My Marriage Problems Adda Carrleon' New I'tiaac of "REVELATIONSOF A WIFE" , (Oswrlftk WU Newspaper rosters tonka, Ins.) What Smith Tried to Do. ' Dicky'i apparent absorption in Iirii Dun gave me the chance I withed to fling another tiny barb at the man named Smith, who had been to insistent that the state troopers put ui under arrest for the wounding of the young trooper. "I mean," I answered, looking him .inuarely in the eyes, "exactly what 1 said that I would like to know " your own whereabouts during this evening. I expected anything but a direct answer to my question. That he ; would push me aside, call to the : troop vaptain to remove me these things I wn prepared for I only counted on keeping his attention tin- til I was ready to slip into the car, '. thus preventing the scene I knew he :" was prepared to make. But the thing he did surprised me. He. snap ped his fingers toward the rotund 1 little inn proprietor, and. as the man obsequiously hurried toward him, he said between his teeth: "I have. been in this house since before dark this evening, dined here. Kronish, tell this woman when 1 r came here tonight, and how long I "' have been here." ' "Since before dark. You dined here," the man replied in parrot fash- "..ion. . . I looked around, saw that the men carrying the unconscious troopct hail reached the car and stepped back with a little mocking bow to both men. jj- ''I congratulate you upon your drilling. " I said audaciously, then 'turned and walked swiftly to our car., .."Who is to drive?" Capt. Hastings asked, as I came up. V "I Demand the Arrest" ' Before that glance I had had of , Dicky and Bess Dean, I would have deferred to him, asking if he wished to drive. But my jangled nerves de ,' uianded the outlet of driving. Be ' sides. I had an eerie little feeling that t there was something beneath this !, whole attack . upon the trooper which Lillian would wish me to in vestigate as far as possible. - "I will drive," I said promptly. "I ; drove the car down here." ' Behind me I heard the tense breathing, the snarling tones of the ; man named Smith. "Hastings, I demand the arrest of , '. this woman." ' By the flush on the young offi cer's 1 face I saw that Smith had ' Over-reached himself. As "great man" of the region he had managed , to instil a certain deference into the mind of Hastings, but it vanished at this blunt interference. "Your request Is absurd, sir," ' Hastings returned. "You have no evidence. These peopde have rend " ered every aid to us., They sum ; moned a physician before I got here. 1 In every way they have acted the part of Samaritans instead of. assas sins. Besides, we're wasting time. Get in, please, Mrs. Grahama, I be lieve." , A Threat. He bowed to me charmingly and courteously, and' I climbed into the driver's seat of the car. Mr. Cos- grove and two state troopers were : holding the stretcher in the tonneait Jewel, Flower Color Symbols for Today By MILDRED MARSHALL. ; The crystal, which is today's talis- manic and natal gem as well, is an '. exceptionally lucky stone. It has I the power to direct future action, j since it is believed that those who ' aze into its depths will see future r events transpire. In ancient times : all lovers gazed into crystals to de v Jermine what the future held in ; store. Today the moonstone has ; usurped that power to a large ex- tent, but this gem is only potent when the moon is at the full; while ; the crystal is a never failing source of prophecy. . Whether or not , we believe in crys- tal-gazing today, the superstitious among us claim that when we wear j a crystal we are given the power to J" direct our future life to better ad- vantage. . Silver is the hue prescribed by the Orient for wear today. It is be . lieved to bring riches. The orchid is today's fortunate i flower. It if a symbol of a richly - tolorful personality, and should be .', worn with extreme care. (Copyrlthl, 3921, Wheeler Syndicate, Inc. WHY- Are Our Fingers of Unequal Length? " While it is undoubtedly true that "the hand of man, used as it is at present for grasping and holding things, is not as well fitted for its i tmsks as if all the fingers were of ! equal lengths, it should be remem- bered that primeval man used his ! hands as