Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1921, Page 13, Image 13

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Problems That Perplex
Awr4 fc?
dlii! tt kIvh a liard touch to the
fm-e. , Dt'UPr liliiy on, tlio aafo aide
with an eyebrow iucU and roiiKe.
ana have'' too- Ilttlti niihrr than too
much. I I'unnot recurnmrnd a.ny
bi n mis of either article lit my col
umn. There aro- n -number of Rood
lirodih-ta on the market from whtt-h
to choone. The lip ntlck I would
nter elvar of entirely. There ore
fc If any, women who can opply
pne, tvlthdut detection.
Where It Started
I believe with all my heart and sou! in the man I love,"-writes
I lorence. He hat brains, ability foresight, patience and the personal
.. magnetiam that win him friendship wherever lie goe. He it loyal, ban-
e.t and, though- very Idealistic in ionic ways, he hai no icniimcntality.
. He doesn't niind work, and vs be has 'a good education and youthful
training,- he, ought to make good. Yet he. seems to be caught in this era
ot depression. He's working at a job far beneath him. and he doesn't
.. we how he'i ever going to get out and-make good. He says there's
i?'t',,PK larking .in his makeup, and that he's nothing but a dub. I say
: ins everything, what do you say?"
i say, my aoar, that (unless the
. man bai either- a. burning desire to
fake good, or a sturdy, belief in
himself, he is foredoomed to failure
in spie of all the long bit, of quali
fications you send . me, ,..,.
Often, we. criticize, the successful
man or woman, decrying their con
ceit, or their self-con fidencc. Hut
., j.what xould impel man or ..woman to
attempt the difficult and almost
j unattainable were, it not. confidence
In their ability to romurr...dangiT
. and. nirnwunt obstacles? .. . . j
Can you imagine Christopher -Co--lumbusp
starting on his., voyKC of
discovery -across urtknownv'and un
charted seas with an apologetic at
titude something. -like this: ..'. '
"Ot course, I'm, a. poor dub and I
don't 'amount, to. 'much anij I have
no reason, to -feel Confident i-that I
can put. this thing... through. But
even so, the fellows who're sailing
vu,li, mc' dort!t count for much. so.
iht'y might as well risk their lives', I .can test out my, theory. I bc
. iicye, in my theory,, mind you but
, who is Christopher". Columbus that
I .should .think so well 6f.him?!V r
Absdrd,. isn't it?...". , I .
'"'.Only a high 'bejirf in. .himself and-,
' hiV power to pu through the tiling
for . which " he ' was ': starting . h,
: ever impelled a"' voyager on . url--
b'nown seas or aftcf strange landf.
And every man who forges toue-j
cess .'in' business is, irT'-a sense, -a-j
discoverer,' tdo. ' ' "V'-j
A man cannot fight - well . utiles
he- beli.eves either;: in himself or his
cause. He cannot achieve much un
less he is' impelled by a strong de
" sire to forge aliead'.
Louise: If- it-la -done cleverly It
la a helpful aid. -But the l!t of any
of these cosmetic- tricks is. In, not
dolnff tht work well. Vou liatfe to
.. be particularly adept In the use of
the ejjjirow pencil, lor oauiy nan-
Romance in Origin
Of Superstitions
HusUnds and Fires."
If a woman has giod sucec'i In
building fires she will git a good
husband; if poor success she wilt gc-t
a lazy one. , t'
This superstition is prevelant in
Canada, in Ohio land some of the
ether western states nnd is' found,
also, in some parts of New England.
If is a modern form of the age-old
superstition v'lh regard ttf the sac
rificial fire, if the fire refused to
bum up brigluly upon the altar it
was supposed to be a sikm that the
sacrifice was not acceptable to the
gods, whereas a bright and lively
flame was' taken as an omen of di
vine approval. The -Greeks were
very sensitive about the burning of
their fires and if one seem
ed to be reluctant to burn they tc
sorted, to the-expedient of the mod
ern domestic and poured oil upon if
thereby forcing destiny as it were.
Thus we get the idea of good luck
and bad luck as told by the action
cf the fire.
