i i i"H ' V I u '!. li fi a :i 5! ii i ti 31 if I t: i. A 8 1! ii Two-in-One I c 11 .''Is nw ,' This x the new two-in-ouc cos tume hr davtinie wear. It consists Personals Harold McKinley of York. Neb., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Bernd. Mrs. Ralph Kcnwick returned Wednesday from ,thrce . weeks in New York and Chicago. Mrs. Iroy Parker, of Portland, Or, is the fittest of Mr. -and -Mrs.-Ba ft. Wood, jr. ..-.. Miss Jbsephine Ballard and Miss Lou Mann; of1. Lincoln are guests at' the home . of Mr. and Mrs.1 Leigh Leslie. ! . .' : Mr.' and : Mrs. ' J." R. 'Scobie are Ruests of . J. II. . Millard and Miss Jessie; Milard while their own home is being renovated. i. Mr.! and Mrs,' Robert .-.'Stori . arc the guests' over the we-end rf Mr. rid Mrs. Willis, odd and .iti and Mrs. Gottlieb Storz. ." ' . , Miss Marie Thomscir of Tilden, Neb., a student at??lnirsity of. Nebraska, is. the weck-cbd" guest, of Miss Helen Sinclair. V Mrs. Constantine X Suiythe, who is visiting her, ,- daughter, . Mrs. , Clarence Sibbernsen, wiR return to Washington next week, j ' Gayle Wilcox of Lincoln and Ben Thomsen of Tilden, Neb., students at the University of Nebraska, arc spending the week-end in Omaha James Connell arrived this morn ing to be an usher in tire wedding of his sister, Miss Regina jConnell, and Malcolm Baldrige, next.. Wednes day. , . Doane Keller will -leave Saturday morning for' San Francisco and Honolulu on a business trip. . He will sail next Tuesday to be gone for two months: . . ; i Mr. and. Mrs. Qotild Pjet.z returned' Friday from Lincoln,, where they spent Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Dietz are planning a trip to the Philippines and then on -around the world for this winter. Mr! and Mrs. Joseph .E. Daley and Robert Daley of Beverly, Mass., will arrive Monday to be guests at the Baldrige-Conncll wedding. Rob trt Daley will be best man at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Taft of New Haven will arrive Tues day. Bridal Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fry enter tained at a bridal dinner Friday night tt the Athletic club in honor of their daughter, Miss Daisy Jane Fry, and Robert Ross Wade, whose wedding takes place this evening at .trin ity cathedraL The dinner was for the members of the wedding party, nd preceded the rehearsal. Myers-Arndt. Miss Elizabeth Arndt became the Sride of Frank L. Myers Thanks- Kiving day at the home of Mrs, J. E. Gcrhardt of Minneapolis. Both are known in the Omaha business world md will make their home here. Shoes Repaired Right While You Down dozen steps to our exclusive shop means a saving to you and a guarantee of expert workman ship, of which there is no equal in Omaha. Standard Shoe Repair Go. Removed from 213 So. 16th St. 1609 Farnam Rev. Robert R. Brown of Chicago' will conduct evangelistic meetings in the Christian and Missionary Alliance Tab ernacle (24th and Binney), beginning Sunday, November 27, 1921, at 3 p. m. Hear the Full Gospel Preacher. Costume of a sleeveless dress with a jacket of matching material. On the street it presents the appearance of a suit; in the restaurant or office it is a dress. This suit, which is worn by the i charming little actress June Walker, is .of Belgium blue home spun. AtlVKfSTI.HEMKNT. Constipated People Should Read This You can now protect yourself from the dangers and annoyances of (lugsish bowel movement. torpM liver, heailachew. bark achos, bad breath, biliousness and dir.ii nes, by the use of Dilaxin. which is the tablet form of a famous prescription for constipation. Dilaxin gives natural. acfion and is a remedy and not a purge and contains the necessary elements which stimulate human elimination, to a normal and healthy state. , , These little tablets keep the internal organs clean and healthy, and are equally as' effective and harmless as the original prescription from which they were made. If troubled .