and
$16.50 Elgin. There are perfectly
plain thin cases in square, octagon
and oval shapings which might be
purchased for the transferring of per
fectly good movements. Rather a
pleasing gift suggestion, is it not?
"Ten Thousand Christmas Pictures
Framed Ready For Delivery,"
TO quote Mr. Hospe of the A.
Hntnn Art and Music Store.
1513 Douglas. Gift pictures to fill
every need. Lovely new book ends
of original designing, too, will prove
of unusual interest to the holiday
shopper these from $2.50 up.
Sleeveless dresses will undoubted
ly prove a popular fall and winter
Capes and Wrappy Coats for .
Holiday Occasions,
LAMOND'S Specialty Shop, 17th
anrl TTarnam ar chnuincr an
advance shipment of wraps for hol
iday wear; black wool chinchilla
satin is the wrap-coat with widely
flared sleeves decorated in oriental
traceries of gold threads and Mo
hawk silk, the rich Mohawk tint
carried out in the heavy crepe lining;
deep-furred peltries of' Siberian
squirrel,- dyed a dark shade of in
triguing charm, fashion the envelop
ing collar; pan ve-laine is the fabric
chosen for one of the new capes,
with collar of black fox, the lining
of gray crepe, unique in its wide
hem trim of black wooden beads,
each one hand-tied in heavy black
threads. Wraps for every holiday
need, moderate in pricing.
The consensus of opinion is to the
effect that skirts will be let down
only a few inches.
Silken Flowers to Add Colorful Note
to the Furry Costume of Winter.
rjIHE Mode Pleating Company,
fourth floor, Paxton block, Six
teenth and Farnam, offers lovely
silken blossoms in dainty nosegays
to add the desired bit of color to
Milady's winter costume. . Don t
forget that you may order dainty
"hankies" in any number here.
Blouses, Hose and Negligees in Holi
day Boxings of Gay Colorings
WITH the most pleasingly youth
ful tnnrhc imapinahle are the
delicately hand-stitched flesh, bisque
and white Peter Pan blouses of
fered at Herzberg's. .Blouse Shop,
main floor, 1519 Douglas, for $2.95
and $3.95. Sure of an appreciative
reception on Christmas morning are
the sheerly beautiful hose in plain
and novelty weaving, from $2.95 up..
For dress wear lace insets add
further loveliness; the silk and wool
in suit shades are in both plain and
heather mixtures, many of them"
clocked in embroidered designs. But
it is the showing of negligees that,
fascinates persons feminine M
their colorings are so vivid, their tex
tures so luringly silken! Corduroys
have been chosen for lounging and
breakfast coats ranging in price
from $3.95 to $9.85. Frivolously
fashioned or" following the classic
Grecian lines are the negligees of
crepe de chine, satin and taffeta in
a price range of $7.95 to $35. De
lightfully holiday in appearance is
the first floor of the Herzberg Shop
reminding one to "Shop Early
For Christmas.
Fall millinery will feature felt and
velvet combinations and felt and
satin. "
Hillcrest Dinners Suited to Holiday
HILLCREST, the popular home
cafe of Alfred Jones, 2811
Caldwell, phone Webster 0752, is
filling every need of the "holiday ap
petite for luscious delicacies in tur
key dinners with "fixings," salads
and deserts the particular object,
rich dressings to accompany the
royal bird and pastries of excep
tional deliciousness. Chicken, steak
and fish dinners to order if one pre
fers. A holiday hospitality that
quite delights the heart
Franco-American Gift Boxea For
Every Member of the Family.
THE Franco-American Shop, 1025
W. O. W. building, Fourteenth
and Farnam, will send upon request
an illustrated booklet of the gift
boxes for each member of the family.
Delightful, indeed, are the dainty
gifts in gilded containers, new this
For Her
Vanity Cases
Manicure Sets
Beaded, Leatfuy. Bro
cade or Velvet Bags
Traveling Bags fitted in
gold or silver
Cigaret Holders
hoi's d) (Jloppii yifli !R)ly
In summer In my garden fair,
Bright butterflies are everywhere,
And underneath their shining wings
Are hid the dreams of splendid things.
Illustrated Folder Helps in Jewel
Gift Selections.
THE C B. Brown Jewel Shop, 220
South Sixteenth Street, has ar
ranged a most artistic illustrated
folder of gifts with prices and de
scriptions of each which is, indeed,
a remarkable help in gift planning.
Write for a folder. A true help for
the early shopper.
Some of the new liandles for um
brellas contain complete vanity cases.
Just lift the "lid" and behold pow
der puff and mirrors. Others boast
cigaret holders as an attachment,
while some carry electric lights.