It U certainly bad luck for a wo
man to have a lazy husband. Uut
the restriction of the modern super
stition to women with regard to mar
rage conies through' the application
cf the idea to the -torch of Hymen,
the Greek god of marriage who was
represented as a taller and more seri
ous youth than Eros, the god
of love, but, like Eros,, carrying-a
flaming torch. - In the Greek mar.
riage processions 'lighted torches in
imitation of the - torch of - Hymen
were carried by the bride's mother,
r.nd it was' accounted a pressage ot
bad luck to have one of them re
fuse to bum readily or go out. .
Foreign Vegetable Oil
Trade Doetsu't Hurt U, S.
Arguments to show that trade lu
foreign vegetable oils does not hurt
the American dairyman and stock
grower arc presented by John It.
Gordon in a pamphlet issued by the
bureau of raw materials for the
American vegetable oils and fats in
dustries. The booklet shows that
agitation for ' prohibitive tariffs
against foreign vegetable and animal
oils is based on misapprehensions.
Buttermilk Bread
Delicious Try It Today
Table Supply Central Market
Food Center New Em land Bakery
The Fathom.
This measure" of length was origi
nally the space between the tips of a
man's bauds when the arms were
extended ' horizontally. It is sup.
posed to have originated on ship
board as a tinit of length on the
sounding-line; a sailor coiling the
line would extend his. arms to form
.t-hg-'ljjjr)!?. t hJi'H dividing the line into
far)y uniform ' lengths.? '.-The legal
length of a fathom is now six feet.
"fiprli;ht, j ssi. Wheeler .pvudk-aie, Inc.
Parents' Problems
ViSnjuld 'girls, as well as, boys" be
pcxiriiuca xa- ao some iignt work to.
'mjp'KJf .dimnR the summer vacation?
; ...There is ni-objection to" this, pro
vided' the work-and the surroundings
aryeis.tritablc. Growing girls should
not do" heaVy' work, nor work many
hours, even at light work; and they
should be under the watchful care
of responsible grownups.'
f. 'JjrttearS she ,startcd,
,i'ii;K.'nHctr.trip(t little' ..eatci
.ocldVaiunaccustomed. little . catch-
i nVhafcjsUt, honey? Did I forget
0 loljftsauieyi for the paper boy?"
lie apk: languidly, with that de
HciofcnftgW hat follows upon the
-hci'tsilt'gooddin.ijer.. if indeed; a
.."-luVp v ily ;be svd to have
.:hcis'it-:ti ..-' 1 . ' ,
'tj36k," she -'-went on seriously,
.""dojtfou think. , we canj spare n the
;Werie Jor, n ogeratio.ti?!'
,f- .eat""SiditP ' 'Aftf operation,
njy What1, do you niean an op
eratloh?" ''' .J
"Ilwas talking with Anne today,
Jack,' she said gently, "and I'm
afraid your little wife is'&oing to be
a terrible expense to you this time.
I'm -sure I ought to have an opera
tion." " -?
Jaclcft- sncerely concerneo.
K' AVHat' Vcaf-huSband- wouldn't' be?
ii"I tis-ihiT-soetWng' -.very :$eri
"ous?" he asked anxiously.,.. -, .-
"Anne says ' it may spbil' my
whole Hf" if: ife isn't attended - to
right away . V
. "Heavens,. Jill, .go .tq.the doctor
" immediately and .have , it. done
' whatever it is. -Is 'it dangerous?
"No a'denoids she said hst
'lc$sly. "I-; " ' T I .'.;"'
TaeW had heai'd of 'em" and he re-
' mcmbcred how he had read In theil
" ' paper last summer, about a girl who
... .UJCC1 liming IU uijwauuii iw. mv
.";..noidS.' ' .""'" . '' ' ' V ' -j
.--,-V"l4onpv - hev aaid. - uhce'rtainly,'
.i-avering'ly. "are you sure -it's' neces-1
: fOf -course." she rephed m what
' he thought way, an. injured - tone
! "Surely, dear, you ,- don't think I'd
.-.put you to all the expense orn op-.-
erati'on if it-.. were not.,neceesary."
. - .Her- words stabbed -him-to the
. . heart., ..,. . ,t
- r"M-. darling," he whispered, husk
ilyi ."it ", isn't the expense. . Good
.., heavcns,i.n6i.-..ou.must seejhe doc-:
- tor. tomorrow."
