!- 18 THE BEfc: OMAHA, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1931. Onialuui lo Visit Molhcr IiiDenmark Mrs. Anna BonJc to Male . First Trip Home in!, i . 31 Years. "Thirty-one year go, Mrs. Anna Hondo left litr home in Hadeslabcn, Slilrswiff-I loUlr hi, to make lirr for nwe in America, . 'It come lack some lime, mother," lie prumiord, Ui.sing her Sri itiotlier ifootl-bje. . 1 lie Mile timtlier, now 8, wsitqd all through t lie year, but tltis C'liriktina tht luntc wait will be over, Mr. and Mr. Monde, who live, t 5114 Military avenue, appuea ior passports yeslcrday to return to the "old country," lhey expected Jo fan jjeceuuier o, uut ineir departure may be postponed by new Danish re quirement that man and wife have separate passport. , Schleswiff-Molstein was German when Mm. Hoiwlc l f f the counlsV but since the war has been annexed to Denmark. ' Dependable maids can be found by using a lice Want Ad. 1 Overcoats -1 3 I Save 50 Saturday In This Special Sale of Suits For Jen and Young Men We offer in one tremendous group, t h o u s ands and thousands of fine ove're oats and suits at a saving that average one-' half. Come in and see them tomor row. . $35 and $40 Suits and O'coats W3 The vercoafts Big, burly, winter-weight garments made of fine all-wool materials in ulstef, ulsterette, rag Ian, Chesterfields and conservative models. All new style features, including inverted pleat backs, full and semi-belts, plaid backs, leather' backs and top pockets. The Suits - Come in new styles so very popular this sea eon. Made of handsome all-wool materials most of them . pure worsteds in the wanted solid shades and newest stripe and check pat terns. All are superbly hand-tailored and many are quarter lined. Sizes for slims, stouts and Stubs. ""' " ..' ' "' '" -. '-- ' - . ' : " . ; Men's and Young Men's $20 Suits and Overcoats Overcoats made of heavy Meltons and fine iridescent materials. Come in plain , and belted models, some, are quarter lined. Suits made of heavy worsted ma terials in neat striped patterns and in salt and p e pper mixtures. Perfect fitting. Men's and Young Men's $25 Suits and Overcoats .' Overcoats made of heavy Scotches, Meltons and Cheviots and are full lined with Serge or Venetians. Full length plain or belted models.' .' r "-- Suits made of all-wool cas ' simeres in neat patterns and of all-wool blue serge. sStyIes for men . and young men. Splendidly tailored. All sizes. n (5)00 (5) 2,000 Pairs Men V $4.50 Pants (fl K Fast tolor fclue f serges in winter C I weieht. 1 Heavy cheviots in solid colors. , neat Splendid tsui meres in wanted suit patterns. Strong, s I r i pd worsteds in dark colors. cortlu- dark es. Also some id lighter colors. Genuine"Gold Medal" P.nls. AH sizes, 28 to 44 waist. o7 COR J4 ' t DOUGLAS J CLOTHIN6 COMPACT COR J4a & DOUGLAS sty Free Trade in Protection ' ' ' .-, v Protection- against the cold now with us and to tome. ' Wear fables that bear the stamp of style and that have been reccntlj V' purchased at a big price concession are offered Saturday. Many' pre-hbliday cleanups that save in price ; : . , v ". V ; ; , . Ah After-Thanksgiving Sale qfy , . i, . New Fur-Trimmed Coats " Niiw models 'added to those which arrived only a few-days ago and at . "savings-decided and genuine. You will find them somewhat, different . . ' ' from. those previously shown a variation in the Mousing; in the sleeves; a fitted model, in the Kedingote style. Embroidered side-panel effects,' Mandarin sleeves with inner sleeve storm-proofing; wrappy--coats, straight line belted models and those with the new Bishop sleeves'. The fabrics . . simply beggar description in quality, warmth and beauty, and are graced ) .with' great fur collars (and some with fur cuffs) of beaver, wolf, squirrel; . Australian oposstfm, nutria, 'caracul and ringtail opossum. " ' For Saturday in Three Special Value ; Groupings . $59.50 $79.50 $98.50 Other New Coats, AVomen's and Misses' A Big Apron Purchase and Sale A total of 600 Aprons,' about 200 -of which were MADE IN OMAHA.; There : are coverall aprons, Blip-o vers, 'bunga lows (side and front openings) and novelty aprons in percale and-gingham. Checks