an aid in walking in fact, ; according to the theory of evolution- tsts, hands are nothing more than !, front feet, and the five fingers are ; the outgrowth of the five "toes." ", .This theory takes on additional weight if we place the hand upon the - table, with the fingers and thumb I outspread, and note what a perfect i support it makes for the arm (or "leg") above it The middle finger, flanked by the first and ring finger, forms the central point of a perfect tripod, while the thumb and little finger supply the needed props . on the other two sides. More- over, examination of other forms ' of animal life will show that ! this "five-fingered" arrangemnt is - practically universal even in the -case of the horse which has devel oped one of its fingers or toes until ; this is the only one now used, al though the rudiments of the other four may still be discerned. Chick ens also appear to have less than the ; five appendages, but the embryonic chicken formed in the shell has five , fingers or toes on each of its limbs enly three and a half of which are fully formed into claws and an. equal ' number into the main portion fcf the wing. The dog, the cat, the frog and ether animals are also formed with ; the five-toed feet, for the exigencies f walking demand adequate sup port, such as is given by this ar rangement of the "fingers." Cvpjrtfkt. 1M1, Syndicate, Inc. level, and two others were perched upon the running-boards. The seit betide me was vacant, and I guessed that the young captain was to take it "You young fool l" A strftig of oaths came from Smith's lips. "I'll , - "You'll stand out of my way or I'll knock you down," Hastings de clared hotly. "I've stood about all I care to from you. We're playing with death listening to you. All ready, Mrs. Graham?" "Yes." I turned my switch, speaking to Dicky and Bess Dean as I did so. They had come to the side of the car next me when I en tered it, and I felt that they were watching me curiously. ' "Where will you be when Mr. Cos grove and I get back?" I asked. "Right here," Dicky replied, "un less they chase us out. Otherwise we'll be strolling down the road in the general direction of home, or stopping at the reservoir gate. Pipe Smith!" He uttered the last two words in a whisper, and I turned my head to see Smith's face fairly distorted with rage, his arm raised in denunciatory protest at Hastings, who had climbed into the car. "So-o?" He drawled the mono syllable interminably. "You have forgotten your superior officer, Mr. Hastings, I think. Be assured I shall get into communication with him at Kingston at once, and then we will see where you will land!" That he had drawn blood I saw by the change in young Hastings' face. But he had good stuff in him, and his reply was like the report of a rcvelovcr. , "Communicate and be damned I Par don, Mrs. Graham. 'Let's go." But it was no part of my plan that Smith should make trouble at King ston. With a swift movement I undid the badge Lillian had given me and held it so that Captain Hast ings could sec it. "Advise the gentleman to look at that before he telephones," I said crisply. . ADVERTISEMENT. EAT LESS MEAT IF BACK HURTS Take a glass of Salts to Flush Kidneys if bladder bothers you. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some torm or other, says a well-known authority, because the uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they be come overworked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress. particularly backache and misery in the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stom ach, constipation, torpid liver, sleep lessness, bladder and urinary irrita tion. The moment your back hurts or kidneys aren t acting rurhtl or ' if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a class of water before' breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neu tralize the acids in the urine 'so it no longer irritates, thus endine blad- der disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which millions of men and women take noy and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. : ADVERTISEMENT. HAVE COLOR IN CHEEKS Be Better Looking Take Olive Tablets. If vnnr s-lfin is VAllnnr nnmnl.virtn Dallid tnnim A nnnteri nnnHt nnni you have a bad' taste in your iuuuin a jazy. no-ffooa reeling you should take Olive Tablets. r Dr. Edward' Olivo TaMot. substitute for - calomel were pre pared Dy ur. .Edwards alter 17 years of study. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. Tou will know them by their olive color. To have a clear, pick skin, bright eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoy ancy like childhood days you must get at the cause. Dr. Edwards Olive Tnhlot ar n the liver and bowels like calomel yet have no dangerous after effects. They start the bile and overcome constipation. Take one or two night ly mm noie me pleasing results. Mil lions of boxes are sold annually at 45c and 30c. ADVERTISEMENT. BE PRETTY! TURN GRAY HAIR DARK Try Grandmother's Old Fa vorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Almost every one knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly com pounded, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Years ago, the only way to get this mixture' was to make it at home, which is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays, by ask ing at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, at a small cost Dont' stay gray! Try it I No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time: by morning the gray hair disappears, and after an other application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. - Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham The residence of Fletcher Hen- step, residing on Mukrt Kidge, was destroyed by fire Thursday ' night. The loss wilUnot amount to very much as t letch had presence of mind to move out a good many of the more valuable contents before the fire started. Salem Barlow was among .those present" at the lecture' at Bounding Billows Saturday night, arid it proved to be a double-header event for him, as he heard another one when he got home. While out rabbit hunting Mon day of this week, Poke Eazlcy came ncaa hitting Dock Hocks, who hap pened to be passing. Everybody ought to stay indoors when - Poke goes hunting. ,' . NEBRASKA S . I gyrtBH? you en be confident of tkilful FJft I VMitslrS I JQLF VT repair work on every make of 1 I V llwYt tXr - iv I battery; and, when you nerd I tt,?Ii JV jj new battery, the rijht X.ewAr '. Ja""" Omaha, Auto Electric Service Corporation, 2205 Farnara Street Arapahoe, Faw at Cox Aurora, Auto Electric Shop Beatrice, Courtney A Purdy, 118-118 N. Tth St. Blue Hill, Exide Service Station Brietew, Mag nuton Battery Station Broken Bow, Exide Service Station Cedar Kapida, Battery Service Company Calumbus, Exide S tor art Battery Service Station Cnrtia, L. B. McCewin Elwood, City Garmfa Fremont, Automotive Electric Sere Ian Grand Island, Exide Service Statical Have Your Electrical System Inspected FREE of Charge TRY OUR BATTERY AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE YOU WILL LIKE IT . AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CORPORATION Diet. EXIDE Stores. e Batteries THE UEE: OMAHA. . THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1J2l I I' .1 " CHAPTER XXIll. Getting Acquainted, Xot liking her neighbor on her right, at the fair, ' Henrietta Hen sidled up to the wire netting on the opposite side of her pen. Peering through it, the examined the person whom she saw just beyond in a pen of her own. A very sleek hen was this, who gave Henrietta a slight nod. ' We may as well speak, she said, 'since we re to live next to each other for a week." "A week!" Henrietta groaned. "Shall I have to stay cooped up here as long as that?" "Yes!" said Neighbor Number 2. "And I don't bjame you for feeling a vnn Krrm tit. A week is n loniz time for everybody here. . .except me. Henrietta Hen didn't understand what she meant. . "Pm going to win the first prize with my chicks," Neighbor Number 2 announced. "Of course that's worth waiting here a week." 