'.. , .The whole, evenipg dragged unnat
,.;;ually.'. : ,".-' ,-;'... --
.. Jack felt himself laughing oddly
;,' at nothing, and Jill .sat quietly, read-
' "tiff-'-. ; "' .
. . -There was.,a: sinister the
Tiresh food
for the player
You'd get' tired of the same
diet ;day after day. So does
the - player piano and so do
the - people who hear it ' ,
' Get some new :J
ii y "-' '' "( " i' - '
Song Rolls
which give the .instrument a"
' new lease Of lite. And when
'"Visitors- co'me you won't have
to apologize because all your;outTof,-date. ,
MesiiMiU Only , 79c
Tucky - Honie.vSky It ; With Mue!
"Hy Sunn j -TeniMrfsee, jazx'Hd. Blues,
Viralorir!o'1Xui;j V-'"- ':' ' '.
f -; r :.-:-f;-"'' ' -, -
Home-made, but Hat No
Equal for Coughs
J . flakes a family -(apply of reall- (g)
2 drpendable rouah medicine. Ens-
jS lly prepared, and aavea about U.
.. room.
f-'Jaok couldn't. help but'think how
terribly . he' loved' his" Jill-girt. . .
-. ?K hplH n ,ir nf iletarhed calm.
of tfeace; of well, of a sort of 'pas- ''- tfte bottle with plain prranu
V,k ,'i;.n i'Tart was '-'mttJ '"ted--siigaT syrup. Or you can use
Siv, resignation. ;., cterified "moliSwes;-- honey,- or corn
scious oi a gnp- in ., ,-rop.- wtM(i.-f 'Bucar svrun. if
. r j--: t tl: r 1 . a
If you have a severe-cough or chest
cold , .a-companied with -soreness,
throaty tickle, hoarseness, or difficult
breathing; or'if. your child wakes up :
during 'the niftht with troup and you
want quick help, try this reliable old
. home-made cough remedy.: Any drug
gist can supply you with-S'a ounces
ui .ruiex. jruur mi? uico, a pini dullio
desired. . This recipe makes a pint of
'.They parted in an odd, constrained; really remarkable cough remedy. It
tastes eood, and in spite of its low
cost, it can be depended upon to give
quick and lasting relief.
You can feel this take hold of a
cough, .in a way that means business.
It loosens and raises the phlegm,
stops' throat tickle and soothes and
heals the irritated membranes that
line the. throat, and bronchial tubes
sse ncr.una ,..u with guoh promptness eage and wr.
ra reluctantly maae ror ine tainly that ifr.jg really astonishing.
wav the next morning.
. VHe mustn't. operate till I, say so,"
warned Jack, for the fifth time. "He
isyjust to make , an examination to
-. find out hoi 'soon it must be done.
- Understand, honey?"
Jill nodded soberly.
He kissed hcr-ithriee and thrice
again, an
otfice with dragging feet. .... . Pinex is a special arid highly eon-
JiH was humming a gay tunewncn centratea compound, ot genuine or
r he sot home "that evening. . '.. ". Pjie extract, and is probably the
- '-rs. vt.t- 'i. "mntimit' best known means of overcomme
J. JV.i nut nm. - -,. !,- ,!,,, .,! !..,, l..-
OSTIB VVUjMO, IUIV IIU Sliest, tuius.
There are many worthless imita
tions of this mixture. To avoid dis
appointment, ask for "iVs ounces of
Pinex" with full directions and don't
accept anything else. (Juaranteed tc
give absolute satisfaction or money
promptly refunded. . The Pinex Co,
Ft. Wayne, Ind.
"trying to keep "her courage up.
-Some. brave little girl, she is,' I'll
sty." - . ' ."'-' - ;
: -- He hugged her 'hungrily ' to him
as'She .hurried out- into the hall to
. .welcome him. - ?