in red, blue, maize, pink and lavender. Also stripes, plaids and in'di- goes with red and white rick rack and v other trimmings. A few In sizes U 152. On the Square $1 00 Saturday - -1- - X Jersey Silk , Bloomers Of good wearing quality doth, sport lengths, correct , and generously cnt. Finished with double row of elastic, attractive- If . cuffed. Street shades, in eluding navy,- emerald, henna, sf - black, copen , and flesh., very special Saturday, . , Silk and Muslin tJnderwear Section . ,, " Second Floor. ' 1 69 Christmas ; Seals r for Your Christmas :Mail Booth in Our Store ftiK.OO to $115.00 Section Second Floor. School , Girls and Children Are-Buying iTheir Winter . ". . Outfits t at Kilpairicks ' This is a time (when a dollar must do its. full V duty and thrifty mothers and grown-up daughters are Uking into account as never before the question of quality. CHILDREN'S .'COATS (2"' to. 12; years) Warm little coats ,of polo, valour, chinchilla and heather mixtures; lined and interlined; many with fur collars. ; Special s 87.50. 912.50. 816.50 JUNIOR COATS ; (Sites 14 ' to 16)-CleverJy styled in sllvertip, soft 'velours; polos, . val- ' vella, chinchilla and heather mittures;-all colors, many with fur collars of mole, nutria, ringtail, raccoon1 and beaverette.; two spe- ' " cial groupings :''..' - : 824.50 and 843.50 ; :V . JUNIORS' AND SMALL WOMEN'S ' COATS (Sizes 14 to 16)--This group offers "unusual buying opportunities. The models are smartly new. while .the-materials are those most wanted, Including, pan velaine, camel's bair, bolivia, pollyanna and marvella with fur col lars of beaver, wolf, squirrel and silver cara- . cul. Special at , , j v. . 874.50 A Close Out of Priscilla :Deari; Tarns Not a large lot,', but practically every popu lar color mar lie had, including cardinal, Afri can, beaver, navy, reindeer and French blue. They come in several sizes. These tarns orig inally sold at $2.50 each and will not last long 'at tbia close-out price. Saturday, ; t ' , AT.L CHILDREN'S HATS Including beavers, velours, and dress, ..bats. Prices reduced. Children's Section Second Floor.' $1.39 You Can Keep Your Youthful Lines A WOMAN with a youthful figure never looks old. Yet why is it so many women permit themselves to lose thsir youth- fnl'rinira linos n enrlv in Hf? ' '-. Expert corsetleres will tell you that more figures are . " lost throufh wearing unsuitable models of improperly de,- .' signed corsets than from any other one cause. , Scientific corseting can and will preserve the youthful Hnc3 of, the figure almost up to the point of advanced age. ; Our expert fitters have found that the Front Levoed. are unusually effective in assisting figures that have been im properly corseted and in preserving youthful lines. ;We recom mend trial fittings of this remarkable corset. Corset Department Second Floor Toilet Goods . Saturday Specials ' ' Coty's ' L'Origan face ' pow der, ... - -85c Pebeco tooth paste, . 87c Mentholatum, ,- -10 . Mary Garden talcum. S.S2c Daggett & Ramsdell "cold cream, ' " " : 88c ' Wool soap, 2 for - v -15c. ?Java rice powder, 8c Genuine-Gillette razors 7f Solid back hair brushes, 9c Ideal , rubber cushion hair brushes, . i Wc Tooth brushes, 3 for . S8c Djer Kiss talcum, - '" If c. Djer Kiss Vanishing cream, special at, (4 Woodbury's facial soap, , lie V ; Our'..; iSfotion Section Is famous for its high 'qual ity standard. There is sure t to be value in erety article sold. - . A Few Special Trices ", 1 De Long hooks - and eyes. " per card,- 8c Carmen genuine hair nets, either fringe or can shape. ; per dozen, - r Lit . . Promenade real hair cap nets, per dozen, ,' Star mercerized sewing cot ton, dozen, - Star snap fasteners, card, 8c Hosiery ior Women We offer Saturday extreme ly great' value ia - all silk stockings, Both ingrain and straight, dye numbers. Silk to the top is black,, brown, -white and mode. , Superb : holiday gift stocking. Have been sold at 14.00 and 14-50. Saturday, the pair, - $2.95 Floor Below Thrtt IaporUnt BUsket Specials ' 6SxS9 fi wool mixed blankets,. U white with, pink and blue borders. Also ' broken plaids; piak. blue : and gray . at, pair 85.95 : 70xS0 7S34 wool mixed lankets, white only. Pink and blue borders. Special." per pair. : "88.95 . 