'Tardon me!" Henrietta exclaimed. "I don't see how you can win the first prize." "Why not?" demanded the other. And she pressed against the wire netting of her pen and struck her head through it as far as she could, as if she would have pecked Hen rietta had she been able to. "Because" Henrietta explained "because the lady on the other side of me is going to win it." swam 1TEIRDES 'Si Visit the Nearest Exide Service Station Hasting, Exide Service Station, 418 West 2nd St. Hooper, Anton lumbers: Hoskins, Win. Voss Garage Imperial. Imperial Motrr Company Kearney, Exide Service Station, 21st and Ave. A Lexington, Exide Service Station Lynch, R. B. Klise McCooIr, McCook Exide Electric Company M in den. Minden Battery Company North Platte, North Ftatte Battery and Electric Company OraKi!. Oial'i'e Electric Service Station O'Neill, O'Neill Motor Company Pierce, Hayes Battery Station Ptainview, F. J. Weidman Randolph, Brenner and Nelson 2205 FARNAM STREET S -f",l,'r- l"T"A.lli'fr . I. ...feu. au-Mn.l F HENR EST i ;HEN P "Who said o?" "he did," Henrietta anttt-red. "Ha! hal" cackled Neighbor Num. bcr 2. "That's a good joke. She "We mag m w11 speak? she saia"since we're to live next to each other foraweck,' liasn t any more chance of winning than than you have!" Now, Henrietta Hen couldn't help being pnzzlcd. . But whoever might win the first prize, she was sure it couldn't be she. Hadn't her neigh bors on either side of her the same as told her that she couldn't win? Henrietta would have felt quite glum, except that she couldn't very well mope in the midst of the terrific racket all about her. Soon her Sending Your Words Through Space - . ' . If shipwreck or accident damaged the electric generator that sends a wireless message, and were no other power available, many lives might pay the penalty. For this reason wireless stations on land and sea have storage batteries for reserve power. Ninety per cent of the Marconi system and most of the government and private plants use Exide . Batteries.. ,' ;; ;';"',.'?" ' ' ; A majority of the farms and country homes lighted by small electric plants get their, current from Exide Batteries. Nearly every message sent t over the telephone system is carried by the current r from an Exide Battery. The same rugged reliability that makes Exide Batteries dominant in every industry where bat . teries are used is built into the Exide made for your automobile. , " Exide Service Stations are equipped to be useful to you, not only in putting the right battery into your car, but ia giving skilful attention to what ever make of battery you are now using. . ( The Electric Storage Battery Co., Philadelphia "Our nritf Moi both Number I and Number J were having loud di I'Utc with the lirns in the pens on the further ide of them. It termed as if every hrii at the fair had left her uiaiiucri at home if he ever lud any. . liiuiilne!" Henrietta lien inur mured tn hersclf, "If there' a prize, it mutt be for the one that can make the mot noUe." In a little while throng of men, women and children crowded into the Toultry hall. They paused be fore the pens and looked at the oc cupants, making remarks that were sometimes full of praise and some time slighting. Henrietta Hen felt terribly uneasy when people began to stop and stare at her. She dreaded to hear what they would say. After the way her next-door neighbors had talked to her she didn't believe anybody would have a word of praise for her. She soon heard all sorts of remarks about herself. Some said she was too little and some said she was too big; others exclaimed that her legs were too short, while still others fie clarcd that they were too long! As these and many similar cqmments fell upon Henrietta's ears she promptly decided that there wasn't anything about her thai' was as it should be. Having always called herself (be fore she left home) a "sprecklod beauty," she began to feel very low in her mind. And there was only one thing that kept her front being downright sad. All the sightseers agreed that she had some pretty chicks. Henrietta couldn't hel(5 wishing that they had a different mother one that was worthy of them. , (Copyrlcht. 