,K . . ':Vhen is it to be?" he asked w ith
"JaVniSt in his. eyes. .- -
'. "Heri'eyes opened wide,-
v "Vhat?" And then she femem--bred.v-
"Oh, that stuff that foolish
: Anne" fitted We up , with. Why, Jack"
' dear!' " ' ; ; -
She -giggled positively she 'gig
gled. . a- - i
.."Jack, dear, the doctor-laughed at
ta'cV . ..k : '; , i. :
'.Laughed. at your"
"Vepr, You see,,hon'I haren't a
sign of adenoids or bad tonsils or
anything." ' '
Copjrrlaht. llil. TbampaoB Feaiur. Service.
- Drand Mrs. Wood Entertain.
The. largest 'dinnert lCty- at the
Atnietic club ithaoksginng.eve was
a party of 20. eatertairted hy Dr. and
Mrsv L" CWood. ,
More than IJWtqiii r all tinder 21,
were reported missing in Xew Y'ork
City last j ear. . .-.. - .,
Makes Curls or "Ear
. Muffs" Stay in Place
You will be (lad to learn that too can
keep your hair beautifully wary and curly
by using a perfectly harmlesa liquid known
to ' dru&irists as 'silmerine.-" You need
only apply a little with a clean tooth brush
juat before doing up the hair, and in three
hour, or io you. will be most agreeably
surprised with 'the effect. And this effect
lasts for quite- s considerable time, to a
small bottle g-oee a tons way and is quite
economical to ukc- Pure aUmcHne is really
beneficial to " the bair mod-there ia no
rreumeas. . stckinesa nor anythins; an
pleasaat about it. It it a good idea to
divide the hair into-strands and moisten
these, one at-, a time, drawing the brush
down the. fuU length.
.. With-.jth.e aid ( liqu-d silmerine it is
easy to shape the prettiest "ear muffs
and easy to keep them as placed all day.
Just Try ft! . - .- -
, . ; Have You Tried It Yet?
'.You'll like; it 'most everybody docs. It's
' jrood fur you, too healthful, nourishing,
msluining. ' i .
Jr4ttifc BetUfewO, frocet- f gtv'.Ji--. f
Har. 0188 28th and Farnam ,
Washburn's Clold Medal Hour
at, pe24-lback;JSl.ip
Wright's did-Fashioned Buek
jwheat Flour, 5-lb. sk.SO
Karo Maple-Flavored Corn
Syrup, cans, 3 cans
for : ,50d.
V'ery Best Creamery Uutter,'
' .. Pr- '"' ''zJ&,
Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes,"
.'.' lbs-' for
Fancy, Juicy Florida Grape-
fruit,' 6 for V-.-i7'
Fresh Greoii IVas, tit.-. .30
Fancy Hot House Cucumbers,
l.'it: g for....25t
Early Ohio Potatoes, per .
.bushel ...g 1,35
Fancy irrenh Dressed Sprig
- ! Chickens, per lb. . . .27
Choice Shoulder .Beef Roast,
per, lb. ...2Q
Friday orders mean early
deliveries Saturday.
only a negligible portion of the im
ported vegetable and animal oils be
ing used tor edible purposes. Also
it is stated tbat the gieat bulk of the
imported oils are used in the manu
facture of vital rssentials such u
laundry soap, printers' inks, tin
plate, tanner' oil, steel plate, tore
oil fir foundries, paint and innum
erable other mamiuctiirej articles.
Rummage Sale.
O. W. I'crlcy is in charge
of the rummage sale to' be h!d
Tuesday, November ,N, by the ladies
( llansrom l'ark church,' at 22
South Twenty-ninth street.
Dependable maids can . be found
by using a lice Want Ad.
IT ' Wash Boiler or . yiSg
Washing Machin
, - , ; . . -. i . .. .
Free Delivery.
9 P.M.
.1814-16-18 Farnam Street.:. -....Mail Orders Tilled,
Specials from Omas Greatest Market
- , Winners who are entitled to $l00!in tode fre : ;
Wm. H. VJ hlte, Mrs. Anna Leary, 3Jj-s.HimeIstein, ' ;" - Frank. Sterling: ' . ' '.:
Care Hotel Sanford 123 No. 24th St. 1615 Jfo. 21st St. " ; 4S48 Eriskino St.
Fancy Fresh Dressed Duck, Geese, Spring
Chickens or Young Hens, per lb. . . : . . . . . .