Inexpensive Jewels Fill Gift Need.
THE semi-precious jewel depart
ment on the main floor at Bur-gess-Nash
is offering attractive
"buys" in inexpensive gift offerings:
Indestructible 'French pearl neck
laces 16-inch length, $2.95 (was priced
at $10.)
18-inch length, $3.50.
V 21-inch length, $4.95.
27-inch length, $5.95.
These pearls can be washed and
retain their luster, a lovely gift of
fering. Every girl would love a
''Dorine Box" one of the adorable
little mirrored vanities in depend
able silver plate or green gold, en
'gine turned with design in engrav
ing,, varied in shaping they're priced
at from $1 to $7.50. And wholly
irresistible the showing . of combs
and pins for the hair, an absolute
necessity for the fair fashiori fol
lower, these in sapphire, topaz and
white stone settings. . .
Collar bags of black leather lined
in bright silks come in two sizes at.
$l and $2.
"Old Hats Made New."
A T the Kruger Hat Shop, third
floor, Barker block, Fifteenth
and Farnam. Also furs and mara
bou remodeled and that old and un
attractive feather fashioned into a
chic new trim for the remade
Oozed Cowhide in Suede Finish, Cinnamon Brown Shaded, Makes Ex
quisite New "Swagger Bag" ' : : : 4
JUST arrived at Freling & Steinle's, Eighteenth' ' and "Farnam, are
clever new handbags in tooled cowhide, suede finished in a cinnamon
brown. Unique in every detail, perhaps the most interesting feature is
the large mirror on the outside of the bag whOi is covered by a flat
snapped piece of the leather. Finely lined in heavy corded silk, they're ex
quisite gift offerings, ranging in price from $3.75 to $7.50. t Lovely values
indeed. ' '
Bead bags still retain their popu
larity, but in many cases their cost
is prohibitive for the woman of av
erage income. However, it is pos
sible for the woman who crochets
to make a most attractive bead bag
for herself, at a saving of at least
half, and often more of the cost of
the ready-made article.
All that is needed for bags is the
silk of any preferred shade, crochet
book and beads.
There are imported beads of won
derful colors that come in bunches.
Or, one can also purchase the
American beads in tiny bottles.
Many women have not liked to
work with the beads in crocheting
because of the need of stringing the
CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS approach merry throngs of joyous shopberl fill the shops.' Are your plans
complete? Gifts, to be sure- the first consideration second, becoming holiday apparel, in keeping with
the spirit of the season. May we urge ydu to "Shop' Early for Christmas!'.' ,. , ;.
. x .' ' . , , ' .-'
Just What We've Been Waiting For . 1 -ys V ; i ' ... . V r 1 : i
Something Original in the Way V , .' ' yi'. -
of Greeting Cards.
I 'lie v-ocKic riming v.ompinjr,
1812 St. Marys avenue, has some
thing absolutely original to offer in
the way of personal greeting cards
j'our cherished bit of verse printed
on one of the attractively decorated
cards which they're displaying in
their shop at such reasonable prices.
Could anything be more charmingly
personal in the way of a greeting
card? Send for sample cards and
prices. Buy your greeting cards
early this year. , ' .
Spring suits are to flare. The
flare will be concentrated at the
sides principally. Opinions are di
vided as to the use of belts. Caracul
is taking the place of Hudson seal
in popularity. It is very hardy. Few
metal belts' are shown on fur 'coats
because of the effect on the fur. J.
Holiday Goodies Are All MadMore
Delectable When Combined With
Rich Whipped Cream.
TROUBLE "X" Whipping Cream,
Alamito Dairy product, that's
the secret of those delicious hoiliday .
goodies! If you're not one of the
patrons of the Alamito Dairy, Phone
Douglas 0409 and be sure of success
ful dainties during the Christmas
holiday season. It's cream that whips
with a minimum ot etlort gratifying,
indeed. Order now for Christm
, uiatn as giving, "V iu iJi f atv
note there are many lovely cafe an
lait shades, creamy tans and old
ivory tints, tones which are of the
more conventional gray are being
used. .
-'"'"" "o"
Quarter Box Lunches Delivered, to
Any Part of the City. T
. pHONE Douglas 6390 for a Mil-
L jer Box Lunch, they'll deliver. "this
25-cent box lunch to any part of the
' city: thff e sandwiches, pie, ; cake,
pickles and fruit Worth trying! isnjt
it? Won't mother be delighted
no more putting up of lunches dur
ing the busy holiday time. '.'
" '
Coats and capes for the child from
two to six are to be seen in Scotch
plaids with caps to match. - ..