1921, by Bell Syndlrtt. Inc.) Miss Netti Schcerer, representing Illinois Weslcyan university, won the annual state oratorical contest over six young men representing various other Illinois colleges. Red Cloud, Exide Service Station Schuyler, Kopac Bros. Stamford, F. E. Gates Stratton, Exide Service Station Stromsburg, Anstrora Auto Company Sutton, Exide Service Station Verdigree. Verdigree Battery Station Wallace. The Wallace Garage Wausa, Peters Auto Co, W. C Peters, Pres. Wlnside, Gabler Battery Station, A. C Gabler, Prop. York, York Auto Company, 80- Lincoln Avenue IOWA Council Bluffs, Bluff City - Exide Battery Company Reputation Is Your Protection j Common Sense By J. J. MUNDV. The Efect on the Children. You see nuny fault in the man. iters and speech of your children and wonder where they come from, con. kidrring how careful you have been in training to avoid uncouthness. Hut more than likely, either in fun or in carnett .you have nude some such movements or exclamations, which have never been explained to your children so that they can see the difference between what they do and what you have done. The child cannot see the fine line of difference between his infractions and yours. Also, children take on the bad habits of those with whom they asso ciate at home and at school much quicker than the good ones. . They cannot sec, as you do, how far-reaching are the results of illiter Tli rasarierltr af kUjartk cseatndiea Majestic Electric Heaters warm initantly-rthey tenre efficiently, (or as long ai wanted, at a mall cost. Majesties are the original patented heaters of this type a safe convenience . ' for home or office ' . Demand Majesties! There areSfirUile type Majestic ; ' There ere 3 itatiattary type Majestic Majestic Electric Development Company pioouctaj or hucstic msTAxraacous (Ltcretc want rtatih Ctr Saa Fraadace Phone DO nmeYbar Office OMAHA PRINTING COMPANY SSSSm tSS& "-f MUMS antuai z fMRM M&jf arte I " ajy - COMMERCIAL PRINTCRS LlTliOCRAPHERS STEEL DIE EMBOSSfltS LOOSS LEAF DEVICES I 1L TITNE1 AKM lMfT ; I . BGPAIRRI) f All Work Guaranteed f 1 A. Hospe Co. f SSU nonglas. TeL Pew. stm J LCHOCOLATESj INNER-CIRCLE CANDIES' 4 Above The Maker's Cost We're sati.fied are you? FisMa A mild ayatem of Rectal Diseases in mm eration. No ChloToforra, Ether or other arenersl anesthetic need. A cure uraateeo' m every ease accented for treatment, and no money ia to be paid nana tared. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with, names and testimonials of mora tkaa MS0 prominent people who have been permanently cared. DR. C R. TARRY Sssia tor mw Peters Trast Bids. (Bee Shif.) Omaha, nah. ate forma of speech anJ rude aian i ucr. ... I hey do nl believe that it i Im portant to cultivate grace' and cor reel poie and peifect enunciation, to My nothing of correct proiUnii tion. , V , ... But when the age of pride ll reached yon will note a change. Ho not nan now, but keep it up, appealing to their seme of pride that they make you happy and proud of them. Ketults will come. . (Copyright, Id, lntrnllonl FMlar Mxrvlo., iiu-.t Where It Started Dotting the Letter "I." The dot over the letter was not introduced until the llth 'century. It was introduced by the scrivener to prevent confusion with the writ ten letter "e," as when written rap. idly "e" was indistinguishable, from "i. The name of the inventor U tntt In nntlrritv. Copyruhi. I:l, WhcfUr yndlru, -Inc. Convenient Heat Majestic Electric Heaters "Best in Creation for Heat Radiation" uglas 2793 IP jm ars nervous, daapeadast, weak, ran down, throesh exeeei or other ceases, we want to mail too oar book wakb telle eboat SEXTOS 1QVE, a rattoratlve raawdT that will coat joa nothlne it yea era not cared or benefited. Ever? one netdlef toaic to overcome psnonal weakaava, ate., aaoeld get this free book at once. CUMBERLAND CHEMICAL COMPANT 440 Berry Block, Nashville, Tenn. Rely onCuticura To Clear Away Skin Troubles Roap to deaose. Ointment to sootbe, Talrem to Saw der. Sc. Samples of Oatkara, Dept. X, aUlaea. tbaa. ADVERTISEMENT. ' , . For Raw Sore Throat At the first iRn of a raw, gore throat rub on a little Musterole with jour fingers. It goes right to thn epot with a gentle tingle, loosen" congestion, draws ojit soreness and pain. . Muslerole .is a clean, whltn, oint ment made with oil of mustard. It has ay the strength of the old-fanh- , ioned inustard plaster without the blister. . -i ' ' Nothing like Musterole for croupy I children. Keep It handy for instant 1 use. 35 and 65 cents In Jars and tubes; hospital size, 13. 1 BETTER THAN A MUSTARD PLASTER - Pay When Cured treatment that cores Pile. Fistula and stnear a short time, without a severe sarartosl on win YA )