Grocery Specials
Ooooh a Best Flour. 48-lb. sack 81. S3
ltf lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for 57
Extra Standard Tomatoes, No. 2 cans, doi. S1.25
Fancy Sugar Corn, No. 2 cans, per doz. ... .81.25 ;
Early June Peas, No.. 2 cans, per dqa 81.70
Gooch's Best Macaroni, 3 lbs. for...;.... 25
Santa Clara Fancy Prunes, per lb. ........ ...144
S lbs. for 40V
Wedding Breakfast Cane and Maple- Syrup,
. - 4-lb. cans .- ,4c
Large cans Dundee Milk 10c
One Soap Flaker Free with every purchase of 10
bars Big Four White Naptha Soap 63c
10 new large size bars Pearl White Soap 47c
Per case ....83.60
Fresh Premium Soda Crackers, per lb 14c
Extra Fancy Sugar Wafers, per lb 33c
-3 lbs. of our Famous Brand Food Center
Special Coffee 98e
Have you tried our Premier Brand Coffee
Per lb 23c
Vie Guarantee It.
Fresh Pig Hams, half 'or whole, per lb.,.14
Pig Pork Loins, per lb .14V&
Lean Pig Pork Chobs.'per lb. ",..' .-.10
Fresh Spare Ribs, per. lb.. ,..12d
'Fresh Made' Breakfast. Sausage, per ...kt .
Steer -Round . Steakv per lb. .i.7Vst '
Steer Porterhouse Steak,' per lb 25ti
. Steer Rib Roast, boned and 'rolled, per lb..22,4
.Steer Pot.Jtoast,. per lb-. 106
' Fancy Young Veal Koast, per lb 12
Veal.'Stew. per lb. .....'......8V!'
Young Lamb Steyr. per .lb. 6t
No. 1 Skinned Hams, half or whole, lb....2214
Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb .!6d
Fresh Fish and Oysters Received- Daily.
Fruits and Vegetables
- -.-:. : . '
Cenuine Jersey Sweet Potatoes. 5c lb., 10 lbs.. 45c
Beat Juicy:-Florida Grapefruit. 3 for ......... .25e
We carry . Alligator. Pears, "French Endive,"..
Oyster Plants Persimmons;. Kumquats, Mushrooms
and. Quinces,
t " r"?itJ
Dairy. Maid
per lb.
Country Butter Solla. direct from
farm 45c
Danish Pioneer Creamery
Butter, p-r lb. 4ft
Rex BiMtwine. per lb ..23c
Fancy April Storage Eggs,
.per dox. . i....45e
Cliecked Epers. per dox ..3K
W isconsin Full Cream : Mammoth
Cheese, per lb. ..30e
Th'a Hicfaeat Grad Macarocr
Egg Noodles, Spaghetti and
other Macaroni Products
Cigars Just Inside Hie Door ,.
- '
La Armida, 2 for 25c value.
EO for ... S4.00
Mozart Imperials, 15c ralue,
25 for S2.45
Otello, 10c value,' 25
Gee-See, 10c value, box of
50 for .....S2.50
, Ortolan's Bakery Predate
Angel Food Cakes, special.. 25c
Orange Loaf Cake, special.. 25
Coffee Cake, each 10d and 20c
Pan Rolls, per doz 12
. Pbone
DO uglas
; H w- :
Specials for Saturday Selling
Come Once' and You ' Wilt Come 'Always
100 lb.
Bed Cane Sugar
48-lb. tk. Blue Ball
Flour . ...: $1.7."
4-lb. lc,' Omar
i Flour . , ... .91,08
Fancy Fresh i Drasiad '
Spring Chick-; 25 C '
ena, lb. , , .
Faacy ,
Frash Dressed
DhU lb... 6 2C
10 bars Electric Spark Soap.
10 bars V. & G. Nnptha Soap.
10-lb. can Wcdilinc Breakrast Syrup.
4- lb. wtck'Pure Buckwheat Flour. ... .
Klkliorn Milk, per can, 10; ease...
Carnation iMiik, per ran, lit; case..
5- lb. paekaj'o Suimweet rrtines
3 oans Bnkod BoHns
...... G8
. . 3r
. . 25
Lean, Narrow' Breakfast Baeoo, lb. . , ,Z7Mt
Tig Pork Ronst, por lb. .... i .......;. .15 t
B-st Cuts Steer Shoulder Komt, lb. vV. . . . 12 Vtt
Fancy Young Veal Breast,, lb, V. ......... .10?