-with constipation you owe it tv yourself to net, and try a box today, and iearn the above faots for yourself. Newspapers and billboards are now pSib lishin? advertisements of Dilaxin, and r.ll druggists the world over now sell Dilaxin at fifty cents per box. The sole distributor is-the Wrfrmola Co.. 67 Garfield Bids.. Detroit, Mich. Get a box from your drug gist and say good-bye to constipation and all forms of sluggish elimination. Safe Milk For Infants Invalids NO COOKING Tho "Food-Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch atHome.Office.aad Fountains. Atk for HORLICK'S. I-Avoid Imitations & Substitutes uinnmnumniimiimnimnmnmni When company comes serve Cof fee. With cookies or sandwiches or a bit of cake,no other beverage is so sat isfying and so ap propriate. JOINT COFFEE TRADE PUBLICITY COMMITTEE 7 Wall Street New York , COFFEE... . the universal mnh iHiiiiimiiDiimiiiiiiiimiiiimii! Wait "Downstairs" Society Program for Souta Dinner. "Muiic From tht Community Standpoint" will be the subject of Mrs. Hester Bronson Copper, who will preside nd spesk t the dinner given by the City Concert club at 5;J0 Sunday evening at the Fon tc nolle for John Philip Sousa. Mayor James Dahlnun and Miis Belle Kyau will speak on the tame sub ject. Marshal B. Craig will consider music from the musical standpoint, and will introduce Sousa, Edward M, Miner of Kansas City and A. E. Stevenson, who will all talk along the same line. Tickets may be se cured at the music stores, the hotel or from members of the club. The public is invited. Children 'a Play. Under the direction of Miss Mar guerite Beckman, the Children's School of the Theater will present a short play entitled "Thanksgiving, lo96," at 11 o'clock Saturday morn ing, at Jacobs Hall, Seventeenth and Dodge streets. The cast will include the Misses Vivian Harsh, Nellie Bowles, Fran ces Reagan, Grace Flaherty, Helen Schneider. Miss Katharine Merrill, violinist, will also take part. Junior Musical. " Appearing on the Junior Musical club program Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. W. Wattles will be Elizabeth Kaho, Betty Zabriski, Martha Ri Bradford, Dorothy Lustgarten, Beth Cole, Dcsella, Cleda and Elizabeth Strawn, Mildred Guggemous, Fanny Fish, Ruth Slama, Muriel Thomas, Alice Wixson, Helen Nightengale, Eliza beth Paffenrath, Rose Dubnoff, Helen Zabriski, Margaret Gloe, John Patton, Samuel Thomas and Ber nard Hanighen. Grand, Upright, Player Pianos for Christmas Priced to suit the pocketbook of the most economical buyer. CHICKER1NG Upright, only ..$98 BUSH & GERTS Upright, only $175 VOSE & SON Upright, only $185 SCHAFF BROS. Upright, ' only .....$195 KINGSBURY Upright, only $275 HARTFORD Player, only $325 CHICKERING Grand, only $412 Terms arranged to suit the pur chaser. These pianos have been used, but are in the best of con djtion and worth double the money. Don't delay, call tomor row, because these wonderful bargains will not last long. Terms ts Low as $5.00 Down Schmoller & Mueller 'jSttV? Pno Co. DT,23 LOGICAL ADVICE! Strike at the root of weak- I ness is logical advice 'to mose runoown in viuunv Scott's Emulsion nourishes the body, S tones the blood and helps build strength. Scott A Bowns, BlusmfisM, N. J. ALIO MAKERS OF IIH30IDS (Tablats ar Granules) Fo INDIGESTION 2 " w was v L. ... mszd Douglas 3940 Omar Flour, 48-lb. sack $1.89 Blue Bell Flour, ' 48-lb. sack. . . .$1.85 SATURDAY Sugar, 10 lbs. for 57c Macaroni or Spaghetti, 3 for 25c Wedding Breakfast White Corn Syrup, gallon cans 57c Pearl White Soap, 10 bars...... 47c Big 4 Soap, 10 bars 58c Extra quality Pineapple, 2-lb. can for 25c Fancy Blue Bose Rice, 4 lbs 25c . Ankola Coffee, 3 lbs. for $1.15 Table Supply Spe'l Coffee 3 lb. 90c Household Blend Coffee, 3 lbs. for $1.00 One-half lb. Coffee Free with Each Purchase of 3 lbs. Choice Florida Grapefruit, 3 for 25c 1921 Crop Mixed Nuts, per lb., 25c SATURDAY CANDY SPECIALS Coeeanut Brittle, per lb....25e Peanut Brittle, psr lb......25 Asserted Chocolates, lb. bex.SOe Jumbo Salted P?mrU. 2 lb?,- Lincoln Sorority Girls Give Parties Here Omaha will be the icene of v. tral sorority fathering! this week, as Thanksgiving ha brought the Stale univerily atudents home (or a few daya. Many have brought (rirndi