14 THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1921. 4 I ? n i f Ill Hi Classified Advertising Rates us p.e us isoubi srerd i ne I Set p.. Ho M dy. I HMtruilvt dk II pa ina par day, I wnmuiivi dare 14 par tin par 0y, bbomcuiIv Bays N 4a tk fr ia lbn total af Ike. Tm rat. apply ithr to lb laii)r ar unoi Uaa. All advartlMment appaaf In bik moralnf aid avanlag tally pap.rs lr la ana cnarg CONTRACT RATE1 ON APPLICATION Waal a da ecpid at Ua following at llci MAIN cmCB....lTla and rarnam Its. noun Bid....... 4ii vouiB Kin hi Counrll Hliitil ia Mtl At WANT ADb RKCF.1VBD IT fUONIC ATLANTIC l0t TUB BCB will nul ba raapanalbla for tnare tb aaa Incorrect Inurtlon af aa advertisement ordered for mora Ibao aaa CLOSINO riOUBi FOR WANT AM. Ev.nlng Kdllloa,. 1146 A. U. Moraine E.lllloa..., t as P. M Sunday F.dllloo t. Y. H4 ealurd. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES WAHKM Fred. i.d ! y.ara: ill til ad nesday at WIS l Ml. II la urvlvM by ' hia wlf and ana daughter. Mr. Charl.a Trent; and rna eon. V red. or Uiuih , on alitor, lira. Frank H.ftlng.r. Funerul Saturday at :3n a. m . from i Hiaf-y Ae Hexf.y rhaprl, south Bid", to , ,i HI. Bridget church at.f a. m. Inter ; mant at Holy Sopulrh." cemetery. M A HON BY Margaret E . aged 19 rlauahier of Mr. and Mm Joseph, )l ' Mahur-ty: ahe la survived beaide her .par.ma, ona vrotnar, vtiinam; ona an ' Fun.ral faluntay morning from re.l denr. 1044 South Twenty-elxhtli street at a a. m. lo St. r.tera church, 9:10 a. m, Interment Holy bcpulchra cenw , :X'ilIAN("K Mra. Caroline, agei Is yaars, curieauay. r Punerai Saturday at 19 a. m , from Unwtri Funeral horn. : itti and sirens, Brv. C. C. Wilson officiating. nurm at itraceiana ram cemetery. COSOROVE James T. Funeral Saturday morning from rest- , dance, 4530 Hard street, at a:2U a. "i. io rt iwimi rnurvn, p a. m. lu ' torment Holy Sepuii-hra rematery. ItOHEWATKll Dr. fharli-a. born Juna 15, Jlfct. died Nov. S3, l:l. Burial eunilay at 3 i. in., from rea ' Ideneo lo rieaiant Hill cemetary. l'leaaa omit riowera, AUTOMATIC ai-allnir conrrata burial , vaulta on display at leading undorlak : ara. Wrtla Omaha Coiicrata Burial ' Vault Co., Omaha. CARD OF THANKS. nH wlali to thank our many friends and nUhborn fnr tlirlr ktnijnf-m stiuwn ua nd lh beautiful flornt offering. Riven n sympathy and dtnth of our beloved wifa and mothur.Mr. iSola liantten and Fa mill. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., Successor to Btack ft Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. AM'BULANCE -HA. 0064. Thirty-third and Karri am. Hulse & Riepen ..PIONKER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ", Formerly at 701 8. 16th St., bava . moved to 1214 Cuming Bt. Jauia rHEAFEY & HEAFEY TJndertaktri and Bmbalmera Phona HA. 166. Office 1611 Farnam. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON-j.V.'ooW SAY IT WITH FLOWEKH FROM HBSS A SWOHODA. 1415 r A KN AM BTKKE.I-. FLATIROK FLOWER. SHOP. - 1728 St. Mary'a Ave Tel. At. 681. JOHN BATH. 1S04 Farnam. Jackann 1906. "Ji. llenderaon. 1607 Farnam. Jackson 1858. V MARRIAGE LICENSES. X The following paroBa utra iMutfl per "jnlta to wad: V William .Tankonvakl, SS. Omaha, apd riorenca Brown, It, Omaha. Meafla Carry, over !1, Hot Springs, S. , ?p., and Katharine Glen,, over 21. Omaha, "' Selgel Klnff. ovr 21, Omaha,, smil Belle -'Caultrim, over 21, Omaha. Robert J. Parks, J J, Omaha, and Mary J. Kelly, 21, Omaha, Herman Fischer, J5, Oelrlch, S. D., and Augusta Krull, 35. Omaha. : Krnest Tnunir, 21, Council Bluffs, la., and Helen M. Hansen. 20, Council Bluffs, : la. t Elmer O. Iarson, 26, Fremont, Neb., fand Pearl A. Bishop, 26. Fremont, Neb. ta f Dava P. Williams, Omaha, 21, and Alice Kenny, 4. Omaha. . . j. Nlcolo Blzzl, 30. Omaha, and Maria jBenedltto, 16, Omaha,- ' Howard Franks, 23, Council Bluffs, Ta ,.and Margaret Thomas, 16, Council Bluffs. 3. s ' Irfwla A. North, oer 21, Minneapolis, ,:Mlnn., and Clara Bretza, over 18, MU vraukee, Wla. , : j Otto O. Gerntr, 44. Omaha, and Brownla ; Hmhkc, 13, Omaha. : Jens AnderBen, 92, Omahaj- and Eva ,Flsbeck, 28, Omaha.' ,. " Charles W. Ivan, 26, Omaha, and ",'iFrancea- Slmms, 21, Omaha. .