70xS2 100 pure wool blan kets made by the best manu facturers. White only. Pink and blue borders. Per pair, only, 812.95 Silk Offerings Special Isdncenciils for ; Pre-HolWay BDjinp. 40-inch all-silk satin liberty in a deep lustrous black. t Per yard. ' ; ..81.75 Silk Shirts Make a different story from ' that of 1919. Today they are , ' available at a ' ' moderate ; price. We offer Saturday a new - purchase of splendid quality - broadcloth and " crepes in per- j r -r . fecUy, made M") modl for each SU 1 he' DepartaeBt of : Meas Hoase Coats Bath Kobe ; LooBfing- lobes Now showing a complete ' . holiday seleclion.' There's -an advantage in an early se lection. - - ; . Leather Goods special purchase of ladies' haad bags In brow a and black. A variety of leathers and styles reduced in ' price. Some' of ' these from the li.00 group. ; $2.69 TSt LiMthr,"Vtiti, Sxtr fptoUli 85.95 ni - V ,..7.95 A Reason for Our . Reasonable ...... . rr.:.. i ll Shaanakin ' jH T-I3V'--- tfCTl ''O 1 I ...r n.WiW ill fia.ou trr- - .-r;; in . i ii I, . . i i in ii i 2. I . Again for Saturday A Big Group of Overcoats If5 Values in This Lot ') ;' up to $50i0o ; Plaid backed ' ' great coats" in a big range of .f4he best colorings and fabrics. "" "Saturday Pant Hart Schaffner & Marx and other, makes of pants. Val ues to $18.00' $5-$6-$10 VOU CAN -readU7 realize that VOLUME manes. pur- . J. chasing power, buying prestige, price concessions. Volume, too," reduces overhead makes possible the, oper ating on a low prQiit margin. . Our .volume permits- us to be recognized very advantage. , ously'at'the foremost quality sources with choicest selee-i tions and with closest prices. It's transmitted to you in tcrma of extra value, broadest , variety, finest qualities. ' It' insures ' us against lost .sales. It insures you against lost satisfaction. ' , , Hart Schaffner & Marx at Fifty , Values Up to $86.00 '. Heresiagroup of suits wherein our volume and value ' advantages are very obvious--the 'style smartBes, quality ' elegance,, tailoring attainments, pattern variety offer very ' definite conviction, of , buying inducements, particularly if ' compared iwith; current joffering elsewhere, at ' ' ! i. i . . ' Hart Sdiaffher& Marx Overcoate at Forty-Five ; '? -;v: Vaiaet Up 'to fMJXT'V.V Of course we ' have , overcoats at $30 and also ( up to $75, . but we rather like ; to .emphasize this group at $45 we think it is our master" achievement of the .season -in extra valued giving, v Not gust ,:; handful-, to choose from, but every type, every textilre, every: pattern' preferenos, .Wo vmaWit very sensible for. you, to pay , . Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits for Boys Your choice of our entire stock of Hart Schaff ner & Marx Suits for Boys; $190? Boys' Caps and Hats 501 to 92.45 Snappy new styles in fabrics and col ors that are' most in demand.. MEN-r-We Arc Now Headquarters for Manhattan Shirts Every : new idea that has been intro duced in shirtdomto be found in our extensive new showing now ready for ." the holidays. .; v . '-y. $2.50 up U IT'S A LEWIS .UNION SUIT WZ HAVE IT-$2.00 UP .:; Boys' All Wool Suits With two pairs of trousers; . all new -models in the season's." best' fabrics and 'colors at ' . . ; " .:;':'! $7i45 and $9.45 II i $2.00 UP A complete assortment of cottoa and ' wool union suits both cnt aad sewed and full fashioned If you wear a Lewis you will never wear anoth er make.. , Holiday Showing 'of MEN'S FURNISHINGS , ' Now Nearing Completion ! Gift Ties for . '' j Gloves for ." Z&ndkerchiefi and Smoking Jackets ' Men - . Oift;;' -.'MnffleTi ;. tnd Bathrobes Several thousand doz- Recent factory sample ?lst purchases 'jf hand- fhe ' always popular en ties for men a ssem- purchases, together kerchiefs and Mufflers' jlfl " for men ranging bled from tbe leading with stock from the 4he pewet-"tha mar- from the fine woola makers of fine neck- well known makers of k,t ta- tnd ,h wear- gloves, now eady-., . MsmbS(,: Bd. ported silks-, ' 50 to 2.00 81.00 to 95.00 irately prkei.. I , . 95.00 to 950.00 ijV'"sVwW' ) Wit ii A nai'. iiA