with them. The active memberi of Kappa Kappa Gamma wilt give a luncheon Saturday noon at the Brandeis res taurant. Two out-of-town gueati will b present, Miss Winifred May hew of Kaiifcat City, who is visiting Miss Mary lire, and Mim Jane Bab cock of Chadron, who is with Mi Lois Thompson. The Alpha XI Deltas will give a dance Saturday evening at the Pret tiest Mile club, which will be in formal. Lincoln girls who will be here for the party are the Misses Katherine Beacon, Betty Clarke and Louise and Edna Shullz. Delta Gamma, active and alumnae, will give a dancing party Saturday evening at Hart hall. Among the out-of-town guests attending will be Miriam Gilligas of O'Neill, who is the guest of Miss Margaret Wattles over the Thanksgiving holidays; Gertrude Nye of Kearney, guest of Isabel Evans; Lorraine McCreary of Scottsbluff, guest of Miss Dor othy Wright, and Jeanette Gill of Elk Point, S. D. Active members who are home and will attend the party include Misses Wattles, Evans, Wright, Mildred Walker, Mary Thomas and Gertrude Hart. Alpha Phi girls are planning a dancing party for Saturday even ing, to be held probably at the Athletic club. Active members who BEATON'S Specials For Saturday and Monday MAZDA LAMPS Th original and reliable on. 15 to 50-Watt 406 60-Watt 45 Fuse Plugs, 10 to 30 am peres, at 10 DRUG WANTS SI. 50 Graham's Beauty Secret, at 81.15 $1.00 Aspirin Tablets, S. K. & . F., bottles of. 100 42 SOc Honest John Corn Remedy, at 16 10t' Wanous Shampoo Bags, 4 for 25 Denatured Alcohol, for the car, per gallon . . . .60 Bring your bottle. 30c Mentholatum ......17 35c Vick's Vapo Rub....27t $1.25 Nujol 90t 1 lb. Epsom Salts 10 $1.15 Swamp Root 89 60c Barbo Comp. . . . . . . .46 SOc Eagle Brand Condensed Milk .., 22 30c Laxative Bromo Quinine 22t 75c Milk's Emulsion, 59 60c Glycothymoline . . . 49 60c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil, at 38 ' BOc Beaton's Theatrical Cold Cream, J-lb. cans.... 35 $2.00 American Alarm Clocks, at S1.39 60c Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin,. at 48 4 oz. Peroxide Hydrogen.. 8 50c Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, at 39 $1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable Comp 98 $1.10 Nuxated Iron ....83 $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk, at 82.89 Hinklc Pills, bottles of 100, each 25 PERFUMES $3.00 oz. Mary Garden Extract, at 82.25 75c White Rose Extract, per oz 39 Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention'. BEATON DRUG CO. ISth and Farnam. White or Yellow Corn meal, 2-lb. sack, for 25c SPECIALS CIGARS JUST INSIDE THE DOOR. . La Armlda, 2 for 25c value 50 for $4.00 Moxart Imperials, 15c value 25 for $2.45 Otello. 10c value 23 for $1.50 ; iry VM" r are home are Misses Gladys Mickel, Mary Klizabeth Graham. Frances Wah I, Dorothy Tayne. Miss I.ucile High of Beatrice is a week-end guest of Miss Mickel and will attend the party, as will also Miss Jose' phine Hopka, guest of Miss Payne. Miss Marcia Follnirr, one of the ac tive Omaha Alpha Phi's, 1s away with her parents for the holidays. The Achoth girls are planning an Informal get-together for Saturday. Attending will be the Misses llel-n and Caroline Cain, Mina and Mar jorie Wyman and Rosalie Plainer with her guest Irene Mangold of Bennington, Nrh. Ankeny-Stenwall. The marriage of Miss Irene Sten wall. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stenwall of Council Bluffs, la., and Colin C Ankeny of Coming, la., took place Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. J. P. Linn of the Sec ond Presbyterian church officiating. Miss Grace H. Meyer of Council Bluffs and Frank C. Bentley of Corning were the attendants. Following an eastern wedding trip Mr. Ankeny and his bride will be at home in Corning, after December 15. High School Dance. The I. O.' club of Central High school will give an informal dance Friday evening at Strehlow Terrace. Hostess for Bridge Club. Mrs. Allen Tukey was hostess for the Friday Bridge club yesterday. TOILET ARTICLES AND SUNDRIES $1.00 Piver's Azurea or Le Trefle Powder 89 $1.25 Goutorbe Face Powder, at 98 . Toy Balloons for the children, 6 for 25 $2.00 Coty's L'Origan Face Powder 69 60c Sempray Jovenay . . .46 $1.00 Krank's Lemon Cream,, &t 30c Packer's Tar Soap... 21 $1.15 Vitamon Tablets. .84 $1.00 Listerine 69 70c Sal Hepatica 54 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste, at 36 SOc Kolynos Tooth Paste, at 18 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste, at 36 SOc Orazin Tooth Paste, at 34 20c Pears' Unscented Soap, at 12 $1.00 Newbro's Herpicide, at 78 RUBBER GOODS Complete line of Rubber Goods. $1.50 2-quart Velvet Red Rubber Hot Water Bottle, at 89 $2.00 2-quart Velvet Red Rubber Combination Hot Water, Bottle and Foun tain Syringe ....$1.45 All Rubber Goods are guar anteed for two years. PHOTO DEPT. Films Deyeloped Free When Prints Are Ordered. CIGARS 8c Heineman Bros.' Famous H. B. Cigars, each. . .5 Box of 50....... 82.25 10c Mozart Bouquet, 4 for 30 Box of 50 83.50 10c El Pano (Pacifico size), j mild Havana, each . . . 5 Box of 50 ..82.25 We Deliver to Any Part of City. Butter Best Creamery, per lb., 47c Large jars Jam or Jelly. ...... .25c 1921 crop new Prunes, 3 lbs. for. 43c Advo Jell, 3 for 25c ' New Pure Comb Honey. 26c Extra fancy New York Cream Cheese, per lb 27c MEAT DEFT. Prime Rib Rolled Roast, lb. .... .20c Choice Steer Round Steak, lb... 19c 'Choice Flank Steak 19c No. 10 pails pure Lard, pail $1.00 Pot Roast of Beef, lb.. . : 10c Fresh Hams, y2 or whole, lb..tfc Young Veal Roa'st, lb. .......... .15c Youne Veal Chops, lb 20c ORTMAN'S BAKERY Angel Food Cake, special... 25e Orange Loaf Cake, special... 25e Coffee Cakes 10c nd 20e Pan Rolls do::n 12 At the first sign of skin trouble apply RESItlOL 5oolhinq and Healing treat skrHroilbie is danerousYou make no mistake when you adopt Resinol InllseNeirlThirjyan It is the Ideal Piano Who lias not seen a beautiful home reflecting good taste and refinement in every detail, but marred by an incorrect type of piano? The upright piano is passing in popularity. No home is now considered beautiful that haa not a baby grand piano to lend its classic design to the setting of the room. ' The Brambach Baby Grand will transform your home. Durably Built Classic Design Exquisite Tone Full Guarantee Price The Brambach requires no more room than an upright. A tissue paper pat tern, sent free upon request, will show this when spread up on the floor. $695 The Art and Music Store .1513 Douglas Street NOVEMBERS DrmbachBabyGrantf Month. BOWEN'S- Value-Giving Store Seeing Is Believing Using Is Knowing These Bowen Week-end spe cials are of use in every home and almost daily, so fill your wants at once at money saving and value-giving prices at Bowen's. Earthen Ware Bowls 5 in number and all of a dif ferent size. Convenient and handy in cooking. 7Q, Set of 5 only......' C Triangular in shape, thereby allowing you to get in every corner. Mop with extra bottle of oil, '"Jl only OOC "Glasbak" Pie Plates. . .490 "Glasbak" Cake Plates. .49,; "Giasbak" Casserole with "Glasbak" covers. .$1.25 Bowen's Better Brooms Sweep with a well-balanced, well-made broom. Such brooms are now offered at the H. R. Bowen Co. OQ for only tJQ Mahogany Serving Trays With glass tops, make splen did Christmas gifts. Priced now at the Greater Q C Bowen Store at sVUC It pays to read Bowen's Small Ads owen (fr Howard, bet. IStb and 16th jpjllOil Mops j You Can Find Help hrough a Bee Want Ad Bowen's Value-Giving Store """ More and Better Values -in-Dining Room Furniture Reed and Fibre Furniture Draperies and Curtains at the H. R. Bowen Co., the store combining every At tribute necessary to fill your every need for the home at money-saving and value-giving prices. Our lowsr than tha avaraaa modarata prices Is mad possible by aur aastara buyers combing tha world's markets buying is) large quantities for cask. Big Stock of Dining Room Tables selected by our eastrrn buyer are now on our display floors and priced much lower than ever before. Oak Tables in sixes 42, 45, 48 and 54 inches a table of a size for any dining room and priced at $15.!V), $16.00, $19.50 and $22.50 Walnut Extension Tables 43 and 54-inch sizes; well made and finished, priced at $27.50, $37.50, $48.50, $59.50 Jacobean Oak Buffets $37.50, $44.00, $55.00 Big Values in Odd Diners Do not neglect buying those extra Diners needed. Our stock and our prices on many dozen of Odd Diners purchased by our east ern buyers make it easy for you to have in your home the chairs you want. 240 Odd Diners iner. $ w at, each, offered now Dozens of others priced at $1.45,$1.75.