- 2 Henry O. Neumcyer, 24, Bennington, Neb., and Mabel M. VVltte, 21,, Benning- .ton, Keb. S; Herbert H. Tfelffer. !5, Hooper, Neb., rjinu (.111 pennie, lo, nooper, ii-u. JLOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. JLoSTr A leather suitcase, between Unlori s. depot and 34th and Charles Sts. Con tl tents mostly S-year-oM girl's dresses, in S tant'a wear and lady's muff. Ileward, EiKcnwood 3116. LADIES' amall, open faced watch; car jvTleil In leather wrist band. Name In Jj back. Valued as gift. Reward. Call S Waltiut 466. ' SCOTCH Colli dog; brown; white head V and neck. Reward. James Dempsey, t 724 Madison avenue, Council Bluffs, Bed F: 3vl. PERSONALS. XTHK SALVATION Army Industrial home S solicits your old clothing, furniture, S magasines, XV a collect. Wa distribute. C Phone Douglas 4135 and our' wagon S will call. Call and Inspect our new S home, 1110-1112-1114 Bodge St. CI WILL not - ba responsible for any biilB J bought by ray wife after Nov,' 19, 1921. ; Herman Chinburg, 2440 Park Ave. KATHRYN U RILEY, skin and scalp spe cialist. JA 3268; shampoo and vave. 91. roULPHUR baths, Swedish massage, chi j ropody. Evenings to 8. 209 S. 20th St. S! WILL not be responsible for future C debts of my wife. Herbert S. Kress. ELECTRO . bath-massage. i; Block. 318 Neville gMASSAQB Kvo. t Sun. Appoint. AT. 6 36 a. 3 BENT Hoover vacuum, tl.25. HA, 1071. X ELECTRIC baths. 8wed. mass. WS. 2911. i EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS 549. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating. S covered buttons, all styles: hemstitching. buttonholes. Write Ideal Button - Fleatlag Co 302 Brown block, Jackson 1931. L-W.TIR PT TnATTKn Hematltchin Covered But- g tons. 1 IM Farnam. Jd Floor. Dg. 667. Chiropractors. TAKB CHIROPRACTIC adjustments at t yoar home. Dra. Mortenaea. Palmar graduate. Walnut 191. Con tractorg-Pain ting. j BRICK plasterer and cement, aew and ; repair work. J. Nan. Walnut 4ST. Dancing Academies " WWi Farnam. Dough - AVlXLlX O Wa kav Uught raa (las i44. naora than 15,004 people to dance. Let ua teach yoa. Kapert Instruction, Beginners or advaacea claae er private leesons. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT Mildred M sitae teaebea all oianchee ' dancing. Slodto Leflang Bldg. DO. 4759 Dentists. Dentistry Alt kinds of dental work done vnder the careful euperrisien of professors at the Creig htaa university, caller of den tistry. Fees mod. rate, extractions fru. w building. 2tk aad California Sta. H Tak Harnev. Cresstown er Curaiag - street car. Pboee Atlantic 24. bR. NASH. 124 City Nat I Bk. AT. (517. Detecthrem. KELIABLK Detectiva Barean, Railway Ea. Bldr JA. 1956. Night. KEN. 3M2. Indepeodent Detectiv Bureau, 34 Nevli: Blk. AtL 151; night. Wil ; K. f45. iAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville B;a. Evidence enured re afl cases, Atlantic 1136, baTTECTlVES that gat reaulTv 4t Pax- tea bioci. J A. 1JU. DO. aTiT. BRINGING UP THE GUMPS ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dressmaking. FL'KH. aulta, d'i'BBea, remod'l, relined. Ha, DBUt Kodak Finishing. FILMS duvoloped ; printing and enlarging, inn r.nnitn uo., 1SU7 Howard Ht. ENLARUE.MBNTS, oil coloring, developing, printing, KHje Htudlo. sis Neville Hlk . Patent Attorneys. , W. MARTIN, patent attorney, 1716 i'ouks, umana. also vvasnington, V. w, We help soil patents, models made. Printing. EDDY Printing Co.. 212 S. 13 St. Do. 8647 Miscellaneous Announcements. HT A MOMFlS We pay the best iiii.nui,i-M pricB witn privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 402 N, 16th St. Doug las 5049. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 36c; double edge, 45c doz. Mail orders so licited. Omaha Sharp Co., 103 N. 16th. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses made over in new ticks at half price or new beds. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. FULL dress and tuxedos for rent. John Felilman, 109 N. Kith St. Jackson 3128. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron Electric 318 S. 13th St., Omaha. ROGERS Confectionery, 24th and Farnam BRITT Printing Co., 7 Elks Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. FURNITURE FOR 4-ROOM .APART MENT, STRICTLY MODERN, CLOSE IN; RENT REASONABLE; WILL SAC RIFICE FOR QUICK SALE. DOUG. 9549, OWNER. MUST BE SOLD BY MONDAY. THREE rooms practically new furniture for sale, reasonable, .Leaving city, , At lantic 5843. REED baby carriage. Call Walnut 1741. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drums.xylo- phones. etc.; instructions, impairing; 2761 Davenport St Phone Harnev 2HS7. TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low as Jio.oo per month, A. Hospe Co.. 1613 Douglaa. JOHN TAFF saxophone shor repairing and supplies. 806 Leftang Bldg. u. B4V8. BI(i bargain In phonographs and records. SHI. A EH PHONO(JliAIJH. 1404 Dodge. . Clothing and Furs. FOR sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool Dundee" suns, cheap, alterations tree, DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney Sta FURS remodeled, relined and cleaned. KNKETEfl ALASKA FVR CO.. 803 S. 15th St. Douglas 728. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS . AND ADDPNG MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and rcrjaired Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jackson 4130. 1913 Farnam. Miscellaneous Articles. Buy Your Christmas Phonograph This Week and Save One-Half These slightly used machines have been thoroughly overhauled and we guaran tee them In every respect, , 5 to 10. Records Free $ 32.50 Columbia, now, .$15.01) 40.00 Columbia, now.. 18.00 136.00 (Irafonola, now.. 68. 0 fS.OO Victrola. now ... 46.00 ' 175.00 Grafonola Elec tric, now 18.08 150 00 Grafonola, new, now 83.09 ' Call early tomorrow and get first choice. Terms $a down and $a per month.a Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 15H-K-1 l -Uge St. Phone Douglaj 16:j. SEWING MACHINES We rant, repair, tell needle and parts. MICKEL'S 13th and Harney. Douglas 17J. WE buy, sell eafea. make desks, anew caaea, etc Omaha Fixture At Supply Co. & W. Cor. 11th and Douglaa. J A. 2724. $ reed baby carriage, cheap. JA. 2141. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. RELIABLE, energetic, experienced young masi wis peitioa In or er filing cierk position. Can furnish reference. C. O. Irvinala. J5st Har St. WANTED Eveamg work of any kind by young man. Any hoars, references furnished. Box L-23. A-l SALESMAN with car wishes aimit- j seat position. ju& X. 261, uuxU Ik. 1 (7 v Z rr W lm Wiji ( OH MINI -AA SOU COME- V)T F .0UCHT TO 8 01M TO 6ETOVTO ' hNXflW f Ktff I xrv k m& L FATHER DiONT I TELL TOO TO til. VA.TCH fOO TO BH WfP?f A DlO VOU HEAR ME.? RftT T f tlT J TKKC THC POKTlCRCi OOWN ' VoU CO IT AND ' Ik WHY OON'TVO.l. J I A 1 WNC ! Il UoajsOOOITRhtawaY-I " DONT THINK THAT XXJ ( SwIooiT v) J OMg . J l2l v wru FiAtum Smvict. Inc.' Jl'g 6 -N . SEE IT IN COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. YOUNG married man wanta position. Can manage department or office. Last 'position bank cashier. References fur nished. L-279, Omaha Bee. YOUNG experienced, clerk, plumber. bookkeeper, truck driver, undertaker telegrapher, wants work, anything con sidered. L-257, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man wanta any kind ot tuto driving, references furnished, work pre furred in Co. Bluffs, Inquire 715 15th Ave.. Co. Hiurrs. DAVIS BROS. Orchestra. UD-to-the-min v.te'muslo for dances, banquets, recep tions, etc. Walnut 2395, C. K. Davis, 402 Securltlea t-V. POSITION with a reliable manufacturing concern wanted by an experienced auto. bungalow designer. Oscar Larson. Web ster City, la. W A N T E D Common labor by colored man, good worker. Janitor, work pre ferred. Phone 3539. 1721 8lh Ave., Co. Bluffs. . BAND LEADER, experienced, teach all Instruments, would like boys or begin. ners' band in Nebraska. Bee, Box L-267. EX-SERVICE man desires employment in a garage; anything considered. Best of references furnished, L 262, Omaha Be. 15 YRS. experience, coust. engineer,. wants connection as aupt, engineer or f6re- man. Willing to leave town, l-jis, Bee. OFFICE manager, bookkeeper, cashier and shipper, 13 years' experience, aged 32, best references. L-282, Omaha Bee. A NO. 1 clothing salesman wishes per manent position, can rurnisn very oesi of references. Box L-277, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man attending Crelghton univer sity wishes position In evening alter 4:30 p. m. Call Blk. 1413 Co. Bluffs. , COLORED man with wife and child wants Janitor work or anything In or out of town. L-276, Omaha Bee. A YOUNG MAN wishes position as motor cycle driver or chauffeur. Call .Lester De Lay, 4038 Seward street, c!ty: MARRIED man with four children must have employment. Experiencjd sales man. Can do anything. L-254. , PRINTER desires light work for a few hours a day. 1. Aggus, liia west Broadway, Council Bluffs, Ia. EX-SERVICE man, married, 8 years' ex perience as auto mechanic. Phone Red 3361, Council Bluffs. Ia. PAPERH ANGER, and painter wants work by personal contract or of coulractor. O. F. Lihbey, Atlantlo 2030. YOUNO man wants office-clerical position. Willing to start at bottom and work up. Fxp. References. MA. 1573 EXPERIENCED hardware man retail or whosale, on road or In store. 20 years expeslence. Doublas 6297. : DAIRYMAN Wanta position on dairy farm. Good milker and caretaker. Apply Box T. 271. Omaha Bee. A young man deslrea position as white chauffeur; experienced, cieo J. jje Jjay, 4038 Seward St., City. MIDDLE aged man desires panitor work. Must have work at once. Address jjox L 263. Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED oorter and houseman wanta work. Call Fields at vveoster 3235. References. YOUNG man desires position In office; willing to start with small salary, 258. Omaha Bee. WANTK1 Job as painter or decorator. Can also do other work. S. A. Taft, Kenwood 2707. ' MARRIED man 30 years old wanta work. Store, restaurant or warehouse. J. Egger, Douglas 8758. experienced hotel clerk, middle aged, either day or night, wants work. L-274, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man desires work, clerical, draft ing or anything; can furnish references. Box L-272. YOUNO man wishes work of any kind In restaurants. WA. 0680. Ralph E. Bowkee. MEDICAL student wants work on Sat urday or Sunday sights or both. Bee, L-284. - WANTED work of any kind by young man. Selna Stodvard, (811 S. 16th St EX-SEHVICE man wanta work of any kind. Call Deug 913S. Tex Richardson. EXPERIENCED porter or houseman. needs work. Call Fields, at Webster 3235. ASH and rubbish hauiing. lawn mulch ing. Webster 4236. 1559 N. 17th St MIDDLE-AGED man waste work of any kind. Married. L-270. Omaha Bee. SITUATION WANTED An all around cook, in or out L-2,9, Omaha Bee. . YOUNG man wants place to earn board and room In city. L-261, Omaha Bee. CARPENTER wants work of any kind. Phone Douglas 9357. HAULING of any kind, any place, any time. Atlantic t!47. JANITOR, porter, bell boy or bus boys. Webster 1. COLORED mas desires Job of any kind. Webster 1. ALL kinds of hauling and moving. MA. 4 OS 5. Female. EXPERIENCED female bookkeeper and clerk wants position. References. Tem porary or permanent. Address Bex L-281. Omaha Be. TYPIST, with some stenographic, expe rienc. wufh. a positloa at once: has had T years' experienc. Phon Blk. 2364, Courx-il Bluffs. KEFINED. middle aged lady desire po sition as fioweVeeper -la respects bl - riMtheriee kome. . Ret. exes. 1235, Omaha, IW. TYPIST with some stenographic expe rienc wishes position at one. 7 years' r-tiariieac. 1'hea Hiatal 22(4, CoHGCil Bluffs. i v, s. Pai.ai om fWgiaitred, TOO MUCH YEAST WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. A-l Typist desires work at home. Five years railroad experience, can rurnisn best of references. Blk. 3567, Co. Bluffs. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires position a, once. Can do clerical work also. Can give references. Walnut 6712. POSITION wanted as switchboard opera tor by experienced office girl. Best references. Co. Bluffs, Phone Bllt. 2362. YOUNG lady wanta position as clerk In drygoods store; prefer northern Nebras ka. L-2G8. Omaha Bee. MIDDLE aged woman wants position aa housekeeper; no objections to children. Box: L-273. Omaha Bee. GOVERNESS, refined, deslrea position. Well educated, Protestant, American. L-280, Omaha Bee. COLORED lady wants general housework or cooking or any kind of work. Nora Geary. Market 4580. YOUNG girl wishes work for a few hours In the afternoons. Refined. Box L-283, Omaha Bee. COLORED lady wanta general housework or cooking or any kind of work. Alma Riley. Market 4580. WANTED By middle-aged lady to take care of children, all day or half day. Douglas 7590. MIDDLE-aged man desires position in restaurant, days or nights. Call Jack son 0620. TO DO copying and addressing envelopes at home In spare time. L-252, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind of Institution work. L 265, Omaha Bee. WATCHMAN and Janitor wanta Job; mid dle-aged ; references. Jackson 0620. EXPERIENCED silk shade maker, any kind of work. WE. 4953. PRACTICAL nurse wishes engagement. narney 8230. Laundry and Day Work. YOUNG married lady, neat and industri ous, desires laundry work, half daya. L-269, Omaha Bee. WANTED Bundle and family washing called for and delivered Web. 1091. EXPERIENCED colored girl wanta kind of day work. Webster 5609. COLORED woman wants day work of any kind, 1614 N. 24th St.. upstairs. COLORED lady wishes day work or chambermaid. Atlantic 3055. COLORED lady wants day work of any kind. Call Webster 0S03. WASHING, Ironing, cleaning and caring for children. Webster 6108. COLORED girl wants light work, for part day. ref, Wen. 6486. PLAIN and fancy clothes carefully laundred. Webster 4283. Miscellaneous. ORDERS taken for homemade fruit cake. Best materials used. 1607 Castelar. Douglas 4412. MAN and wife want work for room and small wages. Frank Garcia, 11521A N. 16 IE St. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146 WE buy waste paper, old magazines, books and newspapers. Write or phone Omaha Paper Stock Co., 18th and Marcy. DOUglaS 0159. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. CLERKS for postal mail and government field service. $125 month. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of examlnationa, write J. Leonard tformer civil service examiner), 909 Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. Professions and Trades. Wanted . TWO F.XPERIEN'CED CANDY MAKERS. i iippr.v HARD GOODS Gordon-Rainalter Co., 801 Douglas BIG MONEY! DO IT NOW! LEARN THE BEST BUSINESS IN THE BEST WAY. IN THE BEST PLACE AND SHORTEST TIME. LEARN IT ALL AT THE NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 2814 N. 20TH ST.. OMAHA. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG. EXPERIENCED machinist, linotype oper ator; good pay and excellent working conditions In American plan shop; per manent position. The W. H. Kistier Stationery Co.. Denver, Colo. MOI.ER BARBER COLLEGE, lis S. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. ONE OR MORE EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY SALESMEN In this section can form a Valuable connection In the sale of Royal Electric Coffee Mills snd Meat Choppers. Royal Meat Slicing Machines and Coffee Roast ing Machines ts grocers, general mer chants, restaurants, hotels. Institutions, etc. Basinets backed by strong na tional advertising campaign- The A. J. Dr Co.. Ini. Horneil, N. T. WANTED Experienced shoe man for southern Iowa and southesstexn Ne braska to represent factory line men s and boys' staple shoes. Address Box T-173. Omaha B"--. WANTED SaleemeB, wi:h car: quick sul fas; hne nn be enitl sidelin or full Lac Call Websier ;$. see jiua anu magcic in pull TACE OP COIORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN we have a product which sells to grocery, Jewelry, hardware, de partment and variety stores. If you sell only 5 cases a day at 5.75 you earn 17.50. Write Relmer-Slll Co., 1479 btn ht., Milwaukee. SALESMAN Hair nets, calling dept., drug stores, etc. Attractive established brand; side line. Room 735, Foiiteu elle hotel, " Saturday a. m. SOLICITORS who are willing to work. Call between 8 and 10. 1619 Howard. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED Ladies to learn barber trade. Special rates and Inducements. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. LADIES to take orders on toilet goods. $10 a day. Also lady to demonstrate and sell in Btore. commission only. Call between 10-11, 327 Securities Bldg., Mr. Steen. GIRL with a pleasant smile to demon strate toys. Give age, exp., etc. Salary, $15 week. L-256, Omaha Bee. SOLICITORS who are willing to worki Call between 8 and 10 1619 Hov.ard. Household and Domestic. HOUSEKEEPER without children, in motherless home, 3 in family; reference given and required. Apply Elevator Director, Telephone Bldg. WANTED Neat, experienced white woman to assist in home special occa sions. References required. Telephone Webster 3315. Miscellaneous. WANTED Middleaged lady, business ex perience, housekeeping' and lignt manu facturing, permanent. Write only, Rog ers, 1229 Third St., Council Bluffs, la. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. MAN or woman can earn $30.00 to $50.00 weekly, selling guaranteed Hosiery to wearer. Christmas supply now reaay. Territories open. Butler-Regan wilt ting Mills, NorrlFtown, Pa. vVANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St, Trl-Clty Barber College,. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English nnd commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 for large illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg, Douglaa 6830. bus1nesshae WANT to hear from owner having busi ness for sale. J. C McConney, Ter minal Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms in all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. YOUNG man wants roommate for well furnished room, steam heated, private home, West Farnam. near car line. Ref erences. Harney 8620. i 3010 DODGE Strictly modern, large, warm room; fine luime, 2 clothes clos ets, 'hot water heaff facing park, blvd. TEL. DOUGLAS 6703 Furnished room; home privileges; couple; on car line. ROOM for working man, close to U. P. Shops, 614 No. 21st St. Furnished Rooms. TELEPHONE Walnut 1953. Modern fur nished room, $5.00. Also garage if have . car. ROOM for 2, also room to share with a girl. Harney 4824. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms -1 the directory turnished to advertiser and oom hunter. Call at Bee offlc for free copy contalnlrg desirable vacancies In all parte or tfte rKr ROOMS, keeping. furn. complete 316 No. 23d st for bouae At 3573. 2 NICELY FUR. HEATED UK. K11S. $35. WALNUT 2005. Board and Rooms. LIVE WE'LL AT MODERATE COST. The Merriam Hotel 105 S. 25TH ST. DOUG. 207S. TEL. Walnut 30S4 Room and board, rea sonable, to respectable lady, employed. In modern, private home of two. LOVELY room with home cooking for 2 gentlemen: ST each per ween. hr.. im. LOVELY warm rms.. prlv. home, car HA. 39. line, splenoid board. Unfurnished Rooms. SEVEN to nine modern rooms at 221. Military Ave., upstairs. $3.. Atlantic 44. Mr. F. T. Lynch. JA S6J Five rooms urstcir. Mod. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. NINC-rooirt. modem hou?c. 2544 Daven port St, newly paint.! and. decorat ed. 15; f-roora house, 1718 N. 20th Et, $2'. JOHN TT. BOBBINS. JACK. ;:. -V0!H few. r rent !.r;tMe for two, taniiLcs. Call Webster ii.l. Drawn FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. PARTY leaving city will rent six-room furnished house, with garage, located in Field Club district, to responslbl party. Will lease to April 1. 1923. O'Neil's Real Estate And Ins. Agcy. REALTORS. 634 Biandels Thea. At. 1024. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. COMPLETELY furnished 2 and S-room Apts.; private hath; steam heat; walk ing distance. Brown Apt., 508 N. 21st St. Doug. 5644. Unfurnished, 3-ROO.M apt., 5-room accomodations, walking distance, desirable location, available December 1. Call Douglaa 8722. Peters Trust Company, WHERE" OMAHA RENTS. FOUR rooms, heated, electric light, gal bath. $40. Eselin. 531 Paxton Block. $50 5-room modern flat. 2826 N. ' Key at Wolff store. 16th. FOR SENT Business Property. BRICK garage. 44x110 ft. In North Bend, Neb. Adilress 2633 Randolph St.. Lincoln, Keo. fnone Ha. 4:120. WE have some very pleasant offices for rent, come and see for yourself at 409 Finance Bldg. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. 11th' and Jones Sts. STORE room close in. 1610 Chicago. G. P. Stebbins SEE F D. WEAD 310 SO. 1STH ST. Garages. KENWOOD. 0618 Garage for rent. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for hrusehold goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BBKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 1 Btn. Douglas 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H R Bowen Co Atlantic 2400. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracts taken by Job or hr. Globe Van 4 Storage Co., JA, 4338. AT. 0230. 620-24 North 16t!l St. FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchange. St. Paul, Minn, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. We Must Sell Them Quite a few have already taken ndvantagp of our Used Car clear ance sale to purchase a good used car at a very low figure. Come !n and see how low they really are. For Instance 1920 Overland light four, $140 down, balance very easily paid. 0 This Is just a sample, "Why not ride when you can buy them like this. romo Early. Open Evening?. Nebraska Oldsmobile Co. 18th and Howard. CADILLAC' 5 passenger sedan, 191!) model, has only seen a small amount of mile age, snd ia a good aa new In every respect; anyone looking for a bargain In respect to real value cannot afford to miss personally inspecting this car. Will consider lower grade car as part payment Apartment 234, Blackstone hotel. 6 FORDS AND OTHER MAKES. Cash. Time. Trade New and Used See us before buying. Fords from $.50 and up. Winter Tops and Bodies. GOI.DSTKO.M AUTO SALES CO.. 151 Harney St Jackson 2468. Central Garage. Open Day and Night. SOME bargains In used Fords; delivery on new Fords. prompt M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. ISth and Jackson Sta DO. J500. Garages we build are attractive. permanent low priced. VIcklea Lumber fc wrecking Co. Wen. 6565. !4tn snd Burdrtte Sta OAKLAND t, like new, excellent tires, sedan top, f passenger. $4?a.e. Nifty, up-to-date finish. Auto R Nu Co 2S58 Dougla street BUY A GUY 1. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment 2h snd Farnam Sts. Phone Bougies 197 MODEL 67 Cadillac coupe, bargain for ra.h !f takea Bt ace. PeltoB'a Garage, 2019 Farnam. US! radiator, all makes for sale. Green- uh RsdUlrtr Repair. 2"3 Farnam. WHITELYL- USED car. bourn?, soid snd exchanged. TRAWVER ALTO ft".. Z211 Kamam St. BRI"""E T'iI R1VO C-R. 1919 EXCEL- 1 Li-NT IWHIlUS, $-'. MA- 2VJ. Drawn for The Bee by McManus Ciiirright, 1021, International Bur v lea for The Bee by Sidney Smith Copyright, 1921. Chicago Tribune Cumpaoy AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer, 813 S. 24th, Accessories. WHY buy cheap new lires when you citn get slightly , used, not rebuilt or junk tires, for these p-lct-i. 30x34, $5.00: 32x3, $7.60; 32x4, $8.50; 31'x4H. $11.50; 32x4, $9.00; 34x4, $10.00; 35x4i4, $12.00; 34x4, $12.50; 35x5V3. $18,00. Cords $3 extra. All tires nonsktd. Send $1 per tire, balance C. o. l. 6 per cent off for cash with order. FLEISHMAN'S TIRE SERVICE. Service Garage 16 and Leavenworth. Autos, for Hire. WHY not rent a one-ton truck and drive it yourself Jo Tdo your moving una haul ing? It will save you one-half your moving bill. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. r622. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. Want $50,000 Will pay $10,000 commission and T per cent -for this loan for five years. This is second mortgage on best of Omaha income property. Address S. S. Montgomery, 213 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E H. LOTTO Eg. INC.. 638 Keellne Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made p romptly. P. D WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 310 S. 18th St. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson -2715. Stocks and Bonds. Notice !, For Sale A. O. PETERSON of Aurora, ' Neb., will sell 1 to 660 shares of Common Stock of the Omaha-Council Bluff Street Railway ror $18.60 per share. Tf In terested, write in Care of the Fidelity cuaio uriik, Aurora, xveD. Wanted To Borrow. WANTED TO BORROW $10,000 for on. year at 10 per cent. Will allow f commission of $500. Unquestionable se curity consisting of a gilt edge mort gage of $30,000. and other paper. Call Atlantic 1572, or address Omaha Bee, 1JOX A-15, REAL ESTATE WANTED. Will Pay $500 to $700 Cash And Mortgage of $1,500 As First Payment On Home i We must have a small 5-room cot tage this week within 10 blocks of 24th and Amea avenue, that can be bought on above terms at a price around $3,600. . Call us at once. Payne Investment Co. 637 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. ijougias nsu. To buy or rell Omalin Real Estate see FOWLER & M DONALD 120 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426 CONSULT us if you contemplate building, or wisn to nuy or sen Omaha real estate B. STIII1T CO., City Nat Bank Bldg. DO. 8787. WE have 4 buyers for 6-room bungalows witn ii.uuu caan, not over $5,000.. Jack son 2419. FIKE & PRICE. - I GRUENIG - 1418 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 196. FARMS, city real estate. Sales or ex change. All kinds of insurance. REED A CO.. 1207 Farnam. Douglas 6146. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want . to sell your property? List It with C. A. Grimmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. PIPTPTT1 REAL ESTATE. muttiJH Sells, Rents, Insures. 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 0633 WE will buy your property for cash. BEST CESTR1NG, Douglas 6135 602 Securities Bldg. LIST VOIR BUNGALOW WITH US. H. 8. MANVILLE. Realtor, Atlantic 2403. 615 Petera Trust Bldg. TO BUY OR SELL real estate Bee Glover Spain, 910-0 City National Bank. Jackson 2R. N. P. DODGE Co.. quick sales. LO 29. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Extraordinary Oppor tunity For siTifcH capital. Very high-claM frame apartment hAu excellent r)A dition; larg lot. well located. cls to car and boulevard; Arco aiarn heat ing plant, three ffrct-rlafs apartment, well rented to good tenants; grots rent il.i per year; upkeep vry economi cal. Owner m;s "Il and hat priced at bargain prfte of 1A,00) for quick tale. Only caad required: eauy t-rms on balan-4. You cant teat this for unaoDT ima1) invest men t The Frederic L. Heyn Co., REALTORS. 443 Omaha. National. Pkone Drnigia $71$. weo.ter Jill. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. INVESTIGATE eirhanee sjstem. Force cs,h a!s. CHAS. M r.Tll. 1-J Farnam. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence Nctnawaj. I W. prop, so colored, KE, 1UI I, R EAL ESTATE. SUBURBAN. Benion, riVK rooms, (Irltily modern:, ut.ut ears old, rily papered and psil". It.ady lu ni UtUt.- J" Ulenn I'sra. l oll K, It, i sr.tf, Aitaiillu .DDI, mugs; Poiialaa Hi:, da). REAL EST AT E-IMPROVED. We"T " OWN'Mi l.r.WINfl CITf TfWAT. WA OFFEHKU $IJ.00 A VKAtt AGO. WB Ortf Wl Jf NuW frOH H.aOO. This houa la now vacant! locale In the Waal Farnam ellstrlt t. having four room on Inst flour, uVn, living room, dining room and reception ball ' iiurlraw'l oak; tiv ballroom and lilad bath m seonitd flwori good flmiril ailii'i brick f"Uiidallii , hot air heal, kub ItcMler. toilet in lmujmiit ; clai.rn; BrK wilti lull rrmeni ilnvr; rvct m 1 1 . Kuril pUi:.a at "Mr uffcrnl (r hard to find. I . A. r. Tl'KUf 4 BON, 6!0 Flrat fiitl. Hank 4,120 1IUI1T. All modern, five-mntn tmhealtiw, Jut eoniplei.d; living and' rllnliig room in oak; porch acroaa fretil of heu.. paved street, rlna In achwla and car tin. 1'rlc $6 IMHI. with reaaAonliU Irrnin. NiiKTHTVALL Ai JkHNHiiN,' Domini. 