'nncy Yountr cal Roast, lb. '..
Fi-esh Cut; Hamburgerlb'. .V. 15
!tper l'ot Koast. lb. .' lOt
Our Central Special Coffee, lb., SOCi 3 lb..8S
Our Fancy Santos Coffee, lb "25 C
(teu'a Cocoanut Snap, 2 lbs. for,. J5
Aviation Bar, somelhinn new,' each ......... 5)
Fancy, Heavy, Juicy Grnpcfruit, each 10V
2 for 15. or 4 for.... 25
fancy Imported Sinyona Figs, lb 35
, lbs. for ...V... $1.00
Fancy Black Walnuts, 3 lbs., 25; baa. .$1.00
Fresh Celery, Cabbage, Artichokes, French
Endive, Pascal Celery, Cucumbers, Toma
toes, Pineapple and Mushrooms.
Ansel ood Cake, special, eaclu ..... . .. . . .25
OnuiKfl Loaf take, special, each -2Zt(
Coffee Cake, each ....,.lOt "d 20
Pan Rolls.' PT dozen .12tt
McCombs' Home-Made Chocolate, 70c quality,
per lb 50
McCombs' Italian Cream Chocolates, regular
80c quality, Saturday, per lb; 9e
Peanut Brittle, per lb.;..;?!'. 25t?
i'resh Checked Eggs in cartons,
per dozen- 35
1Mb. rolls Extra Fancy Country
Butter, 'per lb ..;"J0!at
Gem Nut or Swift's Snowflake,
per lb., 24S pajl...$1.18
"-i J 'Exriaustive tests are carried on contmtiallt hi
J thatiencliestinedieiitssriallaWabe L
jfli usedinmakinc Bread of quamr im.
Quality Meats Lowest Prices --
212 N. ' 16th St. . 2408 Cuming St.
4903 South 24th St. ' . '
' Sugar-Cured
Regular Hams
Dold'a First
- Grade "
Special at .' -
Choicest Choicest Choicest Fancy.'"
Cut Cut Cut Breakfast
Round Beef Chuck Sirloin . Bacon ' . .
Steak i Roast Steak . Vt or whale (idea
mi 10c 14c 23c
. Choice.,
Leaf Lard .
Fresh Small Lean Pork Loins. ... ... . ...... .v. . . . . 15c
Choice Fresh Boston Butts. . . . ..... ; .... ..... ,15c
Choice Fresh Pork Shoulders . . ..... . .... ... . . . 12c
Choice-Fresh Spareribs . . . . . ... . ... . ..... .. ... 1 2Jc
Special Demonstration on
Ed. S. Vail & Cos
at Prices That Are
Sure to Save
Evergood Liberty Nut, lb . . 22c
. 10 lbs. . . . ....... ..$2.00
Evergood Butterine, lb. . . .24c
5-lb. cartons . . . ;.. . . $1.10
Fancy Creamery Butter.
- 1 -lb. prints ......... .42c
Choicest Cut Shoulder Roast
at .15c
Choicest Veal Stew . ..... 12c
Choicest Veal Chops ..... 18c
Puritan Lard, 10-lb. pail. $1.65
5-lb. pail 85c
Pure Lard (any quantity) 12ic
Sugar. Cured Picnic Hams J 15c
Sugar Cured Skinned Hams,.:
2 or whole . . ....... v.20c
Sugar Cured Strip Bacon . .-18c
Sugar. Cured Brisket Bacon 18c
Armour's Star Bacon ; . 34c
Armour's Star Hams , ! 27c
Cudahy's Puritan Bacon . . 34c ;
Cudahy's Puritan Hams . .27c
Choicest Hindquarters . . 20c
Choicest Forequarters .'.14c
Choicest Lamb Chops ,.v. V. 20c
Special Boneless Corned Beef
at 15c
Choice Beef Tongues .... 20c
Fresh Hamburger ... . . ... .15c
Choicest Rib Boiling Beef . .8c
Fresh Made Pork Sausage . 20c
Express and Mail Orders Filled From This List Promptly