Bags for Gift
beads upon the crochet silk before
commencing to work. " One advan
tage of using the imported beads is
that they may be used upon the
string on which they are purchased.
The bead -skein (upon 'which the
beads, - are strung) is tied with a
i single twist. around a piece of ordi
nary, spool silk" about half-a yard
) long. The other end of the piece of
' spool silk is then tied, also with a
single twist around the crochet siik.
t The beads will slip easily over these
'single knots, and may be moved
along at the will of the worker.
The bag of one color is crocheted
in brown silk, with bronze beads.
For the lower portion of the bag.
every other stitch contains a bead.
In winter when the sun is iead
And'youXhYbrlghUhour'tslqUtckly fled, ,
Within the,snow my butterflies
Drift wraith-like from the leaden skies.
BUTTERFLIES, by Nancy Buckley.
'v ,
,'....' 1
Santa CUus Himself, in Lifelike Form, Beams Assurance of a Brimming
Gift Pack in Toyshop" Window.' ' " .' '
OLD Santa himself beams in the background of the show window of
toys in Orchard & WJhelm's. A toy village delights the childish eye,
which grows biggtrUid bigger when viewing each delightful detail
of the toy display a railway; 'train that runs on a real track, houses that
not only show the outside, but the inside. And joy, it's circus day in
"Lionel City" and 'there's a most realistic ringmaster, who presides over
animals and clowns in bright, new,' painted garb. A great '"Noah's Ark"
that really floats, too wouldn't that be fun to take to the lakes? A spick
and span new toy showing, the first we've seen for many seasons. Do
your Christmas toy-shopping early. '4 :,s
Toy Grafonola Records Newest "Note" in Musical Gift Offering!.
1 I I ... c , ; i u ; i: f
as. pi a musical piace just now, tor meres a growing nicmuusnv ui uj
i -1- r.liristmaa Grafonola club members. Have you joined? Kiddies will
with sriniiu nf ffJee the non
...... w . . 0-
anrl dancing cirls m colors,
r " . . .,
on the grown-up gratonoias tnese at cue eacn. nuuuic dwm m
of nine are $1 each, a fascinating set, including' Mother Goose Stories,
Fairy Tales and songs for little people. Special Christmas records, carols
and sacred songs sung by artists of the music world are enclosed in Christ
mas gift envelopes.' Make your grafonola gift selection early 1 .
Corsets Designed For the Individual
Oriental Gift Shop Ready For . the
Early Shoppers. .
NORE varied thanever before is
the Ninnnn Imnortinor Com-
pany's gift stock in their lovely
oriental shop, 218 South Eighteenth
street. Gift, surprises await the
eye on every side tiny embroidered
bits of crepe for the wee one gor
geously decorated robes for the
grown-ups, bit's of china, basketry,
everything for ' the gift buyer and
giver, ' Shop early!
. ;
It Js predicted that the very bar
back "which besides being uncom
fortable i. the cause of many cold3,
will disappear and the general decol
lete effect will be greatly modified.
The bare arms will be retained.
"Tux" Shirts Make a Gift Worth
THE J- T. McQuillen Shop for,
.Men, 1512 Farnam, is showing'
smart' new "Tux" shirts, ideal; for
Christmas gift offerings. Exquisite
quality silks, finely tailored in tiny .
pleats; they're priced at .$5. In a
large ; selection of styles are dress
shirts for every preference at from
$2.50 up. Make your Christma3
shirt selections early this year.
c- WWW
Color in dresses has returned very
decidedly, to the complete exclusion
of all black.
For the middle portion, under the
overhanging double fringe, a differ
ence' is made in the stitch by
crocheting two stitches between ev
ery bead.
The bag is silk lined, and a silk
cord and tassle made of an, entire
bunch of beads add the finishing
touches. '
In the bag of contrasting. colors,
plain dark blue is used for the back
ground. s-The beads are not worked
in with- the silk, but loops are left,
hanging at regular intervals, starting
long at the bottom and very gradual
ly shortening toward thetop.
Silk thread for the bag"cos:s" $I.fO
a spool, while the beads are 50 cents
a bunch.
1 l J
- breakable tov records, lions, tigers
which hold tiny records to be played
. , . r..i.i.i. t i
Figure From Measurements.
Jones, Apt. 202, Phone Douglas
9130, is a demonstrator of . the
Spencer individually designed corset,
which will be designed andmade up
for you to emphasize the good lines
of your figure, to correct defects
both in appearance and anatomical
displacements, wjth an assurance of
comfort in breathing and grace in
"Knickers" in brown satin have an
all-over circling of tiny ruffles which
come to just below the knees rea
sonable you'll agree, $12.50.