747. t l"''"'"- ' , HAVE a.i.rul n.w 4 and (.kkmii hi"U'i n luime. In Nun h ami Went pait of nly. Hmaoniihln prices and torim. Lamp beM. Walnut fti. , SEVERAL rtinli'4 homes' lu arlrndld locu. tiona, only $oo down, SlIOPLN A CO.,- Renflora. " JA. 4J28, 334 Keelm BMir. BEST offer niado buy tilf WnkeTev Ave, fin T-mom biiiiBaliiw, CailiaUral riiKtilet. CrclKh. linn lic. .1.1. nsn, J u'KTrH!"NS(:TN, ri:leTla7and"T"vet ment. M3 I'elera Trust. Io. n7 !. K. Bl't'k CO buy amiell bomea. North, Walking Distance to the new School ot Commerce; ,lut a good C-room houa all on an floor. This house is utrictly modern, part oak finish. .The lot I unusually large, 60x128, Ha considerable In the way of fruit. Phon Mr. Mitchell, Kenwood 0799 or (office open vntll 2 p. in.) Amos Grant Co., Realtors DO. 8.180. S30-:-4-C-8 Bran. Til. Bldg. BUNGALOW, $5,250. HOT WATER HEAT. Located at 4121 North 19th street, strictly bungalow district; has f!v big rooms all on one floor, oak finish liv ing room and dining room; full cement basement with excolleut laundry con veniences; full floored attic; house In first-class condition throughout;, large screened porch; nice lot, paving paid. Absolutely November,; l21i bargain, $1,600 down. '..'.. HASTINGS & HEYDBN; 16l41laniey St. Ttlrlntle OO.'O. Five Rooms, Modern EASY TERMS. Located In nice residence district, on paved street All rooms on one floor; finished In oak and maple. Full ce ment basement with floor drain. Nice hedge and trees. Owner leaving city and will sacrifice for quick sale. $700 cash will handle this. Evenings, call Mr. Campbell. Webster 0229. . R. D. CLARK COMPANY, Realtors. Atlantlo 3531. 402-3 Securities Bldg. Here Is, Your Bargain Near 33d and Ames Ave., dandy bungalow, 6 rooms and bath, strictly modern, oak finish, good attic, lot 50x125, paving and Ml specials paid: $4,250 for short tlmu only;, terms can be made. P. J. Tebbins ',& Co., Om. Nat Bk. Phone" SA.' 21 82. $750 CASH $45 PAYMENTS. Good substantial slx-roonv strictly modern, stone house, garage; lot 60x130: price only $4,750 for .quick sale; 3 blocks to car, in the Prairie Park dla-' trict OSBORNE REALTY CO., 530 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. S!S. NEW BUNGALOW, ' . Four rooms and bath, full basementi with extra lot, for $3,750J. $500 caslt dowri, balance monthly. R. F. CLARY rn TiTCiT .Tribe 24TH AND AMES AVE. KENWpOp 0175, , $800 DOWN, $60 pc- months 7 -room mod- ern ana aounic garage. Don't wnit, sure big bargain. Near 31st ft Ames. Call Jackson 3261 days. NEAR 27th and Elllsou, ne all mod-rn. 6-room bungalow; complete, $4,750, Easy terms. Atlantic 1540 : South. New Five-Room Bungalow mv casn, $55 Monthly Just helng completed amj' Is- without . doubt the most- complete small house we have ever erected. Oak floors throughout, oak finish in living and dining rooms. Built-in kitchen cno inets, attlo partly floored. Full lmre ment, guaranteed furnace." Located near 24th and Casteliar. The Byron Reed Company Douglas 0297. 1613 Farnam St. Vacant Property, Ralston Lots Buy now. Spring will bring a building boom and prices will be higher. $200 up. Bay any conven ient amount down and balance easy payments See or phon Stewart, Bats ton 10-W. - DUNDEE LOTS. $2.2r'0 Eust front, close to cat. $3,376 Corner, 81x135, , $6,000 Double comer. Fifty-second and Farnam. ALFRED THOMAS SON CO. J A. 0064. THIRTY-THIRD AND MARTHA STS., peach of a lot, 60x140 ft; east front; $1,800. D. V. SHOf.ES COMPANY, Ja.kson 0046. Acreage. WHEN thinking ot acreage property think of acreage specialists.- Browne & Tracy 643 Securities Bldg. Atlantlo 2350 Miscellaneous. $3,600 BUYS a dandy (-room, strictly modern cottage, close in, on paved street;, small payment xlqwn; balance like rent. Atlantic 3623. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St Douglas 1345. A 6-ROOM bungalow at a bargain. Only $750 rash payment. Douglas 663$. GEORGE F. JONES CO.. Realtors. I I l i l l l ill, i l 1. 1 I I I ,r I Owners Say: I "Sell My Furniture" - In our Saturday sale will be -over a dozen consignments f i from private homes. Owners arc leaving the city and have -instructed us to sell their fur- Z niture for what it. will bring. Read This List It comprises a small part of f the offering, any odd or tin- Z usual piece or article needed s ? in the home can be found. Z l-piece walnut veneer duofold set. - genuine leather; fine Gablcr piano, - genuine walnut bed, dresser and - chiffonier, mahopany complete bed- room suite, dining suite, genuine leather arm rocker, bed davenports, wicker arm chairs, kitchen cabinets. " china cabinet, coal ranges, high " oven gas ranges, brass beds. Bim- mons steel beds, heating stoves, sll size and kinds: dining chair, li- brary table, parlor suites, rockers, run. linoleum, congoleurn rugs, re- frigcrators and many, many other m article that will Interest you. Stephenson, t Auctioneer " 1509 Capitol Aenu SaU 1:30 P.M., Not. 26 Z Tb. downtc.ni. steara-heafed ground floor avctio. hute. oar-h.lf block Bast el the Post. (lice mm Capita! A.. m I I I I I t t I I I I l 1. 1 I I I 4 t I 4 (.