$1.95 . $2.25, $2.75, and $4.50 Imported and Domestic Cretonnes Lace Curtains and Reversible Chenille Portieres at Greatly Reduced Prices. Measure by any standard, this of faring surpasses any previous offering ever made by this store. The latest and most popular . you want now at Bowen s re duced price of, per yard.x.08 50-inch Clipped Madras in blue, rose, mulberry and other color combinations. Regular, $3.00 values now offered you at, per yard 81.79 Newest and latest patterns in Filet Net Curtains. See these $3.25 value Curtains in neat allover effects which the Bowen Store offers at, per pair $1.98 Imported Curtain Nets, in extra good quality, suitable for lace shades. Regular $3.00 values, now per yard ,.$1.79 Extra fine $3.00 quality Marquisette Curtains, hemstitched and trimmed with neat lace edges, at, per pair ......$1.79 Good heavy quality Portieres in blues, browns and greens. Regu lar $10.00 Vatue now priced at, per pair $6.98 Reversible Chenille Portieres in all the beautiful and popular col orings. Regular $35.00 values now priced at, pair, $19.85 Crib Comfort Blankets, 42x56 inches, very fine qualities, all with silk borders $5.50 values; now, each S3.4B Size 32x44 inches, $3.75 values now each , $1.98 Equip Your Den and Sun Parlor Non With Reed and Fibre Furniture Bowen's reduced prices make it convenient for you to refurnish your den and sun parlor. Settees in Reed and Fibre 72-inch settees, upholstered in cre tonne and finished in ivory, gray or frosted brown. Settees of the character and finish here shown certainly add to the at tractiveness and comfort of one's living room or sun parlor $35.00 and $45.00 Reed and Fibre 3-piece Suites In ivory, gray and frosted brown. Cretonne upholstering. Substantially constructed and well fin ished they are amazing values at our Special Purchase Sale prices of .$55, $75, $85, $95, $98.50, ?110 Hi-Back Rkrt The comfy kind; finished in ivory, gray or frosted brown, with colorful cretonne upholstering. A large number are offered during this, our Special Purchase Sale, at $12.50, $15.50, $17.50, $19.00, 822.50 Reed and Wicker Rockers The kind you just naturally pick out to sit in when entering a room. Shown in all popular finishes and upholstered as they are in all the popular finishes, they are wonderful values at our Special Purchase Sale prices of $10.50, $12.00, $14.00, $16 Attractive, Comfy Chaise Lounges Finished in frosted brown and upholstered in heavy cretonne (you can buy pillows to match), are now offered by the H. R. Bowen Co. at such value-givinjr Prices as $26.00, $30.00, $38.50, $45 It Pays Bowen's rlif isi VALvTHeTTORC OAAAAS Mouard St- Beticcen 15th and 16th Oak Buffets Here will be found a show ing of Buffets in all woods and finishes that will give to your suite the finishing touch of at tractiveness, and when they are offered at such moderate prices youjshould buy. TherfTiMm possibly be no good reason why you should not have a new Buffet this holiday time when a choice can be had at any of the following prices: . $37.50, $48.50, $60.00 JU u 95 towisses the best and by far the largest selection of patterns ever shown at this store. Special at, per yard , .29 Filet Nets in white, cream and ecru in neat allover and large ef fect designs. Special at, per jard 59k Beautiful Imported Cretonnes an immense shipment just for warded us by our eastern buyers in all the wanted and most de- sirable patterns. Up to $2.50 values, per yard -97 1 '16-inch Silks and Clipped Madras very pretty allover patterns. These Silks are very popular for overdrapes, so why not get what to Read Small Ads