Send Your Christmas Greetings by
'. Fragrant Flower Gifts. ; . :
rTHHOSE who are making up their
Christmas lists would do well to
give a thought, to the unusual ex
quisiteness of the flower gift. The
quality of the flower gift is unques
tioned when it is selected at the
John Bath Flower Shop, Eighteenth
and Farnam.
Fine hemstitching and drawn
work and hand-run - tucks on the
sheerest of white muslin underwear
as a change from the masses of pink
crepe. ' -
The Latest Christmas Fad.
DO you know that the latest fad
this year is a Christmas greet
ing card with your photograph on
it? It is work very inexpensive, ex
quisitely done Call and see them
at the Nelson Studio, second floor,
Paxton building, Sixteenth and Far
nam. Mr. Nelson requests that you
come at your earliest convenience.
Gauntlet, gloves . are being worn
with sleeveless dree. the space
between the shouldered top of the
gauntlet ornamented with bracelets.
t m t w t r
Follow the Lure of Silken Gift
A KD you'll find your shopping
path leads you" straight into the
delightful new Silk Shop, 1517 Doug
las. There you'll -find: Crepe de
chine in extra heavy quality, madras
striping.i, for the making of men's
shirts, at $1.95; jerseys in pin stripes
at the same price; Corean silk for 1
gowns and the various bits of silken
garments for giftics, the silk that
has a rough thread thrown upon the
surface now and then; and for the
evening gown to be worn at the most
formal holiday functions chiffon
velvets in Dame Fashion's ravishing
new shades. "When you think of
silks, hosiery and undies think of
the Silk Shop."
w w w
If you're in search of a new sweet,
you'll be delighted with the "Colos
sal" stuffed prunes, two inches in
length, filled with pecani 90c a
pound, .
Decorative Stitches Taken "While
You Wait"
A LMOST every Chrlitmai gift
needs just the finishing touch
that they add so deftly at the Ideal
Button & Pleating Company, third
floor, Brown block, Sixteenth and
Douglas. A bit of hemstitching,
pleating or beading and such pleas
ingly prompt service, too you'll find
it truly delightful 1 But don't wait
too long do your decorating bit of
stitchery early 1
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and
Sunday are delicately stitched on the
colored handkerchiefs in holiday
boxing at $1.25. A pleasant way to
learn the days of the week if one is
a wee person.
"Heel and Toe and Away We Go,"
Sang Grandmother in Her Gay
Dance Measurea. , , .
"DUT she never dreamed of wear
ing such a sensible bit of foot
wear as the new patent dancing ox
ford, soft and round of toe, smartly
flat of heel, which they're offering at
the Herzberg Shoe Shop, second
floor, 1519 Douglas, for but $7.95.
Quite a decided contrast are the
ultra-smart new arrivals in gold and
silver cloth of brocaded tinsel back
ings and heels!
Get Your Clothes Ready Now For
; the Holidays.
TJRESHER BROS., Twenty-sec--
ond and Farnam, are prepared
to get every piece of apparel in your
wardrobe ready now for the holiday
festivities. Remember that lovely
gown of sheer fineness requires tho
services of expert cleaners, artists in
their work, and it is work that should
not be rushed. Give them an op
portunity to do their art justice.
Send the holiday wardrobe to the
cleaners now Phone Atlantic 0345
for prompt delivery service.
New Showcase Filled With Hand
Made Wearables for : Christmas
Gif tings.
1 1 Corset Shop, fifth floor, Kar
bach block, Fifteenth and Douglas,
has added a showcase filled with
hand made "pretties" for gifts. One
of the silken Nu-Bone corset models
in . delicate brocaded design would
make a wonderful Christmas gift. Is
it not so?
Facts and Fads
For the Shopper
High' collars are heralded as a fall
innovation for milady.
. '
Peacock fancies of all kinds are
being featured for hat trimming.
Fall suits boast bell-shaped sleeves
in the less tailored models.
The English riding hat shape de
veloped in hatters plush or panne is
new. Kolinsky slaws interlaced in a
high cocarde at the front contribute
a smart trim.
Ruched collars are in again. You
remember when we used to wear
collars or "boas" formed of pleated
silk ruches? Well, one really sees
collars similar to those old ones on
some of the new capes and coats
for early winter wear.
A new girdle treatment is the
stomacher. A silver and pearl beaded
one is fashioned on a wire frame
work of oval shape which fits across
the stomach, finished at the sides by
strings of the material of which the
dress is fashioned.
For Him
joft Collar Pin
Combination Cigar and
. Match Boxes
Desk Sets
Wrist Watches
-Ttl and Trademark ftff'itrw4 V. ft
Talent 01fie 4r.